Regardless Sentence Examples
Jackson could always make her laugh regardless of her misery.
Regardless of what we suspect, it's still just conjecture.
It was a moment that lay in her stomach like a week-long hunger, regardless of the fact that they had been gone only minutes.
You're thankful for any and all tips and investigate them regardless of source.
Regardless, he had given his word and no matter how it came out, there was no turning back at this point.
Right now it was enough to hear his deep voice, regardless of which language he spoke.
Regardless of how irresponsible the woman was, she presumably possessed natural maternal instincts for her child.
She didn't deserve to die, regardless of her intent.
The emperor pushed on his schemes regardless of everything.
The bureau responded, from the top, that all tips were welcomed and followed up, regardless of source.
AdvertisementOne thing is for sure if you remain voiceless -- nothing will change for the better and bureaucratic monsters will carry on regardless!
However, regardless of how early you book, be prepared to deal with large crowds.
Regardless, Clarissa's sugar coated barbs hit their mark all too often.
Poverty can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, gender or social background.
It is the same spirit that makes people fanatical about a certain sports team, regardless of the players or the score.
AdvertisementNo student of history would argue this point, regardless of his or her politics.
I had made a promise to her and I intended to keep it, regardless of the outcome.
She hoped he would not feed directly on humans, but he needed to learn how to rein in his lust, regardless.
So butchers rake the tongues of bison out of the prairie grass, regardless of the torn and drooping plant.
Still, regardless of impeccable quality, it is important to remember that an expensive dress may only be worn to one holiday party and may incur about eight dollars worth of cleaning costs.
AdvertisementLoans must be repaid, but are available to everyone, regardless of income level.
I guess I just automatically think the worst of anything that comes out of Shipton's mouth, regardless.
The prefect of the praetorium was determined to satisfy the soldiers, regardless altogether of the feelings of the provincials.
Regardless of where you purchase your shoes, make sure you understand the return policy.
While a tuxedo may seem overly dressy for many occasions, your little one will look adorable in a tuxedo, regardless of how dressy everyone else at the event is.
AdvertisementRegardless of where you shop, in such cases you will be buying sizes ahead for your child, but this is truly the key to receiving the best deal.
Regardless of the type of coat you spring for, ensure that it is big enough to fit for the entire winter, and don't forget to try it on when your child is wearing multiple layers (a shirt and a sweater), instead of only a light T-shirt.
Regardless of where you depart from, you can expect to see some of the most beautiful sights in the world on a Hawaiian cruise.
Also, regardless of whether you are cruising to a tropical locale or a colder climate, it's always a good idea to pack sunscreen, lip balm and Kleenex.
Fit - Regardless of the type of collar you choose, fit is important.
Regardless, if you find yourself in a situation where you could wear a tie if you wanted to, never be afraid to express yourself with a well-chosen and well-knotted necktie.
God, he would have given both arms, his manhood, and his Captain Midnight whistle for one day as a pro, regardless of the language of the cheering fans.
Roses are a popular choice for weddings, regardless of when you plan to marry.
It should be noted that almost every clothing item, regardless of its designer, is marked up to make a profit.
This allows all students to work together regardless of location and study time.
A semester is a semester, regardless of whether it is a 16-week semester at a traditional college or a five-week semester at University of Phoenix.
Regardless of where prospective students live, looking at distance learning programs in Wisconsin can be a wise use of time because the University of Wisconsin's programs in some subjects are among the best available.
Regardless of your income level and financial situation, it's crucial to compare tuition costs across grad programs that interest you.
Regardless of whether you plan to study internationally or simply go through a global MBA program in your own country, the first place you should look for scholarships is at your school.
Royal Caribbean hires individuals from around the world regardless of nationality or citizenship, and the types of jobs the company offers are seemingly endless, including both oceangoing and land-based opportunities.
Royal Caribbean also provides free airfare to your port of embarkation and back home, regardless of where in the world you reside.
If you suffer from claustrophobia, then cruising for 10 days in an inside cabin will be no bargain regardless of how much money you saved on it.
Regardless of which of the Hawaiian Islands you visit, you can choose from a wide range of sunset cruise options from basic to fancy.
Regardless of whether you are booking an extended transatlantic cruise or a quick weekend getaway, finding a great deal is possible if can leave on a moment's notice.
Regardless of her due date, it sounds like it will be a very small litter if she has one at all.
Regardless of which breed you are interested in studying through the Canine Review, make sure you educate yourself about the specifics.
Sturdy build - Regardless of how big the dog is, he needs to be sturdily built.
Every dog is an individual, and there are good and bad representatives of every breed regardless of their public reputation.
