Reflected Sentence Examples
Moonlight reflected off the red gem.
All intelligence seems reflected in them.
His eyes reflected interest, so she continued.
An abandoned factory was before them, the gates on it locked while the surrounding buildings reflected the same rundown condition.
She was in her mid-teens with a silver A charm on her necklace that reflected the yellow street light.
He reflected for a moment.
The mirrors on the landing reflected ladies in white, pale-blue, and pink dresses, with diamonds and pearls on their bare necks and arms.
Gerald's eyes reflected humor and his breath came out in a sudden rush that barely resembled a laugh.
The sun reflected across several large dents in the hood and roof.
The soft warm beige had a yellow highlight that reflected the evening sun.
AdvertisementHis eyes reflected humor that didn't reach his mouth.
And gradually from week to week the character of each tree came out, and it admired itself reflected in the smooth mirror of the lake.
Still, the rich hardwood floor reflected the weak morning sun in a cheerful manner that spawned reluctance to continue the tour.
And the individuals, who acquired power or wisdom among those outside Palestine shed a reflected glory upon the nation and its Temple.
Brewer, in his elaborate prefaces to the Letters and Papers (reissued as his History of the Reign of Henry VIII.), originated modern admiration for Wolsey; and his views are reflected in Creighton's Wolsey in the "Twelve English Statesmen" series, and in Dr Gairdner's careful articles in the Dict.
AdvertisementFoot very large; mantle reflected over shell.
The Annales were first published in 1554, but many important passages were omitted in this edition, as they reflected on the Roman Catholics.
During the first six years of federation there were five ministries; the tenure of office under the threeyearly system was naturally uncertain, and this uncertainty was reflected in the proposals of whatever ministry was in office.
There was nothing in the Reformation to appeal to him, except the repudiation of papal control; and he was one of those numerous Englishmen whose views were faithfully reflected in the Six Articles.
Parliament, which he had kept at arm's length, was hostile; he was hated by the nobility, and his general unpopularity is reflected in Skelton's satires and in Hall's Chronicle.
AdvertisementLater investigations by Fraunhofer, Airy and others have greatly widened the field, and under the head of " diffraction " are now usually treated all the effects dependent upon the limitation of a beam of light, as well as those which arise from irregularities of any kind at surfaces through which it is transmitted, or at which it is reflected.
The above observations relate to transmitted light, but Fraunhofer extended his inquiry to the light reflected.
The solidarity of race or family was expressed in the old tradition reflected in Deut.
A rotation of this amount should therefore be easily visible, but the limits of resolving power are being approached; and the conclusion is independent of the focal length of the mirror, and of the employment of a telescope, provided of course that the reflected image is seen in focus, and that the full width of the mirror is utilized.
If 8 and 4' denote the angles with the normal made by the incident and diffracted rays, the formula (5) still holds, and, if the deviation be reckoned from the direction of the regularly reflected rays, it is expressed as before by (0+0), and is a minimum when 8 = 0, that is, when the diffracted rays return upon the course of the incident rays.
AdvertisementOf the total amount of light falling on such a sphere, part is reflected or scattered at the incident surface, so rendering the drop visible, while a part will enter the drop. Confining our attention to a ray entering in a principal plane, we will determine its deviation, i.e.
Similarly it may be shown that each internal reflection introduces a supplementary deviation of 7r - 2r; hence, if the ray be reflected n times, the total deviation will be D =2(i - r) +n (7r - 2r) .
Neither baptism (by pouring on the head) nor the Lord's Supper (with the accompaniment of feet-washing) conferred grace; they were divine ordinances which reflected the believer's inward state.
The contradiction can only be suppressed if the ego itself opposes to itself the non-ego, places it as an Anstoss or plane on which its own activity breaks and from which it is reflected.
The ministry of enthusiasm which they represent is about to give way to the ministry of office, a transition which is reflected in the New Testament in the 3rd Epistle of John.
As regards the New Testament his position is closely in agreement with that reflected in the contemporary Acts of the Martyrs of Scili.
If the train of waves is reflected, the value of p at AB will be the sum of the values for the two trains, and will, on the average, be doubled.
The ethical objection to suicide is reflected in law.
It is very difficult for events to be reflected in their real strength and completeness amid the conditions of court life and far from the scene of action.
Pierre's confusion was not reflected by any confusion on Natasha's part, but only by the pleasure that just perceptibly lit up her whole face.
But only what was really good in him was reflected in his wife, all that was not quite good was rejected.
This may consist simply in attaching one end of the wire to an index lever and the other to a fixed support, or the elongation of the wire may cause a rotation in a mirror from which a ray of light is reflected, and the movement of this ray over a scale will then provide the necessary means of indication.
The camp-meetings went steadily on, and their influence is reflected in the writings of George Eliot, George Borrow and William Howitt.
The modern theological position of Oberlin college is reflected in the writings of President King and of Dean Edward I.
The unsettled political condition of Spain during the next forty years was reflected in the disturbed political conditions of Porto Rico and Cuba.
The clarification and spirit of research so clearly emphasized by Robert Boyle in the middle of the 17th century is reflected in the classification of substances expounded by Nicolas Lemery, in 1675, in his Cours de chymie.
Similarly, greater atomic complexity is reflected in a further decrease in the ratio C y /Cy.
These features established the work in a position which it will always maintain by its unprecedented dramatic qualities and by the glory reflected from Wagner's later achievements; but we shall not appreciate the marvel of its nobler features if we continue at this time of day to regard the bulk of the music as worthy of a great composer.
His attitude about this time to life and experience is reflected in Pulvis et umbra, one of the noblest of all his essays.
Of the total quantity of energy incident on the earth about 40% is reflected back from the earth's atmosphere.
The last stage, that in which the folds of the second segment are already reflected over the first, he calls the Typembryo.
If the cardboard scale upon which the beam of light is reflected by the magnetometer mirror is a flat one, the deflections as indicated by the movement of the spot of light are related to the actual deflections of the needle in the ratio of tan 20 to 0.
