Reflecting Sentence Examples
He acted as he did when hunting, without reflecting or considering.
Newton was the first to construct a reflecting telescope.
From 1827 he devoted himself to the improvement of reflecting telescopes; in 1839 he mounted a telescope of 3 ft.
For this reason the end of the magnet is sometimes polished and acts as the mirror, in which case no displacement of the reflecting surface with reference to the magnet is possible.
The use of reflecting mirrors for the purpose of observing from cover is no novelty, and during the trench warfare of the Crimean War 1854-5 a device was patented which scarcely differs from the simple mirror periscope of the World War.
The latter is rather to be regarded as the representative of the age in which he lived, and his interpretation is to be taken as reflecting the exegesis of that period.
Special sights were introduced to overcome the difficulties of dis appearing guns, large guns firing through small ports, &c. Such were \ the Moncrieff reflecting sights, and the " chase sights " for the 10-in.
The first constructor of reflecting telescopes on a large scale, William Herschel, never published anything about his methods of casting and polishing specula, and he does not appear to have been very successful beyond specula of 18 in.
The faces of slates have usually a slightly silky lustre due to the abundance of minute scales of mica all lying parallel and reflecting light simultaneously from their pearly basal planes.
The kaleidophone, intended to present visibly the movements of a sonorous body, consisted of a vibrating wire or rod carrying a silvered bead reflecting a point of light, the motions of which, by persistence of the successive images on the retina, were thus represented in curves of light.
AdvertisementHis name is best known for the improvements he effected in the mirrors of reflecting telescopes and especially in the construction of the microscope.
In Browning's form the setting is automatic. The dispersion may be further increased by causing the rays to pass more than once through the prism or prisms. Thus, by means of a system of reflecting prisms, Hilger passed the dispersed rays six times through one prism, and, by similar means, Browning passed the rays first through the upper part of a train and then back through the lower part.
It is curious that Avenarius should have brought forward this artificial hypothesis as the natural view of the world, without reflecting that on the one hand the majority of mankind believes that the environment (R) exists, has existed, and will exist, without being a counterpart of any living being as central part (C); and that on the other hand it is so far from being natural to man to believe that sensation and thought (E) are different from, and merely dependent on, his body (C), that throughout the Homeric poems, though soul is required for other purposes, all thinking as well as sensation is regarded as a purely bodily operation.
Be this as it may, the epistle is of great historical importance, as reflecting a crisis inevitable in the development of the JewishChristian consciousness,when a definite choice between the old and the new form of Israel's religion had to be made, both for internal and external reasons.
No further practical advance appears to have been made in the design or construction of the instrument till the year 1723, when John Hadley (best known as the inventor of the sextant) presented to the Royal Society a reflecting telescope of the Newtonian construction, with a metallic speculum of 6-in.
AdvertisementEquatorials of types A, B, C and D have the advantage of avoiding interposed reflecting surfaces, but they involve inconveniences from the continual motion of the eye-piece and the consequent necessity for providing elaborate observing stages or rising floors.
In those of type E the eye-piece has a fixed position and the observer may even occupy a room maintained at uniform temperature, but he must submit to a certain loss of light from one or more reflecting surfaces, and from possible loss of definition from optical imperfection or flexure of the mirror or mirrors.
His quarrel with the papacy was an inherited conflict, not reflecting at all on his religious faith, but the inevitable consequence of inconsistent theories of government, which had been created and could be dissipated only by a long series of events.
Roman literature, faithfully reflecting the sentiments of the aristocratic salons of the capital, while it almost canonized those who had been his victims, fully avenged their wrongs by painting Nero as a monster of wickedness.
The sun was gleaming off the shiny car,reflecting on the house.
AdvertisementI was not then at an age for reflecting on social grievances.
An admissible error of phase of 4X will correspond to an error of IX in a reflecting and 2X in a (glass) refracting surface, the incidence in both cases being perpendicular.
This is the ordinary formula for a reflecting plane grating, and it shows that the spectra are formed in the usual directions.
The pyramidions were sheathed in bright metal, catching and reflecting the sun's rays as if they were thrones of the sunlight.
Hero also wrote Catoptrica (on reflecting surfaces), and it seems certain that we possess this in a Latin work, probably translated from the Greek by Wilhelm.
AdvertisementIt may be applied to the open end of a reflecting telescope, either of the Newtonian or the Cassegrain construction."
Next comes a section (xiv., xv.) reflecting a somewhat later development concerning fixed services and ministry; the desire for a stated service, and the need of regular provision for it, is leading to a new order of things.