Regardless of materials, the skirts measure approximately twelve to eighteen inches in length and twenty to twenty-two inches in width, excluding the cord.
For the most part Starworts are regardless of cold or rain.
Regardless of where you purchase your gemstone brooches, you'll love the versatility and beauty of this exciting jewelry piece.
Women tend to take shorter steps than men regardless of the type of shoes they're wearing.
Regardless of your height, make sure that the tie hangs down to the center of your belt buckle, or the button on your waistband.
However, regardless of how enjoyable it is, it's something that has to be done.
Regardless of the type of tank, the environmental and financial savings are substantial.
Regardless of which pet you choose, it is your job to keep it growing and staying alive.
Regardless of the age and size of the person you are shopping for, you should be able to find the right size and theme for a great gift.
The number one rule to follow regardless of whether you are driving from your home to the point of embarkation, or you are flying there, is to pack light.
Regardless of how large your butterfly garden is, be sure to take photos of these wonderful winged species.
Regardless of which of these attractive winter plants you choose to use, make sure to provide mulch around the base of the plant.
Regardless of your skill level or what you want to learn on your guitar, there are a number of Web sites that will help you improve your guitar skills.
Regardless of whether you've installed new cabinets in your kitchen, you may want to consider under-cabinet lighting to enhance your kitchen's look.
On the other hand, if your friend or family member had a horrendous experience with a contractor, then heed the warning and stay away, regardless of the low cost the contractor may quote you.
Regardless of your style or space limitations, there is an Anderson patio door to meet your needs.
The uses for motion lights are endless, and the lights benefit property owners and the environment regardless of the type or style of light used.
However, regardless of where you install the light and whether it is for home or business uses, it is important to consider all of the options and styles available on the market today.
Regardless which of the attic insulation products you choose, improving your home's energy efficiency should reduce your energy costs and ultimately pay for itself.
Regardless of your home's style, if you're wondering where to start with your color palette selection, consider some of these ideas.
From being baked and dried out in the summer, to the freeze and thaw in the winter, fabric just can't hold up for more than a few years.Aluminum awnings retain their sturdiness regardless of the season.
Regardless of the precise design, however, the claddagh will always represent the strong bond between the giver and the recipient.
Wire wrapping is also used to set the irregular shapes of crystals and this can make a wonderful way to show off a special stone regardless of whether you believe in its healing powers.
Regardless of the miles that may separate them through their lifetime, a mother and daughter will always feel the special love they share and their bracelets will become treasured family heirlooms.
Distinctive style - regardless of whether the bangle costs a couple of dollars from a garage sale, or is bought new from a budget fashion store, look for items that are a little unusual.
Regardless of the design, earring trees provide a safe and easy-to-organize place to display your earrings.
Regardless of whether you choose to buy a friendship bracelet or make your own, these lovely jewelry items are a great way to express your affection for your friend.
Regardless what you decide to buy, you can rest assured knowing that your bridesmaids' chocolate pearl jewelry will look stunning.
You will want to look polished and pulled together regardless of the atmosphere.
There are those who will speak their mind regardless, of course, and then there are those who choose to wear their hearts on their sleeves - or as the case might otherwise be, on their t-shirts.
That's because regardless of color, no one wants to spend their time in an itchy and uncomfortable sweater!
Regardless of your style, you can find the ideal pair of men's jeans to complete your look.
Consider, too, whether you'll be seeing any clients and what they expect from you regardless of whether it's "business casual" day.
Or should men have the right to wear comfortable clothing regardless?
Regardless of whether these foods are organic, they still may not be the best choice for someone who is trying to lose or maintain weight.
Pest control can be an issue regardless of the quality of your soil.
There are some consumers who do not trust any published research regarding GMOs regardless of the source, and instead they use their own experiences with GMOs as a guide.
All pants, regardless of whether they have elastic or not, should have belt loops if you plan to wear a belt.
This goose down Chalet long coat from Lands' End will keep you warm regardless of how far the temperatures fall.
Regardless of whether your dress is casual or formal, make sure it is pressed before you wear it out.
Regardless of dance style, however, all plus size dance skirts must be roomy and stretchy enough to allow for easy movement.
With fashionable plus size ladies golf apparel, your look is always up to par, regardless of your skills on the green.
Regardless of cost, adding a Jones of New York dress to your wardrobe is a smart way to add sophistication and timeless style.
Lace, skinny straps, demi-cups and transparent material all make beautiful bras, but these types of elements don't often lend the support that women with ample busts need, regardless of their size.
