Reflections Sentence Examples
Appius also published a collection of moral maxims and reflections in verse.
Clement reaffirmed the infallibility of the pope, in matters of fact (1705), and, in 1713, issued the bull Unigenitus, condemning ioi Jansenistic propositions extracted from the Moral Reflections of Pasquier Quesnel.
Shadows and reflections were ignored, and perspective, approximately correct for landscape distances, was isometrical for near objects, while the introduction of a symbolic sun or moon lent the sole distinction between a day and a night scene.
Twelve months afterwards the sequel Serious Reflections, now hardly ever reprinted, appeared.
The reprint (3 vols.) edited for the "Pulteney Library" by Hazlitt in 1840-1843 contains a good and full life mainly derived from Wilson, the whole of the novels (including the Serious Reflections now hardly ever published with Robinson Crusoe), Jure Divino, The Use and Abuse of Marriage, and many of the more important tracts and smaller works.
Burke wrote his Vindication of Natural Society in imitation of Bolingbroke's style, but in refutation of his principles; and in the Reflections on the French Revolution he exclaims, "Who now reads Bolingbroke, who ever read him through?"
It is usual to place a glass ball on a dark ground, to sit with the back to the light, to focus the gaze on the ball (disregarding reflections, if these cannot be excluded), and to await results.
These volumes contain in addition to the four treatises already mentioned, Miscellaneous Reflections, now first printed, and the Inquiry concerning Virtue or Merit, described, as "formerly printed from an imperfect copy, now corrected and published intire," and as "printed first in the year 1699."
Among the later productions of his pen were, besides the Plan of a Reform in the Election of the House of Commons, pamphlets entitled Proceedings in the House of Commons on the Slave Trade (1796), Reflections on the Abundance of Paper in Circulation and the Scarcity of Specie (1810), Historical Questions Exhibited (1818), and a Letter to Earl Grey on the Policy of Great Britain and the Allies towards Norway (1814).
It was probably these closing reflections which led to the translation of the theses from Latin into German, and their surprising circulation.
AdvertisementThese reflections were, however, for his intimate friends, and like him, his much greater contemporary, Erasmus, abhorred anything suggesting open revolt or revolution.
A ray making an angle less than 0 with the tangent will, with its reflections, touch a larger circle.
This incident suggests two reflections - first that raids or attacks in rear of the " centre of operations " are valueless, however daring, and second that had Zasulich, in his determination to be worthy of his knighthood, concentrated for battle, the presence of the Madritov detachment on the field would have prevented the lamentable and costly misunderstandings of the retreat on Hamatan.
In the "Apologie de Raymund Sabunde," he has apparently amused himself with gathering together, in the shape of quotations as well as of reflections, all that can be said against certainty in aesthetics as well as in dogmatics.
Yet now and again he rises to the level of some heroic event, and parts of his chapter on the "Campaign of Hastings" and of his record of the wars of Syracuse and Athens, his reflections on the visit of Basil the Second to the church of the Virgin on the Acropolis, and some other passages in his books, are fine pieces of eloquent writing.
AdvertisementMore inclined than Montaigne to give a religious turn to his reflections was his friend Pierre Charron (1541-1603), who in his book De la sagesse systematized in somewhat scholastic fashion the train of thought which we find in the Essais.
Among his pamphlets are A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies (1775); Historical and Political Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion (1780); Cool Thoughts on the Consequences to Great Britain of American Independence (1780); and The Claim of the American Loyalists Reviewed and Maintained upon Incontrovertible Principles of Law and Justice (1788).
In this philosophy the mystical properties of numbers are a leading feature; absurd and mechanical notions are glossed over with the sheen of sacramental mystery; myths are explained by pious fancies and fine-sounding pietistic reflections; miracles, even the most ridiculous, are believed in, and miracles are wrought.
If the refractive index is, for instance, the same for both in the case of green light, and a source of white light is viewed through the mixture, the green component will be completely transmitted, while the other colours are more or less scattered by multiple reflections and refractions at the surfaces of the powdered substance.
This was a medley of social, moral and religious reflections interspersed with casual thoughts about persons, events and art.
AdvertisementHis views on the French Revolution are denounced by Burke in his Reflections on the Revolution in France.
The paranthelia (q) may be due to two internal or two external reflections.
The anthelion (a) may be explained as caused by two internal reflections of the solar rays by a hexagonal lamellar crystal, having its axis horizontal and one of the diagonals of its base vertical.
It was not perhaps altogether just, and John was embittered by reflections on his loyalty.
