Reflects Sentence Examples
Prism i is in the axis of the declination circle and always reflects rays along?
The subordinate characters are conceived with even more force and vividness; and the plot, which reflects precisely the struggles and aspirations of the period that immediately followed the Seven Years' War, is simply and naturally unfolded.
The Abyssinian character reflects the country's history.
Finally, that principle in man which reflects upon actions and the springs of actions, unmistakably sets the stamp of its approbation upon conduct that tends towards the general good.
The New Testament reflects a controversy.
The history of the two cognate names reflects in some measure the development of Indian religious speculation generally.
When one reflects how active and prominent Langton and other prelates were at Runnim.ede the change is not surprising.
His life as narrated in the book of Genesis reflects the traditions of different ages.
Every page is marked by transparent sincerity, and reflects the beautiful character of "holy George Herbert."
He supposed the sun to be a disk of glass which reflects the light of the universe.
AdvertisementThe rays, rendered parallel by the collimator objective, meet a plane mirror (f) of silvered glass, which reflects them to the prisms (g, g').
The LancelotGuenevere romance took form and shape in the artificial atmosphere encouraged by such patronesses of literature as Eleanor of Aquitaine and her daughter Marie, Comtesse de Champagne (for whom Chretien de Troyes wrote his Chevalier de la Charrette), and reflects the low social morality of a time when love between husband and wife was declared impossible.
Moreover, the documents from which the book has been compiled belong to different periods in the history of Israel, and each of them, admittedly, reflects the standpoint of the age in which it was written.
From its very nature this faculty is supreme in authority, if not in power; it reflects upon all the other active powers, and pronounces absolutely upon their moral quality.
The fourth, which alone has any political significance, and reflects on the emperor as a frivolous 1 This is especially noticeable in the seventh satire, but it applies also to the mention of Crispinus, Latinus, the class of delatores, &c., in the first, to the notice of Veiento in the third, of Rubellius Blandus in the eighth, of Gallicus in the thirteenth, &c.
AdvertisementThe addition of the heart to the liver as an organ of the revelation of the divine will, reflects the stage which assigned to the heart the position once occupied by the liver.
Its complexity reflects the corresponding intricacy of geographical and geological evolution.
The problem cannot be approached from modern preconceptions because there was much associated with the worship of Yahweh which only gradually came to be recognized as repugnant, and there was much in earlier ages and in other lands which reflects an elevated and even complex religious philosophy.
It is, in short, applied morality; anybody is a casuist who reflects about his duties and tries to bring them into line with some intelligible moral standard.
Deflections of the suspended needle are indicated by the movement of a narrow beam of light which the mirror reflects from a lamp and focusses upon a graduated cardboard scale placed at a distance of a few feet; the angular deflection of the beam of light is, of course, twice that of the needle.
AdvertisementThe history of sacrilege reflects a large phase of the evolution of religion.
But the harshness certainly reflects a characteristic attitude of mind.
It is easily seen that if the mirror be rotated at the same angular velocity as the sun the right ascensions will remain equal throughout the day, and therefore this device reflects the rays in the direction of the earth's axis; a second fixed mirror reflects them in any other fixed direction.
More probably it reflects the fact that Epicurus was, according to tradition through Nausiphanes, on the whole dominated by the influences that produced Pyrrhonism.
You can also select an option which reflects your chosen specialism.
AdvertisementViewed from a hilltop it reflects the color of the sky; but near at hand it is of a yellowish tint next the shore where you can see the sand, then a light green, which gradually deepens to a uniform dark green in the body of the pond.
A blue-robed man, whose fittest roof is the overarching sky which reflects his serenity.
If these are new tasks, make sure your resume reflects this change.
The familiar charge, repeated in Shakespeare, of having written Ego et meus rex, while true in fact, is false in intention, because no Latin scholar could put the words in any other order; but it reflects faithfully enough Wolsey's mental attitude.
In it he mentions many earlier writers from whom he had learnt the science, and although it contains very little that cannot be found in Leonardo's work, yet it is especially noteworthy for the systematic employment of symbols, and the manner in which it reflects the state of mathematics in Europe during this period.
The strife, which reflects the controversy between the "analogists" and the "anomalists" in philology, continued long after their death.
It is characterized by extreme literalness, and clearly reflects the peculiar system of exegesis which was then in vogue among the Jewish rabbis.
At all times and in all lands, if he reflects upon death at all, he fails to understand it as a natural phenomenon;.
The latter found their champion in Elijah, whose history reflects the prophetic teaching of more than one age.
Foucault's heliostat reflects the rays horizontally in any required direction.
Silbermann's heliostat reflects the rays in any direction.
To his Leipzig student-days belong also two small plays in Alexandrines, Die Laune des Verliebten, a pastoral comedy in one act, which reflects the lighter side of the poet's love affair, and Die Mitschuldigen (published in a revised form, 1769), a more sombre picture, in which comedy is incongruously mingled with tragedy.
This material also reflects the knowledge, beliefs, and prejudices of its time.
His incommensurable and indescribable masterpiece of mingled humour, wisdom, satire, erudition, indecency, profundity, levity, imagination, realism, reflects the whole age in its mirror of hyperAristophanic farce.
There are good reasons for thinking that the Christian story did not originate with John of Damascus, and a strong case has been made out by Zotenberg that it reflects the religious struggles and disputes of the early 7th century in Syria, and that the Greek text was edited by a monk of Saint Saba named John, his version being the source of all later texts and translations.
The ordinary idea of the self as a physical entity, obviously separate from others, takes no account of the problem as to how and in what sense the individual is conscious of himself; what is the relation between subject and object in the phenomenon of self-consciousness, in which the mind reflects upon itself both past and present ?
Even modern architecture, notably in America, reflects the consciousness of change.
The content of history always reflects the interests of the age in which it is written.
Platinum black, for instance, in which the metal is in a state of fine division, absorbs nearly all the light incident on it, while polished platinum reflects the greater part.
