Referring Sentence Examples
I wasn't referring to that.
Megan glanced around and then realized the boy was referring to her.
But today at the spring, she had been referring to herself.
The diversity of nomenclature indicated above 1 Referring to the Japanese custom of employing a go-between to arrange a marriage.
This decision was communicated to the foreign churches, and seems to have been justified by referring to the self-mutilation of Origen and adducing objectionable doctrines which he was said to have promulgated.
Only a small fragment of his annals has been discovered relating to his invasion of Egypt in 567 B.C., and referring to " Phut of the Ionians."
Later on, Jacob 3 I Hebrew vi, from the initial letters of Rabbi Shelomoh Yizbagi, a convenient method used by Jewish writers in referring to well-known authors.
In the first page, I have struck out the words ` uti posthac docebitur,' as referring to the third book; which is all at present, from your affectionate friend, and humble servant, " Is.
The clue ends up referring to a ship, a dramatic turn that leads Ben and his team to other clues.
The tradition I was referring to was you not eating breakfast.
AdvertisementRead them... said her mother, thoughtfully, referring to some verses Prince Andrew had written in Natasha's album.
Whether he was referring to the fact that they were leaving or that Alex had left her was unclear.
Many Greek inscriptions have been found here, some referring to the shrine.
The Christian passages, which are poetically of no value, are evidently of literary origin, and may be of any date down to that of the extant MS. The curious passage which says that the subjects of Hrothgar sought deliverance from Grendel in prayer at the temple of the Devil, " because they knew not the true God," must surely have been substituted for a passage referring sympathetically to the worship of the ancient gods.
A subordinate matter in the book that attracted much attention at the time is the conception of the "Plastic Medium," which is a mere revival of Plato's "World-Soul," and is meant to explain the existence and laws of nature without referring all to the direct operation of God.
AdvertisementWhen sculptured decorations were added they frequently took the form of imitations of the actual festoons with which it was usual to ornament altars, or of symbols, such as crania and horns of oxen, referring to the victims sacrificed.
Ansible 160 ½, " Fort Mudge Steam Calliope Company " -- an old fannish jape of Lee Hoffman's, referring to Pogo.
Referring to a height and weight chart for infants is a good way to track the growth and development of newborns.
For example, "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit" was uttered by Simpson's attorney Johnnie Cochran, referring to a glove the prosecution presented as evidence in the trial.
Whatever term you want to use in referring to these items, closeouts can provide a great option for bargain hunters, both in brick and mortar stores and online.
AdvertisementEventually however, Christianity saw a broader incorporation of celebrations and commemorations regarding the new year, with many referring to this day as the Feast of Christ's Circumcision.
In one of the early interviews for the show, she calls herself a "praying mantis" when referring to her male relationships.
One contestant is famously quoted as referring to herself as having a "butt-face" despite the fact that by most standards, she would not be considered unattractive.
This was to be the root of Miles' distrust with Cardassians, often referring to them with the slanderous term "Cardies".
Was this person referring to Qui-Gon or Jar Jar?
AdvertisementThere seems no reason, therefore, to doubt that Eusebius is here referring to the Christian philosopher.
The last three writers mentioned above add that he was a tribune of the people, while Plutarch, referring to the affair, gives the further information that the Cinna who was killed by the mob was a poet.
The treaty made in 1896 with the Argentine government, referring to the arbitration of disputed points concerning the boundary, became practically for the moment a dead letter, and both Argentines and Chileans began to talk openly of an appeal to arms to settle the matter once for all.
This fourth temple is, beyond question, that to which Croesus contributed, and it was, therefore, in process of building about 540 B.C. Our authorities seem to be referring to it when they tell us that the Artemision was raised by common contribution of the great cities of Asia, and took 120 years to complete.
Charles, by Hyde's advice, had not interfered in the movement, and had avoided inconvenient concessions to the various factions by referring all to a " free parliament."
Dicaearchus, referring to the town of Cassander, gives two measurements for the circuit, equal to about 9 m.
Papias was also a pioneer in the habit, later so general, of taking the work of the Six Days (Hexaemeron) and the account of Paradise as referring mystically to Christ and His Church (so says Anastasius of Sinai).
In the 14th century, however, we still find the Parlement referring delicate affairs to the king; but in the 15th century it had acquired a jurisdiction independent in principle.
There is no evidence from Galen's own works that he did make this addition to the doctrines of syllogism, and the remarkable passage quoted by Minoides Minas from a Greek commentator on the Analytics, referring the fourth figure to Galen, clearly shows that the addition did not, as generally supposed, rest on a new principle, but was merely an amplification or alteration of the indirect moods of the first figure already noted by Theophrastus and the earlier Peripatetics.
Before referring to some of the writings of members of the community we should mention the famed translation of the Scriptures known as the Bible of Kralice.
First referring it to the genus Caprimulgus, its original describer soon saw that it was no true goatsucker.
Early names for it are Lac argenti and Luna cornea, the first referring to its form when freshly precipitated, the latter to its appearance after fusion.
