Regime Sentence Examples
The natural result of such a regime is increasing indebtedness.
We mean the regime of serfdom.
However, the CPR introduced an entirely new regime.
The fate of the USSR as a socialist state depends upon that political regime that will arise to replace Stalinist Bonapartism.
What else should this regime be called if not soviet Bonapartism?
Next to the wooden hovels of the past you have the modern skyscraper of the Communist regime.
Our current meat hygiene regime is a prescriptive system concerned more with process than outcomes.
The computerisation of the Councils Terrier system will greatly facilitate the identification of the Council's liabilities under the new regime.
The " PDO " and " Protected Geographical indication " regime were introduced in the early 90s.
And, perhaps indicative of the Glazer regime, why was there so little movement at Old Trafford?
AdvertisementThe Iraqi regime got the raw materials for producing chemical weapons from Germany.
An unwelcome change in the regime of an institution could potentially lead to concerted indiscipline or worse.
The model's regime probabilities provide an optimal statistical inference of the turning point of the European business cycle.
There has also been much initial anxiety about the interpretation of new standards and how to manage the flexibility available in the assessment regime.
The testing for infectious diseases was inadequate, and the provision of a regime for mental health inpatients was poor.
AdvertisementAfghanistan continues to face an armed insurgency, led by remnants of the country's former Taleban regime.
This occurs either through poorly designed assessment tasks or through the existence of an overly intrusive regime of compliance.
Jolie was forced to endure a grueling training regime that included kickboxing and street-fighting.
The new regime will mean that lessees may be able to claim capital allowances on assets they have financed on lease terms.
A detox is a regime designed to reduce the toxin levels in our bodies.
AdvertisementThe result was the loss of any possible negotiating leverage in ensuring that a follow-on regime would have any teeth.
A key element within the Part IIA regime for determining whether a site poses a risk, is the pollutant linkage concept.
But there are also regime loyalists who have no interest in reconciliation.
Both had privately expressed misgivings about the excesses of the regime.
Because the Kabul regime has so badly mismanaged the economy, the Afghan people are starving.
AdvertisementBy 1994, the KDP had established a modus vivendi with the Ba'athist regime - it had become the chief conduit for oil smuggling.
Behind the relative passivity of this year's delegations are problems that could undermine the health and credibility of the NPT regime.
Used as part of a planned care regime, OptiFlo helps maintain catheter patency, so the wearer feels refreshed, relaxed and reassured.
You should always seek prompt medical care for any specific health issue and consult a physician before starting a fitness regime.
His regime murdered a policewoman in Central London and blew up an airliner, for Christ's sake.
Populist appeal has no doubt contributed to the political ' success ' of the present regime.
The speech did not, however, set out clear thinking on how an expanded prison regime can rehabilitate prisoners.
With almost prophetic accuracy Lenin warned of two great dangers he thought could jeopardize the regime.
Some of their advice looked prophetic in retrospect, such as their prediction of widespread looting and insurgency once Saddam Hussein's regime fell.
The way in which the economic system operates can sometimes undermine the purported rationale for the IPR regime.
The simplest way to avoid this is to discharge the cells completely then recharge them using the cell manufacturers recommended recharge regime.
A regime of bourgeois Bonapartism in Russia or Poland would not be a stable regime of bourgeois Bonapartism in Russia or Poland would not be a stable regime.
Administration The complex approval process for pension schemes will be replaced by a simplified regime requiring registration only.
The specter of nuclear terrorism has placed a new premium on the need to strengthen the global nuclear non-proliferation regime.
It remains to be seen whether other schools will follow Victoria Infants ' lead and impose a similar inspection regime.
These objectives are central to the new regulatory regime created by the Act.
A new set of proposals for modifying the sanctions regime was launched by the UK, with US backing, in May 2001.
There are actions that we all can and must take to strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation regime at the various levels on which it operates.
The nature of the regulatory regime itself is a factor affecting regionalism.
Interestingly, Valle Crucis also reveals a gradual relaxation in the strict regime of the Cistercians.
Continuity and Change in the Sanctions Regime In April 1991 the UNSC adopted res.
The regime operates a bitterly resented system of universal conscription.
She became deeply resentful of a regime which she perceived " found us to be problem people " " .
Nevertheless we will continue to express our burning resentment of unlawful imprisonment without trial under a tough prison regime.
The minority regime retaliated by murdering over a hundred peaceful demonstrators.
These people today are even worse off and we blame a tyrant ruler and a corrupt regime.
Regime change in Washington would do more good to the world in the long run.
We propose the most radical shake-up in the planning regime for 50 years.
Disruption of a normal flow regime The major example if the tidal sluice at Cley next the Sea.
Destruction of Cuban socialism is at the heart of his regime.
This group studies the convection regime within the Earths Mantle in three dimensional spherical geometry at approaching Earth-like vigor.
The Pakistani regime also has gone about on an arms shopping splurge.
Refusing food and shelter, and forcing people to suffer starvation is as bad as killing people with bullets in a dictator's regime.
These additional securities will also be eligible as sterling stock liquidity under the FSA sterling stock liquidity under the FSA sterling stock liquidity regime.
Add a little extra push and a jogging stroller to your exercise regime and you'll be back in top condition in no time!
Could an inflation target regime have been introduced earlier on in the 1980s, when the main arguments about the ERM were taking place?
A stress hysteresis is found in the shear thickening regime.
What regime does the surgeon use to prevent deep vein thrombosis?
Responsibilities of scheme trusteeship will become more demanding in the new regime.
The people of Zimbabwe, hapless victims of an increasingly tyrannical regime, deserve no less from us.