Regardless of media and magazine images touting the "ideal" as a size four (or smaller), plenty of people who are regarded as plus are actually in better health than the super skinny models parading down runways.
Regardless of what type of bra you're searching for, there are several key elements that contribute to making it a great bra.
These nightshirts can be found in a wide range of styles and colors, making them a perfect sleep option for women to consider regardless of their age or size.
Regardless of where you buy your lingerie, or which style of fishnet stocking you choose, your lingerie should make you feel good inside and out.
Petite relates to how tall you are, regardless of the size you wear.
Previously, women had simply worn their best dresses for their wedding day, regardless of the color, and the dress continued to be worn for good occasions until it wore out or went out of style.
Regardless of the method used to clean, you should wear protective clothing before cleaning an area of mold.
Forget the complexity of chess, and the over-simplified connect four; checkers is the one timeless board game that can enthrall any two players, regardless of age.
The intuitive motion-based gameplay meant that everyone, regardless of experience or skill level, could have a good time with virtual bowling, tennis, and boxing.
States senator regardless of their own preferences.'
Its objects are to promote a high morality among Jews, regardless of differences as to dogma and ceremonial customs, and especially to inculcate the supreme virtues of charity and brotherly love.
Two years later he took up Calvert's work on the former site, and, convinced that Troy must be on the lowest level, hewed his way down, regardless of the upper strata, wherein lay unseen the remains of which he was really in search.
The exemption of the homestead continues for the benefit of the widow or for the children alone, whether minors or not, provided it is occupied by some of them, and it may be partitioned among the children regardless of debts.
He ruled the church with a firm hand; appointed his own supporters, regardless of their individual fitness, to bishoprics and abbeys; and sought by inquiry to restore to the royal domain the estates granted to the church by his predecessors.
Clubs were openly organized, pamphlets and journals appeared, regardless of administrative orders; workmens unions multiplied in Paris, Bordeaux and Lyons, in face of drastic pro hibition; and anarchy finally set in with the defection of the army in Paris on the 23rd of June, at Nancy, at Metz and at Brest.
Regardless of this provision, however, the civil code denies the right of an appeal from an inferior court in cases that have been tried by a jury, and in which the amount claimed does not exceed $20, and the courts have decided that this denial is not in conflict with the constitution; but in at least one instance an appeal was allowed because of the constitutional guaranty, and that guaranty has doubtless had much influence on judicial legislation.
This upgrade provides future proof access to the world of external multi channel audio decoders regardless of future changes in technology.
Regardless of these visits, the situation in Tibet still remains grim.
Regardless of actual party politics, it is the creeping erosion of norms which scares the hell out of me.
And, regardless of his motives, he was still guilty of attempted homicide.
Regardless of the topic, a unified theory, as sated above, seeks to explain seemingly incompatible aspects of various theories.
Regardless of whom I save, however, my choice proves nothing about the moral legitimacy of experimenting on animals.
Regardless, it fulfills its purpose - comfortable surroundings in which to enjoy a libation and a natter.
ReaCTor can be linked to other SEOS environments world-wide through remote linkups, enabling colleagues to work alongside each other regardless of geographical location.
They found that all the spined loach they examined were of the same species, regardless of the river in which they were caught.
I think they try to concentrate on the gold medalist (regardless of country) to get their reaction.
In both cases antihypertensive medication is recommended regardless of CVD risk.
Regardless of my physical fatigue I soon became entangled in a stubborn, often misguided, desire to master my trade.
They are critical to mission accomplishment regardless of the assigned mission accomplishment regardless of the assigned mission.
I often overcompensate by attempting to recognize people regardless of familiarity.
Harsh materialist philosophy revolutionary truths are what need putting forward, -- constantly, -- regardless of who might feel offended.
Regardless of the title, generally the films were all similar, low budget potboilers.
Regardless, while the movement of players comes very easily, getting the puck past a big fat goalie is another issue.
I commented that all her books, regardless of intended readership, are very skilfully paced.
However in my new place of work they continue to use normal saline for all patients regardless of the diagnosis.
Certain institutions can offer full or partial tuition scholarships to students they want regardless of nationality.
The specified transparent index represents a pixel that is considered entirely transparent regardless of any alpha value specified for it.
It's always been her wish to bring people together, regardless of color or creed, in admiration of her enormous artificial udders.
The principles of administering flu vaccinations are the same for all nurses, regardless of titles.
With the addition of the copper metal center in compound 2, the uranium emission is absent regardless of the excitation wavelength.
In fact, respectable results are attained regardless of the mother wavelet or the value of its adjustable parameter.
Also, a majority of Americans are against unauthorized wiretaps regardless of Bush's rhetoric in rationalizing the illegal surveillance.
