Refers Sentence Examples
No command ever appears spontaneously, or itself covers a whole series of occurrences; but each command follows from another, and never refers to a whole series of events but always to one moment only of an event.
The French legend of the knight of the swan is attached to the house of Bouillon, and although William of Tyre refers to it about 1170 as fable, it was incorporated without question by later annalists.
There is good reason to believe that, when the term popolo occurs, it refers to this body and not to the whole mass of the population.
The oldest tradition they possess refers to a time shortly after the overthrow of the Majapahit dynasty in Java, about the middle of the 15th century; but it has been supposed that there must have been Indian settlers here before the middle of the 1st century, by whom the present name, probably cognate with the Sanskrit balin, strong, was in all likelihood imposed.
Herodotus describes the oil pits near Ardericca (near Babylon), and the pitch spring of Zacynthus (Zante), whilst Strabo, Dioscorides and Pliny mention the use of the oil of Agrigentum, in Sicily, for illumination, and Plutarch refers to the petroleum found near Ecbatana (Kerkuk).
It should be added that the aiXovpos of the Greeks, frequently translated by the older writers as "cat," really refers to the marten-cat, which appears to have been partially domesticated by the ancients and employed for mousing.
Among his chief systematic determinations we may mention that he refers the tinamous to the rails, because apparently of their deep " notches," but otherwise takes a view of that group more correct according to modern notions than did most of his contemporaries.
Marco Polo refers to the oil springs of Baku towards the end!of the 13th century; the medicinal properties of the oil of Tegernsee in Bavaria gave it the name of " St Quirinus's Oil " in 1436; the oil of Pechelbronn, Elsass, was discovered in 1498, and the " earthbalsam " of Galicia was known in 1506.
Wagner's Lehrbuch (Hanover, 1908, pp. 241-252) refers to numerous authorities who deal fully with the whole question of measurement.
Strabo refers to a great cave in Trachonitis capable of holding 4000 robbers.
AdvertisementPeano in an historical note refers its first explicit employment, although without a general enunciation, to Maurolycus in his work, Arithmeticorum libri duo (Venice, 1575).
The only definite information as to the amount of fortune necessary refers to later republican and early imperial times, when it is known to have been 400;000 sesterces (about L3500 to £4000).
True, Kant refers often to the ideal of a " perceptive " or " intuitive understanding," whose thought would produce the whole of knowledge out of its native contents.
The first, dedicated to Tubero, is eulogized by Cicero in the De officiis, and Seneca refers to him frequently in the De beneficiis.
A fact of special interest in regard to them is that the genus Poliochera, from the Coal Measures, appears to be a member of the same group. The name Cryptostemma, given to the first-known genus of the order, described by Guerin-Meneville, refers to the supposed concealment of the eyes by the movable cephalic sclerite.
AdvertisementDioscorides refers to it as agallochon, a wood brought from Arabia or India, which was odoriferous but with an astringent and bitter taste.
The term "glazed" refers to the outer finish given to many ceramic pet food dishes.
The term "home decorators outlet" can describe many things, but typically refers to a company that sells furniture, fabrics, window treatments and other decorating items to interior designers at a reduced cost.
It is to concordats in this later sense that this article refers.
The book of Judges with its " monotonous tempo - religious declension, oppression, repentance, peace," to which Wellhausen 4 refers as its ever-recurring cycle, makes us familiar with these alternating phases of action and reaction.
AdvertisementIt is there shown that every substance, transparent to light, has a definite refractive index, which is the ratio of the velocity of light in vacuo to its velocity in the medium to which the refractive index refers.
In the porch of the church is the most interesting of the extant old tombs, namely, the recumbent effigy of Alexander Stewart, the Wolf of Badenoch (1 3431405; the inscription refers his death to 1394, but this is said to be an error).
Thus St Ignatius in writing to the Romans never refers to any presiding bishop, and somewhat earlier Clement of Rome in his epistles to the Corinthians uses the terms presbyter and episcopus interchangeably.
The same heading already referred to gives us our only traditional information as to the period during which Isaiah prophesied; it refers to Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah as the contemporary kings.
I, 1-2), to the Septuagint version of the book (produced between 260 and 130 B.C.), in which the disputed prophecies are already found, and to the Greek translation of the Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach, which distinctly refers to Isaiah as the comforter of those that mourned in Zion (Eccles.
AdvertisementCicero frequently reproduces his expressions, applies passages in his plays to his own circumstances, and refers to his personages as typical representations of character.'
The form in which certain of the references to him are couched favours the above view; the compiler of Guiron le Cortois says in his prologue that "maistre Gautier Map qui fu clers au roi Henrydevisa cil l'estoire de monseigneur Lancelot du Lac, que d'autre chose ne parla it mie gramment en son livre"; and in another place he refers to Map, "qui fit lou pro pre livre de monsoingnour Lancelot dou Lac."
Of his knowledge of anatomy nothing definite can be said, as he seldom refers to it.
As his model in medical methods, Sydenham repeatedly and pointedly refers to Hippocrates, and he has not unfairly been called the English Hippocrates.
Gomme refers to an open space outside the western wall of Dorchester still called the Pummery as an indication of the Pomoerium in that place; and he considers that the name of Mile End, situated 1 m.
Aristotle refers to brass as the "metal of the Mosynoeci," 2 which is produced as a bright and light-coloured XaXK6s, not by addition of tin, but by fusing up with an earth.
An Assyrian inscription mentions Ith`amara the Sabaean who paid tribute to Sargon in 715 B.C. At this time the Sabaeans must have been in north Arabia unless the inscription refers to a northern colony of the southern Sabaeans.
Of these (3) and (4) are of marked eschatological character, and show little contact with definite historical events ' Driver, op. cit., p. 229, who also refers to the differences of Messianic outlook, and the substitution of an atmosphere of war for one of peace.
Alberti, to whom Porta also refers, but not in this connexion.
He refers to Maurolycus' work with concave specula.
He refers to de Maistre's memorable book, Du Pape, as the most profound, accurate and methodical account of the old spiritual organization, and starts from that as the model to be adapted to the changed intellectual and social conditions of the modern time.
Tradition refers to the advent of a Chinese artist named Nanriu, invited to Japan in the 5th century as a painter of the Imperial banners, but of the labors and influence of Period, this man and of his descendants we have no record.
For a commentary on this see the opening of the Babylonian account referred to above, which refers to the period of chaos as one in which there were neither reeds nor trees, and where " the lands altogether were sea."
Pirminius, who was far from being an original writer, made great use of a treatise by Martin of Braga, but substituted a Roman form of Renunciation, and refers to the Roman rite of Unction in a way which leads us to suppose that the form of creed which he substituted for Martin's form was also Roman.
One of the signatories of the Definition of Faith made at Chalcedon, in which both creeds were quoted in full, Kalemikus, bishop of Apamea in Bithynia, refers to the council of Constantinople as having been held at the ordination of the most pious Nektarius the bishop. Obviously there was some connexion in his mind between the creed and the ordination.
Skeat refers it to a root meaning "to kill," which may connect it with Gr.
For example, Varro refers the foundation of Rome to the 21st of April of the third year of the sixth Olympiad, and it is required to find the year before our era.
An instance is given, in L' Art de verifier les dates, of a date in which the year is reckoned from the 18th of March; but it is probable that this refers to the astronomical year, and that the 18th of March was taken for the day of the vernal equinox.
The legend (for it is nothing more) that Tromp hoisted a broom at his mainmast-head to announce his intention to sweep the English off the sea, refers to this period.
