Refusing Sentence Examples
You're refusing to see that.
He shook his head, refusing to look at her as he spoke.
Don't insult them by refusing their hospitality.
Still, by refusing to go up there with Brandon, she was standing between him and his parents.
Refusing to give up, she stretched until her fingers closed over the phone.
They also eschewed the luxuries and pursuits of settled life, and lived in tents, refusing to sow grain as well as to plant vineyards.
Thereupon the Quakers, who were perhaps not without the -obstinacy of which Marcus Aurelius complained in the early Christians, rushed to Massachusetts as if invited, and the result was that the general court of the colony banished them on pain of death, and four of them, three men and one woman,were hanged for refusing to depart from the jurisdiction or for obstinately returning within it.
Parliament (which re-assembled on the 7th of May) and the heads of the army came to an agreement to effect his dismissal; and in the subsequent events Richard appears to have played a purely passive part, refusing to make any attempt to keep his power or to forward a restoration of the monarchy.
Napier, therefore, on the 2nd of December 1841, issued a proclamation in which he stated that in consequence of the emigrant farmers refusing to be treated as British subjects and of their attitude towards the Kaffir tribes he intended resuming military occupation of Port Natal.
In 1663 he invaded royal Hungary, with the intention of uniting all the Magyars against the emperor, but, the Magyars steadily refusing to attend any diet summoned under Turkish influence, his plan fell through, and his only notable military success was the capture of the fortress of Ersekujvar (Neuhausel).
AdvertisementRefusing to be crowned, or even to take the usual oaths of observance, he simply announced his accession to the Hungarian counties, and then deliberately proceeded to break down all the ancient Magyar institutions.
The king refusing to yield an inch of his rights under clause ii.
Moreover, by refusing the royal terms, the Coalition had forced the crown into an alliance with the extreme democratic elements in the state.
Refusing the wealthy living of Dunham, he accepted the humble one of Madeley, where for twenty-five years (1760-1785) he lived and worked with unique devotion and zeal.
Messrs Sampson and Davies, refusing to appeal to the executive for a reconsideration of their sentence, were retained for over a year.
AdvertisementBasing his foreign policy upon the alliance, as supplemented by the naval entente with Great Britain negotiated by his predecessor, Count Robilant, Crispi assumed a resolute attitude towards France, breaking off the prolonged and unfruitful negotiations for a new Franco-Italian commercial treaty, and refusing the French invitation to organize an Italian section at the Paris Exhibition of 1889.
Lamartine was in Switzerland, not in Paris, at the time of the Revolution of July, and, though he, put forth a pamphlet on "Rational Policy," he did not at that crisis take any active part in politics, refusing, however, to continue his diplomatic services under the new government.
Frederick, now king of Prussia, made not a few efforts to get Voltaire away from Madame du Chatelet, but unsuccessfully, and the king earned the lady's cordial hatred by persistently refusing or omitting to invite her.
After her second marriage she lived with her husband on her estates, both refusing all offers to take service with Napoleon.
The Highway Act of 1835 specified as offences for which the driver of a carriage on the public highway might be punished by a fine, in addition to any civil action that might be brought against him - riding upon the cart, or upon any horse drawing it, and not having some other person to guide it, unless there be some person driving it; negligence causing damage to person or goods being conveyed on the highway; quitting his cart, or leaving control of the horses, or leaving the cart so as to be an obstruction on the highway; not having the owner's name painted up; refusing to give the same; and not keeping on the left or near side of the road, when meeting any other carriage or horse.
AdvertisementDessolle and Louis, refusing to embark on this policy, now resigned; and Decazes became head of the new ministry, as president of the council (November 1819).
Louis retaliated by refusing to sanction the duke of Burgundy's projected expedition against Calais, whereupon John quitted the court in chagrin on the pretext of taking up his mother's heritage.
In 1698 she was unceremoniously sent off to the Pokrovsky monastery at Suzdal for refusing to consent to a divorce, though it was not till June 1699 that she disappeared from the world beneath the hood of sister Elena.
In 1686, when chaplain to James II., he was suspended for ten months on a charge of having made some reflections on the king, and in 1688 was cited for refusing to read the declaration of indulgence.
After refusing several crowned heads in marriage, Costanca was at last persuaded to accept the hand of the infante Dom Pedro, son of Alphonso the Proud, king of Portugal.
AdvertisementIt is true that Richard indemnified himself on his return by resuming some of his most important grants and refusing to return the purchase money; but it is improbable that he had originally planned this repudiation of his ill-considered bargains.
In refusing to serve under Shelburne he was undoubtedly consistent, but his next step was ruinous to himself and his party.
He removed to Brunswick on the 15th of December 1554, and there spent the remainder of his life, refusing subsequent offers of important offices from various Protestant princes of Germany.
Strickland on his refusing to change his policy.
But he held office for little more than a month, since like all the other Italian Liberals he disapproved of the pope's change of front in refusing to allow his troops to fight against Austria, and resigned with the rest of the ministry on the 29th of April.
Calamy was an active member in the Westminster assembly of divines, and, refusing to advance to Congregationalism, found in Presbyterianism the middle course which best suited his views of theology and church government.
Sweden refusing Christian's conditions, a short campaign ensued, in which Christian was easily worsted by the superior skill and forces of the Swedish crown prince (Bernadotte).
On the other hand, they did not wish to take the risk of radical measures against the new doctrines, and were glad of an excuse for refusing the demands of the pope.
Three months after his nomination he forbade anything of any kind whatever to be printed concerning his administration, thus refusing advice as well as censure.
Threatened with death on his refusing to say where his treasure lay hid, the old king told them to take him to the tank.
He and his son-in-law, Jacob Milborne, were charged with treason for refusing to submit to Ingoldsby, were convicted, and on the r 6th of May 1691 were executed.
The year in which the treaty with Moshesh was made several large parties of Boers recrossed the Drakensberg into the country north of the Orange, refusing to remain in Natal when it became a British colony.
On this account, especially after the death of Lueger (on March 10 1910), a dominating personality who had held all parties together, opinion in Vienna and other towns turned against the Christian Socialists, who were accused of refusing all active measures of relief.
Visionary as his educational schemes (chiefly promulgated in Emile) are in parts, they are admirable in others, and his protest against mothers refusing to nurse their children hit a blot in French life which is not removed yet, and has always been a source of weakness to the nation.
In 1808 the emperor offered Louis the throne of Spain then vacant; but on Louis refusing to accept it the honour went to Joseph.
For twelve months the population held out, repulsing the attacks of the enemy, refusing every offer of honourable capitulation.