It consisted of a small MS. of the Gospels in the Vulgate, fragments of the liturgy of the Celtic church, and notes, in the Gaelic script of the 12th century, referring to the charters of the ancient monastery, including a summary of that granted by David I.
There is, however, justification for referring some specimens to Arundo, Phragmites, and to the Bambuseae.
Origen, referring the act of creation to eternity instead of to time, affirmed the eternal personal existence of the Logos.
On some plates the stars were allowed to trail and the planet was followed, in others the reverse procedure was taken; in either case the planet's position is measured by referring it to " comparison stars " of approximately its own magnitude situated within 25' to 30' of the centre of the plate, while these stars are themselves fixed by measurement from brighter " reference stars," the positions of which are found by meridian observations if absolute places are desired.
In referring to this code, Sir Henry Maine spoke of Livingston as "the first legal genius of modern times" (Cambridge Essays, 1856, p.17).
On the esplanade in front of Macduff Castle, still called the Playfield, took place in 1552 one of the first recorded performances of Sir David Lindsay's Ane Satyre of the Three Estaits (1540); his Tragedy of the Cardinal (1547), referring to the murder of Beaton, being also performed there.
Lactantius (circa 300 A.D.), for example, roundly declares that Plato and Aristotle, referring everything to this earthly life, " made virtue mere folly "; though himself maintaining, with pardonable inconsistency, that man's highest good did not consist in mere pleasure, but in the consciousness of the filial relation of the soul to God.
We observe, however, that Paley's method is often mixed with reasonings that belong to an alien and older manner of thought; as when he supports the claim of the poor to charity by referring to the intention of mankind "when they agreed to a separation of the common fund," or when he infers that monogamy is a part of the divine design from the equal numbers of males and females born.
Or, again, we should recognize as a test of the " authoritative " character of moral ideas or feelings the fact that they are complex and representative, referring to a remote rather than to a proximate good, remembering the while that " the sense of duty is transitory, and will diminish as fast as moralization increases."
Referring to special articles, Solar System, Star, Sun, MooN, &c. for a description of the various parts of the universe, we confine ourselves, at present, to setting forth a few of the most general modern conceptions of the universe.
The vernal equinox is taken as the initial point on the sphere from which co-ordinates are measured in the equatorial and ecliptic systems. Referring to fig.
On the 27th of January following Wilberforce carried a motion for referring to a special committee the further examination of witnesses, but after full inquiry the motion for abolition in April 1791 was lost by 163 votes to 88.
The name in Josephus is Asphaltites, referring to the bituminous deposits above alluded to.
And, finally, it is not at all difficult to understand why Kant should say that the affection of sense originated in the action of things-in-themselves, when we consider what was the thing-in-itself to which he was referring.
In his early essays he had rightly drawn the distinction between mathematical demonstration and philosophic proof, referring the certainty of the first to the fact that the constructions were synthetic in character and entirely determined by the action of constructive imagination.
Fate's mention of him gaining access to the underworld made Gabriel wonder if the deity was referring to Darkyn's mate.
He seemed uncomfortable without the usual casket before him but was quite skillful in referring to Jeffrey Byrne's present status in sufficiently ambiguous terms as to not quite acknowledge Byrne was dead.
Was he referring to her ambitious nature, as she had thought at the time, or did he mean she was the only one he would sell it to?
I guess that's the punishment for our roles in the Schism – being pushed aside and forced to watch, Eden said, referring to the war that severed the two realms completely from one another.
Far from prophesying the Advent of the Quran, Isaiah is simply referring to the Assyrian takeover of Ephraim.
When you say " we turned from Dea ", are you referring to some distant ancestress of contemporary maid?
The linguistic characteristics of natural argumentation, including discourse markers, sentence format, referring expressions, and style.
I am not referring to swimmers; they never bathe in the summer holiday sense.
Since it's not very chivalrous to keep referring to him as an Idiot, ASK IDIOT ABOUT HIMSELF.
Medical staff always keep referring clinicians informed of their patient's progress by sending reports at least every four weeks.
Reports in the dermatological literature incriminating an unspecified coleus will usually be referring to a Coleus blumei cultivar.
Also the opportunity to earn significant commission by referring others.
Updated the documentation where it was still referring to the legacy type convertors.
Action - referring dentists should ask patients to bring all medication and BM stix to the assessment visit.
A problem you may be referring to is that in earlier times in Derwent, they did omit the digit in the kind code.
The text repeats calls for a phased program of nuclear disarmament, referring to past calls for timebound nuclear disarmament only in the preamble.
Should such legislation contain a footnote referring to the case?
Exactly who is the " brainless imbecile " you are referring to?
As a result I could keep referring to it and kept things impersonal by simply asking if he could suggest alternatives.
When I was young I remember my mother referring to anyone who was a bit of a misery as an ' old killjoy ' .
Referring to the butyl rubber liner she commented that WRG would rather work in rubber than with piles any day!
To some extent, the experimenter can check for potential errors by referring to the perturbation of the field seen by local ground-based magnetometers.