The fine castle of Birr, beside its historical interest, has gained celebrity on account of the reflecting telescope erected here (1828-1845) by William, third earl of Rosse.
Before 1868 Maxwell conducted the experiment by sending light from the illuminated cross-wires of an observing telescope forward through the object-glass, and through a train of prisms, and then reflecting it back along the same path; any influence of convection would conspire in altering both refractions, but yet no displacement of the image depending on the earth's motion was detected.
Dogmatik (1810), and his Judas Ischarioth (2 vols., 1816, 2nd ed., 1818), were all written in the spirit of Schelling, the last of them reflecting a change in Schelling himself from theosophy to positive philosophy.
For some years before 1860 Ruskin had been deeply stirred by reflecting on the condition of all industrial work and the evils of modern society.
We might define temperature in the case of a flame or vacuum tube by the temperature which a small totally reflecting body would tend to take up if placed at the spot, but this definition would fail in the case of a spark discharge.
Less conspicuous periscopes were therefore designed, and these, in order to take in enough of the foreground, had to be provided with a magnifying as well as a reflecting system.
It follows, therefore, that the thought alone feels personal identity, when, reflecting on the train of past perceptions that compose a mind, the ideas of them are felt to be connected together and naturally introduce each other.
With regard to the testimony of Acts, the only question, since Harnack admits the Lucan authorship,' is whether Luke is describing the organization of the Church as it existed at the time of the events recorded or reflecting the arrangements which prevailed at the time when the book was written.
His researches in hydrodynamics were highly useful for marine engineering, while the reflecting and repeating circles, as improved by him, were of great service in nautical astronomy.
It is not to be supposed that the king of Hungary assented to this programme without reflecting that what he sought to further in Hungary, it would be impossible for him, as emperor of Austria, to oppose in Cisleithania.
Many other forms of heliostats have been designed, the chief difference consisting in the mechanical devices for maintaining the constant direction of the reflecting ray.
It had been inaugurated with Gotz von Berlichingen, and a few months later this tragedy was followed by another, Clavigo, hardly less convincing in its character-drawing, and reflecting even more faithfully than the former the experiences Goethe had gone through in Strassburg.
Foucault invented in 1857 the polarizer which bears his name, and in the succeeding year devised a method of giving to the speculum of reflecting telescopes the form of a spheroid or a paraboloid of revolution.
He was well aware of the failures of all attempts to perfect telescopes by employing lenses of various forms of curvature, and accordingly proposed the form of reflecting telescope which bears his name.
But, having ascertained by experiment that for all colours of light the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflexion, he turned his attention to the construction of reflecting telescopes.
A third form of reflecting telescope was devised in 1672 by Cassegrain (Journal des Scavans, 1672).
Notwithstanding this difference in the brightness of the objects, we were able with this reflecting telescope to see whatever we have hitherto discovered with the Huygenian, particularly the transits of Jupiter's satellites and their shadows over his disk, the black list in Saturn's ring, and the edge of his shadow cast on his ring.
The reflecting telescope became the only available tool of the astronomer when great light grasp was requisite, as the difficulty of procuring disks of glass (especially of flint glass) of suitable purity and homogeneity limited the dimensions of the achromatic telescope.
The reflecting surface is first ground to a spherical form, the parabolic figure being given in the final process by regulating the size of the pitch squares and the stroke of the polishing machine.
Partly for these reasons the reflecting telescope with metallic mirror has never been a favourite with the professional astronomer, and has found little employment out of England.'
Type C seems indeed to be the type of mounting most suitable for reflecting telescopes, and this form has been adopted for the 60-in.
The difficulty is that the automatic motion of a single mirror capable of reflecting the rays of any star continuously along the axis of a fixed horizontal telescope, requires a rather complex mechanism owing to the variation of the angle of reflexion with the diurnal motion.
Up to 1908 neither the optical qualities of the images given by the object-glasses and reflecting plane nor the practical working of the instrument, have, so far as we know, been submitted to any severe test.
The mirrors of Lindemann's equatorial coude reflecting light downwards upon the mirror R would furnish an ideal siderostat for stellar spectroscopy in conjunction with a fixed horizontal telescope.
But he had made up his mind to be not an actor but an onlooker and critic in the battle of life; and when Wieland, whom he met on one of his excursions, suggested doubts as to the wisdom of his choice, Schopenhauer replied, "Life is a ticklish business; I have resolved to spend it in reflecting upon it."