At the date of his death the Catholic revival, with its fell antipathy to art and letters, was only in its infancy; and when times became dangerous, Erasmus cautiously declined to venture out of the protection of the Empire, refusing repeated invitations to Italy and to France.
In 1906 the Prussian government was made somewhat ridiculous by the strike of some t00,000 Polish school children, who objected to being whipped for refusing to answer questions in German.
While refusing to acknowledge the Roman Church as the true church, he allowed it to be a true church and a branch of the Catholic body, at the same time emphasizing the perils of knowingly associating with error; and with regard to the English Church he denied that the acceptance of all its articles was necessary.
Denying the existence of a deity, and refusing to admit as evidence all a priori arguments, Holbach saw in the universe nothing save matter in spontaneous movement.
He lived abroad from 1808 to 1812, passing most of his time in England, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden and France; trying to secure aid in the prosecution of his filibustering schemes but meeting with numerous rebuffs, being ordered out of England and Napoleon refusing to receive him.
Instead of submitting, Dollinger, on the 28th of March 1871, addressed a memorable letter to the archbishop, refusing to subscribe the decrees.
In national affairs Maryland early took a stand of perhaps farreaching consequences in refusing to sign the Articles of Confederation (which required the assent of all the states before coming into effect), after all the other states had done so (in 1779), until those states claiming territory between the Alleghany Mountains and the Mississippi and north of the Ohio - Virginia, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut - should have surrendered such claims. As those states finally yielded, the Union was strengthened by reason of a greater equality and consequently less jealousy among the original states, and the United States came into possession of the first territory in which all the states had a common interest and out of which new states were to be created.
Many of the clergy were punished for refusing to obey the injunction.
He was of kindly and humane disposition, as he showed by refusing to put to death his brother Mustafa, who eventually succeeded him.
Refusing to entangle himself in the abortive and equivocal schemes of Lepidus to subvert the Sullan constitution, Caesar took up the only instrument of political warfare left to the opposition by prosecuting two senatorial governors, Cn.
He returned to Rome in 60 B.C. to find that the senate had sacrificed the support of the capitalists (which Cicero had worked so hard to secure), and had finally alienated Pompey by refusing to ratify his acts and grant lands to his soldiers.
On the death of her husband, refusing numerous offers of marriage, she devoted herself to the education of her twelve children.
Refusing to observe the ecclesiastical regulations of Archbishop Laud, he was brought before the court of high commission in 1629, and again in 1634, when, for opposing the placing of a rail around the communion table, he was suspended and imprisoned.
But this effect of participation in the bread and cup was not in Paul's opinion automatic, was no mere o, ', us operatum; it depended on the ethical co-operation of the believer, who must not eat and drink unworthily, that is, after refusing to share his meats with the poorer brethren, or with any other guilt in his soul.
He began to preach in 1810, refusing any salary; in 1811 he settled in what is now Bethany, West Virginia, and was licensed by the Brush Run Church, as the Christian Association was now called.
The Senates act as courts for the trial of state officers impeached by the house (in imitation of the British House of Lords and the Federal Senate), and have in some states Powers and the function of confirming or refusing appointments Funcons made by the governor.
In 1360 it passed by the treaty of Bretigny from French to English hands, and its governor was murdered by Gaston Phoebus viscount of Beam, for refusing to surrender it to the count of Anjou.
He settled the affair in his usual downright manner, telling the commissioners bluntly that they must take back their legitimate king, and refusing - perhaps with more questionable wisdom - to allow the retention of the tricolour flag,which to him was a "symbol of rebellion."
Refusing to join the Prussian Zollverein, Hanover had become a member of the rival commercial union, the Steuerverein, three years before Ernest's accession; but as this union was not a great success the Zollverein was joined in 1851.
Difficulties arose in the way of his installation, owing to the action of the Presbytery on his refusing to sign unreservedly the Confession of Faith; but these were eventually overcome, and he took up his duties as professor in November 1841.
Accordingly, the Hawaiian government sent another despatch to the governor of Hong Kong, refusing to permit any further immigration of male Chinese from that port.
He agrees with du Bois-Reymond in refusing to regard the universe as a vast brain animated by conscious mind.
The captive was, however, by no means powerless; by refusing canonical institution to the French bishops he involved the ecclesiastical system of Napoleon in inextricable confusion.
After a tedious and captious examination, he was in March brought before convocation, and, on refusing to subscribe certain articles, was excommunicated and imprisoned; but through the interference of the king he was finally released after he had voluntarily signified his acceptance of all the articles except two, and confessed that he had erred not only " in discretion but in doctrine."
I shall be reproached with the weakness of refusing to apply those mental operations which I think good in respect of high things to the very highest.
He used all his influence to hamper the president and to advance the political interests of Alexander Hamilton, until he was dismissed, after refusing to resign, in May 1800, Returning to Massachusetts, he served as chief justice of the court of common pleas of Essex county in 1802-1803.
His successors, Patrick Gordon and George Thomas, under the proprietorship of John, Thomas and Richard Penn, continued Keith's popular policy of issuing a plentiful paper currency; but with Thomas the assembly renewed its old struggle, refusing to grant him a salary or supplies because of his efforts to force the colony into supporting the Spanish War.
After studying medicine and philosophy at Paris he settled at Padua, where he speedily gained a great reputation as a physician, and availed himself of it to gratify his avarice by refusing to visit patients except for an exorbitant fee.
In the event of their refusing obedience or neglecting to elect, the bishop may be appointed by letters patent under the Great Seal without the form of election.
In 1691 he was deprived of his professorship for refusing to take the oath of allegiance to William and Mary.
Tomlins says that there is only one instance of a prosecution on a praemunire to be found in the state trials, in which case the penalties were inflicted upon some persons for refusing to take the oath of allegiance to Charles II.
Refusing to acknowledge the supremacy of the German king Conrad I., he was unsuccessfully attacked by the latter, and in 920 was recognized as duke by Conrad's successor, Henry I., the Fowler, who admitted his supremacy and the right to appoint the bishops, to coin money and to issue laws.
In refusing to agree to the offer of the imperial crown to Frederick William IV, Maximilian had the support of his parliament.
Elizabeth was alarmed by the successes of the Spanish arms, and especially by the fall of Antwerp; and, though refusing the sovereignty, she agreed to send a force of s000 foot and I 000 horse to the aid of the Provinces under the command of the earl of Leicester, her expenses being - guaranteed by the handing over to her the towns of Flushing, Brill and Rammekens as pledges (loth of August 1585).