Magian Adjective from Magi (sing. Magus) referring to a member of the Zoroastrian priestly caste in Ancient Persia.
But she yearned for a wider field; by January 1854 she was referring to the institution as " this little molehill.
In referring to Luna, Spong was speaking about another unusual instance of a solitary orca known to scientists as L98.
Finally on another issue referring again to the closing paragraph of the paper by Fenton et al (1999 ).
Are they inverted pyramids, referring to the Egyptian book of the dead?
I am referring, of course, to contracted-out rebates.
So he is not referring to people who, when they sin, genuinely repent.
If I were to talk of a water holding 3lb grayling and 2lb roach, where do you suppose I'd be referring to?
Referring Investigations Red cell serology services are provided to UK Blood Centers and to bona fide reference centers outside the UK.
It's truly shambolic say many dentists referring to the recent overhaul of the NHS dental service.
A. It is, but it is actually referring to a police efficiency regulation, which will mean that it is actually statutory based.
Contact Us referring veterinary surgeons should contact the Equine Referral Hospital by telephone on 0117 928 9621.
There are historical records referring to the use of birch bark tar to relieve sore throats.
Here he was welcomed with the jest, referring to his famous speech against the Dutch, "nondum deleta Carthago."
In the moral sphere the passions or emotions (which Descartes reduces to the six primitive forms of admiration, love, hatred, desire, joy and sadness) are the perceptions or sentiments of the mind, caused and maintained by some movement of the vital spirits, but specially referring to the mind only.
In June 1899 he sent his project for the reorganization of the legal procedure to congress, but no action was then taken beyond referring the bill to a committee for examination and report.
We might mislead ourselves if we interpreted this expression as referring to moral goodness; on the other hand, Plato more than most of the Greeks thinks of moral virtue as an imitation of God.
We must content ourselves by referring to the progress of physical (including chemical) theory, which has led to the great generalization of the conservation of energy; to the discovery of the fundamental chemical identity of the matter of our planet and of other celestial bodies, and of the chemical relations of organic and inorganic bodies; to the advance of astronomical speculation respecting the origin of the solar system, &c.; to the growth of the science of geology which has necessitated the conception of vast and unimaginable periods of time in the past history of our globe, and to the rapid march of the biological sciences which has made us familiar with the simplest types and elements of organism; finally, to the development of the science of anthropology (including comparative psychology, philology, &c.), and to the vast extension and improvement of all branches of historical study.
The word "pear" or its equivalent occurs in all the Celtic languages, while in Slavonic and other dialects different appellations, but still referring to the same thing, are found - a diversity and multiplicity of nomenclature which led Alphonse de Candolle to infer a very ancient cultivation of the tree from the shores of the Caspian to those of the Atlantic. A certain race of pears, with white down on the under surface of their leaves, is supposed to have originated from P. nivalis, and their fruit is chiefly used in France in the manufacture of Perry (see Cider).
The epithet rrpovoia (" forethought") is due, according to Farnell, to a confusion with irpovaLa, referring to a statue of the goddess standing "before a shrine," and arose later (probably spreading from Delphi), some time after the Persian wars, in which she repelled a Persian attack on the temples "by divine forethought"; another legend attributes the name to her skill in assisting Leto at the birth of Apollo and Artemis.
The interpretation of this dialogue which first suggests itself is that the prophet is referring to wickedness within the nation, which is to be punished by the Chaldaeans as a divine instrument; in the process, the tyranny of the instrument itself calls for punishment, which the prophet is bidden to await in patient fidelity.
The combative energy, the sense of superiority, the spirit of satire, characteristic of him as a Roman, unite with his loyalty to Epicurus to render him not only polemical but intolerant and contemptuous in his tone toward the great antagonists of his system, the Stoics, whom, while constantly referring to them, he does not condescend even to name.
Each has a distinct number or name which marks its place in the cycle, and as this is generally given in referring to dates, along with the other chronological characters of the year, the ambiguity which arises from following a fluctuating or uncertain epoch is entirely obviated.
Thus Gucumatz, " Feathered Serpent " corresponds in name to the Mexican deity Quetzalcoatl; Tulan and the Seven Caves are familiar words in the Aztec migration traditions, and there is even mention of a chief of Toltecat, a name plainly referring to the famed Toltecs.
The name Euripus was corrupted during the middle ages into Evripo and Egripo, and in this latter form transferred to the whole island, whence the Venetians, when they occupied the district, altered it to Negroponte, referring to the bridge which connected it with the mainland.
There we must figure to ourselves the philosopher, constantly referring to his autograph rolls; entering references and cross-references; correcting, rewriting, collecting and arranging them according to their subjects; showing as well as reading them to his pupils; with little thought of publication, but with his whole soul concentrated on being and truth.
To the later editions of the work Hume prepared an " Advertisement " referring to the Treatise, and desiring that the Essays " may alone be regarded as containing his philosophical sentiments and principles."
This is one of the defining aspects of the sacrament I 'm referring to the sacrifice of the Mass.
If I were to talk of a water holding 3lb grayling and 2lb roach, where do you suppose I 'd be referring to?
