Refugees Sentence Examples
Several more refugees had arrived earlier in the day.
We'll keep sending refugees west.
The Ancient Kris probably contacted the other three, because we only have about forty Immortal refugees here now.
Several eminent French refugees resided at this period in the neighbourhood.
Another town a little to the south, built by Ptolemy Philadelphus in 274 B.C., and called Arsinoe in honour of his sister, received the refugees driven from Constantia by the Arabs under Mu`awiyah, became the seat of the orthodox archbishopric, and was eventually known as Famagusta.
In 1794 further French refugees joined the Bedfordshire lace makers.
The reason of its isolated settlement here is to be found in the former general practice of weaving as a home craft and its organization as an industry by capitalist Baptist refugees who arrived in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Extradition treaties are undertakings between states curtailing the exercise of the right of asylum in respect of refugees from justice, but the conditions therein laid down invariably show that nations regard the maintenance of this right of asylum as intimately connected with their right of independent action, however weak as states they may be, on their own soil.
Barca is said to have owed its origin to Greek refugees flying from the tyranny of Arcesilaus II.
He founded the university of Halle, and the Academy of Sciences at Berlin; welcomed and protected Protestant refugees from France and elsewhere; and lavished money on the erection of public buildings.
AdvertisementIt joined the Hanseatic league in 1270, and about the same time began to engage in the linen manufacture, which was greatly extended during the 16th and 17th centuries by a number of refugees from the Netherlands.
Outside the fort were gathered 3000 native refugees.
Babington then applied for a passport abroad, for the ostensible purpose of spying upon the refugees, but in reality to organize the foreign expedition and secure his own safety.
Just before this time much unrest in the north-west of Germany had been caused by the settlement there of a number of refugees from the Netherlands.
The capture of that island had caused an immigration of Spanish refugees to Santiago that greatly increased its importance; and the illicit trade to the same island - mainly in hides and cattle - that flourished from this time onward was a main prop of prosperity.
AdvertisementAfter the cession of Santo Domingo to France, and after the French evacuation of that island, thousands of refugees settled in and about Santiago.
To refugees of all nations, even to those who had been its own bitter foes, the city afforded asylum; and by means of treaty and tribute it worked its way to a position of mercantile power which Europe could hardly parallel.
The insurrection in Bosnia and Herzegovina immediately affected Austria; refugees in large numbers crossed the frontier and had to be maintained by the government.
Then, to raise funds for the cause, he returned to America; his fervid appeals enabled him to collect about $60,000, which he spent on provisions and clothing, and he established a relief depot near Aegina, where he started works for the refugees, the existing quay, or American Mole, being built in this way.
By the end of June twenty-six warships, representing the navies of Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, the United States, Spain, Greece and Turkey, lay off the port of Alexandria, and large numbers of refugees were embarked.
AdvertisementIn October Omar-Saleh, the Mahdist commander, took Rejaf and sent messengers to Dufile to summon Emin to surrender; but on the 15th of November the mutineers released both Emin and Jephson, who returned to Lake Albert with some 600 refugees, and joined Stanley in February 1889.
Montenegro, like the other mountainous regions, adhered to the Greek Church; it received a number of Orthodox Servian refugees at the beginning of the i 5th century, when the Turks occupied Servia.
The nomad Vlachs or Tzintzars of these countries call themselves Arumani or "Romans"; they are a remnant of the native Latinized population which received an increase from the immigration of Daco-Roman refugees, who fled southwards during the 3rd century, after the abandonment of Dacia by Aurelian.
The ancestors of his father, Aime Robert Merle d'Aubigne (1755-1799), were French Protestant refugees.
The mildest measure adopted towards these refugees was banishment from the kingdom, and a large number suffered at the stake.
AdvertisementThe modern town was recruited by refugees from Constantinople in 1453, and from Crete in 1669, when these places fell into the hands of the Turks.
Diego Noboa, elected in 1850 after a period of great confusion, recalled the Jesuits, produced a rupture with New Granada by receiving conservative refugees, and thus brought about his own deposition and exile.
These two prefects compelled the refugees to return to Irak, where many of them were severely treated and even put to death by Hajjaj.