The occupiers have proved unable to achieve even the reconstruction to the level achieved by the Ba'athist regime under sanctions and episodic bombing.
I am only too familiar with his dilemma on how to maintain civil relations with a very uncivil regime.
Bridge thought otherwise; his attitude toward the regime at College was by no means uncritical.
The 1990s became an increasingly unhealthy decade for the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
The idea that young comedians, furious with the Thatcher regime, might somehow galvanize Britain's youth into activism looks tragically wan now.
The British puppet regime, headed by Balewa, had waged war on its opponents in the South.
In 1478 the marquisate of Oristano was suppressed, and henceforth the island was governed by Spanish viceroys with the feudal regime of the great nobles under them, the Cortes being convoked once every ten years.
The demand for animals for stock-breeding purposes sent up prices, and this acted as a stimulus to other branches of trade, so that, as peace under the Roca regime seemed assured, a steady flow of immigration from Italy set in.
Considerable opposition was aroused by the new regime at the Education Office, and in 1864 Lowe was driven to resign by an adverse vote in Parliament with reference to the way in which inspectors' reports were "edited."
It should be noted, none the less, that the third Duma succeeded in establishing its position, and that in view of its useful activities even the extreme Right came to realize that there could be no return to the old undisguised absolutist regime (see History, below, ad fin.).
Panic-stricken for a moment, the government issued a manifesto proclaiming Liberal principles and promising in vague language all manner of political reforms (October 30, 1905), and when the inordinate expectations created by this extraordinary document were not at once realized, preparations were made for overthrowing the existing regime by means of an armed insurrection.
Without intervening personally in French politics, he took a keen interest in the questions of administration and social reorganization arising from the fall of the imperialist regime and the disasters of the war.
It sought as well to encourage revolutionary measures against the monarchy and the old regime, and it was it especially which popularized the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
At the close of the Republican regime in 1876 its total indebtedness was $2,631,704.24, of which $814,743 belonged to the Chickasaw fund (see above) and $718,946.22 to the general school fund.
The members and sympathizers of the party of reform who styled themselves " Young Turks," working largely from the European centres and from the different points in the Turkish Empire to which the sultan had exiled them for the purpose of repression - their relentless persecution by the sultan thus proving to be his own undoing - spread a powerful propaganda throughout the Turkish Empire against the old regime, in the face of that persecution and of the open and characteristic scepticism, and indeed of the hostile action, of some of the European powers.
It is understood that it was originated at the unofficial instigation of both the British and Ottoman governments, with the idea of forming a channel for the more generous investment of British capital in Turkey under the new regime, so that British financial interests might play a more important part in the Ottoman Empire than has been the case since the state bankruptcy of 1876.
Some of the more unpopular officials associated with the old regime were assassinated, among them Fehim Pasha, the former head of the espionage department, who had been exiled to Brusa in 1907 at the request of the British and German ambassadors.
The persistent attempt of the South African Republic to assert its full independence, culminating in a formal denial of British suzerainty, made it additionally incumbent on Great Britain to carry its point as to the Uitlander grievances, while, from Mr Kruger's point of view, the admission of the Uitlanders to real political rights meant the doom of his oligarchical regime, and appeared in the light of a direct menace to Boer supremacy.
The mining laws of the colonial regime and political disorder together raised a barrier to the employment of the large amount of capital needed, while the frequent outbreaks of civil war made it impossible to work any large enterprise because of its interference with labour and the free use of ports and roads.
Archaeological evidence points clearly now to the conclusion that the splendid but overgrown civilization of the Mycenaean or " late Minoan " period of the Aegean Bronze Age collapsed rather suddenly before a rapid succession of assaults by comparatively barbarous invaders from the European mainland north of the Aegean; that these invaders passed partly by way of Thrace and the Hellespont into Asia Minor, partly by Macedon and Thessaly into peninsular Greece and the Aegean islands; that in east Peloponnese and Crete, at all events, a first shock (somewhat later than i soo B.C.) led to the establishment of a cultural, social and political situation which in many respects resembles what is depicted in Homer as the " Achaean " age, with principal centres in Rhodes, Crete, Laconia, Argolis, Attica, Orchomenus and south-east Thessaly; and that this regime was itself shattered by a second shock or series of shocks somewhat earlier than boo B.C. These latter events correspond in character and date with the traditional irruption of the Dorians and their associates.
Chemulpo under the eyes of the Russian cruiser " Variag," and next day he attacked and destroyed the Variag " and some smaller war-vessels in the harbour, and the rest of the 1st Army (General Kuroki) was gradually brought over during February and March, in spite of an unbeaten and, under Makarov's regime, an enterprising hostile navy.
Alexander was driven into transports of rage by this championship of the ancien regime by one who had been a servant of its bitterest foe.
This ephemeral regime lasted from the 2 4 th of June 1858 to the 24th of November 1860.
Reared in the nurture of the pope, the populace of the Tiber renounced its stormy liberty in 1209, and accepted the peace and order that a beneficent master gave; but when Innocent attempted to extend to the whole of Italy the regime of paternal subjection that had been so successful at Rome, the difficulties of the enterprise surpassed the powers even of a leader of religion.
The accusation might not always be supported by facts, but it tended to shake popular confidence in the head of the universal Church, and to inspire other countries with the feeling of a national opposition to an ecclesiastical regime now entirely Gallicized.
His incessant opposition was attributed partly to his association with Madame de Stael, whose salon was a centre for those disaffected from the Napoleonic regime, and in 1803 he followed her into exile.
The new regime introduced in 1908 seems to justify a hopeful attitude.
