Regulations Sentence Examples
Calendars exist for other months which make no such regulations for any days.
On the other hand, complete indentity of regulations and observance in Babylonia and Israel at one period need not show more than development on the same lines.
All attempts to enforce the British commercial regulations were ineffectual.
Under present regulations the term of liability is divided into nine years in the Active Army and Reserve (three or two years with the colors) four in the Mobile MilitIa and six in the Territorial Militia.
The first really notable council at St Paul's was that of 1075 under the presidency of Lanfranc; it renewed ancient regulations, forbade simony and permitted three bishops to remove from country places to Salisbury, Chichester and Chester respectively.
Immediately after this rebellion a second distribution of more than 4000 natives foreshadowed the rapid disappearance of those unfortunates, despite the well-meaning regulations of the Council of the Indies.
When adjacent burial areas belonged to members of the same Christian confraternity, or by gift or purchase fell into the same hands, communications were opened between the respective cemeteries, which thus spread laterally, and gradually acquired that enormous extent which, " even when their fabulous dimensions are reduced to their right measure, form an immense work."' This could only be executed by a large and powerful Christian community unimpeded by legal enactments or police regulations, " a living witness of its immense development corresponding to the importance of the capital."
During the 17th and 18th centuries the trade declined, partly owing to the distance of the city from the sea, and partly owing to the regulations of the trade gilds.
The Spanish rulers made efforts to govern wisely and liberally, showing great complaisance, particularly in heeding the profit of the colony, even at the expense of Spanish colonial commercial regulations.
He can suspend for a month a municipal council, mayor or deputy-mayor; certain decisions of the municipal councils require his approval; and he may annul such of their regulations as are extra vires.
AdvertisementHe may make regulations (reglements) both on special points, in virtue of various laws, and for the general administration of the police.
He sanctions, promulgates and executes the laws, and supplements them (partly co-ordinately with congress) by administrative regulations in harmony with their ends; holds a veto power and pardoning power; controls with the senate political appointments and removals; and conducts foreign relations, submitting treaties to the senate for ratification.
This court passes on the constitutionality of all laws, decrees and regulations.
So early also began dissatisfaction with the economic regulations of the colonial system, even grave resistance to their enforcement; and illicit trade with privateers and foreign colonies had begun long before, and in the 17th and 18th centuries was the basis of the island's wealth.
The Budget was supposed to be drawn up according to an excellent set of regulations sanctioned by imperial decree, dated the 6th of July 1290 (1875), of which the first article absolutely prohibited the increase, by the smallest sum, of any of the expenses, or the abandonment of the least iota of the revenues fixed by the budget.
AdvertisementThe remaining regulations set forth the manner in which extra-budgetary and extraordinary expenses were to be dealt with, and the manner in which the rectified budget, showing the actual revenues and expenditure as proved at the close of the year was to be drawn up with the assistance of the state accounts department (divan-i-mouhassebat).
Special instructions and regulations determined the latitude left to each department in the distribution of the credits accorded to it among its various heads of expenditure, the degree of responsibility of the functionaries within each department and the relations regarding finance and accounts between each department and its dependencies.
These regulations provide carefully and well for all contingencies, but unfortunately they were only very partially carried out.
None of the above regulations apply to Constantinople, where no military exemption tax is imposed, and where separate official regulations for the collection of taxes are in force.
Elaborate regulations are in force for this method of collection to secure the state receiving its full due Total..
AdvertisementProposals made by the council for the modification and improvement of the existing laws and regulations which concerned it were to receive an answer from the government within six months; this provision has remained a dead letter.
The laws and regulations concerning vakuf are too intricate to be described; generally it may be said that they form a great obstruction to dealing with a large proportion of the most valuable property in Turkey, and therefore to the prosperity of the country.
The humane and tolerant measures provided for in the " nizam-i-jedid," or new regulations for the better treatment of the Christians enacted by Mustafa Kuprili during his grand vizierate (1689-1691), did for a time improve the position of the rayas.
Regulations prescribing the duties of the local governors and officials of all ranks were drawn up only in 1865 and 1870, but since Mahmud's time their functions were exclusively civil and administrative.
In 1860 the regulations for public education were promulgated; schools were everywhere opened, and in 1882 a portion of the receipts from certain vakufs were appropriated to their maintenance.
AdvertisementThis has led to restrictive measures, the vines being tapped under definite regulations as to the manner and time of tapping, and also to requirements as to replanting vines to take the place of those which have been injured or destroyed, certain areas being periodically closed.
The towns, in most cases creations of the rulers of Bohemia who had called in German immigrants, were, with the exception of the "new town" of Prague, mainly German; and in consequence of the regulations of the university, Germans also held almost all the more important ecclesiastical offices - a condition of things greatly resented by the natives of Bohemia, which at this period had reached a high degree of intellectual development.
An inland parcel post was in operation long before the overthrow of the monarchy, and a similar service with Portugal has been successfully maintained for a number of years, notwithstanding the difficulties interposed by customs regulations.
And even then, because of the insufficient number of Brazilian vessels it was provided in the regulations that foreign vessels could be enrolled in that trade by using the Brazilian flag and employing a certain proportion of Brazilians on the crew.
The president sanctions and promulgates, or vetoes, or ignores the laws and resolutions voted by congress, and issues decrees and regulations for their execution.
Pornbal's arrangements extended also to the interior of the country, where he extinguished at once the now indefinite and oppressive claims of the original donatories of the captaincies, and strengthened and enforced the regulations of the mining districts.
So, the better to repress them, it created in 1369 a chief of the police, with the title of esecutore, and a numerous association of popolani - the company or casata grande of the people - as bulwarks against the nobles, who had been recalled from banishment, and who, though fettered by strict regulations, were now eligible for offices of the state.
But the trying winter campaign in the Crimea also brought into prominence defects perhaps traceable to his long connexion with the formalities and uniform regulations of military offices in peace time.
The commerce of these ports, both in the foreign and domestic trade, is small, tariff regulations being onerous, and the people too impoverished to be consumers of much beyond the barest necessaries of life.
Taigny, the French minister, to land, on the ground that he had broken the quarantine regulations.
Debendra Nath Tagore sought refuge from the difficulty by becoming an ascetic. The "Brahma Samaj of India," as Chunder Sen's party styled itself, made considerable progress extensively and intensively until 1878, when a number of the most prominent adherents, led by Anand Mohan Bose, took umbrage at Chunder Sen's despotic rule and at his disregard of the society's regulations concerning child marriage.
County Council have certain powers and duties of sanitary authority for the purpose of epidemic regulations.
This Assize, which has been described as the earliest English Building Act, is of great value from an historical point of view, but unfortunately it had little practical effect, and in 1212 what was called " Fitz-Ailwyne's Second Assize," with certain compulsory regulations, was enacted.
Absolute security is impossible, as is proved by the many and serious disasters under the most stringent laws and careful regulations that can be devised.
In some states it has become necessary to provide for fines and even imprisonment of men disobeying the regulations regarding explosives.
By the Upper Burma Village Regulations and the Lower Burma Village Act, the villagers themselves were made responsible for maintaining order in every village, and the system has worked with the greatest success.
The army is a quasi-military organization, and Booth modelled its "Orders and Regulations" on those of the British army.
Police regulations are very much to the fore and occupy no less than 72 clauses of the royal legislation.
Regulations are issued about the sale of cattle in the presence of witnesses.
In the armies of Roman Catholic countries there are elaborate regulations.
There are elaborate regulations governing the appointment and conduct of these chaplains.
They had their own kings, lived as a close caste, and even imitated the Hindus in caste regulations of food and avoidance of pollution.
The whole field of labour and contracts was covered by minute regulations, which, good in theory, were absurd in practice, and which failed altogether, but not until labour had been disorganized for several years.
This action was confirmed in 1366 by an assembly of the Hansa which at the same time, on the occasion of a regulation made by the Bruges counter and of statutes drawn up by the young Bergen counter, ordered that in future the approval of the towns must be obtained for all new regulations.
By the peace of Copenhagen in 1441, after the unsuccessful war of the League with Holland, the attempted monopoly of the Baltic was broken, and, though the Hanseatic trade regulations were maintained on paper, the Dutch with their larger ships increased their hold on the herring fisheries, the French salt trade, and the Baltic grain trade.
But while it was found impossible to enforce the staple or to close the Sound against the Dutch, other features of the monopolistic system of trade regulations were still upheld.
In 1876 new mining laws were enacted which gave better titles to mining properties and better regulations for their operation, but the outbreak of the war with Chile at the end of the decade and the succeeding years of disorganization and partisan strife defeated their purpose.