It 's truly shambolic say many dentists referring to the recent overhaul of the NHS dental service.
Yellow is always a very negative color in Smith, and it 's used twice here, referring to yellow sodium streetlights.
Contact Us Referring veterinary surgeons should contact the Equine Referral Hospital by telephone on 0117 928 9621.
Are you referring to the ' Bump Rubber ' fitted to the lower wishbone arm?
One, he 's referring to somebody we do n't know, somebody that was known as Paul 's yoke fellow.
Second, you have to decide what words you want to use in referring to these natural body functions.
One other fact to note is that some denominations combine the act of baptism with the christening of children, while others do not believe in baptizing babies or small children, referring to their belief that children are without sin.
As trade and gold supplies moved into the 20th century and beyond, bullion is simply used when referring to any gold or silver bars, coins or ingots.
One group of furniture historians thinks that the concept of a "jelly cupboard" was used in various regional vernaculars throughout the United States, referring to a cabinet that held preserved foods, not just jellies and jams.
When photovoltaics (PVs) off grid is talked about, what people are referring to is a power supply, usually solar, that is not in any way connected to a main power grid.
The photovoltaic process is typically what people are referring to when they ask the question, how does solar energy work.
You've tried bars and parties, and your friends just haven't succeeded in referring you to the man of your dreams.
Thus, the practice of using his name when referring to early models.
Whether you are just starting out or looking to brush up on your skills, referring to ski instructions can enhance your overall ski experience.
When referring to time management, Pareto's Principle simply means that typically 80 percent of the desired results comes from 20 percent of the effort put in.
My husband lost his temper and fired him on the spot for referring to me as, "the bride from hell," over the microphone.
I was referring to the heat, but I didn't realize my faux pas until Andrea and I were a block away.
Hazeldon offers eight levels of care based on the needs of the patient and the referring program.
Many tabloids are referring to Angelina Jolie's adoption as a scandal, as though she somehow circumvented Ethiopian adoption laws.
What they are referring to is whether the votes for a particular candidate will increase due to a celebrity endorsement.
An unnamed source claimed that the actress "has never been the same since she broke up with Jak,e" referring to Dunst's former boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal.
Slips referring to her tops and flips referring to her skirts here.
Oh, and please stop referring to yourself as Ciroc Obama.
During the interview, Mel began referring to himself as "Octo-Mel" as this new bundle of joy, reportedly due in the fall of 2009, is Gibson's eighth child.
Yes, that isn't a typo, "him" is how reps are referring to Chastity.
When most people refer to an English garden, they are actually referring to what is now known as cottage garden style.
Referring to a bass guitar chart is one of the best ways to learn where the actual notes are on each fret without having to stop and think about it.
This is one type of repair when you want all your ducks in a row, including knowing how to use tools and supplies without having to keep referring to an operating manual.
While bright red is the color typically thought of when referring to these gems, rubies can actually vary in color from light to very deep red, and red-orange and red-purple as well.
When we speak of the Celts we are referring to the people who once inhabited Ireland, Scotland, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, Wales and Brittany, all of whom spoke Celtic languages.
Have a system in place for referring children who are suspected of being abused or neglected.
The referring physician can choose to obtain the results immediately after the sleep study or wait 7 to 21 days for the final report prepared by the Center's physician.
When you hear a retailer talk about a first, second or third generation night vision device, they are referring to which grouping that particular device belongs to.
I find myself referring to it a lot when I want to consider different characters.
Since the sudden rise of popularity in MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games), a lot of online RPGs have jumped to the MMORPG genre, so I'll be referring to them as such.
At Gaming Lagoon, you can get a free Wii points card by completing offers and surveys and referring friends.
Remember that if you want to start referring people, then lend a hand and use the referral link to sign up.
Referring to the genre as "survival horror", the original Resident Evil, released for the Playstation in 1996, gave the genre a boost to the top that hasn't really died down much since.
When someone is describing the "acidity" of wine, he or she is referring to how sharp or tart the wine tastes.
Other collectors use the terms china, parian and bisque when referring to the different types of dolls.
In most cases, however, they are referring to B&F Specialties' Bunkhouse brand of pop-up motorcycle campers and travel trailers.
And just because we're referring to all of these phones as "pink" does not mean that they're the same color!
Strictly speaking, the term "mobile phone" may have once referred to car phones, but "mobile phone" is now largely interchangeable with "cell phone" when referring to the same types of devices.
It is quite common to hear someone referring to all smartphones as BlackBerry devices, but that would not be correct.
It is also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy and is sometimes called peroneal muscular atrophy, referring to the muscles in the leg that are often affected.
For non-urgent outpatient MRI scans, the radiologist interprets the images and sends a report to the referring physician within a few days.
When referring to a disease, it means that damage caused by the disease occurs at multiple sites.
When referring to a cancer, it means that more than one tumor is present.
For non-urgent outpatient CT scans, the radiologist interprets the images and sends a report to the referring physician within a few days.