Both parties put themselves in the wrong, the province by refusing its quota to the federal war-sheet, the generality by dealing with individual towns instead of with the states of the province.
When in the winter of1303-1304Edward received the submission of the Scottish nobles, Wallace was expressly excepted from all terms. And after the capture of Stirling Castle and Sir William Oliphant, and the submission of Sir Simon Fraser, he was left alone, but resolute as ever in refusing allegiance to the English king.
The opposition to Johnson within the party greatly increased during his term, and the Democratic national convention of 1840 adopted the unprecedented course of refusing to nominate anyone for the vice-presidency.
But about half a mile below Geneva this limpidity is disturbed by the pouring in of the turbid torrent of the Arve (left), descending from the glaciers of the Mont Blanc range, the two currents for some distance refusing to mix.
The privy council ordered him to be banished from the kingdom for refusing to acknowledge the sentence of the High Commission.
Bismarck, in order to win the support of the Centre, appealed directly to the pope, but Windthorst took the responsibility of refusing to obey the popes request on a matter purely political.
The excitement spread rapidly, many more were accused, and, within four months, hundreds were arrested, and many were tried before commissioners of oyer and terminer (appointed on the 27th of May 1692, including Samuel Sewall, q.v., of Boston, and three inhabitants of Salem, one being Jonathan Corwin); nineteen were hanged,' and one was pressed to death in September for refusing to plead when he was accused.
The measure transferred the right of electing members of the Reichsrath from the diets to the direct vote of the people, the result being to deprive the Federalists of their chief weapon; it was no longer possible to take a formal vote of the legal representatives in any territory refusing to appoint deputies, and if a Czech or Slovene member did not take his seat the only result was that a single constituency was unrepresented, and the opposition weakened.
Then came the religious fanaticism of Akhenaton, mutilating all figures of Ammon and all inscriptions containing his name; this made havoc of the exquisite monuments of Hatshepsut; and the restorers of the XIXth Dynasty, refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the queen, had no scruples in replacing her names by those of the associate kings Tethmosis I., II.
On the 15th of March 1377 the sultan was murdered by the Mamelukes, owing to his refusing a largess of money which they demanded.
They soon paid a visit to Vestfold, " the extreme district of their realm, whose peoples and chief men were refusing to be made subject to them," and on their return had trouble with the sons of Godefridus.
She had once hurt her mother's feelings by refusing to use some wax candles.
With the violent party in a majority, refusing the jurisdiction of the state, insisting on the establishment of Presbyterianism in England, excommunicating and scolding, Scotland would be as much disturbed as in the days of Andrew Melville.
He abdicated in 1859 and left the country, after refusing to ratify the treaty with Peru, by which the defender of Guayaquil had obtained the raising of the siege.
He remained an austere republican, refusing to take part in the Napoleonic regime.
Though soon afterwards released, it was not long before he was called before the council, and, refusing to give them satisfaction on some points, was thrown into the Tower, where he continued during the whole remainder of the reign, a period slightly over five years.
We have followed it long enough to see its directness and simplicity, to observe the naturalness with which one incident succeeds another, and to watch the gradual manifestation of a personality at once strong and sympathetic, wielding extraordinary powers, which are placed wholly at the service of others, and refusing to be hindered from helping men by the ordinary restrictions of social or religious custom.
He had, however, incurred punishment for refusing to obey a command of his master, Mahommed Bey.
He appears to have followed his master to Constantinople, and to have taken part in the Three Chapters controversy; in 553, at all events, he signed the "constitutum" of Vigilius in favour of these, and for refusing, with him, to accept the decrees of the fifth general council (the 2nd of Constantinople, 553) shared his exile.
Again reappointed, he surrendered his seat, and after refusing a proffered election to serve as a commissioner with Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane in France, he entered again, in October 1776, the Virginia legislature, where he considered his services most needed.
In the House of Representatives the Republicans endeavoured to prevent the execution of the treaty by refusing the necessary appropriations, and a vote (29th of April, 1795) on a resolution that it ought to be carried into effect stood 49 to 49; but on the next day the opposition was defeated by a vote of 51 to 48.
Ali refusing to submit to this decision, Moawiya became the champion of the law,.
It seems that he never received the revenues of Darabjird, the Basrians to whom they belonged refusing to cede them.
In 1831 he published his important Essentials of Parliamentary Reform (an elaboration of his previous Statement), and, after refusing to stand as parliamentary candidate for the city in 1831, changed his mind and was elected head of the poll, with three other Liberals, in December 1832.
Refusing to take the oaths of allegiance to an "uncovenanted" ruler, or to exercise any civil function, they passed through a period of trial and found some difficulty in maintaining a regular ministry; but in 1706 they were reinforced by some converts from the established church.
In refusing to waste men in attempting more than was necessary Cadorna took the right decision, and won a notable success.
They viewed with displeasure and foreboding the fall of Iturbide's empire and the creation of the republic. They were not treasonable, but talked much, refusing allegiance to the new government; and as they controlled the resources of the colony and the good will of the Indians, they felt their strength against the local authority; besides, they were its constant benefactors.
After refusing to pay the Avars tribute, he fought several unsuccessful campaigns against them.
When the clergy, refusing to acknowledge the authority of the Burgesses in reducing their stipends, and, appealing to the king against the Assembly, entered the courts to recover damages from the vestries, Patrick Henry at Hanover court in 1763 easily convinced the jury and the people that the old church was wellnigh worthless.
Its real object is to attack such professedly Catholic governments as have fallen in with modern ideas - as for instance, by allowing freedom of worship to their Protestant subjects, or by refusing to punish brawling in Catholic churches more severely than other breaches of the peace.
The latter feeling ultimately triumphed; he condescended to accept in the dying days of Grenville's cabinet, and to retain through the "lutestring" administration of Lord Rockingham - "pretty summer wear," as Townshend styled it, "but it will never stand the winter" - the highly paid position of paymaster-general, refusing to identify himself more closely with its fortunes as chancellor of the exchequer.
Finally, peoples' court, acting wholly without reference to Kansas, and with no more than suited them (some districts refusing taxes) to the local "provisional" legislature, secured justice in the mining country.
The Commons voted for the queen's removal from court, but, the Lords refusing to concur, the matter dropped.
At the Restoration all the ejected clergy who survived were reinstated in their old benefices under the Act of Uniformity of 1662, whilst certain Puritan incumbents were in their turn dismissed for refusing to comply with various requirements of that act.