Gladstone found that purchase existed only by royal sanction, and advised the queen to issue a royal warrant cancelling, on and after the 1st of November following, all regulations authorizing the purchase of commissions.
Regulations were now stricti enforced, fixing the number of horses and carriers available at eac station, the loads to be carried by them and their charges, as well as the transport services that each feudal chief was entitled to demand and the fees he had to pay in return.
Of the above three headings, it was decided that all national roads should be maintained at the national expense, the regulations for their up-keep being entrusted to the care of the prefectures along the line of route, and the cost incurred being paid from the Imperial treasury.
They contain the decrees of Theodoric and his successors Amalasuntha, Theodahad and Witigis; the regulations of the chief offices of state; the edicts published by Cassiodorus himself when praefectus praetorio.
The German regulations are apparently based on a keen appreciation of the fact that while one particular denaturizing agent may have little or no effect on one industry, yet it would be quite fatal to the success of another; there is consequently a great choice of denaturizing agents, and in certain cases it is sufficient to mix the alcohol with a reagent necessary for the purpose in hand, or even with a certain amount of the final product, it being only necessary to satisfy the state that the spirit is not available as a beverage.
This mixture is supplied to manufacturers and corresponds to the British unmineralized methylated spirit; but the regulations are more stringent.
The Army is under the control of the General for the time being, who issues all orders and regulations.
This interruption, due to the practical prohibition of the industry by the United States courts, on the ground that it was injuring, through the deposit of tailings, agricultural lands and navigable streams, was lessened, though not entirely removed, by compromises and regulations which permit, under certain restrictions, the renewed exploitation of the ancient river-beds by the hydraulic method.
Later regulations are also laid down in the Talmuds in order to prevent any appearance of authority attaching to the translation, and also to ensure reverential 1 Cf.
His wisdom is shown by the prudent measures which he took by enacting the Nizam-ijedid, or new regulations for the improvement of the condition of the Christian rayas, and for affording them security for life and property; a conciliatory attitude which at once bore fruit in Greece, where the people abandoned the Venetian cause and returned to their allegiance to the Porte.
The actual effect of Trajan's regulations is hard to measure; they were probably more effectual for their object than those of Augustus.
Taking a lively interest in commerce and agriculture, Charles issued various regulations for the organization of the one and the improvement of the other.
In March 1785 commissioners from Virginia and Maryland met here to discuss the commercial relations of the two states, finishing their business at Mount Vernon on the 28th with an agreement for freedom of trade and freedom of navigation of the Potomac. The Maryland legislature in ratifying this agreement on the 22nd of November proposed a conference between representatives from all the states to consider the adoption of definite commercial regulations.
His ideal was to restore the conditions which he supposed prevailed during the first three centuries of the Church's existence; but the celebrated Ecclesiastical Ordinances adopted by the town in 1541 and revised in 1561 failed fully to realize his ideas, which find a more complete exemplification in the regulations governing the French Church later.
The Genevan town councils were quite ready to re-enact all the old police regulations common in that age in regard to excessive display, dancing, obscene songs, &c. It was arranged too that town government should listen to the " Consistory," made up of the " Elders," but the Small Council was to choose the members of the Consistory, two of whom should belong to the Small Council, four to the Council of Sixty, and six to the Council of Two Hundred.
But in the year 1215, at the fourth Lateran council, were made regulations destined profoundly to modify Benedictine polity and history.
In the former act he embodied a provision regulating and giving authority to the peculiar customs, usages, and regulations voluntarily adopted by the miners in various districts of the state for the adjudication of disputed mining claims. This, as Judge Field truly says, "was the foundation of the jurisprudence respecting mines in the country," having greatly influenced legislation upon this subject in other states and in the Congress of the United States.
All rules and regulations about the public worship, doctrines and discipline of the Church were made in Zwingli's time, and with his consent, by the council of Zurich, which was the supreme civil authority in the state.
In all countries there are legal regulations fixing the minimum span and height of such bridges and the width of roadway to be provided.
The statistical work includes compiling abstracts, memoranda, tables and charts relating to the trade and industrial conditions of the United Kingdom, the colonies and foreign countries, the supervision of the trade accounts, the preparation of monthly and annual accounts of shipping and navigation, statistics as to labour, cotton, emigration and foreign and colonial customs, tariffs and regulations.
The ministry is well organized, and with the assistance of European and Japanese officers of experience has drafted a large number of laws and regulations, most of which have been brought into force.
The educational department has done good work in compiling volumes of prose and verse which have found much favour with the public. All the laws, edicts and regulations at present in force are to be had in print at popular prices.
The governor-general not only has supreme executive authority, but can of his own accord pass laws and regulations, except in so far as these, from their nature, belong of right to the home government, and as he is bound by the constitutional principles on which, according to the Regulations for the Government of Netherlands India, passed by the king and StatesGeneral in 1854, the Dutch East Indies must be governed.
The Grondwet involved certain important changes, which were embodied in an act passed in 1854 and commonly known as the Regulations for the Government of Netherlands India.
The Regulations substituted statute law for administrative and military despotism, and made the governorgeneral in council responsible to the minister of the colonies at the Hague.
In 1863 Fransen van de Putte, minister for the colonies, introduced the first of the annual colonial budgets for which the Regulations had provided, thus enabling the statesgeneral to control the revenue and expenditure of Netherlands India; in 1865 he reduced and in 1872 abolished the differentiation of customs dues in favour of goods imported from Holland, substituting a uniform import duty of 6% and establishing a number of free ports throughout the archipelago.
Nowadays the best known industry at Geneva is that of watchmaking, which was introduced in 1587 by Charles Cusin of Autun, and two years later regulations as to the trade were issued.
In 1245 he went to Paris, received his doctorate and taught for some time, in accordance with the regulations, with great success.
They maintained order in the markets, settled disputes, examined the quality of the articles exposed for sale, tested weights and measures, collected the harbour dues and enforced the shipping regulations.
As will be seen, settlement on the land by Europeans is hampered by official restrictions, especially by the stringent regulations as to residence.
In spite of his radical opinions he made a furious attack on the admiralty for the new prize money regulations which diminished the shares of the captains to the advantage of the men.
They are to all appearance the work of a school of priests, who, after the destruction of the Temple in 586 B.C., began to write down and codify the ceremonial regulations of the pre-exilic times, combining them with an historical narrative extending from the Creation to the establishment of Israel in Canaan; and who completed their work during the century following the restoration in 537 B.C. The chief object of these sections is to describe in detail the leading institutions of the theocracy (Tabernacle, sacrifices, purifications, &c.), and to refer them to their traditional origin in the Mosaic age.
An inspector is required to hold a certificate of qualification, and for his guidance general regulations are made by his local authority as to modes of testing weights, measures and weighing instruments.
It appears to be desirable, as the Committee of Council on Education have done, to recognize only the legal systems of weights and measures -- the imperial and metric. The Education Code of Regulations for 1900 prescribes that the tables of weights and measures to be learned include those only which are in ordinary use, viz.
His course of lectures was divided into four parts-(1) natural theology; (2) ethics; (3) a treatment of that branch of morality which relates to justice, a subject which he handled historically after the manner of Montesquieu; (4) a study of those political regulations which are founded, not upon the principle of justice, but that of expediency, and which are calculated to increase the riches, the power and the prosperity of a state.
Smith conceived the entire subject he had to treat in his public lectures as divisible into four heads, the first of which was natural theology, the second ethics, the third jurisprudence; whilst in the fourth "he examined those political regulations which are founded upon expediency, and which are calculated to increase the riches, the power, and the prosperity of a state."
He has regard, however, to political as well as economic interests, and on the ground that "defence is of much more importance than opulence" pronounces the Navigation Act to have been "perhaps the wisest of all the commercial regulations of England."
Under these regulations the entire coinage was put into circulation.
Refusing to observe the ecclesiastical regulations of Archbishop Laud, he was brought before the court of high commission in 1629, and again in 1634, when, for opposing the placing of a rail around the communion table, he was suspended and imprisoned.
The treaty included regulations for the improvement of commerce and navigation in the area affected by the war, and provided for the settlement of subsequent disputes by the arbitration of the United States and Mexico.
The regulations respecting passports issued by the English Foreign Office as well as the passport requirements of foreign countries will be found in the annual Foreign Office List.
In the event of a determination in favour of Great Britain the arbitrators were to determine what concurrent regulations were necessary for the preservation of the seals, and a joint commission was to be appointed by the two powers to assist them in the investigation of the facts of seal life.
By the Meat and Canned Foods Act of 1907 of the Dominion parliament and regulations thereunder, the trade is carried on under the strictest government supervision, and no canned articles of food may be exported unless passed as absolutely wholesome and officially marked as such by government inspectors.