The only fact in its history is that the people of Hermione (a city on the neighbouring mainland now known by the common name of Kastri) surrendered it to Samian refugees, and that from these the people of Troezen received it in trust.
As for the pasha himself, he loudly disclaimed any such disloyal pretensions; his aim was to chastise Abdulla, pasha of Acre, who had harboured refugees from his "reforms"; to overthrow Khusrev, who had encouraged him in his refusal to surrender them; to secure the fulfilment of the sultan's promise with regard to Syria and Damascus.
The name is well known in connexion with the silk industry established here by French refugees after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, in 1685.
Erlangen owes the foundation of its prosperity chiefly to the French Protestant refugees who settled here on the revocation of the edict of Nantes and introduced various manufactures.
The name of Remscheid occurs in a document of 1132, and the town received the first impulse to its industrial importance through the immigration of Protestant refugees from France and Holland.
The shrine of St Martin attracted the sick from all quarters, and the basilica of the saint was a favourite sanctuary for political refugees.
The magnificence of its mosques and other public buildings, the number of its schools, and the extent of its warehouses shed lustre on the city; but wealth and luxury began to undermine its prosperity, and its ruin was hastened by the conduct of the Moslem refugees from Spain.
Under the influence of these refugees the legitimate trade of the town gave place to piracy, Mers-el-Kebir becoming the stronghold of the pirates.
These railways were built by the national government after the drought of 1877-1878 to give work to the starving refugees, and are now operated under leases.
The Uitlanders, who had fled from Johannesburg just before the war opened, began to return in May 1901, and by the time the war ended most of the refugees were back on the Rand and mining was resumed.
In 1904 and the following years large numbers of refugees, including some of the most important chiefs, fled into British territory, and charges were made in Germany that sufficient control over these refugees was not exercised by the Cape government.
The town is of considerable antiquity, but owes its development to the refugees who flocked from the villages plundered by the Turks in the 15th century.
A house of Augustinian canons established here in 1119 by Erkenbert, chamberlain of Worms, was suppressed in 1562 by the elector palatine Frederick III., who gave its possessions to Protestant refugees from the Netherlands.
Under them the Konkan and the coast farther south were governed by chiefs of the Silahara family, whose rule is mainly notable for the revival of trade with the Persian Gulf and, doubtless as a result of this, the arrival in 775 on the west coast of a number of Parsee refugees, who found, in a country where three religions were already equally honoured, the toleration denied to them in Mussulman Persia.
Altars were always places of refuge, and even criminals and slaves were there safe, violence offered to them being insults to the gods whose suppliants the refugees were for the time being.
Throughout central and northern Kurdistan there were in 1919 numbers of Armenians who had lived as refugees among the Kurds.
In the autumn of 1851 the queen was much annoyed at hearing that he had received a deputation at the foreign office, which had waited on him to express sympathy with the Hungarian refugees, and to denounce the conduct of the despots and tyrants of Russia and Austria, and that he had, in his reply, expressed his gratification at the demonstration.
Some Italian refugees living in London, of whom Orsini was the chief, formed a Orsini design to assassinate the emperor of the French.
Lord Clarendon, the head of the British foreign office, told the French ambassador, who read him this despatch, that no consideration on earth would induce the British parliament to pass a measure for the extradition of political refugees, but he added that it was a question whether the law was as complete and as stringent as it should be, and he stated that the government had already referred the whole subject to the law officers of the crown for their consideration.
After the peace he served as commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands from 1865 until 1874; in 1872 he was special commissioner to the hostile Apaches of New Mexico and Arizona; in1874-1881was in command of the Department of the Columbia and conducted the campaign against Chief Joseph in 1877 and that against the Bannocks and Piutes in 1878.
With the disappearance of the T'ai-p'ings the refugees returned to their homes, leaving whole quarters deserted.
In February 1798 he went to Paris, where at this time a number of Irish refugees, the most prominent of whom was Wolfe Tone, were assembled, planning rebellion in Ireland to be supported by a French invasion, and quarrelling among themselves.
In compliance with a peremptory demand from the English government, and in spite of a counter-threat from the French Directory, the refugees were surrendered.
Some Huguenot refugees, headed by Louis Crommelin (1652-1727), were established by William III.