Mosaic-A term referring to a genetic situation in which an individual's cells do not have the exact same composition of chromosomes.
The correct term or terms to use when referring to homosexuals varies widely by location and culture.
Throughout the centuries, as people began to realize the value and importance of Phi throughout the centuries, they began referring to it as the Golden Proportion.
Often, when referring to the Golden Ratio in reference to the human body, these are the terms that are commonly used.
By the mid 1700s, the colonists started referring to it as "Oyster Island" due to the extensive natural oyster beds surrounding the island area.
Another strategy that works well is to give your customers something extra in return for referring a new customer to you.
A cold lead is a brief record referring to a potential buyer, or prospect.
When real estate experts sell systems promising to teach people how to make millions of dollars in real estate they are most often referring to flipping properties, not to renting out homes which you hold the title to.
The income used to determine your debt to income ratio is your gross income, referring to your income before taxes.
While she hasn't decided on a baby name just yet, she's been referring to her son as "my little Junebug" in recent press interviews.
The question "when is a woman most fertile" can often only be answered when referring to a healthy female with no apparent fertility problems.
In the United States, most people are referring to leave taken under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) when they discuss an absence from work to care for a newborn.
An article released by NY Daily News reports that the singer and former American Idol contestant is pregnant, referring back to the same Essence Magazine mention.
In this case, however, we're referring to how well the cut allows you to move.
When experts talk about fiber generally, they are referring to the part of a food or supplement that passes through the body without being absorbed.
When people talk about this style of small appliance, what they are actually referring to is a space-saving toaster oven that can be mounted to the bottom of a cabinet that is attached to the ceiling.
The label is actually referring to its 220-volt European model, but that can be seriously misleading to many who think they're buying a super-blender.
Rather, "fancy dress" is a British term referring, simply, to costumes.
Hanky panky - This is a polite way of referring to cheating relationships, whether the relationship is a full-blown affair or an emotional online rendezvous.
When people talk about being in a relationship through thick and thin, they're referring to the kind of relationship you have had with your boyfriend.
I want to point out that the dating cues or signals I am referring to aren't sexual, although as relationships progress, intimacy does have its own set of cues.
What I am referring to are the signals of attraction, eye contact, and tone of voice, humor, playfulness, vulnerability and the like.
This message is usually referring to either something that recently happened or something that is always a part of your partner.
When people talk about New York diamond engagement stores, it's likely they're referring to the section of Manhattan known as the Diamond District, which is located on and near 47th Street.
Now that you have calculated the closest year with the above formula, you can figure out what the 2004 animal sign was without referring to a chart or text book.
You can determine your zodiac sign element by referring to the last digit of your birth year.
When filmerati talk about first, second and third acts in movies, they are referring to the internal logic of the plot, which generally follows a three act structure.
When most people talk about welfare, however, they are referring to programs that offer specific cash assistance.
Lorelai gave birth to Rory at the age of 16 and the pair share a unique and close bond, often referring to themselves more as best friends than mother and daughter.
While the series was originally titled East 8, it was renamed EastEnders when Holland and Smith realized that's how they were commonly referring to people from the area.
When most people refer to astrology in the United States, they are referring to the Western form of the zodiac, although there are other forms - most notably Indian and Chinese.
Over the years, people have added to the terminology surrounding Celtic knots, sometimes referring to the designs as mystic knots and endless knots.
There are many different types of rosary used in the Catholic faith, but when most people refer to a rosary they are referring to one type - the Five Decade Rosary.
You may come across the term broader autism phenotype referring to this population.
A lot of car dealers throw around the word "best selling" all the time when referring to specific makes and models of the cars or trucks they sell.
The cheerleaders themselves seem to be rather stereotypical as well, and use rather silly terms to talk to each other - such as one squad member angrily referring the captain as a "cheer-tator!"
When I speak of commercially made soap, I am not referring to the big handcrafters that have grown their soap business into a large commercial business.
Rather, they are referring to cool, confident women who ooze sex appeal regardless of how much they weigh.
Usually, these individuals are referring to calories consumed, meaning the number of calories he or she eats at a meal or throughout the day.
When people talk about toning their arms, they are usually referring to the biceps and triceps.
They are referring to the kinetic chain, which is the sequence of a given athletic movement.
Note that where there are two endings, the word changes based on whether or not it is referring to a feminine or masculine word.
It can also be referred to as le jeu provençal referring to its French history commencing in Provence.
Most enthusiasts would differentiate between the two referring to jeu de provençal instead as an ancestor of today's pétanque.
Most government and state websites, when referring to insurance ratings, will refer consumers to one of the major private ratings firms.
If you aren't comfortable using relative paths in your filename, type use the full address of the file you are referring to.
Fred was referring to a coffee klatch of elderly town patriarchs whose words and advice on just about anything was often quoted in the local paper.
Actually, I was referring to the fact that he's so sophisticated and I'm such a hick.
Now she knew Candice was referring to the Medena hacienda and Alex's reluctance to inherit.
Jonny snapped, referring to the time Xander spent training the Black God to do his job.