The Seed Control Act of 1905 brings under strict regulations the trade in agricultural seeds, prohibiting the sale for seeding of cereals, grasses, clovers or forage plants unless free from weeds specified, and imposing severe penalties for infringements.
It was decided that the United States had no jurisdiction in the Bering Sea beyond the three miles' limit, but the court also made regulations to prevent the wholesale slaughter of fur-bearing seals.
Sub-leases for a term of years are granted by the crown to private individuals; local control, including the policing of the settlement, is managed by a municipal council elected under regulations promulgated by the British minister in China, acting by authority of the sovereign's orders in council.
The Benedictine rule was taken as the basis of the life, but was supplemented by regulations notably increasing the austerities practised.
The reforms in the regulations for degrees in divinity, the formation and first revision of the new theological tripos, the inauguration of the Cambridge mission to Delhi, the institution of the Church Society (for the discussion of theological and ecclesiastical questions by the younger men), the meetings for the divinity faculty, the organization of the new Divinity School and Library and, later, the institution of the Cambridge Clergy Training School, were all, in a very real degree, the result of Westcott's energy and influence as regius professor.
Various regulations restricting Chinese immigration were enacted from time to time, until in 1886 the landing of any Chinese passenger without a passport was prohibited.
They had fixed rules for initiation, a succession of strictly separate grades within the limits of the society, and regulations for the conduct of their daily life even in its minutest details.
Regulations as to its business were issued in 1812.
Practical Save in its own metropolitan province, it took no Applica- part in the nomination of bishops; the provincial tions of the or regional councils were held without its authori- Theory, zation; their judgments and regulations were carried out without any suggestion that they should be ratified by Rome.
A synod assembled at the Lateran in April passed the famous new regulations for the elections to the papacy.
Moreover the bull contained no essentially new regulations as to witchcraft.
In 1588 followed the new regulations with respect to the Roman Congregations, which henceforth were to be fifteen in number.
The supplementary Organic Articles of April 1802, however, centralized the administration of the Church in the hands of the First Consul; and some of these one-sided regulations were considered by Rome to be minute and oppressive; nevertheless, the Napoleonic arrangements remained in force, with but brief exceptions, till the year 1905.
On the east it is hampered by the stringent regulations of the Russian frontier, and the great waterway of the Oder, though in process of being regulated, is sometimes too low in summer for navigation.
By liberal endowments and minute but judicious regulations he brought about a rapid development of Silesian industries; in particular he revived the mining and weaving operations which at present constitute the country's chief source of wealth.
In 1890 a treaty was concluded, and trade regulations under this treaty in 1893; but the negotiations were carried on with the Chinese authorities, and the lamas, considering themselves to have received insufficient recognition, repudiated them and offered further insults.
The so-called Rules (the Longer and the Shorter) are catechisms of the spiritual life rather than a body of regulations for the corporate working of a community, such as is now understood by a monastic rule.
The salt trade, formerly of importance, has suffered from%Greek customs regulations.
In modern times, however, by certain regulations, made in 1823, and repeated and enlarged in 1855, not only is it provided that the sovereign's permission by royal warrant shall be necessary for the reception by a British subject of any foreign order of knighthood, but further that such permission shall not authorize " the assumption of any style, appellation, rank, precedence, or privilege appertaining to a knight bachelor of the United Kingdom."
The neutral right to grant asylum to belligerent forces is now governed by articles 57, '58 and 59 of the regulations annexed to the Hague Convention of the 29th of July 1899, relating to the Laws and Customs of War on Land.
The regulations applicable to other sections of the whole imperial army are, however, observed.
The administration of justice is entrusted (1) to the high council (hooge rand) at the Hague, the supreme court of the whole kingdom, and the tribunal for all high government officials and for the members of the states-general; (2) to the five courts of justice established at Amsterdam, the Hague, Arnhem, Leeuwarden and 's Hertogenbosch; (3) to tribunals established in each arrondissement; (4) to cantonal judges appointed over a group of communes, whose jurisdiction is restricted to claims of small amount (under 200 guilders), and to breaches of police regulations, and who at the same time look after the interest of minors.
In the 13th century, however, whatever the civic organization of the townsfolk may have been, it was still strictly subordinate to the archbishop and his Vogt; the council could issue regulations only with the consent of the former, while in the judicial work of the latter, save in small questions of commercial dishonesty, its sole function was advisory.
In time a tendency set in for members of the Third Order to live together in community, and in this way congregations were formed who took the usual religious vows and lived a fully organized religious life based on the Rule of the Third Order with supplementary regulations.
Throughout, the Italian farmer sets a very high example in the loyal way he submits to regulations which there must be sometimes a strong temptation to break.
At Freeport, on the Wisconsin boundary, on the 27th of August, Lincoln answered questions put to him by Douglas, and by his questions forced Douglas to "betray the South" by his enunciation of the "Freeport heresy," that, no matter what the character of Congressional legislation or the Supreme Court's decision "slavery cannot exist a day or an hour anywhere unless it is supported by local police regulations."
These are totally different questions from those of police regulations in armies or camps."
Com,nerce.The rapid development of German trade date from the Zoilverein (customs union), under the special rule and regulations of which it is administered.
The secrecy of the ballot is ensured by special regulations passed on the 28th of April 1903.
In 1871 a commission was appointed to draw up regulations for civil and criminal procedure, and also to frame regulations for the organization of the law courts.
By these and other supplementary laws a uniform system of law courts was established throughout the whole empire; the position and pay of the.judges, the regulations regarding the position of advocates, and costs, were uniform, and the procedure in every state was identical.
In addition to this each state had its own paper money, and there were over 100 banks with the right of issuing bank-notes according to regulations which varied in each state.
The existing banks could not be deprived of the concessions they had received, but unless they submitted to the regulations of the new law their notes were not to be recognized outside the limits of the state by which the concession had been granted.
Uniform regulations were to be followed in all trades and districts; one-third of the premium was paid by the employer, two-thirds by the workmen.
This opposition was shown in the demand for additional duties on stamps (this was granted by Bismarck), in the opposition to the renewal of the Bank Charter, and especially in the new regulations for the Exchange which were carried in 1896.
This was not the result of any law, but depended on administrative regulations of the government service; it was practically necessary in remote districts, such as Galicia and Bukovina, where few of the population understood German.
The first important regulations which were issued under the law of 1867 applied to Dalmatia, and for that country between 1872 and 1876 a series of laws and edicts were issued determining to what extent the Slavonic idioms were to be recognized.
The laws and regulations were generally very concise revelations, but most of them have been amalgamated with other pieces of similar or dissimilar import, and are now found in very long suras.
Cantonment courts were also set up in the two chief government centres (Zungeru and Lokoja), chiefly for the purpose of enforcing sanitary and municipal regulations.
Similarly the sole title to minerals (subject to the share of profits assigned to the Niger Company by the deed of transfer) was vested in the government, and the terms upon which licences to prospect or mine could be acquired, together with full regulations regarding mining, were enacted by law.
The cantonments are regulated by a municipal ordinance, establishing rates and laying down various regulations for order and sanitation.
The act of 1849 also forbids bulland bearbaiting, or fighting between any kinds of animals; requires the provision of food and water to animals impounded; lays down regulations as to the treatment of animals sent for slaughter, and imposes a penalty for improperly conveying animals.
The government,however,enforces certain health regulations, and the sanitary service is under the direction of a European official.
Some of the regulations are couched in hypothetical form, but their contents are of a different character to the "judgments," e.g.
Upon Lord Birkenhead fell the difficult task of organizing the department and establishing regulations to deal with conditions altogether unprecedented.
These regulations were of a far-reaching character.
The Regulations (Regulation 51) gave the Government power in certain cases to seize the plant of a newspaper which had offended, or in others to seize the type on suspicion that an offence was about to be committed (Reg.5r a).
These regulations placed heavy shackles upon the Press, but in the main they were accepted with patriotic equanimity.
It will be seen that the Press Bureau had no power to insist upon the submission of matter for censorship. The responsibility rested with the editor, who could publish what he thought fit, subject to complying with the Defence of the Realm Regulations.
If he erred he was liable to prosecution, and even if the matter were passed by the Bureau he would not be relieved of the responsibility for infringement of the regulations, although the fact might be pleaded in mitigation.
For the most part they consisted of hints and elucidations concerning matters which in general terms were covered by the regulations quoted above.
At the beginning, the regulations for the guidance of correspondents were as follows, but for the most part they were allowed to write as they wished.
Before long, however, the regulations were rigidly enforced, and an attempt was subsequently made to strengthen them.
These regulations called forth an angry protest from the Newspaper Proprietors' Association.
