Regained Sentence Examples
I regained a couple things I thought I'd lost.
After 1801 it never regained power.
In the middle ages Ostia regained something of its importance, owing to the silting up of the right arm of the Tiber.
In 1905 the value of the wool export regained the £20,000,000 level, and with the rapid recovery of the numerical II.
Seward gradually regained his health, and remained in the cabinet of President Johnson until the expiration of his term in 1869.
This feeling was fostered by its many confirmations, and in subsequent ages, especially during the time of the struggle between the Stewart kings and the parliament, it was regarded as something sacrosanct, embodying the very ideal of English liberties, which to some extent had been lost, but which must be regained.
But the princes of the house of Savoy were a race of warriors; and what Emmanuel Philibert lost as sovereign he regained as captain of adventure in the service of his cousin Philip II.
Early in 1683, however, through the influence of the king's mistress, the duchess of Portsmouth, Sunderland regained his place as secretary for the northern department, the chief feature of his term of office being his rivalry with his brotherin-law, George Savile, marquess of Halifax.
After a long and severe struggle, he regained Meshed, defeated them in a great battle near Herat in 1597, and drove them out of his dominions.
In the succeeding period it regained its ancient position.
AdvertisementIn September 1108 he regained his principality; but the struggle with Tancred continued, until it was composed by Baldwin in 1109.
Cesare's dominion at once began to fall to pieces; Guidobaldo, duke of Urbino, returned to his duchy with Venetian help; and the lords of Piombino, Rimini and Pesaro soon regained their own; Cesena, defended by a governor faithful to Cesare, alone held out.
The ancient glass-bead industry (conterie), which some years since suffered severely from over-production, has now regained its position through the union of the different factories, by which the output is controlled in such a way as to render trade profitable.
Subsequent attempt,s of the princess to reinstate her son in his dominions were unsuccessful, and it was not till the peace of Westphalia in 1648 that he regained a portion of them,.
Philometor, king of Egypt, regained his father's throne.
AdvertisementBy a night march of unexampled daring and difficulty Ney succeeded in breaking through the Russian cordon, but when he regained touch with the main body at Orcha only Boo of his 6000 men were still with him (2 ist).
On these lines the equations of concentration cells, deduced above on less hypothetical grounds, may be regained.
In 1660 he regained his canonry, and soon became dean of Christ Church.
In the case of the ring in question, the circumferential changes were in weak fields less than twice as great as the transverse ones, while in strong fields they were more than twice as great; under increasing magnetic force therefore the volume of the ring was first diminished, then it regained its original value (for H=go), and ultimately increased.
When the strong magnetizing field is gradually diminished to zero and then reversed, the needles pass from one stable position of rest to another through a condition of instability; and if the field is once more reversed, so that the cycle is completed, the needles again pass through a condition of instability before a position of stable equilibrium is regained.
AdvertisementHis policy of a French intervention in favour of the Italian revolutionists, by which he might have regained his popularity, was thwarted by the diplomatic policy of Louis Philippe.
In the course of that year Kuprili regained Servia and Bulgaria, placed Tok611 on the throne of Transylvania, and on the 6th of October took Belgrade by assault.
He then passed the laws on the press, suppressing the censorship. By reorganization of the finances, the protection of industry and the carrying out of great public works, France regained its economic prosperity, and the ministry became popular.
God after god was ordered to pursue him and recover them, but it would seem that it was only by a stratagem that they were finally regained.
Yet in spite of these disasters the republic was by no means crushed; it soon regained the suzerainty of many cities which had broken off all connexion with it after the expulsion of the duke of Athens, and purchased the overlordship of Prato from Queen Joanna of Naples, who had inherited it from the duke of Calabria.
AdvertisementSeveral subsequent risings of the ciompi, largely of an economic character, were put down, and the Guelph families gradually regained much of their lost power, of which they availed themselves to exile their opponents and revive the odious system of ammonizioni.
Meanwhile in foreign affairs the republic maintained its position, and in 1383 it regained Arezzo by purchase from the lieutenant of Charles of Durazzo.
The new pope came to Florence in 1419 as he had not yet regained Rome, which was held by Francesco Sforza for Queen Joanna II.
Peace was made when the pope agreed to come to terms in 1486, and in 1487 Lorenzo regained Sarzana, which Genoa had taken from Florence nine years previously.
They aided in the vigorous defence of the city of Naples, and twice attacked and pillaged Amalfi, in 1135 and 1137, with such effect that the town never regained its prosperity.
At length, however, the capture of Kabul in 1866 roused him to action; but in spite of his own bravery he suffered general defeat until 1868, when he regained Kabul.
Taking magnesia alba, which he distinguished from limestone with which it had previously been confused, he showed that on being heated it lost weight owing to the escape of this fixed air (named carbonic acid by Lavoisier in 1781), and that the weight was regained when the calcined product was made to reabsorb the fixed air with which it had parted.
During the reign of Alexander Byzantium was compelled to acknowledge the Macedonian supremacy; after the decay of the Macedonian power it regained its independence, but suffered from the repeated incursions of the Scythians.
In S90 the empire regained much of Venetia.