On the other hand, those substances which either are good reflectors or good transmitters, are not so luminous at the same temperature; for instance, melted silver, which reflects well, is not so luminous as carbon at the same temperature, and common salt, which is very transparent for most kinds of radiation, when poured in a fused condition out of a bright red-hot crucible, looks almost like water, showing only a faint red glow for a moment or two.
The African golden-moles (Chrysochloris), the desmans or water-moles (Myogale), and the West African Potamogale velox, are remarkable as being the only mammals whose hair reflects those iridescent tints so common in the feathers of tropical birds.
Of course there was a Book of Esther before this, and even in its redacted form our Esther reflects the period of three Persian kings, viz.
There is more force in the charge that his Hellenic sympathies prevented him from seeing the innate weakness and mutual jealousies of the Greek states of that period, whose only hope of peace and safety lay in submitting to the protectorate of the Roman republic. But if the event proved that the liberation of Greece was a political mistake, it was a noble and generous mistake, and reflects nothing but honour on the name of Flamininus, "the liberator of the Greeks."
What Humboldt terms the inner form of a language is just that mode of denoting the relations between the parts of a sentence which reflects the manner in which a particular body of men regards the world about them.
The mass of information contained in so small a space, the clearness and accuracy of the details, the immense amount of life which is breathed into the whole, astonish the reader, when he reflects that this colossal task was accomplished by one man, for his collaborator Kolsegg merely filled up his plan with regard to part of the east coast, a district with which Ari in his western home at Stad was little familiar.
The former refers to the earth, which is continually changing the point of view of the observer as he is carried around the sun, while the latter relates to the invariable position of the matter which reflects the light.
The widespread belief in the robustness of the rule of law in Britain certainly reflects our reputation as a vibrant multicultural democracy.
We must strive to ensure our work reflects the diversity of the LGB population living in Wales.
African-American artist reflects.
School phobia often reflects other problems in the child's family, such as parental alcoholism, marital conflict, anxiety, or depression.
This reflects the eminently political nature of EU budgetary allocations at the expense of a true poverty focus.
The identifiable hierarchy of settlement reflects a perceived increase in the stratification of society dominated by a warrior aristocracy.
In continental Europe this reflects the fact that post war baby boomers are now at their peak earning and savings years.
Our question concerning ethnic backgrounds revealed a wide variety of cultures, which reflects the diverse nature of the Boro of Camden.
The Danube curves gently and reflects in Budapest's broad avenues, leafy parks and elaborate bathhouses.
Interest The interest charge for the year of £ 4.1 million reflects the reduction in net borrowings through the year.
That we are so ready to empathize with these comic caricatures is as much reflects of Roberts ' craft as the audience's sentimentality.
He reflects on changes in both the technical basis of university cartography and in its institutional organization.
This reflects the wider range of planning casework handled by district planning authorities.
Developed in collaboration with frontline clinicians, Tiara9 accurately reflects clinical workflow patterns.
Volunteer Challenge aims to achieve an active membership, which reflects the composition of the student and staff community it serves.
This reflects reduced energy consumption by the Environment Business.
The extraction and use of bog and red spring ores reflects not only technological but also cultural practices.
This reflects a desire by Trust staff to progress the development of systems that directly impact the core clinical care processes.
The proposed designation reflects a use which completely failed and was universally despised.
The SunPipe reflects and intensifies sunlight and natural daylight and the ceiling diffuser creates an even spread of light into the room.
Some would argue this reflects how television's interest in World War II is an obsession, mining a steadily diminishing seam.
The struggle reflects the workers ' discontent at the effects of the reorganization of the Post Office.
Our protest reflects mainstream distaste at a long military occupation.
Interviews over, Sergeant reflects that Prescott is looking very downbeat for a winner.
This again reflects the enormous preclinical research effort dedicated to oncology, and the relatively restricted number of marketed anticancer drugs.
Some examples of his most famous roles from that period reflects an eclecticism and connection with a postmodern idea of history.
The friendship which develops between Gorobei and Kambei reflects the balm which renders life endurable.
As this entry route has been designed to attract those entrepreneurs whose plans will bring wider economic benefit, the scoring system reflects this.
Visitors will be among the first to hear about the fully restored facade, which once again reflects Adam's original design.
This reflects the sustained effort that has been put in, and the priority Ministers attach to providing first-class, responsive, public services.
The company's foray into non-animal tests reflects the growing dependence of drug makers on such tests.
The restaurants reflects the best traditional gastronomy of the Romagna area.
This book reflects experiences with mainstreaming gender and women's issues in natural resources management.
The lower goodwill amortization charge in 2005 reflects the goodwill amortization charge in 2005 reflects the goodwill impairment charge taken in 2004.
The lower goodwill amortization charge in 2005 reflects the goodwill impairment charge taken in 2004.
A wide range of Indian brassware handicrafts reflects the art form of the beautiful temples in India.
The mad hatter 's tea party theme reflects the feeling among the staff that the way they have been treated by management is madness.
The festival reflects historic, cultural and agricultural traditions of Cyprus.
The Jana Runnalls music section reflects her love of ceremonial chanting and drumming, vocal improvisation and shamanic journeying.
This reflects an increasing number and proportion of accused granted bail among persons indicted into the High Court.
The individuality of the chapters reflects the individuality of the great philosophical figures who are their subjects.
A forbearing of events to come reflects parental anxiety inherent in the circumstances of birth, providing an apt background for what follows.
A confident storyteller, he interweaves stories to show the chaos of a well-heeled society that reflects the insanity of the asylum.
The London Book Fair Sir, The London Book Fair reflects the benign internationalism that can come from the business of writing.
The seriousness with which politicians court media executives reflects the media's potential to make or break the ambitions of would-be political kingpins.
The eBay marketplace reflects the enormous power of the Internet to unite humanity at a crucial moment in history.
Theology (the science that reflects on revelation) must be permitted to transform metaphysics.
The first term, k P n reflects the reproduction tendency, which is proportional to the population.
The disregard simply reflects the flexibility of devotion required by the laity, but failure to have an image seems slightly more neglectful.
This position also reflects his life in a monastery in the far north.
Where possible the health gain notation reflects both the type of evidence and the small size of some of the samples.