By the exercise of tact, discretion and inviolable good faith, the correspondents gradually won the confidence of the army, so that towards the end of the war officers of all ranks were keen to have them with their troops and to give them every facility permitted by official regulations.
The regulations in this respect were meticulous.
This body made the necessary regulations and by Dec. 11 1917 had gathered a large staff at the necessary ports to enforce them.
The regulations in no way modified the voluntary censorship exercised by the Press over itself.
There was also the sort of unofficial censorship, undefined by law but real, which communities exercised against those who had been pro-German or who were now less ready than their neighbours thought fitting to subscribe for loans and the Red Cross, and to observe food regulations.
Thus down to 1840 there were but ten colonial bishops; and of these several were so hampered by civil regulations that they were little more than government chaplains in episcopal orders.
Regulations in regard to the manufacture were passed in 1641 and 1661.
The Union gave a considerable impetus to the manufacture, as did also the establishment of the Board of Manufactures in 1727, which applied an annual sum of £2650 to its encouragement, and in 1729 established a colony of French Protestants in Edinburgh, on the site of the present Picardy Place, to teach the spinning and weaving of cambric. From the 1st of November 1727 to the 1st of November 1728 the amount of linen cloth stamped was 2,183,978 yds., valued at £103,312, but for the year ending the 1st of November 1822, when the regulations as to the inspection and stamping of linen ceased, it had increased to 36,268,530 yds., valued at £1,396,296.
The greater burghers had a union, and made laws and regulations for municipal affairs.
There are no regulations in England limiting the working stresses that may safely be placed upon timber, although in some districts the least sizes that may be used for timbers in roofs and floors are specified.
Its geographical distribution is of the widest, and its rapidity of breeding, in manure and dooryard filth, so great that, as a carrier of germs of disease, especially cholera and typhoid, the house-fly is now recognized as a potent source of danger; and various sanitary regulations have been made, or precautions suggested, for getting rid of it.
Jesus replied with a stern rebuke, addressing the questioners as hypocrites, and exposing the falsity of a system which allowed the breach of fundamental commandments in order that traditional regulations might be observed.
The school system was reorganized by new regulations, in accordance with which Hegel wrote a series of lessons in the outlines of philosophy - ethical, logical and psychological.
The jus episcopale which Luther afterwards claimed for the secular authorities had been practically exercised in Saxony and Brandenburg; cities and districts had framed police regulations which set aside ecclesiastical decrees about holidays and begging; the supervision of charity was passing from the hands of the church into those of laymen; and religious confraternities which did not take their guidance from the clergy were increasing.
The Lutherans interpreted this to mean the right to frame ecclesiastical regulations for various principalities and to make changes in public worship. Luther busied himself in simplifying the service, in giving advice, - anxiously sought for, about the best modes of organising ecclesiastical affairs.
In accordance Legisla- with regulations made under the Indian Councils Act five 1909, these additional members number 61, making Council.
By two stringent regulations of 1799 and 1812 the tenant was practically put at the mercy of a rackrenting landlord.
The right of sale is also usually farmed out to the highest bidder, subject to regulations fixing the minimum quantity of liquor that may be sold at one time.
Regulations for bringing the act into operation were issued by the governor-general in council, with the approval of the secretary of state, in November 1909.
Very similar operations have been carried out in Austria-Hungary, where large tracts of land have been brought into cultivation, and watercourses have been diverted successfully despite serious difficulties, climatic and physical; in Russia convict labour has been largely used in the construction of the Trans-siberian railway; the military operations in the Sudan were greatly aided by convict labourers engaged in useful work at the base and all along the line; Italy passed a law in 1904 enacting outdoor labour for the reclamation and draining of waste lands by prisoners under long sentence; and France, although much wedded to cellular imprisonment, is beginning to favour extra-mural employment of prisoners under strict regulations.
Moreover, Hajjaj, in order to maintian the regular revenue from taxation, had been obliged to introduce stringent regulations, and had compelled a great many villagers who had migrated to the cities to return to their villages.
Conversion to Islam was promoted by the severe regulations which Omar introduced for the non-believers, such as Christians and Jews.
The privilege of owning mines in Korea was extended to aliens under the Mining Regulations of 1906.
Regulations have also been promulgated with respect to promissory notes, which have long existed in Korea.
The new regulations require the amount of the notes to be expressed in yen, not to be payable in old nickel coins or cash.
Regulations were framed for the purpose of establishing adequate supervision over the revenue and expenditure for the abolition of irregular taxation and extortions, as well as the practice of farming out the collection of the revenue to individuals, and, generally, to adapt the whole collection and expenditure of the national revenue to modern ideas of public finance.
In 1882 China promulgated her "Trade and Frontier Regulations," and America negotiated a commercial treaty, followed by Germany and Great Britain in 1883, Italy and Russia in 1884, France in 1886, and Austria in 1892.
Hertslet, librarian of the foreign office, continued by his son, Sir Edward Hertslet, and later holders of the same office, entitled A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions and Reciprocal Regulations at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, and of the Laws and Orders in Council concerning the same, so far as they relate to Commerce and Navigation, the Slave Trade, Post Office, &c., and to the Privileges and Interests of the Subjects of the Contracting Parties (24 vols., 1820-1907).
In all 87,659 persons are said to have died out of a population of nearly 250,000.2 This great epidemic caused a panic in England which led to the introduction (under Mead's advice) of quarantine regulations, never previously enforced, and also led to the publication of many pamphlets, &c., beside Mead's well-known Discourse on Pestilential Contagion (London, 1720).
After destroying, it is said, 300,000 persons, and without being checked by any quarantine regulations, the plague died out finally in March 1771, being remarkable for its short duration and spontaneous limitation (Haser).
The rule was the Augustinian, supplemented by regulations of an austere character.
The careful regulations given in the Codes and the Digest show the observance of technical conditions as to assessment and accounting.
The chief cause of this failure, as well as of the failure of the colonies, on which he bestowed so much watchful care, was the narrowness and rigidity of the government regulations.
In regard to church government, the Baptists agree with the Congregationalists that each separate church is complete in itself, and has, therefore, power to choose its own ministers and to make such regulations as it deems to be most in accordance with the purpose of its existence, that is, the advancement of the kingdom of Christ.
At the same time, however, their dealings were nominally under the supervision of the Jews' exchequer, and a number of regulations were enforced, partly with the view of protecting borrowers and partly that the king might know how much his Jews could afford to pay.
On the other hand, marriage and divorce, and arrangements which are political in their nature, such as charters of municipal corporations, licences to carry on particular trades or regulations of police are not within the provision.
Private railways are controlled by the regulations of the board, while a joint traffic union has as its object the provision of uniformity of administration, tariff, &c. The government has made grants towards the construction of some of the private lines, and has in a few cases taken over such lines.
Posting, which is of importance only in the highland districts and the valley roads of Norrland, is carried on by posting-stations (skjutsstation) under government regulations; similar regulations apply when, as in the upper valleys of the great northern rivers, rowing boats on the lakes form the only means of travel.
A conversion fund was also created, and, although the government afterwards authorized two more large issues, the beneficial effects of this law were so pronounced that the customs regulations were modified in 1907 to permit the payment of import duties in paper.
Next comes the preservation of order, the protection of all reputable people, and the maintenance of public peace by checking riot and disturbance or noisy demonstration, by enforcing the observance of the thousand and one regulations laid down for the general good.
The administrator of public safety is, however, specially under the minister of justice, who sees that the laws and regulations affecting the police are properly carried out, and he can call on all public functionaries to act in furtherance of that object.
They were to issue regulations for the proper construction of houses and villages, to exercise an active censorship over published price-lists and printed notes of invitation and visiting cards, as well as seals and rubber stamps.
He induced the universities of Cologne and Louvain to condemn the reformer's writings, but failed to enlist the German princes, and in January 1520 went to Rome to obtain strict regulations against those whom he called "Lutherans."
These regulations also met the objections voiced by Australians and New Zealanders that the country won for Great Britain at such cost had been thrown open to hordes of Asiatics.
It will appear from the foregoing statement that the issue and enforcement of the writ rests on the common law as strengthened by the acts of 1627,1640, 1679 and 1816, and subject also to the regulations as to procedure contained in the Crown Office Rules, 1906.
Brentano (On Gilds) holds that it is wrong to represent such regulations as monopolistic, inasmuch as there was no question whatever of a monopoly in that time nor until the degeneration of the craftgilds into limited corporations of capitalists.
The goldsmiths had the assay of metals, the fishmongers the oversight of fish, the vintners of the tasting of wine, &c. The companies enforced their regulations on their members by force.
To this incident a number of disconnected regulations affecting the priests have been attached, of which the first, viz.