He declined Christian's offer of a living in Denmark, and preferred to preach at Wesel to the numerous English refugees there, until he was invited by Duke Wolfgang to resume his labours at Bergzabern.
It is therefore not surprising that the Aeolic element grew weaker; strangers or refugees from the Ionian Colophon settled in the city, and finally Smyrna passed into the hands of the Colophonians and became the thirteenth of the Ionian states.
In 1031 the emperor recovered Edessa; but in 1040 it fell into the hands of the Seljuks, whose progress had added a large element of Armenian refugees to the population of Osrhoene.
Protestant refugees from France and the Netherlands were encouraged to settle in Brandenburg, and a period of peace was beneficial to a land, the condition of which was still much inferior to that of other parts of Germany.
The surge of refugees created a problem and we heard … well, we heard the rest of the country was destroyed, the soldier answered.
They're monitoring all population hubs within a hundred kilometers of the river for refugees.
Had the refugees known their eventual destination, their prayers on Friday afternoon would have been especially fervent.
Aid workers accuse the government of mistreating refugees as part of an effort to get them to resettle in camps in Albania.
The group is assisting communities to promote positive images of refugees and combat racism and xenophobia.
Afghan refugees remain abroad.
Only two out of ten people who claim asylum in Britain today are genuine refugees.
This includes helping refugees with resettlement once the Home Office has granted asylum.
Chechen refugees are barred from accessing social welfare provisions.
He appears only concerned to follow the instructions he receives from Tehran, namely to persecute Iranian refugees in Iraq.
During the Second World War, there was a sizeable contingent of Belgian refugees in the town.
The second stage is simply a matter of blasting or avoiding alien craft, which behave like stunted refugees from Galaxians.
They have imposed a curfew on the 37,000 refugees to be inside their tents by 10pm.
The refugees targeted by the above project are often socially isolated and economically depressed.
Finally, in many African countries desertification is creating ` environmental refugees ' .
We have also provided a training center for the refugees who also share this miserable destiny.
It would also provide a disincentive to employers to provide jobs to refugees who might have their status revoked at any time.
Refugees, along with internally displaced people, rank among the most vulnerable people in our world.
International relief agencies began to respond as a huge exodus of refugees began to require immediate emergency relief.
Libyans began flooding into the country, not as conquerors but apparently as refugees fleeing famine in north Africa.
A Norwegian freighter ' The Tampa ' received the distress calls from the Australian Coast Guard and picked up the refugees.
The manual explains the fundamentals of skills auditing and providing IAG for asylum seekers and refugees.
A humanist discussion of... IMMIGRATION, ASYLUM AND REFUGEES Humanist ethics Humanists seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs.
Her objective here can only be to falsely inflate the number of refugees emanating from the so-called " Milosevic case area.
The group runs health clinics and religious courts, and arranges lodging for Shiite refugees from Sunni-dominated parts of the country.
We are not in the Ministry to minister to refugees, asylum seekers, or socially marginalized people in communities or nations.
The project employs qualified black mentors and also works with the most socially excluded minority racial groups such as asylum seekers and refugees.
She has opposed moves for the compulsory return of refugees.
Thus Britain recognizes as refugees people fleeing non-state persecution - such as women escaping forced marriages - while Germany does not.
Information about torture, rape and trauma refugees experienced is also not readily available.
In March 2004, Taiwan donated funds to assist Chad resettle refugees from the Darfur Region.
Their evil intent is to capture the fleeing refugees from Edoras to take to their master Saruman at Isengard.
Afghan refugees cross the border into Pakistan at Chaman, near Quetta.
The Washington Post also reports stories of rape are emerging from ethnic Albanian refugees.
He had been recognized by a Kurdish refugee at a Danish language school for refugees.
Basic also said 14,500 Serb refugees from Yugoslavia had arrived in Bosnia, most of them in the Serb republic.
A particular need is to begin restoring a semblance of civil society among the refugees.
Benefits of involvement for the charity The charity gained a new storeroom for children's toys with beanbags made by some of the refugees.
A mosque in the former rebel stronghold had been rebuilt, and refugees had begun to return.
These refugees bolstered the already substantial Rumanian population of the area.
At first blush, this sprawling suburb of 213,000 people, seems an unlikely place to resettle Iraqi refugees.