He took to bed, it is true, immediately afterwards, refusing to receive all messages from the king; but his constitution was utterly broken before, and a post-mortem examination proved that he had been suffering from stone.
For holding an unlawful meeting and refusing to participate quietly in the public service they were fined, imprisoned and otherwise maltreated.
Several of these birds bred, and they almost all lived in the woods the whole year through, refusing to take shelter in a house constructed for their use.
His protest against Louis XIV.'s extended claim to regalian rights called forth the famous Declaration of Gallican Liberties by a subservient French synod under the lead of Bossuet (1682), which the pope met by refusing to confirm Louis's clerical appointments.
Refusing to be a presidential candidate in 1888, he became secretary of state under President Harrison, and resumed his work which had been interrupted nearly eight years before.
The men about him how-, ever - among them Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, "Lyon King" and poet - saw his capacity for greater things, and, on his at first refusing "to run where God had not called him," planned a solemn appeal to Knox from the pulpit to accept "the public office and charge of preaching."
He was prepared indeed to fall back upon that, in the event of the Estates at any time refusing sanction to either church or creed, as their sovereign in Paris promptly refused it.
While refusing to allow the people any share in, or control over, the government, the Conservative leaders devoted themselves to improving the condition of the people and of the country, and under their firm rule Chile advanced rapidly in prosperity.
Thence he fled to Jersey, and finally refusing all the overtures from the parliament, and in opposition to the counsels of Hyde, who desired the prince to remain on English territory, he repaired to the queen at Paris, where he remained for two years.
He was chaplain to the English garrison at Guernsey in April - December 16J9 and again in 1661; and in the latter year, refusing valuable livings in England offered on condition of conformity, he returned to America.
In the same year, however, he was one of seventeen Kentish ministers suspended for refusing to sign an acknowledgment of the queen's supremacy and of the authority of the Prayer Book and articles.
Refusing to remain with Dido, queen of Carthage, who in despair puts an end to her life, he sets sail from Africa, and after seven years' wandering lands at the mouth of the Tiber.
They refused to pay their share of the public expenses; and their deputies, on refusing to take the oath of allegiance and fidelity, were expelled from the assembly.
Refusing to recognize Fenwicke's jurisdiction, Governor Andros of New York attempted to secure his peaceful recognition of the duke's authority, and, failing in this, he sent a military force into this district in December 1676 and made Fenwicke a prisoner.
Accordingly, we find him journeying again in 1351 to Vaucluse, again refusing the office of papal secretary, again planning visionary reforms for the Roman people, and beginning that 'curious fragment of an autobiography which is known as the Epistle to Posterity.
He made public profession of his republican principles as a schoolboy at the Lycee Charlemagne by refusing in 1867 to receive a prize at the Sorbonne from the hand of the prince imperial.
As the difficulties of the Crimean campaign increased, it was not Lord Palmerston but Lord John Russell who broke up the government by refusing to meet Roebuck's motion of inquiry.
Nero showed his displeasure by refusing to receive Thrasea when the senate went in a body to offer its congratulations on the birth of a princess.
He incurred the enmity of Perdiccas, the regent, by refusing to assist Eumenes to obtain possession of the provinces allotted to him.
He was ordained priest in 1797, and in the same year became professor of Arabic in the university, but shortly afterwards was deprived for refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the Cisalpine Republic. In 1803 he was appointed assistant librarian of the institute of Bologna, and soon afterwards was reinstated as professor of oriental languages and of Greek.
But half a million of these people being Mahommedans, and refusing to submit to the yoke of Christian Russia, emigrated into Turkish territory List of Peaks in the west central Caucasus, with their altitudes, names and dates of mountaineers who have climbed them.
One of the companions in captivity of the prophet Daniel, called Abednego by Nebuchadrezzar, by whom with two companions he was cast into a "burning fiery furnace" for refusing to worship the golden image set up by that monarch.
The patriarch receives confirmation from Rome, and the political representation of the Maronites at Constantinople is in the hands of the vicar apostolic. Rome has incorporated most of the Maronite saints in her calendar, while refusing (despite their apologists) to canonize either of the reputed eponymous founders of Maronism.
But in April he was once more overthrown by the French in a battle fought at Novara, his Swiss clamouring at the last moment for their overdue pay, and treacherously refusing to fight against a force of their own countrymen led by La Tremouille.
He was again dismissed without a pension, on the 10th of December 1770, for refusing to have anything to do with Struensee.
Refusing to limit himself to political history, as did Ranke, he never learned to handle his literary sources with the care of the scientific historian.
In that month Morenga, a chief who had been interned by the colonial authorities, but had escaped and recommenced hostilities against the Germans, was once more on the British side of the frontier and, refusing to surrender, was pursued by the Cape Mounted Police and killed after a smart action.
In the session of 1907 the Opposition in the legislative council brought on a crisis by refusing to grant supplies voted by the lower chamber.
This was said of the first report, which contained no decision on nationalization; but it was afterwards unfairly alleged by Labour speakers that the Government, by refusing to accept the principle of nationalization, approved in a subsequent report, had broken Mr. Law's pledge.
The sentence was not carried out, but by the capitulation of Wittenberg (Ma .y 1547) he renounced the electoral dignity and a part of his lands in favour of Maurice, steadfastly refusing however to make any concessions on religious matters, and remained in captivity until May 1552, when he returned to the Thuringian lands which his sons had been allowed to retain, his return being hailed with wild enthusiasm.
Some of his opponents denied the truth of his experiments, refusing to believe in the existence of the spectrum.
Refusing to retract, he was banished.
He next incited the Venetians to attack Ferrara, and then, after having been delivered by their general, Roberta Malatesta, from a Neapolitan invasion, he turned upon them and eventually assailed them for refusing to desist from the hostilities which he had himself instigated.
The business came up at the council of Northampton (October 1164), when the archbishop was tried for refusing to recognize the jurisdiction of the kings courts, and declared to have forfeited his movable goods.
A considerable fraction of them adhered consistently to the English cause from this time forth, and ultimately lost their lands for refusing to follow the rest of the nation in the next insurrection.
By refusing supplies they would put it out of the kings power to fulfil his engagements to that army, anti it would immediately pursue its onward march to claim its rights.
The Whigs were charged with refusing to make peace when an honorable and satisfactory peace was not beyond their reach.
The term of office of the latter was marked by the first tentative efforts to modify the high protective system by which British trade was hampered, especially by the Reciprocity of Duties Act (1823), a modification of the Navigation Acts, by which British and foreign shipping were placed on an equal footing, while the right to impose restrictive duties on ships of powers refusing to reciprocate was retained.