Possibly the omission of this introduction is due to the redactor who combined (1) and (2) by transferring the regulations of (1) to the ritual of the annual Day of Atonement.
All three codes contain a somewhat miscellaneous collection of laws; all alike commence with regulations as to the place of sacrifice and close with an exhortation.
It must be remembered, however, that these laws have passed through more than one stage of revision and that the original regulations have been much obscured by later glosses and additions; it is therefore somewhat hazardous to base any argument on their present form.
Verses 25, 26 apparently formed the conclusion of a law on clean and unclean animals similar to that of chap. xi., and very probably mark the place where H's regulations on that subject originally stood.
Characteristic of the priestly calendar are (1) the enumeration of " holy convocations," (2) the prohibition of all work, (3) the careful determination of the date by the day and month, (4) the mention of " the offerings made by fire to Yahweh," and (5) the stereotyped form of the regulations.
With these have been incorporated the older regulations of H on the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, vv.
Both on historical and on critical grounds, however, it is improbable that the principle of restitution underlying the regulations for the year of Jubilee was originally extended to persons in the earlier code.
They could make regulations (pouvoir reglementaire) having the force of law within their province, upon all points not settled by law, when the matter with which they dealt fell within their judicial competence, and for this it was only necessary that their interference in the matter was not forbidden by law.
After the conquest of Peru by the Spaniards in the 16th century the natives were subjected to much tyranny and oppression, though it must in fairness be said that much of it was carried out in defiance of the efforts and the wishes of the Spanish home government, whose legislative efforts to protect the Indians from serfdom and ill-usage met with scant respect at the hands of the distant settlers and mine-owners, who bid defiance to the humane and protective regulations of the council of the Indies, and treated the unhappy natives little better than beasts of burden.
The position of the United States consuls is minutely described in the Regulations, Washington, 1896.
Other regulations prevailed in different countries, until the inconveniences arising from the want of uniformity led to the rule now observed being laid down under Pope Urban II.
The extension of national forest reserves and the regulations enforced by the United States government for the preservation of the ranges have put limits to the industry.
It was of no avail that they adhered in other respects in the main to the older teaching, that they professed to hold to the same ethical system, that they adhered, except in a few unimportant details, to the old regulations of the order of the Buddhist mendicant recluses.
In all these respects he was simply following the directions of the Vinaya, or regulations of the order, as established probably in the time of Gotama himself, and as certainly handed down from the earliest times in the pitakas or sacred books.
A decree known as the " regulations of King Vladislav " codified these changes.
One result of these regulations was that the price of foreign opium in China rose, a circumstance which was calculated to reduce the loss to the Indian revenue.
Unio margaritiferus, the pearl mussel, was at one time of considerable importance as a source of pearls, and the pearl mussel fishery is to this day carried on under peculiar state regulations in Sweden and Saxony, and other parts of the continent.
As the Pharisees accumulated the oral tradition which was afterwards codified and elaborated or preserved by fragments, which served some useful purpose, in the Talmud and other Rabbinic writings, the Sadducees acquired concrete regulations to oppose so long as they dared.
A district council may from time to time make regulations with respect to summoning, notice, place, management and adjournment of their meetings, and generally with respect to the B n s transaction and management of their business.
Such a committee may be subject to any regulations and restrictions imposed upon it by the rural district council.
The owner or occupier of any premises is entitled as of right to cause his drain to be connected with any sewer, on condition only of his giving notice and complying with the regulations of the council as to the mode in which the communication is to be made, and subject to the control of any person appointed by the council to superintend the work.
Such regulations are made and enforced by the district councils.
Certain police regulations contained in the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 are by virtue of the Public Health Act 1875 in force in all urban districts.
In the case of an urban council certain stringent regulations are laid down.
District councils are empowered to borrow with the sanction of the Local Government Board, subject to certain restrictions and Borrowing regulations.
They create and alter subdivisions, levy taxes, care for the poor, construct, maintain and make regulations for roads and bridges, erect and care for public buildings, grant franchises, issue licences, supervise county officers, make and enforce proper police regulations (but the authority does not extend to incorporated towns or cities), and perform such other duties as may be authorized by law.
The regulations in question, although entered in a legal text, are not a legislative enactment but the result of a slow process of adjustment of claims between the ecclesiastical landowners and masters on one side and their rural dependents on the other.
His Regulations formally reserved the latter class of rights, but did not legally define them, or enable the husbandmen to enforce them in the courts.
Again, the whole tone of the Testamentum is one of highly strung asceticism, and the regulations are such as point by their severity to a small and strictly organized body.
Searching tests were applied to these fittings, and only those which complied in every respect with the prescribed regulations were stamped and permitted to be fixed within the limits of the water supply.
The public school system (organized 1873) is administered by the state superintendent of public instruction, who exercises a general supervision over the schools, and by the state board of education, which prescribes the general rules and regulations for their management.
As early as 1841 the Americans in Oregon began to feel the need of some form of civil government, as the regulations of the Hudson's Bay Company were the only laws then known to the country.
Strangely enough, those documents which bear the greatest resemblance to a small collection of canonical regulations, such as the Didache, the Didascalia and the Canons of Hippolytus, have not been retained, and find no place in the collections of canons, doubtless for the reason that they were not official documents.
In theory, this law has as its author the local ecclesiastical authorities, councils or bishops; but this is true only for laws and regulations which are in harmony with the common law, merely completing or defining it.
The chief thing to note is the existence, for these countries, of a civil-ecclesiastical to law, that is to say, a body of regulations made by the - civil authority, with the consent, more or less explicit, co of the Church, about ecclesiastical matters, other than spiritual; these dispositions are chiefly concerned with the nomination or confirmation by the state of ecclesiastics to the most important benefices, and with the administration of the property of the Church; sometimes also with questions of jurisdiction, both civil and criminal, concerning the persons or property of the Church.
We do not imply that in other countries the Church can always find exemption from legislative measures imposed upon her by the civil authorities, for example, in Italy, Prussia and Russia; but here it is a situation de facto rather than de jure, which the Church tolerates for the sake of convenience; and these regulations only form part of the local canon law in a very irregular sense.
But on the whole the people submitted with characteristic docility to the sanitary regulations of the government.
Each state touching the lake has its own fishery regulations, which differ amongst themselves as well as from those of the Dominion.
Too much confidence must not be placed in regulations concerning the conduct of war.
The priestly regulations affecting altars are of a very elaborate nature, and are framed with a single eye to the essential theory of later Hebrew worship - the centralization of all worship at one shrine.
Wilkes thus became the representative of a great constitutional principle, the principle that the electors have a right to choose their representatives without restriction, save by the regulations of the law.
The archbishop treated Oxford as if it had issued the document, and procured the issue of severe regulations in order to purge the university of heresy.
On the other hand Hobbes yields to no one in maintaining the paramount importance of moral regulations.
In 1854 the consuls of Great Britain, France and the United States drew up a joint code of regulations applicable to both the then settlements, British and French, which being ratified by the respective govermnents became binding on their respective subjects.
In 1863 the area covered by the regulations was extended by the addition of the American settlement, which meanwhile had been obtained by that government from the Chinese.
But about the same time, 1862, the French decided to withdraw from the joint arrangement, and promulgated a set of municipal regulations of their own applicable to the French area.
These regulations differed from those applicable to the joint settlement, in that a general supervision over municipal affairs was vested in the French consul-general, his approval being made necessary to all votes, resolutions, &c., of the ratepayers before they could be enforced at law.
Since the above date there have, consequently, been two municipalities at Shanghai, the French and the amalgamated British and American settlements, to which the original regulations continued to apply.
The regulations have been altered and amended from time to time, and they have been accepted expressly or impliedly by all the treaty powers which have since come into the field.
The powers of self-government thus conferred on the foreign community consist in exclusive police control within the area, in draining, lighting, maintenance of streets and roads, making and enforcement of sanitary regulations, control of markets, dairies and so forth.
The whaling industry came into importance towards the close of the 19th century, and stations for the extraction of the oil and whalebone have been established at several points, under careful regulations designed to mitigate the pollution of water, the danger to livestock from eating the blubber, &c. The finner whale is the species most commonly taken.
Regulations as to grants-in-aid were made by the act, with the stipulation that no sum from them should be devoted to the provision or maintenance of any building, or tutorial or other office, for religious purposes, though private benefaction for such purposes is not prohibited.
In 1882 the Roman Catholic bishops placed the buildings belonging to the university under the control and direction of the archbishop of Dublin, who undertook to maintain a college in which education would be given according to the regulations of the Royal University.
A remarkable development of family ownership was the geilfine system, under which four groups of persons, all nearly related to each other, held four adjacent tracts of land as a sort of common property, subject to regulations now very difficult to understand.'