This name shabattu was certainly applied to the 15th day of the month, and am nuh libbi could mean "day of rest in the middle," referring to the moon's pause at the full.
Howitt points out, which can be twisted into referring even indirectly to their first arrival.
Meanwhile the Italian mint coined thalers bearing the portrait of King Humbert, with an inscription referring to the Italian protectorate, and on the 1st of January 1890 a royal decree conferred upon the colony the name of Eritrea.
The public acts of parliament referring to British railways are collected in Bigg's General Railway Acts.
The first has been explained as referring to the gloom of her abode, or the blackness of the withered corn.
But before referring to this last proof of the Machiavellian skill of the great Corsican in dealing with plots, it is needful to notice the events which brought him into collision with the British nation.
But before referring to its terms we must note an event which indicated the lines on which Napoleon's policy would advance.
Owen com municated a detailed description of them to the Philosophical Transactions (1863, pp. 33-47), proving their bird-like nature, and referring them to the genus Archaeopteryx of Hermann von Meyer, hitherto known only by the impression of a single feather from the same geological beds.
Referring to the esters C9H1802 previously mentioned, it is seen that the highest boilingpoints belong to methyl octoate and octyl formate, the least symmetrical, while the minimum belongs to amyl butyrate, the most symmetrical.
The philosophic endeavour to cognize the whole system of things by referring all events to their causes appears to him to be from the outset doomed to failure.
There are a number of other important points of structure besides those referring to the somites and appendages in which Limulus agrees with Scorpio or other Arachnida and differs from other Arthro- '11'1 poda.
On the 9th of December 1905 protocols were signed at Caracas accepting the line between Cucuhy and the Serra Cupuy located in 1880, and referring the remainder, which had been located by a Brazilian commission in 1882 and 1884, to a mixed commission for verification.
One passage will show the conjectural 1 It was of this book that Sir Charles Wetherell said, referring to its author, "and then there is my noble and biographical friend who has added a new terror to death."
His plays bear a distinctive national character, the subjects of most of them referring to the golden era of the country.
Both include psalms which are most naturally understood as referring to the persecution of Antiochus Epiphanes and to the Maccabaean victories, and cannot therefore be separated by a long interval of time.
Referring the reader to the article Elasticity for the theoretical and to the Strength Of Materials far the practical aspects of this subject, we give here a table of the "modulus of elasticity," E (column 2), for millimetre and kilogramme.
Polycarp may have known of more than one Pauline note to Philippi, no longer extant, or he may be referring loosely to 2 Thessalonians, which was addressed to a neighbouring Macedonian church.
When he wrote the latter work he must have left Royaumont, as he speaks of returning from the funeral of Prince Louis (15th January 1260) "ad nostram domum," a phrase which can hardly be explained otherwise than as referring to his own Dominican house, whether at Beauvais or elsewhere.
The facts of history must be explained, not by providential interventions, but by referring them to conditions inherent in the successive stages of social existence.
In referring dates expressed by Olympiads to our era, or the contrary, we must therefore distinguish two cases.
Panodorus struck off ten years from the account of Julius Africanus with regard to the years of the world, and he placed the Incarnation three years later, referring it to the fourth year of the 194th Olympiad, as in the common era.
With the school of Auberlen and Benson it will find in the Apocalypse a Christian philosophy of history; with the ` continuous-historical ' school it can see 2 The Jesuit Juan Mariana was the first after Victorinus to explain" the wounded head "as referring to Nero.
At times details in the transmitted material are unintelligible to our author, and these in some cases he omits referring to in his interpretation.
This was largely overcome by the year 1857, and yet the constitution of that date prohibits any legislation of primary importance relating to banks without referring the matter to a direct vote of the people.
Referring to the calculations given above, this is equivalent to 1' deflection for every degree of elevation, which amount had to be given towards the higher wheel.
Sometimes quoting, sometimes paraphrasing, sometimes merely referring, he reproduces and replies to all Celsus's arguments.
It was on this occasion that President Kruger, referring to the London Convention, spoke of Queen Victoria as a kwaaje Vrouw, an expression which caused a good deal of offence in England at the time, but which, to any one familiar with the homely phraseology of the Boers, obviously was not meant by President Kruger as insulting.
Cheyne, Genesis and Exodus, referring to Dorsey, Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee, pp. 2, 80 ff.
In these works he shows how the numbers representing the individual qualities of man are grouped round the numbers referring to the "average man" in a manner exactly corresponding to that in which single results of observation are grouped round the mean result, so that the principles of the theory of probabilities may be applied to statistical researches on the subjects.
The account given by Irenaeus may be taken as representative of these descriptions which vary partly as referring to different groups, partly to different dates.
The existence of this degraded class up to the Exile throws considerable light upon the phraseology of the prophets in referring to idolatry as adultery and the scenes connected with it as prostitution.
In fundamental principles he follows almost entirely Locke and Pufendorf; but he works out with great skill the theory of moral obligation, referring it to the command or will of God.
Among the accounts of the Mexican religion are some passages referring to the belief in a supreme deity.
