Reflect Sentence Examples
The government must reflect the different values these groups have.
So they don't reflect the sunlight and give away our position.
Nation-states allow groups of people to create governments that reflect their common values.
Jefferson declared in regard to slavery, " I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just."
They all reflect and absorb his rays alike, and the former make but a small part of the glorious picture which he beholds in his daily course.
We want to reflect the diversity of the country we serve.
Even the children's names reflect the same outlook.
You should ensure that the offence(s) charged is the most appropriate to reflect the criminality of the defendant.
Create rooms that reflect your personality and are functional for the way you live.
Changes in human society reflect the dynamism of culture.
AdvertisementNo doubt such domesticated species might revert, and it has been shown that many do revert when restored to wild conditions, but such reversion is natural if we reflect that the domestic varieties are under the guardianship of man and have been selected according to his whim and advantage.
Her eyes reflect the sky blue of a clear and bright spring morn ' .
Rather, it is intended to reflect the fact that judgment is required when assessing whether land is MMHD or ISIG.
Donald asked how the felling is planned and if it is correct that felling coupes do not reflect planting areas.
Its scenes reflect the mores of the time and region in which it was created.
AdvertisementLet him reflect on the transmigrations of men, caused by their sinful deeds, on their falling into hell, and on their torments in the world of Yama..
Such legal codes reflect the German or Russian original.
These styles reflect a romantic nostalgia for Britain's past.
The corporate minutes of De Beers on June 20, 1946, reflect this growing apprehension.
You may customize this bulletin board to reflect your preferences.
AdvertisementOver the years, the title of EE changed to reflect current vogues in the hobby electronics market.
The range of rock types examined will reflect the geology of the region.
The man who worked most with his hands could not think so much about what he was doing, or reflect on or command what would result from the common activity; while the man who commanded more would evidently work less with his hands on account of his greater verbal activity.
We may even be able to produce bespoke Paddington badges to reflect the nature of your business.
In such cases the final mark awarded for the module will reflect the degree of reassessment is allowed.
AdvertisementMembership would be amended to reflect changes over time.
The court also debarred defendant from using my uncle's hill to reflect his end of the echo, without consent.
We have a right to expect that sentences will reflect the damage done to our social fabric by wilful defiance of the law.
The penalty should reflect public disquiet at the unnecessary loss of life.
We have developed a new strategic vision to reflect the increasingly global nature of emergency rescue crises.
There was a one year rent free period granted to reflect disrepair.
Separate dormers which reflect the window proportions of the main dwelling are visually more appropriate than a single large dormer.
We would request that contracts of employment for eligible employees are changed to reflect this.
In many cases contractual entitlements simply reflect the statutory minimum.
Quite rightly she thought the calendar should reflect the ethos of the hospital.
Let the music wash over you, reflect, relax, pray, etc. Sung evensong in many small parish churches is often excruciating.
The evidence suggests that decisions on bed numbers in PFI schemes reflect financial expediency rather than clinical judgment.
Built in 1872, Nutfield Priory was designed to reflect the rather extravagant architecture of the Palace of Westminster.
This was carried out in a simple, robust, modern manner to reflect the treatment of the retained facades.
The story asks you to reflect on the dangers of making people faceless.
While a small part may reflect improved tax compliance and prove more enduring, such surprises have proven fleeting in the past.
All samples reflect radiant flux, while only some transmit it.
The walls of your growing room should be painted white or covered with aluminum foil to reflect the light.
Others reflect the military mindset often found in conventional disarmament fora.
Togo meanwhile will reflect on what might have been after an energetic and vibrant but ultimately fruitless display.
The articles in this resource reflect national clinical practice guidelines and are free of racial, gender, or other bias.
DfID is currently revising its 1993 policy statement on green housekeeping to reflect the high priority the present Government has placed on environmental matters.
Next, on to Bryce Canyon National Park, where sandstone spires reflect colorful hues from every vista point.
The key demands reflect growing impatience at a lack of change for Black communities.
In some cases, the corporate failures reflect an inability to resolve temporary liquidity problems affecting a company that remains viable in the longer-term.
The capital cost of the PSC has been adjusted to reflect capital indexation during the construction period.
High Court lists reflect changes in the statutory time limits of cases indicted into the High Court.
In response to my question, the heavens clearly do reflect relatively insignificant medical issues.
Tho not immediately intelligible this could be reflect the corner of the original south chancel before its northern counterpart was added.
This action of the light is remarkable, when we reflect how little the leaves are developed on the young and thin revolving internodes.
Archie's paintings reflect his love of the surrounding Scottish isles.
Both pieces were made for Queen Marie-Antoinette of France in 1783 and reflect her taste for Japanese lacquer.
Epitaphs reflect an almost universal pessimism about life beyond the grave.
Although the Statement of Responsibilities included such phraseology, it did not seem to influence or reflect contemporary practice.
If we reflect some of their own phraseology back to them, they're unlikely to think we haven't listened.
The course will reflect the plurality of perspectives and approaches to the SIS subject matter.
Material of low mass per unit area and high surface porosity will tend not to reflect sound.
They do not necessarily reflect the views of HDRA.
People usually collect specific things that reflect their personality.
A dress like that would look perfect on you because it will reflect your overall natural coloring.
Your dress's style should reflect your own personality along with fitting in your budget.
Meander over to the Annie Jane monument and reflect on days gone by when life was not so leisurely.
Writing activity for Year 7 Macbeth Discussion Do these sample lesson plans reflect your approach to lesson plans reflect your approach to lesson planning?
But most have some special lexis - they make choices of vocabulary that reflect their ideas about school or education.
In this dynamical process the time delay between infrasonic pulses should reflect the gas nucleation interval of 1-2 s of basaltic magma.
Organize them to reflect a naturally occurring sequence - washing hands, brushing teeth, flossing, mouthwash.
The wide variety of themes has been chosen to appeal to both boys and girls and to reflect multicultural and global topics and issues.