Since 1897 high schools, and medical and technical schools, and a few primary schools, have been formed by the French government; and all other schools have been placed under regulations issued by an educational department, the scholars being required to learn the French language; but until the end of 1906 the bulk of the educational work was carried on by the various missions.
In consequence of Rumania's opposition, the proposed Commission Mixte was never formed, and these regulations have never been put in force.
Pippin it was, in short, who governed, who set in order the social confusions of Neustria, who, after long wars, put a stop to the malpractices of the dukes and counts, and summoned councils of bishops to make good regulations.
During 131 he remained as proconsul of the island, and, with the assistance of ten commissioners appointed by the senate, drew up regulations for the organization of Sicily as a province.
These regulations were known by the title of leges Rupiliae, though they were not laws in the strict sense.
He pleaded his age, now close upon seventy years, his infirm health, and the obstacles to travel caused by quarantine regulations; but the pope was sternly indignant at what he held to be his ingratitude and insubordination, and no excuse was admitted.
This body had been summoned at the beginning of reigns to swear homage to the new king and his heir, or to confirm regulations made as to the succession.
Liberty of associations and all public meetings and demonstrations were kept w-ithin narrow limits and under very close surveillance of the authorities, The municipal and provincial councils were kept in leash by intricate laws and regulations, much resembling those of France under the Second Empire.
Under regulations, approved by the sultan in 1862, the patriarch remained the official representative of the community, but all real power passed into the hands of clerical and lay councils elected by a representative assembly of 140 members.
In 1641 the blanket-makers petitioned the crown against vexatious trade regulations; in 1673 the town is described as "driving a good trade for blankets and rugs."
Of course, it is inevitable in all disputes of the companies with foreign powers, and is extended over all decrees of the company regarding the administration of its territories, the taxation of natives, and mining regulations.
Here he took up the slavery question, and proposed to issue regulations making the registration of slaves compulsory, but his proposals were not approved by the Cairo government.
A sheriff, an attorney and a clerk were elected, and regulations for recording deeds and wills were made.
Identifying himself with Brahmanical orthodoxy he bitterly opposed social reforms. His violent condemnation in 1897 of the plague prevention regulations was followed by the assassination of the local plague commissioner (Mr. Rand) and a young British officer driving with him at the time.
The company was in compliance with the various safety regulations.
It was his job to develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of the accounting principles, concepts, regulations and techniques, applicable to the selected topics.
The signature of the applicant on the application form signifies acceptance of these Regulations.
Under the Regulations all medicinal feed additives had to be licensed.
The Regulations allow you to appoint an agent for this purpose.
Prescott has been very artful about the basis on which he has bypassed the planning regulations.
The distinction that the Regulations seek to draw between primary and secondary processing is entirely artificial.
The regulations also extended the existing prohibition on the supply and use of products containing amphibole asbestos to those containing chrysotile.
Workers in the UK are entitled to four weeksâ paid holiday (including bank holidays) under the Working Time Regulations 1998.
Images are often outdated - of spartan surroundings, rules and regulations and a mistaken belief that hostels are only for young people.
Regulations remain a blunt instrument, unable to cope with the complexity and needs of modern biomedicine.
Students ' Union Financial Regulations expressly forbids the acceptance of gifts, money or other blandishments in the making of any deals.
The WFDB provides a legal framework and convenes to enact regulations for its 25 member diamond bourses.
As for making burritos AT HOME, rules and regulations will vary slightly from place to place, possibly from town to town.
A local Chamber of Commerce can provide advice on specific regulations of using a carnet abroad.
These Regulations prescribe reserved descriptions, composition and manufacturing characteristics for edible acid casein, edible rennet casein and edible caseinates.
The MOT regulations say nothing about a vehicle having a catalytic converter.
These regulations prescribe the circumstances in which standards committees of relevant authorities may grant such dispensations.
The remaining regulations make amendments consequential to the above.
Under existing regulations low value import consignments (under £ 18) may be exempted from import VAT.
One of the aims of the annual review of the assessment regulations is to improve the consistency of treatment of students.
Alongside this consultation, we are separately consulting on the draft Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 2006.
It will serve only to incite more contempt for the law among drivers who are already plagued with oppressive regulations.
Under current OFCOM regulations the advertiser cannot affect the editorial content of the programs.
These licensed contractors have to follow regulations to ensure asbestos is safely removed.
How many sanitary conveniences need to be provided under the Building Regulations?
Overall, the regulations, and technological achievements of manufacturers, have put a significant crimp in energy consumption.
Paper records are shredded beyond practicable reconstruction; tapes are completely degaussed and then disposed of in compliance with local environmental regulations.
Local authorities have opened 578 regional soup kitchens to alleviate family destitution resulting from the new regulations.
Change regulations we dependency diabetes self-management more economically disadvantaged in august.
An annotated diagram of a house is shown with regulations explained.
The regulations for approval of purchases set out in Section 3 above apply also to petty cash disbursements.
For information on traffic regulations and required documentation, see the Travel - Internal section.
About 50% of regulations with a significant impact on business now emanate from the EU.
At the time Mr XXX ceased employment on 18 May 1998 the 1997 regulations were in force.
Regulations sections a here's how they approved Fannie Mae the failure to.
Nobody saw a panoply of State, local or even federal taxes and compliance regulations on the Internet as constructive.
To conform to class 3 regulations it is supplied with a full light set, including indicators and hazard flashers.
Forests for All Reasons As a professional forester, I understand the importance of the original 1970s FRM Regulations.
Regulations may limit project sis futon cover activity or.
Yes, From April 1st 2002, all replacement glazing comes within the scope of the Building Regulations.
He added that health and safety regulations made it imperative that all protective clothing, including headgear, be worn.
Hedgerow regulations It is against the law to remove most countryside hedgerow regulations It is against the law to remove most countryside hedgerows without permission.
Does anyone know the regulations about how many hours you may work if you are receiving incapacity Benefit?
I just wonder whether the OFT Review Team will look at this potentially serious lacuna in the regulations.
These regulations only apply to currently matriculated students who do NOT have a " prohibition stamp " in their passport.
Recent research in Germany has shown that urban noise can force nightingales to sing so loudly that they break European sound pollution regulations!
Cardiff council said European regulations meant tea bags or vegetable peelings could not go in bins used to collect " green " waste.
Discriminatory regulations often penalize resource saving over resource wasting.
There are no provisions in the regulations to review an ill-health pension in payment in the light of later medical evidence.
Under regulation 4 of the Regulations, it is an offense to advertize, sell, supply, store or use an unapproved pesticide.
News, 30 April 2003 British nurses are calling for tighter regulations on how the abortifacient morning-after pill is handed out by pharmacists.
Although dress regulations states black feather plume with ring of scarlet feathers, most pictures show scarlet feathers with black ring.
Protected Species Plants and animal species afforded protection under certain Acts and Regulations.
On 14 December, Patricia welcomed the publication of the Better Regulations Task Force's report on e-commerce.
It was a good time for Faculties to consider reviewing their regulations in the light of the new qualification frameworks and the qualification descriptors.
Fee levels may be altered if necessary by means of amending regulations.
Additionally, VoIP detection will allow carriers to enforce local regulations on the legality of VoIP calls.
Does this contravene any building regulations or safety regulations?
I do not see a case therefore for revising the regulations to amend the feeder school arrangements.
First, throughout the history of organized warfare, rules have existed to lessen its cruelty by imposing regulations on its execution.
Nurseries are governed by strict regulations and are checked every four years by Ofsted who publish a report on their findings.
The most competitive ETS industries are found in countries with stringent environmental regulations.
You can download the entry form and supplementary regulations below.
Carrying forward of marks from Part II to part III - The draft regulations needed have been published.
United Biscuits pleaded guilty to two breaches of health safety regulations at a previous hearing.
In order to satisfy building regulations, disabled access will be provided to either front or rear entrance.
However, the regulations do not specify any default retirement age for partners.
New Red Sea diving regulations Monday 14th March 2005 Have you booked to go on a liveaboard safari?
All commercially harvested shellfish are subject to strict hygiene regulations.
A non-return valve prevents back siphonage of possibly contaminated water into the main supply and is a requirement under current Water Regulations.
Unfit foods were stained in accordance with the appropriate sterilization and staining regulations, prior to leaving the slaughterhouse.
Also, the method used must be consistent with the unit's mission and must strictly adhere to the appropriate sops and regulations.
But are the findings relevant to January 2003 as the farm standstill regulations are shortly to ease from 20 days to 6 days?
Have procedures and policies been developed to ensure compliance with applicable statutes or regulations?