This WYSIWIG interface is pretty zippy too, although I may stay with Markdown and w.bloggar, regardless.
Visconti-Ven.osta and Minghetti, partly from aversion to a Jacobin policy, and partly from a conviction that Bismarck sooner or later would undertake his Gang nach Canossa, regardless of any tacit engagement he might have assumed towards Italy, had wisely declined to be drawn into any infraction of the Law of Guarantees.
During the cholera epidemic at Naples and Busca in 1884, and the Ischia earthquake of 1885, he, regardless of danger, brought relief and encouragement to sufferers, and rescued many lives.
He brought all the " observable things," which the eager collectors of the previous century had been heaping together regardless of order or system, into relation with the vertical relief and the horizontal forms of the earth's surface.
Brewster, apply the name of amethyst to all quartz which exhibits this structure, regardless of its colour.
Yet it hardly yields to them in activity or in the grace of its actions, as it seeks its food from the catkins of the alder or birch, regardless of the attitude it assumes while so doing.
The underground is used where the congestion of traffic is so great as to demand a railway almost regardless of cost, and where the conditions of surface traffic or of adjoining property are such as to require that the railway shall not obstruct or occupy any ground above the surface.
Consequently we find an extraordinary development of strophic forms corresponding to the many new "tones" which every Meistersinger regarded it as his duty to invent - tones which bore the most remarkable and often ridiculous names, such as Gestreif tsaf ranblumleinweis, Fettdachsweis, Vielfrassweis, geblilmte Paradiesweis, &c. The verses were adapted to the musical strophes by a merely mechanical counting of syllables, regardless of rhythm or sense.
Unfortunately her brilliant and commanding qualities were vitiated by an inordinate pride and egoism, which exhibited themselves in an utter contempt for public opinion, and a prodigality utterly regardless of the necessities of the state.
The United States government asserted the Rio Grande claim and prepared to enforce it at the cost of war; at the same time the Mexican government considered annexation, regardless of the boundary question, a declaration of war by the United States.
The pursuit of salvation does not dominate by any means the whole life and ambition of even ardent believers; statesmen, philosophers, men of letters, scientific investigators and inventors have commonly gone their way regardless of the particular form of Christianity which prevailed in the land in which they lived.
Regardless of this warning, he was induced in 1284 to take up the quarrel of his uncle Charles in Sicily, after the Sicilian Vespers in 1282.
Then at Abydus, or more probably from Babylonia, there is the large bronze lion-weight, stated to have been originally 400,500 grains; this has been continually divided by 60 by different writers, regardless of the fact (Rev. arch., 1862, 30) that it bears the numeral 100; this therefore is certainly a talent of 100 minae of 4005; and as the mina is generally 50 shekels in Greek systems it points to a weight of 80.1.
Although the term sapphire is primarily applied to blue corundum, it is often used in a general sense so as to include all corundum of gem quality, regardless of colour.
During his visit to England on this occasion General Botha declared the whole-hearted adhesion of the Transvaal to the British empire, and his intention to work for the welfare of the country regardless of racial differences.
The circumstance which has given popular interest to the lemming is that certain districts of the cultivated lands of Norway and Sweden, where in ordinary circumstances they are unknown, are, at uncertain intervals varying from five to twenty or more years, overrun by an army of these little creatures, which steadily and slowly advance, always in the same direction, and regardless of all obstacles, swimming streams and even lakes of several miles in breadth, and committing considerable devastation on their line of march by the quantity of food they consume.
Melville's rudeness (if it is to be called so) was the outburst of just indignation from a man zealous for the purity of religion and regardless of consequences to himself.
His policy was that of "coercion" - the fearless administration of the Crimes Act, - coupled with remedial legislation; and he enforced the one while he proceeded with the other, regardless of the risk of outrage outside the House and of insult within.
Regardless of this sentence Otto completed the conquest of southern Italy, but the efforts of Innocent had succeeded in arousing considerable opposition in Germany, where the rebels were also supported by Philip Augustus, king of France.
Equally dangerous was a rebellion in the Lower Rhineland, where the emperor made many foes by appointing, regardless of their fitness, his own candidates to vacant bishoprics.
Incarceration was no doubt practised by irresponsible masters, regardless of personal rights, callous to the sufferings of their victims, to which death by starvation or horrible neglect was a welcome relief.
I kind of resent paying to get into a pub regardless of who is playing.
The company dealt with this through its normal competence and performance management process, which is the same for all employees regardless of age.
And the IEA debaters, regardless of the perspective they were coming from, were far less sanguine about British prospects.