Disturbances again broke out in 1845, the native mukatajis refusing to obey the kaimakams. The Maronites flew to arms, but with the assistance of the Turks their opponents carried the day.
On the accession of the Caps to power in 1766, Fersen assisted the court in its struggle with them by refusing to employ the Guards to keep order in the capital when King Adolphus Frederick, driven to desperation by the demands of the Caps, publicly abdicated, and a seven days' interregnum ensued.
The persistence of the French in refusing more than a money compensation to the German princes who had claims in Alsace afforded matter of complaint to the Empire.
Under the Benefices Act 1898 the official principal of the archbishop is required to institute a presentee to a benefice if the tribunal constituted under that act decides that there is no valid ground for refusing institution and the bishop of the diocese notwithstanding fails to institute him.
The peculiarity of the Stoics lay in their refusing to use the terms " good and evil " in connexion with " things indifferent," and in pointing out that philosophers, though independent of these things, must yet deal with them in practical life.
He argues that Hobbes's atomic materialism involves the conception of an objective physical world, the object not of passive sense that varies from man to man, but of the active intellect that is the same in all; there is therefore, he urges, an inconsistency in refusing to admit a similar exercise of intellect in morals, and an objective world of right and wrong, which the mind by its normal activity clearly apprehends as such.
Here he reformed the system of colonial defence, refusing to keep troops in the colonies during time of peace unless their expense was defrayed by the colonists; he also laid the foundation of federation in Canada and, rightly or wrongly, censured Sir George Grey's conduct in New Zealand.
At the time of the Popish Plot in 1678 he displayed some moderation, refusing to believe the charges made against the duke of York, though he chose this time to publish some anti-Roman pamphlets.
The Italian primate, Octavian de Palatio, knew better, and incurred the wrath of Kildare by refusing to officiate at the impostor's coronation.
For refusing to receive rents at figures fixed by the tenants, Captain Boycott (1832-1897), Lord Erne's agent in Mayo, was severely " boycotted," the name of the first victim being given to the new system.
In February 1893, on the application of the sheriff of Kerry, an order from Dublin Castle, refusing protection, was pronounced illegal in the Queen's Bench, and persons issuing it were declared liable to criminal prosecution.
The ministry proposed to abrogate the electoral law of 1850, and restore universal suffrage; the Assembly by refusing made itself still more unpopular.
The emperor, on the one hand, preserved feudal suzerainty over ecclesiastical benefices; but, on the other, he ceased to confer ring and crozier, and thereby not only lost the right of refusing the elect on the grounds of unworthiness, but also was deprived of an efficacious means of maintaining vacancies in ecclesiastical offices.
There, refusing the pension which had been offered him and all ecclesiastical preferment, he lived frugally, and spent his days and nights as at Brussels in literary labour.
Following the advice of his ministers Walla and Agobard, supporters of the policy of unity, Louis the Pious put Bernard of Italy, Charlemagnes grandson, to death for refusing to acknowledge Lothair as coemperor; crushed a revolt in.
Choiseuls religious policy was no less venturesome; after the condemnation in 1759 of the Jesuits who were involved in the bankruptcy of Father de Ia Valette, their general, in the Antilles, he had the order dissolved for refusing to modify its constitution (1761-1764).
Refusing to be made a tool for the furtherance of Perdiccas's ambitions, Brasidas set about the accomplishment of his main object, and, partly by the rapidity and boldness of his movements, partly by his personal charm and the moderation of his demands, succeeded during the course of the winter in winning over the important cities of Acanthus, Stagirus, Amphipolis and Torone as well as a number of minor towns.
Towards the end of the 18th century the Hameg wrested power from the Funj and the kingdom fell into decay, many of the tributary princes refusing to acknowledge the king of Sennar.
Gedymin disentangled himself from his difficulties by repudiating his former promises; by refusing to receive the papal legates who arrived at Riga in September 1323; and by dismissing the Franciscans from his territories.
In 1731, being then the property of Mr. Coke, he was teazer to Hobgoblin, and on the latter refusing his services to Roxana, the mare was put to the Godolphin, and the produce was Lath (1732), the first of his get, and the most celebrated race-horse of his day after Flying Childers.
He voted for the university decree against the Covenant, and, refusing submission to the parliamentary visitors in 1648, he was expelled.
Lloyd was an indefatigable opponent of the Roman Catholic tendencies of James II., and was one of the seven bishops who for refusing to have the Declaration of Indulgence read in his diocese was charged with publishing a seditious libel against the king and acquitted (1688).
He soon rose to the rank of lieutenantcolonel, but in April 1645, having become dissatisfied with the predominance of Presbyterianism, and refusing to take the covenant, he resigned his commission, presenting at the same time to the Commons a petition for considerable arrears of pay.
After refusing to travel to Italy, Henry changed his mind and submitted to his father at Aquileia in 1232; and a temporary peace was made with the Lombard cities in June 1233.
Then, in May 1248, came the tidings of Enzio's capture by the Bolognese, and of his hopeless imprisonment, the captors refusing all offers of ransom.
In 1855, after refusing the post of minister at Teheran, he was employed in the foreign office at Paris, and acted as secretary to the congress at Paris (1855-1856).
After refusing bed, I was propped up on a sofa and felt reasonably comfortable, provided I kept motion at a minimum.
He withheld kisses and blood, refusing to sate either of her cravings.
She wasn't sure Qatwal deserved a peaceful existence after refusing to help Anshan, but for Evelyn's sake, she wanted the wars to end, even if A'Ran didn't want her anymore.
They conceded that the company was entitled to a detailed reply giving their reasons for refusing the request.
With the underdog team refusing to let ill-fortune dampen enthusiasm, things improved in the fourth match against Eastwood Park.
Even after vehement protests from United players, the match continued, with Mottram refusing demands to consult his linesman.
The last abbot of Glastonbury, Richard Whiting, caused these relics to be spirited away, refusing to give them up.
In some cases refusing to allow unsupervised contact may be the only solution to prevent abduction.
Indeed, " not to use the Internet for research is becoming akin to a reporter refusing to use the telephone.
Evidently the lay assessors were refusing to go along with him, something of a rarity in German law.
He was knighted by William IV, refusing a baronetcy.
Caesareanple is a woman in labor refusing a cesarean; or a pregnant drug addict who will not give up drugs.
The Government is refusing to make the document available because it is " commercially confidential " .
So is refusing to answer the doorbell during the weekend.
In refusing to provide the information the Cabinet Office cited exemptions 2, 7, 9 and 12 of the Code.