This funding is also statutory funding, which means its criteria and regulations are governed by law and are set centrally by the government.
However with national and European regulations getting stricter, residents and councils need to work harder.
Many countries, for example, now have technical standard regulations limiting or banning the use of ozone-depleting substances.
A daily life suffocated by a rash of new rules and regulations, bills and prices.
The 1986 regulations were superseded by the 1995 regulations from 2 May 1995.
Regulations designed to reduce turtle interactions came into effect for the Hawaii-based longline swordfish fishery in May 2004.
There is a specific clause in our Regulations which forbids the taking of photographs in the Garden for commercial purposes without written permission.
Greater use of Regulations instead of Directives would increase the transparency of the legislation and avoid difficulties arising from delayed or incorrect transposition.
Pliny, H.N. 35.6 Regulations concerning an undertakers ' service " contracted out " by the local authorities.
All persons using the library must sign an undertaking to observe these Regulations.
Under the unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 a contract deemed unfair may be completely void and unenforceable against a consumer.
Local Development Framework New Planning regulations require Havering Council to replace its current unitary Development Plan with a Local Development Framework (LDF ).
The regulations are being applied in a totally unreasonable way.
There was a slight upturn in 1974 when regulations were made requiring local authorities to make plans.
He is a professional beggar, tho in order to avoid the police regulations he pretends to a small trade in wax Vestas.
We will seek the removal of any anomalies in regulations relating to protective clothing, such as the application of VAT to replacement visors.
An excise warehouse to which these Regulations apply is to be known as an " export shop " .
It focused on the effects of recreational watercraft that are operated according to existing regulations and under the rules of good seamanship.
To ensure wetlands are not lost or destroyed, regulations stipulate that any wetland drained or filled in must be replaced in kind.
Even if it could be shown that the Pentateuchal regulations were universally observed in Israel from Mosaic times, it would not preclude a certain indebtedness to Babylonia for at least the germ of the institution.
The questions which would claim the exercise of such a jurisdiction appear to be (I) intercolonial tariffs and the coasting trade; (2) railways, roads, canals, and other such works running through any two of the colonies; (3) beacons and lighthouses on the coast; (4) intercolonial gold regulations; (5) postage between the said colonies; (6) a general court of appeal from the courts of sucn colonies; (7) a power to legislate on all other subjects which may be submitted to them by addresses from the legislative councils and assemblies of the colonies, and to appropriate to any of the above-mentioned objects the necessary sums of money, to be raised by a percentage on the revenues of all the colonies interested."
The fact that it has become necessary to introduce regulations for its control by national legislation and international conferences shows the supremely important position which it has taken in the short interval of one decade as a means of communicating human intelligence from place to place over the surface of the globe.
The modes of government amongst civilized peoples have little influence on political geography; some republics are as arbitrary and exacting in their frontier regulations as some absolute monarchies.
In the United Kingdom there was almost as much immunity from legislative interference with charges, but the companies were compelled to secure special charters, and to conform to regulations made by the Board of Trade in the interests of public safety.
Frequently, moreover, the exhibition of pigs at agricultural shows has to be abandoned in consequence of these swine-fever regulations.
It is not in the decay of combination and monopoly or in the growth of competition that we must look for the distinctive characteristics of modern problems. A 17th-century monopoly was a very weak and ineffective instrument compared with a modern syndicate; the Statute of Apprenticeship was certainly not so widely enforced as the " common rules " of trade unions; and many of the regulations of past times, which look so complicated to modern eyes, were conditions of free enterprise rather than restraints upon it.
The same series of experimental studies led him to conclusions concerning the chief causes of collisions at sea; and these conclusions, though stoutly combated in many quarters at the outset, have since been generally accepted, and were ultimately embodied in the international code of regulations adopted by the leading maritime nations on the recommendation of a conference at Washington in 1889.
It may indeed be said that it was only the previsionary budget (anglice, the estimates) that received any approximately proper care on the lines laid down, while the rule that both the estimates and the definite budget (at the close of each year) should be published was almost wholly honoured in the breach; until 1909, when the Constitution' had been re-established the budget had only twice been published, in 1880 and 1897, since the regulations were put into force.
All this has now been changed, and the above regulations are conscientiously carried out with the differences in procedure necessary for compliance with constitutional methods, and with the submission of the Budget to the houses of parliament.
Sanitation.-As regards sanitation London is under special regulations.
The disease yields readily to treatment, but is difficult to eradicate from a mine without stringent sanitary regulations to prevent its spread.
To prevent misconception he must expand and explain what was obscure, adjust the incidents of the past to the ideas of later times, emphasize the moral lessons to be learned from the national history, and, finally, adapt the rules and regulations of the Old Covenant to the conditions and requirements of his own age.
Since expert advice was absolutely essential to the efficient working of such control, the task of carrying out the regulations as to the distribution of materials, etc., was entrusted to central boards under the form of war associations (Kriegsverb¢nde), or economic associations (Wirtschaftsverbcinde), each controlling certain materials.
They include a great number of revenue regulations, laws on civil matters such as mortgage, bankruptcy, rights of way, companies, etc., and laws governing the procedure of courts, all of which adhere to Western principles in the main.
He is branded by historians as the Caligula of the East, who took a delight in imposing on his subjects a variety of senseless and capricious regulations, and persecuting different sections of them by cruel and arbitrary measures.
No person shall, without lawful authority, collect, record, publish or communicate, or attempt to elicit, any information with respect to the movement, numbers, description, condition or disposition of any of the forces, ships, or aircraft of His Majesty or any of His Majesty's allies, or with respect to the plans or conduct, or supposed plans or conduct, of any operations by any such forces, ships, or aircraft, or with respect to the supply, description, condition, transport or manufacture, or storage, or place or intended place of manufacture or storage of war material, or with respect to any works or measures undertaken for or connected with, or intended for the fortification or defence of any place, or any information of such nature as is calculated to be or might be directly or indirectly useful to the enemy, and if any person contravenes the provisions of this regulation, or without lawful authority or excuse has in his possession any document containing any such information as aforesaid, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations...
Eighty-three per cent of the annual convictions, summarily and on indictment, followed by committal to gaol, are for misconduct that is distinctly non-criminal, such as breaches of municipal by-laws and police regulations, drunkenness, gaming and offences under the vagrancy acts.
To maintain the character of French goods in foreign markets, as well as to afford a guarantee to the home consumer, the quality and measure of each article were fixed by law, breach of the regulations being punished by public exposure of the delinquent and destruction of the goods, and, on the third offence, by the pillory.
But these objections were overcome by regulations which made repatriation compulsory, and which definitely restricted the coolies to unskilled labour in the mines.
In Great Britain, however, the restrictive regulations were precisely those which aroused criticism, the objection taken being that the conditions imposed were of a servile character, if they did not actually make the coolies " slaves.
The austere simplicity of the ritual which Farel had introduced, and to which Calvin had conformed; the strictness with which the ministers sought to enforce not only the laws of morality, but certain sumptuary regulations respecting the dress and mode of living of the citizens; and their determination in spiritual matters and ecclesiastical ceremonies not to submit to the least dictation from the civil power, led to violent dissensions.
Without boasting, you know, I may say that I know the Army Orders by heart and know the Regulations as well as I do the Lord's Prayer.
And this movement of reconstruction of which Prince Andrew had a vague idea, and Speranski its chief promoter, began to interest him so keenly that the question of the army regulations quickly receded to a secondary place in his consciousness.
The purpose of these regulations is to improve staff health and safety.
But only a few months ago, the Small Business Minister described them as ' the quack cure for regulations '.
The higher of the recalculated amount and the original CETV will be paid with interest in line with regulations.
The health and safety regulations contain a number of recurring themes such as ' Risk Assessment '.
Health and safety regulations are the costliest form of red tape for small businesses, new research reveals.
In the past 10 years the refinery industry has had to respond to five sets of new environmental regulations.
The new regulations will reduce emissions into the atmosphere of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from paint and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products.
Jarvis are seeking discussions with TSSA regarding certain aspects of the regulations which can be varied by agreement.
Strenuous and successful steps were taken to improve standards of compliance with the Regulations in slaughterhouses.
Wycombe District Council - FAQ Do I need building regulations approval for replacement windows?
Certain traffic regulations to allow this, issued a week or so ago had been rescinded when the war started.
Does the RIA provide an accurate picture of the impact of the new regulations?
Rodenticide products used in these treatments are approved under the Control of Pesticide Regulations.
Statutory constraints, international law, federal regulations, and rules of engagement (ROE) may limit a commander 's options regarding IO.
Unfortunately this venture was a stiff finger too far up the saggy ass of stale council regulations.