But although this division was formally recognized in 1295, Amadeus succeeded in enforcing his own supremacy over the whole country and making of it a more unified state than before, and by war, purchase or treaty he regained other fiefs which his predecessors had lost.
By the treaty of the Pyrenees (1669) the war came to an end and Savoy regained most of the towns occupied by France.
John of Gaunt regained power, and in 1377 a new parliament, carefully packed by the courtiers, reversed the acts of the Good Parliament.
German Armies until they regained touch with the French railways to the south-west about Troyes.
Corps on the left established itself in Gouy and Le Catelet by midday, and though a strong hostile counter-attack recovered the former village for a time the ground lost was regained before the nightfall.
Bolivar had, no doubt, regained the personal confidence of the officers and soldiers of the third division; but the republican party, with Santander at their head, continued to regard with undisguised apprehension his ascendancy over the army, suspecting him of a desire to imitate the career of Napoleon.
Regained by the Habsburgs in 1477 when Mary, daughter and heiress of duke Charles the Bold, married the German king Maximilian the duchy passed to Philip II.
When a stage is reached such that the number of molecules lost to the liquid by evaporation is exactly equal to that regained by condensation, we have a liquid in equilibrium with its own vapour.
Mantineia regained its autonomous position in the Achaean League in 192, and its original name during a visit of the emperor Hadrian in A.D.
King John soon regained the upper hand, for Philip Augustus having deserted Arthur by the treaty of Le Goulet (22nd of May 1200), John made his way into Anjou; and on the 18th of June 1200 was recognized as count at Angers.
But by keeping in the background and giving public opinion time to forget his past, as well as by parliamentary intrigue, he gradually regained much of his former influence.
In 1794 Figueras was surrendered to the French, but it was regained in 1795.
By the peace of 1742, Frederick the Great regained Schwiebus with the rest of Silesia, and it was incorporated with the department of Glogau.
Then the advocates of passivity regained the upper hand and kept the squadron in harbour, and henceforward for many months the Japanese navy lay unchallenged off Port Arthur, engaging in minor operations, covering the transport of troops to the mainland, and watching for the moment when the advance of the army should force the Russian fleet to come out.
His policy of gaining time had received a severe blow in the failure of his executive officer to realize it, and that officer, though his unpursued troops quickly regained their moral, had himself completely lost confidence.
In pursuance of this resolve he marched against them early in 775, captured the fortress of Sigiburg on the Ruhr, regained and rebuilt Eresburg and left Frankish garrisons in the land.
The wars and extravagance of the elector-king, who regained the Polish crown in i 709, are said to have cost Saxony a hundred million thalers.
He regained his ascendancy over the king, punished his enemies and forced Marie de' Medici and Gaston of Orleans to sue for pardon.
The Mycenaeans, who had temporarily regained their independence with the help of Sparta, fought on the Greek side at Plataea in 479 B.C. The long warfare between the two cities lasted till 468 B.C., when Mycenae was dismantled and its inhabitants dispersed.
Had Khosrev, the new Ottoman admiral, been a man of enterprise, he might have regained the command of the sea and, with it, that of the whole situation.
In 1870 the Radicals regained the supremacy under their new chief, Antoine Carteret (1813-1889) and kept it till 1878.
Kashgar and the other cities of the Tarim basin remained under Yakub Beg's rule until 1877, when the Chinese regained possession of their ancient dominion.
In 1838 the French government made an attack on the town, and Santa-Anna, by a display of his redeeming virtue of personal courage, lost a leg but regained his influence.
Under Nero he regained the imperial favour.
But good relations were soon restored between the two, and the archbishop acted as president of the council during Edward's absence from England in 1345 and 1346, although he never regained his former position of influence.
But Grant was tireless, and five days later another battle was fought, at Peebles Farm, in which the lost ground was regained.
The main armies quickly regained contact, each edging away northwestwards towards the Tennessee and coming into contact at Gaylesville, Alabama, and again at Decatur.
He was, however, almost immediately re-elected member for Westminster, but he had to serve his term (one year) of imprisonment, and, after escaping and being recaptured, he regained his liberty in 1815 on payment of the fine of r000 to which he had been sentenced.
His posterity kept possession till 1369, when Timur or Tamerlane bore down everything before him, and established his capital at Samarkand, which with Bokhara regained for a time its former splendour.
He regained his earldom and held it till his death, although he was once in serious danger from the avarice of theking (1239), who was tempted by Hubert's enormous wealth to revive the charge of treason.
In a battle on the banks of the Trent in 679, the king of Mercia was victorious and regained the province.
If, as seems likely, the Dalriadic Scots towards the beginning of the 6th century established a footing in the islands, their success was short-lived, and the Picts regained power and kept it until dispossessed by the Norsemen in the 9th century.
Regained for the Hohenstaufen by Henry's son, Frederick II., in 1214, the German kingdom passed to his son, Conrad IV., and when Conrad's son Conradin was beheaded in Italy in 1268, the male line of the Hohenstaufen became extinct.
In 1604 it reverted to the Turks, who held it till 1683, when it was regained by the united forces of John Sobieski, king of Poland, and Prince Charles of Lorraine.