During the 18th century this deep under-work of scientific history continued to advance, though for the most part unseen by the brilliant writers whose untrustworthy generalities passed for history in the salons of the old regime.
At the same time, however, he insisted (as he did from first to last) on the enormous importance to the country, to the character of its people no less than to its material welfare, of agricultural contentment and prosperity; and he also obtained As a more general recognition of the fact that "the land" had borne fiscal burdens under the old regime which were unfair and unendurable under the new.
For fully 345 years Servia remained a Turkish pashalik, enduring all the miseries which that lawless regime implied (see Turkey, History).
We have seen it most recently and most profoundly in the Arab Spring, where the motto we see again and again is Ash-sha'b yurid isqat an-nizam, or "The people want to bring down the regime."
I think it will be difficult to return to the old regime.
It is important to maintain a licensing regime, which is not punitive in nature for smaller community events.
The US appears unlikely to make the Soviet mistake of installing a puppet regime in Kabul.
The stricter licensing regime must be implemented speedily so reckless lending and other sharp practices are clamped down on and punished.
At the age of 17 years he was imprisoned on Robben Island for opposing the oppressive apartheid regime.
Instead of beginning the transition to a new regime, they reinforced existing boundaries.
A decision by Japan to abandon its renunciation of nuclear weapons would shatter the non-proliferation regime.
Continuity and Change in the Sanctions Regime In April 1991 the UNSC adopted Res.
She became deeply resentful of a regime which she perceived " found us to be problem people " ".
The more conscious, i.e., the rightist elements, acting behind the scenes, wanted the restoration of the bourgeois regime.
Conditions of onset of the self-induced transparency (SIT) regime of propagation are investigated.
The Israeli government is a barbaric regime that is systematically destroying vestiges of Palestinian self-rule.
On one hand, the international community has shunned the military regime that took control of the government by force in 1988.
We and our coalition partners have also removed the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, a long-time state sponsor of terror.
Communal stairwells, lighting and estate maintenance The Council will undertake a rigorous repairs regime of all its communal areas and estates.
Refusing food and shelter, and forcing people to suffer starvation is as bad as killing people with bullets in a dictator 's regime.
These additional securities will also be eligible as sterling stock liquidity under the FSA sterling stock liquidity regime.
Instead, they face occupation by US and British troops and at best, a stooge regime imposed by US imperialism.
How can we turn our backs when the Iranian regime attempts to subvert the newborn democracies in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Right now these resolutions are being unilaterally subverted by the Iraqi regime.
Can a successor regime be installed that will be pliable to the USA?
For the first time, sugar beet farmers in eastern England were presented with the prospect of reform of the EU import regime.
The orders have been coming from their supreme commander, Xanana Gusmao, recently freed from detention by the Jakarta regime.
If you are already authorized to operate any authorized UK duty suspensive regime you must have a proven satisfactory record of operation.
April 2006 ('A ' day) will see the introduction of the new taxation regime for pensions.
Like the tontine clause this matrimonial regime allows the survivor of a married couple to inherit the whole of a French property.
Now, even Chalabi admits he was lying in order to topple Iraqi regime.
Their totalitarian regime held much of Europe captive behind an iron curtain.
In a confidential report to Kennedy, Mansfield said he saw little point in America continuing to support President Diem 's tottering regime.
The symbolic aliens are frequently replaced by a savage authoritarian regime trampling on freedom.
The fall of a tyrannical regime is a positive thing.
We are unhappy about certain aspects of the proposed changes to the regime for IFAs.
During 1990 the declaration of unrest areas replaced the state of emergency as the formal emergency regime.
There was little love for what virtually all of Washington recognized as an unsavory regime, but Iraq was considered the lesser evil.
The usually fractious oppositions have to be united behind a single candidate if there is to be any chance of unseating the regime.
Contrary to what was frequently reported in the press, the Russians did not propose a regime for verifiable warhead elimination during the negotiations.
The CWC, which entered into force in 1997, has an intrusive verification regime within it.
As some of you may know, I have followed the vicissitudes of the nuclear non-proliferation regime very closely for more than a decade.
The idea that young comedians, furious with the Thatcher regime, might somehow galvanize Britain 's youth into activism looks tragically wan now.
This assumption suggests that burns would particularly benefit from this regime of wound cleansing.
The US-led coalition is also trying to restore calm in cities wracked by violence and looting since the regime lost power.
The citizens were relieved to see the oldtotalitarian regime overthrown.
Getting into a well-structured feeding regime can take several weeks, of which there will be much trial and error.
It is important that you discuss your options with your health care practitioner before adding herbs or making any changes to your medical regime.
Make sure you drink plenty of water to flush out impurities, and embark upon a thorough cleansing, toning and moisturising regime.
As you should with any makeup regime, be sure that your face is cleaned, toned, and moisturized before applying evening eye makeup.
It includes a step-by-step skincare regime to ensure the best complexion possible.
I suggest more concentration on a good skincare regime emphasizing good shaving habits, moisturizing with an SPF, and eye treatments for lines and circles.
Hilary Duff makeup is a great enhancement to your beauty regime, and with her newest collection, you just may discover a more romantic and confident you!
Look up a Sephora in your area and ask for a demo on how to wear this and the rest of items available through this manufacturer designed to "benefit" your beauty regime.
Other atrocities human rights groups attribute to Karimov's regime include torture, boiling people to death and other various monstrous crimes against humanity.
She even mentioned getting lipolysis before the Oscars, yet when she followed it up saying she was also embarking on a rigid diet regime along with a light English accent and eyeglasses, it was clear she was joking.