The agreement we sign with partners reflects our mutual obligations.
This site in no way reflects the opinions of Delirious?
Paul's selection reflects his own partiality to figurative painting.
Spate conditions have been remarkably persistent in the English lowlands; in part, this reflects unprecedented groundwater levels.
The history of the trios instrumentation reflects the increasing variety of pipes that I have developed and our musical arrangements are essentially polyphonic.
This conventional wisdom reflects an outdated preoccupation with the current account which ignores offsetting capital movements.
There are certain peculiarities in the spelling and grammar that perhaps reflects the pronunciation of Hebrew at the time when the manuscripts were copied.
This observation best reflects Lucking's thesis that language is an " unnamed protagonist " in the plays.
This relatively low incidence rate reflects the current situation in similar African countries for canine rabies.
An intense day with a designer produces a website that accurately reflects a small company in the business's own words.
Communicating well is fundamental to philosophy, since clear communication directly reflects clarity of thought as opposed to mere regurgitation.
An IVA reflects favorably on an individual's financial responsibility by endeavoring to maximize the return to the creditors.
The number of academic and practitioner reviewers in each team reflects the size, range and complexity of the education provided.
I think that the language of the Amendment reflects the political sagacity of the Opposition.
Site selection rationale The SAC series reflects the UK's special responsibilities for conserving montane willow scrub.
Six months ago this would have been considered outrageously partisan, even seditious; today, it accurately reflects the public mood.
The second reflects the seniority of the executive ideal for the task.
In some areas, this reflects a chronic shortage of doctors.
Upon entering the parking lot please follow highly visible directional signage, which reflects the standard symbol for disabled individuals.
A state-of-the-art impact sled reflects our commitment to motorsport safety.
Slower cargo growth of 4.7% reflects a general slowdown in global economic activity.
He reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of power.. .
The growth in distributors also reflects the anticipated launch of the new ClearStream drug eluting stent, the Intrepide.
Stan had used a piece of spalted sycamore, which I think nicely reflects the " wild and wooly " appearance of the breed.
This reflects very well on the arrangements for the in-service training of teachers and headteachers in small schools.
In five phase it reflects the interactions of cooperative exchange (top trigram) in a context of competitive exchange (bottom trigram ).
Manner which reflects hearing Tudor may traps for them.
You could try using color or even choose a typeface that reflects the nature of your business.
The response reflects public unease about the UK's failure to call for an immediate ceasefire.
Romford, Havering's largest town center, reflects this economic vibrancy, attracting over 250,000 regular shoppers.
This reflects government, public service, business and consumer viewpoints.
Afterward, he reflects on a job that involves 90 minutes of being called a Judas wanker by the best part of 20,000 people.
The Chinese economy currently reflects these key structural weaknesses.
We have been working hard to create a local service that reflects the wishes of patients and health care professionals.
In all cases there is a distinct zonation of species down the shore, which principally reflects the degree of immersion by the tide.
The New Testament reflects chiefly controversy with Jews.
The spirit of the book reflects the general transition between allegory and narrative, morality and drama.
The literature of the later republic reflects the sympathies and prejudices of an aristocratic class, sharing in the conduct of national affairs and living on terms of equality with one another; that of the Augustan age, first in its early serious enthusiasm, and then in the licence and levity of its later development, represents the hopes and aspirations with which the new monarchy was ushered into the world, and the pursuit of pleasure and amusement, which becomes the chief interest of a class cut off from the higher energies of practical life, and moving in the refining and enervating atmosphere of an imperial court.
Thus the Cathar ritual, like that of the Armenian dissenters (see Paulicians), reflects an age when priestly ordination was not yet differentiated from confirmation.
Thus the elements of which Faust is composed were even more difficult to blend than were those of Wilhelm Meister; but the very want of uniformity is one source of the perennial fascination of the tragedy, and has made it in a peculiar degree the national poem of the German people, the mirror which reflects the national life and poetry from the outburst of Sturm and Drang to the well-weighed and tranquil classicism of Goethe's old age.
In Rabbinic sources he is called Bar (Ben) Coziba, "son of deceit," which perhaps reflects the later verdict of condemnation recorded after his failure (root "to be false").
This is analogous to the Judaean adaptation of the prophetical treatment of Saul's life, and it also reflects certain priestly rivalries (see Levites).
Such an eye was not born when the bird was, but is coeval with the sky it reflects.
Its very rude name, reflects a less puritanical attitude than ours to the joy of hybridisation.
The uptake and distribution of the radiopharmaceutical in the organs of interest reflects the physiological processes involved.
The VRQ has been reviewed and refined to ensure that it reflects the new nutritional standards.
Please note the price reflects the fact that we want you to think about your purchase.
Generally, the type of crime recorded in the Keighley area reflects the trends across the district.
An intense day with a designer produces a website that accurately reflects a small company in the business 's own words.
This genre reflects what may be termed the ' democratization ' of Islamic medicine.
An IVA reflects favorably on an individual 's financial responsibility by endeavoring to maximize the return to the creditors.
It also reflects imperialist rivalries in the Middle East.
The Corporate Plan reflects broader national and regional priorities in respect of Dartford 's key role in the regeneration of the Thames Gateway.
It may well be that defining thinking skills in a narrow way often reflects the experience and self-interest of a particular social group.
He reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature, upholding the universe by his word of power...
The stereochemistry of each reaction also reflects its symmetry.
We will strive to ensure our work reflects the diversity of the LGB population living in Wales.
In five phase it reflects the interactions of cooperative exchange (top trigram) in a context of competitive exchange (bottom trigram).
Manner which reflects hearing tudor may traps for them.
In unbecoming conduct manner which reflects watch how hands.
The response reflects public unease about the UK 's failure to call for an immediate ceasefire.
Frictional Unemployment This type of unemployment reflects job turnover in the labor market.
Vasopressin cells display phasic discharge patterning that reflects bistability in the mechanisms governing membrane excitability.
Romford, Havering 's largest town center, reflects this economic vibrancy, attracting over 250,000 regular shoppers.