Previously refugees who have had this kind of support have attained self- sufficiency more quickly than those without mentors.
The refugees, severely traumatized, began entering Albania through the Morina border crossing near Kukes in the early morning of April 28.
The reluctance of the refugees to move again underscores some of the problems that have plagued relief organizations, particularly the UN.
Education Refugee Week Refugee Week is a nation wide program of events that promotes understanding about refugees.
In 1994, CARE assisted up to 10,000 Rwandan refugees in south western Uganda.
The scene of slaughter was extended to the Banda Oriental by the attempt of Oribe, with the support of Rosas, and of Justo Jose de Urquiza, governor of Entre Rios, to establish himself as president of that republic (see Uruguay), where the existing government was hostile to Rosas and sheltered all political refugees from the country under his despotic rule.
He was a fervent Lutheran of the Pietist type; he believed in Spener's "ecclesiola" conception; and now he tried to apply the conception to the Moravian refugees.
But these did not mingle readily with the indigenous population; as each wave of barbarian invasion fell back, these refugees returned to their mainland homes, and it required the pressure of many successive incursions to induce them finally to abandon the mainland for the lagoon, a decision which was not reached till the Lombard invasion of 568.
Cuneo was founded about 1120 by refugees from local baronial tyranny, who, after the destruction of Milan by Barbarossa, were joined by Lombards.
This work, scarcely begun in Mecca, was really started after the migration to Medina by the formation of a party of men - the Muhajirun (Refugees or Emigrants) and the Ansdr (Helpers or Defenders) - who accepted Mahomet as their religious leader.
Unlike the ill-fated American communities, these hardy WUrttemberg peasants have flourished in Palestine, and their three colonies - at Jaffa, Haifa, and Jerusalem - are the most important European communities now in the country Since 1870 there has been a steady development of Jewish immigration, consisting principally of refugees from countries where anti-Semitism is an important element in politics.
Behaim relates that in 734 - a date which is probably a misprint for 714 - and after the Moors had conquered Spain and Portugal, the island of Antilia or "Septe Cidade" was colonized by Christian refugees under the archbishop of Oporto and six bishops.
Assisting communities to promote positive images of refugees and combat racism and xenophobia.
In 1685 many French refugees settled in Coventry after the religious intolerance associated with the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
Palestinian refugees in these camps were already living in precarious conditions.
She hadn't noticed how rundown A'Ran's home in exile was until she saw the house of the Qatwali refugees.
But his branch of the militia wasn't equipped to help refugees.
The regular army's got us running around between fed strongholds to assess damage to fed facilities and PMF HQ wants us helping refugees.
We left the compound and got ambushed by people we mistook for refugees.
After the revocation of the edict of Nantes the settlement of some French refugees further stimulated this industry.
If fugitives are for the next half-century to be met with in all parts of Europe, yet, especially in the Levant, there grew up thriving Jewish communities often founded by Spanish refugees.
Perhaps the most important act of his second term was obtaining the release of Kossuth and other Hungarian refugees who had fled to Turkey, and whose surrender had been demanded by the Austrian government.
It has frequently been said that the lagoon population was originally composed of refugees from the mainland seeking asylum from the incursions of Huns,, Goths and Lombards; but it is more probable that, long before the date of the earliest barbarian inroad, the lagoon islands already had a population of fisherfolk.
Gradually, as time went on, and probably with the influx of refugees from the mainland, bricks made of lagoon mud came to take the place of wattle and reeds in the construction of the houses.
It is usually affirmed that the state of Venice owes its origin to the barbarian invasions of north Italy; that it was founded by refugees from the mainland cities who sought asylum from the Huns in the impregnable shallows and mud banks of the lagoons; and that the year 452, the year when Attila sacked Aquileia, may be taken as the birth-year of Venice.
This population was augmented from time to time by refugees from the mainland cities of Aquileia, Concordia, Opitergium Altinum and Patavium.
On each occasion, no doubt, some of the refugees remained behind in the islands, and gradually built and peopled the twelve lagoon townships, which formed the germ of the state of Venice and were subsequently concentrated at Rialto or in the city we now know as Venice.
With them went about 1100 Tory refugees, many of them of the finest families of the city and province.