In Stuart times all ranks of society believed in her, and referring to her supposed foretelling of the Great Fire, Pepys relates that when Prince Rupert heard, while sailing up the Thames on the 10th of October 1666, of the outbreak of the fire "all he said was, ` now Shipton's prophecy was out.'" One of her prophecies was supposed to have menaced Yeovil, Somerset, with an earthquake and flood in 1879, and so convinced were the peasantry of the truth of her prognostications that hundreds moved from their cottages on the eve of the expected disaster, while spectators swarmed in from all quarters of the county to see the town's destruction.
Shadwell suggests that the real meaning is "fig-discoverer," not "fig-informer," referring to the blackmailer who discovers the "figs" (that is, the money) of the rich man and forces him to hand it over by the threat of bringing a criminal accusation against him.
B 2, 997 b 3-5, referring back to A 6 and 9 about Platonic forms. Sometimes, on the other hand, the reference only goes back to a previous part of a given topic, e.g.
Oi, 1045 b 27-32, referring back to Z 1, or at the earliest to P 2.
Therefore, Referring To 3 At The Top Of The Table, And 12 On The Left, The Required Day Is Friday.
An excited controversy having arisen about the result of the balloting in the states of South Carolina, Florida, Oregon and Louisiana, the two parties in Congress in order to allay a crisis dangerous to public peace agreed to pass an act referring all contested election returns to an extraordinary commission, called the "Electoral Commission" (q.v.), which decided each contest by eight against seven votes in favour of the Republican candidates.
The grounds for referring the African jumpinghares (Pedetidae) to the Anomaluroidea rest largely on the evidence of certain Tertiary rodents from Europe, such as Issiodoromys.
The most important results of Beckington's missions to France were one Latin journal, written by himself, referring to the embassy to Calais; and another, written by one of his attendants, relating to the journey to Armagnac.
Notices of sacred trees and groves, springs, stones, &c., are much more frequent than those referring to the gods.
The most important is the Nalon or Pravia, which receives the waters of the Caudal, the Trubia and the Narcea, and has a course 1 Servius, in speaking of it as oppidum, must be referring to the post-station.
Into these we shall not enter, referring the reader to the Life of Faraday, by Dr Bence Jones.
It is unnecessary here to rake among the ashes of this prolonged dispute, but it may be noted that Helmholtz, who, in his lecture on "Ice and Glaciers," adopted Thomson's theory, afterwards added in an appendix that he had come to the conclusion that Tyndall had "assigned the essential and principal cause of glacier motion in referring it to fracture and regelation" (1865).
Similarly, the necessity for referring matters to the pope in person, for his approval or ratification of the decisions arrived at, varies greatly according to the 'department and the nature of the business.
The derivation of the name Alps is still very uncertain, some writers connecting it with a Celtic root alb, said to mean height, while others suggest the Latin adjective albus (white), referring to the colour of the snowy peaks.
These will depend on the meaning we attach to the word Alps as referring to the great mountain-chain of central Europe.
In 1614 a small fort was built by the Dutch at the mouth of Rondout Creek, and in 1652 a settlement was established in the vicinity and named Esopus" after the Esopus Indians, who were a subdivision of the Munsee branch of the Delawares, and whose name meant " small river," referring possibly to Rondout Creek.
Different writers style her "the tenth Muse," "the flower of the Graces," "a miracle," "the beautiful," the last epithet referring to her writings, not her person, which is said to have been small and dark.
His last speech of all, in 1819, contained a passage referring to the union he had so passionately resisted, which exhibits the statesmanship and at the same time the equable quality of Grattan's character.
Even four centuries later, Photius, in referring to a collection of books called both Acts of Peter and the Recognition of Clement, does not make clear whether he means Homilies or Recognitions or either.
The calculated heights - all referring to the lowest border of the aurora - varied from o 6 to 67.8 km.
In shape it is roughly triangular,' whence the ancient poetical name of Trinacria, referring to its three promontories of Pelorum (now Faro) in the north-east, Pachynum (now Passero) in the south-east, and Lilybaeum (now Boeo) in the west.
The part referring to North Africa was edited by M`G.
Fortunately for knowledge, respect for the sacredness of the letter has led to the collection of all the revelations that could possibly be collected - the " abrogating " along with the " abrogated," passages referring to passing circumstances as well as those of lasting importance.
Many remarkable In the articles referring to matters of Egyptology in this edition, Graecized forms of Old Egyptian names, where they exist, are commonly employed; in other cases names are rendered by their actual equivalents in Coptic or by analogous forms. Failing all such means, recourse is had to the usual conventional renderings of hieroglyphic spelling, a more precise transcription of the consonants in the latter being sometimes added.
We in Britain and America usually cite by the numbers of the book, the title and the paragraph, without referring to the initial words.
Ministers are continually referring to the importance of energy and self-sacrifice on the part of the industrial population, who cannot be expected to display these qualities unless, generally speaking, they are acquainted with the facts.'
In like manner Hillel makes God say to Israel, referring to Exodus xx.