In the early days of 1813 sympathy with the national enthusiasm against the French carried him so far as to buy a set of arms; but he stopped short of volunteering for active service, reflecting that Napoleon gave after all only concentrated and untrammelled utterance to that self-assertion and lust for more life which weaker mortals feel but must perforce disguise.
The needle in its normal position is symmetrically placed with regard to the quadrants, and carries a mirror by means of which its displacement can be observed in the usual manner by reflecting the ray of light from it.
Consequently the monochromatic class includes the aberrations at reflecting surfaces of any coloured light, and at refracting surfaces of monochromatic or light of single wave length.
In association with antimonious and arsenious sulphides, silver sulphide forms many important minerals, which sometimes present dimorphous forms, reflecting the dimorphism of silver sulphide; moreover, the corresponding arsenious and antimonious compounds are frequently isomorphous.
The simplest case of a caustic curve is when the reflecting surface is a circle, and the luminous rays emanate from a point on the circumference.
When the rays are parallel, the reflecting surface 1 Elie Bocthor (1784-1821) was a French orientalist of Coptic origin.
The Cartesian equation to the caustic produced by reflection at a circle of rays diverging from any point was obtained by Joseph Louis Lagrange; it may be expressed in theform 1(4,2_ a2) (x 2+ y2) - 2a 2 cx - a 2 c 2 1 3 = 2 7 a4c2y2 (x2 + y2 - c2)2, where a is the radius of the reflecting circle, and c the distance of the luminous point from the centre of the circle.
It is usually the case that the secondary caustic is easier to determine than the caustic, and hence, when determined, it affords a ready means for deducing, the primary caustic. It may be shown by geometrical considerations that the secondary caustic is a curve similar to the first positive pedal of the reflecting curve, of twice the linear dimensions, with respect to the luminous point.
The fraction of the incident radiation which is not absorbed by a body gives a measure of its reflecting power, with which we are not here concerned.
At the meeting at which Newton was elected a description of a reflecting telescope which he had invented was read, and " it was ordered that a letter should be written by the secretary to Mr Newton to acquaint him of his election into the Society, and to thank him for the communication of his telescope, and to assure him that the Society would take care that all right should be done him with respect to this invention."
But these seemed very great difficulties, and I have almost thought them insuperable, when I further considered, that every irregularity in a reflecting superficies makes the rays stray 5 or 6 times more out of their due course, than the like irregularities in a refracting one; so that a much greater curiosity would be here requisite, than in figuring glasses for Refraction.
And for the same reason Bise, reflecting blew most copiously, shall appear blew by the excess of those Rays in its reflected light; and the like of other bodies.
He also invented a reflecting sextant for observing the distance between the moon and the fixed stars, - the same in every essential as the instrument which is still in everyday use at sea under the name of Hadley's quadrant.
The House of Commons, reflecting the spitit of the country, blamed Lord Clarendon for neglecting to answer Count Walewskis despatch, and blamed Lord Palmerston for introducing a bill at French dictation.
The only cure appears to consist in breaking up the reflecting surfaces so that the reflexion shall be much less regular and distinct.
A general idea of the relation of the solar system to the universe may be gained by reflecting that the average distance between any two neighbouring stars is several thousand times the extent of the solar system.
The problem of measuring from an axis perpendicular to this plane is solved on the principle that the incident and reflected rays of light make equal angles with the perpendicular to a reflecting surface.
When the basin of quicksilver is used, the telescope, either before or after being directed toward P, is pointed directly downwards, so that the observer mounting above it looks through it into the reflecting surface.
The complexity of the problem will be seen by reflecting that the temperature of the air inside the telescope is not without its effect.
A remarkable feature of the reflecting power of the moon, which was made known by Miner's observations, is that the proportion of light reflected by a region on the moon is much greater when the light falls perpendicularly, which is the case near the time of full moon, and rapidly becomes less as the light is more oblique.
The sun was gleaming off the shiny car, reflecting on the house.
The colors of the home are included, too, frequently reflecting the mood of the current society and the philosophy of the builder.
Then you will have a beautiful vintage bag reflecting your own unique style!
Prices range from $5 to $15, reflecting manufacturer and style.
Some soldiers even wore uniforms reflecting their native country.
We have also seen with it several times the five satellites of Saturn, in viewing of which this telescope had the advantage of the Huygenian at the time when we compared them; for, being in summer, and the Huygenian telescope being managed without a tube, the twilight prevented us from seeing in this some of these small objects which at the same time we could discern with the reflecting telescope."
Then with centre 0 1 and radius OJ, =OA 1, describe an arc. By reflecting the two arcs thus described over the centre the ellipse is approximately described.