If the distance of the mirror from the scale is equal to n scale divisions, and if a deflection 0 of the needle causes, the reflected spot of light to move over s scale divisions, we shall have s/n = tan 20 exactly, s/2n = tan 0 approximately.
The cardboard scale SS is placed above a wooden screen, having in it a narrow vertical slit which permits a beam of light from the lamp L to reach the mirror of the magnetometer M, whence it is reflected upon the scale.
A part of one surface of the plate may be silvered, so that the polarized ray, after having once traversed the glass, is reflected back again; the rotation is thus doubled, and moreover, the arrangement is, for certain experiments, more convenient than the other.
This view is reflected, for example, in the canon of Melito of Sardis, and in the prefaces and letters of Jerome.
But their impatience of control, reflected in the form of government adopted, led to disastrous consequences.
These somewhat frequent changes of ministry, characteristic of a country new to responsible government, reflected, chiefly, differences concerning the treatment of commercial questions and the policy to be adopted towards the natives.
It was the general opinion abroad that the Magyars would either relapse into heathendom, or become the vassals of the Holy Roman Empire, and this opinion was reflected in the increasingly hostile attitude of the popes towards the Arpad kings.
Ivan Gundulic and the brilliant group of poets that gathered round him at Ragusa in the early 17th century, reflected in their writings the little Slav Republic's intimate connexion with its kinsmen of Serbia and Bosnia.
If the ray suffers one internal reflection at D, then it is readily seen that, if DB be the path of the reflected ray, the angle ADB equals 2r, i.e.
There is also an intermediate stage in which the glass has a rusty red colour by reflected light, and a purpleblue colour by transmitted light.
The first front toe was rudimentary, having no phalanges, but the fifth was rather less aborted, although clawless; the other three carried enormous claws, protected by reflected sheaths.
It reflected without exaggeration or literary veneer the faith of the German burgher, his blunt good sense and honesty of purpose.
The rich pastoral scenery of this part of Lincolnshire influenced the imagination of the boy, and is plainly reflected in all his early poetry, although it has now been stated with authority that the localities of his subject-poems, which had been ingeniously identified with real brooks and granges, were wholly imaginary.
The reflected sound waves are used to create an image on a screen, showing exactly what 's going on inside the body.
Against the often iterated accusation of immorality, it should be remembered that the Letters reflected the morality of the age, and that their author only systematized and reduced to writing the principles of conduct by which, deliberately or unconsciously, the best and the worst of his contemporaries were governed.
The term "rulers" appears to be derived from Manichean speculation, or from the same cycle of myth which is reflected in Cor.
Such a fusion is probably reflected in the Key of Truth.
The image was first thrown upon an inclined mirror and then reflected upwards to a paper screen on the top of the box.
The northern Doris, for example, spoke Aeolic, while Elis, Phocis, and many non-Dorian districts of north-west Greece spoke dialects akin to Doric. Many Dorian states had additional " nonDorian tribes "; Sparta, which claimed to be of pure and typical Dorian origin, maintained institutions and a mode of life which were without parallel in Peloponnese, in the Parnassian and in the Asiatic Doris, and were partially reflected in Crete only.
In the 16th century a spirit of universal questioning was rife, and it is this utter unsettlement of opinion which is reflected in the discussions of doubts on matters only remotely connected with " the faith once for all delivered unto the saints " (Jude 3).
When a wave of sound meets a surface separating two media it is in part reflected, travelling back from the surface into the first medium again with the velocity with which it approached.
In large halls the words of a speaker are echoed or reflected from flat walls or roof or floor; and these reflected sounds follow the direct sounds at such an interval that syllables and words overlap, to the confusion of the speech and the annoyance of the audience.
Then the reflected ray QR and the ray reflected at R, and so on, will all touch the circle drawn with ON as radius.
The two forks are fixed so that one vibrates in a vertical, and the other in a horizontal, plane, and they are so placed that a converging beam of light received on one mirror is reflected to the other and then brought to a point on a screen.
When the plate vibrated the mirror was vibrated about the fixed edge, and the image of a reflected slit was broadened out into a band, the broadening giving the amplitude of vibration of the plate.
When the hand is moved to and fro transversely waves are sent along the rope and reflected at the fixed end.
The direct and reflected systems are practically equal, and by suitably timing the vibrations of the hand for each case the rope may be made to vibrate as a whole, as two halves, as three-thirds and so on.
The open end is therefore a loop. It is to be noted that the exciter of the vibrations is in general at the open end, and that the two trains forming the stationary system consist of the direct waves from the exciter travelling into the tube, and the waves reflected back from the closed end.
The stationary wave method regards the vibration in the pipe as due to a series of waves travelling to the end and being there reflected back down the pipe.
But the reflection is not complete, for some of the energy comes out as waves; hence the direct and reflected trains are quite equal, and cannot neutralize each other at the loop.
If one prong of each fork be furnished with a small plain mirror, and a beam of light from a luminous point be reflected successively by the two mirrors, so as to form an image on a distinct screen, when one fork alone is put in vibration, the image will move on the screen and be seen as a line of a certain length.
The physical division between the Asiatic and Australian regions is clearly reflected in the botany and zoology.
These differences in the German Protestant churches of the second half of the 16th century are reflected in the great American Lutheran church.
Its object, as modestly stated in the preface, was "to indicate some of the earliest ideas of mankind, as they are reflected in ancient law, and to point out the relation of those ideas to modern thought."
The above explanation of the special degradation of the Nethinim, though they were connected with the Temple service, seems to be the only way of explaining the Talmudic reference to their tabooed position, and is an interesting example of the light that can be reflected on Biblical research by the Talmud.
A greater originality in the method of teaching the ancient languages was exemplified by Fenelon, whose views were partially reflected by the Abbe Fleury, who also desired the simplification of grammar, the diminution of composition, and even the suppression of Latin verse.
