Regis Sentence Examples
The court of chancery is also an offshoot of the curia regis.
Grand seigneurs, like the prince of Conde, the duc de Nevers and the marquis de Vardes, were glad to vary the monotony of their feudal castles by listening to the eloquent rehearsals of Malebranche or Regis.
On his visit to Toulouse in 1665, with a mission from the Cartesian chiefs, his lectures excited boundless interest; ladies threw themselves with zeal and ability into the study of philosophy; and Regis himself .was made the guest of the civic corporation.
Regis was constrained to hold back for ten years his System of Philosophy; and when it did appear, in 1690, the name of Descartes was absent from the title-page.
Persians and Arabs told the 1 Nativitas et victoriae Alexandri magni regis was the original title.
Lydgate had a consuming passion for literature, and it was probably that he might indulge this taste more fully that in 1 434 he retired from the priorate of Hatfield Broadoak (or Hatfield Regis), to which he had been appointed in June 1423.
East Teignmouth was formerly called Teignmouth Regis, and West Teignmouth, Teignmouth Episcopi.
Coprolites have been found at Lyme Regis, enclosed by the ribs of ichthyosauri, and in the remains of several species of fish; also in the abdominal cavities of a species of fossil fish, Macropoma Mantelli, from the chalk of Lewes.
The bone-bed of Axmouth in Devonshire and Westbury and Aust in Gloucestershire, in the Penarth or Rhaetic series of strata, contains the scales, teeth and bones of saurians and fishes, together with abundance of coprolites; but neither there nor at Lyme Regis is there a sufficient quantity of phosphatic material to render the working of it for agricultural purposes remunerative.
The high court is not a curia regis, but a curia baronum, in which the theory of judicium parium is fully realized.
AdvertisementFor the Second Crusade the primary authority in the West is the work of Odo de Deuil, De profectione Ludovici VII regis Francorum in Orientem.
For the Crusades of St Louis the chief authorities are Joinville's life of his master (whom he accompanied to Egypt on the Seventh Crusade), and de Nangis' Gesta Ludovici regis.
He became involved in a controversy with Joseph Justus Scaliger, formerly his intimate friend, and others, wrote Ecclesiasticus auctoritati Jacobi regis oppositus (1611), an attack upon James I.
It is formed of Weymouth, a fishing town and seaport on the southwest of the Wey, and Melcombe Regis on the north-east of the river, the two towns being contiguous The situation on Weymouth Bay, which is enclosed to the south by the Isle of Portland, and north by the eastward trend of the coast, is picturesque.
Melcombe Regis first returned two members to parliament in 1307, and Weymouth in 1319, four members being returned by the united boroughs until 1832, when the representation was reduced to two and ceased in 1885.
AdvertisementHe was at once public prosecutor and judge, was responsible for the execution of the sentences of the courts, and as the king's representative exercised the royal right of protection (mundium regis) over churches, widows, orphans and the like.
The Magna via Colomanni Regis was in use for centuries after his death.
At the entrance to London Bridge the towers were adorned with banners of the royal arms, and in the front of them was inscribed Civitas Regis Justicie.
It gave rise to the numerous precariae verbo regis, of the Church records, and to the condemnation of Charles Martel in the visions of the clergy to worse difficulties in the future life than he had overcome in this.
Saxon Witenagemot and Norman Curia regis seem very much alike.
AdvertisementAlmost all the institutions of modern states go back to the curia regis, branching off from it at different dates as the growing complexity of business forced differentiation of function and personnel.
Of his other works the most interesting is the treatise De rege et regis institutione (Toledo, 1598).
This Epitoma vitae Roberti regis, which is probably part of a history of the abbey of Fleury, deals rather with the private than with the public life of the king, and its value is not great either from the literary or from the historical point of view.
He was elected to represent Lyme Regis in Elizabeth's second parliament of 1563 as well as for Banbury, and preferred to sit for the former borough.