The hearing resulted in New York refusing the extradition of Abe Attell.
A Swansea escape seems so far-fetched, however Hollins is refusing to throw in the towel.
The employer is currently refusing to discuss clauses in agreements relating to job security, the deputy General Secretary warned.
However, there may be a good reason for refusing an oral hearing.
The latter's position in refusing to divulge the information to the claimant is readily intelligible on its face.
Thereafter the Lord Lyon, on 10 December 2002, pronounced an interlocutor refusing the prayer of the petition.
The stated reason for refusing mediation that the matter was too complex for mediation is plain nonsense.
Two sisters martyred in Rome for refusing to marry pagans.
Neither of these are true and the Board's decision in refusing parole made no mention of either.
Their great soldier Achilles is refusing to fight and spends his time with his friend Patroclus.
A colleague told me he found several places open but refusing to let anyone new in after 11pm, which seems a bit pointless.
Had we introduced the potty earlier, perhaps he would not have had this fad about refusing to use the toilet.
We often have horse riders riding two abreast on narrow roads refusing to move into a single file.
On the Scottish King's arrival at Gloucester, William delivered a snub by refusing to receive him.
Refusing food and shelter, and forcing people to suffer starvation is as bad as killing people with bullets in a dictator's regime.
Meanwhile, the loo nearest to me is now refusing to flush, which rather stymied my attempt to p*ss on Grantham!
The main proof of the objective value of the view we may gain will rather lie in the degree in which it succeeds in assigning to every element of culture its due position, or in which it is able to appreciate and combine different and apparently opposite tendencies and interests, in the sort of justice with which it weighs our manifold desires and aspirations, balancing them in due proportions, refusing to sacrifice to a one-sided principle any truth or conviction which experience has proven to be useful and necessary.
He discovered that parliamentary government after all was not the easy and plain task that Pym and Vane had imagined, and Cromwell had in the end no better justification of his rule than that which Strafford had suggested to Charles I., - "parliament refusing (to give support and co-operation in carrying on the government) you are acquitted before God and man."
But for the Tunisian question Italy might again have been drawn into the wake of France, Mancini tried to impede the organization of French rule in thi Regency by refusing to recognize the treaty of Bardo, yet sc careless was Bismarck of Italian susceptibilities that he in.
The only appeal to Rome in Saxon times was that of St Wilfrid, bishop of York, who appealed from the division of his see and his deposition for refusing to consent to it, and was heard in a Roman synod under the presidency of Pope Agatho.
Notwithstanding his insulting language concerning Mary and the fact that he was the "stoutest" in refusing mass, he became one of her chief advisers, but his complete ascendancy over her mind and affections dates from the murder of Rizzio on the 9th of March 1566.
It seems doubtful if the governor exceeded his legal right in refusing to allow Pereira to proceed; 1 in this attitude he remained firm even when Xavier, if the Jesuit biographers may be trusted, exhibited the brief by which he held the rank of papal nuncio, and threatened Ataide with excommunication.
Turgot, on hearing of this, wrote an indignant letter to the king, in which he reproached him for refusing to see him, pointed out in strong terms the dangers of a weak ministry and a weak king, and complained bitterly of Ailaurepas's irresolution and subjection to court intrigues; this letter the king, though asked to treat it as confidential, is said to have shown to Maurepas, whose dislike for Turgot it still further embittered.
In 1890 he succeeded Count Herbert Bismarck as Secretary for Foreign Affairs under the Caprivi chancellorship and continued to hold that office under Prince von Hohenlohe; but he had incurred the enmity of Prince Bismarck by refusing his advice when he first assumed office, and the result was a fierce press campaign against him which finally obliged him to speak out when he appeared as a witness at the trial of certain journalists in 1896 for lese-majeste.
At any time the tenant could relinquish his holding; but he could only be evicted for refusing to pay his tretina, for wilful neglect of his land or for damage done to it.
Refusing to retract his opinions he was burned to death at Smithfield on the 18th of March 1612.
Consequently, in 15 9 0 he was deposed for refusing to remove the pictures from his church and discontinue the use of exorcism in baptism.
Kiwewa, refusing to submit to circumcision, was (after reigning three or four months) expelled by the B a-Islamu, who placed another brother, Kalema, on the throne and began a fanatical propaganda, forcing the peasantry to, submit to the hated circumcision.
It was held unrighteous to invade another nation without a solemn embassy to warn their chiefs of the miseries to which they exposed themselves by refusing the submission demanded, and this again was followed by a declaration of war, but in Mexico this degenerated into a ceremonial farce, where tribute was claimed or an Aztec god was offered to be worshipped in order to pick a quarrel as a pretext for an invasion already planned to satisfy the soldiers with lands and plunder, and to meet the priests' incessant demands for more human sacrifices.
But though he was a student and friend of Ahmad ibn Hanbal he did not go in traditionalism to the length of some, and he defended al-Bukhari when the latter was driven from Nishapur for refusing to admit that the utterance (lafz) of the Koran by man was as uncreated as the Koran itself (see Mahommedan Religion; and Patton's Ahmad ibn Hanbal, 32 sqq.).
He was at last brought to trial (January 1554/5) before the court in which Bishop Gardiner sat as chief, and, refusing to retract his principles, was condemned as a heretic and burnt, with John Leaf, in Smithfield on the 1st of July 1555.
One of his sons-in-law, Heron, having a suit in the chancellor's court, and refusing to agree to any reasonable accommodation, because the judge " was the most affectionate father to his children that ever was in the world," More thereupon made a decree against him.
In effect the fathers of the Armenian church often fell back into such language, far removed as it is from orthodoxy; and they em phasized the importance of thebaptismal feast of the Epiphany on the 6th of January by refusing to accept the feast of the physical birth of the 25th of December.
This had been due to a threat of Prussian occupation; and it needed another such threat to persuade the elector to reassemble the chambers, which he had dismissed at the first sign of opposition; and he revenged himself by refusing to transact any public business.
Then, in violation of his oath to grant an amnesty, he revenged himself for three years of coercion by killing on a scale which revolted his "rescuers," and against which the duke of Angouleme, powerless to interfere, protested by refusing the Spanish decorations offered him for his services.
One of the first acts of Motawakkil was the release of all those who had been imprisoned for refusing to admit the dogma of the created Koran, and the strict order to abstain from any litigation about the Book of God.
Refusing any salary and asking only the reimbursement of his expenses, he accepted the position, asking "every gentleman in the room," however, to remember his declaration that he did not believe himself to be equal to the command, and that he accepted it only as a duty made imperative by the unanimity of the call.