The zones are simply notional to reflect general levels of concern.
Their findings reflect those of the general education classroom observation research.
But increasingly, " news " and documentary television has been reshaped to reflect the obsession with entertainment.
The occurrence of this habitat type under such conditions is thought to reflect the highly oceanic climate of Cornwall.
That pattern could simply reflect the paucity of records, particularly from earlier centuries.
These new schemes are an important step forward in ensuring that the healthcare professions better reflect the wider population through widening participation.
The papers reflect the breadth of interests of members of the Center, ranging from experimental psycholinguistics to literary theory.
I reflect now on some of the ministers who have occupied the pulpit over these past 50 years.
Used carefully and prayerfully drama can, and must, reflect the full radiance of biblical truth.
Reality TV also paints our attempts to reflect reality TV also paints our attempts to reflect reality in a poor light.
So, do SQL*Plus scripts accurately reflect real-world Oracle behavior, or do you need full-blown multi-user benchmarks?
The 2004 edition has been fully revised and also radically restructured to reflect current practice.
Quot murderers ' row sojourn of conservative revelry on the national they don't reflect.
Designed to reflect a billowing sail, this spectacular hotel can only be described as an architectural marvel.
In many cases this may reflect more an increased selectivity in needing to fit new information into some accepted framework than some memory dysfunction.
They reflect our blind spots so we can push beyond our own self-knowledge.
Gentler tones reflect the calm serenity of the Buddhist religious life.
Chutney Mary's was designed to reflect the splendor of the cuisine.
Stone floors imported from a distant land reflect the twinkle of numerous recessed halogen spotlights in the ceiling above.
Ensure the curriculum and resources positively reflect experiences and reject racist stereotypes.
The extremely stringent requirements for product registration set down in European law reflect this.
I would also encourage students to reflect on what this means for them in light of the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Darfur " .
It does not reflect the stupidity of men, but the stupidity of men, but the stupidity of management when men refuse to work labor saving machinery.
In addition, aluminum flakes were added to the covering material to help reflect sunlight to keep the gas bags cool.
He then sequenced his ideas on to the computer adapting the melody to reflect a Blues style, using syncopation.
Each cantata has its own orchestration, and mood, but all reflect joyful celebration - bells, trumpets, timpani and joyful choruses.
The project has helped me to reflect on how I could use topical, local and national issues in my teaching more.. .
But racism does not reflect the totality of what Lamming is writing about.
Passionate words, lively tunes and complex rhythms reflect the richness of the Nicaraguan folk tradition.
The snowy world the story is set in serves to reflect this emotional turmoil.
The invoice will reflect one twelfth of the Annual Value of the agreement as per schedule 1A.
I enjoyed designing the banner to reflect his use of tactile use of sensual materials and experimental typography.
But the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays reflect off water making you burn faster.
Thus, if economic relationships are fundamentally unequal, then political and ideological relationships will both reflect - and help to reinforce - inequality.
The company is currently unprofitable and expects to turn over £ 48m this year, but the price aims to reflect its future prospects.
Holstein UK club sales across the country reflect the upturn.
The species found here reflect the well vegetated nature of the ponds.
The future appearance and quality of the landscape will reflect how the land and its semi-natural vegetation is utilized and managed.
Consider ' local distinctiveness ' and use local materials to reflect the vernacular in the design of your panel frames and supports.
The opinions expressed in the journals do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. government.
It's important that the trials are widely spread through Britain so that the results reflect the variation in farmland wildlife.
This does reflect the naturally high work ethic of the Germans as a people.
Wrinkled lips To make wrinkled lips To make wrinkled lips appear smooth, use plenty of shine to reflect light out of the lines.
The zine collection, dating from 2002, includes zine collection, dating from 2002, includes zines which reflect women's lives in the UK today.
I was too young to do more than see and note facts, and thanks to my natural indolence and that passion for the concrete, which is at once the joy and the weakness of artists, I should perhaps always have remained at that stage if my somewhat pedantic critics had not driven me to reflect and painfully search after the ultimate causes of which till then I had only grasped the effects.
These old canons are adduced by way of ridiculing the Armenians, yet they reflect old usage.
The process finds its normal development in later and non-biblical literature; but one can recognize earlier, cruder and less distinctive stages, and, as surely as writings reflect the mentality of an author or of his age, the peculiar characteristics of the extant sources, viewed in the light of a comprehensive survey of Palestinian and surrounding culture, demand a reasonable explanation.
Where it follows the chapters in Samuel it is important for textual and other critical problems, but it omits narratives in which it is not interested (David's youth, persecution by Saul, Absalom's revolt, &c.), and adds long passages (David's arrangements for the temple, &c.) which reflect the views of a much later age than David's.
Many of the narratives furnish a vivid picture of the life of David with a minuteness of personal detail which has suggested to some that their author was intimately acquainted with the events, and, if not a contemporary, belonged to the succeeding generation, while to others it has seemed more probable that these reflect rather " the plastic mould of popular tradition."
But the situation was wholly beyond their grasp, and the very language of St Mark at this point seems to reflect the confusion of their.
When we reflect that some hundreds of thousands of tons of urea are daily deposited, which ordinary plants are unable to assimilate until considerable changes have been undergone, the question is of importance, What happens in the meantime?
Without undressing, he lay down on the leather sofa in front of a round table, put his big feet in their overboots on the table, and began to reflect.
When the law gets so rarefied that it does n't reflect the reality of people 's lives then you are in trouble.
Raster images reflect the pattern of colored pixels on the computer screen.
Reality TV also paints our attempts to reflect reality in a poor light.
We seek to recruit trainees who reflect the wide range of diversity represented by clients using services.
So, BCAP has redrafted the Guidance to reflect most advertisements are now made in widescreen and 16 lines are needed.
Consequently, many delegations have proposed to have these paragraphs redrafted to reflect their concerns.
