Regular army Sentence Examples
No other regular army unit has a chance out here.
We don't have the people or supplies to sustain ourselves on the regular army side.
Larry—and most other regular army soldiers—either joined or quietly supported the PMF.
Their recruits came from the elite class, while the regular army came from the poor.
He was large, as were all the genetically engineered, secretive counter-insurgency special forces in the regular army.
On the 7th of November Garibaldi accompanied Victor Emmanuel during his solemn entry into Naples, and on the morrow returned to Caprera, after disbanding his volunteers and recommending their enrolment in the regular army.
In 1745 he entered the 1 He succeeded his cousin, Solomon Van Rensselaer (1744-1852), who was in the regular army in 1792-1800, who had fought under General Anthony Wayne at Maumee Rapids in 1794 and under Stephen Van Rensselaer at Queenston Heights in 1812, and who was in the House of Representatives in 1819-1822.
On the night of the 26th of July 18go the Union Civica called its members to arms. It was joined by some regiments of the regular army and received the support of the fleet.
For his services at Franklin he was awarded the rank of brigadier-general (November 1864) and the brevet rank of major-general (March 1865) in the regular army.
Instead of a wellorganized army of the modern type there was merely an undisciplined militia composed almost exclusively of irregular cavalry; and the national defences as a whole were so weak that, in the opinion of such a competent authority as Maurice of Saxony, the country might easily be conquered by a regular army of 48,000 men.
AdvertisementBesides these members of the secretarial class, such as nishanjis and defterdars, as well as regular army officers, and occasionally members of the ecclesiastical class, or ulema, rose to the rank of vizier.
The regular army of his province and the fortresses were independent of him and commanded by royal officers; but he was allowed to have troops in his own service (in later times mostly Greek mercenaries).
It was a trained regular army in his pay and consequently at his disposal that he wanted.
He was promoted to be brigadiergeneral of volunteers in September 1861, and to be major-general of volunteers in July 1862, earned the brevet of lieutenant-colonel in the regular army at the capture of Nashville, Tennessee, that of colonel at Shiloh, and that of brigadier-general at Perryville, and in March 1865 was breveted major-general for his services during the war.
The provisions of the law, however, have never been enforced, and the actives or regular army are recruited by impressment rather than through conscription.
AdvertisementDuring the remainder of the war he served in the regular army.
In a few months Zumalacarregui had organized the Carlist forces into a regular army.
Another brother, Charles Francis Adams, Jr. (1835-), born in Boston on the 27th of May 1835, graduated at Harvard in 1856, and served on the Union side in the Civil War, receiving in 1865 the brevet of brigadier-general in the regular army.
His reward was the commission of brigadier-general; in the regular army.
Grant was at once made a major-general in the regular army.
AdvertisementHe served as a brigadier-general of volunteers in the Spanish-American War of 1898,1898, and then in the Philippines, becoming brigadiergeneral in the regular army in February 1901 and major-general in February 1906.
At a popular demonstration held at Offenburg on the 12th of September 1847, resolutions were passed demanding the conversion of the regular army into a national militia which.
In July he was made a brigadier-general in the regular army.
On the 14th of May 1861 he was transferred to the regular army as a lieutenant-colonel, and in September he was made a brigadier-general U.S.V.
His services were recognized by the brevets of brigadiergeneral and major-general in the regular army.
AdvertisementIn August he was promoted to brigadier-general in the regular army.
In July 1866 he was appointed major-general in the regular army.
No portion of the regular army of the Netherlands is allowed to be sent on colonial service, but individual soldiers are at liberty to enlist, by permission of their commanding officers, in the army of Netherlands India, and they form its nucleus.
There are certain local forces outside the regular army - militia in some of the large towns, native infantry in Madura, and guards of some of the vassal princes.
In Russia a Czechoslovak legion was formed at the outset of the war, and later this grew into a regular army which by 1918 numbered 10o,000 men.
The annual budget was fixed at 30,000,000 Polish gulden,' out of which a regular army of 30,000 2 men was to be maintained.
The small, but highly efficient, regular army stood by the president, though large numbers of the officers, amongst them many of the best in the service, left it when their states seceded.
He had a regular army of 8000 infantry and 2000 cavalry, without counting 50,000 gowns (bodies of Arab horsemen) brought by the khalifas.
In 1813 Niebuhr's own attention was diverted from history by the uprising of the German people against Napoleon; he entered the Landwehr and ineffectually sought admission into the regular army.
The chairman in particular is generally reappointed, and is often, in a populous area, a person of great and perhaps autocratic power, who has large funds at his disposal and a regular army of workers under his orders.
