Referral Sentence Examples
He must be a referral from his Philly pals.
If your jeweler does not do custom orders, ask him for a referral.
They can visit this doctor without worrying about getting a referral first.
You may even be able to get a good referral from your doctor or your minister.
Most small businesses don't have a formal referral program that they are actively using to encourage referrals.
Treatment is hastily started, there is an urgent surgical referral.
Finally, word of mouth always seems to be the best referral when it comes to any activity.
Hair Lasers works as an advisor and referral service throughout Texas, so you will always know where you can find readily available laser hair removal.
Unlike an HMO, you do not need a referral to see a specialist.
The Ombudsman found that parts of the consultant's referral letter to social services were open to misinterpretation.
AdvertisementIn no case did he make an appropriate NHS referral.
Work 's with a lot of pupil referral units to help meet the specific needs of vulnerable young people.
The final possible date for completion will be specified in the original referral order issued by the court.
Contact Us Referring veterinary surgeons should contact the Equine Referral Hospital by telephone on 0117 928 9621.
We have strong links with Southampton for tertiary referral of complex problems.
AdvertisementI have a referral, which is valid for 12 months to do my 4 dives.
Both lead to lower customer satisfaction, lack of repeat business and a low word-of-mouth referral rate.
Most communities also have local childcare resource and referral agencies; a quick check with your neighborhood phone book or through the county government office will provide you with contact information.
They will then make a referral of a nanny to a particular family.
If so, don't be afraid to ask them for a referral.
AdvertisementYou will then be asked to accept or refuse the referral, but keep in mind that refusing a referral may mean that you do not get a second referral.
While you're waiting for a referral, it's a good idea to make sure your passports and immunizations are in order.
Many families find that they must travel to China within a few days of receiving a referral.
Once you've accepted the referral, you'll head to China where you'll remain for around three weeks.
Those who accept the referral must sign an acceptance form.
AdvertisementA good place to start the search for one in your region is the American Kennel Club Referral page.
Most require you to see a doctor in their particular network, and most require you to see a primary care physician for a referral to a specialist.
For best results, get a referral from someone you trust -- preferably the same individual who helped your friend.
Rush Card offers you many benefits including online money management tools, rush bill pay, SMS alerts, referral fees, and free 24/7 customer service.
The bar associations of most states have referral services for the public.
The California State Bar Association does not provide attorney referrals, and instead has a Lawyer Referral Services Program where individuals can call to get a list of attorney referral companies.
While relatives and friends may be the best way to get a referral, remember that you are ultimately responsible for your choice.
To find one, consult the Yellow Pages, go online, or contact the State Bar Association to ask for a referral.
If you know someone who has been divorced, you could ask them for a referral to an attorney (assuming they were happy with the service they received).
The referral service also includes a list of practitioners of interior design in Philadelphia and images of their recent work.
Some of them even offer referral services to put you in touch with your new designer.
The chapter offers a referral service, as well as tips for hiring a designer.
Membership in ASID also connects designers to members of the public who are interested in the market for an interior designer through their referral service.
The American Society of Interior Designers provides two types of referral services.
The Designer Referral Service allows you to search for a designer yourself by viewing the online portfolios of select ASID members.
If you keep an eye out for promotions, you may receive extra money for opening a new account, and sometimes you can earn even referral fees if you convince family and friends to open their own accounts.
Contact your physician who will most likely give you a referral for a psychiatric evaluation by a psychiatrist or psychologist.
The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service can help you locate a center by calling 1-800-662-HELP (4357), or visit the Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator.
The simplest way to find an appropriate intervention specialist is to get a referral from the addict's physician or the treatment center you have made arrangements with.
The PWDCA maintains a paid membership as well as a Breeder Referral List.
The PWDCA Breeder Referral Agreement form also extracts a pledge from each breeder regarding the ethical advertisement and sale of each dog.
North East Rottweiler Rescue and Referral finds homes for Rotties in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.
To find a source for this type of beef use the following Internet referral websites to search for organic beef producers in your area.
The state Bar Association is another place to get a referral to a lawyer specializing in issues affecting seniors.
The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys has a referral service for the public.
Check the Yellow Pages for the name of a personal injury attorney near you, or contact the State Bar Association to ask for a referral.
A Place for Mom-This site offers a free elder care referral service.
A Place for Mom is a free referral service for elder care.