The Wisdomliterature of the Hebrews concerned itself with what we should call the philosophy of human nature, and sometimes also of physical nature as well; its writers observed human character, studied action in its consequences, laid down maxims for education and conduct, and reflected on the moral problems which human society presents.
His gloomy experiences of student life are reflected in a series of sketches named after two districts of Upsala, Fran Fjerdingen och Svartbacken (1877), which aroused great indignation at the time.
Where the seas were less clear, as in Ohio, the conditions are reflected in the character of the fossils.
At its posterior margin the peritoneum of the great sac is reflected on to the diaphragm to form the anterior layer of the coronary ligament.
From its lower margin the right lateral ligament is reflected on to the diaphragm.
Readers of Scott's Pirate will remember the frank contempt which Magnus Troil expressed for the Scots, and his opinions probably accurately reflected the general Norse feeling on the subject.
As the axis of the ctenidium lies by the side of the body, and is very frequently connate with the body, as so often happens in Gastropods also, we find it convenient to speak of the two plate-like structures formed on each ctenidial axis as the outer and the inner gill-plate; each of these is composed of two lamellae, an outer (the reflected) and an adaxial in the case of the outer gill plate, and an adaxial and an inner (the reflected) in the case of the inner gill-plate.
On the left side these lamellae are represented as having only a small reflected growth, on the right side the reflected ramus or lamella is complete (fr and er).
The concrescence, then, of the free edge of the reflected lamellae of the gill-plates of Anodon is very extensive.
Reflected lamella of inner gill-plate.
This opens into the reflected portion which overlies it as shown in the diagram fig.
The test is really a ciliated velum developed in the normal position at the apical pole but reflected backwards in such a way as to cover the original ectoderm except at the posterior end.
Order Filibranchia Gill-filament ventrally directed and reflected, connected by ciliated junctions.
The reflected borders of the inner gill-plates of either side are fused together in the middle line.
Galeommidae.-Mantle reflected over shell; shell thin, gaping; adductors much reduced.
External gill-plate directed dorsally and without reflected lamella.
This bias is reflected in the maxim that "correction should precede interpretation," which is no more than a half-truth.
Many of the Siamese sapphires are of very dark colour, some being so deeply tinted as to appear almost black by reflected light.
From each side of the uterus the peritoneum is reflected outward, as a two-layered sheet, to the side wall of the pelvis; this is the broad ligament, and between its layers lie several structures of importance.
After forming the prepuce the skin is reflected over the .glans and here looks like mucbus membrane.
While possessing considerable gifts of mind and a latent fund of energy, he seldom acted or reflected until the favourable moment had passed.
As the corpse was found generally to disappear and decay in spite of preservative magic, especially in the early ages, various substitutes were resorted to; statues and statuettes were thought efficacious, but, apart from their costliness, even these were subject to decay or destruction by violence, and in the absence of anything more substantial the Egyptians doubtless reflected that magic words alone in the last resort made everything right.
In many cases in various classes the mantle is reflected over the edges of the shell, so as to cover more or less completely its outer surface.
On the whole the natural lie of the country has been reflected in the political divisions, which have of course varied in detail.
Horizontal rays of light entering at the top were reflected by a prism down the tube and focussed on to a sheet of paper in front of the helmsman inside the submarine.
The top is closed by a pressure-tight window, inside of which is a prism which reflects the light rays vertically down the tube to a prism at the bottom end, where they are reflected in a horizontal direction and focussed in an eyepiece attached to the bottom of the tube.
Reflected portion of the nephridial stem.
Before Ottway, who had to go in a row-boat, reached the "Elephant," Sir Hyde Parker had reflected that it would be more magnanimous in him to take the responsibility of ordering the retreat.
The eye end of the telescope tube is removed - a counterpoise to the object end being substituted in its place - and a prism is inserted at the intersection of the visual axis with the transit axis, so that the rays from the object-glass may be reflected through one of the tubes of the transit axis to an eye-piece in the pivot of this tube.
Modern philosophers seem inclined to think that personal identity arises from consciousness, and consciousness is nothing but a reflected thought or perception.
His first wife, Catherine, daughter of Magnus I., duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, bore him in 1 533 his eldest son Eric. This union was neither long nor happy, but the blame for its infelicity is generally attributed to the lady, whose abnormal character was reflected and accentuated in her unhappy son.
The great schism was reflected in the Mendicant orders which were divided into two obediences, to the destruction of discipline.
Malthus has in more modern times derived a certain degree of reflected lustre from the rise and wide acceptance of the Dar, winian hypothesis.
Thus the war continued, but the desire for peace was growing stronger, and this was reflected in the proceedings of the diet which met at Regensburg in 1640.
Moreover, Sweden, and other states which were now members of the Empire, warmly supported it; and the house of Habsburg, on which it reflected a certain splendour, would not willingly have let it die.
In this respect the diet fairly reflected the place of Germany in Europe- The constitution was the work of the powers, The which in all matters arising out of it constituted the question final court of appeal.
The record is obtained by the light from a small lamp reflected downwards by a mirror so as to pass through a slit in a small plate attached to the outer end of the boom.
By this rotation a beam of light reflected from the surface suffers displacement.
Leprosy is common, especially in the inland towns; while ophthalmia is prevalent in the north, especially among the poorer classes, who are compelled to expose themselves to the blinding dust from the deserts and the excessive glare of the sun reflected from the burning sand.
The growing prosperity of Egypt in the opening years of the 20th century was very marked, and is reflected in the annual reports on the country supplied to the British foreign Egypts office by Lord Cromer.
This twofold representation finds a parallel in the narratives of Samuel, whose history and the conditions reflected therein are analogous to the life and times of Elisha.
From this court the walls of the Torre de Comares are seen rising over the roof to the north, and reflected in the pond.
The difference of the general level on the two sides of the water-parting is reflected in the length of their streams. On the west the drainage empties itself into the Atlantic after flowing only a very few miles, on the east it has to run 30 or 40 m.