Your set-aside entitlement will be fixed regardless of what crops you decide to grow in 2006.
It is unlawful for a woman to have sexual intercourse with a boy under the age of 16, regardless of his having consented.
Sooty stains appear on or just above appliances, regardless of the fuel being burnt.
Each and every safeguard listed here is absent in d & d, regardless of politicians ' specious claims to the contrary.
It 's always been her wish to bring people together, regardless of color or creed, in admiration of her enormous artificial udders.
Virginity testing is likely to be harmful for many girls, regardless of whether they pass the test.
One thing is for sure if you remain voiceless -- nothing will change for the better and bureaucratic monsters will carry on regardless !
The attitudinal gap among ability levels widened with age, tho for academic reading attitude the negative trend was similar regardless of ability.
Also, a majority of Americans are against unauthorized wiretaps regardless of Bush 's rhetoric in rationalizing the illegal surveillance.
Homeostasis is present in all life, helping to stabilize and sustain an organisms' functions, regardless of changing outside circumstances.
Regardless of your age, certain personal qualities will facilitate your startup success.
Regardless of when you begin, your baby will be happily eating a variety of foods in no time at all.
While this may be generally true, individual children will respond in different ways, regardless of gender.
Parenting is a long road, regardless of whether you became a parent through childbirth or through adoption.
This should be done regardless of whether you use one or several flowers.
Others simply list the smallest child regardless of his or her mortality.
Regardless of her gestational age, little Amillia weighed in at a whopping 10 ounces, and she was 9 inches in length.
Regardless of the type of baby care package you purchase or make, newborn baby gift baskets are an excellent gift for both the new baby and the new mom.
While you may want to place it on the playpen instead of above the bed so that your baby can get some sleep, the mobile is a great addition to the nursery regardless of where it will be placed in the room.
Regardless of the type of cloth diaper you choose, know that by choosing cloth over disposable you are making a considerable contribution to the good of the environment.
Regardless of the method you choose, it is important that your child understands her behavior is unacceptable.
Adopting a child takes time, regardless of the age of the child involved.
Regardless of the reason, the adoption of a toddler can offer joy and fulfillment to everyone involved.
Many times, if your car has a warranty it is covered by the lemon law, regardless of if it is new or used.
Regardless of the terms of the sale or warranty, if you were sold a lemon and there is a state lemon law for used cars, you will have some manner of recourse if you have to make extensive repairs on the vehicle.
Regardless of where you buy your fruit, there are some advantages and disadvantages.
With the following tips, hints, and pointers, you should have no problem finding the best set of car stereo speakers for you, regardless of budget.
Regardless, the U2 gives you an extremely sturdy and robust player whose essential capabilities are on-par with more expensive players.
Regardless of the source, always be sure the game is guaranteed (most retailers will offer exchanges on used items if they don't work).
Regardless of whether you need it for business, to play games, or just surf the web, you want to make sure you have the right one that suits your needs.
It is thought to be any gold product made by a manufacturer, regardless of its shape.
Regardless if leasing or buying prices for cars are better, it a big investment.
Regardless, below is a list of some of the tribes from which you may obtain cigarettes.
Regardless, you can save a lot of money buying in bulk this way, rather than buying a few pieces here and there.
Regardless, it can be useful to know reliable websites that can help you with this.
Regardless, you should still make your way around the site, noting where you find your account information.
However, with the various outlet malls, there is a way to purchase a number of quality name brand items at deeply discounted prices regardless of budget.
Acquainting yourself with the most popular tablet PCs will give you several points of reference, regardless of what type of tablet you end up purchasing.
Regardless of the precise origin of their ancestors, a few generations of harsh New England winters finalized the traits of the breed, creating a very hardy, large, intelligent, long-haired cat.
Regardless of your gender, your cat is treating you more like a breeding partner.
Regardless of sifting capabilities, there still comes a day when it's time to completely empty the litter box and wash the entire assembly, hood included.
Although Himalayans are laid back in nature, most cats dislike water and grooming regardless of their nature.
Regardless, FIP is often a suspect when one cat within a cattery experiences extreme abdominal swelling and a lack of appetite.
Regardless of what makes cats purr, most pet owners find purring is a positive quality in their cat.
So when it comes to cat food ratings, regardless of performance reviews, you will want to investigate the quality of every brand before choosing a food for your cat.
Regardless of what a taste test reveals, this sort of "food" product should not receive a high rating.
Regardless of whether declawing is a moral procedure, Using lasersdoes appearthis surgery to result in a quicker recovery for cats that are declawed using this method.