He is industrious in collecting facts, careful and impartial in stating them; his judgment is sound, his reflections generally acute, his conceptions of the general march and movement of things not unworthy of the great events he has recorded.
AdvertisementMany passages consist of theological or moral reflections.
At one time it is a summons to do battle for the faith; at another, a series of reflections on recently experienced success or misfortune, or a rebuke for their weak faith; or an exhortation to virtue, and so on.
During part of this time, after coffee, he would aid his reflections by playing on the flute, of which he was passionately fond, being a really skilful performer.
There must be a certain loss of light from two, additional reflections; but that could be tolerated for the sake of other advantages, provided that the mirrors could be made sufficiently perfect \ optical planes.
In 1699 he published two treatises, - one entitled Three Practical Essays on Baptism, Confirmation and Repentance, and the other, Some Reflections on that part of a book called Amyntor, or a Defence of Milton's Life, which relates to the Writings of the Primitive Fathers, and the Canon of the New Testament.
When Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France appeared, in 1790, Paine at once wrote his answer, The Rights of Man first part appeared on the r3th of March 1791, and had an enormous circulation before the government took alarm and endeavoured to suppress it, thereby exciting intense curiosity to see it, even at the risk of heavy penalties.
He frequently stopped his carpentering to work at his poems. He left voluminous manuscript notes, showing the preparatory studies and reflections that preceded the Leaves; many of them, under the title of Notes and Fragments, were privately printed by his literary executor, Dr Richard Maurice Bucke, in 1899.
The profound reflections of the apostle on the radical antithesis of law and gospel, works and faith, were not appreciated in the and century.
This is really a series of general reflections on the literary movement of his time.
In a pamphlet of "Remarks" (1742), he replied to John Tillard, and Remarks on Several Occasional Reflections (1744-1745) was an answer to Akenside, Conyers Middleton (who had up to this time been his friend), Richard Pococke, Nicholas Mann, Richard Grey, Henry Stebbing and other of his critics.
Finally, the message of John the Baptist, and the reply of Jesus, and the reflections that follow (xi.), bring out the significance of the preceding narrative.
In both cases the curves are epicycloids; in the first case the radii of the rolling and the fixed circles are a(2n - I) /4n and a/2n, and in the second, an/(2n+ I) and a/(2n4-I), where a is the radius of the mirror and n the number of reflections.
While this was preparing, William Wotton, in 1694, wrote his Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning, traversing Temple's general conclusions.
A Deparatianu (1835-1865), whose language shows traces of the new Latinizing school; and Nicolae Nicoleanu (1833-1871), whose powerful poems, full of deep and often mystical reflections, lead on from Alexandrescu to Eminescu, all three being the poets of pessim- ism.
He was no "dedicator," and the occasional presents of rich men, such as Montauron (who gave him a thousand, others say two hundred, pistoles for the dedication of Cinna), and Fouquet (who commissioned Odipe), were few and far between, though they have exposed him to reflections which show great ignorance of the manners of the age.
The first part of the Instructiones is addressed to the heathens and Jews, and ridicules the divinities of classical mythology; the second contains reflections on Antichrist, the end of the world, the Resurrection, and advice to Christians, penitents and the clergy.
Colours are not Qualifications of Light, derived from Refractions, or Reflections of natural Bodies (as 'tis generally believed), but original and connate properties, which in divers Rays are divers.
In November 1790 the town, which had long been eagerly expecting a manifesto from Burke's pen, was electrified by the Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event.
Fox in the course of debate went out of his way to laud the Revolution, and to sneer at some of the most effective passages in the Reflections.
He mentally constructed a system of universal law; and, when, at the end of his captivity, he accompanied his pupils, the sons of Coyet, to the university, of Leiden, he was enabled to publish, in 1661, the fruits of his reflections under the title of Elementa jurisprudentiae universalis, libri duo.
It consists of a parallelopiped glass so constructed that light falling normally on one end emerges at the other after two internal reflections at such an angle as to introduce a relative retardation of phase of 4r/4 between the components polarized in the principal azimuths.
But, owing to the various partial reflections which the illuminating cone of rays undergoes when traversing the surfaces of the lenses, a portion of the light comes again into the preparation, and into the eye of the observer, thus veiling the image.
At large few European birds possess greater beauty, the pure white of its scapulars and inner web of the flight-feathers contrasting vividly with the deep glossy black on the rest of its body and wings, while its long tail is lustrous with green, bronze, and purple reflections.