Locate a Doc, a medical/dental referral website, offers a list of dentists in the Del Mar area.
After getting a referral from the doctor, patients fill out a questionnaire and make an appointment to see a physician at the center.
The referral line's number is 800-826-6737.
If you think you might have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, you should ask your doctor for a referral to a sleep specialist.
Many primary doctors are very willing to give a patient a referral to a specific practice or physician if he or she requests one, so this first step should not be hard.
Chronic snorers from Norfolk should start with their primary care doctor, and then seek a referral to either an accredited sleep center or a dentist with experience in dental appliances.
If jerking during sleep causes fatigue or affects a person's ability to get a full and restful night's sleep, they should talk to their doctor about a referral for a sleep study.
In many cases, it is necessary to get a doctor referral to visit a sleep center.
In some cases, you may have to get a referral from a physician in order to get dental treatment.
Ask your internal medical physician for a referral, and consider meeting with one or more sleep specialists before making a final decision.
It may be necessary to get a referral from a primary care physician to ensure medical insurance covers the diagnostic evaluation.
In many cases, a referral is necessary in order to ensure that a sleep study is covered by insurance.
Some patients may require a referral from their doctor.
It may be necessary to get a referral from a doctor before seeing a sleep dentist.
In some cases, a patient may get a referral to a dentist.
Some have as few as one single review, but it's a great place to start-almost as good as a referral from one friend or co-worker.
If you can't find a glowing referral in your town, the best bet is to find a few doctors close to where you live or work.
Ask your friends directly if they would like to join the site you are earning on and then send them the referral link.
Also, if you are thinking about signing up, but don't want to help someone out, keep an eye out for those referral links.
If there is more to the web address than the main .com name, then it's probably a referral link.
Remember that if you want to start referring people, then lend a hand and use the referral link to sign up.
When symptoms of conduct disorder are present, a child should be taken to his or her health care provider as soon as possible for evaluation and possible referral to a mental health care professional.
Contact the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights' complaint referral service.
Be sure to do your research on all dentists, even if you received their name from a "referral" service.
Your child's pediatrician can provide a referral.
Referrals are available by phone or via the website's online referral database.
If you need to see a dental specialist, you can ask your primary dentist for a referral or consult one on your own.
Obtain a referral for a civilian provider by speaking to a Tricare representative or your Primary Care Manager within the military healthcare system.
A referral is usually given only when the primary care physician believes that the alternative treatment is medically necessary.
Many of the services that are provided without a referral are done so by alternative medical professionals that are part of the group health care network.
Get a good referral and visit a physician who can help you.
Let me walk you through the pieces of a referral program.
You need the right referral program for your business, so the first step is to determine your referral policies.
For example, in our business we describe why we setup a referral program and how it works, including the incentive for the referrer and referral.
Third, you need a way to track the referral, so you can capture the referrer and referral information and handle the follow-up for each.
The last step is to follow up and thank the referrer, contact the referral, then deliver the incentive to each when the referral becomes a paying client.
Figures 2 and 3 suggest that the referral rate of fear aggression toward other dogs has steadily increased over the years.
Referral to other agencies e.g. audiology, schools psychological service, child development center.
Use the Referral button to generate a request for specialist cardiology advice at an out patient clinic.
All referrals are categorized by a senior Physiotherapy clinician based on the information on the referral form.
The effect of a canine companion during the first year of a dog's life on the likelihood of referral appears to be quite limited.
Identification of individual patients was made by the district nurse liaison officer and referral made to the district continence adviser.
The present dearth of referral practices North of the border makes this the ideal time to aggressively pursue this initiative.
Find A doula Pages Terms of Use Members have provided phone numbers and email addresses for referral to their doula services only.
A referral will be made to a specialist endocrine unit.
Referral may be indicated in severe, extensive impetigo or impetigo unresponsive to oral treatment.
Specialist agencies are usually multidisciplinary and are resourced to offer specialist treatment and referral.
Once recognized, early referral for a specialist nephrology opinion is recommended.
Eye tests were provided by ophthalmic opticians on production of a GP referral note.
To develop referral pathways to ensure more appropriate referral of severe cases to specialist services.
They provide help, support and advice and can also make onward referral if necessary for treatment.
Clause 8 (psychiatric referral) A single psychiatrist cannot resolve the question of competence, in the manner suggested.
To develop referral pathways to ensure more appropriate referral pathways to ensure more appropriate referral of severe cases to specialist services.