Other economic factors, like utilities, gas prices and inflation, reduce the family budget regardless, yet that compounded interest on debt incurred takes even more away.
Regardless of dishonest companies, it is still a good idea to check your FICO score.
The IRS always makes the final determination on who is accepted for this option, regardless of promised negotiation tactics, and whether the $150 OIC filing fee can be waived.
The first type of service allows you to pay bills online through a secure site regardless of whether the creditor accepts electronic payments.
Through you can also see any bill online regardless of whether or not the creditor sends your bills electronically.
There are organizations which have open membership to anyone, and membership into these organizations grant eligibility into Pentagon FCU membership regardless of military affiliation.
Some companies charge a specific balance transfer fee regardless of the amount of your transfer.
It is important to read the terms and conditions of the card prior to use since there may be instances like these when the card will not work regardless of the available balance.
First USA customizes the process by allowing you to submit a password which will be required every time you make an online purchase, regardless of where you purchase from and what items you are buying.
Regardless of their choice of accommodations, they can be guaranteed the ultimate in accommodations, luxury and service.
Regardless of the reason, once you figure out that you need to make some changes, you need to make a decision that you are going to dedicate yourself to fixing the problem.
Regardless of which financial institution issued your Visa rewards card, the Visa company offers all of its card holders huge discounts with partner merchants.
There is no limit to the number of times a cardholder can request a balance cancelation, but Target limits the total amount of money that can be canceled to $10,000 regardless of the number of claimed qualifying events.
Children, regardless of which parent they live with, have certain rights.
The court can require either parent, regardless of gender, to support their children.
Regardless of whether the court orders you to attend mediation or you and your spouse decide privately to speak with a mediator, the mediation session is confidential.
Some lawyers work strictly on a flat fee basis, which means they charge a set amount of money regardless of how many hours they work on a case.
According to the law, each spouse contributed equally to the marriage regardless of who had the higher salary.
Ending a marriage can be emotionally trying regardless of the circumstances, so the trick is to find the best coping mechanisms that work for you.
This results in a payer potentially having to pay even more on the support order, regardless of the length of time since divorce.
The following are values that are often seen in family units, regardless of the structure of the unit and the culture and geography that shape the family.
Regardless of the actual activities chosen, family night is an important bonding experience that creates lasting memories and unforgettable experiences.
This will keep them in place when it's windy, and regardless of who's sitting in the chair, the cushion will be positioned correctly for a comfortable fit every time.
Eight-ball, nine-bill and cut throat are three of the most popular games played today, regardless of the pool table size.
With a custom piece, you can easily match your current furniture, regardless of the style.
Sunbrella fabrics are designed to be resistant to stains, fading and UV damage, meaning less wear and tear occurs, regardless of whatever Mother Nature has in store.
Regardless of what type of furniture you order, it can be customized in a variety of ways.
Regardless of the size or shape of the desk, it's best to gather the necessary materials and assemble them in the room where the desk will remain.
One of the benefits of using collected rain water is that it can be used with a hose pipe at any time regardless of hose pipe bans or restrictions in many areas.
Unlike traditional water heaters, that use an immersion heater to heat a tank of water regardless of how much is required, a tankless system heats just the water required.
This type of technology can be simple or startlingly complex, but regardless of the science behind the task of breaking down consumable items, contributing less material to your local landfill is an achievable goal.
The net result was that cinnamon appeared to lower blood glucose levels regardless of the dose, so a little went a long way.
Just about any individual, regardless of age or sex can benefit from homeopathy.
Design one room or the whole home; regardless of how you go about it, virtual room planning helps take some of the stress out of the interior design process.
Regardless of whether or not that is true, the charm of rooster accents will never go out of style.
As such, this material can be incorporated into any home, regardless of style and design.
Regardless of what decorating style you use, a bedroom should look comfortable and simple, refined and exquisite.
For designers without certification, it may be difficult to assess the quality of their experience within the field, regardless of the number of years they have worked as a designer.
Regardless of your taste, budget or available space, you can create your own personal master bedroom.
Regardless, decorators of all levels have the same basic tasks when working with a new client, and all of these responsibilities together add up to the final design of a room or home.
Regardless of your home's style or design, there are several ways you can paint the interior to show it off to its best effect.
Needless to say, waterproof mascara is a heaven-sent product for women everywhere, regardless of whether or not she's prone to a few tears every now and then.
Regardless of how perfect your makeup application may be, summer poses a whole range of stay proof makeup challenges.
Regardless of the shades found within your irises, brown eyed girls can pull off sexy eyes easier than any other eye color.
Regardless, by utilizing the color palette that works best with hazel eyes, you'll be able to ensure that your eyes sparkle no matter what shade you happen to be wearing!