He presented to the emperor Justinian, on his accession in 527, a work entitled Scheda regia sive de officio regis, which contained advice on the duties of a Christian prince.
AdvertisementNo evidence of settlement on the site of Lyme Regis exists before that afforded by a grant, dated 774, purporting to be by Cynewulf, king of the West-Saxons, of land here to the church of Sherborne, and a similar grant by King Æthelstan to the church of Glastonbury.
The last was acquired by the family of Bayeux, from whom it passed by marriage to Elias de Rabayne, whose nephew, Peter Baudrat, surrendered it to the crown in1315-1316when the king became lord of one moiety of the borough, henceforth known as Lyme Regis.
These officials seem to have been located in royal villages (cyninges tun, villa regalis) or fortresses (cyninges burg, orbs regis), which served as centres and meeting-places (markets, &c.) for the inhabitants of the district, and to which their dues, both in payments and services had to be rendered.
Evariste Regis HUC (1813-1860), French missionarytraveller, was born at Toulouse, on the 1st of August 1813.
In1844-1846the French missionaries, Evariste Regis Huc and Joseph Gabet, made their way to Lhasa from China.
More important is his Historia de gestis regis Stephani et de bello Standardii, very valuable for the history of the north of England during the earlier part of the reign of Stephen, and especially for the battle of the Standard.
Who the original lover was is doubtful; the Vita Gildae relates how she was carried off by Melwas, king of Aestiva Regis, to Glastonbury, whither Arthur, at the head of an army, pursued the ravisher.
These Gallo-Romans then took the name of convivae regis, and the wergeld of 300 solidi was three times that of a homo romanus.
The resorts most frequented are in the vicinity of the Saranac and St Regis lakes and Lake Placid.
Technically this right was limited to the inhabitants of manors entered in the Domesday Survey as terra regis of Edward the Confessor.
The Itinerarium Regis Ricardi (formerly attributed to Geoffrey Vinsauf, but in reality the work of Richard, a canon of Holy Trinity, London) is little more than a free paraphrase of Ambrose.
He was at the head of the curia regis, which was separating itself into the three historical courts of common law about the time when the justiciarship was falling from the supreme place.
The chancellor took the place of the justiciar in council, the treasurer in the exchequer, while the two offshoots from the curia regis, the common pleas and the exchequer, received chiefs of their own.
The king's bench represented the original stock of the curia regis, and its chief justice the great justiciar.
This was the curia regis.
During the 12th and at the beginning of the 13th centuries the curia regis continued to discharge these functions, except that its importance and actual competence continued to increase, and that we frequently find in it, in addition to the vassals and prelates who formed the council, consiliarii, who are evidently men whom the king had in his entourage, as his ordinary and professional councillors.
But although in strict logic the feudal causes concerning them should have been judged by them alone, they could not maintain this right in the curia regis; the other persons sitting in it could also take part in judging causes which concerned the peers.
Originally there was only one Parlement, that of Paris, as was indeed logical, considering that the Parlement was simply a continuation of the curia regis, which, like the king, could only be one.
This was explained in theory by the principle that if the king himself held his court, it lost, by the fact of his presence, all the authority which he had delegated to it; for the moment the only authority existing in it was that of the king, just as in the ancient curia regis there was the principle that apparente rege cessat magistrates.
The name Geber has long been used to designate the author of a number of Latin treatises on alchemy, entitled Summa perfectionis magisterii, De investigatione perfectionis, De inventione veritatis, Liber fornacum, Testamentum Geberi Regis Indiae and Alchemia Geberi, and these writings were generally regarded as translations from the Arabic originals of Abu Abdallah Jaber ben Hayyam (Haiyan) ben Abdallah al-Kufi, who is supposed to have lived in the 8th or 9th century of the Christian era.
To Carloman, on his accession in 882, Hincmar addressed his De ordine palatii, partly based on a treatise (now lost) by Adalard, abbot of Corbie (c. 814), in which he set forth his system of government and his opinion of the duties of a sovereign, a subject he had already touched in his De regis persona et regio rninisterio, dedicated to Charles the Bald at an unknown date, and in his Instructio ad Ludovicum regem, addressed to Louis the Stammerer on his accession in 877.