Governor Miguel de la Torre, who ruled the island with vice-regal powers during the second period of Ferdinand's absolutism, sternly repressed all attempts at liberalism, and made the island the resort for loyal refugees from the Spanish mainland.
It was followed by the flight of large bodies of Christian refugees.
In consequence of the political events the number of resident Russians and Baits was in 1921 decreasing, though the number of Russian refugees was considerable.
Soviet Russia found many soldiers among the Lettish refugees, and retained the Lettish rifle division which had fought during the war.
In historical times it belonged to the Ozolian Locrians; but about 455 B.C., in spite of a partial resettlement with Locrians of Opus, it fell to the Athenians, who peopled it with Messenian refugees and made it their chief naval station in western Greece during the Peloponnesian war.
The stoppage of intertribal wars by the British, aided by a great influx of refugees from Zululand, ed to a rapid increase of the population.
They lived, practically, as Kaffir chiefs, trading with Chaka and gathering round them many refugees from that monarch's tyranny.
The new administration found it hard to please the Dutch farmers, who among other grievances resented what they considered the undue favour shown to the Kaffirs, whose numbers had been greatly augmented by the flight of refugees from Panda.
Under the superintendence of Shepstone the original refugees were quiet and contented, enjoying security from injustice and considerable freedom.
The only set-back was the descent which Beyers made upon Pietersburg, breaking into the concentration camp and carrying off a number of able-bodied refugees.
He was war correspondent to in the early days of the Franco-German War, but after Sedan he returned to Paris, where he became secretary to Gambetta and superintended the refugees in Paris.
The theology of the Indian Syrian Christians is of a Nestorian type, and Cosmas Indicopleustes (6th century) puts us on the right track when he says that the Christians whom he found in Ceylon and Malabar had come from Persia (probably as refugees from persecution, like the Huguenots in England and the Pilgrim Fathers in America).
Among the "Moors" the descendants of the Andalusian refugees form an exclusive and aristocratic class.
The original Welsh legend was spread by British refugees in Brittany, and was thus celebrated by both English and French Celts.
Rhode Island was founded by refugees from Massachusetts, who went there in search of religious and political freedom.
This was the origin of the clandestine press of Holland, and it was that country which for the next hundred years supplied the ablest periodical criticism from the pens of French Protestant refugees.
The Spanish refugees in London published Ocios de espanoles refugiados (1823-1826) and Misceldnea hispanoamericana (1824-1828), and at Paris Misceldnea escojida americana (1826).
In 1544 the Reformation was introduced, and in the following years numerous Protestant refugees from the Low Countries found their way to the town.
But his counsel was neglected for that of ignorant refugees and Irish priests.
In 1685 Victor was forced by Louis to persecute his Waldensian subjects, because they had given shelter to the French Huguenot refugees after the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
On the outbreak of the war of Greek independence refugees from Chios, after being scattered throughout Tenos, Spezia, Hydra, &c., and rejected by the people of Ceos, took up their residence at Syra under the protection of the French flag.
The chapel was allocated as a place of worship by Queen Elizabeth to certain Protestant Walloon refugees.
A century later, silk, lace and damask weaving were introduced by French refugees, and became very important industries.
The descendants of the French refugees who founded the upper new town have a church and hospital of their own.
In central Siam, after Bangkok and Ayuthia, places of importance on the Menam Chao Phaya are Pak-Nam at the river mouth, the seat of a governor, terminus of a railway and site of modern fortifications; Paklat, the seat of a governor, a town of Mohns, descendants of refugees from Pegu; Nontaburi, a few miles above Bangkok, the seat of a governor and possessing a large market; Pratoomtani, Angtong, Prom, Inburi, Chainat and Saraburi, all administrative centres; and Lopburi, the last capital before Ayuthia and the residence of kings during the Ayuthia period, a city of ruins now gradually reawakening as a centre of railway traffic. To the west of the Menam Chao Phaya lie Suphanburi and Ratburi, ancient cities, now government headquarters; Pechaburi (the Piply of early travellers), the terminus of the western railway; and Phrapatoom, with its huge pagoda on the site of the capital of Sri Wichaiya, a kingdom of 2000 years ago, and now a place of military, agricultural and other schools.