In 1497 he was expelled from Urbino by Caesar Borgia, son of Alexander VI., but regained his dukedom in 1503, after Caesar's death.
After the conquest by Amr ibn el-`Asi, inland Cyrenaica regained some importance, lying as it did on the direct route between Alexandria and Kairawan, and Barca became its chief place.
The island soon regained its independence and henceforth devoted itself to a purely mercantile policy.
But after the opening session matters proceeded more smoothly, and Mr Balfour regained his old position in the estimation of the House and the country.
After the Spartan defeat of Argos in 494 B.C. Tiryns regained temporary independence, and the Tirynthians fought on the OI Greek side at Plataea, while the Argives held aloof.
For ten years the land remained under Athenian control, which was exercised through the newly installed democracies; but in 447 the oligarchic majority raised an insurrection, and after a victory at Coronea regained their freedom and restored the old constitutions.
The feeble regime of Julius had made it evident that a pope of another type was necessary if the papal see were to preserve the moral and political influence which it had regained under Paul III.
Destroyed by the Vandals, Caesarea regained some of its importance under the Byzantines.
When a solid such as salt or sugar dissolves in contact with water to form a uniform substance from which the components may be regained by evaporation the substance is called a solution.
The corresponding relation for a pure liquid can be regained by considering that at infinite dilution the liquid becomes pure solvent, and the change of volume becomes equal to the volume V.of solvent added.
It was secularized in 1803 and was given to Prussia, and after losing it for a few years that country regained it by the settlement of 1815.
According to his own account, the expostulations as to her past conduct which preceded his admonitions for the future were received with tears, confessions and attempts at extenuation or excuse; but when they parted next day on good terms she had regained her usual spirits.
As the power of the Roman empire declined the Franks pushed forward along both banks of the Rhine, and by the end of the 5th century had regained all the lands that had formerly been under Teutonic influence.
It was occupied by the British in 1760, but on the 22nd of June 1763 this was one of the several forts captured by the Indians during the Conspiracy of Pontiac. In 1764 the British regained nominal control and retained it until 1785, when it passed into the possession of the United States.
This was strengthened in 404, but in 393 Velitrae regained its freedom and was Rome's strongest opponent; it was only reduced in 338, when the freedom of Latium finally perished.
In the reaction in favour of ordinary government which ensued Pasquier regained his liberty and his estates.
At last in 1558 the powers agreed to an armistice, and in 1559 the peace of Cateau-Cambresis was made, by which Emmanuel regained his duchy, but on onerous terms, for France was to occupy several Piedmontese fortresses, including Turin and Pinerolo, for not more than three years, and a marriage was arranged between the duke and Margaret, duchess of Berry, sister of the French king; while Spain was to garrison Asti and Vercelli (afterwards exchanged for Santhia) until France evacuated the above-mentioned fortresses.
The Saxons had been slowly reconquering the lost ground, and now Henry, advancing with his victorious army into Jutland, forced Gorm, the Danish king, to become his vassal and regained the land between the Eider and the Schlei.
From Assyrian inscriptions it has been gathered that Padi, king of Ekron, was for a time the vassal of Hezekiah of Judah, but regained his independence when the latter was hard pressed by Sennacherib.
He had, it is true, been unable to prevent the retention of the grand-duchy of Warsaw by Alexander of Russia; but with the aid of Great Britain and France (secret treaty of January 3, 1815) he had frustrated the efforts of Prussia to absorb the whole of Saxony, Bavaria was forced to disgorge the territories gained for her by Napoleon at Austria's expense, Illyria and Dalmatia were regained, and Lombardy was added to Venetia to constitute a kingdom under the Habsburg crown; while in the whole Italian peninsula French was replaced by Austrian influence.
The war party in Sparta regained its strength under new ephors and negotiations began for an alliance between Sparta, Argos and Boeotia.
This failure and the refusal of Lysander to fight again destroyed the confidence which Alcibiades had so recently regained.
By 1094 he had removed them all, and though he regained little from the Christians except Valencia, he reunited the Mahommedan power and gave a check to the reconquest of the country by the Christians.
In the XXVlth Dynasty, when a line of Pharaohs sprang from Sais, she regained a prominent position, and was given many cosmogonic attributes, including the title of mother of Re.
He regained a certain prestige as god of the Hyksos rulers, and two Pharaohs of the XIXth Dynasty derived their name Sethos (Seti) from him.
General Stewart regained Alexandria with the remainder of his force, having lost, in killed, wounded and missing, nearly 900 men.
The few who regained the summit of the citadel experienced the same fate as the rest, for no quarter was given.
The popular tribunals regained their authority, and a supreme court of justice, Det Kongelige Retterting, presided over by Valdemar himself, not only punished the unruly and guarded the prerogatives of the crown, but also protected the weak and defenceless from the tyranny of the strong.
After the bacteria had all been brought to rest by being placed in the dark, he threw a spectrum upon the filament, and observed in what region the bacteria first regained their motility, owing to the liberation of oxygen in the process of carbon-assimilation.