If you're thinking about starting an exercise regime but don't know where to start, the important thing is to choose something you enjoy that gets you moving enough to break a sweat.
Instead a consistent regime of brushing and moisturizing is done to the hair until the waves begin to appear.
The first step to having healthy hair is to have a good hair care regime, which will vary depending on if you have natural or relaxed hair.
In fact, Gwyneth once followed a strict macrobiotic diet until the intensity of her cravings during her first pregnancy led her to abandon the regime in favor of a more moderate plan.
Consult your doctor and begin a fitness regime that you will enjoy for the rest of your life.
If you are thinking of adding resveratrol to your supplement regime, talk to your doctor.
If your wife begins an aggressive exercise regime, she may just be interested in improving her health.
In conclusion, it is possible for many celiacs to treat their illness with a gluten-free diet while still incorporating oats into their regime.
No matter how lightweight these technological gems claim to be, laptops still add an extra five-plus pounds to your daily regime.
For example, mothers can combine an excercise regime into quality time spent with each child.
The six-day diet plan that accompanies the program is intended to give users a jump start with the proper nutrition for their new workout regime while providing the essential foods for a healthy lifestyle.
Days of our Lives has undergone major shifts in storyline direction dictated either by actors coming and going or by a change in writing regime.
A plain soap that is free of perfumes and dyes is a good choice for your belly button piercing aftercare regime.
Following a proper aftercare regime will help alleviate the pain.
Overworked muscles can be relaxed and stretched by doing the right yoga poses; for example, yoga poses for tight hamstrings are a great addition to a runner's exercise regime.
Don't forget to tackle the bedroom and bathrooms during your spring cleaning regime.
Most fad diets feature a very regimented, and sometimes highly deficient, meal regime.
This begins with fresh-squeezed citrus juices for approximately 36 hours, then gradually moves on to raw vegetables and fruits or to cooked vegetable soups over the course of three to five days after ending the regime.
Eliminating stimulants the day before you begin the regime will aid in the effectiveness of the results.
According to one version, this regime works by taking advantage of the chemical breakdown of certain foods by the body.
While there are extremes to this type of diet regime, there are ways to gain the benefits of a cleansing diet without the severely uncomfortable and dangerous side effects.
There are symptoms that may be acting as signals to you to undergo a cleansing regime.
If you can tolerate cabbage, this cleansing regime may be tolerated well.
Seek out trained and licensed practitioners before starting a regime.
Either way, however, excess fat mass is not healthy and can be lowered with diet, exercise, and monitoring for necessary adjustments to your regime.
Secondly, Meridia needs to be taken along with following a reduced-calorie diet and an exercise regime.
The only foods allowed whilst following the regime is lemonade made from fresh lemons, purified water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper.
As with any new diet or health regime, consult with your doctor or nutritionist before embarking on a strict diet.
Research the subject and make sure that you are well informed about any diet before considering such a restrictive regime.
For this part of the regime, dieters must get an injection of hCG everyday while continuing to follow the things they did for Phase I.
This new improved plan also comes with a three-phase workout regime much like that of the original.
In essence the diet begins with a choice of very few foods and over the course of four phases the plan enables slow introduction of food which forms the foundation of a long-term eating regime.
This type of regime centers on the need to eat healthily over all.
Other juice fast a few days a week as part of their health regime.
When it comes to detoxification, water may be one of the most important parts of your regime.
Free weight lifting programs can be used to tone up or bulk up and are a great supplement to your current exercise regime.
Consider visiting a website specializing in such routines, and you will find yourself really enjoying the results of your new fitness regime.
If your fitness regime includes a lot of repetitive movement, it is important to track these exercises to prevent overexertion and muscle strain.
When it comes to choosing an exercise regime, it's easy to overlook the jump rope workout as an option.
Lower ab exercises are an important aspect of any complete exercise regime.
Stretching exercises can be incorporated in a strength training regime while resting between lifts.
Now that you know the benefits of exercise with heart rate monitors, consider adding one to your workout regime.
What's more, if a person is able to find a secure and comfortable place to exercise, he is more apt to continue with his regime rather than quit after a few sessions.
For this reason only, you may want to consider adding strength training to your exercise regime.
Vichy flag, during WWII, the Vichy regime inserted or defaced the white stripe of the tricolour with fasces or a bundle of sticks, a recognized symbol of power.
Free French flag, during WWII, the Free French forces fighting against the Vichy regime and Germany, inserted a red cross of Lorraine (a symbol of Joan of Arc's fight against foreign invaders) on the white stripe of the tricolour.
At this time, he was also part of a band called New Regime, playing lead guitar, and he became a talented song writer.
Harper recommends a varied diet for his clients, but he follows a strict vegan regime in his own life.
The toleration regime, the Alliance, will do anything to keep the secret and have hired a private assassin to shut her mouth permanently.
Known as the browncoats, Mal purchased the Serenity, a Firefly class starship to get away from the new regime and to live life "free" and his way.
The M.D. Forte skin care regime involves using specific products formulated for your skin type and condition in the morning and evening to obtain desired results.
With a shift towards colder climates during the winter months, your skin care regime should change as well.
Each product is classified into a specific range, making it easy for consumers to choose a regime based on their skin types.
Building a basic regime for your fingernails and toenails takes little effort if you know where to look and what to purchase.
Assess your skin after a few weeks to determine the look of the freckles and whether you can try stepping up the regime.
Overall, prescription acne medications can work wonders, but it's ultimately more important to follow a good diet and exercise regime that will keep the body functioning properly and maintain a lifetime of great skin.
If you're wondering how to get a flawless complexion, you may want to take a step back and analyze both your beauty regime and lifestyle.