The strict rule of Calvin drove out many old Genevese families, while he caused to be received as citizens many French, Italian and English refugees, so that Geneva.
But the relations between a community of freebooters, mostly composed of fugitive serfs and refugees, and a government of small squires who regarded the Cossacks as a mere rabble were bound to be difficult at the best of times, and political and religious differences presently supervened.
The next blunder of the Polish refugees was to allow themselves to be drawn into a premature rising by certain Polish officers in Poland who, to prevent the incorporation of their regiments in the Russian army, openly revolted and led their troops from Warsaw to Cracow.
He tried to compel the Dutch and French refugees in England to unite with the Church of England, advising double taxation and other forms of persecution.
Pop. (1906) 16,168, including about 3000 Turks and 1500 Spanish Jews - descendants of the refugees who fled hither from the Inquisition in the, 6th century.
Five miles inland west of Castiglione is Kolea (2932), a town dating from 1550 and originally peopled by Moslem refugees from Spain.
Probably the queen had more to do with the falsification of this rumour than Cecil, though he is said to have opposed in the parliament of 1555 - in which he represented Lincolnshire - a bill for the confiscation of the estates of the Protestant refugees.
This district was the headquarters of the Huguenot refugees who settled in South Africa at the close of the 17th century.
It was still more unfortunate during the Thirty Years' War, in the course of which most of the Protestant inhabitants left it; the property of the Bohemian refugees being given to German immigrants.
Their preserves have now been still further encroached upon by a number of Cretan Moslem refugees (1901-1902).
By his father's side, who followed the occupation of a tanner, he was descended from a family long known in the district, and the purity of whose Scottish lineage had been tinged by alliance with French Protestant refugees; but it was from his mother's race, the Lowthers, farmers or small proprietors in Annandale, that he seems to have derived the most distinctive features of his personality.
In addition to his teaching, however, he also applied himself to studies in Oriental literature, and in particular acquired from Cornelius Bertram, one of his brother professors, a knowledge of Syriac. While he resided at Geneva the massacre of St Bartholomew in 1572 drove an immense number of Protestant refugees to that city, including several of the most distinguished French men of letters of the time.
One building of this class is especially interesting - the school of the Holy Tomb or school of Siphnos, founded by Greek refugees from Byzantium at the time of the iconoclastic persecutions, and afterwards a great centre of intellectual culture for the Hellenic world.
Meanwhile, at Frankfort, among British Protestant refugees, a controversy was going on between the upholders of the English liturgy and the French Reformed Order of Worship respectively.
In the year of its publication Foxe removed to Frankfort, where he found the English colony of Protestant refugees divided into two camps.
It was formed by the settlement of French refugees here after the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
In 1482 the town was surrounded with walls; and in the 16th century, during the religious troubles, it received a great increase of prosperity owing to the influx of refugees from Antwerp and Brabant.
After the revocation of the edict of Nantes in 1685 it opened its gates to numerous French refugees; but this hardly compensated it for its losses during the war.
Friedrichsdorf was founded in 1687 by Huguenot refugees and the inhabitants still speak French.
Many of the lace designs are French, as a number of French refugees settled in and near Cranfield.
About 1686 the European population was increased by a number of the French refugees who left their country on the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
Little Popo and Togo were capitals of small independent kingdoms. Little Popo is said to have been founded in the 17th century by refugees from Accra, who were driven out by the Akwamu.
At our Center the refugees of this barbaric trade are rehabilitated into natural living groups.
These countries do not have the means to seal their borders or repatriate refugees.
The aim of Ockenden is to promote self-reliance for refugees and displaced people.
The exhibition showcased artists who are refugees, asylum seekers or have experienced similar situations.
By the end of April, over 1 million GBP of supplies had been air dropped to the starving refugees.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled, or were driven, from their homes to become stateless refugees in enforced exile.
Benefits of involvement for the charity The charity gained a new storeroom for children 's toys with beanbags made by some of the refugees.
Many of these mothers are themselves refugees from strife torn countries, beginning a new life in a safer, more hospitable environment.
Summary Executions Mass executions continue to be reported by Kosovar Albanian refugees throughout the province.
The small number of Palestinian Arabs who were not uprooted by the Zionists in 1948 are at present refugees in their own homeland.