On the departure of the Romans, the Goidelic hill-tribes, probably with help from Gower and Ireland, seem to have regained possession of the Usk valley under the leadership of a chieftain of their own race, Brychan, who became the ancestor of one of the three chief tribes of hereditary Welsh saints.
David regained the shelter of Carlisle, a legate from Rome made peace, and Prince Henry received the investiture of Northumberland, without the strong fortresses of Bamborough and Newcastle.
In 1876 the Greenback Party, the successor in Illinois of the Independent Reform Party, secured a strong following; although its candidate for governor was endorsed by the Democrats, the Republicans regained control of the state administration.
In 1873 he overthrew the Lanza-Sella Cabinet and regained the premiership, which, with the portfolio of finance, he held until the fall.
In 1840 Lebanon revolted; and in the same year the Turks, with the aid of France, England and Austria, regained Palestine and expelled the Egyptian governor.
The university, founded in 1444, has regained some of its former importance.
In 1386 Launceston regained the privilege by royal charter.
Though eclipsed in the Homeric age, when it appears as the seat of Diomedes, by the later foundation of Mycenae, it regained its predominance after the invasion of the Dorians, who seem to have occupied this site in considerable force.
But in 1223 it regained its liberty, after the king had been taken captive by the count of Schwerin.
Ash`ath, the Abbasid general, entered Kairawan and regained possession of Africa in the name of the eastern caliph.
He was a feeble, pleasureloving monarch, but Mohtadi had regained for the Caliphate some authority, which was exercised by Obaidallah b.
Woman is the impersonation of man's sensuous and fallen nature; on the final return to the divine unity, distinction of sex will vanish, and the spiritual body will be regained.
In 1873 the article of the constitution which had disfranchised the whites was repealed, and the Democrats thus regained power.
In 1650, having regained his full liberty, Hammond betook himself to the friendly mansion of Sir John Pakington, at Westwood, in Worcestershire, where he died on the 25th of April 1660, just on the eve of his preferment to the see of Worcester.
Salmon, once threatened with extinction, have been saved, maintained in good supply, and indeed have probably regained their pristine abundance.
It is a canary-yellow powder, which becomes a dark orange on heating; the original colour is regained on cooling.
Smallpox, dysentery and fevers, frequently of a bilious character, are endemic and occasionally epidemic. Cholera breaks out from time to time and works great havoc, as was the case in 1903 when one of the raja of Sarawak's punitive expeditions was stricken while ascending the Limbang river by boat, and lost many hundreds of its numbers before the coast could be regained.
The strength of the Whigs at this time and the necessities of the war caused the retirement of Harley, but he remained Anne's secret adviser and supporter against the faction, urging upon her "the dangers to the crown as well as to the church and monarchy itself from their counsels and actions," 3 while the duchess never regained her former influence.
Then the secessionists and Union men of 1861 united and regained control.
After more than twelve years' exile, Humayun regained his sovereignty, which, however, he had held only for a few months when he died.
Thus it happened that, in the fortieth year of Akbar's reign, the empire had more than regained all that it had lost, the recovered provinces being reduced, not to subjection only as before, but to a great degree of peace, order and contentment.
He was bound by the pacta conventa which he signed on his accession to maintain a fleet on the Baltic. He proposed to do so by levying tolls on all imports and exports passing through the Prussian ports which had been regained by the truce of Stumdorf.
In the following month Lord Derby regained it for the Royalists, but Colonel Ashton soon retook it and demolished the works.
In the time of Constantine, in return for assistance against the Bosporans and the native tribes, it regained its autonomy and received special privileges.
In 1050, however, he regained his earldom, and in 1051 he shared his father's exile.
He regained many, such as his friend Flaminio, by patience and kindliness, to a reconsideration of their errors.
Tyrrell found no bishop to give him an ecclesiastical status and a celebret, and he never regained these privileges.
The French regained possession in 1817, were expelled during the wars of 1827, when La Calle was burnt, but returned and rebuilt the place in 1836.
Under French rule Oran has regained its ancient commercial activity and has become the second city in Algeria.
Nadir Shah (1736-1747) abolished these offices altogether, and seized most of the endowments of the ecclesiastical establishments in order to pay his troops, and, the lands appropriated by him not having been restored, the clergy have never regained the power they once possessed.
A similar position was attained by Seleucusthe only one of the diadochi, who had not divorced his Persian wife, Apamain Babylonia, which he governed from 319 to 316 and regained in the autumn of 312.
With this Mesopotamia was regained by the Parthians, and King Artavasdes of Armenia now entered their alliance.
In return Narses regained his household.
Although, when the spring arrived and the shah led his forces to the Aras, the Russians had, it is true, retreated, yet territory had been regained by them as far south as the Talysh.
Both the island and town of Ternate suffer from their isolation, and have never regained the importance they had in former centuries.
At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, the opening of new universities, co-operating with the suspicions of the various German governments as to the democratic opinions which obtained at Jena, militated against the university, which has never regained its former prosperity.
The Turks regained possession in 1574.
Here he became acquainted with Cormac MacCarthy, king of Desmond, who had sought refuge with Malchus, and, when he subsequently regained his kingdom, rendered great services to Malachy.