Other county families are the Crawleys of Stockwood near Luton, the Brandreths of Houghton Regis, and the Orlebars of Hinwick.
His examination of archives during his travels had awakened in him a taste for historical research, and under his rule St Blasien became a notable centre of the methodical study of history; it was here that Marquard Herrgott wrote his Monuments domus Austriacae, of which the first two volumes were edited, for the second edition, by Gerbert, who also published a Codex epistolaris Rudolphi I., Romani regis (1772) and De Rudolpho Suevico comite de Rhinfelden, duce et rege, deque ejus familia (1785).
During the War of 1812 he served first as a lieutenant and afterwards as a captain of volunteers, and on the 22nd of October 1812 took part in the storming of the British post at St Regis, Canada.
When he took the kingly title in 1130 it became "Prima sedes, corona regis, et regni caput."
Around the sovereign was his Curia Regis or body of councillors, of whom the most important were the justiciar, the chancellor and the treasurer, though the feudal officers, the constable and marshal, were also to be found there.
Under the superintendence of the Curia Regis and the exchequer, the sheriff still remained the kings factotum in local affairs.
The sentence was passed by the lay members of the Curia Regis alone, the bishops having been forbidden to sit, and threatened with excommunication if they did so, by the accused primate.
During that period the Curia Regis threw off three offshootsthe courts of exchequer, kings bench and common pleas; and records of their judicial proceedings survive in the Plea Rolls and Year Books, some of which have been edited for the Rolls series, the Selden and other societies.
To this new period belong Einleitung zur historic der vornehmsten Reiche and Staaten, also the Commentarium de rebus suecicis, libri XXVI., ab expeditione Gustavi Adolphi regis in Germaniam ad abdicationem usque Christinae and De rebus a Carolo Gustavo gestis.
In addition to papers published to defend his claims Antonio was the author of the Panegyrus Alphonsi Lusitanorum Regis (Coimbra, 1550), and of a cento of the Psalms, Psalmi Confessionales (Paris 1592), which was translated into English under the title of The Royal Penitent by Francis Chamberleyn (London, 1659), and into German as Heilige Betrachtungen (Marburg, 1677).
Iulius regis Donni f (ilius) Cottius praefectus civitatium quae subscriptae sunt"- erected a triumphal arch in honour of Augustus in 9-8 B.C., which is still standing.
Easter break full of fun, activity and entertainment Butlins at Bognor Regis is a must!
Lyme Regis " She sells seashells by the seashore " Nursery Rhyme inspired by Mary Manning, a Lyme Regis paleontologist.
Any further details about the Rowley Regis Home Guard, to add to the above rather sketchy information, would be warmly welcomed.
An old boat lies half submerged in the Fleet near Wyke Regis training camp.
Before publication, I sent the typescript to Lyme Regis for approval, and it came back with emendations on every page.
War seemed to be the " ultima ratio regis ' or ultima ratio regis ' or ultimate reason (Hubatsch, 1975, p.113 ).
The popularity which Cartesianism thus gained in the social and literary circles of the capital was largely increased by the labours of Pierre-Sylvain Regis (1632-1707).
Regis, by removing the paradoxes and adjusting the metaphysics to the popular powers of apprehension, made Cartesianism popular, and reduced it to a regular system.
His Recherche de la verite, in 1674, was the baptism of the system into a theistic religion which borrowed its imagery from Augustine; it brought into prominence the metaphysical base which Louis Delaforge, Jacques Rohault and Regis had neither cared for nor understood.
The hereditary office of king's poulterer (Pultrie Regis) was for many generations in the family of Merchiston, and descended to John Napier.
The chronicler represents the archbishop as saying "Inventa est quoque nunc carta quaedam Henrici primi regis Angliae per quam, si volueritis, libertates diu amissas poteritis ad statum pristinum revocare."