Regardless of what the headliner says, MAC products are not sold at kiosks.
When you play online, your league, regardless of which sport your participate in, drafts and plays its season using an Internet host, such as Yahoo, ESPN or CBS
Regardless of the dubious legality of many online TV options, just like with music and game downloads, it seems unlikely that free online television programs are going to go away.
Regardless of whether the pet is created or chosen, each of these games involves scenarios and activities associated with caring for the virtual animal.
Regardless of which type you are interested in, you'll likely be able to find what you're looking for online.
However, there are also a lot of gimmicks and scams on the web, so it's always important to stick to shopping with trusted and reliable retailers - and pay close attention to the fine print, regardless of how good the offer sounds.
Wachovia's online bill paying service, called BillPay, allows you to do your banking activities quickly and securely, regardless of time and location.
Paper checks can be replaced by e-payments and electronic checks to anyone in the United States, regardless of whether or not they also have a Wells Fargo bank account.
Regardless of which resource you use, never depend completely on the Internet as your ultimate resource for medical information.
Regardless of which one you like to consistently use, make sure you save the web address to your bookmarks so you can open your web browser and load it up in a matter of seconds.
Regardless, nude models are aware that the photos are meant to be sexy, and getting them to pose seductively isn't usually as difficult as it is for boudoir photographers.
Regardless of skill level, there's always some fine-tuning that can be done to capture eye-catching images.
Regardless of where the pictures are snapped, the focus is generally on an item the female model is wearing.
Regardless of how skilled you are as a photographer, it helps to shoot with professional grade equipment.
Teenage girls, regardless of their body type, tend to be very worried about looking slim in their photos.
Regardless of how small the flaw, the camera is no longer "new" and cannot be sold as such.
Regardless of how many subjects are in your shot, it's a good idea to position them naturally and forego contrived arrangements.
All of the images taken by your camera are distorted, regardless of the shooting environment.
The goal of a nudist photographer is to capture the innate beauty of a subject’s body regardless of her height, weight or age.
Regardless of the method you choose, you will want to start thawing your turkey well before Thanksgiving Day or it won't cook properly.
Regardless of how old your school-aged child is, he will benefit from some easy for kid breakfast recipes.
Regardless of your sauce options for your steak recipe, rub a bit of oil onto the grill and heat it up for a couple of minutes before placing your meat down.
Turkey and Stuffing Casserole Recipe - this could either serve as an entrée or a side, but regardless of how you feature it, this dish is definitely something to be thankful for.
Regardless of what you decide to serve, Thanksgiving is supposed to be a day of gratitude.
Regardless of how you feel about becoming a scrapbook hostess, remember that there are many people who simply don't enjoy home parties of any type.
Regardless of which type of digital scrapbooking business you choose, there are several important legal considerations to keep in mind as you pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.
Regardless of what internet scrapbooking business opportunities you choose, you need to make sure you keep careful records.
Regardless of the season, Washington DC scrapbook page ideas are plentiful.
Regardless of the project, Fiskars products make the job easier.
They enhance scrapbook pages, regardless of theme or size.
The following is a basic digital scrapbook planner you can use when starting your album, regardless of whether or not you have any experience with creating traditional scrapbook layouts.
Regardless of how you use your designs, free custom stickers open up a wide range of design options without straining your budget.
Regardless of your reason, it's fun and easy to give your album a Japanese flair.
Regardless of whether you choose to accent the exterior of your scrapbook or add Oriental embellishments to your page layout, you album will be a gorgeous statement about this exciting country.
Beginning and intermediate skiers generally tend to use lower DIN settings, regardless of how much they weigh or their boot size.
Regardless of your skill level, proper sizing is critical in nearly all situations.
If you can't talk to anyone, writing in a journal or even just writing an e-mail (regardless of whether you send it) can help you.
Regardless of the type of work you do, look for a position with a schedule that fits your natural energy cycle.
Regardless of how well or poorly this works in the personal world, professionalism demands that you manage anger in a healthy and adult manner.
Regardless of your occupation, profession or job description, stress has become an accepted part of everyone's workday.
One of the best ways to recognize if it's a true friendship you're experiencing is if the other person always has time to listen to you, regardless of what he or she may be doing.
Regardless of the season, the colors don't matter much as long as it fits and looks good.
Assign a specific time that everyone needs to return, regardless of whether the team has all of the items photographed or not.
When it comes to teenage fashion, wear what you love and what flatters your figure to look and feel your best, regardless of current fashion trends.
Your speech should speak to everyone in your class, regardless of race, gender, intelligence level, or socio-economic status.