He was imprisoned for a time, but eventually regained his liberty and spent the remainder of his life as chaplain in the Reformed church at Middleburgh.
It was occupied by the French in 1881 without opposition, and regained some of its former commercial importance.
The Lombard cities had regained their independence; and at the peace of Constance (1183) Frederick found himself compelled to confirm it.
In the middle ages, when it was named Didymotichos, it was one of the principal marts of Thrace; in modern times it has regained something of its commercial importance, and exports pottery, linen, silk and grain.
At length Mahmud Tughlak regained a fragment of his former kingdom, but on his death in 1412 the family became extinct.
In 1555 Humayun, with the assistance of Persia, regained the throne; but he died within six months, and was succeeded by his son, the illustrious Akbar.
In 1835 he lost his professorship, but he regained it in 1840.
Clisson, Bureau de la Riviere, Jean de Mercier, and the other marmousets were driven from office, and the royal dukes regained their power.
In January 1757 the expedition despatched from Madras, under the command of Admiral Watson and Colonel Clive, regained possession of the city.
The seizure of Andros by the people of Boston in April 1689, following the news of the revolt in England against James II., gave the Jersey proprietors an opportunity to resume their rights, but the proprietary governments regained their former footing very slowly.
In a desperate soldiers' battle Rome regained the province.
It has since regained considerable importance as a trading centre.
In 1643 the parliamentary party made themselves masters of the island and castle, but shortly afterwards these were regained by the Royalists through a clever stratagem, and not recovered again by the forces of the parliament till 1646.
Cangrande died in 1319, being succeeded by his nephew Martino, and Marsiglio soon began to meditate treachery; he negotiated with the Venetians in 1336, and in the following year he secretly introduced Venetian troops into Padua, arrested Alberto della Scala, Martino's brother, then in charge of the town, and thus regained the lordship. He died in 1338, and was succeeded by his relative Ubertino, a typical medieval tyrant, who earned an unenviable notoriety for his murders and acts of treachery, but was also a patron of the arts; he built the Palazzo dei Principi, the castle of Este, constructed a number of roads and canals, and protected commerce.
Arius himself still lived, and his friend Eusebius of Nicomedia rapidly regained influence over the emperor Constantine.
In 1654 the Spaniards regained Tortuga from the French, into whose hands it again, however, fell after six years.
By the first the duke of Savoy regained Savoy and Nice, taken from him during the war, and France undertook to obtain for him the island of Sicily and the title of king.
But the duke came to an arrangement with his father-in-law, by which he regained Piacenza and his other fiefs The rest of his life was spent quietly at home, where the moderation and wisdom of his rule won for him the affection of his people.
Next year, on the proposal of the tribune Manilius, his powers were still further extended, the care of all the provinces in the East being put under his control for three years together with the conduct of the war against Mithradates VI., who had recovered from the defeats he had sustained from Lucullus and regained his dominions.
When Ursicinus lost his office and the favour of Constantius, Ammianus seems to have shared his downfall; but under Julian, Constantius's successor, he regained his position.
As a member of the Delian League it had regained its prosperity, being able to equip a fleet of 50 or 60 sail.
Returning to Germany, he found the chief power in the hands of Adalbert, and as he was disliked by the young king, he left the court but returned and regained some of his former influence when Adalbert fell from power in 1066.
The limit of the territory which still remained loyal was ever shrinking, and what was once lost was hardly ever regained.
One by one the mutinous crews surrendered; and the arrest of the ringleader, Richard Parker, on board the Sandwich, on the 14th of June, brought the affair to an end.l The seamen regained their reputation, and those who had been imprisoned their liberty, by Duncans victory down.
In 1876, however, the Republicans regained control of the state government and the law was modified.
These were confiscated, and William left the kingdom, but no more was heard of his appeal, and in 1091 he regained the royal favour and his see.
Edward Baliol surrendered it in 1 334 in terms of his compact with Edward III., but the Scots regained it in 1339.
He does not claim to have regained the inspiration of a Paul; but he holds that Augustine was more Christian than the sub-apostolic age, and Luther more Christian than Augustine.
Meanwhile the bishop of Wurzburg had regained his former power in the duchy, and this was confirmed in 1168 by the emperor Frederick I.
The ultimate sanctions of the moral code were the infinite rewards and punishments awaiting the immortal soul hereafter; but the church early felt the necessity of withdrawing the privileges of membership from apostates and allowing them to be gradually regained only by a solemn ceremonial expressive of repentance, protracted through several years.
The task was difficult enough, as the Byzantine empire, then under the reign of the energetic Manuel Comnenus, regained much of its lost power and influence.
He was successful not only in the field but in his diplomacy, and by 1817 Servia had regained autonomy under the suzerainty of the sultan.
In 1648 he was ejected from All Souls' by order of parliament, and imprisoned for some months, but he regained the wardenship in 1659.
After the death of St Patrick the bond between the numerous church families which his authority supplied was greatly relaxed; and the saint's most formidable opponents, the druids, probably regained much of their old power.