The flowgraph can be refined to reflect these three regions of code, producing the following flowgraph.
The RSPCA Council does not reflect the views of all of its members.
It encourages students to reflect critically on practice in assessment in RE observed in schools.
They will also be given some questions to consider, encouraging them to reflect upon their progress.
To enable the student to reflect on and learn from experience.
However, individual LSPs would still be expected to reflect differing geographical requirements across the region.
Where defects are found, often the purchase price can be renegotiated to reflect the necessary repair work.
The re-branding to Regio Taxi was undertaken in 2000 in order to reflect the repositioning of the service to the whole community.
Since then the Plan has been reviewed and republished every two years to reflect progress and improvements in our partnership working.
Comparative figures have been restated to reflect these revised accounting policies.
It has recently been fully restored to reflect the classic simplicity and character of the Georgian era.
The Department will be restructured to reflect its new responsibilities.
Alternatively, the null finding could reflect reticence on the part of the participants to talk about such matters.
This edition has been significantly rewritten to reflect major developments in legislation, case law and European Community law since the last edition.
It is salutary to reflect that a multinational company would have ' sweated ' (realized) this hidden leverage capital years ago.
I have dwelt upon the subject of the aisling and its near relations because so many of the hedge schoolmaster songs reflect their influence.
Seating arrangements in both Houses reflect the nature of the party system.
This may reflect the greater number and seniority of junior staff in teaching hospitals compared to the DGHs.
Our focus is on new performance works that reflect contemporary sensibilities and articulate new concepts and forms.
In all cases, however, the non-linear optimization will reflect at least some improvement relative to the linear sinusoid fit.
Chutney Mary 's was designed to reflect the splendor of the cuisine.
Clinical staging of gastric carcinoma by the TNM classification was found to reflect accurately the prognosis of these patients.
The stringency of the requirements reflect the course 's popularity with applicants rather than its ' value ' to employers.
I would also encourage students to reflect on what this means for them in light of the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Darfur .
It does not reflect the stupidity of men, but the stupidity of management when men refuse to work labor saving machinery.
Most subjects were Hindus but the Muslim sultans showed complete religious tolerance so their paintings reflect all aspects of Persian and Hindu art.
Rather, the tabernacle account may reflect idealized versions of the later tent shrines at Shiloh or the tent of David.
Crucially, the development of Internet safety advice is tailored to reflect the ways in which children use the Internet.
The project has helped me to reflect on how I could use topical, local and national issues in my teaching more...
Australia that is traditional chinese medicine would reflect the.
A final plenary session allowed students to reflect on what they had learned and reinforced any new vocabulary learned during the day.
It 's important that the trials are widely spread through Britain so that the results reflect the variation in farmland wildlife.
Such designations reflect both visual, historic and cultural qualities which are considered worthy of preservation and enhancement.
For many, yoga is a catharsis which allows them to reflect upon their deepest feelings.
Too often, entrepreneurs give up prematurely when faced with surmountable obstacles. Too often, they move forward aggressively when they should stop, reflect and re-create.
As your baby grows, you can change a few items to reflect his interests.
The walls have come down to unite Germany, and will their top names reflect this change?
Baby's world is expanding beyond the few inches before his face, and his toys should reflect his new horizons.
You want to be different, and you want your gift for the newborn to reflect that.
Pick a quiet time to sit and reflect on the tender moments you shared with your precious baby, then write a letter to him or her sharing memories and relating your feelings of love and sorrow.
Alternatively, if you know the gender of your baby and would like the nursery to reflect the gender, you can use the walls to set the scene.
For example, if your pregnant friend has a romantic, nostalgic style, design your gift basket to reflect the fairytale princess.
Once you have completed selecting your carpet and the installers have finished their job, take a minute to sit back and reflect upon what you have before you.
Not only are the place names different, often the colors and designs will reflect where a rug was made and an experienced rug dealer can tell the age and origin of a rug just by these details.
Values of the anniversary gift that you choose should reflect the significance of the years that have gone by, and mirror more expensive items or tastes.
They did not raise their prices to reflect the general price increase on fireworks from 2008 to 2009.
During periods of economic growth, the price of silver may increase to reflect additional demand.
One big benefit is that metal roofing tends to reflect heat from the sun very well, keeping the upper levels of a house of building cooler.
Does it remain dark grey or black, or does it reflect that the computer is actually loading its components?
All kittens are cute, and finding a name that will reflect the fun and loving nature of the newest addition to your household can sometimes be a little challenging.
The symptoms that you see in your cat may then reflect the bacterial or viral diseases of which your pet has been exposed.
While cats have long been domesticated, their genetics reflect a time when they would be hunting for food.
The company places high nutrition first, freely admitting that formulas may be changed to reflect the best nutritional profile for pets.
The diet for a domesticated cat must reflect her true nature.
Their diet should reflect this with high moisture content.
As a carnivore, the best diet for your cat will reflect her biology.
The perfect martini contains quality ingredients according to your specific taste, and it should reflect your unique preference.
Usually ranging between 2-10 percent, these lower rates reflect the fact that banks often view business finances as more secure than personal ones.
Missed or late payments reflect negatively on the report.
Even when consumers have withdrawn or completed the program, the accounts which were once paid through the service will reflect this for some time.
There are several designs of Simon Gift Cards featuring a Visa logo which reflect different Simon malls or programs.
Even if you instantaneously bring all your delinquent accounts into current status and pay down your bills, it will take time for this to reflect on your score.
It generally updates daily to reflect any additions or changes to the balance.
The "Centurion" name was selected for this special card to reflect the image of the centurion which American Express had used as their trademark for many years.
Problems such as these did not reflect well upon AAA, which is commonly considered one of the best companies with regards to customer service and membership satisfaction.
Where the child support payments are deducted from the non-custodial parent's pay check, the pay stub will reflect this fact.
Payment terms will be set to reflect the length of time spouses have been married.