La Marmora was appointed royal commissioner to supervise the transformation to the new regime.
In 1254 it received a charter from William II., count of Holland, similar to that of Haarlem, but in the 15th century duke Philip the Good of Burgundy made the impoverishment of the town, due to ill-government, the excuse for establishing an oligarchical regime, by charters of 1436 and 1437.
In various speeches he sounded a note of conciliation with Indian progressive feelings, and it was agreed on his return to England that valuable help had been given by his utterances to the work of self-government in India under the new regime.
The whole question of the regime of rivers and lakes is sometimes treated under the name hydrography, a name used by some writers in the sense of marine surveying, and by others as synonymous with oceanography.
The contrast between the new regime and the ancient tradition of the city was curiously illustrated in 1818 by a scene described in Metternich's Memoirs, when, before the opening of the congress, Francis I., emperor of Austria, regarded by all Germany as the successor of the Holy Roman emperors, knelt at the tomb of Charlemagne amid a worshipping crowd, while the Protestant Frederick William III.
He seemed at first inclined to govern honestly, but corruption soon became as marked as under the preceding regime.
Not that the regime in Russia had become in any true sense constitutional, far less parliamentary; but the " unlimited autocracy " had given place to a " self-limited autocracy," whether permanently so limited, or only at the discretion of the autocrat, remaining a subject of heated controversy between conflicting parties in the state.
In his eyes the beard was a symbol of the old regime, and as such it must be removed.
When Nicholas an influential deputation from the province of Tver, which had long enjoyed a reputation for liberalism, ventured to hint in a loyal address that the time had come for changes in the existing autocratic regime, they received a reply which showed that the emperor had no intention of making any such changes.
Turkey has always on the whole tolerated the Jews, and much is hoped from the new regime.
The supreme responsibility for this act must rest with the emperor, "who imposed it by an exercise of personal power on the only one cf his ministers who could have lent himself to such a forgetfulness of the safeguards of a parliamentary regime."
In it he drew a picture of the general ruin of all classes of Frenchmen, caused by the bad economic regime.
Thus the productive power of England was unrivalled, and her manufactures and business men, under a regime rapidly approximating to complete freedom of trade, could reap the full advantages to be derived from the possession of great national resources and production by machinery.
These with a host of lesser dignities built up the imperial hierarchy and enabled the court quickly to develop on the lines of the old monarchy, so far as rules of etiquette and self-conscious efforts could reproduce the courtly graces of the ancien regime.
Thereupon Napoleon, in order to grace the new regime by an act of clemency, pardoned Moreau, it being understood that he must leave France.
The leader of modern historians, he was in truth a man of the ancien regime.
No school in England has on the whole produced so many eminent men as Westminster did under the regime of Busby.
This policy, coupled with certain administrative and revenue reforms, and some private attempts in behalf of public education, made the last seven years of his rule, from 1827 to 1834, the most prosperous in the Spanish regime.
General Miles's policy in affording employment for the natives likewise served to make the new American regime acceptable.
In 1910 the coffee industry had not yet recovered from the effect of the cyclone of 1899 and the unfortunate mortgage system that prevailed under the Spanish regime.
To the Greeks and Macedonians such a regime was abhorrent, and the opposition roused by Alexander's attempt to introduce among them the practice of proskynesis (prostration before the royal presence), was bitter and effectual.
For a time the government, while keeping itself informed of his activities, left him alone; for it suited the Directory to let the socialist agitation continue, in order to frighten the people from joining in any royalist movement for the overthrow of the existing regime.
The revenue receipts under the Republic have increased especially over those of the old regime in the item of customs duties; and the expenditure is very differently distributed.
As for autonomy and political reforms it has already been remarked that the change from the old regime was only superficial.
The demands of the Liberals were as in 1868; those for personal and property rights were much more definitely stated, and among explicit reforms demanded were the separation of civil and military power, general recognition of administrative responsibility under a colonial autonomous constitutional regime; also among economic matters, customs reforms and reciprocity with the United States were demanded.
Under the " new regime " the Turkish government displayed commendable energy in reconstructing and reorganizing the seapower of the empire.
Since that time there had been no further change worth noting until the "new regime" was established in 1908.
To some extent the real level of military expenditure has been masked by the separation of certain payments into " extraordinary " expenditure, a course which, it is understood, has not been followed in the budgets of the " new regime," and which will not be revived.
The ceded revenues administered directly by the public debt council have shown remarkable expansion, and may be fairly looked upon as exemplifying what would occur in the general revenues of the empire when good and honest administration and regular payment of officials finally took the place of the carelessness, corruption and irregularity which existed up to the change of regime.
The Young Turkish party had long been preparing for the overthrow of the old regime.
But Abd-ul-Hamid had issued a free pardon to the mutineers, and the committee had now decided that the new regime would never be secure while the sovereign favoured reaction.
Under the native regime the common people attached themselves to one or other of the mandarins, who in return granted them the protection of his influence.
Turgot's successor, Necker, however, continued the regime of reform until 1781, and it was only with Necker's dismissal that the period of reaction began.
Education, in those parts of Latvia where it was standardized by the Protestant Church and Baltic regime, remained on a higher level than in Latgalia with only 38% able to read.
These Napoleonic countships, increased under subsequent reigns, have produced a plentiful crop of titles of little social significance, and have tended to lower the status of the counts deriving from the ancien regime.
The banking facilities of the republic have undergone many changes under the new regime.
Later it became the province of Nueva Estremadura under the Spanish regime, and in 1824, under the new republican organization, it became the state of Coahuila and included Texas and Nuevo Leon.