In 877 the Croats were temporarily subdued by the Byzantine emperor, but after successive insurrections which tended to centralize their loosely knit tribal organization, and to place all power in the hands of a military chief, they regained their independence and founded a national kingdom about 910.
Gotland she purchased from its actual possessors, Albert of Mecklenburg and the Livonian Order, and the greater part of Schleswig was regained in the same way.
Childeric having regained the mastery restored the mayors office, which was immediately disputed by the two rivals; Ebroin was successful and established himself as mayor of the palace in the room of Leudesius, a partisan of Lger (675),
Charles the Fair having died and left only a daughter, the nations rights, so long in abeyance, were once more regained.
But the duc de Richelieu, a rou who had joined hands with the sisters of the house of Nesle and was jealous of Marshal de Noailles, soon regained his lost ground; and, under the influence of this panderer to his pleasures, Louis XV.
Theodosius, the emperor of the East, espoused the cause of Justina, and regained the kingdom.
The Catholics regained pcwer by his overthrow, but they could not give stability to the state.
But the fact that every arm was needed for the raids on the frontier, and to provide settlers who should also be garrison for the regained lands, worked for freedom.
Spain withdrew from the projected coalition against France, and sought to maintain an attitude of neutrality, which alienated the other powers, while it failed to conciliate the Republic. The repressive measures of Floridablanca were withdrawn; society and the press regained their freedom; and no opposition was offered to the propaganda of French ideas.
Catalan, by its most characteristic features, belongs to the Romance of southern France and not to that of Spain; it is legitimate, therefore, to regard it as imported into Spain by those His pani whom the Arab conquest had driven back beyond the mountains into Languedoc, and who in the 9th century regained the country of their origin; this conclusion is confirmed by the fact that the dialect is also that of two French provinces on the north of the PyreneesRoussillon and Cerdagne.
Leaving the Nile at this point and striking direct across the Bayuda Desert, the river is regained at a point above the Atbara confluence.
A reaction in Charles's favour had set in, and from the estates of 1359 he regained the authority he had lost.
No sooner had he regained Hungary than he received tempting offers from the pope, represented by the legate Cardinal Cesarini, from George Brankovic, despot of Servia, and George Castriota, prince of Albania, to resume the war and realize his favourite idea of driving the Turk from Europe.
Cursor treated his soldiers with such harshness that they allowed themselves to be defeated; but after he had regained their good-will by more lenient treatment and lavish promises of booty, they fought with enthusiasm and gained a complete victory.
Their name first occurs in connexion with the expedition of Darius Hystaspis (555 B.C.) against the Scythians, in the course of which they were brought under his sway, but they regained their freedom on his return to the East.
On the formation of a new government he was brought to trial, and declared not guilty; his health, however, gave way, and he never regained his former influence.
During the early years Of the Christian era, the district was inhabited by the Semnones, and afterwards by various Slavonic tribes, who were partially subdued by Charlemagne, but soon regained their independence.
After Otto the Great died, the Sla y s regained much of their territory, Brandenburg fell again into their hands, and a succession of feeble margraves ruled only the district west of the Elbe, together with a small district east of that river.
Later on Leontini regained its independence, but in its efforts to retain it, the intervention of Athens was more than once invoked.
Wiglaf, who succeeded him, was expelled two years later by Ecgberht, but regained the throne in the following year.
It wasn't until she felt his warm hand on the bare skin under her shirt that she regained her sense of modesty.
He seemed unaware of the world or his effect on it at times, but he'd not only survived the Black God, he'd regained his mind.
He regained his composure and lowered brows over flashing eyes.
It is imperative that the cooperation and goodwill of the profession be regained.
Olly's running and tackling livened up the midfield and the Tigers regained the ascendancy, albeit wasting the chances to score.
She then regained her senses and flew at Williams like a screaming banshee.
But the away side regained the lead after 59 minutes thanks to a weak defensive clearance from the Blues.
However, with a lesson learned, a more positive attitude was adopted, and we regained our usual composure.
With the help of some medicine he soon regained consciousness.
It seems that the Guomindang has gradually regained an equilibrium by military means in the past year.
The Knights regained the lead midway through the half.
Happily, George judged things correctly and regained some forward momentum before stepping back too far.
Between songs I quickly regained my place near the front of the stage.
After I had eventually regained the route I noticed my rear tire had developed a large lump.
The Comet never regained its lead in the jet transport market.
So after our guide regained the safety of our belay stance he decided that going back down would be a good idea.
She regained the strength in both hind legs and had 5 more years of active life.
The next year, Edward returned with an army and regained the throne.
As buyers have regained an upper hand and sellers have started to sweat, real-estate auctions - live and online - have caught on.
Thence he returned secretly in 410, and with the aid of a small band of adherents regained possession of the throne.
The coast once regained, the way was easy; no such desert had to be traversed, when Alexander again struck inland for the chief city of the Gedrosians (Pura), and thence made his way into Carmania.
After some reverses he regained both these places, but in 1501 his most formidable enemy, Shaibani (Sheibani) Khan, ruler of the Uzbegs, defeated him in a great engagement and drove him from Samarkand.