The gross income used in the initial maintenance order shall not be modified to reflect income earned after the divorce is finalized.
In addition, if both child support and alimony payments are ordered, a deduction will be made from the gross income used in the second support calculation to reflect the amount of maintenance already scheduled to be paid.
If the recipient needs to receive a certain net amount to help support him or herself, it should be topped up to reflect the fact that the recipient will be paying tax on it.
As I sit and reflect about whether my sons will maintain the Greek traditions like my family or my wife's family did, I have no doubt they will have the opportunity to do so if it is important to them.
Most cottages are a casual style and the furnishings reflect this laid-back approach to coastal living.
Living room furniture in any of these country styles would reflect the culture and decor of rural areas in these international countries.
Furniture designs for living rooms should reflect your personality and sense of style.
Bedroom decor should always reflect the occupant.
Upholstery fabrics and colors reflect the sun, sea, and fields of flowers found in the south of France.
Accents that reflect hunting and horsemanship are popular.
Add Your Own Accessories - Build on your vintage pieces with rugs, artwork, pillows, and accessories that reflect your taste and interests.
Your hobby or interest - Find fabrics and decorations to reflect your favorite hobby, whether it's horseback riding or ice skating.
Also, a deep rich wall color will absorb light rather than reflect it into the room, keeping your big screen free of glare.
Cushions in natural tones of rust, ochre, and forest green reflect the colors in nature.
The colors of Tuscan design reflect the sunny countryside of Old Italy.
It is easy to find curtains, dish towels, tablecloths, placemats, plates, tablecloths, wall hangings, and many other types of kitchenware that reflect patriotic themes.
You want the room to reflect your maturing child's likes and needs.
Whatever you decide, the final touches you choose for your home office should reflect the same warm and inviting feeling as the rest of your home.
Whatever design and decorating elements you use, make it your own to reflect your distinct personality.
Light shades of beige and cream represent the aged plaster walls of old country farmhouses and varying shades of grey reflect the stony walls of grand estates.
Use reflections - Mirrors and metallic accessories reflect light and add a lightness to the room.
The décor chosen for the mantel and wall above the fireplace should reflect the room in which the fireplace is located and should complement the décor of the specific room.
Living Room - The arrangement on the mantel and the wall above the fireplace should reflect the style of the room.
The glass surface mixes with the metal frame and lets natural light reflect and play in your home.
Because they come in varied shapes and sizes, they will work almost anywhere in your home adding character and style to reflect your individual personality.
Color is a matter of personal preference and should reflect your decorating style and the overall atmosphere you want to create.
A flat finish hides flaws such as bumps and cracks since it does not reflect light.
Cottage style rooms reflect a vacation-like atmosphere that will transport you to a relaxing getaway no matter what time of year.
While a log home can be decorated to reflect any style, most homeowners prefer a more rustic appearance.
For those homeowners that want their furnishings to signify their environmental values, green design furniture will reflect that commitment.
Choose a basic wooden desk and then add decorative elements that reflect your personal style.
This type of workspace would reflect not only the business but also the passion behind the work.
These items will create a cohesive look because they will all reflect your personality.
Living room designs should reflect homeowners' personal styles.
The shape, material, depth and length of your bathtub should reflect its uses, and its users.
Since warm colors reflect light, the walls emit that heat into the room.
Cool colors like blue, violet, and green absorb light rather than reflect it, making the room feel physically cooler.
Semi-gloss and glossy finishes reflect the most light and are very shiny.
You may want your kitchen to reflect this flurry of activity and movement by choosing a vibrant and bold color.
The interest and trend of Tuscan colors, especially the terracotta pallet are still strong, but many interior designers are abandoning this trend to embrace a newer pallet of earth colors that reflect a growing interest in green living.
You can mix and match different styles and motifs to create a bathroom that reflect your tastes and give your home a personal touch.
In the master bath it's always a good idea to keep things light and airy and to try to reflect as much natural light as possible.
Hang beaded curtains in windows for a mystical effect; glass beads are especially beautiful as they reflect the light.
These factors will inform your design decisions, but the aesthetics should reflect your personal style.
Blues mingled with light beiges will reflect the Mediterranean Sea and shoreline.
Tuscan colors are a great way to decorate your kitchen to reflect how important this room is to your home life.
You should now have a good idea what colors best reflect some of the various design styles from which you can choose for your kitchen design.
With the favorite use of tile backsplashes and fruit themed tile borders, rugs have kept up with the new style demands and reflect many of the modern versions of fruit-themed area rugs.
The light will affect the different finishes in different ways and will reflect both light and dark - just like a woven damask cloth.
They can visually enlarge a space and reflect the maximum amount of light possible.
Try to make sure that it will reflect something interesting or attractive such as a window, a beautiful piece of art or sculpture, a sparkly chandelier, or anything else you have that you would like to emphasize.
The other colors in the French kitchen palette include bright yellows and vibrant greens, which accurately reflect the countryside.
Likewise, if the home is classic and traditional, the bathroom should reflect that aesthetic.
Bedrooms should always reflect the personalities of the people who reside in them, so it should be the teenager in question who makes the final decisions.
It will open up the space, reflect light, and create an airier look.
They reflect light and open up spaces making them appear larger.
The Southwestern designs have been adapted to reflect desert life, using plants like cacti and various animals of the region as motifs.
Some people like to play with glossier finishes, but flat is a good idea because it doesn't reflect a lot of light and can therefore help to disguise tiny imperfections.
Stylized flowers, geometric shapes, especially squares and circles reflect the style of Cubism in the pattern designs.
Metal rods should reflect the metals displayed elsewhere in your room.
Floral patterns for fabrics and even wallpapers reflect the style.
The colors are earth-based and reflect the outside environment.
Gold pictures frames can be reflected in accents, rug or drapery color while a dramatic wall print sees small pops of color throughout the room reflect its style.