While many high school students, regardless of the educational institution, find themselves in and out of the principal's office, Catholic high school girls in trouble are a pretty common occurrence.
Even more staggering is the fact that 38 percent of fatal crashes, regardless of age, involved drinking and driving.
Regardless of why you want to track down old high school yearbooks, the hunt may not be so easy.
Poetry forms a foundation for any real relationship regardless of your age.
Unfortunately, teenagers often have the impression that nothing will happen to them, regardless of how irresponsible they are.
If you're looking for nutritional yeast to use in cooking, choose from among the many brands regardless of how the yeast was grown.
Making your own protein shakes ensures that you can make the shake so it tastes great to you, regardless of what others think.
Regardless, you will need a good blender with a strong motor to get your drinks just right.
Most vegetarians follow an environmentally conscious lifestyle, regardless of whether they chose to give up meat for ecological reasons or other rationale.
A designer wedding gown is truly a spectacular choice for any wedding, regardless of dress style.
Regardless of who will do the hosting, you should remember to plan these important details.
Yet regardless of who ultimately makes the airline reservations, planning and preparing for the honeymoon is a fun and exciting way for couples to start their new lives together.
While in the majority of states, common law marriages aren't recognized regardless of the time period that a couple has co-habituated together, there are fifteen states which do recognize this union as legal.
Many couples, regardless of background or culture, have chosen classy, elegant favors with an Asian flair.
If it's important her bridal party have a specific look, regardless of the cost, she might offer to help out.
The best wedding speeches are heartfelt and sincere, regardless of their length, content, or who delivers them.
Regardless of the reason for renting a classic limousine, you can be assured your ride will be unforgettable.
Regardless, your guests will appreciate the extra effort you went to finding them a special "thank you" for sharing in their special day.
In this case, many types of flowers can be shipped from specialty growers regardless of the season, or couples may opt for silk wedding flowers to get just the right shade to create their wedding color palette.
Regardless of your flower choice or even wedding colors, many stunning Christmas wedding bouquets are available.
You can get whatever you want, whenever, regardless of time of year.
Regardless of where you're going, you're probably going to need a passport.
Regardless of your preference, make sure you pair the right reading with the right segment of the wedding.
Regardless of the time of day for your reception, it may be worth considering adding a tent rental to your budget.
Especially in the off season, there are plenty of deals and steals available in this region of South Carolina to provide you with a dream day, regardless of income.
Regardless of what wedding color ideas you end up picking, you will need to carry them out throughout your wedding.
The vows parents say to one another should include the children, regardless of their role in the bridal party.
Regardless of where your inspiration comes from, you must relate the wisdom you write back to the couple.
Weddings and wine often go hand-in-hand, regardless of whether your theme is wine and grapes, taking place in a vineyard, or if you even like the drink itself.
Coming up with decoration ideas for outdoor weddings is important, regardless of how beautiful the location.
Regardless of how you decide to decorate, it is important to add a few touches to your wedding location.
A candy bar at a wedding is a great idea, regardless of the type of candy you choose or the style of bar you set up.
This makes for an easy tropical theme regardless of the time of year.
Regardless of the season, the same rules regarding what not to wear to a wedding apply - avoid all white dresses, obvious bridesmaid dresses, and anything too revealing.
Regardless of whether the wedding is indoors or outdoors, your best bet in planning a successful weekend wardrobe is to rely on layered items and separates.
The benefit is you get to get the exact color and form you desire regardless of the season, and you get to keep the flowers preserved forever.
Regardless of which traditional wedding gifts you ultimately decide to give, most bridal couples will agree that the gift of your presence during this momentous time in their lives is the greatest gift they can receive.
Regardless of whether you "flub your lines" or speak as if you are an Academy Award winner, the most important thing to remember is that the words should come from the heart.
You'll stand out on your wedding day regardless, but these dresses are meant to look like pieces of art, so they can help you take it up a notch.
Regardless of which of the garden wedding venues you chose, remember to plan for inclement weather.
Regardless of where she physically ends up, keep the lines of communication open so your relationship can continue to grow.
Regardless of the type of simple wedding centerpieces you choose, consider the meaning of the day.
Regardless of the type of dress used, it should complement but not outshine the bride's gown.
Regardless, a Seattle wedding is one sure to be remembered by everyone in attendance.
Regardless of the reason why a couple wants a vow renewal ceremony, some things are the same no matter what - planning a wedding vow renewal requires a few creative ideas and more than a little planning.
Regardless of the reason for renewing vows, a couple should understand that a renewal ceremony will not replace their wedding day.