Rekindled Sentence Examples
This defiance to the sovereigns of Russia and Austria rekindled the flames of war.
This was also released in the UK and rekindled old flames for the Stax pranksters - the lads are back in town!
On the following day, the tollbooth disappears and Milo notices a rekindled interest in his own life and world.
An affair damaged his marriage to actress Sienna Miller, although the two rekindled their relationship in 2009 and separated again in 2011.
Anthony had rekindled the romance with his ex-wife.
In his last months in Pine Valley, Adam's feelings for former wife Brooke English rekindled.
This anomaly aroused lively protests, especially in the French group, after the battle of Agincourt had rekindled national animosity on both sides.
Fra Domenico's loyalty had never wavered, and the weak Silvestro's enthusiasm rekindled at sight of his chief.
And, again, it was an actual passion - that for Marianne von Willemer, whom he met in 1814 and 1815 - which rekindled in him the lyric fire.
The later books say that they were all converted at once; but, according to the most ancient Pali record - though their old love and reverence had been so rekindled when the Buddha came near that their cold resolutions quite broke down, and they vied with each other in such acts of personal attention as an Indian disciple loves to pay to his teacher, - yet it was only after the Buddha had for five days talked to them, sometimes separately, sometimes together, that they accepted in its entirety his plan of salvation.'
AdvertisementThe Jesuits, returned to power in 1723 with the duc de Bourbon and in 1726 with Fleury, rekindled the old strife regarding the bull Unigenitus in opposition to the Gallicans and the Jansenists.
The success of Tokoli rekindled the martial ardour of the Turks, and a war party, under the grand vizier Kara Mustafa, determined to wrest from Leopold his twelve remaining Hungarian counties, gained the ascendancy at Constantinople in the course of 1682.
Annoyance at his foreign policy had rekindled the imperialism which the embarrassments created by Lord Beaconsfield had done so much to damp down.
With the capture of Alexandria by Omar in 641, the last glimmer of its scientific light became extinct, to be rekindled, a century and a half later, on the banks of the Tigris.
Hope that Tracy is alive is rekindled, but the Corporal tells him that he saw her dead after the attack.