No evidence of settlement on the site of Lyme Regis exists before that afforded by a grant, dated 774, purporting to be by Cynewulf, king of the West-Saxons, of land here to the church of Sherborne, and a similar grant by King Æthelstan to the church of Glastonbury.
Then follows the "adoration of the cross" (a ceremony derived from the church of Jerusalem and said to date back to near the time of Helena's "invention of the cross"); the hymns Pange lingua and Vexilla regis are sung, and then follows the "Mass of the Presanctified."
War seemed to be the ultima ratio regis ' or ultimate reason (Hubatsch, 1975, p.113).
The newlyweds stayed at the luxurious Royal Estate, part of the St. Regis Hotels and Resorts.
In 1993, the first Celebrity Jeopardy! competition featured Carol Burnett, Regis Philbin, and Donna Mills.
Regis Philbin has appeared three times on Celebrity Jeopardy!, more than any other person.
In the six years serving as co-host of Live with Regis and Kelly with the legendary Regis Philbin, she has become a household name because of her humor, quirkiness and downright likeability.
In July 2000, Kathie Lee Gifford left the ABC talk show, Live with Regis and Kathie Lee.
In February 2001, Ripa joined Philbin and Live with Regis and Kelly was born.
In May 2001, Regis was honored with a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host.
In November 2006, she reportedly blasted pop crooner Clay Aiken for what she said was "disrespectful and rude behavior" during his appearance as guest host on Live with Regis and Kelly.
Regis Philbin, the long-standing host of ABC television's Live With Regis and Kelly, was expected to have a triple bypass heart surgery on March 14, 2007.
Regis' sidekick, Kelly Ripa said she would be there for her co-host's recovery.
Access Hollywood is offering fans of Regis Philbin a chance to send him their support and best wishes.
Many celebrities will be filling in for Regis Philbin during his five-week recovery.
He has also filled in a number of times for Regis Philbin on Live With Regis and Kelly.
Additionally, she has been a guest on numerous television talk shows, including Entertainment Tonight, The Late Show with David Letterman, Live with Regis and Kelly and several others.
He has appeared on numerous television talk shows, including Live with Regis and Kelly, Oprah, The Jimmy Kimmel Show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The View, and others.
Cook later reported on Live with Regis and Kelly that the two had a great time and the they planned on continuing to date.
The Trump-Kushner wedding was held at the Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey. 500 guests were in attendance, including celebrities such as Regis Philbin, Natalie Portman, Russell Crowe and Barbara Walters.
On an appearance on talk fest Regis and Kelly, Aniston was discussing a series of photos she took dressed up like Barbra Streisand.
The studio audience didn't react, and neither did Regis Philbin or Kelly Ripa, but the press had a field day with this woman who usually seems so perfect making an obvious faux pas.
The comment made to Regis and Kelly was definitely an oops, but when you're being watched as closely as Aniston is, those moments are always going to happen.
Carolyn and Rookie have also been seen on the television shows Good Morning, America, Regis and Kathy Lee and Pet Star just to name a few.
Regis hair salons are a common sight in malls, shopping centers, and other popular areas.
In addition to the familiar Regis name, the corporation owns and operates Trade Secret, Supercuts, Mia & Maxx, and MasterCuts salons, and in 2005 it acquired the Hair Club for Men and Women to focus on hair loss and restoration.
Unlike true beauty salons, Regis does not offer spa-like treatments such as manicures, pedicures, or massages, but they are widely recognized as experts in all manner of hair styles and hair services.
Several types of hair products are only available through reputable salons, and Regis boutiques carry many popular brands, including Tigi, Redken, Biolage, and Paul Mitchell products.
Furthermore, Regis's commitment to excellence has led it to develop an exclusive house line of products, including shampoos, conditioners, and styling products for different types of hair and hair care needs.
The Regis DesignLine includes products for straight or curly hair, repairing damaged hair, volumizing, smoothing, hydrating, thermal protection, and styling, including mousses and spray for finishing a gorgeous style.