A difference in calibre, elasticity or branching of a blood vessel, the smallest variation in a nerve or group of vessel-cells, any anatomical or physiological divergence, is reflected throughout the organism.
In India, before Buddhism, conflicting and contradictory views prevailed as to the precise mode of action of Karma; and we find this confusion reflected in Buddhist theory.
In Saxo Grammaticus's account of Ragnar Lodbrog, this event seems to be reflected in the story of an expedition of Ragnar's to Bjarmaland or Perm in Russia.
The clear atmosphere is in its upper strata free from clouds and dust, so that the sun's rays undergo scarcely any absorption and strike down with full force on the light-brown desert soil, from which they are radiated and reflected to a great extent.
The relative humidity of the air along the shores of the Gulf is high, so that exposure to the direct and reflected rays of the sun and radiation from the hot soil are encountered in a moist atmosphere.
The earlier Hegelians had interpreted it in the sense that the world in its ultimate essence was not only spiritual but self-conscious intelligence whose nature was reflected inadequately but truly in the finite mind.
X is the mirror rotating about the point E, and placed so that (if EB is the horizontal direction in which the rays are to be reflected) (I) the normal CE to the mirror is jointed to BC at C and is equal in length to BE, (2) the rod DBC passes through a slot in a rod ED fixed to, and in the plane of, the mirror.
Hence light incident along the direction BC will be reflected along CE.
It is easy to show that rays falling on the mirror in the direction BC will be reflected along BD.
The mirror mm is attached to the framework pafe, the members of which are parallel to the incident and reflected rays SO, OR, and the diagonal pf is perpendicular to the mirror.
The literary results of these years cannot be compared with those of the preceding period; they are virtually limited to a few wonderful lyrics, such as Wanderers Nachtlied, An den Mond, Gesang der Geister fiber den Wassern, or ballads, such as Der Erlkonig, a charming little drama, Die Geschwister (1776), in which the poet's relations to both Lili and Frau von Stein seem to be reflected, a dramatic satire, Der Triumph der Empfindsamkeit (1778), and a number of Singspiele, Lila (1777), Die Fischerin, Scherz, List and Rache, and Jery and Beitely (1780).
This search for the classic ideal is reflected in the works he completed or wrote under the Italian sky.
In his early days he was famous as a pleader, and his knowledge of Roman law is reflected in parts of his writings.
Prodicus in his platitudes reflected the customary morality of the time.
Parallel rays falling on A A converge at F, where an image is formed; the rays are then reflected from B and converge at P, where a second and more enlarged image is formed.
They then meet a small plane mirror supported at the point of intersection of the polar and declination axes, whence they are reflected down through the hollow polar axis as shown in fig.
The reflected rays pass down the tube from the direction of the elevated pole instead of upward towards that pole.
If then the objective tube is directed to any star, the convergent beam from the object-glass is received by the plane mirror from which it is reflected upwards along the polar axis and viewed through the hollow upper pivot.
The largest refracting telescope yet made, viz., that constructed by Gautier for the Paris exhibition of 1900, was arranged on this plan (type F), the stars' rays being reflected along the horizontal axis re rac or of a telescope provided with visual and with photo graphic object-glasses of 49-in.
It is, however, certain that the Foucault siderostat is not capable, in practice, of maintaining the reflected image in a constant direction with perfect uniformity on account of the sliding action on the arm that regulates the motion of the mirror; such an action must, more or less, take place by jerks.
In the latter case it will be necessary to provide means to mount the coelostat on a carriage by which it can be moved east and west without changing the altitude or azimuth of its polar axis, and also to shift the second mirror so that it may receive all the light from the reflected beam.
As these emphasized their supremacy by grouping around them a court of loyal attendants dependent in rank and ready to do their master's bidding, so the gods of the chief centres and those of the minor local cults formed a group around Marduk; and the larger the group the greater was the reflected glory of the chief figure.
The warlike nature of the Assyrians was reflected in their conceptions of the gods, who thus became little Assurs by the side of the great protector of arms, the big Assur.
In man, as the noblest of created things, the Trinity is seen most perfectly reflected; intellectus (vous), ratio (X6yos) and sensus (& ivota) make up the threefold thread of his being.
Implied in every contrast of principle and fact, of rule and application, involved as we see after the event, most decisively when we react correctly upon a world incorrectly perceived, thought is yet not reflected on in the common experience.
Light passing through a vertical slit falls upon the mirrors, from which it is reflected, and two images of the slit are produced, one by the movable mirror attached to the magnet and the other by the fixed mirror.
The light reflected from the fixed mirror traces a straight line on the paper, serving as a base line from which the variations in declination are measured.
As the declination changes the spot of light reflected from the magnet mirror moves parallel to the axis of the recording drum, and hence the distance between the line traced by this spot and the base line gives, for any instant, on an arbitrary scale the difference between the declination and a constant angle, namely, the declination corresponding to the base line.
The width of the photographic sheet which receives the spot of light reflected from the mirrors in the above instruments is generally so great that in the case of ordinary changes the curve does-not go off the paper.
To overcome this difficulty Eschenhagen in his earlier type of instruments attached to each magnet two mirrors, their planes being inclined at a small angle so that when the spot reflected from one mirror goes off the paper, that corresponding to the other comes on.
The light from the slit is reflected on to this mirror by an inclined fixed mirror, and after reflection at the movable mirror is again reflected at the fixed mirror and so reaches the recording drum.
By this arrangement the angular rotation of the reflected beam is less than that of the magnet, and hence the spot of light reflected from this mirror yields a trace on a much smaller scale than that given by the ordinary mirror and serves to give a complete record of even the most energetic disturbance.
Compared with some other periods, the Cambrian was free from extensive volcanic disturbances, but in Wales and in Brittany the earlier portions of this period were marked by voluminous outpourings; a condition that was feebly reflected in central and southern Europe.
The splendid patronage of letters by the successors of Alexander, and especially the great institutions which had been founded at Alexandria and Pergamum, had made an impression on the imagination of learned men which was reflected in the current notions of the ancient despots.