Further, if polarized light fall at the polarizing angle on a reflecting surface, the intensity of the reflected stream depends upon the azimuth of the plane of incidence, being proportional to the square of the cosine of the angle between this plane and the plane of the polarization.
Galileo's views, although erroneous, since he held comets to be mere atmospheric emanations reflecting sunlight after the evanescent fashion of a halo or a rainbow, were expressed with such triumphant vigour, and embellished with such telling sarcasms, that his opponent did not venture upon a reply.
In the greater part of the Ebro basin the heat of summer is even more intense, The treeless mostly steppe-like valley with a brightcoloured soil acts like a concave mirror in reflecting the suns rays and, moreover, the mountains and highlands by which the valley is enclosed prevent to a large extent the access of winds.
On the 13th of February 1902 he was presented with an address in a gold casket by the city corporation, and entertained at luncheon at the Mansion House, an honour not unconnected with the strong feeling recently aroused by his firm reply (at Birmingham, January II) to some remarks made by Count von Billow, the German chancellor, in the Reichstag (January 8), reflecting the offensive allegations current in Germany against the conduct of the army in South Africa.
Here, too, we find various systems devised, in part representing the views of different schools, in part reflecting advancing conceptions regarding the functions of the organs in man and animals.
Seeliger, published in 1906, who showed that the observed excess of motion of the perihelion of Mercury may be accounted for by the action of that portion of the matter reflecting the zodiacal light which lies nearest to the sun.
It seems not unlikely that the final conclusion will be that instead of the reflecting matter being composed of solid particles it is an exceedingly tenuous gaseous envelope surrounding the sun and revolving on an axis the mean position of which is between that of the sun's equator and that of the invariable plane of the solar system.
In most cases refracting and reflecting systems are arranged so that the natural interpupillary distance is reduced.
If the objects have a low reflecting power, or if a slightly higher magnification is needed, the lighting can be improved by optical system.
It is a double mirror system, whose reflecting surfaces are a sphere a and a cardioid b.
The first sign of the ground Dean spotted was a rain puddle reflecting the glow from the lights of the plane as the wheels touched the runway—one, two, three times before the tired aircraft glided to the taxiway.
Current Status Biological status lowland beech and yew woodland spans a variety of distinctive vegetation types reflecting differences in soil and topographical conditions.
Their classification can also be structured in a hierarchy (biotopes, biotope complexes, broad habitats ), reflecting degrees of similarity.
Before doing so, it is worth reflecting on why I would not build the traditional bivouac.
Dogs and cats on the other hand have well developed canines reflecting their natural food in the wild - live prey.
We arrived outside an enormous underwater cavern, the silver ripples reflecting on the stone walls.
This expressed itself in a new classicism reflecting the revival of what was believed to have been the ancient Empire of Great Britain.
In many cases this has led to the adoption of measures reflecting the lowest common denominator among Member States.
Related sites Reflecting Britain campaign An challenge issued to the Lib Dem leadership contenders from the party's own equality taskforce.
The review shows how these fundamental ideas have remained in modern work, reflecting a science that has a truly cumulative element.
The citadel atop the hill at the center of the city was clearly visible, light reflecting off of it's gilded dome.
When there are parallel reflecting surfaces in a room they can cause flutter echoes which are disturbing.
This structure was more internationalist, reflecting greater ecumenism and church independence, and the end of Western dominance in the mission field.
On the plus side, the soundtrack itself is suitably eerie, reflecting the rather bizarre world the children are thrust into.
Their formation might be interpreted as reflecting the exasperation felt by government and employers with the pace of FE reform.
The rooms have been individually furnished, each reflecting the grandeur of a bygone era.
The latter category consists principally of ginans, devotional hymns reflecting the indigenous literary tradition of the Nizari Ismaili Khojas of South Asia.
Each of the branches has its own individuality, reflecting the skills of the staff.
He will treat the scurrilous lampoon with noble scorn, reflecting that such things as these are the penalty of greatness.
There is a valuable period of work-based learning during year two, either locally or overseas, reflecting the vocational nature of the degree.
Seven new works reflecting life in her reign were set alongside 16th century madrigals written to celebrate the reign of the first Queen Elizabeth.
In most cases the schools are simply reflecting the ethnic makeup of highly segregated neighborhoods, according to Prof Burgess.
The impressive State Mosque, clad in Italian marble, has a minaret rising from the center of a reflecting pool within its walls.
Unlike LCD website design midlands displays which work by reflecting light, OLED displays emit their own light.