When Israel began to recover its prosperity and regained confidence, its policy halted between obedience to Assyria and reliance upon this ambiguous " Egypt."
His popularity was regained, however, to some extent, when, on the death of his father, he was unanimously acknowledged king of Portugal, and especially when he abdicated that crown in favour of his daughter, Donna Maria; but his line of policy was not altered, and commercial treaties entered into with European states conceding them favours, which were popularly considered to be injurious to Brazilian trade, met with bitter censure.
In 1777, however, the count resumed the ancient position of his family in the electoral college, and regained the office of steward which he retained until the formal dissolution of the empire in 1806.
In England, by the boldness of the Lancet (founded in 182 3), the tyranny of prescription, inveterate custom, and privilege abused was defied and broken down; freedom of learning was regained, and promotion thrown open to the competent, independently of family, gild and professional status.
According to the theory above the stability is regained when the length is more than three diameters, so that a modern projectile with a cavity more than three diameters long should fly steadily when filled with water; while the old-fashioned type, not so elongated, would be highly unsteady; and for the same reason the gas bags of a dirigible balloon should be over rather than under three diameters long.
The grandi regained some of their power by corrupting the podestd and by the favour of the popolo minuto or unorganized populace; but their quarrels among themselves prevented them from completely succeeding, while the arti were solid.
Though it was restored after the battle of Marathon, on a site at a little distance from its original position, it never regained its former eminence, but it was still the second city in the island.
Succeeded in 1835 by Vicente Rocafuerte, he regained the presidency in 1839, and was elected for the third time in 1843; but shortly afterwards he accepted the title of generalissimo and a sum of 20,000 pesos, and left the country to his rivals.
Phyong-yang, a city on the Tai-dong, had a population of 60,000 before the war of 1894, in which it was nearly destroyed; but it fast regained its population.
Scott 's whole body seemed to shake, then he regained consciousness with a start.
Oxford called for a time out where both teams focused and regained composure - Cambridge more successfully.
Although my right arm remained paralyzed, the rest of my body regained most of the strength and endurance I had before my illness.
Some 4 centuries later in 168 B.C.E., when Jews regained their independence from their Seleucid rulers, internal conflict became more acute.
For hard won rights once lost, may never be regained.
Curity diapers then regained their popularity in the 1970s in conjunction with other natural parenting movements; however, they are no longer produced.
Broken trust has the ability to destroy a relationship instantly, although in most family situations, trust is eventually regained through hard work and over time.
Over the past few years, shag rugs have regained popularity and are available in many fibers.
Rather than address anger in the heat of the moment, leave the situation for a while and return to it when you have regained control of your emotions.
You have regained control over your life and reduced the amount of stress.
By the time high school winds down, many have regained a focus on its importance and declare a scientific major once college bound.
High school is an important life experience and once it is missed, it can never be regained.
As a result, she regained her body and her self-confidence.
Oprah, who topped the list in 2005, regained her number one position and is said to have earned a whopping $260 million over the last year.
No matter how many pounds she may have shed, there's no disputing the fact that Osmond has successfully regained her figure and kept the weight off.
He appeared as a guest on a variety of television shows, but never regained his former star status.
After spending a decade recovering, he finally regained the ability to play, and proceeded to branch out musically from classical guitar.
That meeting led to a call-back by the photographer a few months later, but by then she was back in school and had regained about 20 pounds.
With a nice selection of licensed songs and an exciting Dance Master Mode, Konami has regained the crown in the dancing genre.
Six to eight weeks may be needed before normal muscular strength is regained.
This loss can usually be regained, however, through rehabilitation after the injury has healed.
However, this weight should be regained within two weeks.
The Spanish regained control in 1783 after Britain lost the American Revolution.
If you've ever wondered how Brooke regained her bikini figure after childbirth, it probably has a least a little to do with her Baboosh Baby line of products.
He hoped, no he prayed, Darian regained himself someday soon.
The Watcher clenched his teeth, green eyes flaring with light and spinning before he regained his temper.
Dropping the last few feet to the ground, she regained her balance.
The warriors regained themselves first and crossed to the edge of the canyon, unaffected by the water spraying on them.
Mansr regained himself and rose.
He regained his composure, leveled his eyes on the girl and said, "You can go now."
These two, afterwards joined by the primate's old rival Lord Shannon, and usually supported by the earl of Kildare, regained control of affairs in 1758, during the viceroyalty of the duke of Bedford.
He was received with great rejoicings and quickly regained his former position of power.
She had regained her liberty, and made no secret of her intention to use it to the full.
The Roman king, who was an unsuccessful candidate, took up arms, drove the Hungarians from Austria, and regained Vienna, which had been in the possession of Matthias since 1485; but he was compelled by want of money to retreat, and on the 7th of November 14 9 1 signed the treaty of Pressburg with Ladislaus, king of Bohemia, who had obtained the Hungarian throne.
He regained this, however, two years later.
In the wars he carried on with the Turks during nearly the whole of his reign, his successes were numerous, and he acquired, or regained, a large extent of territory.