In these cases, personal statements and quotes that have personal meanings to reflect beliefs can have a large impact when placed on the wall.
Think about what they will reflect when you hang them.
Pale yellow and cream reflect the tones in sun bleached stucco.
No matter what style of country kitchen you have, find colors that appeal to you and reflect your style and personality.
For women of color, it is essential to uncover the perfect match to accurately reflect her ethnicity.
Originally designed as a sunscreen to reflect the glare while outdoors in the extreme heat of the region, today it is used to enhance beauty and a striking allure in the eye area of the Indian woman.
Frost eye shadows reflect the light and may look sparkly or shiny.
How your make-up can ultimately reflect your inner beauty and [is able to] transform a woman's confidence.
Another great lip gloss I've recently discovered and adore is Dior Addict Reflect Ultra Gloss, which is also a non-gooey lip gloss that has a very juicy/sparkly finish.
The creators of these perfumes designed them to reflect Marc Jacob's most beloved summer scents.
The scent is both complex and subtle, meant to reflect the light and refreshing aspect of post-rainfall, as well as the rich and earthy undertones.
Not unlike fashion labels that release new goodies each season, though, beauty companies follow suit, releasing collections of colors to reflect the trends of the moment.
Highlighting creams can be applied to the upper eyelid and clear up to the brow bone to help reflect and enlarge the eyes.
Start by applying a touch of liquid highlighter to the upper cheekbones and blend well - this will reflect light and draw attention to the area.
That said, how you wear your makeup will reflect what type of goth you are.
Maybe the softer side of goth appeals to you, and you want your makeup to reflect that.
It might reflect the impression that you are not serious about the job, or that you think it's a joke.
However, if you plan to take a lot of pictures, a matte eye shadow (no shimmer) will be better as it will not reflect light and create unsightly shine where you may not want it.
Formal prom makeup styles should reflect your own personality and beauty and complement your color and style of dress.
If you are in a certain industry, you can have documents or emails translated to reflect that industry, like the medical field or automotive industry, for example.
However, many times the beliefs and behaviors of many Catholics did not accurately reflect the principles established and promoted by the Catholic Church.
Like your user ID, your password should be unique and not reflect any part of your email address or ID.
Make sure you put a lot of thought into the design of both, as they will reflect who you are as an artist.
Although girls tend to choose outfits that reflect current fashion trends, encourage your photo subject to stay away from bright colors and busy prints.
Of course, it helps if the model is comfortable in her own skin, as the pictures better reflect the spirit of natural beauty.
Easter is a springtime celebration and the foods served reflect the time of year, and some simple Easter recipe tips can help you prepare your table.
Scrapbook birthday party journaling can provide a great opportunity to reflect upon the past, especially for a child's scrapbook album.
Whether it is for yourself or to give as a gift, custom albums reflect your memories and perspective.
For an album dedicated to your visit, opt to use traditional colors of red, white, and blue that will reflect the patriotism of the many landmarks.
Stand directly in front and shoot from the ground up to showcase how tall the monument is or take a photo from far away to reflect how small the visitors walking around seem.
These themes are popular with scrapbookers because they reflect some of the most basic life values.
You may reflect on a reading from the Bible or another spiritual book, or even a poem if you're not into organized religion.
As you approach November and December, keep writing and reflect on how you felt before these two months.
You may not think about reading as meditation time, but if you take the time to read inspirational or sacred texts either out loud or to yourself, and then take time to reflect on the words, this is another form of meditation.
Reflect on these themes and keep them in mind.
If you haven't updated your resume to reflect your last position, do so now.
Long bike rides offer an opportunity to reflect on any ongoing challenges in your life and work through possible solutions to those challenges.
With a relaxation and stress management workbook, group members can take it home, work on it, reflect, and then discuss their thoughts at the next meeting.
The next time they come to group, each member can share an experience and reflect on what could have been done differently.
The types of timers available reflect the many different forms of meditation and their accompanying philosophies.
Taking time to reflect on the stress that has built up over time can help pinpoint triggers for the unsettling experiences.
Your scores should be higher, and they should reflect a true measure of your knowledge of the material.
If peer pressure is the problem, there are many boarding schools and wilderness camps that pull your teen away from her current situation at home and school to give her some time to reflect.
Your pictures should reflect your uniqueness, and you may want to opt for a studio that allows you to express yourself fully in your portraits.
Prices and styles listed below reflect what is current at the time of this writing, but you can expect fabulous styles at amazing prices every year.
Plenty of options exist for graduating seniors, and the announcements should reflect the senior's personal taste and style.
From traditional to modern, there are hundreds of invitation styles to choose from that reflect your individual personality and style.
It is important in a relationship to use your five senses as you reflect on the person whom you care for, and relating things this way has always been part of romantic poetry.
New challenges will come, of course, but pausing to reflect on the past four years is a important step.
If a teen likes to skateboard, then his room will probably reflect that interest.
While these types of shows are a glimpse into the world of modeling, they don't accurately reflect the world of teen modeling.
This was truly a decade of extravagance, so your prom look should reflect the pop culture styles at this time.
Finally, remember that the style shoe reflect your personality.
Color can be used to reflect many different aspects of your wedding - the season, the location, or the level of formality.
The art can reflect your wedding theme, wedding colors, or even include a picture of you and your fiancé.
In addition to or instead of real or silk flowers, choose items that reflect your theme.
You may want to incorporate your cake into your wedding theme, or you may wish your cake to reflect the colors and atmosphere of the season of your nuptials.
Now you can purchase cake tops that are more whimsical or reflect a hobby or interest.
If you are having an informal wedding, the jewelry you choose can reflect the casual atmosphere.
Your wedding is unique; the details of your special day should reflect it.
Grooms often choose cakes that reflect their interests or occupations.
Whether you have a western wedding theme, a harvest theme, fall/autumn theme, or apple and pear theme, choose your favors to reflect the rustic outdoor atmosphere.