We yearn for peace that is more than the absence of violence - for peace that reflects God 's shalom for all creation.
Literature always reflects the ethos of a particular culture or society.
Take your cue from celebrity baby names and choose a name that reflects your own cultural heritage or one that is influenced by a place you'd like to visit one day.
Determined by the ease of use and functionality, the price reflects the ability of the pump to produce large quantities of milk easier and longer.
Pick a name that reflects the heritage you want to pass on.
As the world becomes more tuned into brand power, some parents may be tempted to give their bundle of joy a name that reflects the prior love of their life.
This program does not involve any financing fees or interests costs, so the amount you pay reflects only the amount of merchandise you buy.
While it may be common knowledge that certain vaccinations are required, the interval between boosters reflects the cat's lifestyle and other risk factors.
If so, your statement will show those individual interest rates as well as the APR which reflects the total amount of interest you are being charged over a one year timeframe.
The style of country furniture found in a home usually reflects the surrounding geographical area or the personal taste of the homeowner.
From the historic 18th century homes of Society Hill to the row homes of Mayfair, Philadelphians love to decorate in a style that reflects their own tastes and personalities.
Cement your kitchen design with some well placed wall art that reflects the period or style you are capturing.
French country style furniture, unlike its Parisian counterpart, reflects the practical provincial lifestyle.
Redecorating on a budget can be a challenge, especially when you want to create a room that reflects a specific design style.
Raleigh interior design reflects all of these influences.
Las Vegas interior design reflects the city's desert location and frontier past.
So, life in Wilmington is a little different than other places, and the interior design style in Wilmington reflects this fact.
The rustic interior design in Park City, Utah, definitely reflects the splendor of the great outdoors with a mixture of charming cabins, grand lodges, and posh resorts.
All any teen really wants is to feel like their opinions are being considered and that they have a room that reflects their styles and tastes to some degree.
The store locator reflects that the collections are available throughout the United States at major retailers such as Macy's.
Owners are looking for room and accent lighting that reflects the style of their new home.
Many stores sell a variety of different types of furnishings, allowing the homeowner to mix and match different styles and color palettes to obtain an interior that reflects their own values and personality.
Whatever you choose to do with your small master bathroom makeover, make sure it reflects your personal design style so you'll enjoy it for a long time.
Often the price reflects the quality of construction and materials.
A contemporary kitchen simply means it reflects the era of the design.
A young family might appreciate a brightly colored room that reflects their excitement for life and high energy of activities.
If you're creative, then you may wish to seize this opportunity to create a very unique family room that truly reflects who you are and who your family is.
A contemporary rug reflects the current market trends and will repeat the current colors and designs you find in most furniture floor samples.
Color sets the mood in your home and reflects your personal style.
Suspend crystal icicles from the candelabra and be sure to slip a mirror underneath each so the candlelight reflects throughout the room.
This is a design change from the formerly traditional separate kitchen and reflects the modern family's lifestyle.
If this design resonates with you and reflects your home décor and family's taste, then go for a Tuscan kitchen design.
Create a color scheme for any room of the house that reflects the room, what's in it and the overarching style to give you a space that works in a number of ways.
For many people, the interior decoration of the home reflects not only their personal tastes, but also their personality and beliefs.
She understands the art of maneuvering the spotlight and keeping it shining on you, and her fragrance reflects this knowledge.
It also allows you, as a gift-giver, to seek out a style that reflects the recipient's personality and tastes in some way.
The branding for the fragrances reflects her unique and vibrant personality and are advertised to play up their sensuality.
Live Luxe reflects this through a playful blend of notes that create a scent that is both vibrant and rich, yet soft and inviting.
The 1970's was a time of transition and the 70's fashion and makeup of the decade really reflects that.
This was not a decade for feeling shy and the fashion and makeup certainly reflects that.
From glitter to bell bottoms, the fashion and makeup reflects the musical heroes of Donna Summers and the Bee Gees.
It can be paired with shades such as Purple Haze, which is an intense purple color with a matte finish, and Stars 'N' Rockets, a "dirty lavender with red-pink reflects."
The result will be a bright, bold look that really draws attention to the eyes and reflects the playfulness of summer.
If you are a casual dresser and seeking the same, make sure your photo reflects your style.
You can choose a cute, elegant, trendy or traditional design that reflects your personality.
The photo reflects the movement of the water, meanwhile the other elements in the image stay crisp and clear.
Scan your child's letter to Santa and place a copy in your scrapbook for a clever journaling block that reflects his/her handwriting and personal interests.
Incorporate adjectives into your layouts and include a photo of your pet that reflects the adjective.
By caring for yourself, lowering your nervousness with stress management techniques and changing your perception, you will be able to fight test anxiety so that you can achieve a score that reflects your true understanding of the material.
The human experience, and therefore our behavior, reflects our own backgrounds and society at large.
If you're a fashionista, and normally wear designer duds, feel free to purchase a desinger wedding gown that reflects your personal style.
As long as it reflects the shower itself, you can do whatever works best for the event and your budget.
You may decide to have a pillow that reflects the theme of your wedding, the season in which it takes place, the atmosphere or style of the wedding, or merely something that reflects the personalities of you and your soon-to-be spouse.
You can choose themes or cake decor that reflects his personality or interest, such as sports-themed cakes.
If you do not have a theme, simply choose one with a nice saying on it that reflects your sentiments towards your spouse and guests.
Instead, try to choose a location that reflects your personality, and let the decorations simply add to the natural beauty of your setting.
The cake often reflects the personality of the couple or the overall theme of the wedding.
Instead, think of a personalized gift as something that reflects their individual tastes, personality and lifestyle.
The style of the dress depends on the wedding itself but the outfit usually reflects a certain level of sophistication.
Couples should pick out an invitation that reflects their personal style and taste, with elements that will be carried out in the rest of the beach wedding decorations.
Choose a shirt that reflects your style as a couple and give it to the attendants before all the festivities begin.
Choose a dress style that is similar to the original gown or find a funky one that reflects the fun nature of trashing it.