Although it has the deciduous dentition, Mme Pavlow considers herself justified in referring the Kherson skull to the genus Procamelus previously known only from the Lower Pliocene or Upper Miocene strata of North America, and differing from modern camels, among other features, by the retention of a fuller series of premolar teeth.
This significant action provokes a challenge of His authority, which is answered by a mysterious saying, not understood at the time, but interpreted afterwards as referring to the Resurrection.
When pederasty became common in Greece, an attempt was made to justify it and invest it with dignity by referring to the rape of the beautiful boy by Zeus; in Crete, where the love of boys was reduced to a system, Minos, the primitive ruler and law-giver, was said to have been the ravisher of Ganymede.
Referring the collapse of the empire to the retention of feudal forms and to the action of religious animosities, Hegel looked forward to reorganization by a central power (Austria) wielding the imperial army, and by a representative body elected by the geographical districts of the empire.
This change was made on account of the trouble involved in referring all complications (arising from questions relating to the political standing of the holy places) to the superior officials of Beirut or Damascus, as had formerly been necessary.
In short, a primary judgment is a belief in something existing apart from our idea of it; and not because we have an idea of it, or by comparing an idea with, or referring an idea to, reality; but because we have a sensation of it, or a memory of it or an inference of it.
The ordinal name for the genera and species of Amphioxus is Cephalochorda, the term referring to the extension of the primary backbone or notochord to the anterior extremity of the body; the family name is Branchiostomidae.
These labours laid the foundation on which was subsequently erected a complete system for the absolute measurement of electric and magnetic quantities, referring them all to the fundamental units of mass, length and time.
The official publication stands alone in referring these tombs to the Hellenic period (800-600 B.C.).
He knew me, said Natasha, referring to her favorite hound.
For Christ's sake think of us! cried his wife, referring to the rumors of war and the enemy.
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Referring to using the iPad as a digital canvas, a GeekDad review describes the device as "the missing piece that makes the experience."
And can't sustain, like one half could" while he spits out decidedly unintelligent and thoughtless spoken words like referring to his private parts as "white supremacist."
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Although fans may differ in their opinions of what type of experience the lyrics are referring to, central to the song are themes of love and regret.
The Final Five are a mysterious group referring to the five models of Cylon skin jobs the humans have never met.
The answer is that it depends which year you're referring to.
This lets you hide any and all updates of your friend as well as updates referring to whatever they posted, like a quiz they recently took.
Traverse provides one full year of free domain name registration and free web hosting service, and additional years of service are earned by referring customers to Traverse.
Not Henry Whitcomb-vivid, Dean added quickly, referring to his involvement in a strange mystery before they married.
Gallatin worked at his new task with his usual industry, tact and patience, but the results were meagre, although an open breach on the delicate question of the north-east boundary of the United States was avoided by referring it to the arbitration of the king of the Netherlands.
To explain the conditions of that relationship we must first establish a conception of the expression of will, referring it to man and not to the Deity.
Sometimes this is relatively mild, such as the chant which talks about "1908, they made a mistake, in 1913, they had a bad dream..." referring to the founding years of competing sororities.
Enell encourages consumers to measure their bust and rib size as opposed to simply referring to the size of your current bra.
Ann, assuming the man (whom she referred to as a "slimeball" on VH-1) was referring to her actual boyfriend at the time, responded that he was fine.
The Wizard begins referring to Elphaba as the Wicked Witch of the West, and eventually, Elphaba embraces her name and starts using her magic for evil.
Was he referring to his failed romance?
If he wanted to talk to her, he'd have to stop referring to Alex as him.
That the eggs laid by birds should offer to some extent characters of utility to systematists is only to be expected, when it is considered that those from the same nest generally bear an extraordinary family likeness to one another, and also that in certain groups the essential peculiarities of the egg-shell are constantly and distinctively characteristic. Thus no one who has ever examined the egg of a duck or of a tinamou would ever be in danger of not referring another tinamou's egg or another duck's, that he might see, to its proper family, and so on with many others.
The gradual accumulation of data referring to organic compounds brought in its train a revival of the discussion of atoms and molecules.
Villa Clara, Trinidad, Remedios, Cienfuegos and Sancti Spiritus - between Cienfuegos and Sancti Spiritus; and Tierra Adentro, referring to the region between Cienfuegos and Bayamo.
Referring to fig.
In his absence, Julie surprised us once more by thanking us for referring Howie to a psychiatrist.
Was he being sarcastic about the way she acted earlier, or was he referring to the feel of her body against his?
The recognition of these, minute and fragmentary as many were, and the referring them to their proper place, rendered necessary an attentive study of the comparative osteology and myology of birds in general, that of the " long bones," whose sole characters were often a few muscular ridges or depressions, being especially obligatory.
We're trying to figure out what Darkyn is doing planting a shape-shifter demon on the mortal realm, Rhyn said, referring to the demon lord who wanted both their heads on pikes.
I guess that's the punishment for our roles in the Schism – being pushed aside and forced to watch, Eden said, referring to the war that severed the two realms completely from one another.