Abroad the new King's position was prejudiced by the hideous crime which led to his accession, but among his own people this was from the first atoned for by the introduction of a real constitutional regime and increased political stability.
Under his regime Magyar intolerance of Croat national aspirations joined hands with the designs of the Ballplatz against Serbia in connexion with the impending annexation of Bosnia.
The Cuvaj regime had a magical effect in furthering the movement for Yugoslav unity.
The diet of Zagreb was allowed to meet, and the Serbo-Croat coalition pursued a policy of pure opportunism, avoiding any pronouncement on matters of high policy, but buying a certain relaxation of regime in Croatia by supporting the Budapest Government and its nominee Skerlecz.
The arsenals of Pola and Cattaro were already in the hands of the insurgents; and the Emperor Charles, in the hope either of winning the favour of the new regime in Zagreb or of throwing an apple of discord between it and the Entente, signed a decree on Oct.
Meanwhile Pecs had become a centre of the exiled Magyar progressives, who preferred a provisional Yugoslav regime to the white terror of Adml.
No follower of the Blanco regime was safe.
P. Rojas Paul, the representative of the Blanco regime, and came to a head in October 1895, risings occurring in the northern and southern sections of the republic. Some desultory fighting took place for three or four months, but the revolt was never popular, and was completely suppressed early in 1896.
The economic transition of the later 17th century from the agricultural to the commercial regime was followed by a further transition to the manufacturing regime during the closing years of the 18th and the early years of the 19th centuries.
But, while the Tsarist regime, unable to denationalize a homogeneous population of a different religion and language, initially conceded a minimum of rights to the Polish nation, in Lithuania proper from the outset an unrelenting system of tyranny was established which was designed to break by force every non-Russian element in the country.
Roads were purposely neglected under the Russian regime in the frontier area, Kovno itself being then a first-class fortress.
This new and obedient legislature, to which only nineteen liberals were returned, made itself into a septennial parliament, thus providing time, it was thought, to restore some part of the ancien regime.
At the end of the ancien regime it formed part of the "Gouvernement" of Guienne, and at the Revolution it was incorporated in the department of Lotet-Garonne, of which it constitutes nearly the whole.
After the Pioneers the sequence is The Jesuits in North America, La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West, The Old Regime in Canada, Frontenac and New France and Louis XIV., Montcalm and Wolfe, A Half Century of Conflict.
With true philosophic insight he shows that France failed in the struggle not because of any inferiority in the ability and character of the men to whom the work was entrusted, but chiefly by reason of her despotic and protective regime.
His life throws light on some phases of the ancien regime which are often overlooked by historians.
This school fell into decay under the regime of the kingdom of Westphalia, but was restored in 1817 by King Frederick William III.
She was burdened with debt; the reforms of Colbert were ruined; and opposition to the king's regime began to make itself felt.
These seas are entirely dependent on the ocean for their regime, being filled with ocean water, though subject to influence by the land, and the tides and currents of the ocean affect them to a greater or less extent.
She was brought up under a simple and austere regime and educated with a view to the French marriage arranged by Maria Theresa, the abbe Vermond being appointed as her tutor in 1769.
Although Prince and Princess Carignano adhered to the French Republican regime, they soon fell under suspicion and were summoned to Paris.
After a visit to his uncle, the archbishop of Reims, he returned to St Sulpice to finish his preliminary training for the church, but in his spare time he read the works of Montesquieu, Voltaire, and other writers who were beginning to undermine the authority of the ancien regime, both in church and state.
Here also are the Coronel Collection, given in 1901 by Dona Mariana, the widow of Don Antonio Coronel, and containing relics of the Spanish and Mexican regime in California; and the Palmer Collection of Indian antiquities.
This was the only important overt resistance to the establishment of the new regime in California.
Formerly, writers accounted for the Lutheran movement by so magnifying the horrors of the pre-existing regime ity of the that it appeared intolerable, and its abolition consequently inevitable.
This large class of " dissenters " found themselves as little at home under a Protestant as under a Catholic regime, and have until recently been treated with scant sympathy by historians of the Church.
Henceforward he lived in retirement until, during the Revolution, he was involved in the charges against the financiers of the old regime.
This is an arrangement recommended by one who has tried it, and he reassures the old-fashioned believer who clings to the less formal regime (and whose protest was voiced in the Montanist movement), that there will be no spiritual loss under the new system.
Jay was elected in 1795 and re-elected in 1798, but in 1801 the brief Federalist regime in the state came to an end with the election of George Clinton for a seventh term.
The Republican leaders straightway quarrelled among themselves, thus starting the long series of factional strifes which have characterized the party politics of New York state; the bitterness of the factions and the irresponsible council of appointment are also responsible for the firm establishment early in the Republican regime of the " spoils system."
He had to accept the services of many ex-officers whose hearts were with the old regime, and he also found it difficult and, in some cases impossible, to dissolve reactionary Free Corps like those which returned from the Baltic provinces or like Ehrhardt's Marine Brigade.
The clergy of some cathedrals (in England, Carlisle), and of a great number of collegiate churches all over western Europe, responded to the appeal; and the need of a rule of life suited to the new regime produced, towards the end of the 11 th century, the so-called Rule of St.
The adherents of Solomon gained the day, and with his accession a new regime was inaugurated, not, however, without bloodshed.
After the violent upheaval in the political world during the last few decades, the existent - as such - increased in value, and the high estimation in which the old regime was now held led to a policy of restoration.
In1875-1882he was corporation counsel of New York, and as such brought about a codification of the laws relating to the city, and successfully contested a large part of certain claims, largely fraudulent, against the city, amounting to about $20,000,000, and a heritage from the Tweed regime.