What has made this cult attach itself more especially to the Saiva creed is doubtless the character of Siva as the type of reproductive power, in addition to his function as destroyer which, as we shall see, is likewise reflected in some of the forms of his Sakti.
It arose from an attempt to demonstrate to his class the nature of the glow of reflected light sometimes seen in the eyes of animals such as the cat.
Everything was vacillating and uncertain; and the general instability was reflected even in foreign affairs, now that the master-hand of Gustavus III.
All the above thinkers reflected the general development of European thought.
The whole soul of the poet is reflected in the Ode to Dejection.
But the fact that Irenaeus thought of him as Polycarp's contemporary and "a man of the old time" (apXaaos avilp), together with the affinity between the religious tendencies described in Papias's Preface (as quoted by Eusebius) and those reflected in the Epistles of Polycarp and Ignatius, all point to his having flourished in the first quarter of the 2nd century.
The decadence of the monarchy as a national institution was reflected in the decadence of the cortes, which was rarely summoned between 1521 and 1580.
He modelled himself on the Roman theatre as reflected by the plays of Ariosto, and he avowedly wrote the Estrangeiros to combat the school of Gil Vicente, while in it, as in Os Vilhalpandos, the action takes place in Italy.
Under ordinary circumstances the spherule rebounds, and may be thus reflected backwards and forwards several times between the adjacent masses.
Certain crystals from Cumberland are beautifully fluorescent, appearing purple with a bluish internal haziness by reflected light, and greenish by transmitted light.
He is on the whole for the nobles and against the commons; and, though the unfavourable colours in which he paints the leaders of the latter are possibly reflected from the authorities he followed, it is evident that he despised and disliked the multitude.
He solved the problem of finding the point in a convex mirror at which a ray coming from one given point shall be reflected to another given point.
The name of the life-index is given to a tree, animal or other object believed to be so closely united by sympathetic ties to a human being that the fate of the latter is reflected in the condition of the former.
The method of his art is so generalizing, while his feeling is so natural, that every man can see himself reflected in the singer and his mistress shadowed forth in Laura.
The velum is peculiar, being reflected backwards over the body and bearing, besides an apical tuft, three or four rings of cilia.
North of the gap in the low escarpment in which the town of Lincoln centres, a close fringe of villages borders the escarpment on the west; and throughout the belt the alternations of clay and hard rock are reflected in the grouping of population.
Secondary caustics are orthotomic curves having the reflected or refracted rays as normals, and consequently the proper caustic curve, being the envelope of the normals, is their evolute.
The hybridism of the Abyssinians is reflected in their political and social institutions, and especially in their religious beliefs and practices.
The sky appears as a shining lake; mountains or palms may be similarly reflected, but it is to be noted that the images are inverted (see fig.).
We may treat it as a superficial effect, especially in the case of bodies which are opaque enough or thick enough to prevent all transmission of light, and we may investigate how much is reflected at the surface and how much is absorbed; or, on the other hand, we may confine our attention to the light which enters the body and inquire into the relation between the decay of intensity and the depth of penetration.
But all such bodies appear to lose their distinctive properties when heated in a vessel which nearly encloses them, for in that case those radiations which they do not emit are either transmitted through them from the walls of the vessel behind, or else reflected from their surface.
The Phanariote period has been described as one of total decay; the political degradation of Rumania was thought to be reflected in its spiritual life.
The metropolitan primacy of St Louis and Kansas City is reflected in the general organization of the courts.
Not until later are the small divisions of the south united under the name Judah, and this result is reflected in the genealogies where the brothers Caleb and Jerahmeel are called "sons of Hezron" (the name typifies nomadic life) and become descendants of Judah.
The division of the colonists into those who favoured the Boer states and those firmly attached to the British connexion was reflected, to the detriment of the public weal, in the parties in the Cape parliament.
The slow recovery of the gold-mining and other industries in the Transvaal after the war was reflected in a great decline in trade in Cape Colony during the last half of 1903, the distress being aggravated by severe drought.
When fully extended, the upper part of the zooid projects for some distance out of the calicle, and its wall is reflected for some distance over the lip of the latter, forming a fold of soft tissue extending to a greater or less distance over the theca, and containing in most cases a cavity continuous over the lip of the calicle with the coelenteron.
I have refracted it with Prismes, and reflected it with Bodies, which in Day-light were of other colours; I have intercepted it with the coloured film of Air interceding two compressed plates of glass, transmitted it through coloured Mediums, and through Mediums irradiated with other sorts of Rays, and diversly terminated it; and yet could never produce any new colour out of it.
And therefore minium reflecteth Rays of any colour, but most copiously those indued with red; and consequently when illustrated with day-light, that is with all sorts of Rays promiscuously blended, those qualified with red shall abound most in the reflected light, and by their prevalence cause it to appear of that colour.
And for the same reason Bise, reflecting blew most copiously, shall appear blew by the excess of those Rays in its reflected light; and the like of other bodies.
His correspondence with Mole, above alluded to, is an instance of this, and it was also reflected on in various epigrams by countrymen and contemporaries; one of these accuses him of having "begun to think before he had begun to learn," while another declares that he avait fair de savoir de toute eternite ce qu'il venait d'apprendre.
The medieval-looking group of government buildings situated in the Binnenhof (or "inner court"), their backs reflected in the pretty sheet of water called the Vyver, represent both historically and topographically the centre of the Hague.
The moral faults of the church only reflected those of the nation.
But the country, being in enjoyment of considerable prosperity, paid only a languid attention to the scheme; its indifference was reflected in the House; the Conservatives were encouraged in their opposition by the lack of interest which the new bill excited, and the almost unconcealed dislike of the prime minister to its provisions.
We have in like manner, as derivatives of a given curve, the caustic, catacaustic or diacaustic as the case may be, and the secondary caustic, or curve cutting at right angles the reflected or refracted rays.
