Refinery Sentence Examples
A refinery was attached to the London Mint from 1816 to 1851, but was then let on lease and left to private enterprise.
This involved a trip through a huge oil refinery.
There is one large refinery at Villa del Mar, however, which imports raw cane sugar from Peru for refining.
The BP oil refinery in Texas City is the third largest refinery in the US.
A few years later the building became a sugar refinery, sugar and its refining being a major industry in Bristol for some time.
Once it gets to a "refinery," a chemical process turns it into morphine bricks, and more chemicals are used to make it into the final product.
Textile workers in Gilan, bus drivers in Tehran, and refinery workers in Abadan all deserve respect.
It makes no sense to have most of our refinery capacity in one basket.
This resulted in gasoline and diesel price spikes in the short run, and increased baseline prices for fuel in the long run, while refinery damage control teams attempted to get refineries back online.
Cleansers for oily skin can be a godsend if you are finding yourself with a refinery on your face!
AdvertisementAmong the larger private establishments there existed in the same year seven breweries, one brandy distillery, two jam, two soap and candle factories, two building and furniture works, a factory for spinning thread, one iron and steel works, one paper and one ammonia and soda factory, and one mineral-oil refinery.
Refining by sulphuric acid, the process usually adopted for separating gold from silver, was first employed on the large scale by d'Arcet in Paris in 1802, and was introduced into the Mint refinery, London, by Mathison in 1829.
There is also a large sugar refinery.
The result was the spontaneous blockade of an oil refinery which led to the blockade of an oil refinery which led to the blockades of September 2000.
Our Malaysian client operates a large oil refinery in Malaysia.
AdvertisementActivity 8 1. How does an oil company decide where to build a refinery?
Signal owned a refinery in Belgium and a gasoline marketing business there and in Britain using the VIP name.
West of Bo'ness the south side of the Forth is dominated by the major oil refinery at Grangemouth.
Here, he finds the perfect site for Mogul's new refinery.
A method of biofilm monitoring in the recirculating cooling water system of a petroleum refinery plant.
AdvertisementTen years later, Abraham Lyle started set up his own sugar refinery.
We operate the largest cane sugar refinery in the world, Thames Refinery in London.
On his conditional release Alireza worked as a mechanical engineer in a gasoline refinery.
A few years later the building became a sugar refinery, sugar refinery, sugar and its refining being a major industry in Bristol for some time.
If you enable verbose logging on the Document Refinery Options Configuration screen, the Document Refinery log shows the related configuration information.
AdvertisementHere, he finds the perfect site for Mogul 's new refinery.
The increase in demand for gasoline will give rise to further demands for new refinery capacity.
The proposed petrochemical project would be integrated with the existing Ras Tanura refinery complex.
The CPC operates three oil refinery plants with a total refining capacity of 770,000 barrels per day.
In the past 10 years the refinery industry has had to respond to five sets of new environmental regulations.
Kier fitted up a small refinery with a five-barrel still, for the treatment of the oil obtained from his father's saltwells.
There are, owing perhaps to the proximity of Lima, few industrial establishments in the city; among them are a large sugar refinery, some flour-mills, a brewery, a factory for making effervescent drinks, and a number of foundries and repair shops.
The mud from the Ysel furnishes the material for large brick-works and potteries; there are also a celebrated manufactory of stearine candles, a yarn factory, an oil refinery and cigar factories.
The next source is met with at about 1 200 ft., yielding an oil which is much lighter in weight and, as such, more suitable for treatment in the refinery.
In 1906 a refinery (with a daily slicing capacity of 1200 tons) was built at Billings, Yellowstone county.
By this arrangement the work of a refinery can be carried on with about one-half the cisterns otherwise required, because, although it does not reduce the number of bags required per day for a given amount of work, it enables the refiner to use one cistern twice a day with fresh bags, instead of only once as heretofore.
In former days, when refining sugar or " sugar baking " was supposed to be a mystery only understood by a few of the initiated, there was a place in the refinery called the " secret room," and this name is still used in some refineries, where, however, it applies not to any room, but to a small copper cistern, constructed with five or six or more divisions or small canals, into which all the charcoal cisterns discharge their liquors by pipes led up from them to the top of the cistern.
The " refinery process " of fitting pig iron for the puddling process by removing the silicon without the carbon, is sometimes used because of this difficulty in making a pig iron initially low in both sulphur and silicon.
Among the manufactures of Alton are iron and glass ware, miners' tools, shovels, coal-mine cars, flour, and agricultural implements; and there are a large oil refinery and a large lead smelter.
It is in the Kansas natural-gas field, ships large quantities of grain, and has a large zinc oxide smelter and a large oil refinery, and various manufactures, including vitrified brick and tile, flour, lumber, chemicals, window glass, bottles, pottery and straw boards.
As early as 1823 the brothers Dubinin erected a refinery in the village of Mosdok, and in 1846 applied to Prince Woronzoff for a subsidy for extending the use of petroleum-distillates in the Caucasus.
In a refinery in Nova Scotia a system has been introduced by which a travelling crane above the bag filters lifts up any head bodily with all its bags attached, and runs it to the mud and washing tanks at the end of the battery, while another similar crane drops another head, fitted with fresh bags, into the place of the one just removed.
Generally speaking this salt, which may contain up to 15% of impurities, goes into commerce just as it is, but in some cases it is taken first to the refinery, where it either is simply washed and then stove-dried before being sent out, or is dissolved in fresh water and then boiled down and crystallized like white salt from rock-salt brine.
There are minor manufacturing interests in tanneries, and in the manufacture of sweetmeats, malt and distilled liquors, especially rum, besides soaps, candles, starch, perfume, &c. There is one large and complete petroleum refinery (1905).
He sought to undo the worst consequences of the Methuen treaty by the creation of national industries, establishing a gunpowder factory and a sugar refinery in 1751, a silk industry in 1752, wool, paper and glass factories after 1759.
When the rock has been separated from the amalgam by a washing operation, the quicksilver is recovered by distillation in an iron retort, and the remaining crude retortsilver melted into bars and shipped to a refinery, which removes the impurities, the leading one of which is copper.
Berlin is a flourishing manufacturing town, and contains a beet sugar refinery, automobile, leather, furniture, shirt and collar, felt, glove, button and rubber factories.
Many dyers' furnaces, a little silver refinery, and perhaps a bakery have also been noticed.
Hutchinson of New York, laid a short line from the Tarr Farm wells to the refinery, which passed over a hill, the oil being moved on the syphon principle, and a year later constructed another three miles long to the railway.
From the centrifugal the sugar is either turned out without washing as raw sugar, only fit for the refinery, or else it is well washed with a spray of water and air until white and dry, and it is then offered in the market as refined sugar, although it has never passed through animal charcoal (bone-black).
Mons is now a flourishing town with a good trade in cloth, lace, sugar refinery, &c.; but its chief importance is derived from its proximity to the Borinage (place of boring), district containing mines of the finest coal in Belgium.
There are a sugar refinery and cooperage works, as well as large sawmills, shingle factories and many other industrial concerns.
It is a shipping point; the Standard Oil Company has a large refinery here, and among its manufactures are asphaltum for street paving, linoleum and men's garments.