Pick favors for rustic outdoor wedding that reflect your wedding style, taste, and your personality.
If wine is a big part of your wedding ceremony (wine tasting, anyone?), your favors can reflect that.
Use supplies that reflect your wedding theme or colors.
Thirdly, keep in mind that while invitations do reflect the overall tone of the wedding, spending extravagant amounts on supplies defeats the money saving aspect of doing it yourself.
They can reflect the obstacles you've already overcome as a couple or make reference to the plans you have for the future.
Although many types of candy work well for favors, some couples choose to reflect their beach theme with candy in tropical flavors rather than focusing on the packaging and accents.
Many unique wedding programs that are available through wedding retailers and do-it-yourself kits can easily be customized to reflect a couple's Christian faith.
The ones you choose should reflect your own personal style and the theme of the event.
Instead of relying solely on the stores' respective suggestions, try creating a unique compilation of gifts that reflect your personal style and tastes.
While they should still reflect joyfulness and hope, they are not expected to be as emotionally charged as those from close family are - although it is still appropriate for most close relationships.
Different styles reflect different personalities.
Drift wood, pieces of wave-tumbled stone, and other natural items can make highly individual centerpieces and reflect the beach theme.
This correspondence sets the tone for the occasion, so it is important to select styles that reflect the atmosphere you want to create for the ceremony and reception.
While sending out several different types of wedding invitation cards is usually out of the question (not to mention economically unwise), you can rest assured that the style you do end up using will really reflect the theme beautifully.
Attire for a Christmas wedding should reflect the season with dresses heavier fabrics such as brocades, velvet, and satin.
Indian wedding dresses reflect typical dress of the Indian culture.
Asian bridal wear is ornate and elegant, and often meticulously crafted to reflect the richness of its culture.
Wedding guest wear doesn't need to be an overly complicated issue, but your clothing should reflect the type and time of the wedding you will be attending.
The most memorable favor will be reflect not only the holiday, but your wedding style as well.
Though recent trends reflect a more relaxed style regarding housewares, dinnerware is definitely still "in."
If you have an official song, read over the lyrics and pick some message the singer is relating and modify it to reflect how you feel.
Sincere words that reflect your vow to love, honor, and cherish your spouse shine through, no matter how they are delivered.
Not only will the photographs reflect nature's beauty, but the open space will provide your guests with plenty of opportunity to mix and mingle at the reception.
Keep in mind that she has her own style, which may not reflect yours.
Whether your wedding is a quiet gathering of friends or a formal church affair, simple wedding centerpieces can reflect your style.
Instead, go with simple ideas that reflect the elegant color scheme.
To do that, spend some time looking through galleries of pictures of fall wedding cakes or sketching your own designs that reflect an autumn theme.
The head table's decorations should reflect the importance of those seated at the table during the reception.
Additionally, wacky vows aren't usually the best choice for a wedding where the style and theme reflect grace, elegance or sophistication.
Other choices include incorporating poetry into the vows, writing original wedding vows, or using the vows to reflect on the long years of marriage the couple has shared.
The most important thing to remember is that your invitations should reflect your own unique personality and love.
Whatever you choose should reflect how both you and your spouse-to-be truly feel about your upcoming nuptials.
Whether that translates into choosing a plain cake to reflect simple values, a cake with an emphasis on elegance or an ornate, unique cake to reflect your interests as a couple, there are a myriad of potential design choices.
Also I would like to stress that the opinions I express here are mine alone and do not necessary reflect the philosophy of others or AA.
Anniversaries are a time to reflect back on what you have accomplished since getting clean and sober.
The next time you have a sugar craving, reflect on what event happened right before you had the craving.
Some of the designs are stylized and have a hand-drawn appearance while others reflect the contemporary sleek and modern touch.
Patterns based on these themes reflect the natural beauty of the Asian landscape.
Nothing is more personal than your bedroom and it should reflect the individual's taste and style.
Bold, colorful and absolutely magnetic, tropical prints reflect the cool, laid-back feel of an island retreat or a languid beach vacation.
Available in vibrant prints and shockingly bold hues, the most mesmerizing shower curtains of the moment reflect an adventurous spirit and an endless enthusiasm.
A knight on a horse beneath the castle may reflect some of the fairy tales about princesses and knights in shining armor.
Once you outfit your MeDoll in the appropriate fashionable attire, you can decorate her Suite room to reflect your unique personality.
Fox News stated that Cheryl Greene, one of Sligh's vocal instructors, said his song choices shouldn't necessarily reflect the depth of his faith.
Changing the screen saver on your computer is a great way to personalize your PC to reflect your personal preferences.
Many genres, in music especially, seem to dictate that their stars have names that reflect its style.
Rather, they reflect the latest trends and are geared to fit your daughter's personal style.
The clothes are bright, vibrant and designed to reflect both the spirit of childhood and a child's personality.
The name was changed in 1940 to reflect the city's heritage.
If you prefer ties that can be worn throughout the year for your son, then try choosing burnt orange, deep red or vivid yellows to reflect the changing leaves of the season.
Few things reflect better on a parent than a well-dressed child.
Your infant's party attire should reflect this seriousness.
Their socks should reflect that light-hearted spirit.
Pricing does not reflect the size, so you may be surprised to find that an infant T-shirt can cost the same as one for a teenager.
The memories you make will bond your with your friends and provide plenty of great stories to reflect upon when you just can't stay awake during your Monday morning lecture.
It was originally established as King's College in 1754, but the name was changed after the American Revolution to better reflect the country's sentiments.
These numbers may change over time, but reflect the current scope of the school's influence, as of October 2009.
Paralegal work can be exciting, interesting, and satisfying, but it's also a significant challenge, and your online courses will likely reflect that.
The price also does not reflect all of the taxes you will need to pay.
Pro Plan Selects reflect the latest advancements in dog nutrition.This division uses real turkey and lamb as the main protein sources.