Couples with a daring fashion sense can choose a combination that reflects their sense of style and the season.
Pick a 3 color combination for a fall wedding that reflects both the season and your favorite hues.
If you are hosting a themed wedding, look for an image that reflects your theme, such as a pair of dice at a Las Vegas themed wedding.
With an informal wedding reception, almost anything goes as long as it reflects your unique wants and desires.
If you're looking for poetry that reflects your spiritual beliefs, Christian Recovery Ministries has a section of its forum devoted to drug addiction poems written from a Christian perspective.
The current version reflects the changes made to the DSM-IV-TR.
If you wish to go a route that speaks to a bolder mood, consider comforter artwork that reflects the tropical theme.
Satin not only reflects light beautifully, it is also irresistible to touch.
This decade reflects a time when science and space exploration were starting to peak.
A 40th birthday cake can be simple or elaborate, but it becomes extra special if it reflects or expresses the birthday celebrant's personality in some way.
Spell out a word or phrase that reflects the reason for celebration with your cupcakes.
Her enjoyment of south of the border fare reflects her taste in libation as margaritas are Aniston's favorite drink.
Her JLO line reflects her unique sense of style and can be purchased at
The student body reflects the area's diverse population.
This number reflects the dollar amount that they will contribute, and the school or schools that you select on the FAFSA will receive this information.
The outcome of these tests also affects teachers and school administrators, and reflects the overall performance of the school.
Each breed was bred for a different purpose, and the appearance of each breed often reflects that purpose.
Yet, a healthy dog comes with a price tag that reflects a responsible breeder's investment.
The sun's rays warm up the wall, bench or object during the day, and the heat reflects back to the plants at night.
If your mirror reflects natural light from a window, the natural light offers a softer illumination by bringing a touch of the outdoors inside.
Situate the mirror so it reflects light.
Another trick is to paint the walls a light color which also reflects the light.
It's a dirty and difficult job, and the complexity and variety of plumbing products on the market reflects how important plumbing is to our daily lives.
This style sought to evoke a feeling of pride in the achievements of modern industry, and the highly functional nature of art deco reflects a desire in people to move beyond the frivolous, over-ornate trappings of previous movements.
Matte/flat - Reflects little light, making it great for covering up imperfections on the surface.
Electric heater features range from minimalist to technically-advanced and the price of the unit usually reflects just how fancy the unit is.
What the ring does is measure a person's temperature, which in turn reflects the emotions that the individual is feeling.
Grandmothers often take great delight in having a special symbol to wear that reflects their grandchildren.
Many mood ring manufacturers claim that the body temperature change reflects a person's mood.
The budget largely reflects the quality of the materials used and the amount of workmanship in an item.
Trendy beaded jewelry reflects the hot trends of the time.
If you are looking for up-to-the-minute beaded jewelry designs you should seek jewelry that reflects that latest designs, colors and materials.
Choose something that best reflects your personal message.
This hundred year step-up from the 1928 designs reflects a forward-thinking mindset for incorporating vintage styled pieces with modern fashion demands.
The sister necklace reflects the teasing fun of siblings because on the back of the pendant is scrolled in pierce writing, "Prankster Secret-Keeper Roommate Borrower Lender Chaperone Friends."
Inspired by the elegant mysterious fairy in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, this collection reflects the beauty and silvery elegance of the fairy princess.
Each bracelet reflects the things closely associated with the state.
Since your sport coat can be worn with numerous items, experiment and try a look that reflects your mood and personality.
If you have a special nickname or an inside joke with someone who will see you in your pajamas, there's a good chance you can surprise them and have a good laugh by choosing a pair that reflects the nickname or joke.
Designers often combine the trend of the moment with classic elements to create a more modernized version that reflects current tastes.
Biker T shirts come in a wide range of styles making it possible to choose the one that reflects your individuality.
Riding a motorcycle is a way of life for many and the clothing that is worn reflects that as well.
Have fun with mixing and matching a few new items with ones you currently own to create a summer wardrobe that is versatile, fun and reflects your own individual style!
White reflects the light, creating a slightly cooler atmosphere.
Make sure at least some of the tops are white, because it reflects the sun and goes with every color so you can mix and match with any bottom.
If you're fit and active and a vital part of the modern world, there's no reason not to dress in a way that reflects that.
Women of a certain age can choose a hairstyle that reflects their lifestyle and personality.
In the Respironics CPAP devices, the higher price tag reflects several additions not available through other devices.
The IR reflects off of objects in the dark, and re-enters the lens of the night vision goggles.
Light that is reflected off of flat surfaces, like that of a road or smooth water, usually reflects back horizontally.
Show off your individuality with one that reflects your personal style.
Each pair is created from the highest quality materials and reflects the latest trends in fashion.
Versace eyewear reflects the latest looks in fashion and changes often to keep up with the trends.
The larger shield reflects more than just rocks and arrows.
Full-bodied offering sweet ripe tannins, the palate reflects plum, raspberries, cherries, pepper spice and black licorice.
This leads to uniquely flavored Pinot Noir that reflects the terroir of the region.
Be objective-save the opinions for the end when you can give it an award that reflects what you personally think of the wine.
In the United Kingdom, Vodafone is known for keeping up with the latest in fashionable cell phones and their lineup reflects a dedication to not only keeping up with the latest designs, but also with the latest in technological innovations.
Many people want a mobile phone that reflects their personality.
Even though the search trends since then have recovered from the initial spike, the overall popularity of the search continues to climb - and this reflects the overall popularity and demand for High School Musical movies and products.
Since white cells may enter the CSF in response to local infection, inflammation, or bleeding, the RBC count is used to correct the WBC count so that it reflects conditions other than hemorrhage or a traumatic tap.
The rise in the number of reported cases reflects a genuine increase in the number of persons affected by the disorder and not simply earlier or more accurate diagnosis.
Separation anxiety reflects a stage of brain development rather than the onset of problem behaviors.
This is still moral behavior based on authority, but reflects a shift from the social group to society at large.
Albumin has a shorter half-life than red blood cells, and this test reflects the time-averaged blood glucose over a period of two to three weeks prior to sample collection.