As a world leader in hair salons, Regis is dedicated to providing clients with the latest trends and fabulous looks.
The Regis Corporation also operates more than 50 beauty schools offering a range of different degrees and specializations for interested cosmetology students.
The first step to visiting Regis hair salons is to locate one.
The website,, offers a comprehensive salon locator, and many Regis salons are located in malls, grocery centers (Regis is the largest chain associated with WalMart), and open-air shopping pavilions.
When consulting with a Regis stylist, however, remember the extensive training and expertise they are equipped with, and collaborate with them to find the best look for you.
With more than 160 million customers annually, Regis hair salons are the most widespread salon chain in the world.
For any basic or specialty hair service, customers are certain to find only the best stylists at Regis to help them create an exceptional look.
Founded in 1975, this chain is part of the Regis salon family.
The Hair Club is a subsidiary of the Regis Corp., which is also affiliated with Supercuts, Cost Cutters and Vidal Sassoon.
A Cost Cutters Hair Salon owner is an independent businessperson operating under the franchise umbrella of the Regis Corporation.
The St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco is known for its posh accomodations and perfect atmosphere for everything from business meetings to wedding days.
If you are planning a large event or just a casual visit to the city, consider spending some time discovering all of what the St. Regis has to offer.
The St. Regis Hotel chain actually began on San Francisco's rival coast, as a luxury hotel in New York at the turn of the century.
In the early 1900s, many of these conveniences were unheard of, and even the staff of the St. Regis got the luxury treatment - the hotel's maids were among the first to use labor-saving vacuum cleaners.
While Astor originally entertained friends and relatives at the St. Regis, the site quickly became a hot spot for the world's elite.
Both local celebrities and international royalty came to the St. Regis Hotel in New York for lodging, and it grew immensely in popularity.
You will find St. Regis hotels in Washington D.C., Houston, Europe, Asia, and of course San Francisco.
If you are considering a stay at the St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco, you are in for a treat.
The St. Regis opened in 2006 and is one of three San Francisco hotels with a Mobil five-star hotels rating.
Wandering around your spacious room will surely help you to work up an appetite, and at the St. Regis Hotel, San Francisco dining is at its finest.
If you are attending another function within the confines of the city, check out the St. Regis' seasonal offers for room packages and discounts.
International visitors frequent the St. Regis Hotel, San Francisco in much the same way they did at the original New York location over one hundred years ago.
Kelly Ripa is known for being the outspoken, talkative and charming co-host to Regis Philbin on Live with Regis and Kelly.
In town to shoot Live with Regis and Kelly at Fountainbleau Miami Beach, Kelly enjoyed some downtime with the kids and kept it simple in a sleek, timeless black bikini.
Hosted for the last several years by television personalities Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa, this parade entertains viewers at home who cannot be at the Disney World Resorts.
Susan Samtur, runs a website called and has offered her couponing tips on shows like Live With Regis and Kathy Lee, Good Morning America, and The Today Show.
Outstanding Achievement in Hairstyling honors have been given to Days of Our Lives, General Hospital As the World Turns, Live with Regis and Kelly, The Tyra Banks Show and The View.
Regis and Kelly - Here's another great live performance of the song from the Regis and Kelly show.
Originally hosted by popular talk show host Regis Philbin, Millionaire aired just one night a week, but it was soon being shown four nights a week in prime time.
The first season of America's Got Talent aired in 2006, and was hosted by Regis Philbin.
Probst is a frequent guest host on Live with Regis and Kelly.
In addition to weddings, he plans events for the likes of Tommy Hilfiger, Regis Philbin, RuPaul, and Vivienne Westwood.
Meaning in general the "king's court," it is difficult to define the curia regis with precision, but it is important and interesting because it is the germ from which the higher courts of law, the privy council and the cabinet, have sprung.
Thus the court of king's bench (curia regis de banco) was founded, and the foundation of the court of common pleas was provided for in one of the articles of Magna Carta.