A GRANT given to Stepney Green School by the New Deal for Communities Committee is going toward a ceramic mural reflecting community life.
The SOHO imaging shows sunlight reflecting off gas and dust from the comet's nucleus and hydrogen solar wind from the sun.
Ariès surveyed the gamut of childhood, finding it to be a largely happy age, perhaps reflecting postwar triumphal optimism.
Reflecting its more upmarket appeal, there are consequently very few fast food outlets.
Her performance is more sure-footed and after a fall leaves the frail pensioner on the floor and reflecting on her life and cleaning routine.
Gordon Alan Saxe, MD, PhD Keep self reflecting and stay playful!
From a very early stage in the design process a range of hues was agreed, all reflecting the cold stark almost polar environment.
The patio and conservatory style porch make for enjoyable summer evenings barbecuing or just reflecting on the days activiities.
Shares rise over the long term reflecting the growing prosperity of industry.
I expect this game to be tight reflecting the close proximity of the respective world rankings.
For instance, by practicing reflecting on how this document gets written here, do I become more reflective in my life overall?
This allows automatic changes to the fund portfolio, reflecting a less volatile mix of investments as the client nears retirement.
Moreover, socio-economic and class issues tend to get short shrift, reflecting a scarcity of research in this field.
Barriers were broken down and people were equal, reflecting the philosophy behind the key-note speech on the Social Model Of Deafness.
Because almost all reflecting telescopes produce diffraction spikes, many people are used to seeing them and don't consider them an aberration.
It should be clear yet succinct whilst reflecting the purpose of your chosen area of research.
In 1672 Newton made contact with the Royal Society, presenting his design for a reflecting telescope.
Paul Rooney created a triptych of videos with a soundtrack reflecting the previous owner's memories of her flat.
Some of the difference results from involuntary unemployment or involuntary early retirement, reflecting labor market distortions.
A person who is lit from within, reflecting the natural worlds ' own luminous, infinite wisdom.
Gross margins were up, reflecting reasonable dial-up modem margins and reduced inventory write-downs.
He might soothe himself by reflecting that the basis for the Crusade, which he had hoped to find in Alexius III., was still more securely offered by Baldwin; he could not but feel with pride that he had become "as it were pope and apostolicus of a second world."
Hardyng's testimony is, moreover, suspicious as reflecting the prejudices of the Percys after they had turned against Henry IV., for Hardyng himself expressly says that the earl of Northumberland was the source of his information (see note, p. 353 of his Chronicle).
Hume admits the difficulty that arises, especially in the case of the " artificial " virtues, such as justice, &c., from the undeniable fact that we praise them and blame their opposites without consciously reflecting on useful or pernicious consequences; but considers that this maybe explained as an effect of " education and acquired habits."
By reflecting reality we can create scenes that are immersive beyond their media.
My guess is that is exactly what we have here, a display laser, or powerful spotlight, reflecting off low level clouds.
Sculpting in stone is, by the very nature of the time involved, about reflecting the inner life.
The size, complexity and nature of the work being undertaken reflecting the seniority of the competent person.
Paul Rooney created a triptych of videos with a soundtrack reflecting the previous owner 's memories of her flat.
Chinese characters have numerous connotations as well, with some taking inspiration from nature, while others reflecting historical events.
Netegrity grew from $2.18 per share to $78.20 per share, reflecting a 3,487 percent increase in growth.
In fact, you might get more cooperation from your teen if you let them set their own design direction, reflecting the environment in which they want to live.
Bedroom - For those homes that enjoy a fireplace in the bedroom, the mantel décor can be very personalized reflecting the special interests of the room's occupants.
Crystal and glass table lamps will also add sophistication to a room while beautifully reflecting the light.
Imperfections aren't as obvious, due to their matte appearance and poor light reflecting qualities.
Satin and eggshell finishes are commonly used, due to their light reflecting properties and slight sheen.
Position the television area on a wall where light reflecting from the windows won't interfere with the viewing by creating harsh glares.
If your room is dark during the day, you may find that torchiere lamps placed in corners and other areas of your room will create the illusion of more daylight by reflecting light onto the ceiling.
Purchase battery operated strands to give the illusion of natural shards of lights reflecting in the winter snow.
If you don't want anything too heavy but still want the coverage, Chanel's Double Perfection Compact Matte Reflecting Powder Makeup SPF 10.
Reflecting many years of safety practices within the cosmetics industry, the code also provides consumers and others information on new practices designed to protect consumers.