The group then involve all referral agencies to modify the referral criteria in line with their service needs.
Access to the service is either via GP referral or by referral from a physiotherapist employed on behalf of Dudley PCT.
He played a key role in introducing the first drug arrest referral scheme which was initially piloted at Oxford custody.
Work's with a lot of pupil referral units to help meet the specific needs of vulnerable young people.
Contact Us referring veterinary surgeons should contact the Equine Referral Hospital by telephone on 0117 928 9621.
Neither a second opinion veterinary surgeon nor a referral practice should ever seek to take over the case.
The therapy services all operate systems of referral criteria to prioritize workload.
Indeed in the past, a referral by the Commission to the ECJ was synonymous with a conviction of the recalcitrant party.
Access to CLDTs is by referral from the GP or other services.
Clause 8 (Psychiatric referral) A single psychiatrist cannot resolve the question of competence, in the manner suggested.
Appointments can be booked directly by the patient, without the need for a referral letter from the GP or other doctor.
It is expected that new members will adopt the referral protocol within one month of joining the CSN.
You are only eligible to earn referral fees on domain name registrations occurring during the term of this Agreement only.
After all your documents are in order, you will wait for a referral or an offer of a child.
If the referral is declined, another referral is generally sent within the next month.
He or she can determine whether medication or a referral to another healthcare provider is appropriate for your situation.
He or she then makes a referral to a psychiatrist if medication is necessary.
Employers, spouses, parents, court order, and self referral are all accepted.
Just make sure if you get a referral you take the job seriously.
Also, consider seeking out support groups or ask if your treatment center offers a support group or a referral to one.
The AKC also has a purebred breeder referral finder the website.
The Kennel Club UK website is another helpful resource for locating purebreds and has a similar breeder referral service.
Check out their recommendations in terms of both the care and training of the dog, and then investigate their breeder referral program.
To get on the list, members must not only meet stringent qualifications, they must also sign a Breeder Referral Agreement Form.
A patient's physician will make a referral to the hospital which is located at 2919 West Swann Avenue, Suite 202 in Tampa, Florida 33609.
They offer insurance billing services, but note that it is the patient's responsibility to work with their insurance company to obtain any prior authorization for services or referral forms.
If the headaches are linked to anxiety or depression, the parents should ask the child's doctor for a referral to a counselor who can provide additional assistance.
Usually, a referral to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist will be given.
They suggest referral to a pediatric orthopedist if an infant has a positive Ortolani or Barlow test.
After referral, a meeting is held to determine whether the child should be assessed or evaluated to determine the type of disability he or she may have.
Members receive benefits like monthly meetings, website publicity, referral services, marketing materials, and even a summer picnic.
The site also offers a $5 referral bonus for telling a friend about the program.
Early intervention is essential, so once you've met with your pediatrician, pursue a referral to a clinician or specialist.
You can search for an Asperger syndrome specialist by visiting the Autism Society of America's online referral database.
The Autism Society of America provides information and a referral service to those looking for professional assistance.
They may know someone or be able to make qualified referrals because no business owner will ever make a referral unless it reflects positively on him.
Signing up to use Google Gmail requires a referral from an existing Gmail user or a cell phone.
Tuck extra business cards in with a customer's invoice and offer a referral discount.
Your local bar should have a referral panel to help you find a bankruptcy attorney equipped to help you decide on the best option to eliminate your debt.
Set up a Facebook page and Twitter profile for your company and build social networking followers by share useful information that potential customers and referral sources will want to learn about.
If your doctor does not answer your questions adequately, do not hesitate to ask for a referral to a nutritionist or dietitian.
Many of these plans are actually "referral plans" or "buyer's clubs".
When TriCare Prime recipients need to visit a doctor or other medical facility which is not affiliated with the military they must first obtain a referral from their primary military doctor.
The referral must then be approved by a TriCare representative, who will then mail a referral approval letter to the patient.
Check more than one insurance referral service to find the best discounts and plans.
If you do not receive a referral from your primary care physician, the PPO plan may not cover any of the ensuing medical charges.
As with a PPO, a referral is usually required before you may see another physician, especially if they are outside of the HMO group you are enrolled in.
Generally, medical fees from a doctor referral are paid under the plan.
Another advantage is that members don't need a referral to see a specialist.