The epistle gives a minute description of the persecution in Smyrna, of the last days of Polycarp and of his trial and martyrdom; and as it contains many instructive details and professes to have been written not long after the events to which it refers, it has always been regarded as one of the most precious remains of the 2nd century.
Though he frequently refers to the envy and detraction which pursued him, Phaedrus seems to have attracted little attention in antiquity.
Ameghino refers deposits in Patagonia, from which undoubted human bones and relics have been exhumed, to the Miocene.
He may also have composed at Thurii that special work on the history of Assyria to which he twice refers in his first book, and which is quoted by Aristotle.
Already in 1550 Strype refers to certain " sectaries " in Essex and Kent, as " the first that made separation from the Reformed Church of England, having gathered congregations of their own."
The word Vanellus is from vannus, the fan used for winnowing corn, and refers to the audible beating of the bird's wings.
Camerarius, professor of botany and medicine at Tubingen, published a letter on the sexes of plants, in which he refers to the stamens and pistils as the organs of reproduction, and states the difficulties he had encountered in determining the organs of Cryptogamic plants.
We may now, as is somewhat the more natural course in the terrestrial application, take axes (x,y,z) which move with the matter; but the current must be invariably defined by the flux across surfaces fixed in space, so that we may say that relation (i) refers to a circuit fixed in space, while (ii) refers to one moving with the matter.
To the Latin transla tions of Aristotle and to his interpreters he refers in more than three hundred passages, while the number of his references to the Latin translation of the Timaeus of Plato is less than ten.
On the other hand, the idea of contempt at the exposure of the person, to whatever extent, may not have been so prominent, especially if the custom were not unfamiliar, and it is possible that the sequel refers more particularly to grosser practices attending outbursts of religious enthusiasm.'
There is literary critical evidence for late insertions by exilic or later compilers; 1 the compiler of Chronicles apparently refers to accessible works; and there is a close material relationship between the Old Testament and later literature.
Briggs assisted Robert Napier in the editing of the " posthumous work," the Constructio, and in the account he gives of the alteration of the logarithms in the Arithmetica of 1624 he seems to have been more anxious that justice should be done to Napier than to himself; while on the other hand Napier received Briggs most hospitably and refers to him as " amico mihi longe charissimo."
The " new invention in Denmark " to which Anthony Wood refers as having given the hint to Napier was probably the method of calculation called prosthaphaeresis (often written in Greek letters irpooOa4aipeats), which had its origin in the solution of spherical triangles.
Clavius then refers to a work of Raymarus Ursus Dithmarsus as containing an account of a particular case.
In recent years the science of vegetable palaeontology has been given the distinct name of Palaeobotany, so that " palaeontology e' among biologists mainly refers to zoology; but historically the two cannot be disconnected.
Samuel de Champlain discovered the Isles of Shoals and sailed along the New Hampshire coast in 1605, and much more information concerning this part of the New World was gathered in 1614 by Captain John Smith, who in his Description of New England refers to the convenient harbour at the mouth of the Piscataqua and praises the country back from the rocky shore.
It need mean no more (Lightfoot, Essays on Supernatural Religion, 172 seq.) than narratives of (or concerning) the Lord; on the other hand, the phrase is capable of a much more definite meaning, and there are many scholars who hold that it refers to a document which contained a collection of the sayings of Jesus.
Professor Sargent refers to it as the tallest American tree, which probably occasionally reaches 400 ft.
The travel-document in Acts often refers to the solemn breaking of bread.
It is possible that the Liber Pontificalis refers to the office under the Latin synonym, when it says of Pope Victor (186-197) that he made sequentes cleros, a term - sequens - which Pope Gaius (283-293) uses in the sense of acolyte.
Although he refers to Caesar's Commentaries once by name, and evidently made use of them in other passages, he but imperfectly availed himself of that work.
The second maxim refers to the well-known fact that accretions from marginalia, &c., lengthen and at the same time weaken a text.
In answering it we must be careful to exclude any evidence which refers to Aristotle as a man, not.
The church of St John is mainly Perpendicular, 'What the Fihrist (p. 13 seq.) has about various forms of Persian writing certainly refers in part at least to the species of Pahlavi.
On the other hand, it has been suggested that when Jacob and his family entered Egypt, some Israelite tribes had remained behind and that it is to these that Mineptah's inscription refers.
Pappus himself refers to another commentary of his own on the 'Avfi ojµµa of Diodorus, of whom nothing is known.
Section II of the act ordered, inter alia, that the trial of every election petition shall be conducted before a puisne judge of one of the common law courts at Westminster and Dublin; that the said courts shall each select a judge to be placed on the rota for the trial of election petitions; that the said judges shall try petitions standing for trial according to seniority or otherwise, as they may agree; that the trial shall take place in the county or borough to which the petition refers, unless the court should think it desirable to hold it elsewhere.
He refers to Hume as recognizing no causality but only a customary and habitual succession, but adds that Kant rightly recognizes that mere observation cannot teach the necessity of the conjunction.
He thinks that it is the origin of the categories of causality, which he refers to " conation," and substance, which he attributes to the interaction of active subjects with their environment and to their intercourse with each other.
The Anglo-Saxon homilist 1Elfric, in his Lives of the Saints (996 or 997), refers to it as in common use; but the earliest evidence of its authoritative prescription is a decree of the synod of Beneventum in 1091.
The name is a corruption of Bedevaartswyk, "the village on the pilgrims' road," and refers to the pilgrimages once made to the church of St Agatha in the neighbourhood.
They were known to St Benedict, who refers his monks to "the Rule of our holy Father Basil," - indeed St Benedict owed more of the ground-ideas of his Rule to St Basil than to any other monastic legislator.
A later Jewish oracle (46-62) refers to the wars of the second Triumvirate of Rome, and the whole compilation seems to come from a Christian redactor.
Dante refers to the shadowless spectre of Virgil, and the folklore of many European countries affords examples of the prevalence of the superstition that a man must be as careful of his shadow as of his body.
But it may also refer, as Hsiian Tsang refers it, to another author of the same name.
His name occurs in several books of the New Testament, and doubtless refers in all cases to the same person, though this has been questioned.
The famous clause of Magna Carta (§ 39) prohibiting sentences of exile, except as the result of a lawful trial, refers more particularly to his case.
The Bavarians are first mentioned in a Frankish document of 520, and twenty years later Jordanes refers to them as lying east of the Swabians.
John Gerard (Herball, p. 1228) describes it as sweet willow or gaule, and refers to its use in beer or ale.
The pamphlet is supposed to have been written by Chrysostomus Dudulaeus of Westphalia and printed by one Christoff Crutzer, but as no such author or printer is known at this time - the latter name indeed refers directly to the legend - it has been conjectured that the whole story is a myth invented to support the Protestant contention of a continuous witness to the truth of Holy Writ in the person of this "eternal" Jew; he was to form, in his way, a counterpart to the apostolic tradition of the Catholic Church.
The corresponding critical points which occur during rise of temperature, with the reverse transformations, are called Ac1, Ace, Ac 3, &c. A (Tschernoff) is the generic name, r refers to falling temperature (refroidissant) and c to rising temperature (chauffant, Osmond).
The length of these varieties of the process just given refers to the basic procedure.
Another theory is that Bretwalda refers to a war-leadership, or imperium, over the English south of the Humber, and has nothing to do with Britons or Britannia.
This measurement refers to the Russian and Siberian sorts, which are the only kind imported for the fur.
The Greek name for the lion is very ancient, and this suggests, although by no means demonstrates, that it refers to an animal indigenous to the country.
In the part omitted, at p. 154 of the original edition, Hobbes refers to his first introduction to Euclid, in a way that confirms the story in Aubrey quoted in an earlier paragraph.