He was compelled to take to flight with very few companions, but his great personal courage and daring struck the army of his opponents with such dismay that they again returned to their allegiance and Baber regained his kingdom.
In 924 Edward the Elder fortified Bakewell, and in 942 Edmund regained Derby, which had fallen under the Danish yoke.
Though for the present the Sultan regained his hold upon Egypt, yet in reality Bonaparte set in motion forces which could not be stayed until the ascendancy of one or other of the western maritime powers in that land was definitely decided.
By the treaty with Austria, signed by Joseph Bonaparte at Luneville on the 9th of February 1801, France regained all that she had won at Campo Formio, much of which had been lost for a time in the war of the Second Coalition.
An equally significant hint, that the Ionian Isles might easily be regained by France, further helped to open the eyes of the purblind Addington ministry to the resolve of Napoleon to make the Mediterranean a French lake.
After a vain attempt to expel the garrison in 287, the Athenians regained their liberty while Macedonia was thrown into confusion by the Celts, and in 279 rendered good service against the invaders of the latter nation with a fleet off Thermopylae.
As soon as Ignatius had regained strength, he started ostensibly to rejoin the duke of Nagera, but in reality to visit the great Benedictine abbey of Montserrato, a famous place of pilgrimage.
Generally rupture occurs at more than one point; and rarely are the six carbon atoms of the complex regained as an open chain.
Alexandria seems from this time to have regained its old prosperity, commanding, as it did, an important granary of Rome.
On hearing what had happened, however, `Amr returned, and quickly regained possession of the city.
Russia and Turkey thus regained full liberty as regards their naval forces and armaments in the Euxine; the passage of the straits remained interdicted to ships of war.
In 1393 he regained Cherbourg, which had been handed over by Charles II.
When the Rhodians regained their freedom they built round this trophy so as to render it inaccessible, whence it was known as the Abaton.
He never, indeed, jeopardized the position of the Moslems in Europe as his father had done, and thus the peace of Szeged (1444), which regained the line of the Danube and drove the Turk behind the Balkans, must always be reckoned as the high-water mark of Hungary's Turkish triumphs.
Hungary, therefore, for almost the first time in her history, was free to choose a foreign policy of her own, and had she been guided by a patriot, she might now have easily regained Dalmatia, and acquired besides a considerable sea-board.
Yet, in the following year, the whole of the property of the Catholic Church there was diverted to secular uses, and the Calvinists were simultaneously banished, though they regained complete tolerance in 1564, a privilege at the same time extended to the Unitarians, who were now very influential at court and converted Prince John Sigismund to their views.
Conversely, by heating protocatechuic acid with potash and methylene iodide, piperonylic acid was regained.
The inhabitants later returned and rebuilt the town, but it never regained its position.
Much of this, however, was regained in 1815, and since that date the Palatinate has formed part of the kingdom of Bavaria.
He gradually regained sway over the various cities of the Argive confederacy, the members of which had become practically independent, and (in the words of Ephorus) "reunited the broken fragments of the inheritance of Temenus."
This tradition has recently regained popularity with many couples now choosing to engrave their rings.
Yet the remaining members of the Asscher family began to rebuild the company and, over the years, it gradually regained its prominence and reputation.
I lost (and regained) 30 pounds with Diet Center and Fit For Life, but I almost said goodbye to my colon in the process.
An examination of these catalogs will show how undergarments have evolved and how some have regained popularity.
For a period, they were treated like 80s caricatures, but later regained respect.
At the beginning of season four, Erik had regained 31 of the 214 pounds he lost.
She admitted that she had regained 83 pounds in 2009 during an interview with People magazine.
He regained later though by killing the new ruler in combat.
The cool damp cloth did wonders to get her own face back to normal and she finally regained control.
Len had regained his composure.
By morning he still hadn't regained consciousness and they were starting to use the word coma.
For the first week after he regained his voice, they were all so busy enjoying the return to normal life that Carmen forgot about his father.
Josh wasn't as fast to rise this time, and when he finally regained his footing, he shook his head.
Carmen regained control of her gaping jaw.
Carmen wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and regained some composure.
As suddenly as she lost control, Carmen regained it.
Xander sat on the bench until he regained his temper.
Carthage regained its rank of capital of Africa under Augustus, when thousands of Roman colonists flocked to the town.
Mr Arch nevertheless retained sufficient popularity to be returned to parliament for north-west Norfolk in 1885; and although defeated next year owing to his advocacy of Irish Home Rule, he regained his seat in 1892, and held it in 1895, retiring in 1900.
With the utmost difficulty we regained the track.
He had regained consciousness that morning.
The German diet was indifferent, and in May 1493 he agreed to the peace of Senlis and regained Artois and Franche-Comte.
Anglo-Italian relations, however, regained their norma I cordiality two years later, and found expression in the support lent by Italy to the British proposal at the London conference on the Egyptian question (July 1884).
It was colonized by Timoleon in 338 B.C. with settlers from Velia in Lucania, and in the time of the tyrant Phintias (289-279) it had regained some of its power.
New Haven's commerce suffered severely during the war, but by the close of the first decade of the 19th century it had regained its former importance.