The price does not always reflect the toy's quality.
So an idea came to me; make doggie clothes that reflect the lifestyle that dogs and their owners share.
The plant thrives in deep sandy soil and in open and well-drained positions in the alpine garden, nestled among the larger rocks which reflect the sun and protect from cold winds.
At night, clouds reflect heat back to the earth.
Southern zones such as 10, 9 and 8 may call for certain seeds to be planted directly into the garden when the calendar pages still reflect winter.
Multiple versions exist for most songs, so check out several of them to see which ones are the most accurate or best reflect your playing level.
Ultimate Guitar - The biggest hits Steppenwolf had were Born to Be Wild and Magic Carpet Ride, and most tab sites will reflect this by having more versions of these songs than any others.
Designers use this product to reflect innovative styles because it can be routed, carved, sandblasted and even thermoformed to create the unique and functional kitchen or bath you desire.
A full-length mirror mounted on the wall will reflect more light than a smaller vanity-type mirror.
A great patio design should also reflect something of you, your personality, and your interests.The best patio ideas are those that work for you to create a functional and appealing outdoor room.
Mirrors reflect light and make the room seem brighter.
Bathroom fixtures from this time reflect the aesthetic of the art deco movement that was in full bloom in the late 1920s and early 1930s.
In fact, light colors reflect sunlight and they help to reduce the cooling costs of a building.
Light vinyl siding is a good choice if you live in a warm climate, as lighter colors reflect sunlight and help keep your home cool.
Kitchen tiles come in a wide range of sizes, colors and materials, which enables a creative designer to customize the look of their countertop to reflect their lifestyle and creativity.
In the early-2000s, the industry took off as more and more kitchens were being renovated with light-colored granite countertops to reflect the opulence of the fictional mafioso's taste.
Many homes in the Southwest reflect the natural beauty and color of their surroundings.
These warm colored stones are the most likely to reflect the color palette of the rest of the home.
Arizona kitchen countertops should reflect the rest of the kitchen design.
Today Chanel jewelry designs continue to be inspired by and reflect her classic style, but pieces are interlaced with contemporary and futuristic touches, resulting in wonderfully unique jewelry.
Dangling diamonds and diamond shaped nuggets of white gold form the pendants and earrings, while the rings reflect the diagonal/diamond pattern in rich yellow or white gold.
That new position affects how the crystals absorb and reflect light, which we see as a change in the color of the ring.
As mentioned before, sterling silver mood rings change color to reflect changes in a person's body temperature.
Let's take a look at a number of wonderful Hawaiian silver ID bracelets that reflect true island flavor.
The rich colors reflect light, giving an almost gemlike quality to the beads.
They are designed to reflect the relationship between a grandmother and her grandchildren.
To honor the grandchildren - These necklaces are personalized to reflect each of the grandchildren.
These can be high value items that reflect the special nature of the gift.
The type of stone will reflect on the finished price of the jewelry.
If your dress is delicate and lacy then reflect this with the jewelry style.
Clean beads and charms are more likely to catch and reflect the light and give a more pleasing sparkle.
Opals are known for their inner fire and good quality opals will catch and reflect the light so that bright colors flash through the stone.
When the process is finished the stone will still reflect its original shape, but with a smooth and rounded surface.
The charms often reflect the fashions of the time, therefore anything to do with space and space travel was popular as was music.
These reflect materials such as bakelite that were popular in the 1960's.
A colored glass bead charm might be chosen to reflect the favorite color of a member of the family or because it is the color of a sports team.
The choice of material will also reflect the style of the earrings.
The many different designs often reflect the fashions of the time.
Each piece within the various collections is painstakingly designed in an effort to reflect the era, sometimes as an artistic interpretation that better suits modern fashion.
If something is damaged, the price should reflect it.
Celtic ruby rings jewelry are exciting designs that reflect a culture with long-standing traditions.
Many people of Celtic heritage choose jewelry to reflect this connection; however, it isn't required that you be of Irish, Scottish, or of other Celtic ethnicity in order to enjoy these timeless designs.
The full effect of the ballerina is enhanced by a mirror attached to the inside of the lid to reflect the image of the twirling action of the figurine.
Not every opal is iridescent or fiery; some have a more matte appearance and do not reflect light well at all.
Depending on social rank, men wore fashions to reflect their status.
Each season, a new lineup of clothing and accessories is introduced, designed to reflect the industry's current trends and meet the demand for fresh designs.
Many of the shirts reflect a brilliant cavalier attitude that's accomplished by way of swiggly lines and large graphic prints.
Each shirt can reflect your individual style and you can truly be the man of the hour.
The leather jacket is an eternally hip garment that should reflect your adventurous approach to style, so the right fit is important!
Colors for summer are vibrant and reflect the lively shades of the season.
Mixing and matching pieces from several designers can result in a wardrobe filled with clothes that reflect your personality and individual style.
The basic style should remain the same but you may find it in new colors that reflect the season.
Each product they sell comes in delightful packaging that features an American Gothic "Pa" Newman and his daughter Nell in costumes that reflect the era.
Remember the gift of lingerie is not only about what you want to see her in, but should reflect her style and personal taste and be something she likes as well.
This list does not reflect every single Dress Barn Woman location.
Just because you like bargains doesn't mean your style has to reflect that.
After a busy day or anytime you need to relax and reflect, why not wear some silky pajamas and/or panties while you unwind?
The Halloween costume you choose should reflect your own personal style while allowing you to remain comfortable.
Again, what you pack should reflect the trip you have in mind.
A voluminous gown was not always chosen for a wedding - from the 1920s through the 1940s especially, a wedding gown might be white but it was more likely to reflect the style of contemporary evening gowns than the Victorian look.
Each year the design of the T shirt changes to reflect the theme of Fire Safety Week.
Fill the album with pictures of grandchildren or of the person, so he or she can reflect on fond moments.