It is more probable on general grounds that the martyrdom of Peter took place during the persecution of Christians in 64, and it is urged that Clement's language refers to this period.
Besides a valuable account of the principal sacred sites of Judaea, Samaria and Galilee as they existed in the 7th century, he also gives important information as to Alexandria and Constantinople, briefly describes Damascus and Tyre, the Nile and the Lipari volcanoes, and refers to the caliph Moawiya I .
True, the presbyter Caius (c. 200) who first mentions the situation of the apostolic tombs on the Vatican and the road to Ostia, and refers to the memorials there erected, has nothing to say of foreign Christians journeying to Rome in order to visit them.
It is probably to this ballad that Melchior Russ of Lucerne (who began his Chronicle in 1482) refers when, in his account (from Justinger) of the evil deeds of the bailiffs in the Forest districts, he excuses himself from giving the story.
Although more than two centuries later than the event to which it refers, this inscription is good evidence of the site of the garden.
There can be little doubt that the story told there of the reconquest of Northern Mercia by Edmund refers to the compact with Anlaf, made as a result of the campaign, and it is probable that Simeon's statement is a wide exaggeration, due in part at least to a confused reminiscence of the earlier pact between Alfred and Guthrum.
This description refers to a fertile sub-tropical oasis on the partially barren plateau; below in the forested lowlands, where tropical conditions prevail, the numbers and varieties are many times greater.
It has been conjectured that the "estuary" here mentioned refers to the Baltic, the existence of which as a separate sea was unknown to all ancient geographers; but the obscure manner in which it is indicated, as well as the inaccuracy of the statements concerning the place from whence the amber was actually derived, both point to the sort of hearsay accounts which Pytheas might readily have picked up on the shores of the German Ocean, without proceeding farther than the mouth of the Ems, Weser or Elbe, which last is supposed by Ukert to have been the limit of his voyage in this direction.
This Spanish inscription refers to a Rectina who died at the age of 18 and was the wife of Voconius Romanus.
That he had a competent acquaintance with Greek is manifest from his translations of Dionysius the Areopagite and of Maximus, from the manner in which he refers to Aristotle, and from his evident familiarity with Neoplatonist writers and the fathers of the early church.
The story that in 882 he was invited to Oxford by Alfred the Great, that he laboured there for many years, became abbot at Malmesbury, and was stabbed to death by his pupils with their "styles," is apparently without any satisfactory foundation, and doubtless refers to some other Johannes.
Judgment is the act which refers an ideal content recognized as such to a reality beyond the act, predicating an idea of a reality, a what of a that; so that the subject is reality and the predicate the meaning of an idea, while the judgment refers the idea to reality by an identity of content (Bradley and Bosanquet).
So again in determining the " import " of propositions, it is no accident that in all save existential propositions it is to the familiar rubrics of associationism - co-existence, sequence, causation and resemblance - that he refers for classification, while his general formula as to the conjunctions of connotations is associationist through and through.
The act of judgment " which refers an ideal content (recognized as such) to a reality beyond the act " is the unit for logic. Grammatical subject and predicate necessarily both fall under the rubric of the adjectival, that is, within the logical idea or ideal content asserted.
This title, generally translated "born in the purple," either refers to the purple robes in which the imperial children were wrapped at birth, or to a chamber or part of the imperial palace, called the Porphyra (iropckpa), where the births took place.
This refers to the use of the x, y, z co-ordinates, - associated, of course, with i, j, k.
Paley refers several times to Nieuwentyt, who uses the famous illustration of the watch.
Dionysius Alexandrinus also, in his canonical epistle (260 A.D.), refers to the six fasting days (E Twv Pr YTECwv iijApac) in a manner which implies that the observance of them had already become an established usage in his time.
The internal variations of the rate in a single community, however, can be fairly indicated in this way, as is done in Table VI., which, it is to be noted, refers to those born alive only and excludes the still-born, statistics regarding whom are incomplete.
There seems reason to believe that it refers to the time when the site, or a portion of it, formed an island, as sea-sand is the subsoil even of the oldest quarters.
Perrier, a publication of the year 1718 refers to the fact that wine of this description had then been known for some twenty years.
The vintage date, therefore, which is borne by " vintage champagne," refers rather to the date of vintage prior to bottling than to the age of the wine, although the main bulk of the wine of a certain " vintage " will actually have been made in the year indicated.
The term is applied to different varieties of wines according to the district, but in the neighbourhood of Tokay it generally refers to wines obtained by treating szamorod or Ausbruch residues with dry wine.
For the Germans the phrase " science of finance " (Finanzwissenschaft) refers exclusively to the economy of the state.
These three together make up the intellectual (as opposed to the physical) system of the universe; and they are opposed respectively by three false principles, atheism, religious fatalism which refers all moral distinctions to the will of God, and thirdly the fatalism of the ancient Stoics, who recognized God and yet identified Him with nature.
Leibnitz speaks of Bacon as " divini ingenii vir," and, like several other German authors, classes him with Campanella; Huygens refers to his " bonnes methodes."
Ewald refers it to the end of the Persian period, about 350 B.C. (an opinion which Westcott declared to be "almost certainly correct"); Kohut thinks that the book was composed in Persia under the Sassanid Dynasty, about A.D.
Louvois (March 26, 1670) refers to a report that one of Fouquet's valets - there was constant trouble about them - had spoken to Dauger, who asked to be left in peace, and he emphasizes the importance of there being no communication.
There are then no letters in existence from Saint-Mars to Louvois up to Louvois's letter of July 19, in which he first refers to Dauger; and for three months (from April 22 to July 1 9) there is a gap in the correspondence, so that the sequence is obscure.
The whole previous correspondence (as well as a good deal afterwards) is full of the valet difficulty; and it is surely more reasonable to suppose that when Louvois writes to Saint-Mars on the 19th of July that he is sending Dauger, a new prisoner of importance, as to whom "it est de la derniere importance qu'il soit garde avec une grande seurete," his second paragraph as regards the instructions to "Sieur Poupart" refers to something which Saint-Mars had suggested about getting a valet from outside, and simply points out that in preparing furniture for "celui que l'on vous amenera" he need not do much, "comme ce n'est qu'un valet."
That the name Aduma (above) refers to Etham (so Naville, &c.) is improbable.
The prefatory note there may come from a Hebrew MS., but perhaps refers to chapter i.
The principal use of the term is ecclesiastical, and refers to the person who carries a staff as a symbol of office before a bishop or other church dignitary when taking part in a service, especially one held in a cathedral.
The name tarsier refers to the great elongation of two of the bones of the tarsus, or ankle, and spectrum to the huge goggle-like eyes and attenuated form which constitute two of the most distinctive features of this weird little creature.
Brentano refers to a pamphlet on the Clothworkers' Company, published in 1649, which asserts that "the commonalty" in the old charters meant, not the whole gild, but only the masters, wardens and assistants.
Marine fossils found by Gustav Steinmann in the middle of the series are said to indicate an age not earlier than the Jurassic, and Steinmann refers them to the Lower Cretaceous.
As regards the ammonium carbonate accumulating in the soil from the conversion of urea and other sources, we know from Winogradsky's researches that it undergoes oxidation in two stages owing to the activity of the so-called " nitrifying " bacteria (an unfortunate term inasmuch as " nitrification " refers merely to a particular phase of the cycle of changes undergone by nitrogen).
There is indeed no reason to suppose that either Ronsard or Du Bellay was a fervent admirer of Rabelais, for they belonged to a very different literary school; but there is absolutely no evidence of any enmity between them, and Du Bellay actually refers to Rabelais with admiration.