In 1813, on the fall of the Napoleonic regime in Germany, Jerome retired to France, and in 1814 spent some time in Switzerland and at Trieste.
But there is no doubt that, whatever may be the view taken as to the extreme theory of vegetarianism, it has had considerable effect in modifying the excessive meat-consuming regime of previous days, and in introducing new varieties of vegetable cooking into the service of the table.
Such was the hatred of the people to the old regime that two influential councillors of Charles the Bold, the Chancellor Hugonet and the Sire d'Humbercourt, having been discovered in correspondence with the French king, were executed at Ghent despite the tears and entreaties of the youthful duchess.
Melyn surrendered his rights as a patroon in 1661 and during the remainder of the Dutch regime many small grants of land were made to French, Dutch, and English settlers.
A vast measure of freedom, compared with their position under the Austrian regime, has been granted to women both politically and socially.
The Slovaks under the Hungarian regime were kept in a backward state - they did not possess a single Slovak school - while still worse conditions prevailed in Russinia, some 75% of the population being unable to read or write.
After the foundation of the German Empire, the duties of the Zollverein became those of Germany, and for a time the liberal regime was maintained and extended, with respect to the tariff as with respect to other matters.
This "Puttkammer regime" was intensely unpopular; it was attacked in the Reichstag not only by Radicals like Richter and Rickert, but by National Liberals like Bennigsen, and when the emperor Frederick III., whose Liberal tendencies were notorious, succeeded to the throne, it was clear that it could not last.
The Vendean peasant refused to join the republican army, not for want of fighting qualities or ardour, but because the army of the old regime was recruited from bad characters and broken men, and the peasant, ignorant of the great change that had followed the Revolution, thought that the barrack-room was no place for a good Christian.
This regime, strongly military in its type, ended with the fall of the second empire.
During the first years of the new regime a keen reaction was produced against the political system of the imperial government in Africa.
He was not, however, destined to compass the downfall of the Sullan regime; the crisis of the Slave War placed the Senate at the mercy of Pompey and Crassus, who in 70 B.C. swept away the safeguards of senatorial ascendancy, restored the initiative in legislation to the tribunes, and replaced the Equestrian order, i.e.
Heretofore the Federalist regime had taxed the people to support the Congregational Church, but now the Baptists, Methodists and Universalists joined the Democrats, and in 1819 this state support was abolished by the " Toleration Act."
A constitution on the French imperial pattern granted by the king remained practically inoperative, an arbitrary bureaucratic regime was instituted, the finances were from the beginning in a hopeless condition, and the country was drained of men and money for Napoleon's wars.
See Honore Mirabeau, Les Lettres de cachet et des prisons d'etat (Hamburg, 1782), written in the dungeon at Vincennes into which his father had thrown him by a lettre de cachet, one of the ablest and most eloquent of his works, which had an immense circulation and was translated into English with a dedication to the duke of Norfolk in 1788; Frantz Funck-Brentano, Les Lettres de cachet d Paris (Paris, 1904); and Andre Chassaigne, Les Lettres de cachet sous l'ancien regime (Paris, 1903).
French Canadian Literature At The Opening Of The Loth Century Might Be Described As Entirely The Work Of Two Generations, And It Was Separated From The Old Regime By Three More Generations Whose Racial Sentiment Only Found Expression In The Traditional Songs And Tales Which Their Forefathers Of The 17Th Century Had Brought Over From The Mere Patrie.
Born In 1784, And Brought Up Among Reminiscent Eye Witnesses Of The Old Regime, He Was An Eager Listener, With A Wonderful4 Memory And Whole Hearted Pride In The Glories Of His Race And Family, A Kindly Seigneur, Who Loved And 'Was Loved By All His Censitaires, A Keen Observer Of Many Changing Systems, Down, To The Final Confederation Of 1867, And A Man Who Had Felt' Both Extremes Of Fortune (Memoires, 1866).
Under the new regime the colony was so prosperous that Sir James Wright (1716-1785), the last of the royal governors, declared Georgia to be " the most flourishing colony on the continent."
But his coronation at Reims, with all the gorgeous ceremonial of the old regime, proclaimed his intention of ruling, as the Most Christian King, by divine right.
And now Norway has placed herself under a neutral regime of a similar character.
The Unionist regime as a whole, however, had collapsed.
Under the regime of General Cavaignac he was for a time minister of war.
After Marozia and Alberic and the rest another branch of the same family, the Crescentii, exercised the temporal powers of the Holy See; and after them the same regime was continued by the counts of Tusculum, who were sprung from the same stock, which sometimes provided the Roman Church with the most unlikely and least honourable pontiffs.
It was also under the Byzantine regime that the condition was imposed that the pope should not be consecrated until the emperor had ratified his election.
This had not 'been required under the old Latin emperors nor under the Gothic kings, and it disappeared of its own accord with the Byzantine regime.
At length the two parties grew weary of this state of revolution, and a regime of conciliation, the fruit of mutual concessions, was established under Clement III.
Numerous humanists were appointed to the Chancery, and the Romans were loud in their praise of the papal regime.
The feeble regime of Julius had made it evident that a pope of another type was necessary if the papal see were to preserve the moral and political influence which it had regained under Paul III.
To these regions the Napoleonic regime had given a certain measure of unity; but Metternich, dominant after 1815, held Italy to be merely a geographical term.