Be careful with light reflecting makeup that can make you look puffy-eyed in photos.
A light reflecting highlighter will add a glow and sheen to the skin that will offset the contrast of dark shadows.
The sparkles will create a light reflecting surface that will look magical and unique.
Since most pets are also treasured members of the family, an album reflecting your time with them is the perfect way to celebrate this relationship.
Reflecting some part of a family tradition or piece of family history, as in a cake that resembles a family heirloom, can be a wonderful memory.
Not only can you find many types of candy specifically reflecting a beach theme, there are also dozens of creative ways to turn any type of candy into the perfect favor for a beach ceremony.
Lime green with its tones of yellow and green combined with light does nothing when reflecting off the blue or red under-the-skin tones of most people.
However, the majority of his hometown fans still feel Sligh is keeping true to his faith, since his song choices aren't reflecting a lot of negativity.
Celebrity homes are usually large and opulent, reflecting the wealth and extravagance of the stars.
Gloria is always reflecting back to her time in Colombia and trying to bring its customs here to her life in California.
If you're daughter wants to dress in the current fad or style, it isn't necessarily reflecting a flaw in their moral character as much as their desire to fit in.
Many private schools have codes of conduct, school regulations, and academic requirements reflecting their religious beliefs.
You will spend quality time with the love of your life reflecting on what brought you together and learning how to make the rest of your years as a couple as rewarding as possible.
That's the result of the flash reflecting back from his retinas.
Do It Best stores are all slightly unique, reflecting the personality and taste of the owner/operator as well as the region or country in which they are located.
Glass is water proof, colorful and light reflecting, helping to brighten a small space like a shower.
Create a mural on your backsplash reflecting the area you live in, or a favorite vacation spot.
No matter where you purchase your vintage saint bracelet, or what style you choose, you'll be reflecting your faith as well as wearing a lovely accessory.
You may think of Christian jewelry whenever you consider Italian religious jewelry, and this region does produce many pieces reflecting the Catholic influence of the Vatican.
The Slaters website is a well-designed and efficient online shopping experience, reflecting the principle of giving the customer just as much information as they need to make a good decision without being too pushy.
There are many organic hotels and guest houses, reflecting the increase in interest in the organic lifestyle.
When you reach retirement age, you can spend some time reflecting on what activities will fill the coming years.
Perls believed that dreams were reflecting the rejected, disowned parts of the dreamer.
If you still have trouble, replace your naps with other leisurely activities, such as reading or reflecting.
What ski goggles do is protect your eyes from the sun's UV rays; they can be extremely harsh when reflecting off of the snow on a bright or overcast day.
Some of the experts claim that these lenses can reduce the intense glare that is caused by the sunlight reflecting off of snow, while other experts argue just the opposite.
The coating can shrink light halos, keep your eyes from tiring too rapidly and allow people to see through your lenses--and right into your eyes--with no light reflecting back at them.
When your eyes are unprotected, sun reflecting off of sand, water, or snow can cause an acute inflammation of the eye called keratoconjunctivitis.
After reflecting off of a flat surface, the light rays have a focused, horizontal orientation, which normally causes glare.
In 2005, ESPN Video Games changed its name to 2K Sports, reflecting a move into video game development in the new millennium.
You can see the illusion of the sun reflecting upon its surface.Sound and voice effects are very good and appropriate for this game.
Social commentary isn't much of a factor in gaming, reflecting the priorities of the companies that make them.
Wines from Stags' Leap have a signature of concentrated fruit, rich expression, opulence, and complex structure; all reflecting the estate's inherent terroir and its winemaker.
Stags' Leap Winery wines have a reputation as big-but-soft in character, reflecting and reflect the estate's, distinctive soil and climate.
Together with winemaker Daniel Baron, they follow the one winery, one wine principle and produce a single Merlot reflecting the Pomerol and St. Emilion way.
A "game plan" includes how to press (de-stem or whole-cluster), fermentation instructions and which barrels to use (different oak and toast)--all based on data from previous vintages and reflecting the current growing season.
The Ribolis market their wine under several different brand names ,with each brand reflecting a different style or quality of their handcrafted wine.
The active ingredients work by absorbing, reflecting, or scattering some or all of the sun's rays.
Households headed by a single father increased substantially after the early 1980s, reflecting society's changing attitudes about the role of fathers in child rearing.
In the 1940s, attachment to a special object was regarded as a childhood problem reflecting an unhealthy relationship between the mother and the child.
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) should be created for each child, reflecting his or her specific requirements.
