Regulars Sentence Examples
I have extra because it's a warm night and lots of my regulars like sleeping in the park.
The militia, called in to aid the regulars, proved untrustworthy.
But they were guerillas, not regulars; they had no good officers, no serviceable artillery, and very little money; and all the foreign powers to whom Rakoczy turned for assistance (excepting France, who fed them occasionally with paltry subsidies) would not commit themselves to a formal alliance with rebels who were defeated in every pitched battle they fought.
Owing to the protests of the Dominicans and other regulars, the book was prohibited in 1760, but the second part was issued surreptitiously in 1768.
Two blocks away we found a dark spot that catered to happy hour regulars.
She knew nothing of the military regulars aside from the very few she'd met.
On the 12th of May the dictatorship of Garibaldi was proclaimed at Salemi, on the 15th of May the Neapolitan troops were routed at Calatafimi, on the 25th of May Palermo was taken, and on the 6th of June 20,000 Neapolitan regulars, supported by nine frigates and protected by two forts, were compelled to capitulate.
The rebellion was quieted and Sir Garnet Wolseley (now Lord Wolseley) was sent from Canada by the lake route, with several regiments of troops - regulars and volunteers.
There were in 1901 20,707 parishes in Italy, 68,444 secular clergy and 48,043 regulars (monks, lay brothers and nuns).
His ces me, intentions in the main were still loyal, for be desired cal to capture Rome for the kingdom; and he did his tio st to avoid the regulars tardily sent against him.
AdvertisementBroadly speaking, the army is divided into regulars, Cossacks and militia.
Spanish levies, numbering nearly ioo,000 regulars and militia, brave and enthusiastic, but without organization, sufficient training, or a commander-in-chief, had collected together; 30,000 being in Andalusia, a similar number in Galicia, and others in Valencia and Estremadura, but few in the central portion of Spain.
As the demands upon the services of the cavalry increased, it was decided to supplement the regulars by the enrolment of wealthy citizens who kept horses of their own.
To capture this British garrison, later increased to 6000 men, the co-operation of about 10,000 men (mostly New England militia) under Major-General John Sullivan, and a French fleet carrying 4000 French regulars under Count D'Estaing, was planned in the summer of 1778.
He became colonel of a new regiment of regulars on the 14th of May, and soon afterwards brigadier-general of volunteers.
AdvertisementHe also worked for the due recognition of the dignity of the secular or pastoral clergy, whose position seemed to be threatened by the growing ascendancy of the regulars, and especially of the Jesuits, whom, as a practically distinct organization within the Church, he steadily opposed.
The revolution in Milan and Vienna aroused a fever of patriotic enthusiasm in Tuscany, where war against Austria was demanded; Leopold, giving way to popular pressure, sent a force of regulars and volunteers to co-operate with Piedmont in the Lombard campaign.
The result, though disastrous, abundantly demonstrated Leslie's capacity as a soldier, and it might be claimed for him that Cromwell and the English regulars proved no match for him until his movements were interfered with and his army reduced to indiscipline by the representatives of the Kirk party that accompanied his headquarters.
The expiration of Senator Gray's term in 1899 left a vacancy, but although the Republicans again had a clear majority the resolution of the Regulars prevented the Union Republicans, as the supporters of Addicks called themselves, from seating their patron.
Both the Regular and Union factions sent delegations to the national party convention in 1900, where the refusal of the Regulars to compromise led to the recognition of the Union delegates.
AdvertisementDespite this apparent abandonment of their cause by the national organization, the Regulars continued their opposition, the state being wholly without representation in the Senate from the expiration of Senator Kenney's term in 1901 until 1903, when a compromise was effected whereby two Republicans, one of each faction, were chosen, one condition being that Addicks should not be the candidate of the Union Republicans.
He served in Virginia to the end of the war, attaining the brevet ranks of major-general of volunteers and brigadier-general of regulars.
Some of the Bar confederates, scattered by the Russian regulars, fled over the Turkish border, pursued by their victors.