As to the first decade, it is generally agreed that in the first and second books, at any rate, he follows such older and simpler writers as Fabius Pictor and Calpurnius Piso (the only ones whom he there refers to by name), to whom, so far as the first book is concerned, Niebuhr (Lectures, p 33) would add the poet Ennius.
Etymologically the word "silver" probably refers to the shining appearance or brightness of the metal.
What has not perhaps been so clearly perceived is the consequence that all that is told about Helen refers to the later Simon.
He puts Simon after Marcion, and yet refers in the same breath to his acceptance of Peter's preaching.
The first of these may have been known to Virgil, who refers to the Proetides in the Eclogues.
Herondas must have been a contemporary, as he refers to Ptolemy Philadelphus, 4 and was.
Dr Prichard here puts forward distinctly the time-honoured doctrine which refers the mental faculties to the operation of the soul.
Pliny refers them to the Etruscans.
The theory refers to radiation homogeneous at all points within a single closed boundary maintained at uniform temperature; in the actual case we have a double boundary, one the sun's surface, and the other infinitely remote, or say, non-existent, and at zero temperature; and it is assumed that the density of radiation in the free space varies inversely as the squares of the distance from the sun.
Many authorities regard it as made up of three distinct songs (one of which refers to the battle and Winkelried), possibly put together by the younger Halbsuter (citizen of Lucerne in 1435, died between 1470 and 1480), though others contend that the Sempach-Winkelried section bears clear traces of having been composed after the Reformation began, that is, about 1520 or 1530.
It has a preface which refers to a treatise Concerning Spiritual Gifts as having immediately preceded it.
Ogilvie refers the modern genus Galaxea to this family.
On the whole, the grouping method refers mainly to concrete numbers and the counting method to abstract numbers.
Thus, while arithmetical numbering refers to units, geometrical numbering does not refer to units but to the intervals between units.
Rowan Hamilton, in the preface to his Lectures on Quaternions, refers more than once to those papers as having led and encouraged him in the working out of the new system of quaternions.
Paul Natorp 1 contends that OEoXoyia in Plato 's Republic refers wholly to the control of myths.
Fairbairn barely refers to the Fourth Gospel in this connexion, and it is doubtful whether Matt.
The word, which means "jaw-footed," refers to the fact that in the members of the group, some of the lateral appendages or "feet" in the region of the mouth act as jaws.
The names Condylopoda and Gnathopoda have been subsequently proposed for the same group. The word refers to the jointing of the chitinized exo-skeleton of the limbs or lateral appendages of the animals included, which are, roughly speaking, the Crustacea, Arachnida, Hexapoda (so-called " true insects "), Centipedes and Millipedes.
In the inscription on his tomb, prepared by himself, Locke refers to his books as a true representation of what he was.
The discussion of good (e.g.) in his Philebus relates entirely to human good, and the respective claims of Thought and Pleasure to constitute this; he only refers in passing to the Divine Thought that is the good of the ordered world, as something clearly beyond the limits of the present discussion.
Accordingly his treatment of external rights and duties, though decidedly inferior in methodical clearness and precision, does not differ in principle from that of Paley or Bentham, except that he lays greater stress on the immediate conduciveness of actions to the happiness of individuals, and more often refers in a merely supplementary or restrictive way to their tendencies in respect of general happiness.
Hartley refers to this treatise as having supplied the starting-point for his own system.
On the other hand, he holds that the destroying nature of the sphinx was much older, and he refers to instances in both Egyptian and Greek art where a sphinx is seen seizing and standing upon a man.
Max Muller refers the beginning of his system of mythology to the discovery of the connexion of the Indo-European or, as they are called, " Aryan " languages.
The tales of divine cannibalism to which Pindar refers with awe, the mutilation of Dionysus Zagreus, the unspeakable abominations of Dionysus, the loves of Hera in the shape of a cuckoo, the divine powers of metamorphosing men and women into beasts and stars - these tales come to us as echoes of the period of savage thought.
Josephus refers the legend on which it is based to the time of Ptolemy VII.
Suetonius, in his Life of Nero, refers to a Cynic philosopher named Isidore, who is said to have jested publicly at the expense of Nero.
Chaucer wrote a treatise on the astrolabe; Milton constantly refers to planetary influences; in Shakespeare's King Lear, Gloucester and Edmund represent respectively the old and the new faith.
The development has been worked out in P. capensis, to which species the following description refers.
The former refers to the earth, which is continually changing the point of view of the observer as he is carried around the sun, while the latter relates to the invariable position of the matter which reflects the light.
This refers to systems with small apertures, but still more so to systems with large ones; chromatic aberrations are exceptionally increased by large apertures.
In English legal history, "ancient" tenure or demesne refers to what was crown property in the time of Edward the Confessor or William the Conqueror.
A Syrian official record from this reign, preserved in the Edessene Chronicle, gives a somewhat detailed account of a violent flood (autumn, 201) of the Daisan river which did much damage, destroying 1 The inscription, which is difficult to read, connects the structure with Shalmat the queen, daughter of Ma`nu, who cannot be identified with certainty, and refers to some image(s), which probably excited the pious vandalism of the Arabs.
In my understanding, the inferiority complex refers to the need to be an individual.
The term " derivative, taken from infinitesimal calculus, refers to an isolated aspect, or " function " of a real quantity.
In texts such as the Epistles of the Ikhwan al-Safa ', it refers to the angels that rule the celestial spheres.
For example, the birth cohort of 1900 refers to people born in that year.
Throughout this document the phrase the Conservators ' land refers to the land owned or managed by the conservators ' land refers to the land owned or managed by the Conservators.
Cognitive constructivism refers to the developmental stages identified by Piaget that children pass through as they construct meaning based on their experiences.
Jenkins refers to ' the internal-external dialectic of identification ' (Jenkins, 1996 ).
Others suggest that it refers to the mineral-rich red mountains nearby which are called harei Edom.
The low unemployment Ace refers to is being sustained by this very flaky marginal demand.
When Rita refers to knackers she means male genitalia.
In Islamic jurisprudence, it refers to a rule or regulation.
Devlin refers to Serpent Lane, which led from the dragon's lair in the hills down to its drinking place at the river.
The Silent Woman refers to a beheaded saint although other stories tell of a previous landlady who talked too much.
We do know three lemmas contained in The Porisms since Diophantus refers to them in the Arithmetica.
Today friends joined us for lunch at the blue Lias pub (blue lias refers to the local stone ).
The qualification on privilege refers to statements motivated by malice.
Another document, dating to 1694, refers to corn milling at the site.
The ramifications of the letter are somewhat mind-boggling -- as was the article in EGG No.7 to which it refers.
It refers to the strengthening of the abdominal musculature especially transversus abdominus and the deep spinal muscle lumbar multifidus.
Unlike her mother, however, she hired a full-time nanny, a person she refers to as a ' servant ' .
The term net refers to net of reinsurance and the subscript refers to the policies that give rise to (say) mortality risk.
He refers to his own oeuvre as his " stuff " while speaking in slow sentences of remarkable precision and grace.
There is a serious generation overcapacity, to which Mr Battle refers in his response.
In this case, PP refers to preambular paragraph and OP refers to operative paragraph.
Moral vs. welfare paternalism The usual justification for paternalism refers to the interests of the person being interfered with.
Epithelial planar cell polarity refers to situations in which cells become polarized within the plane of an epithelium.
The second problem is called polysemy, and refers to the fact that most words have more than one meaning.
Stuart (1979) also refers to its use as a soothing poultice.
