References Sentence Examples
There is little evidence of the imposition of fines as ecclesiastical penalties; but there are references to the practice in the epistles of St Gregory the Great, notably in his instructions to St Augustine.
References to original papers indicate further sources of information.
I would reiterate the earlier suggestion that references be implemented.
Further references of great value will be found in the works of Bateson and Pearson referred to above, and in the annual volumes of the Zoological Record, particularly under the head " General Subject."
Himilco, a contemporary of Hanno, was charged with an expedition along the west coast of Iberia northward, and as far as the uncertain references to this voyage can be understood, he seems to have passed the Bay of Biscay and possibly sighted the coast of England.
For America see the works of Frazer and Westermarck and the references there given.
For monographs on the grand masters, the various territories, and the different epochs in the history of the Order see the references in Loserth's work.
See Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopeidie, " Innocenz II.," with full references.
Wallace (Lectures and Essays, incorporating Glasgow lectures) gives some useful historical references.
The ore is kindled from above and the fire so regulated (by making or unmaking air-holes in the covering) that, by the heat produced References.
AdvertisementBut at least the book remains an indispensable storehouse of references to ancient and modern authorities.
In 756 the North Britons are said to have been forced into submission and from this time onwards we hear very little of their history, though occasional references to the deaths of their kings show that the kingdom still continued to exist.
Long before his death, Bright's references in public speeches to the achievements of the Anti-Corn Law League were received with respectful impatience, and Peel's famous speech on the repeal of the corn laws would not convince the German Reichstag or a modern House of Commons.
The figures which are given here of various Pectinibranchia are in most cases ' YP sufficiently explained by the references attached to them.
References to the older classical writings on the Hexapoda are given in the article on Entomology.
AdvertisementFurther references will be found appended to the special articles on the orders (Aptera, Coleoptera, &C).
However, to have conceived the idea of executing a work on so grand a scale as this - it forms three folio volumes, and contains one hundred and eighty-five coloured and one hundred and forty-eight uncoloured plates, with references to upwards of two thousand four hundred generic names - was in itself a mark of genius, and it was brought to a successful conclusion in 1849.
A nominal list, with references, of the birds of the island is contained in the Handbook of Jamaica.
It is, however, only noticed here on account of the numerous references made to it by succeeding writers, for neither in this nor in the author's second volume (not published until 1814) did he propound any systematic arrangement of the Class.
The final disposition of the " Sub-class Insessores " - all the 2 On the other hand, Muller makes,several references to the labours.
AdvertisementFor other references to Palmyra (called Tarmod) in the Talmud see Neubauer Geogr.
References to Palmyra in later times have been collected by Quatremere, Sultans Mamlouks, ii.
Beetles (Scarabaei) are the subjects of some of the oldest sculptured works of the Egyptians, and references to locusts, bees and ants are familiar to all readers of the Hebrew scriptures.
References to the works of the above authors, and to many others, will be found under HEXAPODA and the special articles on various insect orders.
Throughout the 14th century references are made to Margate in crown regulations regarding fisheries and shipping.
AdvertisementAn excellent article in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopcidie (3rd ed.), "Briider des gemeinsamen Lebens," supplies copious information with references to all the literature; see also Max Heimbucher, Orden and Kongregationen (1897), ii.
Here the application of the term is limited to the liquid which is so important an article of commerce, though references will also be made to natural gas which accompanies petroleum.
A precise indication of date has been sought in certain supposed references or allusions to historical facts.
The literature of succeeding centuries furnishes only isolated references; the more important are found in the scholia on Aristophanes, the lexicons of Hesychius, Photius and others, and the Etymologicum Magnum.
About the same period, too, the church of Bavaria was organized by St Boniface, and the country divided into several bishoprics; and we find frequent references to these bishops (in the plural) in the law of the Bavarians.
A pilgrimage feast must be fixed in date to ensure the simultaneous presence of the pilgrims. There are, besides, seeming references to the feast in the early prophets, as Hosea xii.
The limits of space prevent any systematic account of the separation of the rare metals, the alkaloids, and other classes of organic compounds, but sources where these matters may be found are given in the list of references.
Later references to them probably indicate that the term was.
See eulogy by his friend Dr David Hosack (Essays, i., New York, 1824), with biographical details taken from a letter of Rush to President John Adams; also references in the works of Thacker, Gross and Bowditch on the history of medicine in America.
He speaks for the most part only in general references of the divine commands and of good and evil works.
A bibliography of such references would be in effect a bibliography of metaphysics, or rather of epistemology.
References in the Jewish Talmud show that this city still continued to exist at and after the commencement of our era; but according to Arabian writers, at the time when the Arab city of Bagdad was founded by the caliph Mansur, there was nothing on that site except an old convent.