In carrying out the regime of Rampolla, which was, in every respect, a bad imitation of that of Antonelli, the Vatican left no stone unturned in its attempt to coerce the conscience of the French royalists; it did not even stop at dishonour, as was evidenced by the case of the unhappy Mgr d'Hulst, who, in order to evade the censorship of his pamphlet on Old Testament criticism, had to abandon both his king and his principles, only to die in exile of a broken heart.
But all these details, upon which it is not necessary to dwell, are overshadowed beyond all doubt by the one great fact that the ecclesiastical regime had not only taken under its wing the solution of social questions, but also claimed that political action was within the proper scope of the Church, and, moreover, arrogated to itself the right of interfering by means of " Directives " with the political life of nations.
What was even more important, the new regime at the Vatican soon made itself felt in the relations of the Holy See with the world of modern thought and with the modern conception of the state.
The new regime brought welcome relief to the Christian part of the population, for the Arabs took no note of their orthodoxies or heterodoxies.
Although partly feeding on worms and other small forms of animal life, the carp is principally a vegetarian, and the great development of its pharyngeal apparatus renders it particularly adapted to a graminivorous regime.
The elector had signalized his restoration by abolishing with a stroke of the pen all the reforms introduced under the French regime, repudiating the Westphalian debt and declaring null and void the sale of the crown domains.
I£ consequently the former were called cnihtas under the Anglo-Saxon regime, it seems sufficiently probable that the appellation should have been continued to the latter - practically their successors - under the Anglo-Norman regime.
The collapse of this regime was due, not to popular agitation, but to the resentment of Louis at the clerical opposition to the influence of his mistress, Lola Montez.
The mountain chain immediately overhanging it, the high temperature of the sea washing it,,the frequent thunderstorms to which it is subject, the moist atmosphere of its equatorial situation, and the shorter regime of the dry south-east wind are the principal causes of the heavier rainfall on the west coast.
Commerce is greatly aided by the navigable rivers, a very extensive network of railways, and the excellent roads constructed during the French regime.
But in 1828 the two extreme parties, the Catholic Ultramontanes and the revolutionary Liberals, in their common hatred to the Dutch regime, formed an alliance, the union, for the overthrow of the government.
But as soon as this was accomplished the government opened a comprehensive enquiry into the causes of dissatisfaction, which served as the basis of numerous social laws, and led eventually to the establishment of universal suffrage and the substitution in Belgium of a democratic for a middle-class regime.
On his return his health was rather worse; but he would submit to no dietary regime.
The failure of the Habsburg emperor to perpetuate this despotic regime was due (1) to the Crimean War, (2) to the establishment of Italian unity, and (3) to the successful assertion by Prussia of its claim to the leadership in Germany.
In the first volume, Le Regime seigneurial (1886), he depicts the triumph of individualism and anarchy, showing how, after Charlemagne's great but sterile efforts to restore the Roman principle of sovereignty, the great landowners gradually monopolized the various functions in the state; how society modelled on.
During the liberal regime of 1820-1823 Clemencin took office as colonial minister, was exiled till 1827, and in 1833 published the first volume of his edition (1833-1839) of Don Quixote.
He remained an austere republican, refusing to take part in the Napoleonic regime.
The French Revolution, in which all Europe was engrossed, was in Goethe's eyes only another proof that the passing of the old regime meant the abrogation of all law and order, and he gave voice to his antagonism to the new democratic principles in the dramas Der Grosskophta (1792), Der Burgergeneral (1793), and in the unfinished fragments Die Aufgeregten and Das Miidchen von Oberkirch.
He declared that a Tory regime in his country was incompatible with good government, and he began an agitation for the repeal of the union.
The history of the Afghan countries under the Mongols is obscure; but that regime must have left its mark upon the country, if we judge from the occurrence of frequent Mongol names of places, and even of Mongol expressions adopted into familiar language.
All these circumstances combined to render the new regime weak and unpopular, since there was no force at the ruler's command except foreign troops to put down disorder or to protect those who submitted, while the discontented nobles fomented disaffection and the inbred hatred of strangers in race and religion among the general Afghan population.
Owing to the silladar system, under which the native cavalry provided their own horses and accoutrements, many of the sowars were in debt, and were in favour of a change which would wipe out the existing regime and with it the moneylender.
Gladstone, which branded the Bourbon regime as " the negation of God erected into a system of government."
In 1789 he was elected a member of the states-general by the clergy of the bailliage of Peronne, and from the first proved to be the most able and persevering defender of the ancien regime, although he had drawn up the greater part of the cahier of the clergy of Peronne, which contained a considerable programme of reform.
Successive Arab dynasties looted it, and many monuments of antiquity suffered (to be finally swept away by "municipal improvements" under the French regime).
This zone falls within the regime of the summer monsoon rains, while those districts adjoining the coast zone enjoy also winter rains.
Compared with the results of English or Dutch colonization the conversion and civilization of the Filipinos is a most remarkable achievement s Notwithstanding the undeniable vices, follies and absurd illiberalities of the Spanish colonial regime, the Philippines were the only group in the East Indies that improved in civilization in the three centuries following their discovery.
Great Britain hastened to re-knit the bonds of her ancient friendship with Turkey; the powers, without exception, professed their sympathy with the new regime.
In Belgium, where penal administration has received the closest attention for a number of years, the regime of cellular imprisonment has been long carried to its farthest limits, and solitary confinement ranging over ten years and in some cases much more has been strictly enforced.
The regime undergone is cellular; able-bodied prisoners are kept in strict separation for at least a month, and during that time subjected to severe labour; although the term of first-class hard labour and of purely penal character no longer exists.
The cellular regime is applicable to prisoners between 18 and 30, and to first offenders of 50 years of age, the term being fixed by the governor of the gaol, but never exceeding three years.