Regenerating Sentence Examples
The last but one of the Grand Masters who reigned in Malta, de Rohan, restored good government, abated abuses and promulgated a code of laws; but the ascendancy acquired by the Inquisition over the Order, the confiscation of the property of the knights in France on the outbreak of the Revolution, and the intrigues of the French made the task of regenerating the Order evidently hopeless in the changed conditions of Christendom.
It is important in other functions as well, such as maintaining a strong immune system, keeping skin healthy and regenerating cells.
Zunz took no large share in Jewish reform, but never lost faith in the regenerating power of "science" as applied to the traditions and literary legacies of the ages.
But towards the end of his reign the energy of Wladislaus revived, and he began to occupy himself with another scheme for regenerating his country, in its own despite, by means of the Cossacks.
Weldon's method of regenerating the spent chlorine liquors.
It was a complex task of regenerating Docklands, because its diverse areas were enormous.
Innovative ideas like this could be the key to regenerating some our more deprived areas.
Now substantial investment has been put into regenerating the center, things are really ' looking up ' .
The system can be seriously prejudicial to the process of regenerating contaminated or brown-field sites.
Basically there were plenty of naturally regenerating seedlings - farmers cut back those they did not want to develop into fodder trees.
AdvertisementThe regenerating drive is supplied from the mains via an isolating transformer.
The company intends to manage the parks as a haven for wildlife and as a way of regenerating native woodland.
The ritualistic theologians, however, go an important step further by identifying Prajapati with the performer, or patron, of the sacrifice, the sacrificer; every sacrifice thus becoming invested - in addition to its cosmic significance - with the mystic power of regenerating the sacrificer by cleansing him of all guilt and securing for him a seat in the eternal abodes.
It was the same optimism, with its easy methods of regenerating society and its fatal blindness to the real conditions that circumscribe human life, that was responsible for the wild theories of the French Revolution and many of its consequent excesses.
It is said by Schultz (I I) to develop, in specimens which are regenerating the lophophoral end, from an invagination of the ectoderm; and in this condition is compared by him with Efferent vessel.
AdvertisementCrace-Calvert in 1871 showed that the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere was a factor; and in 1888 Crum Brown published the theory - termed the "carbonic acid theory" - that water and carbon dioxide react with iron to form ferrous carbonate and hydrogen, the ferrous carbonate being subsequently oxidized by moist oxygen to ferric hydrate and regenerating carbon dioxide, which again reacts with more iron.
By the time he had finished his elaborate scheme for regenerating society by means of a devoted aristocracy of knowledge, and the diffusion of culture, the year 1848 was past, and with it his fever of Democracy.
The important mystery mentioned by the Rhetor, though it aroused his curiosity, did not seem to him essential, and the second aim, that of purifying and regenerating himself, did not much interest him because at that moment he felt with delight that he was already perfectly cured of his former faults and was ready for all that was good.
Less disturbance of forest ecosystem and greater shelter for regenerating seedlings.
There are clear benefits from Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel and ULSD with a continuously regenerating particle trap over standard diesel.
AdvertisementThe cleared rhododendron has been regenerating very rapidly from the cut stumps.
Everyone needs healthy and regenerating cells to live properly but if cells are exposed to something that alters their genetic make-up, they may not behave normally and then cancer can occur.
Further, magic potions have been replaced with special moves that consume a portion of a character's new, regenerating mana gauge and are triggered by using the R1 button.
In the early 2000s trials are being done to determine whether treatment with human nerve growth factor will be effective in regenerating the damaged nerves.
During the night when your body is resting and regenerating its energy supply it needs protection and support.
AdvertisementThrough the academy, Oprah is instilling the importance of philanthropy in young women and regenerating her own passions for helping others.
Yoga therapy is designed to help an individual practitioner work through various issues with the hope of regenerating harmony and balance within the body, mind and spirit.
The understorey is a sparse layer of elder, hawthorn with some regenerating cherry.