This description refers to the normal Coturnix laying quail.
The cross-reference element you will use most often is the ref element, which reference element you will use most often is the ref element, which refers to another part of the same document.
The term ' e-Science ' commonly refers to large-scale scientific collaborations carried out over t.. .
My friend often refers to ` the red robin visiting ` .
It also refers to practice which promotes the development of a positive self-identity.
Unlike a, this proposition is not self-referential; it refers instead to a.
Personally identifiable information This refers to information that lets us know the specifics of who you are.
Tho the UK media refers to Dr. Kelly's " apparent suicide, " no one has looked into the possibility of foul play.
For this guide, the term database refers to essentially tabular data containing text and numbers.
The word destruction here simply refers to ultimate eternal judgment in hell, everlasting torment.
Name refers to use by Indians of the slender trunks as poles for their teepees.
Unicast refers to networking in which computers establish two-way, point-to-point connections.
He is said to have been vain and fat, and to have been so fond of display that he was nicknamed Pompicus, or the Showy (unless the epithet refers to his literary style).
In the dedication of the former he refers to himself as "mihi jam morbis pene confecto," and in the "Admonitio" at the end he speaks of his "infirma valetudo"; while in the latter he says he has been obliged to leave the calculation of the new canon of logarithms to others "ob infirmam corporis nostri valetudinem."
The celestial globe of Hipparchus still existed in the Alexandrian library in the time of Ptolemy, who himself refers to globes in his Almagest, as also in the Geography.
In his Life of Sir Henry Wotton Izaac Walton, calling him Jasper Scioppius, refers to Schoppe as "a man of a restless spirit and a malicious pen."
De nugis is a comparatively small book; if it were difficult to find leisure for that, much more would it have been difficult to find the time requisite for the composition of one only of the many long-winded romances which have been fathered on Map. Giraldus Cambrensis, with whom he was on most friendly terms, and who frequently refers to and quotes him, records a speech in which Map contrasted Giraldus' labours with his own, apparently to the disadvantage of the latter, "vos scripta dedistis, et nos verba" - a phrase which has been interpreted as meaning that Map himself had produced no literary work.
Juba, according to Pliny, who constantly refers to him, is mainly memorable for his writings.
He refers them, however, to the same genus as the former, under the name of Psittacus verreauxi.
The abridgment forms the first volume of the account of the ejected ministers, but whoever refers to it should also acquaint himself with the reply to the accusations which had been brought against Baxter, and which will be found in the second volume of Calamy's Continuation.
Besides these, Moses refers to a whole array of Greek authorities, which were known to him from his constant use of Eusebius, but which cannot possibly have related all that he makes them relate.6 Although Moses assures us that he is going to rely entirely upon Greek authors, the contents of his work show that it is mainly drawn from native sources.
It expressly refers itself to the maxim of Protagoras that "man is the measure of all things," and is best conceived as a protest against the assumption that logic can treat thought in abstraction from its psychological context and the personality of the knower, i.e.
The quiescent point also refers to the dc conditions (bias conditions) of a circuit without an input signal.
The reason I mention it is that apparently it refers to the squashing of the rebellious Scots....
Now it only refers only to Joshua in all known Jewish versions and must be an early redaction.
The cross-reference element you will use most often is the ref element, which refers to another part of the same document.
The notifying Party refers the dispute to the Adjudicator within seven days of the notice.
The term ' e-Science ' commonly refers to large-scale scientific collaborations carried out over t...
The word drag actually refers to the resistive force of water to any body passing through it.
My friend often refers to ` the red robin visiting `.
Noise - The word " noise " originated in audio practice and refers to random spurts of electrical energy or interference.
Tho the UK media refers to Dr. Kelly 's " apparent suicide, " no one has looked into the possibility of foul play.
The term " synaptic plasticity " refers to the ability to maintain or improve synapse function.
Metonymy, he announced, refers to the combination of linguistic units on the horizontal or syntagmatic axis.
At the best, when a man says ' I ' he refers only to a transitory phenomenon.
Corporate treasury refers to treasury activities carried out in companies using financial products to support their main business.
In Japan the word sushi refers to a broad range of foods prepared with vinegared rice.
Video output The term video output in general refers to signals produced by encoding workstation graphics.
He lovingly refers to them as his 'show'.
Language refers to our ability to understand and express ideas whereas speech refers to the actual sounds we make.
Another definition found on this same site also refers to baptism as a "non-Christian rite using water for ritual purification."
Cerebral palsy refers to chronic posture or movement disorders and actually involves four categories-spastic, ataxic, athetoid/dyskinetic, and mixed.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is commonly referred to as SIDS and refers to the death of an infant due to an unknown cause.
The baby monitor refers to a device that consists of a base and a remote(s).
Beef cut marbling refers to white fat veins or the distributions of fat in steaks.
Shape refers to a diamond's ability to return and scatter light when viewed from above.
The name Game Boy refers to all systems made in the last 15 years.
Ballistic refers to the weave, a 2-over-2 pattern, and is, as you probably guessed, the type of fabric weave used in bulletproof vests.
Refresh rate is tied to the resolution and refers to the number of times the monitor redraws all of the pixels in the images per second.
Resolution refers to the picture quality and the number of lines the screen can display.
This refers to the protocol used by a wireless adapter to access the Internet.
The first meaning refers to the financial crisis to 1869 when Jay Gould and James Fisk attempted to corner the gold market by hoarding the gold after the government was in the midst of rebuilding the United States after the Civil War.
Memory. This term refers to how the computer temporarily reads and writes data as the computer calculates and runs programs.
The term "consolidation" refers to the fact that they combine some or all of their consumer client's debt into a single amount, often reducing the debt while doing so.
A sunk cost refers to costs that cannot be recovered by future cash-flows.
Permanent alimony refers to payments that will be made indefinitely.
In general terms, equitable division refers to dividing the property in a way that is fair.
Physical custody refers to where the children will be living.
In America, some states still recognize this type of marriage, which refers to a couple who shares a home for a particular amount of time but have never had a legal ceremony.
Climate change refers to a list of things that are changing with the earth's climate.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, global warming refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere of the Earth.
Renewable energy refers to a source of power harvested from a sustainable and long-lasting source, such as the sun or wind.
Solar power refers to energy harvested from the sun.
The definition of non renewable energy refers to these materials because once depleted, more cannot be easily created.
Renewable energy refers to any energy that comes from a natural resource.
Renewable energy refers to those sources of energy that are naturally renewed or replenished, such as solar power from the sun or energy created from the wind.
National Geographic refers to deforestation is a modern-day plague and warns, "The world's rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation."
Taken from the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus), saffron refers to the dried stigmas of the flower.
The term somatoform refers to physical symptoms that have no known origin.
Contemporary art refers to art produced since World War II.
Americana wall hanging is an expansive idiom that refers to decorative artifacts encompassing the culture of the United States of America.
When speaking about oriental area rugs, the term refers to rug designs with influences from a large portion of Asia, from as far east as China, all the way to Pakistan, Turkey, Iran and India, including what was formerly known as Persia.
The word "swag" in interior decorating refers to the draping or hanging of a material.
Today, emo almost exclusively refers to a "soft punk" choice of fashion and cosmetics.
For some people, the question refers to the site rhetorically, as Yahoo mail has fallen out of grace with many due to newer rising technologies.
A Secret Code is usually one you receive when a friend refers you.
In photography, composition refers to how the subject matter is framed in the picture.
The company refers to its innovative navigational feature as "Magic Touch Technology."
The first commercial instant camera's name, Polaroid Land Camera Model 95, made official use of the name "Land Camera" but most of the time the term refers to a type of instant camera manufactured by Polaroid.