It is equally admirable in the depth of its wisdom, the comprehensiveness of its views, the sagacity of its reflections, and the fearlessness, patriotism, liantly and effectively exhibited than they were by Hamilton in the New York convention of 1788, whose vote he won, against the greatest odds, for the ratification of the Constitution.
He also wrote four novels, and Reflections on the Present State of Affairs at Home and Abroad in 1759.
He stressed, in particular, that the integration of reflections, suppositions and propositions collectively should remain coherent.
He had many melancholy reflections of his old school days.
Pale Reflections - Free weekly e-mail newsletter for those affected by the eating disorders anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating.
In this collection, loving reflections provide wisdom and encouragement to help overcome anxiety, gain self-esteem, and improve relationships.
For more on the meditations of Trout and reflections on customers ' apparently baseless, and irksome concerns, go here.
He was on the point of advancing some profitable reflections on this head, but the memory of his own boyhood checked him.
These reflections show at the same time how natural the demand for general covariance is.
Clean lines and reflections from platinum holds two stunning baguette cut diamonds.
If the relationship is very exact, so that all reflections are overlapped, the sample is a pseudo TLS twin.
Some may suggest that these reflections are simply finger-pointing among those who supported the war.
Look outside the main bow to see a faint secondary fogbow produced by two internal reflections inside the fog droplets.
Two men's reflections on everyday life has never been so glorious.
If the output symmetry is a he output symmetry is a higher symmetry, then all input reflections will output, with more observations per h k l set.
Based on the author's personal diary, the book has a startling immediacy which is complemented by reflections matured over three decades.
Thus only infrared light will be seen without any visible light or other reflections or refractions.
Here are no reproaches, no base and sly insinuations, none of those invidious reflections with which controversies are usually managed.
If the output symmetry is a higher symmetry, then all input reflections will output, with more observations per h k l set.
Geometrical optics are a useful tool for calculating reflections from the polygons in a 3D database.
It is impossible for temperature inversions to produce optical illusions or reflections of lights over the horizon under these conditions.
The triply periodic structure is generated by reflections in the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron.
Dining options include the poolside Reflections restaurant featuring international cuisine and the more informal Drifters Beach Bar.
Therefore, there is a full 360 degrees or 2 pi radians of phase shift for reflections from a load HALF a wavelength away.
In order to get good detail out of the shadows the exposure has just clipped the specular reflections.
The aim of the day is to support seafarers and the work of the Church alongside them with prayers and reflections.
In the water scene below, light from the bright sparkles created by sunlight reflections has caused underexposure of the main subject.
The reflections on the surface of the water drawing you in to some very tranquil scenes.
The density of the reflections can be adjusted by increasing the transparency of the Rays layer.
Lots of booming and multiple reflections from the hard perimeter walls made the room very unfriendly in terms of sound quality.
Regulators should not be too wedded to their own interpretation but recognize that different reflections of the same regulatory principles can be equally valid.
A vein of sadness runs through his poems, sometimes breakirg out into querulous exclamation, but more frequently ventirg itself in gloomy reflections and prognostications.
His reflections upon scientific, philosophical and religious questions are contained in four addresses upon The Genius of Sir Isaac Newton, The Right Use of Leisure, The Claims of Science and The Social Aspect of Intellectual Culture, which he delivered and printed at different times.
A number of pamphlets asserting the complicity of the fallen minister in the Popish Plot, and even accusing him of the murder of, Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey, were published in 1679 and 1680; they were answered by Danby's secretary, Edward Christian, in Reflections; and in May 1681 Danby was actually indicted by the Grand Jury of Middlesex for Godfrey's murder on the accusation of Edward FitzHarris.
The indictment, in eight articles, dealt with his conduct in the Fries and Callender trials, with his treatment of a Delaware grand jury, and (in article viii.) with his making "highly indecent, extra-judicial" reflections upon the national administration, probably the greatest offence in Republican eyes.
Wise and generally melancholy reflections on human nature and political society are not infrequent in his writings, and they arise naturally and incidentally out of the subject he is discussing.
He has not, indeed, the elegance of Bacon, whom he emulated, and he is often obscure and affected; but his copious imagery and genuine penetration give his reflections a certain charm.
His writings of this kind, though too laudatory and somewhat diffuse, have great merit; they abound in those anecdotal details, natural yet not obvious reflections, and vivacious turns of thought, which made Gibbon style him, with some extravagance certainly, though it was true enough up to Gassendi's time - "le meilleur philosophe des litterateurs, et le meilleur litterateur des philosophes."