The United Nations has estimated that the havoc wreaked by climate change could create up to 50 million refugees.
In the late 19th century, many thousands of refugees arrived at Ellis Island from Southern Italy and from Sicily.
In 2001, she became a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
She has long lobbied for greater attention to impoverished people across the globe, whether it's visiting refugees in Ecuador or pushing for legislation that will aid children in Third World countries.
By 1924, the only immigrants detained at Ellis Island were war refugees and those who entered the United States with problems on their paperwork.
Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, also known as the Freedmen's Bureau, contain information on a variety of issues, such as marriages, medical care and land disputes.
She is involved in various charity projects (many involving refugees), and is well-known as an international humanitarian.
The International Rescue Committee works to help persecuted refugees start a new life in the United States.
Some of the children are refugees of civil war, while others are survivors of a natural disaster or victims of extreme poverty.
Because the majority of Gaza's families are refugees, there are high unemployment and high poverty levels.
Angelina Jolie is a well-known humanitarian and philanthropist, supporting several causes across the globe, including working with refugees through UNHCR (Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees).
Some 30 years later the Federation transported a group of refugees to Earth.
The Enterprise-B rescued some of the refugees, including Guinan.
She believed herself the dying leader based on the Book of Pythia that would see the human refugees to Earth.
At the end of the journey, mankind and Cylon refugees founded a new colony world, shedding all of their technology to live in harmony on a planet that would eventually become Earth.
Each trip up the side of the mountain grew harder as chaos erupted along the East Coast and drove refugees through Brady's area of operation.
The Jewish refugees had turned the balance, and so Judas became strategus of Judaea, whilst Menelaus was put to death.
Numerous large caves exist in the mountains; among the most remarkable are the famous Idaean cave in Psiloriti, the caves of Melidoni, in Mylopotamo, and Sarchu, in llalevisi, which sheltered hundreds of refugees after the insurrection of 1866, and the Dictaean cave in Lassithi, the birth-place of Zeus.
Honiton is famous for its lace industry, established by refugees from Flanders under Queen Elizabeth.
The lace manufacture was introduced by Flemish refugees, and was flourishing in the reign of Charles I.
The loss this brought to the city was, however, compensated for by the immigration of Protestant refugees from the Low Countries and Jews from Spain and Portugal.
In 1916-7 there were 735,000 Lettish refugees in Russia, and 250,000 men aged 20-40 are supposed to have perished between 1914-20.
In 1916-7 there were 735,000 Lettish refugees in Russia.
She couldn't help but feel surprised by the kindness and careful planning of the refugees who'd lost everything but electricity in one building.
The dwellings were alight and inns packed with refugees fleeing the eastern and southern portions of the city before they, too, died in the war.
About the same time the art was introduced into England by French refugees, and soon afterwards it spread also to America.
Venice, which since the days of Attila had offered an asylum to Roman refugees from the northern cities, was left untouched.
Here he came into contact with the Magyar refugees, who had great hopes of the high-born, high-gifted youth who was also a fellow sufferer, a large portion of his immense estates having been confiscated by the emperor.
Annaberg, together with the neighbouring suburb, Buchholz, is the chief seat of the braid and lace-making industry in Germany, introduced here by Barbara Uttmann in 1561, and further developed by Belgian refugees, who, driven from their country by the duke of Alva, settled here in 15 9 o.
Don Benito is a thriving and comparatively modern town; for it dates only from the 15th century, when it was founded by refugees from Don Llorente, who deserted their own town owing to the danger of floods from the Guadiana.
No supplies, no water, no food, hundreds of thousands of refugees trying to survive on nothing.
But then again, there are so many refugees trickling into the cities along the river, it's hard to say she's not here.
We have several refugees here already, the woman in the long brown robe said.
The refugees had spread his evil reputation.
Driven by contrary winds to take shelter in the Seine, the refugees passed the winter in the Netherlands, and in April 1608 proceeded to Rome, where they were welcomed and hospitably entertained by Pope Paul V., and where Tyrconnel died the same year.
In 1823 the first river steamboat reached St Paul; the Mississippi was soon afterwards opened to continuous if irregular navigation; and in 1826 a party of refugees from Lord Selkirk's colony on the Red River settled near Fort Snelling.