Studies indicate that one in six Americans is infected with HSV-2, reflecting a ninefold increase between 1975 and 2005.
Proficiency with jigsaw puzzles have been frequently reported, reflecting strong visual-perceptual skills.
Sometimes the shoes are shaped differently, reflecting a male/female aesthetic, in order to show the roles of lead and follow.
The memorial also includes Gates of Tim, Survivor Chapel, Survivor Tree, Rescuers' Orchard, 318 foot Reflecting Pool, and Children's Area.
Many individuals save sympathy cards and letters for years, reflecting on the moments they received them and the feelings they had at that time.
The National Archives is full of interesting treasures and valuable records reflecting the American past.
Still other styles can change from day to day to reflect the emotions of the wearer, and that's what an emo hair style is all about - reflecting your personal style.
The table includes a row for each payment with columns in the schedule reflecting how the payment is allocated across the principal, interest and escrow components.
The five-acre garden features reflecting ponds, intricate bridges and plantings, and an authentic tea house.
Not only will it give you a burst of shine, but your highlights will look so great reflecting the rays of the sun!
Throughout the years, Milton Bradley has released several updated editions of the board game making the necessary changes to keep the game realistic and current to the times reflecting real life trends, issues and situations.
A mirrored base adds instant elegance and romance to any candle centerpiece by reflecting the ornamental details and the soft candlelight.
Some candle holders can be very expensive, reflecting the quality of the workmanship and the materials used.
Your Christmas tree can make a personal statement, reflecting your interests, your tastes, and your favorite colors.
Beaded Christmas ornaments will twinkle and glow by catching and reflecting the light from your Christmas tree, candles, and fireplace.
This is because the sparkle and fire comes from the light reflecting off the different facets on the stone.
The sparkle created from light reflecting through the deep brown diamonds creates a stunning piece of jewelry.
Design - antique diamond engagement platinum rings are available in a variety of styles, typically reflecting the fashions and tastes at the time of manufacture.
It gets the name moonstone because it looks like there is a crescent of the moon in it when it has the light reflecting on it in a certain way.
The princess cut is still an excellent choice for reflecting light and showing off the clarity of the stone.
The cut was designed to accentuate the natural beauty of the stone, instead of reflecting light off of it.
The Marc by Marc Jacobs handbag line can sometimes strongly mimic that of its mother line, Marc Jacobs, by reflecting boxy styles with several external square pockets.
These bags are perfect solutions for toting necessary items while reflecting a love of animals.
Linda Goodman, after reflecting on several of the death threats that had been made against herself and her children that very same year, believed that her daughter had met with foul play.
In fact, it is quite well known that people born under this sign can discern evil plans and interpersonal problems of others by reflecting them in a mirror of obsidian glass.
For example, one quiz frequently offers the selection "you get mad (angry, frustrated)", reflecting the aggravation and conflict that may occur when taking a very strict stance.
Those that were rescued by intrepid fans now have the distinction of fetching some of the highest prices on the market, reflecting the earlier eras' flirtation with pop culture and fine art.
An instance of a ghost may very well be a teammate being captured in a shiny surface, and reflecting back to the camera.
There are countless experiencers and even doctors and scientists who are now convinced that NDE's represent a phenomenon reflecting a spiritual realm beyond the doorway of death.
The U.S. has one of the highest relative poverty rates among industrialized countries, reflecting a high level of economic inequality.
Taking some time to select a good artist and insuring that your tattoo is reflecting the image you are intending will make your tattoo a source of pride.
It is located a short distance from the Wall, north of the Reflecting Pool.
Covered in White case studded with Diamonds, Silver Diamond Dial and white bezel, the watch is attached to a pair of Buckle bracelet made up of white gold and diamonds reflecting utter glamour and glitz.
Make a spreadsheet or log reflecting the dates the cred dispute letters are mailed and the deadline dates so you can follow-up.
Reflecting a change in its marketing policy, Microsoft will no longer provide downloads from Mactopia of Internet Explorer for the Mac starting January 31, 2006.
The use tax makes that tax-free purchases made outside of a consumer's taxable jurisdiction subject to a separate fee reflecting the amount that would have otherwise been taxed.
We will distinguish Jane's from the competitors by new, upscale signage, a new website reflecting our upscale brand, and direct response marketing to consumers in the area.
Top News in India predicted a stunning 68 percent increase in India's auto industry, reflecting the very strong growth of India's auto production.
The actual number assigned to the food is not the actual time, but rather an indicator number reflecting that time, with a tablespoon of sugar used as a standard GI of 100 (rapid absorption time).