The king, at the suggestion of the crown prince (see GUSTAVUS III.), thereupon urged the senate to summon an extraordinary Riksdag as the speediest method of relieving the national distress, and, on their refusing to comply with his wishes, abdicated.
Meanwhile, his former defensive partner at Elland Road is riling the good people at Old Trafford by refusing to ink an extended deal.
Keep refusing to buy games at the rip-off standard prices.
On the Scottish King 's arrival at Gloucester, William delivered a snub by refusing to receive him.
Unfortunately, she was re-captured and still refusing to honor pagan gods, she was stabbed in the throat and beheaded.
Refusing food and shelter, and forcing people to suffer starvation is as bad as killing people with bullets in a dictator 's regime.
Meanwhile, the loo nearest to me is now refusing to flush, which rather stymied my attempt to p*ss on Grantham !
Henry Prentice for refusing to give sureties to keep the peace to all especially to his wife Hannah of Melford.
I sympathize with the plight of farmers today, who see their livelihoods threatened by consumers refusing to buy such hybrids.
They are seeking the return of their tenancy deposit, which the landlord is refusing to pay.
Did I not let my colleagues down by refusing to commit treason against the Nigerian people !
Father Fined For Blocking Pox Jab A father has been fined for refusing to have his children vaccinated against smallpox.
Despite vehement protests from United players, the match continued, with Mottram refusing demands to consult his linesman.
Reduced appetite - refusing feeds or less keen to take a whole feed.
You shouldn't continue to force feed her after she gives you these cues, such as turning her head away, refusing to open her mouth, or crying.
You will then be asked to accept or refuse the referral, but keep in mind that refusing a referral may mean that you do not get a second referral.
Parents then have the option of accepting or refusing the referred child, typically within the next two weeks.
A sudden switch in types of litter can lead to a cat refusing to use the litter box.
Your cat may show signs of mouth sores by refusing food and/or drooling.
Treatment will likely include injected solutions if your cat has become dehydrated from refusing food and water or if she has had a high fever.
Hiding the children from your spouse or refusing to allow him to see them is not the way to behave in this situation.
So I don't know why exactly I'm refusing to accept the fact that I maybe-could be-possibly like him.
To get the attention of the addict, there should be some serious consequences for refusing to participate in treatment.
At that time, Spears had taken Jayden and barricaded herself in one of the rooms in her home, refusing to come out and hand the child over.
There are abortive shots available, but may vets are refusing to offer this service because there are possible complications involved.
If your dog is refusing to eat his food, he may feel ill or is possibly having dental issues.
Some dog illnesses can become deadly very quickly if treatment is not started right away.Dogs are often sick for a while before they begin to display symptoms like refusing to eat or drink, lethargy or gastric upset.
He will also begin refusing to drink water.
It is, however, a little particular as to soil, thriving best in rocky debris, and refusing to grow where there is much lime.
Bringing back the hourglass shape and refusing to receive any man without a tie, Dior was a meticulous and rather quirky designer.
In fact, for these, you should hold the steaming agent as far away as possible from the tie and only bring the steam closer if the wrinkles are refusing to come out.
Another group of children are often very picky about what they eat, refusing specific foods.
Bedtimes may become a struggle, with the child refusing care from all but the primary caregiver and crying, fussing, and calling the caregiver when it is time to go to sleep.
Refusing to speak or speaking in a whisper spares the child from the possible humiliation or embarrassment of saying the "wrong" thing.
If the hernia has incarcerated, the infant will be in obvious pain, appearing fussy, crying, and refusing to eat.
School phobia is an international problem, with an estimated rate of 2.4 percent of all school-age children worldwide refusing to attend classes.
Parents with a child who is avoiding or refusing school should call their pediatrician and arrange to have physical symptoms evaluated.
Failing the test or refusing to submit to one means the company will withdraw the offer and the position will go to someone else.
Failing the drug test or refusing to take one will result in the employment offer being withdrawn.
Being fired for misconduct, lying on your application or refusing to work can also disqualify you from receiving benefits.
Financial discrimination - Mortgage lenders and insurance companies can not discriminate by refusing to sell their loans and policies to non-white buyers or by charging higher rates in non-white areas.
You can also donate your time by volunteering at your local shelter or rescue organization, or by refusing to shop at pet stores and other locations that utilize the business of puppy mills.
If he's burping on the first date or refusing to share his popcorn at the movies, you may start rethinking this change in your relationship.
While these are behaviors, one might engage in with a good friend, if he is excluding you and refusing to share the details because he "values" that confidence over yours, then he is likely cheating.
Physical neglect might involve refusing to provide adequate food, shelter, abandonment, and even health care.
She immediately jumped up and began pacing by the doorway, refusing to touch the plastic piece again.
By simply refusing to use more costly services, it is possible to realize substantial savings on your phone bill.
The Dress - After being dissed by a high-end boutique, Jane takes the store to court for refusing to furnish plus-sized women's sizes.
Some eagles defend their territory by fighting in mid-air, refusing to back down when invaders approach.
After the study was published, parents all over the world questioned childhood vaccine safety and thousands began delaying or refusing to vaccinate their children.
The repercussions of parents delaying or refusing scheduled childhood vaccinations had an impact in both the UK and the USA.
In the US, there has been a sevenfold increase in measles outbreaks due to parents refusing the vaccine for their children.
Other employer actions prohibited include refusing to hire a person for previously filing claim.
Of course, refusing to assist a client or telling your boss you won't take an assignment would not be a good idea.
You may also make a blanket statement refusing all medical treatment without your permission, but you should be aware that in a life-threatening situation, emergency personnel may not honor this refusal.
Kelly caused a small controversy in early 2006 after refusing to let current contestants on "American Idol" sing her songs.
This step proved a little premature so, after refusing to succumb to the pressure from record labels to 'steer away' from their Scottish sound and commercialize, they returned to Ridge Records.
Some charge she is unrealistically supportive, refusing to criticize poor performances.
Cue leaks to the press about her label refusing to release the album, cancelled summer tours, dramatic changes in management - all the requisite music biz scandal ingredients.
The judge dismissed his DUI charge but convicted him for improper lane changing and refusing a breathalyzer test.
Half way through another miserable summer holiday with the Dursley's, Harry receives word that his friend Ron's family are refusing to let him miss the Quiddich World Cup.
Yet, a few companies are still producing catalogs refusing to give up what they see as a customer friendly and marketing profitable way to promote their outfits.
He nudged her head to the side to reach her neck, and she pushed back, refusing.