A simpler arrangement, also employed by Tyndall, is to cause the rays to be reflected outwards parallel to one another, and to concentrate them by means of a small flask, containing the iodine solution and used as a lens, placed some distance from the camera.
It forms iron-black plates or tablets which appear red by transmitted and a metallic green by reflected light.
When a room has bad acoustic quality we can almost always assign the fault to Large smooth surfaces on the walls, floor or ceiling, which reflect or echo the voice of the speaker so that the direct waves sent out by him at any instant are received by a hearer with the waves sent out previously and reflected at these smooth surfaces.
Wires are frequently stretched across a room overhead, probably with the idea that they will prevent the voice from reaching the roof and being reflected there, but there is no reason to suppose that they are efficient.
The problem of measuring from an axis perpendicular to this plane is solved on the principle that the incident and reflected rays of light make equal angles with the perpendicular to a reflecting surface.
If the point P is so adjusted over the quicksilver that the ray is reflected back Z 0 0 FIG.
He then adjusts the instrument so that the cross threads coincide with their images reflected from the surface of the quicksilver.
A photograph of the spectrum of Tebbutt's comet, taken by him on the 24th of June 1881, showed radiations of shorter wave-lengths but identical source, and in addition, a percentage of reflected solar light marked as such by the presence of some well-known Fraunhofer lines.
This is due to the light falling from the sun on the earth and being reflected back to the moon.
So far as could be determined, 86% of the heat radiated was by the moon itself, and 14% reflected solar heat.
A remarkable feature of the reflecting power of the moon, which was made known by Miner's observations, is that the proportion of light reflected by a region on the moon is much greater when the light falls perpendicularly, which is the case near the time of full moon, and rapidly becomes less as the light is more oblique.
Teresa reflected like the rest, and her experience led her to find the real cause of the catastrophe in the relaxation of discipline within the religious orders.
Thus every person becomes a specific and original representation of the universe and a compendium of humanity, a microcosmos in which the world is immediately reflected.
It would appear then that the central kingdom of Tara was an innovation subsequent to the state of society described in the oldest sagas and the political position reflected in Ptolemy's account.
When the spectroscope was first applied in astronomy, it was hoped that the light reflected from living matter might be found to possess some property different from that found in light reflected from non-living matter, and that we might thus detect the presence of life on the surface of a planet by a study of its spectrum; but no hope of this kind has so far been realized.
It is directly beheld (intuited) by reason, but in order to be of use it has to be reflected on, and this by means of language.
It has revealed conditions which are not reflected in Genesis, and important facts upon which the book is silent - unless, indeed, there is a passing allusion to the great Babylonian monarch Khammurabi in the Amraphel of Gen.
Nevertheless, some allusion to national fortunes is reflected in the exaltation of Jacob (Israel) over Esau (Edom), and in the promise that the latter should break the yoke from his neck.
But the art and literature expressed by the genius of the masters, reflected in the tastes of society, and to be taken by Europe as a model throughout a whole century, are no criterion of the social and political order of the day.
This schism was reflected in the parties of the Assembly; the absolutists of the extreme Right; the moderate monarchists of the Right and Centre; the constitutionalists of the Left Centre and Left; and, finally, on the extreme Left the democratic revolutionists, among whom Robespierre sat as yet all but unnoticed.
With him begins that encyclopaedic character - the simultaneous cultivation of the whole field of investigation which is reflected from Aristotle on the Arabian school.
By varying the position of R other points can be found, and, since the curve is symmetrical about both the major and minor axes, it is obvious that any point may be reflected in both the axes, thus giving 3 additional points.
In general, the views reflected in the book are those of the Pharisees.
Examining the light reflected from the windows of the Luxemburg palace with a doubly refracting prism, he was led to infer (though more refined experiments have shown that this is not strictly the case) that light reflected at a certain angle, called the polarizing angle, from the surface of transparent substances has the same properties with respect to the plane of incidence as those of the ordinary stream in Iceland spar with respect to the principal plane of the crystal.
Further, if polarized light fall at the polarizing angle on a reflecting surface, the intensity of the reflected stream depends upon the azimuth of the plane of incidence, being proportional to the square of the cosine of the angle between this plane and the plane of the polarization.
At angles other than the polarizing angle common light gives a reflected stream .that behaves as a mixture of common light with light polarized in the plane of incidence, and is accordingly said to be partially polarized in that plane.
Arago showed that at all angles of incidence the reflected and refracted streams contain equal quantities of polarized light.
It follows then that if a stream of light be incident at the polarizing angle on a pile of parallel transparent plates of the same nature, each surface in turn will be met by the light at the polarizing angle and will give rise to a reflected portion polarized in the plane of incidence.
Hence the total reflected light will be polarized in this plane and will of necessity have a greater intensity than that produced by a single surface.
The polarization of the light reflected from a glass grating has also been investigated by I.
If the incident light be polarized in a plane, making an angle a with the plane of incidence, the stream may be resolved into two that are polarized in the principal azimuths, and these will be reflected in accordance with the above laws.
The expressions for the intensity of the refracted light may be obtained from those relating to the reflected light by the principle of energy.
The intensities of the incident, reflected and refracted streams are then measured in the same way, and we have merely to express that the square of the amplitude of the incident vibrations is equal to the sum of the squares of the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted vibrations.
Franz Neumann and James MacCullagh, starting from the opposite assumption of constant density and different elasticities, arrived at the same formulae for the intensities of the reflected light polarized in the principal azimuths, but in this case the vibrations must be regarded as parallel to the plane of polarization.
Now Fresnel's formulae were obtained by assuming that the incident, reflected and refracted vibrations are in the same or opposite phases at the interface of the media, and since there is no real factor that converts cos T into cos (T+p), he inferred that the occurrence of imaginary expressions for the coefficients of vibration denotes a change of phase other than 7r, this being represented by a change of sign.