Once the customer has received a number of quotes, he or she can review them in detail to ensure that they are reflecting the same level of coverage.
Reflecting the rawer, more garage inspired feel of the band's earlier sound, The Bucket featured tight harmonies, a driving beat, and plenty of fuzzy guitars.
No matter how you celebrate this special day, spend some time reflecting on the year that has just ended and consider what you want to accomplish in the year to come.
The science throughout, of course, was utter nonsense, but the show only became almost a self-parody in seasons two and three, when they began filming in color and reflecting the sixties rather than a putative future.
They're typically priced very reasonably, often reflecting only the value of the fragrance itself.
Ultimately, overall freedom stems from the basic right of every human to voice words of protest, to pen editorials against leadership, and to publish Internet websites or posts reflecting personal views.
The setting sun reflecting off the water lights up the area with golden light.
Damian waved her in without looking at her, his eyes reflecting the fire.
There must be something capable of reflecting light in the wider sense of that term.
The solution of the question hinges upon the interpretation of the canons, that is, upon whether they are to be taken as reflecting a recent, or as pointing to an imminent, persecution.
It but remains to call attention to the fact that the earlier view of the liver as the seat of the soul gave way among many ancient nations to the theory which, reflecting the growth of anatomical knowledge, assigned that function to the heart, while, with the further change which led to placing the seat of soul-life in the brain, an attempt was made to partition the various functions of manifestations of personality among the three organs, brain, heart and liver, the intellectual activity being assigned to the first-named; the higher emotions, as love and courage, to the second; while the liver, once the master of the entire domain of soul-life as understood in antiquity, was degraded to serve as the seat of the lower emotions, such as jealousy, anger and the like.
A totally reflecting prism placed inside the glass cylinder projects the light which penetrates the film upon a selenium cell situated at the end of the cylinder.
A third reflecting plate is sometimes employed, the cross-section of the three forming an equilateral triangle.
When the pledge, given by the Treaty of Amiens, to restore the Order of St John with a national Maltese "langue," could not be fulfilled, political leaders began demanding instead the re-establishment of the " Consiglio Popolare " of Norman times (without reflecting that it never had legislative power); but by degrees popular aspirations developed in favour of a free constitution on English lines.
These small waves raised by the evening wind are as remote from storm as the smooth reflecting surface.
When he had finished that business it was already too late to go anywhere but still too early to go to bed, and for a long time he paced up and down the room, reflecting on his life, a thing he rarely did.
The surface of the pond was as smooth as glass, reflecting a small fluffy cloud as it floated across the inky sky.
They were mostly quiet on the ride home, both reflecting on how easy it was to be together, and Jackson enjoyed watching her drive.
Jackson ran his fingers through her hair, reflecting on the day and the new challenge they faced with her pack.
Those eyes were warm, reflecting a mood somewhere between sober and light humor.
The first sign of the ground Dean spotted was a rain puddle reflecting the glow from the lights of the plane as the wheels touched the runway—one, two, three times before the tired aircraft glided to the taxiway.
Alex turned to her, his eyes reflecting humor, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
The great reflecting telescope at Dorpat was manufactured by him, and so great was the skill he attained in the making of lenses for achromatic telescopes that, in a letter to Sir David Brewster, he expressed his willingness to furnish an achromatic glass of 18 in.
They were followed by treatises of a different character, clearer in matter, more systematic in arrangement, and reflecting the methods of the scholastic logic; these are farther from the Greek tradition, for although they contain sufficient traces of their ultimate Greek ancestry, their authors do not know the Greeks as masters and cite no Greek names.
She forced herself to continue to the apartment's entrance and flung open the door, revealing a hall with auxiliary lighting reflecting off a white marble floor.
Such an idea is justly stigmatized by Mommsen as ridiculous, and reflecting a discredit as unfounded as it is unjust on the imperial police of the capital.
In such transparent and seemingly bottomless water, reflecting the clouds, I seemed to be floating through the air as in a balloon, and their swimming impressed me as a kind of flight or hovering, as if they were a compact flock of birds passing just beneath my level on the right or left, their fins, like sails, set all around them.
Ashley's bead was lighter red in color, its surface glazed to give it a subtle reflecting quality.
He described the reflecting goniometer in 1809 and the camera lucida in 1812, provided microscopists with the "Wollaston doublet," and applied concavo-convex lenses to the purposes of the oculist.
She snatched her bag and hurried home, not reflecting on her behavior until she tossed her coat on the bed.
The dying flicker danced and radiated in his shaking hand, reflecting on something white.