She'd broken down for weeks, sobbing and refusing to leave her house.
One arm looped around her and she braced herself against his chest, vaguely realizing that --by not refusing him the day before --he'd taken her response as a blank check.
Katie moved quickly through the room, refusing to meet the gaze of any of the Immortals.
It wasn.t hard to figure out why he did it after so long refusing to become Death.s slave, Darkyn answered.
Dean yawned, refusing to open his eyes as Fred continued.
The panicked animal fought him for its head instead, refusing to obey him.
I'm not sure which of my sins she considers worst - being a Medena offspring or refusing my heritage.
Jessi pulled her legs out from between Xander's thighs and stood, refusing to look at him.
Ddllinger, Johann Huber, Johann Friedrich, Franz Heinrich Reusch, Joseph Hubert Reinkens and others, for refusing to accept them.
He was sent to the Marshalsea, and a few years later was indicted on a charge of praemunire on refusing the oath when tendered him by his diocesan, Bishop Home of Winchester.
His name is not connected with the resistance to the levy of ship-money or to the action of the ecclesiastical courts, but in 1630 he was one of those fined for refusing to take up knighthood.
Some delay was caused in beginning operations by Cromwell's dangerous illness, during which his life was despaired of; but in June he was confronting Leslie entrenched in the hills near Stirling, impregnable to attack and refusing an engagement.
In the disorderly flight both Louis and his younger brother Henry, refusing to abandon the field, lost their lives.
On that occasion Jules Favre had recognized the September convention to be dead, and, while refusing explicitly to denounce it, had admitted that unless Italy went to Rome the city would become a prey to dangerous agitators.
Payments would have been regularly continued had not pressure from the French Clerical party coerced the Vatican into refusing any further instalment.
Refusing to pay a ransom he was barbarously murdered at Greenwich on the 19th of April 1012.
A bishop refusing to come to Rome was to be brought there by the civil power.
Ten years later he was recalled to York, but refusing to consent to the division of his see was again deposed and again appealed to Rome.
Refusing the rich see of Seville and many other preferments he accepted that of councillor of state.
He established himself firmly in Tyre (refusing admission to Guy, the king of Jerusalem); and from it he both sent appeals for aid to Europe - which largely contributed to cause the Third Crusade - and despatched reinforcements to the crusaders, who, from 1188 onwards, were engaged in the siege of Acre.
The wisdom of King George Tupou in refusing to alienate an acre of land, except upon lease, has resulted in Tonga having been the last native state in the Pacific to lose its independence.
The elections held under the new system proved a failure, the Christians refusing to go to the polls, and for the next five years Crete was governed absolutely by a succession of Mahommedan Valis.
The statute De haeretico comburendo had just been introduced for the purpose of stamping out heresy, but it had not become law when Sawtrey was summoned to St Paul's and was charged with denying transubstantiation, with refusing to adore the cross except as a symbol, and with six other heresies.
Alarmed by a hint dropped by Edward, he left England secretly, and in the church of the Friars Minorite at Dumfries on the 10th of -February 1306 met Comyn, whom he slew before the high altar for refusing to join in his plans.
Gohier and Moulin, on refusing to retire, were placed under a military guard; and General Moreau showed his political incapacity by discharging this duty, for the benefit of Bonaparte.
He commanded at Rochelle during the famous siege, and (if we may believe his brother) the failure of the defence and of the English attack on Rhe was mainly due to the alternate obstinacy of the townsfolk and the English commanders in refusing to listen to Soubise's advice.
Debussy has this in common with Strauss, that he too regards harmonies as pure physical sensations; but he differs from Strauss firstly in systematically refusing to regard them as anything else, and secondly in his extreme sensibility to harshness.
Refusing to take the oath, he was committed (15th of April) to the Tower, where he suffered greatly from the rigours of a long confinement.
It was among the twelve colonies that were punished for refusing help to Rome in 209 B.C. It was considered a suitable point to oppose a threatened march of Hasdrubal on Rome.
The Quakers, accused as they were of being Jesuits, and refusing to take the oath, suffered under this proclamation and under the more stringent act of 1656.
Pennsylvania in 1842 (16 Peters 539), that state authorities could not be forced to act in fugitive slave cases, but that national authorities must carry out the national law, was followed by legislation in Massachusetts (1843), Vermont (1843), Pennsylvania (1847) and Rhode Island (1848), forbidding state officials to help enforce the law and refusing the use of state gaols for fugitive slaves.
Since then the Chamber of Deputies has on several occasions taken advantage of the budget to attempt the suppression of the sous-prefecs by refusing to vote the amount necessary for the payment of their salaries.
The cultivators, on the other hand, may not plant tobacco without permits from the regie, although the power of refusing a permit, except to known smugglers or persons of notoriously bad conduct, seems to be doubtful; nor may they sell to any purchaser, unless for export, except to the regie, while they are bound to deposit the whole of the tobacco crops which they raise in any one year in the entrepots of the regie before the month of August of the year following, [[Table A]].-Showing Revenues ceded to Ottoman Public Debt Administration at Various Periods to 1907-1908.
Turkey had cause of complaint against Russia for refusing to allow the Crimean troops to march through Daghestan during the Persian campaign, and on the 28th of May 1736, war was declared, in spite of the efforts of England and Holland.
But common-sense and conscience are quite as definite guides as logic or authority; and there seems no good reason for refusing to give the name of casuistry to their operations.
This made it a grave sin in the priest to refuse absolution, whenever there was some good reason for giving it even when there were other and better reasons for refusing it.
Arsenius then took refuge in the monastery of Paschasius, retaining his office of patriarch but refusing to discharge its duties.
Refusing to attempt to escape, he was brought before the council, when his attendance at the meeting referred to was charged against him.
A certain king, Alchfrith, is said to have given the site of the town to Eata, abbot of Melrose, to found a monastery, but before it was completed Eata was deposed for refusing to celebrate Easter according to the Roman usage, and St Wilfrid was appointed the first abbot.
The German government retaliated by a decree of the Reichsbank refusing to deal with Russian paper.
Some, as if unwilling to distract her from an important occupation, came up to her for a moment and made haste to go away, refusing to let her see them off.
Nicholas saw that Denisov was refusing though he smiled delightedly.
I knew that if I once let myself see her I should not have strength to go on refusing what she wanted.
After refusing it for manners' sake, he drank it and wiped his mouth with a red silk handkerchief he took out of his cap.
Alex hired someone to till the garden, refusing to let Carmen do it.
He'd never gotten over her friend refusing to date him after she dumped him.