Their proper title is "Clerks Regulars of the Society of Jesus," the word Societas being taken as synonymous with the original Spanish term, Compania; perhaps the military term Cohors might more fully have expressed the original idea of a band of spiritual soldiers living under martial law and discipline.
A noteworthy incident of the Concord affair, and characteristic of the attitude which the provincials had maintained and continued to maintain for another year, was the official representation to the king by the Massachusetts people that the regulars were the first to fire upon them, and that they returned the fire and fought through the day in strict defence of their rights and homes as Englishmen.
AdvertisementIn the last the numbers of militia and volunteers was but little more than twice, and in the second little more than equal to the number of regulars engaged; while in the Civil War the proportion was as one to twenty.
An armed force, composed partly of British regulars and partly of Canadian volunteers, was made ready and placed under the command of Colonel Garnet Wolseley, afterwards Lord Wolseley.
The army in the colonies numbers in all about 26,000, all permanent troops and for the most part voluntarily enlisted European regulars.
At the same time he suggested an appeal to the millionaires of America and England to subscribe money for the cost of 2000 or 3000 nizamS (Turkish regulars) to be sent to Berber.
TheAfghan army probably numbers 50,000 regulars distributed between the military centres of Herat, Kandahar, Kabul, Mazari-Sharif, Jalalabad and Asmar, with detachments at frontier outposts on the side of India.
He entered Asia Minor with an army of 1 3 5,000 regulars, beside volunteers and camp followers.
The home government raises, pays and controls the regular army, its reserves, the territorial force, and some few details such as the militia of the smaller possessions, Indian native battalions employed on imperial service out of India, &c. But the cost of that portion of the regular army which is in India is borne by the Indian government, which is not the case with the regulars serving in other colonies or in the dominions.
But the first condition of employing all the home regulars abroad is perfect security at home.
The Church of Utrecht was now without a bishop, and it was believed at Rome that the movement of revolt would soon perish for want of priests, especially as, with the constant influx of regulars, the number of Codde's adherents had steadily decreased.
The military forces of the republic in 1905 included 2890 regulars and an enrolled force of 80,000 men, divided into a first reserve of 30,000, a second reserve of 40,000, and 10,000 territorial guards.
As the British proceeded to Concord the whole country was rising, and at Concord about 500 minute-men confronted the British regulars who were holding the village and searching for arms and stores.
Several fruitless conferences between the governor and the Indian chiefs, who were believed to be encouraged by the British, resulted in Harrison's advance with a force of militia and regulars to the Tippecanoe river, where (near the present Lafayette, Ind.) on the 7th of November 1811 he won over the Indians a victory which established his military reputation and was largely responsible for his subsequent nomination and election to the presidency of the United States.
There was an empty treasury, and the floating debt amounted to X7,000,000; maladministration was rampant in every department of the state; the national guard was mutinous, while the small army of regulars was badly organized and inefficient.
Ken's dry wit and good heart make him popular with the regulars, especially the pretty barmaid.
With regulars as well as guest comedians, there is something for everyone.
There always appears to be great banter with the regulars and staff which you can often become emersed in.
Strong characterisation of the regulars cannot offset the lack of an emotionally engaging plot, despite the presence of a lot of interesting concepts.
Local business people are lunchtime regulars, tucking into set menus of both crispy aromatic duck & sweet & sour pork.
We've spotted a few celebrity regulars at these haunts.
Comfortable fully upholstered red plush seating has now replaced the hard plastic chairs - regulars can leave the cushions at home!
Stu's Good Friday farewell to The Regulars proved a fitting send-off for the man who put the band together.
I picked peg 12 which recently produced 18 zander in a day, including three doubles for one of the Old Bury regulars.
The papal infantry, the gendarmes, and the light horse had already vanished from the field in disorder; but the Spanish regulars were of different mettle, and it was only after a long struggle that the landsknechts and the French bands broke into the entrenchments.