Generally, a kebab refers to meat dishes that are prepared in Africa, the Middle East, Greece, central Asia, and south Asia.
Olive Oil - This oil from pressed olives comes in varying degrees of acidity, which refers to the proportion of fatty acids not taste.
Parkinson's Law refers to the seemingly true statement that any given task will expand to fill the amount of time that is allotted to it.
This is what Covey refers to when he says to "put first things first."
Bling bling is a hip-hop slang term that refers to expensive jewelry and other accessories.
Assuming that middle school encompasses 6th, 7th, and 8th grades (middle school sometimes only refers to 7th and 8th grade), your child should tackle the following objectives.
Sometimes it refers to someone who is cool or it can be an admired act.
The term ghetto fabulous usually refers to a person who lives in the ghetto, but dresses in designer clothes and buys expensive things.
It's interesting to note that vegan rennet is not rennet at all, since the word rennet refers to an animal's stomach lining.
Social drinking usually refers to the moderate use of alcohol on social occasions, such as a celebration or a dinner or sporting event with friends.
The word "cocaine" usually refers to a whitish powder which is "snorted" through the nose.
Compulsive shopping also refers to compulsive buying or being a shopaholic, and it is a serious problem that can have many implications.
But it mostly often refers to shower curtains with a pattern or color scheme reminiscent of the 1960s, such as bold polka dots or multicolored stripes.
While all cake pans are 3D, the term "3D cake pans" generally refers to pans that have an unusual shape or the mold of a special type of figure.
In fact, Tiger refers to his father as his best friend.
The Colbert Report is a parody of political news shows such as The O'Reilly Factor; in fact, Colbert often refers to Bill O'Reilly as "Papa Bear."
So, if we have this correct, Ann Coulter believes that NBC executives (part of what she refers to as the "liberal media") gathered around in a conference room working out diabolical plans to prevent her from selling books.
Most of the time, however, "hot" refers to attractive celebrities in sexy poses, or wearing revealing clothing.
A baby bump refers to the protrusion of a woman's belly when she is pregnant.
For those of you unfamiliar with the term rockabilly, it actually refers to a particular subculture that began in the 1950s.
This refers to a shaped waist and skirted bottom of either knee-length or longer.
The term "cool" often refers to something that is widely accepted by a peer group, and able to either stand out in an acceptable way or blend in easily with the "in" crowd.
Distressing refers to the amount of wear and tear the denim undergoes.
The actual term "sock" is derived from the Latin word "soccus" which refers to a loose-fitting slipper.
While navy refers to a dark blue hue, it is possible to have a lighter or darker version of this universal color.
Hazing refers to any humiliating or potentially harmful activity required to join a group.
The term "GI Bill" refers to any Department of Veterans Affairs education benefit that is available to active duty personnel, veterans, and members of Selected Reserve and National Guard Armed Forces and their families.
Holland America offers special packages in Alaska and Northern Canada that it refers to as CruiseTours.
The American Kennel Club standard mainly refers to Labs that are bred in Canada and the USA.
The term "cache-sexe" refers to a covering for the female genitals.
Anthracnose refers to a group of diseases caused by fungi, and it can affect many shade trees.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) refers to an approach to insect control that attacks insect infestations at each stage of development.
Companion planting refers to the process of planting crops together to complement each other.
This article explains how free guitar chord lyrics websites work, and then refers you to some of the best sites on the Internet.
Lustre refers to that shine, that glow that truly fine pearls give off.
Since Black Hills gold refers to the tricolor gold and the motif of the grapes and grape-leaves rather than a specific type of mined gold, many jewelers may claim to sell Black Hills gold jewelry.
It refers to the reflective quality, or brilliance, of the pearl.
The "bondage" term refers to the slightly unconventional, BDSM-like look the pants convey.
It also refers to finding cuts that conceal imperfections or areas of your body you may be self-conscious about.
Levi's refers to their jean jackets as Trucker Jackets and has kept the same traditional style since 1967.
The term refers to the weave that is in the fabric.
Sterling refers to the British Pound and is the same currency that is used in the UK.
The term natural often refers to packaging processes rather than growing standards.
The term organic green tea refers to tea leaves harvested from Camellia sinensis plants grown without chemical pesticides or fertilizers.
The term "organic pregnancy diet" refers to eating organic foods while pregnant in an attempt to avoid dangerous toxins; it does not refer to a special diet consisting of organic foods that will allow a pregnant woman to lose a few pounds.
The term heirloom baby clothes usually refers to items that are handmade using special fabrics and notions.
Organic also refers to the processing of foods.
The term bioavailability refers to your body's ability to make use of a product, whether it's a whole food or a vitamin product.
The term kosher refers to foods that satisfy the requirements of Jewish dietary laws.
Although fleece refers to fabric that is either natural or synthetic, the outerwear discussed in this article are all made of the synthetic variety.
But today, the word "wholesale" also refers to stores that sell to consumers at prices lower than retail.
In today's marketplace, both on and off line, the word wholesale also refers to stores that sell their merchandise at prices that are far below retail.
The term "petite" in fashion refers to height, not size; therefore, petite women come in all sizes.
Active wear refers to a line of pants tailor made for athletics or casual days.
This condition refers to emphysema and chronic bronchitis experienced together.
To find more examples of strong, sexy seniors, search the Web for "Masters bodybuilding" (in amateur sports, "Masters" generally refers to older adults) and check the results of major competitions.
Another piece of legislation that refers to aging in the workplace is the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990.
It also refers visitors to ElderCarelink for a more detailed assessment and recommendation.
Congestive heart failure in the elderly refers to the heart's physical state of slowing down and inability to beat as efficiently as it once did.
The term "snowbird" refers to people that leave the harsh, cold, snowy winters of their main home town and temporarily move to areas where the winter season is warm and sunny.
Besides their collection, the first thing you might take note of about this company is their name, Anglo American eyewear; a name that refers to a specific ethnic group.
In this case, that ethnic group refers to English Americans; that is, Americans of English heritage.
Standard game play refers to the clothes, appearance and even the environment that your Sim is a part of.
Despite the fact that the name refers to Sims 2, the gamers there are obviously all very interested in the newest version of the game.
The term refers both to the genre of arcade games and the actual coin-op machines that gave birth to them.
Overlord Velvet also refers to these minions as pixies.
The "Mer" stands for the sea, which in this case refers to the Pacific Ocean that brings a fog and cool breeze to the vinyards, "Soleil" is the sunshine that brings the grapes to maturity.
A wine describend as balanced is exactly what it sounds like and refers to a wine that is not too acidic, astringent, tannic or fruity.
Earthy is a term used to describe both the bouquet and flavor of the wine and refers to a rich-soil scent or flavor.
Often described as "long", "lingering" or "crisp", the finish of a wine refers to how long the flavors of the wine linger on the tongue and in the mouth after it is swallowed.
Silky is a characteristic description that refers to wine that has a very smooth and silky texture.
Terroir is a French that term refers to the soil and climatic conditions of the geographic regions in which the wine grapes are grown.
In general, the term cuvée refers to the blend of grapes used to make the wine.
Vintage refers to the year in which the grapes were harvested for a particular bottle of wine.
Backbone is a description that is synonymous with full-bodied and refers to wines that are well balanced.
The descriptive term chewy isn't as un-appetizing as it sounds and refers to wines that are intense in flavor characteristics and are full-bodied.
Wine tasting refers to taking the time to notice aspects of the wine being tasted.
The term varietal refers to wines made mostly from a single grape.