Applying this interpretation to the formulae given above, it follows that when the incident light is polarized at an azimuth a to the plane of incidence and the second medium is the less refracting, the reflected light at angles of incidence exceeding the critical angle is elliptically polarized with a difference of phase A between the components polarized in the principal azimuths that is given by tan (A/2) =cot i l l (1 - µ 2 cosec 2 i).
The mountainous configuration of the moon's surface was there first described, and the so-called "phosphorescence" of the dark portion of our satellite attributed to its true cause--namely, illumination by sunlight reflected from the earth.
The subjective cast of his piety is reflected in his Mystical Marriage.
Just as this latter method of divination rested on a well-defined theory, to wit, that the liver was the seat of the soul of the animal and that the deity in accepting the sacrifice identified himself with the animal, whose "soul" was thus placed in complete accord with that of the god and therefore reflected the mind and will of the god, so astrology is based on a theory of divine government of the world, which in contrast to "liver" divination assumes at the start a more scientific or pseudo-scientific aspect.
The hypothesis which best explains all the phenomena is that the light is that of the sun reflected from an extremely tenuous cloud of particles having the form and extent described, and becoming more and more tenuous as the earth's orbit is approached until, immediately outside the orbit, it fades into complete invisibility.
It may therefore be regarded as an intensification of this band, possibly produced by the increased intensity of the light when reflected nearly back toward the sun, and therefore toward the earth.
The most plausible view is that we have to do with sunlight reflected from meteoric particles moving round the sun within the region of the lens.
Some evidence has also been found by the same observer of polarization, showing that a considerable portion of the light must be reflected sunlight.
Direct proof that we have to do with reflected sunlight is therefore still incomplete.
The evil character of Siva is reflected in his wife, who as Kali (the black) is the wild and cruel goddess of destruction and death.
Opaque objects can only be seen by reflected light.
The edge which is the separating line of the horizontal and hypothenuse surfaces of the prism, lies approximately over the middle of the system, so that the rays entering through the opening in the side after having been reflected by the hypothenuse surface are concentrated through one half of the objective on to the object.
Owing to the slight difference of illumination between the immersion liquid and the cover, the portion of light reflected on the cover is not noticeable.
The group of rays coming from the right half of the objective is reflected twice in the prism and directed to the left eye.
Every ray is divided into a reflected and a refracted portion on the front side of a parallel plate.
Whilst the refracted portion after leaving the plate continues its way in the same direction, displaced a little to one side, the reflected portion is directed into the side tube by a reflectionprism.
By the supplementary use of one of Wenham's prisms every ray is analysed into a more powerful refracted and a weaker reflected one.
The long Venetian occupation is reflected in the appearance, character, and to some extent even the language and religion of the Zantiots.
The practice gave rise to complicated problems of ecclesiastical discipline, which are reflected in the correspondence of Cyprian and especially in the Novatian controversy.
By means of an attached mirror and reflected ray of light the motion of the movable system can be indicated on a screen.
A ray of light is reflected from this mirror and from another mirror which is rocked by a small motor driven off the same circuit, so that the ray has two vibratory motions imparted to it at right angles, one a simple harmonic motion and the other a motion imitating the variation of the current or electromotive force under test.
His black hair reflected sunlight at the peak of every wave.
No, any disgust is toward myself, I could not bear to see it reflected in your eyes.
Her involuntary cringe stopped him for a second and the dark eyes reflected equal portions of shame and hurt.
The dark eyes softened, even reflected shame — and then they hardened.
She saw herself reflected in the pacing vampire.
She was passionate about Asian cooking and that's reflected in her dining experience.
That undoubtedly reflected his background as a Benedictine abbot, for he regarded the Rule of St Benedict as the rule of his life.
Glare from direct, reflected, or scattered sunlight causes discomfort and reduces visual acuity.
The value of the NPT had been clearly reflected in its near universal adherence.
From the area of the planet, semi-major axis and amount of reflected light, the planetary albedos can be derived.
Such attitudes have been reflected in the predominantly ' common sense ' explanations of pit alignments to date.
The payment by Abbott of royalty arrears and other related payments pursuant to the High Court Judgment are not reflected in these results.
The relative weakness of the bond is reflected in the bond enthalpy.
The UK remains a diverse global hub The diversity of projects reflected the breadth of the UK economy.
The nearest we all get to seeing multiple images is with soap bubbles reflected in our bathroom mirror.
It means the shiny arc of reflected light on a chrome bumper instead of the smith's blacking on a hammered iron rail.
Environmental concern prior to the mid 19th century is reflected in local authority bylaws relating to public health, nuisances and buildings.
Thanks to Jack Fitch, Dave Carlson and Alex Jacobson, property names for reflected Java Beans now use standard capitalization transform.
This is reflected in unprecedented June runoff totals for some southern rivers draining permeable catchments.
These tensions are often reflected in local church congregations where increasing numbers of churches are adopting a niche approach to " doing church " .
This is also congruent with thinking reflected in the Disability Discrimination Act.
On the whole, state constitutions reflected fear of government tyranny more than they reflected the need to create forceful, effective government.
The moral contestation of the SMF reflected their emphasis on true belief, but also the importance of the nganga -system to Bakongo society.
Conceptual understanding broadly reflected these trends, and conceptual and behavioral performance were found to be only weakly correlated.
Keble must have been concerned at the cost as reflected in the ensuing correspondence.
Lasers that are reflected appear as a ' R '; lasers that hit balls dead-on appear as ' H ' .
This is reflected in the number of protective designations that exist throughout the area.
Ingestion of ciliates was greater than that of heterotrophic dinoflagellates, which reflected a higher abundance of ciliates in the water column.
Analysis of these responses reflected considerable student dissatisfaction with the science curriculum, and the students proposed ten recommendations.
We wanted something that reflected the spirit of English eccentricity.
As the state became increasingly embattled, so its appeals to national identity inevitably reflected the imperial and centralizing mission of the state.
In order to calculate an emissivity we first need to determine the transmitted and reflected components.
