Regaining Sentence Examples
In her clumsy attempt to catch it, she teetered for a moment before regaining her balance.
Several members, including Qatwal, may be willing to aid you in regaining your planet after you've reached a peace treaty.
Mrs. Reynolds smiled at him, her eyes regaining the familiar sparkle.
The Watcher continued to ignore him. "Have you never wondered what remains, since regaining your mind?"
Regaining control of himself, Taran turned to face her without removing his eye-band.
The brethren of East Prussia, however, still sighed for independence; and they pursued the policy of choosing German princes to be grand masters of the Order, in the hope of regaining liberty by their aid.
The Confederates now abandoned all idea of regaining the Decatur line, and based themselves on Jonesboro' and the Macon railway.
In 1413 Mahommed defeated Mussa, and thus remained sole heir to Bayezid's throne; in seven or eight years he succeeded Mahom- in regaining all the territories over which his father med 1., had ruled, whereas Timur's empire fell to pieces 1413-1421.
In 140 B.C. he marched against Mithradates, king of Parthia, but was taken prisoner by treachery, and remained in captivity for ten years, regaining his throne about 129 B.C. on the death of his brother, Antiochus VII., who had usurped it.
On heating it assumes a finer colour, but then turns violet and finally black; regaining, however, its original colour on cooling.
AdvertisementMeanwhile the landhunger of the Boers became stimulated rather than checked by the regaining of the independence of their country.
At the present time cut glass is steadily regaining favour.
On the afternoon of the 21st he succeeded in paying a third visit to the Tuileries, stayed there till m.idnight and succeeded, with great difficulty, in regaining Brussels on the 27th.
The Duke was anxious to obtain a capable candidate to aid him in regaining his ascendancy over the rebellious borough.
Regaining his kingdom after the defeat of the Scots at Halidon Hill in July 1333, Baliol surrendered the whole of the district formerly known as Lothian to Edward, and did homage for Scotland to the English king.
AdvertisementBut in the 21st year of the Peloponnesian war the island succeeded in regaining its independence.
On regaining his liberty, and being refused permission to return to his own country, he was invited to fill a professor's chair in the university of Sedan, and there he spent the last eleven years of his life.
With Bern he made a compromise, regaining Gex, the Chablais, and the Genevois, on condition that Protestantism should be tolerated there, but he renounced Vaud and some other districts (1566).
Meletius, after regaining his freedom, held his ground and drew around him many supporters, extending his influence even so far away as Palestine.
Austria gave up all hope of regaining her position in Germany; Germany disclaimed all intention of acquiring the German provinces of Austria.
AdvertisementThe beys, after this, appear to have despaired of regaining their ascendancy; most of them retreated to Upper Egypt, and an attempt at compromise failed.
It is, however, partially regaining the river trade in consequence of the compulsory substitution of drawbridges for the stationary railway bridges.
After regaining his throne he founded a monastery here in gratitude for the retreat afforded him by the island; no traces of it exist above ground, but remains have been excavated.
On regaining a nominal independence, it came more or less under the Roman suzerainty.
During the Crimean War Sweden remained neutral, although public opinion was decidedly anti-Russian, and sundry politicians regarded the conjuncture as favourable for regaining Finland.
AdvertisementAs regent, he had failed twice in taking the city of the caliphs, but on the second occasion he had defeated and killed its gallant defender, Topal Othman, and he had succeeded in regaining Tiffis, Kars and Erivan.
After the death of Louis, Ebbo succeeded in regaining possession of his see for some years (840-844), but in 844 Pope Sergius II.
After this the Confederates held much of southern Missouri until the next spring, when they were driven into Arkansas, never afterward regaining foothold in the state.
It would slowly, but constantly, percolate downwards and towards the sea, and would ooze out at or below the sea-level, rarely regaining the earth's surface earlier except in deep valleys.
In the autumn of 1623 Charles returned to England without a wife, and without hope of regaining the Palatinate with Spanish aid.