Marilyn Merlot Wines refers to a group of wines produced under the Marilyn Wines brand.
The principal reason for this is that the name "Champagne" refers not just to the composition of the wines but to their terroir, which encompasses all aspects of the climate and the soil in which wine grapes are grown.
The constituency refers to the number of people who have the potential to be customers for the pieces you are considering.
The term gaiter refers to a piece of clothing intended to protect sensitive areas of the body.
Instead, the use of the term "units" with TracFone refers to airtime blocks, just as you would buy airtime on an as-needed basis with other prepaid phone providers.
The term GSM refers to the Global System for Mobile Communications, a telecommunications technology utilized by providers such as AT&T, T-Mobile and GCI Wireless.
It refers to the "cells" that result from the implementation of cell phone towers around a provided service area.
Often refers to the muscular wall dividing the left and right heart chambers or the partition in the nose that separates the two nostrils.
Also refers to an abnormal fold of tissue down that center of the uterus that can cause infertility.
Lactation refers to the formation of milk in the breasts during the period following childbirth.
In dentistry, calculus refers to a hardened yellow or brown mineral deposit from unremoved plaque, also called tartar.
Also refers to a small, round demyelinated area that develops in the brain and spinal cord of an individual with multiple sclerosis.
Most commonly the term refers to the collection and analysis of tissue from a suspected tumor to establish malignancy.
Lactose intolerance refers to the inability of the body to digest lactose.
Autosomal refers to the first 22 pairs of chromosomes that are the same in males and females.
Purpura comes from the Latin word for "purple" and refers to the reddish-purple spots on the skin caused by leakage of blood from inflamed capillaries.
Also refers to the extent to which an antibody can be diluted before it will no longer react with a specific antigen.
Coping-In psychology, a term that refers to a person's patterns of response to stress.
The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) refers to a group of inherited disorders that affect collagen structure and function.
Also refers to the fine, soft hair that develops on the chest and arms of anorexic women.
Obstructive sleep apnea refers to partial obstruction of the airway during sleep, causing irregular breathing and sometimes snoring.
Also refers to a protective, walled-off capsule in which an organism lies dormant.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to symptoms that occur between ovulation and the onset of menstruation.
Histiocytosis X is a generic term that refers to an increase in the number of histiocytes, a type of white blood cell that acts as a scavenger to remove foreign material from the blood and tissues.
Also refers to a person who has a particular disease agent present within his/her body, and can pass this agent on to others, but who displays no symptoms of infection.
Battered child syndrome (BCS) refers to non-accidental injuries sustained by a child as a result of physical abuse, usually inflicted by an adult caregiver.
The word pituitary refers to the pituitary gland, which regulates the production of certain chemicals called hormones.
The term allergy refers to a person's immunologic sensitivity to any substance that causes an allergic reaction.
Chronic pain refers to pain that persists after an injury heals, cancer pain, pain related to a persistent or degenerative disease, and long-term pain from an unidentifiable cause.
Social competence refers to the social, emotional, and cognitive skills and behaviors that children need for successful social adaptation.
The term emotional intelligence refers to the child's ability to understand the emotions of others, perceive subtle social cues, "read" complex social situations, and demonstrate insight about others' motivations and goals.
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) refers to the presence of a documented elevation in body temperature for a specified time, for which a cause has not been found after basic medical evaluation.
A strain refers to damage to or tearing of a muscle.
The term telangiectasia refers to a spot formed, usually on the skin, by a dilated capillary or terminal artery.
Maxillofacial trauma refers to any injury to the face or jaw caused by physical force, the presence of foreign objects, animal or human bites, or burns.
Ductus arteriosus refers to an open passageway-or temporary blood vessel (ductus)-that carries blood from the heart via the pulmonary artery to the aorta before birth.
The term projective refers to a concept originated by Sigmund Freud.
Drug tolerance refers to a person's body being accustomed to the symptoms produced by a specific quantity of a substance.
Recovery refers to the life-long efforts of a person to avoid returning to substance use.
The term mineral toxicity refers to a condition in which the concentration in the body of any one of the minerals necessary for life is abnormally high, and which has an adverse effect on health.
Spastic refers to diplegic impairment of either legs or arms, quadriplegic involving all four extremities, hemiplegic or one-sided involvement of arms and legs, or double hemiplegic impairment of both sides, arms and legs.
Dyskinetic refers to abnormal movements caused by inadequate regulation of muscle tone and coordination.
Ataxic refers to disturbances in coordination of voluntary movements; it includes mixed forms of CP, with mixed characteristics and symptoms.
Spastic diplegia, for example, refers to continuously tight muscles that have no voluntary control in both legs, while athetoid quadraparesis describes uncontrolled writhing movements and muscle weakness in all four limbs.
It is important to remember that mild CP or severe CP refers not only to the number of symptoms present but also to the level of involvement of any particular class of symptoms.
Day care refers to the care provided for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children, either in their own homes, in the home of a relative or other caregiver, or in a center-based facility.
The name tuberous sclerosis refers to characteristics of the benign tumors that grow within the brain.
Closed reduction refers to realigning bones without breaking the skin.
Open reduction primarily refers to surgery that is performed to realign bones or fragments.
Differentiation refers to the ability of each family member to maintain his or her own sense of self, while remaining emotionally connected to the family.
Also refers to the tendency of a family system to maintain internal stability and to resist change.
Purpura refers to bruising as the result of a disease condition.
Immobilization refers to the process of holding a joint or bone in place with a splint, cast, or brace.
Also refers to any device that bends light waves.
Acute or classic mastoiditis refers to acute disease following AOM and involves the development of an abscess behind the ear.
Play therapy refers to the use of play as communication; therapists who are trained in these techniques observe and participate in play activities with the child and interpret the child's actions as a form of subconscious communication.
The most serious problem occurring in RF is called pancarditis ("pan" means total; "carditis" refers to inflammation of the heart).
Fasciitis-Inflammation of the fascia (plural, fasciae), which refers to bands or sheaths of connective tissue that cover, support, or connect the muscles and internal organs.
Also refers to the technique of removing wax (cerumen) from the ear canal by flushing it with water.
Head to toe development refers to the way the upper parts of the body develop, beginning with the head, before the lower ones.
Technically, puberty refers to the period during which an individual becomes capable of sexual reproduction.
Mental retardation usually refers to people with an IQ below 70.
The term psychosocial refers to the psychological and social factors that influence mental health.
The term refers to repeated unwanted or uncomfortable sensations, usually in the child's throat, eyes, or shoulders.
In the eye, fundus refers to the back area that can be seen with the ophthalmoscope.
Cognitive development refers to how a person perceives, thinks, and gains understanding of his or her world through the interaction of genetic and learned factors.
Assimilation refers to the process of taking in new information by incorporating it into an existing schema.
In statistics it also refers to the rate at which a disease or abnormality occurs.
This refers to a condition that can develop when a large amount of bowel must be removed, making the intestines less able to absorb certain nutrients and enzymes.
Also refers to a disastrous or life-threatening event that can cause severe emotional distress, including dissociative symptoms and disorders.
Working mothers, as a label, refers to women who are mothers and who work outside the home for income in addition to the work they perform at home in raising their children.
Rat-bite fever refers to an infection which develops in a person after being bitten or scratched by an infected animal.
Food poisoning refers to illness arising from eating contaminated food.
In contrast to puberty, adolescence is more a social/cultural term that refers to the interval between childhood and adulthood.
Otitis externa refers to an infection of the ear canal (outer ear), the tube leading from the outside opening of the ear in towards the eardrum.