Sanctions for non-compliance with these regulations are detailed in Section 10.
Collision Regulations lights, Navigational Buoys, Fog signals and Tidal Navigation are all taught by the combination of the three seamanship programs.
The signee of this permit has read the rules and regulations governing this event and agrees to be bound by them.
Building Regulations could also do more to support small-scale renewables.
Also, the method used must be consistent with the unit 's mission and must strictly adhere to the appropriate SOPs and regulations.
The treatment of amounts already ' set-aside ' under the present system will be specified in regulations made under section 21.
It also gives information on CDM regulations, Investors in People and a register of qualified steelwork contractors.
However, new regulations meant the cue had to be stowed in the hold.
Goat Milk Bath Soak with Honey is made in Germany to stringent European regulations.
Increasingly stringent regulations govern the disposal of confidential patient files.
The EU regulations are among the most stringent in the world.
Take the use of ' sunset clauses ' on business regulations.
Euro II This recommendation has been superceded by developments in regulations, which have produced a positive impact on the road haulage industry.
British regulations on cloning were thrown into disarray in November by a high court decision that current laws did not prohibit human reproductive cloning.
The regulations governing the use of electricity have been tightened considerably over the years.
Buildings in general, those that are constructed using the timber framing technique are also subject to Building Regulations.
New regulations to transpose the requirements of the Directive have to be in place by 25 December 2000.
Unborn calves do not exist according to the regulations.
Under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 a contract deemed unfair may be completely void and unenforceable against a consumer.
Local Development Framework New Planning regulations require Havering Council to replace its current Unitary Development Plan with a Local Development Framework (LDF).
It is not intended to be an unqualified endorsement of marine fire regulations.
Insulation sales continued to benefit from the upswing in market demand driven by the recently revised Building Regulations.
He is a professional beggar, tho in order to avoid the police regulations he pretends to a small trade in wax vestas.
Many private and state-owned mines have been documented as flagrantly violating China 's rather lax safety regulations.
An excise warehouse to which these Regulations apply is to be known as an " export shop ".
In healthcare and in other sectors as well, governmental regulations can interfere with a startup's ability to innovate.
Onerous regulations pose problems for startups because they don't have the resources necessary to understand them and navigate around them.
Each individual state has legal licensing procedures and regulations, which are managed by a governmental childcare division.
The child Care licensing regulations are significant for parents to identify the expectations for their own childcare service and verify that a center is legal.
Certain states have stricter regulations than others, which provide families a guideline for how the states requirements may or may not match their own.
If considering starting a childcare center, whether a large facility or home based, it is important to know your specific state's regulations.
Parents should outline their values in the following areas and compare them to their local regulations and the individual standards of the child care services in the region.
Within the guidelines of your state's licensing and regulations, you have the freedom to create your own career program.
Russia, like any other country, has particular regulations surrounding adoption.
Before you choose a home childcare, you should visit your state's Web page to find out what the regulations are regarding a home daycare situation.
Home Information-This may include regulations pertaining to the location, indoor/outdoor areas, transportation, and emergency procedures.
Size-With strict licensing regulations, a home daycare provider should only keep a limited amount of children.
Know your state's regulations regarding licensing.
Follow your state's regulations on advertising.
Even though an adoption agency is considered a Christian agency, it still must follow all of the laws and regulations regarding international adoption.
Ask for written information on the adoption process, requirements for adoption, fee schedule, rules and regulations, and any other information regarding the adoption of a child.
With so many toys being imported from other companies with questionable safety regulations, it makes sense to make your own toys.
As with any other international adoption, there are specific laws and regulations that must be followed.
However, this is just an overview of the rules and regulations regarding a Haitian adoption.
Acquaint yourself with parking laws or regulations in your neighborhood as well as when street cleaning or garbage collection days occur to avoid any legal hassles.
Most serious wine-producing regions have regulations about when a wine can be labeled with the name of the grape.
Know what to expect as a temporary tenant and learn the rules and regulations for use of the rental.
Before you buy one of these animals, you should familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations regarding the sale of exotic animals.
Finding out if your state allows you to buy fireworks will help you avoid any problems associated with violating state laws and shipping regulations.
When you purchase fireworks online, you need to follow some common-sense safety rules and regulations.
If you want to purchase lottery tickets online, it's important that you know the rules and regulations governing this type of purchase.
Walgreens does require you to enroll in the Direct Stock Purchase Plan due to FTC regulations.
Your broker will provide you with instructions on how to do this, as the rules and regulations vary by broker.
The United States Coast Guard has very specific regulations for safety, and for usage.
These ingredient regulations are overseen by the Association of American Feed Control Officials, or AAFCO.
They may also offer incentives like extra points to open a card but have so many regulations on how to get more points that you'll never earn enough to travel.
While the cards may look identical, regulations and the way that they are used, can vary.
Each card comes with a set of rules and regulations.
Issuers are not happy with these regulations because it takes away a significant amount of their freedom to make changes in a cardholder's account.
Both service members and civilians who are issued government travel cards are bound by the regulations regarding the usage of the cards.
Every state in the United States has its own regulations on how a divorce is filed.
Every state in the United States and every other country in the world have different rules and regulations about divorce.
Ending a marriage becomes a legal task and therefore involves a variety of rules and regulations that most people are not aware of.
It is important for parents to remember that the rules and regulations of legal custody battles are in place in an attempt to protect the children involved.
Flex-fuel vehicles, and stricter regulations can only encourage this increase.
Despite regulations, there is no such thing as a safe and clean landfill.
Despite regulations and the effort of environmental organizations to educate the public, many hazardous items that require special handling when being discarded end up in landfills.
Before you decide to install this type of pump check government regulations because it may affect groundwater temperature and in some places regulations will prohibit this.
What type of regulations should be considered before installing a greywater system?
Reusing gray water can be an exciting adventure, however, most cities and towns have regulations on how to install gray water systems.
Air pollution causes are beginning to dwindle outdoors as tighter regulations and better working practices come into play.
Air pollution is still a significant problem even with emissions control and factory burning regulations.
Never trespass on private land, and check state park regulations to make sure it is okay to harvest berries.
An interior architect has all the skills and qualifications of an interior designer and has experience in basic structural design, building codes, permits and inspection regulations.
Prospective members must meet a number of regulations before they are accepted into the organization.
Check with county and state agencies before enrolling in a design program to make sure your degree will comply with local regulations.
However, there may be other state-specific regulations.
However, despite these strict regulations, some women still experience complications with permanent makeup.
Today, travel regulations may prohibit you from carrying cosmetics onboard your chosen method of transportation, but train cases still make wise investments for everyday organization, and storing, of cosmetics and personal products.
They have strict ingredient regulations; this is important because so many ingredients can cause irritation to the skin.
While most doctors consider Enormous Lash safe to use, the product is considered a cosmetic and is therefore not under FDA regulations.
Rules and regulations are listed on their website.
Since teacher certification regulations vary from state to state, you should visit your state's Department of Education website for specific requirements.
Regulations put in place by the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001 tightened restrictions on the content areas in which a certified teacher can teach.
Their success or failure is determined by a system of rules and regulations and how they play within the rules.
You can learn more about these rules and regulations by visiting the New York Taxi and Limousine Commission website.
Couples should also be familiar with passport regulations.
Remember to double check the rules and regulations for beach use and bring small white buckets to fill with sand for anchoring the table legs, and you'll have a picture perfect seaside celebration.
Check on rules and regulations related to Bahamas weddings.
General rules and regulations are set in the General Warranties of the Conferences.
The term pure down can be deceiving since there isn't a national standard, and state regulations that define what is considered pure down can vary from one state to another.
They are working openly with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor to ensure that regulations are being met.
For detailed information, be sure to read the summary of the Consumer Product Safety Commission's sleepwear regulations.
By the 19th century, England began honing the sport's rules, regulations, equipment and uniforms.
The components of a tennis uniform or training outfit vary, and your child's tennis instructor or club may have specific regulations when it comes to styles and colors.
Many private schools have codes of conduct, school regulations, and academic requirements reflecting their religious beliefs.
Like commercial broadcast stations, college radio stations maintain broadcast licenses and must comply with federal regulations.
With so many new regulations revolving around business finance, obtaining an accounting MBA is very worthwhile.
Developing your niche skills differs from enhancing your current business skills because the business landscape is ever evolving with new rules, regulations, business models and environments.
Due to US Coast Guard regulations Fish meal always contains ethoxyquin.
Many travel carriers are also approved for air travel, but be sure to check your airline's regulations to make sure you purchase an acceptable style.
Although there are a number of hotels and motels that welcome pets, each one has its own set of rules and regulations governing that stay, so you'll need to check with your intended hotel to get all the details.