The king still had counsellors who wished for his departure as a means to regaining freedom of action.
On the 14th Louis swore to the Constitution, thus regaining his nominal sovereignty.
Without regaining that preponderance in the Levant which had been secured after the victory of Lepanto and before the civil wars, Marseilles still took an honorable place there, confirmed by the renewal in 1604 of the capitulations of Francis I.
There is at the most not more than an allusion to Christ, who is never mentioned by name, and though there are frequent allusions to the regaining of life, which is accomplished by union with the Logos, there is no reference to the doctrines of the incarnation or of the atonement.
Returning to the immortal realm with me and regaining your powers.
By bringing my niece here I believe I have given her an excellent chance of regaining her husband's affection.
But his sliced half-volley flew straight at Mr A Rodda who, after regaining his equilibrium, immediately brandished his red card.
The exhibition celebrates centenary of Dhaka regaining the status of a capital city on 16 October 1905.
The Parker's " Yacht Club " spa could not be better for regaining some composure.
Many people leave the condition to go untreated for far too long and jeopardize their chances of regaining continence.
He was looking at the possibility of a special practice session near to his home in Sussex to continue regaining full fitness.
Estonia succeeded in regaining independence by way of the Singing Revolution of 1988.
The obsession with regaining popularity among European leaders seems to take precedence over any other considerations.
Though on more than one occasion personal rancour against the men of the Moderate Left prevented the Right from following Sellas advice and regaining, by timely coalition with cognate parliamentary elements, a portion of its former influence, the bulk of the party, with singular inconsistency, drew nearer and nearer to the Liberal cabinets.
After spending a few days in the hospital and regaining her energy, Jenny was able to muster enough strength to walk in the 5k event.
According to this book, recovering from grief means regaining your energy and spontaneity.
After regaining emotional control, the student can then approach the other person, listen to the opposing viewpoint, consider the other person's thoughts and feelings, and discuss the problem to come to a compromise or solution.
At 50, when her marriage started falling apart, she began transforming herself into a lion as a means of regaining her husband's love, as he was a huge feline lover and owned several large cats.
For the role, Damon lost 40 pounds without the aid of a nutritionist and suffered over a year of illness regaining his metabolism.
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) came out two years after the Genesis and had a small uphill battle to journey before regaining some of their lost market share.
Resumption of normal eating habits and possible addition of vitamin supplements can help in regaining normal nutrition.
A grand mal seizure lasts two to five minutes, and the person may be confused or have trouble talking after regaining consciousness (post-ictal state).
Quickly regaining in popularity, shag hairstyles are a versatile cut that can work with varied hair lengths.
Many children who struggle in the traditional, one-size-fits-all, classroom setting, finding learning difficult or boring, will thrive in the home school setting, regaining that instinctive love of learning that every child is born with.
Trendsetters and trend-followers of the day were no strangers to the decade of excess and its highly adventurous styles, and today many of those same looks are regaining popularity.
George Foreman had been a reputable boxer since the 1960's, but in the 1990's enjoyed a comeback after regaining the heavyweight world championship at forty-five years old.
Need some help regaining trust after cheating?
Today, however, pocket watches are regaining popularity and many people are looking to these unusual items for an alternative time keeping source.
After going off the diet, most people find themselves regaining the weight.
Two years later, after regaining some of her parental rights and seeming to have her life back on track, she and her father sued Ghalib, her former manager Sam Lufti, and attorney John Eardley, for conspiring to gain control of her affairs.
Regaining liberty, he renewed the war against Brazil, and took Porto Allegro.
On his return to London he found the parliament again negotiating Cromwell with Charles, and on the eve of making a treaty which Charles himself had no intention of keeping and the regarded merely as a means of regaining his power, and which would have thrown away in one moment all the advantages gained during years of bloodshed and struggle.
Under the guidance of his great chancellor Griffenfeldt, Denmark seemed for a brief period to have a chance of regaining her former position as a great power.