Retirement is one of those milestones, like marriage, kids, and home ownership that let people reflect on what they have accomplished.
Reflect on the many changes that have occurred over the preceding years of employment.
Choosing a memorable gift will reflect that you care because it shows you took time to match the gift with the man retiring.
This may mean you have purchased a gift that connects with his past, or it may reflect his future plans.
Dreams may reflect the individual's need to process experiences mentally while in an unconscious state.
Sleek, tailored designs give a modern edge to many of the styles and reflect the overall signature feel of Armani design.
Designs vary and some will look more high tech and spy-like than others, but the pricing will reflect that.
They also need to reflect your personality, your style, and match well to your overall fashion taste.
Many drivers suffer from problems when driving at night, when the light from streetlights, oncoming headlights, and other light sources may reflect from the street surface and present a serious visibility problem.
Rainy weather can make night driving even more hazardous, as the wet streets and sidewalks reflect even more light than usual.
Pure mirror glasses reflect so much light back that people standing in front of you can't see your eyes at all.
This is because the mirrored coating can be manufactured to reflect visible light of a certain range, so the color that people see being reflected off of your glasses can be anything you like.
These outer cases store your contact lenses in style and can reflect your personality.
The sun can reflect off the snow and cause glare when skiing so a pair of goggles is a necessity for any skier.
Because they follow the trends and know what's hot right now, you can be sure that they'll have a selection available that will reflect the current must-have styles.
Polarchromic lenses automatically adjust to reflect how sunny or cloudy it is outside.
Pilots like them because the mirror coating can reflect up to 60 percent of incoming light, which makes it an excellent way to block very bright glare common at high altitudes.
When an inconsistency is present, you'll notice it as a wave in the light's reflection, or a dead spot where the light source doesn't reflect off of the lens the same way or with the same sheen in one spot on the lens as another.
Different midways sport African names - Timbuktu, Egypt, Nairobi, and Congo - and the corresponding ride names also reflect African associations.
Knott's Scary Farm (from late September through early November) transforms the park into a haunted house, with a variety of spooky areas and decorations that reflect the spirit of Halloween.
When one visits Coney Island, they must take a moment to reflect upon its rich history, rather than gazing too long at the ghost-town caliber shops and rides that now exist in certain areas of the peninsula.
Elegant decorations reflect both Native American and Hispanic influences, and the landscaping includes sumptuous fountains that make the resort truly an oasis in the midst of the southwestern desert.
Not only was the name changed Americana Amusement Park (to reflect the Bicentennial spirit of the United States), but for the first time, it had some real competition.
No matter what the answer is to "How much money does a video game designer make?", the amount should reflect experience or education, be competitive, and represent the companies perception of its industry status.
Your choices at this point reflect the rest of how this game plays out.
Perhaps you don't want the rosters in NHL 10 to reflect reality perfectly.
Each level has its own unique layout and name, like "mouse" or "bowling alley", that reflect the pattern of the starting cubes.
It's wines reflect the terroir, growing conditions, and skill of winemakers with reputations for being the best in the world at their craft.
Stags' Leap Winery wines have a reputation as big-but-soft in character, reflecting and reflect the estate's, distinctive soil and climate.
You can find charms with animal themes to ones that reflect a specific hobby.
The prices shown reflect the prices as of 2009.
In this way we try to reflect the uniqueness of the vintage and of the vineyard.
We are lucky to own vineyards that are not only some of the finest in Napa Valley, but that also reflect the diversity of the valley.
The company was named Topps to reflect the vision of a company that was "tops" in its market.
It may or may not involve real people and events, must it must reflect the basic feel of the time it purports to represent.
Victorian doll heads were made to reflect the hair style that was popular at the time the heads were manufactured.
Regardless of whether you enjoy superheroes, cartoon characters, funky graphics, or trendy celebrities, you want your cell phone to reflect your personal tastes and preferences.
During the springtime, music tends to be more upbeat than in the winter, so perhaps your ringtone should reflect that.
Given the highly personal nature of cell phones, it makes sense that many mobile phone users want their handsets to best reflect their unique personalities.
Since it can function perfectly both as a consumer product and a business device, the Droid accessories out there reflect this dual purpose.
Given its broad range of features and functions, the accessories reflect this as well.
The rising incidence of anorexia is thought to reflect the present idealization of thinness as a badge of upper-class status as well as of female beauty.
The results of the test reflect an adolescent's personality strengths and weaknesses, and may identify certain disturbances of personality (psychopathologies) or mental deficits caused by neurological problems.
The various symptoms seen in A-T reflect the main role of this protein, which is to induce several cellular responses to DNA damage.
Although responses in projective tests are believed to reflect personality characteristics, many experts have called into question the reliability, validity, and hence, usefulness of these tests as diagnostic techniques.
It is important to note that an Apgar score is strictly used to determine a newborn's immediate condition at birth and that it does not necessarily reflect the future health of a baby.
This seems to reflect a child's desire to tell stories with the drawings.
They need to be especially careful at high elevations and in areas with surfaces that reflect the sun's rays, such as off sand, water, concrete, and snow.
Transgendered-Any person who feels their assigned gender does not completely or adequately reflect their internal gender, such as a biological male who perceives himself to be female.
Others, like an ecology club or writers' workshop, may be offered for a shorter time span to reflect a community interest or involvement by a particular sponsoring faculty member or class of students.
These sound waves reflect off blood cells moving within the blood vessels, allowing the radiologist to calculate their speed.
Many children draw pictures that reflect punitive images to explain unhappy experiences.
Two studies reflect prevalence figures that can be helpful counseling families and determining who to screen for beta thalassemia.
Transgender-Any person who feels their assigned gender does not completely or adequately reflect their internal gender, such as a biological male who perceives himself to be female.
The light from the otoscope will reflect off of the surface of the eardrum.
Also, lack of academic success at school can reflect dissociation between academic achievement and general intellectual abilities.