Regretfully Sentence Examples
He writes that he is regretfully abandoning Moscow.
Seidler regretfully pointed out in Parliament on Jan.
He could not, like Marlowe's Mephistophilis or Milton's Satan, regretfully paint the glories of the height from which he has been hurled; for he denies the distinction between high and low, since "everything that comes into being deserves to be destroyed."
Regretfully resolved, he rose and fixed his uniform then picked up her belongings.
He had been married, in 1793, without his wishes being consulted, to the beautiful and amiable Princess Maria Louisa of Baden (Elizabeth Feodorovna), a political match which, as he regretfully confessed to his friend Frederick William of Prussia, had proved the misfortune of both; and he consoled himself in the traditional manner.
Now, if words and images come to me without effort, it is a pretty sure sign that they are not the offspring of my own mind, but stray waifs that I regretfully dismiss.
Due to a downturn in our company, we regretfully had to lay off James.
Victor Emmanuel regretfully signed the peace preliminaries, adding, however, pour ce qui me concerne (which meant that he made no undertaking with regard to central Italy), and Cavour resigned office.
Regretfully there being no lady competitors The Craig Trophy for the best Lady performer could not be awarded.
I regretfully and respectfully implore you to help us, and to spread this message to friends and loved ones.
AdvertisementBut at noon the adjutant of the regiment came into Rostov's and Denisov's dugout with a grave and serious face and regretfully showed them a paper addressed to Major Denisov from the regimental commander in which inquiries were made about yesterday's occurrence.
He has, besides, the whole science of "venerie" at his finger-tips; in fact Tristan is the "Admirable Crichton" of medieval romance, there is nothing he cannot do, and that superlatively well - it must be regretfully admitted that he is also a most accomplished liar!