Here the dance takes off with everyday people entangled in vanity reflected in an unseen mirror.
He found the light of his present exaltation reflected in the face of the girl.
We have reflected an increase in revenue expenditure of £ 15 million from 2003/04.
A pale gleam in a far corner reflected the light sneaking in under the rafters.
Majestic and enduring, their peaks glistened as the sun caught and reflected the layers of snow.
Greene reflected upon the fact that he doesn't appear overly graceful, hacking away with his stubby, tho authentic, sword.
If you enjoy what you are doing, this will undoubtedly be reflected in your 'A ' level grade.
His whole behavior reflected spiritual idealism, with sometimes the postures of a visionary, sometimes the frank outbursts of a child.
The project survey examined the extent to which this policy impetus was being reflected in activity in public library authorities (PLAs ).
An interrupt will not be serviced unless it is of a higher level than that reflected by the interrupt mask.
She suggests instead that the practices of the known medieval kingships more probably reflected the circumstances in which they came to power.
The part of the capsule attached to the acetabulum was also reflected upwards to show the acetabular labrum.
The leadership's claim that the low turnout reflected satisfaction with the government is simply laughable.
On the floor, the couple chose black and white chequerboard linoleum, which is reflected in the gleaming stainless steel kickboards.
Indeed, what we believe will be reflected in our everyday living.
The tutorial initializes with a cut-away schematic diagram of a reflected light fluorescence microscope appearing in the window.
Fully trained and qualified operatives will ensure that the product's high performance is reflected in the quality of all on-site activities.
In his latter days he proved a great penitent, reflected greatly on his youthfull transactions.
The consequent modulation in optical power reflected by the film is detected using a photodiode at the proximal end of the fiber.
By scanning a photodiode along a line across the beam reflected by the interferometer, a line array of ultrasound receivers is effectively synthesized.
Now they turn pink in reflected light of a pink sunset.
Phillip really became a playboy at this time, basking in the reflected glow of his father's celebrity.
You also observe that the participants reflected a ' widening class polarization in the community ' .
Any modifications to our privacy practices will be reflected first within this area of our network of Web sites.
However, it was clear that their design and operation generally reflected the precepts of the Code of practice.
It will be reflected undergoing a phase change of pi/2 radians?
Chartism in London reflected traditional English radicalism dating back to Cartwright in the 1770s.
Passive RF sensors, which use microwave radiometers to detect RF energy emitted or reflected from objects.
At this frequency a parallel resonant circuit is formed between the primary inductance and the net capacitive reactance reflected back from the secondary.
The reggae rhythms reflected the sound of the streets of London, where reggae rhythms reflected the sound of the streets of London, where reggae briefly became the Punk fans second music of choice.
It also examines the changing definitions of social need these reflected and asks why welfare states have experienced retrenchment in recent years.
It also seems reflected in the dispute involving Foirtgirn, involving a sorcerer and St Columba.
The color of over 70 gold alloys was measured using a spectrophotometer, a special camera that measures the color of reflected light.
The name reflected their mail carrying business for the Post Office back in horse-drawn stagecoach days!
I can still see the starlight reflected in her eyes.
At the same time, the shift in the representation of the royal person reflected a change in Russian statehood.
And who cares that five years ago we had virtually the same story (" fat naked man reflected in chrome toaster " )?
This particular food is reflected in the shape of the weather vane atop the town's 16th century tolbooth.
New variable-nozzle turbo he reflected sunlight made easier by.
Urography Care should be exercised in patients with moderate to severe impairment of renal function (as reflected by a raised blood urea ).
The strikes reflected a longstanding wariness of the trade union leadership.
Thomas Bell Thomas Bell was an eminent 19th century zoologist whose collections reflected his wide interests in natural history.
Suppose now the solar spectrogram to be viewed in the focus of Or, and the converging rays to be reflected by the prisms Pr and P, i till an image is formed in the focus of the eyepiece at the point where the axis of the eyepiece intersects From Zeitschr.
If the stellar spectrograph is viewed in the focus of 0 2 and the converging rays are reflected by the prism P2 to P4, no image would be seen in the eyepiece, for the rays would pass out directly through the parallel glass plate which is formed by the cementing together of the prisms P 3 and P 4.
That it has become one of the healthiest cities in the world from being one of the unhealthiest is attributable in great measure to his insistence on the necessity of sanitary reform, and it was his unceasing efforts that secured for its inhabitants the drainage system, the sewage farms and the good water-supply, the benefits of which are reflected in the decreased death-rate they now enjoy.
On one hand the animal spirits " reflected " 2 from the image formed on the pineal gland proceed through the nervous tubes to make the muscles turn the back and lift the feet, so as to escape the cause of the terror.
Now the historical fortune of these tribes is reflected in several of their names (see SABIN7).
It was in reality sins and vices, however, rather than follies that came under his censure, and this didactic temper was reflected in Barclay.
Foot large, with aquiferous system; propodium reflected over head; eyes degenerate; burrowing habit.
Shell external, spiral, generally ornamented with ribs; borders of aperture thin and not reflected; radula with square teeth; genital ducts without accessory organs.
A careful reading of the score to this English text reveals not a single false emphasis or loss of rhetorical point in the fitting of words to notes, nor a single extra note or halt in the music; and wherever the language seems stilted or absurd the original will be found to be at least equally so, while the spirit of Wagner's poetry is faithfully reflected.
The method employed did not admit of the production of such high magnetizing forces, but was of special interest in that both B and I were measured optically-B by means of the rotation of a polarized ray inside a glass plate, as before described, and I by the rotation of a polarized ray reflected from the polished surface of the magnet ized metal (see " Ker.r's constant," Magneto-Optics).
Rutile assumes tetragonal forms isomorphous with cassiterite, SnO 2 (and also zircon, ZrSiO 4); anatase is also tetragonal, and brookite or thorhombic. Rutile is the most stable and anatase the least, a character reflected in the decrease in density from rutile (4.2) and brookite (4.0) to anatase (3.9).