The regular army consists (in theory) of 6000 men, on active service for three years, and at home on halfpay for three years.
He was mustered out of the volunteer service in September 1866, but served in the regular army as colonel and brevetmajor-general till 1871.
Swarms of hardy and desperate men now joined the rebels, and when the praetor Publius Varinius took the field against them he found them entrenched like a regular army on the plain.
This district had hitherto been exempted from military service; by the law of 1869, which introduced universal military service, those who had hitherto been exempted were required to serve, not in the regular army but in the militia.
In 1444 a truce was concluded with England at Tours, and Charles proceeded to organize a regular army.
In July 1866 he was made colonel of a regular infantry regiment, and in 1867 he was brevetted brigadiergeneral in the regular army for his services at Chancellorsville and major-general for his services at Spottsylvania.
With these resources, and with the advantage of an assurance from the British government that he would be aided against foreign aggression, he was able to establish an absolute military despotism inside his kingdom, by breaking down the power of the warlike tribes which held in check, up to his time, the personal autocracy of the Kabul rulers, and by organizing a regular army well furnished with European rifles and artillery.
Under the Mogul empire, as organized by Akbar the Great, the share of the state was fixed at one-third of the gross produce of the soil; and a regular army of tax-collectors was permitted to intervene between the cultivator and the supreme government.
In May 1814 he was commissioned as major-general in the regular army to serve against the British; in November he captured Pensacola, Florida, then owned by Spain, but used by the British as a base of operations; and on the 8th of January 1815 he inflicted a severe defeat on the enemy before New Orleans, the contestants being unaware that a treaty of peace had already been signed.
He resigned his commission in December 1864, but in July 1866 entered the regular army with the rank of colonel of infantry, receiving the brevet of brigadier-general in 1867, served on the frontier and in several Indian wars, and retired in 1881.
Meanwhile he had been honourably discharged from voluntary service and appointed brigadier-general in the regular army Feb.
The home government raises, pays and controls the regular army, its reserves, the territorial force, and some few details such as the militia of the smaller possessions, Indian native battalions employed on imperial service out of India, &c. But the cost of that portion of the regular army which is in India is borne by the Indian government, which is not the case with the regulars serving in other colonies or in the dominions.
Regular Arnzy.-The duties of the regular army are to garrison India and overseas colonies, to garrison Great Britain and Ireland, and to find expeditionary forces of greater or less strength for war in Europe or elsewhere.
It also acts as a feeder to the regular army.
The higher organization - which the volunteers (q.v.) and yeomanry (q.v.) never possessed - varies only slightly from that in vogue in the regular army.
The force is trained, commanded and inspected exclusively by the military authorities, the regular army finding the higher commanders and staffs.
Arsny.Persia had no regular army until 1807, when some regiments of regular infantry (sarbaz) were embodied and drilled by the first French military mission to Persia under General Gardane.
Owing to the loyalty of the regular army the insurrection was speedily quelled.
In 1904 he received the rank of lieutenant-general in the United States army, being the first enlisted man of the regular army to attain this, the highest rank in the service.
Whilst on furlough in Paris Marceau joined in the attack on the Bastille (July 14, 1789); after that event he took his discharge from the regular army and returned to Chartres, but the embarrassments of his family soon compelled him to seek fresh military enployment.
Still graver was the effect upon the regular army.
One remarkable feature in the foreign policy of Servia in the last years of the 19th century was that after King Milan was appointed commander-in-chief of the Servian regular army (1898), Russia and Montenegro practically, although not formally, broke off their diplomatic relations with Servia, while at the same time the relations of that country with Austria-Hungary became more friendly than under the Radical regime.
The strength of the regular army for many years varied between 85,00o and 100,000 in.
The same year he was made captain in the regular army and later conducted a campaign against the Moros, which he completed with success in 1903.
He was the first to recognize the insufficiency and the unreliability of the feudal levies, the first to employ a regular army on a large scale, the first to depend more upon strategy and tactics than upon mere courage.
In 1900 he was commissioned major in the regular army and three years later was engaged in planning fortifications in the neighbourhood of Newport, R.I.
Larry—and most other regular army soldiers—either joined or quietly supported the PMF.
After defeating a large Neapolitan force at Mola and organizing the siege operations round Gaeta, Fanti returned to the war office at Turin to carry out important army reforms. His attitude in opposing the admission of Garibaldi's 7000 officers into the regular army with their own grades made him the object of great unpopularity for a time, and led to a severe reprimand from Cavour.
The regular army has always been small, and in time of war reliance has been upon volunteer forces (see Army).
You could also find bounty land records and regular army records for enlisted men prior to 1894.