It refers to non-custodial parents who do not fulfill court-ordered financial responsibilities to their children, regardless of their involvement in their children's lives in other ways.
Often refers to one of the air-filled cavities surrounding the eyes and nose that are lined with mucus-producing membranes.
Cerumen impaction refers to the buildup of layers of earwax within the ear canal to the point of blocking the canal and putting pressure on the eardrum.
Prenatal development refers to the process in which a baby develops from a single cell after conception into an embryo and later a fetus.
Also refers to stitching together the torn or cut edges of tissue.
Special education refers to a range of educational and social services provided by the public school system and other educational institutions to individuals with disabilities who are between three and 21 years of age.
Iron deficiency anemia refers to anemia that is caused by lower than normal levels of iron.
The terms antibody and immunoglobulin are often used interchangeably, although immunoglobulin refers to the larger classification system for antibodies.
Amblyopia refers to diminished vision in either one or both eyes, for which no cause can be discovered upon examination of the eye.
Also refers to a respiratory therapy involving deeper and/or faster breathing to keep the carbon dioxide pressure in the blood below normal.
Cyclothymia refers to the cycling of hypomanic episodes with depression that does not reach major depressive proportions.
Off-label refers to the use by doctors of FDA-approved drugs for purposes other than those approved by the agency.
Also refers to a retrovirus that had been modified and is used to introduce specific genes into the genome of an organism.
Seborrheic refers to the sebaceous, or oil producing, glands of the skin.
Dysmenorrhea refers to the pain or discomfort associated with menstruation.
Developmental delay refers to when a child's development lags behind established normal ranges for his or her age.
The negative part refers to no decelerations being present with uterine contractions (UCs).
Skeletal development refers to the development of the human skeletal system from the early days of pregnancy until the bones have reached full development in late puberty.
Temperament is sometimes considered the biological or physiological component of personality, which refers to the sum total of the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social dimensions of an individual.
Malleability refers to the extent to which temperament can be influenced or reshaped by later life events.
Malleability-A term that refers to the adaptability of human temperament; the extent to which it can be reshaped.
This refers to delaying antibacterial treatment of certain children for 48 to 72 hours and limiting management to symptomatic relief.
Juvenile arthritis (JA) refers to a number of different conditions, all of which strike children and all of which have joint inflammation as their major manifestation.
Some literature refers to JA as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, although most types of JA differ significantly from the adult disease called rheumatoid arthritis, in terms of symptoms, progression, and prognosis.
Earlyonset disease refers to a serious illness that is present at birth and usually causes the baby to be born prematurely.
Attachment refers to a relationship that emerges over time from a history of caregiver-infant interactions.
Also refers to a small tube placed in a ventricle of the brain to direct cerebrospinal fluid away from a blockage into another part of the body.
It is classified as a zoonosis, which is a term that refers to any disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans.
Major depression refers to a single severe period of depression, marked by negative or hopeless thoughts and physical symptoms like fatigue.
Bipolar depression or bipolar disorder (sometimes called manic depression) refers to a condition in which people experience two extremes in mood.
Flexibility refers to the ability to consider various alternatives at the same time.
This refers to treatment with chemicals that bind to the lead and help the body pass it in urine at a faster rate.
The term osteochondroses refers to a group of diseases of children and adolescents in which localized tissue death (necrosis) occurs, usually followed by full regeneration of healthy bone tissue.
Hip hop dance refers to a wide ranging style of street dances that people do to hip hop music.
The word "ball" refers to the ball of the foot; in jazz choreography, you execute ball changes typically in conjunction with steps and/or kicks.
The two step refers to a particular dance move, or series of dance moves, that are found in both folk dance and other genres from ballroom to breakdancing.
The term Samba actually refers to a group of dances performed to similar music.
It also refers to your aspirations and the perception you have of yourself.
This refers to friends and other people that help solve problems that arise and those that help with travel arrangements and making new contacts.
Symmetry is often described as the mirror image and harmony refers to a recurring theme found within the face and the measurements.
In his definition, he refers to the dividing point as being 0.618.
The term "indie" refers to the independent rock movement that has largely remained in the background of more advertised and hyped pop or alternative bands.
Semi permanent hair color is generally no less permanent than permanent hair color; semi permanent usually refers to how much gray is covered, as well as the product's ability to lighten the hair.
The term Homeschool Habitat typically refers to a Chicago-based podcast that was once a valuable resource for homeschooling parents in the Chicago (city) area.
When discussing mortgage terms, escrow generally refers to the account which holds the funds which are used to pay real estate taxes and homeowners insurance, or perhaps one but not the other.
The information contained within this article refers to when this mortgage lender was in business, prior to the revocation of the license.
Annual Interest Rate refers to the interest charged each year on the principal.
Equity refers to the amount of money your home is worth, minus the amount of money you owe on the home.
Instead, direct lender merely refers to mortgage lenders who deal directly with applicants.
Ovulation refers to the release of an egg from your ovary, which happens around the same time in each menstrual cycle.
The site refers readers to photos of the singer so they can draw their own conclusions, but the images are no longer available.
Aromatherapy refers to the practice of using essential oils extracted from various plants to treat different conditions of the mind and body.
Technically speaking, teenage pregnancy refers to any pregnancy in which the mother has not yet turned 20 when the baby is born or when the pregnancy ends by some other means.
The Brazilian tanga refers to a style of bathing suit that is very skimpy.
Other sources for thong suits include Body-Body, which has one suit and actually refers to it as a one-piece thong bikini.
What Diamond Dobby refers to is a new design of 3-D diamond pattern material that guarantees 30 percent less of the short touches your skin.
The term "short torso swimsuit" refers to any mode of swimwear designed specifically or indirectly for people whose torsos are visibly shorter than their legs.
The term "single string bikini" often refers to the construction of the bikini top itself.
Granted, this statement refers to the better known type of monokini, not the topless monokini that is popular in Europe (also the original style of "monokini" from the 1960s) and will show plenty of skin.
While the freestyle swimming technique actually refers to any unregulated swim stroke during the course of competition, many people use this term as a substitute for the front crawl since it's the most widely used freestyle stroke.
Although the term more typically refers to miniature plastic toy horses with a toy rider, some also use the term to refer to rocking horses that can be ridden.
The term essential amino acids refers to the approximately ten percent of amino acids that the human body cannot manufacture.
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin D is 400 IU, but bear in mind that the RDA refers to the bare minimum scientists believe is needed to ward off deficiency diseases, not the optimal amount for health.
Harm from fish oil refers to specific potential complications that can jeopardize health or cause surgical complications.
The term "micellized" refers to a chemical process that changes the molecular structure of the compounds in question so the body can more easily absorb them.
The name chaturanga means "having four limbs" in Sanskrit, and it refers to the four-level division of the ancient Indian army.
The player that goes first will call out a number and a letter that refers to a single grid location.
The only difference is that any question or clip refers to something Disney, from television or movies, to Disney history.
This term refers to the grams of wax consumed per hour.
The term mod refers to a subculture movement that originated in the 1950s in London.
Rustic generally refers to a simple, country style.
The "adult" in online adult dating services refers to the character of the ads and to the members' priorities.
Mature BBW refers not to age, but instead to behavior, attitude, and self-awareness.
For those using the term in personal ads, however, maturity typically refers to women who are at least 25 years old.
Jane Austen refers to courtship as the time after the engagement has been announced and approved, but before the wedding takes place.
Swinging - Swinging typically refers to swapping partners.
SheMale Dating - SheMale dating refers to a woman inside a man's body, and this is very captivating and attractive for some people.
Everyone in our town refers to us as dating but I don't because I don't want to chase him off.