Two campaigns, the first under General Josiah Harmar (1753-1813) in 17 9 0, and the second under General St Clair in 17 9 1, failed on account of bad management and ignorance of Indian methods of warfare, and in 1793 General Anthony Wayne was sent out in command of a large force of regulars and volunteers.
He had with him four regiments of regulars, the initial force with which to overawe the restless and defiant population in his vicinity.
Major Patrick Ferguson with several hundred Loyalists and a small body of regulars, made a demonstration against the western settlements, but at King's Mountain in South Carolina he was completely defeated by the Americans, among whom Colonel Sevier and the troops led by him were conspicuous (see King'S Mountain) .
We 've spotted a few celebrity regulars at these haunts.
Last season both Jim and Ken were regulars in the side that reached the semi-finals.
It 's also spearheaded a culture with its regulars being a mixture of hippies, dreadlocks, scuzz rockers and fanzine writers.
Comfortable fully upholstered red plush seating has now replaced the hard plastic chairs - regulars can leave the cushions at home !
Click here to go back It 's all about keeping your tax costs under control Ignore the views of the self-righteous radio phone-in regulars.
Stu 's Good Friday farewell to The Regulars proved a fitting send-off for the man who put the band together.
Coffee house regulars will enjoy this alcoholic twist on their favorite specialty drink.
Either way, it's good to buddy up with such individuals as they will be regulars on the Gymboree coupon roster.
Prospective members are also welcome to join the regulars for morning coffee, sit in on a game of cards or play a lively game of pool.
Flatout offers very little or new as far as gameplay modes, and the old racing regulars aren't too deep.
Whether you are searching for an exotic beauty or you're simply looking for Sports Illustrated regulars, you'll want to know more about Daniella Sarahyba who has been modeling since she was 12 years old.
While many regulars go to have fun socializing with like-minded plus-sized women, the club has also been know to be a great place to meet a future mate.
Series regulars Kate Walsh and Isaiah Washington both left the series, with Walsh moving to Private Practice.
The season also added two new regulars in the form of Jesse Williams (Jackson Avery) and Sarah Drew (April Kepner).
With so many bodies dropping week to week, Vicki's death had a profound impact on the series regulars.
Multiple regulars of OLTL became involved in a soap opera with a soap opera.
Most recipes are rated by the site's regulars, which will help for you to find the best tasting dishes.
They are regulars on the touring circuit and put in appearances at most of the major music festivals.
There are three other members of the Mythbusters cast who have been introduced gradually and became regulars on the show.
Millionaire Matchmaker is based on Stanger's business so certain staff members are regulars on the show.
Glassman and Jon became regulars on entertainment shows and gossip magazines, which they used to air out their relationship.
There are some regulars that show up depending on the class, but we have no problem finding people.
Celebrities are paired with professional figure skaters and train to present competition-ready figure skating numbers to the judges, who are comprised of three regulars along with an occasional celebrity guest judge.
They had so many characters and I was just recurring and they focused on their regulars.
After the bloodshed of the First Battle of Bull Run, U.S. infantry volunteers and regulars on both sides discovered the need for an apparel code to allow for better communication and recognition in the field.
Unit insignia was worn on the left sleeve, halfway between the shoulder and elbow, with the badge of the Franc Garde regulars wore on the right breast pocket.
Don't sell information -- Finally, your regular users have put some measure of trust in you and your site; that's why they register and become regulars.
Regulars tend to eat at the sushi bar, but there are a few tables as well.
Falafel, and the saffron rice are favorites among regulars.
Regulars enjoy the huge chile-rubbed steak burrito and the carnitas--seasoned pork simmered in beer broth, then browned--corn tortilla taco.
The restaurant's decor is tasteful, if modest, and regulars don't mind--for them, it's all about the cuisine.
A conscription law of 1894 provides for a compulsory military service between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, with two years' actual service in the regulars for those between twentyone and twenty-five, but the law is practically a dead letter.