Cigna Open Access Programs provide specialist care without a referral giving members referral-free choices from their network of specialists.
Patients must also receive preauthorization before seeking certain dental services and may have to receive a referral from an authorized source before making an appointment for some services.
Contact your State Bar Association to ask for a referral to an attorney who specializes in this area.
Unless it is an emergency, you cannot see a specialist without a referral from your primary care provider.
You can also see a specialist without a referral, as long as the specialist is on the provider list.
You cannot see a specialist without a referral from the primary care doctor unless it is an emergency, and you will not be reimbursed if you go to another doctor.
For this reason, do not assume that your insurance company will honor claims from mental health practitioners if you did not first obtain a referral from your primary physician.
For some insurance policies, a referral is not required, but the policyholder may be limited by the number of sessions allowed or the practitioner visited.
It is usually required that individuals who are interested in receiving homeopathic treatment obtain a referral from their primary care physician.
There are some instances of homeopathic coverage in group health plans that cover alternative medicine that do not require a referral, but instead the policy may limit you to a number of visits.
Sorof, Jonathan M., et al. "Cardiovascular risk factors and sequelae in hypertensive children identified by referral versus school-based screening."
Children who are thought to pose potentially life-threatening danger to themselves may require hospitalization, and a referral to a child psychologist or therapist will be necessary.
Parents may also want to discuss appropriate assessments with their child's pediatrician and ask for a referral to a child psychologist or psychiatrist.
When symptoms of antisocial behavior appear, a child should be taken to his or her health care provider as soon as possible for evaluation and possible referral to a mental health care professional.
Parents may also consider taking the child directly to an endocrinologist without a referral.
If a retinal problem is diagnosed or suspected, referral to a retinal specialist is necessary.
A pediatrician can also provide a referral to a psychologist or pediatric specialist for AD/HD assessment.
Your family physician can help with this referral.
A full body laser hair removal would be much cheaper than buying hair removal for each area separately, and referral bonuses, paid-in-full discounts, and convenient payment plans are available.
To obtain a prescription for this in the D.C. area, consult with your family doctor who should be able to make an appropriate dermatologic referral for you.
Telephone referral services can also provide names of dentists who have registered with the service and have reported that they provide cosmetic dentistry procedures.
Additionally, the Child Care Aware site provides resources for finding referral agencies in your area.
Many parents turn to the child care referral services to help them find the best program for their needs.
If indicated, a referral may be made to a sports medicine physician who is familiar with various strength training methods as well as risks and benefits in preadolescents and adolescents.
If the therapist is a referral, get exact information from the person making the referral.
The first is a referral rewards program, which gives current users the option of giving friends and family members referral codes.
Alternatively, you can opt to search for service providers using Autism NJ's Referral List.
He spoke to the sheriff at home, but, as he suspected, Weller could do nothing without Edith's referral.
Today's casting calls are just as likely to show up as email alerts or text messages; it's just a matter of figuring out who's in the cyber loop, what kind of referral services they provide, and how to sign on.
Parents of older children may need a referral to a speech and language specialist if their child stutters, lisps, has difficulty forming words or producing coherent speech, or exhibits certain learning disabilities.
Self-mutilation is usually diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist upon referral from a family member, physician, nurse, or social worker who has noticed scars, bruises, or other physical evidence of self-injury.
If your child or loved one displays any of the following characteristic warning signs associated with autism spectrum disorder, speak with your physician about getting a referral to a developmental specialist.
In many cases, recipients with an approved referral can visit a civilian provider with no out-of-pocket expense or deductible, and co-payments on prescription drugs filled at civilian pharmacies are relatively low.
If you aren't able to find someone to help you through a personal referral, consider looking for cleaning companies that hold memberships in your local Chamber of Commerce or Better Business Bureau chapter.
Any child or adolescent that exhibits symptoms of psychosocial personality disorder should be taken to his or her health care provider as soon as possible for evaluation and possible referral to a mental health care professional.
The National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) reported average daycare costs ranging from around $4500 to over $14,000 in a 2008 survey, so this is a very important question to ask.
When a depressed mood is severe and accompanied by other symptoms that persist every day for two or more weeks, the parent should ask for a referral to a mental health professional who can help the child cope and recover.
In signing the PWDCA Breeder Referral Agreement Form, a breeder is agreeing to breed and sell Portuguese Water Dogs in an environment that places attention primarily on the health and well-being of the dog.