A lake like this is never smoother than at such a time; and the clear portion of the air above it being, shallow and darkened by clouds, the water, full of light and reflections, becomes a lower heaven itself so much the more important.
Though I passed over it as gently as possible, the slight undulations produced by my boat extended almost as far as I could see, and gave a ribbed appearance to the reflections.
The smell of the food the Preobrazhenskis were eating and a sense of hunger recalled him from these reflections; he had to get something to eat before going away.
A healthy man can tear himself away from the deepest reflections to say a civil word to someone who comes in and can then return again to his own thoughts.
But to understand phenomena man has, besides abstract reasoning, experience by which he verifies his reflections.
The reflections prompts were replaced by shorter reworded versions.
These strong reflections depended on the spacing of the planes of atoms inside the crystal, according to his son Bragg 's Law.
Located in Midland, Michigan, Amish Reflections offers finely crafted furniture with customization options that include size, design and choice of wood.
Use reflections - Mirrors and metallic accessories reflect light and add a lightness to the room.
Be careful not to over do this design element or you'll end up with a funhouse effect of too many reflections.
Using strong colors can sometimes cause undesired reflections.
Tall buildings look amazing in fireworks pictures, as do lakes and rivers, which yield incredible reflections.
A polarizer not only reduces glare and eliminates garish reflections, but it also adds richness to photos that you can't achieve when shooting without it.
In 2002, she had a small part in the movie Reflections of Evil, which also featured Lana Turner and George Hamilton.
Although fluorescent lighting is often jokingly blamed for unflattering dressing room mirror reflections, it is not necessarily a bad way to light a room.
It's hard to capture all the reflections of light on a cut stone in a photograph.
Reflections of Dance offers swing dance and ballroom dance skirts up to size 6X.
Reflections of Dance is an online dancewear retailer that also has a 2000 square foot showroom in Holland, Michigan that stocks everything you need whether you are experienced or a beginner.
If you take a scientific perspective on dreaming, you may find that dreams in which you can't move are reflections of the paradoxical REM state.
It stops 99% of reflections while improving visual comfort by removing other reflections that might impair vision.
This means that the special anti-glare lenses are able to combat the sun's irritating reflections, giving you the ultimate in comfort.
This coating will reduce glare as well as reflections from the road.
It does this by way of eliminating both irritating and dangerous reflections of sunlight, while at the same time, offering the very best in relaxation for sun-strained eyes.
In addition, Serengeti glass lenses are treated with an anti-reflective coating that blocks glare and reflections.
Polarized lenses reduce reflections from sunlight on pavement and other surfaces.
Many modern and advanced-thinking feng shui masters believe most people wouldn't be startled by their reflections and in fact, a few may even admire themselves in the very limited and obscure image a TV provides.
While televisions can create reflections, mirror principles shouldn't be applied to televisions.
Considered to be a mystic of deep wisdom Lao Tzu worked in the Imperial Archives, the library of the emperor.Just before retiring Tzu wrote his only known book, the Tao Te Ching, a collection of 81 reflections and short poems.
If you have multiple pillar candles resting on silver holders, the reflections get even stronger.
Reflections of these traditional styles can be found in even the most cutting edge or contemporary modern day rings.
Show that you have your own thoughts and reflections about the book, and that you know how to creatively convey these to your readers.
Natural Reflections provides a checkbook cover that comes in a variety of colors from black to brown, purple to navy blue.
There do seem to be transparent human forms walking down the hall, but it's difficult to judge whether this is due to reflections on glass and polished woodwork, creative editing or actual paranormal activity.
I learn so much from my students; their reflections and their own process enriches mine.
Christina's big break came in 1998 when she was chosen to record the song "Reflections" for the Disney movie Mulan.
The book includes 120 recipes, along with stories and reflections on the places where the ingredients originated, and how the flavors were developed.
There are numerous reflections of T1 in this movie.
Whenever I am not working, I have a one woman show called Reflections in which I actually become 12 legendary black women entertainers, Lena Horn, Eartha Kitt, Mahalia Jackson and so on.
A theory that has received much support in the past attributes the reflections to thin bubbles of water, similar to soap-bubbles, in which form vapour was supposed to condense.
But all the while he was engaged with reflections on the nature of man, of the soul and of God, and for a while he remained invisible even to his most familiar friends.
Pavilliard a " handsome share in his reconversion," though he maintains, and no doubt rightly, that it was principally due "to his own solitary reflections."
