Reis Sentence Examples
The term " telephony " was first used by Philipp Reis of Friedrichsdorf, in a lecture delivered before the Physical Society of Frankfort in 1861.1 But, although this lecture and Reis's subsequent work received considerable notice, little progress was made until the subject was taken up between 1874 and 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell, a native of Edinburgh, then resident in Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Bell, like Reis, employed electricity for the reproduction of sounds; but he attacked the problem in a totally different manner.
Experiments bearing on this subject were subsequently made by a great number of investigators.4 Page's discovery is of considerable importance in connexion with the theory of action of various forms of telephone, and was a very important feature in the early attempts by Reis to transit music and speech.
These suggestions were to some extent an anticipation of the work of Reis; but the conditions to be fulfilled before the sounds given out at the receiving station can be similar in pitch, quality and relative intensity to those produced at the transmitting station are not stated, and do not seem to have been appreciated.
In Reis's lecture an apparatus was described which has given rise to much discussion as to priority in the invention of the telephone.
Reis caused a membrane to open and close an electric 2 See his Scientific Papers, P. 47.
Considering the time at which he wrote, Reis seems to have understood very well the nature of the vibrations he had to reproduce, but he failed to comprehend how they could be reproduced by electricity.
The suggestion of Bourseul and the experiments of Reis are founded on the idea that a succession of currents, corresponding in number to the successive undulations of the pressure on the membrane of the transmitting instrument, could reproduce at the receiving station sounds of the same character as those produced at the sending station.
Neither of them seemed to recognize anything as important except pitch and amplitude, and Reis thought the amplitude was to some extent obtained by the varying length of contact in the transmitting instrument.
The power of the Ottomans at sea was maintained during this period by a series of notable captains, such as Khair-ed-din and his son Hassan, Piale, Torgud, Sali Reis and Pin Reis.
Of these the most remarkable was Piri Reis, nephew of Kamil Reis, the famous corsair who, under Bayezid II., had swept the Aegean and Mediterranean.
AdvertisementThe reis was the secretary-general of the divan, and in more modern times became minister for foreign affairs.
The letter rate was at first 200 reis (nearly 52d.), but it has been increased to 300 reis, which is equivalent to 8d.
Metallic money is limited to nickel and bronze coins, but in 1906 the government was authorized to purchase bar silver for the coinage of pieces of the denomination of two milreis, one milreis and 500 reis (2-milreis).
In early works it is sometimes termed Cidade dos Reis (City of the Kings).
The values of coin and notes are expressed in multiples of the real (plural reis), a monetary unit which does not actually exist.
AdvertisementThe British sovereign is legal tender for 4500 reis, but in practice usually commands a premium.
All male citizens 21 years old who could read and write, or who paid taxes amounting to 500 reis yearly, had the parliamentary franchise, except convicts, beggars, undischarged bankrupts, domestic servants, workmen permanently employed by the state and soldiers or sailors below the rank of commissioned officer.
He also published biographies of Reis, Faraday and Kelvin.
There is a monument to Philipp Reis (1834-1874), who in 1860 first constructed the telephone while a science master at the school.
In 1631 a Flemish renegade, known as Murad Reis, sacked Baltimore in Ireland, and carried away a number of captives who were seen in the slave-market of Algiers by the French historian Pierre Dan.
AdvertisementPounds s. d In Lisbon 15 mille reis per pipe is 1,500 mille reis; exchange, at 6s.
Sali Reis, also by birth a Christian of Asia Minor, was likewise successful as a corsair; he distinguished himself especially at the capture of Tunis, and succeeded Hassan Barbarossa as beylerbey of Algiers.
Drawing of one-half of an 1828 William Warren mould-cover for making watermarked paper for 200,000 reis banknotes for the independent Empire of Brazil.