The chart reflects the softest (lowest volume) sounds that can be heard at various frequencies or pitches.
Biting is fairly normal behavior in toddlers and rarely reflects intentional malice.
Other researchers have argued that this difficulty is not specific to speech but reflects a general perceptual difficulty with the processing of rapidly timed events, of which speech is the most taxing example.
More females than males have this disorder, but it is not known whether the sex difference reflects a difference in occurrence or a difference in reporting.
Leukocoria results when the pupil reflects a white color rather than the normal black or red color that is seen on a flash photograph.
All electronic fetal monitors detect the FHR and maternal uterine activity (UA), and both are displayed for interpretation since the pattern of the baby's heartbeat during labor often reflects the baby's condition.
The proportion of gang members of particular race or ethnicity reflects the demographics of the community where they live.
Toddlers are far more physically active than infants, and their sleeping behavior and the timing of sleep cycles reflects their maturing brains.
More than any other aspect of development, language development reflects the growth and maturation of the brain.
The nightmare reflects real fears and stressful circumstances present in the child's waking life.
Normally, the light from the otoscope reflects off the eardrum in a characteristic fashion called the "cone of light."
Bonding begins rapidly, shortly after birth, and reflects the feelings of parents toward the newborn; attachment involves reciprocal feelings between parent and infant and develops gradually over the first year.
The name AD/HD reflects the various behaviors of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness that characterize the disorder.
Make sure the memorial you choose reflects your grandparent.
You have two options for headstone phrases; you can choose one that talks about how you feel about your loved one or one that reflects the person's life or death.
The most important thing about choosing an epitaph is to ensure that it reflects the person whose grave the headstone is marking.
That simply isn't true and reflects a lack of understanding of feng shui principles.
The pairing of powerful dragons with the significance of the yin yang creates a symbol that reflects the duality of all the energies of the universe.
The bonsai money tree plant is one of the best sizes for feng shui application and reflects the Chinese tradition of miniaturization that was once a status symbol for the upper elite society.
This census reflects the poverty of the great depression that began in 1929.
Many individuals were unemployed, and the 1930 census reflects this with the census employment questions.
The type of discharge reflects a service member's conduct and record, as well as the reason for the discharge.
Any style that reflects the deeply personal, individual style of the wearer could be classified as an emo look.
All you really need to do is take a short jaunt through musical history, survey the evolution of emo music, and decide which hairstyle best reflects your understanding of emo-ness.
Because your hair reflects the general health of your body, eating well, drinking plenty of water, and getting plenty of rest and exercise will help your hair grow steadily and remain strong and healthy.
A well-chosen outfit, combined with good grooming, reflects your personal confidence and can set the stage for a successful interview.
This rate varies from day to day and reflects the true cost of borrowing paid by central banks.
The amortization schedule reflects your monthly payment at that point.
Using a photographer with a photojournalistic style can help you create a maternity memoir that reflects your own journey into parenthood.
Their logo preserves their history and reflects the class and self-confidence of a franchise not tempted by the whims of the moment.
Suspension bridges are among the most beautiful bridges in the world, representing a symmetry that directly reflects its internal balance.
The name is based on her childhood nickname and the line reflects her personal style.
Choose one the reflects your personal style.
Red Carter understands the heart and soul of the South Beach scene, and reflects it in his unique line of swim wear.
What you'll really like about these shorts is the attention to detail; even the waistband reflects the overall design pattern.
She wears white for her professional tennis playing and so the choice reflects her professional life.
Mirror coating actually reflects more visible light than lenses that lack this feature, helping to reduce glare.
Juniors cover ups come in a wide variety of styles, designs and fabrics, so shop around and choose one that really reflects your personal style.
The patterns don't have to be childish, but should still have a lot of color and verve - something lively that reflects a strong personality.
The Batman Forever Batmobile used in the movie had a different design than previous incarnations, and the toy version reflects this fact as well.
She is a middle school student, and her clothing reflects the tastes of tweens.
During the summer, especially, white is an important hue because it reflects light, absorbs perspiration and exudes a fresh, polished appearance even in the steamiest conditions.
White is also summer's go-to hue because it's cool, reflects sunlight and simply looks fresh.
Women do occasionally wear black during the summer, but it's not a shade that reflects the laid-back attitude of the season.
The other is that Old Navy usually reflects the most current trends at reasonable prices.
The lower price reflects special promotions or sale pricing.
The freezer tub reflects an authentic old-fashioned image and is constructed of stained, sealed and lacquered New England pine secured with durable galvanized metal hoops.
Some candle holders are multi colored and the candle light reflects through the colors giving an almost stained glass effect.
The candle light reflects through the colored glass, giving a subtle colored glow which adds depth and atmosphere to many environments.
The dragonfly is the magic of light as its wings and body reflects the sun's rays making it sparkle in the light.
Consider using packaging that reflects the candles themselves.
Since essential oils and soy wax are more expensive than the fragrance oils and paraffin wax most commonly used for candle making, you'll need to make sure your price reflects your higher material costs.
The easiest way to create a Christmas gift basket is to choose a theme that reflects a hobby you share with the recipient.
You can choose to go for something that reflects your usual personal tastes, or you can go for a look that is completely opposite of your personality and style.
A couple-whether they are just friends, an exclusive item, or husband and wife-should choose a costume that reflects well on both of them and can help make the event fun and memorable.
A good sense of humor reflects self confidence and the ability to see the positive in an otherwise questionable situation.
Your feelings for this guy are changing and your question reflects the level of awareness you have on the matter.
Be sure to browse several websites to see the wide range of options available and choose the design of card that best reflects your relationship.
Put some thought into the person's favorite things and activities, think about the things you enjoy doing together, and then choose something that reflects your significant other's personality.
The first step to choosing an appropriate diamond necklace is to select a motif or design that reflects the interest and jewelry preferences of the recipient.
Show that your love will never end by giving an infinity ring in a style that reflects her personality and taste.
The ring will be worn for many years as a symbol of your love and commitment to each other, and the amount of money spent on an engagement ring often reflects the importance and significance of this purchase.