Ricardo's works, in fact, do not explain a theoretical system, but contain the matured reflections, more or less closely reasoned, of a man of great mental power looking out on the world as it appeared to a business man experienced in affairs.
Helene there are very few reflections of this kind and the emperor appears in a guise far more life-like.
Mackintosh was soon absorbed in the question of the time; and in April 1791, after long meditation, he published his Vindiciae Gallicae, a reply to Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution.
The two parts are distinguished by difference of style; the Hebrew principle of parallelism of clauses is employed far more in the first than in the second, which has a number of plain prose passages, and is also rich in uncommon compound terms. In view of these differences there is ground for holding that the second part is a separate production which has been united with the first by an editor, an historical haggadic sketch, a midrash, full of imaginative additions to the Biblical narrative, and enlivened by many striking ethical reflections.
But, if this was so, no record of their reflections has been preserved.
Her books are seen to be in large part merely clever reflections of other people's views or views current at the time.
For general reflections on the subject see the appendix to Jowett's edition of the Epistle to the Romans (London, 1855).
These are preferably made slightly wedge-shape, to avoid the inconvenience resulting from multiple internal reflections, and they must necessarily be rather thin, so that double refractions due to internal strain may not exert a disturbing influence.
During this period he published his poetical satire called Metamorphosis (1726), his Epistolae ad virum perillustrem (1727), his Description of Denmark and Norway (1729), History of Denmark, Universal Church History, Biographies of Famous Men, Moral Reflections, Description of Bergen (1737), A History of the Jews, and other learned and laborious compilations.
Bartolus, although written some twenty years previously, contains a chapter entitled "Vera iridis tota generatis explicatur," in which it is shown how the primary bow is formed by two refractions and one reflection, and the secondary bow by two refractions and two reflections.
But the illumination of the bow is so weakened by the repeated reflections, and the light of the sun is generally so bright, that these bows are rarely, if ever, observed except in artificial rainbows.
In 1686, when chaplain to James II., he was suspended for ten months on a charge of having made some reflections on the king, and in 1688 was cited for refusing to read the declaration of indulgence.
See also Bismarck, Reflections and Reminiscences; Rennell Rodd, Frederick, Crown Prince and Emperor (1888); Gustav Freytag, Der Kronprinz and die deutsche Kaiserkrone (1889; English translation, 1890); Otto Richter, Kaiser Friedrich III.
Instead of the white lily, which requires mud, or the common sweet flag, the blue flag (Iris versicolor) grows thinly in the pure water, rising from the stony bottom all around the shore, where it is visited by hummingbirds in June; and the color both of its bluish blades and its flowers and especially their reflections, is in singular harmony with the glaucous water.
But at the moment when he imagined himself calmed by such reflections, she suddenly came into his mind as she was at the moments when he had most strongly expressed his insincere love for her, and he felt the blood rush to his heart and had again to get up and move about and break and tear whatever came to his hand.
But she could not pacify herself with these reflections; a feeling akin to remorse troubled her when she thought of her visit.
In the diary was set down everything in the children's lives that seemed noteworthy to their mother as showing their characters or suggesting general reflections on educational methods.
It was the sequel to his complacent reflections on his success in Petersburg.
Be aware of this because passing cars could cause reflections on the walls that may be mistaken for a ghost.
It is evident that the normal blue is more or less diluted with extraneous white light, having its origin in reflections from the grosser particles of foreign matter with which the air is usually charged.
His wisdom grew mainly out of his own reflections and experiments.
In 1802 he published Reflections upon the State of Religion in Christendom, in which he attempted to explain and illustrate the mysterious foreshadowings of the Apocalypse.
It is almost universally found, in cases of successful experiment, that the glass ball, for example, takes a milky or misty aspect, that it then grows black, reflections disappearing, and that then the pictures emerge.
This bird, believed to be the second kind of ibis spoken of by Herodotus, is rather smaller than the sacred ibis, and mostly of a dark chestnut colour with brilliant green and purple reflections on the upper parts, exhibiting, however, when young none of the rufous hue.
When a man works alone he always has a certain set of reflections which as it seems to him directed his past activity, justify his present activity, and guide him in planning his future actions.
Pierre often indulged in reflections of this sort, nullifying all his decisions and intentions.
But, relieved as it may be by reflections of this kind - dreams some may perhaps still call them - the study of ornithology has unquestionably become harder and more serious; and a corresponding change in the style of investigation, followed in the works that remain to be considered, will be immediately perceptible.