This can make a great choice for a couple looking for a ring that reflects warmth.
The delicacy of the designs reflects filigree influences, and most of his designs have an overall retro or vintage appeal.
Yellow gold has warm tones, whereas white metal reflects the black and white color theme.
Then examine how light reflects off the stone.
This gives the newly engaged couple freedom to create their own special party that reflects their individuality.
Since the engagement notice is an important wedding planning step, it should be carefully planned so that the notice reflects special sentiment behind it.
If your invitation or card is very formal or traditional then a poem or verse that reflects this is most appropriate.
The design of these earrings reflects the knot used in the rest of the collection.
Eternity bracelet - the Everlon eternity bracelet reflects the design of the eternity ring, but on a much greater scale.
This is a stylish piece of jewelry and the cost reflects the number and size of diamonds.
Many people mistakenly believe a carat reflects the size of a stone, and so therefore, two stones with the same number of carats will appear to be the same size.
It has a kind of ethereal appearance when it reflects light due to its iridescence.
The report will include information on the 4 Cs as well how well the stone reflects light and any flaws.
The symbolism behind Tahitian pearls reflects perfection, purity and harmony.
A talented writer will be able to write an ad that reflects the client's personality.
The brown pebbled leather is smooth and reflects just the slightest sheen, while the beige trim adds a smart, eye-catching detail.
Want to have a bag that reflects the true gypsy and boho ethos?
You can easily find a free pattern online and then use scraps or remnants to construct the bag that best reflects your gypsy style.
The company comes out with new gear seasonally that reflects the culture and fashion of the moment.
This way, not only will you end up with a wallet you love, but one that reflects your personality perfectly.
This basically reflects the validity of the universal truths, even though they have been filtered through very different cultures.
The moon reflects the light from the sun and astrologically symbolizes an inner illumination of your deepest and most private thoughts.
A Cancer sign profile reflects the proverbial crab.
Their sex life reflects the deep devotion and excitement each has for life.
Quite often, a rock-bottom price reflects poor quality and lessened longevity.
If so, you can get a gift that reflects his interest.
Older children may enjoy using craft materials to make an item that reflects the theme of the lesson. is a national online database that is updated daily and reflects industry casting needs.
For Twilight fans, the release of the second part of the Twilight series is an exciting time, and the New Moon official site reflects that drama and excitement on every page.
She goes on to explain that the title reflects the fact that the book is "...the darkest period of Bella's life."
The main reason for this is that the act of committing suicide reflects a failure of your soul to understand and learn the lessons of your current incarnation.
Note what makes you feel that your experience reflects psychic ability.
Before you proceed to the payment screen, double-check to see if your coupon code was accepted and your total price reflects the reduced price, special gift or free shipping offer promised as part of the coupon code.
Whether it's choosing from the various styles, colors, or cuts, almost everyone can find a pair that suits their personality and reflects their personal sense of style.
The price of Finn shoes reflects its high standards.
Despite its modernity, it reflects a shift in even the most classic shoe styles, particularly wedding footwear.
The cast now (in 2011) reflects members of the Horton, Brady, DiMera and Kiriakis families in their day-to-day struggles.
Of prime importance to the networks is the ability to pull in younger viewers and give them the type of programming they want, namely something updated that reflects today's modern mindset.
The telenovela Rosalinda reflects a common theme in the tragedies and triumphs that befall the innocent Rosalinda.
While you might be sure that you will always have a powerful attachment to dolphins, take care that your tattoo reflects not only your love of the animal, but also your love of the tattoo itself.
Aztec tattoos are reflects of an ancient civilization that existed in Mexico in the 14th and 15th centuries.
This image can be conveyed through the use of tattoos or body paint in a way that reflects its meaning for you.
The sweeping arch reflects the European practice of using large archways at the entrance of train stations.
This Chrono Superocean men's watch reflects unrelenting power and performance from Breitling.
This Breitling B-2 men's watch is covered in polished steel that reflects its tough construction.
This sleek Cartier American Tank watch for both sexes reflects relaxed elegance.
Manufactured by Cartier, this American Tank ladies watch reflects feminine style that is sure to become popular among the young crowd.
An ideal Santos Dumont men's wristwatch by Cartier, covered in18k Rose Gold case reflects sheer aesthetic exterior.
Every Large Santos men's watch by Cartier reflects sheer elegance.
Wrapped in Stainless Steel case, Scratch resistant mineral crystal, it reflects innovation with the right blend of creativity; it comes in Purple Leather band with Purple face and dial.
The stylish expansion clasp attached to an attractive pair of black rubber strap reflects sheer elegance.
Innovative in style, tag heuer Carrera GMT Men's Watch reflects relaxed elegance and pride crafted into it.
Trendy as ever, Tag heuer Link series men's watch reflects on the artistic engineering accompanied with sophisticated functions adding personality to this model.
Tag Heuer; this Tag heuer Link Chronograph men's watch reflects a casual contemporary look with sleek and masculine premium grade steel.
This time piece reflects innovation with Numerals Luminous Hands and Hour Markers.
This Tag heuer Link Series reflects sheer elegance.
The Black leather strap reflects the style of this unique launch.
This casio Baby-G Denim wrist watch for both girls and women reflects sheer elegance.
This Cartier Tank Francaise ladies watch reflects sheer elegance.
Meant for both sexes, this Tank Francaise watch by Cartier reflects infusion of style and function.
It is often possible to buy a watch that reflects the interests of the recipient, thus making very personal presents.
This reflects the fact that the watch style makes it difficult to give a precise time.
Buying a pocket watch with an American flag on the face is extremely patriotic and the image of the American flag to many people reflects many positive qualities and gives a common point of focus.
Themes - Pirates, fairies, princesses or sports are just some themes that children enjoy and a child would find it fun to own an alarm clock that reflects one of these themes.
The Seattle yoga scene reflects the city's art-centric nature.
The complication offers a rich experience for the reader, as Eileen reflects on her experiences as she witnesses Kim's talent grow and her communication improve.
Neuroinflammation in rats exposed to the medication is a compelling argument that the medication may be a cause, and the terbutaline autism lawsuit reflects that belief.
Make sure that the latter reflects her married identity and your last name.
When the copy reads smoothly and reflects the tone you want, you've succeeded.
Anything that can make the job of securing a job with you easier reflects positively upon you.
They may know someone or be able to make qualified referrals because no business owner will ever make a referral unless it reflects positively on him.
If you like the custom email address that reflects your domain name, you can easily set up POP3 access to your existing email accounts.
It's important to have a well-written resume that reflects your strengths because your resume is the tool used to convince that employer that you deserve an interview.
Research the retail prices of gift baskets similar to the ones you want to sell, and make sure the pricing you receive from your drop shipper truly reflects wholesale pricing.
However, most people need to revise the overall look of their resume to keep make sure the document appropriately reflects their experience and positions them to be considered for the type of job they would like to have.
You want to make sure that your resume objective statement reflects the value that you can bring to the organization you are applying to.
Some people like including an image that reflects the kind of business they are in or the work they do on their business card.
They can run a successful enterprise that reflects their values.
You can choose to start your own business from your home that reflects your interests and skills incorporating Christian values.
Don't make the mistake of assuming that every template that you come across online is a quality document that reflects the principles of effective resume writing.
The water seems disturbed and reflects nothing except a yellowish cloud.
By mixing different sprays and colors, you can create your own unique fashion statement or design a home décor project that reflects your individuality.
Whip up a no-sew fleece blanket using fabric that reflects his favorite sports team or hobby.
Whatever her hobbies, you are certain to find a way to enhance her enjoyment with a gift that reflects your thoughtfulness.
This book reflects the same principles as the negative calorie diet by encouraging the consumption of low calorie foods that require high energy to digest as a method to lose weight.
The Macrobiotic diet reflects this tradition and our need to return to whole grains which are referred to as the staff of life.
In an effort to promote greater cross-cultural understanding, Farmers created the Young Americanos program, which reflects the company's commitment to the Latino community.
Review the list to verify how accurately it reflects the belongings that you need to inventory.
The company can structure an individual policy that reflects the number of hours the CRNA works.
If a student driver will be going away to attend college and will not be driving during the school year, let the insurer know sothe premiumreflects that the student does not have access to the vehicle on a year-round basis.
Therefore, if you are more comfortable with your chest and breast area, select a suit that reflects this fact.
Their music reflects a great deal of thought and feeling, no doubt resulting from the various events that took place throughout the band's history.
Like many of her songs, which she refers to almost as 'live journals,' "In My Arms" reflects Plumb's personal experiences.
She says that she has changed over the years and her new music reflects the new her.
What happens in music nearly always reflects what is happening in society, so scratch the surface of big music moments and you're likely to find clues about what was going on in the world at that time.
The main plot of the video is that Swift reflects on the time of her life when she was fifteen and her high school self is reflected.
Be accurate in your invitation wording and choose an invitation that reflects the personality of your event.
If you're planning a party that celebrates a holiday, it only makes sense to choose a favor that reflects the particular occasion.
Use a party theme that reflects the season of your birthday.
Making a gift they are sure to enjoy because it reflects their interests ensures that the gift is meaningful and appreciated.
Pick out a party invitation that reflects your overall theme for the day.
Be sure the invitation reflects the mood you want to create for the party and is something appropriate for the guest of honor.
Whether they want to send something that reflects their personality or prefer something that reflects the event's theme, with pingg they can do anything.
Create a party invitation that reflects the special day for your mom and grandma.
Be creative and style the table in a manner that reflects your personal taste and individuality.
Many people outside of New York City still want to plan a NYE party that reflects the excitement of the city.
The large ball drops at midnight on Times Square, so make your party is one that reflects that area of the city and the city itself.
This allows you to have a New Year's Eve party theme that also reflects the special evening.
They believe that the genre reflects a culture that worships vanity and wealth, rather than virtue and humility.
It also reflects a supposition that the word 'sorcerer' scores higher on some scale of absolute interest than the word 'philosopher'.
Each piece of artwork reflects the color, characteristics and even the personality that such a fairy would have.
The above list only reflects a fraction of science fiction novels available.
This unique creature has eight rows of fused cilia that create a breathtaking rainbow glow when the sunlight reflects upon them.
Tallentyre's famous quote reflects, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
The uniform worn today reflects simplicity, quality and utility.
CoffeeCup has come a long way in terms of customer support and the customer care center reflects this.
It is very important that the website reflects that, and that the designer develops custom website layouts that integrate not only the image, but also the general feel and color scheme.
By using this approach, you'll have a customized border for your web page that reflects your national pride.
Yahoo still uses meta tags, so spend some time filling out the description and keyword metatags with content that is well written and accurately reflects the content of the web page.
One can readily understand the popularity of the Crusades, when one reflects that they permitted men to get to the other world by fighting hard on earth, and allowed them to gain the fruits of asceticism by the ways of hedonism.
The list of Cain's descendants reflects the old view of the beginnings of civilization; it is thrown into the form of a genealogy and is parallel to Gen.
Yet, on the other hand, our author's attitude to the world reflects the temper of Judaism rather than that of Christianity.
Please be aware that this material is all a reproduction of the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica and reflects the knowledge and beliefs of that time.
This reflects the revolutionary change in the history of lead mining since the first discovery of argentiferous lead ores in the Rocky Mountain states in 1864, which became available only after the building of railways.
The top is closed by a pressure-tight window, inside of which is a prism which reflects the light rays vertically down the tube to a prism at the bottom end, where they are reflected in a horizontal direction and focussed in an eyepiece attached to the bottom of the tube.
The dialogue form was used merely to secure an undress manner of approach to his subject; there was no attempt at the dramatic. The book reflects curiously Lowell's mind at this time, for the conversations relate only partly to the poets and dramatists of the.
It reflects rather excessively high and excessively rigid pay costs.
No matter the subsequent style you choose, be sure to pick one that aptly reflects your personality.
It reflects well on us.