The traditional history of Ammon as related in the Old Testament is not free from obscurity, due to the uncertain date of the various references and to the doubt whether the individual details belong to the particular period to which each is ascribed.
The application of this property to the construction of the mariner's compass is obvious, and it is in connexion with navigation that the first references to it occur '(see' Compass).
His De magnete magneticisque corporibus et de magno magnete tellure physiologia nova (1600), contains many references to the expositions of earlier writers from Plato down to those of the author's own age.
References to works dealing with the taxonomy and geographical distribution of scorpions are given at the end of this article (28).
References to systematic works will also be found at the end of this article (33).
Zittel, American edition of his Palaeontology (the Macmillan Co., New York), where ample references to the literature of Trilobitae and Eurypteridae will be found; also references to literature of fossil Scorpions and Spiders; 23.
But these references have been denied by Scholten, Lipsius, and Lightfoot.
Most Hebrew prophecies contain pointed references to the foreign politics and social relations of the nation at the time.
On the other hand, there are elements in the poem which show that it is not entirely the work of a poor crowder; and these (notably references to historical and literary authorities, and occasional reminiscences of the literary tricks of the Scots Chaucerian school) have inclined some to the view that the text, as we have it, is an edited version of the minstrel's rough song story.
But, though he implies an ample previous treatment of the questions by philosophers, Porphyry gives no references to the different systems of which such distinctions are the outcome, nor does he give any hint of his own opinion on the subject, definite enough though that was.
Putting these two references together with Sulpicius Severus, Dialogi i.
As to the teaching of algebra, see references under Arithmetic to works on the teaching of elementary mathematics.
Meanwhile the opposition parties openly allied themselves with the Yugoslav Club in Austria, which agitated for complete national unity, but saved itself from prosecution by occasional references to the dynasty and absolute silence regarding Serbia.
In some of the following psalms there are still references to deeds of oppression and violence, but more generally Israel appears as happy under the law.
The earliest references are to be found in the various accounts of the Deluge.
His carefulness was exemplary, and his references are always exact.
On supposed references to breeches in Dan.
It seems difficult also to believe that Map's name should be so constantly connected with our Arthurian tradition without any ground whatever; though it must be admitted that he himself never makes any such claim - the references in the romances are all couched in the third person, and bear no sign of being other than the record by the copyist of a traditional attribution.
The form in which certain of the references to him are couched favours the above view; the compiler of Guiron le Cortois says in his prologue that "maistre Gautier Map qui fu clers au roi Henrydevisa cil l'estoire de monseigneur Lancelot du Lac, que d'autre chose ne parla it mie gramment en son livre"; and in another place he refers to Map, "qui fit lou pro pre livre de monsoingnour Lancelot dou Lac."
The resident, Freytag, was not a very wise person (though he probably did not, as Voltaire would have it, spell "poesie" "poeshie"); constant references to Frederick were necessary; and the affair was prolonged so that Madame Denis had time to join her uncle.
The slighting references to it by the Christian fathers are no more an argument against its existence in the primitive church than the similar denunciations by the Jewish prophets of burnt-offerings and sacrifices are any proof that there were no such rites as the offering of incense, and of the blood of bulls and fat of rams, in the worship of the temple at Jerusalem.
In addition to the Kings' List, other important chronological data consist of references in the classical authorities to the chronological system of Berossus; chronological references to earlier kings occurring in the later native inscriptions, such as Nabonidus's estimate of the period of Khammurabi (or Hammuribi); synchronisms, also furnished by the inscriptions, between kings of Babylon and of Assyria; and the early Babylonian date-lists.
With this "Testament" the "Assumption," to which almost all the patristic references and that of Jude are made, was subsequently edited.
One of the earliest references to sugar in Great Britain is that of 100,000 lb of sugar being shipped to London in 1319 by Tomasso Loredano, merchant of Venice, to be exchanged for wool.
Full references to further literature will be found in Braun's works.
The capitularies of 805 and 821 also contain vague references to sworn unions of some sort, and a capitulary of 884 prohibits villeins from forming associations "vulgarly called gilds" against those who have despoiled them.
Many writers believe that the earliest references to gilds come from England.
The Old Testament references to Arabs were obscure.
There are references to the Ghassanid Nu'man in the poems of Nabigha.
Full references will be found in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopeidie, vol.
On the other hand, Marti assigns the whole to 160 B.C. (Maccabean period; a little later than Wellhausen) and sees a number of references to historical personages of that age.
The second chapter of that book sets forth the various forms of the doctrine with admirable lucidity and precision, and gives many references to other writers.
There is a great deal of practical information on lenses in connexion with the camera and other optical instruments, and the book is valuable as a repertory of early practical optics, also for the numerous references to and extracts from previous writers.
Historical records were searched for references to past meteoric displays, and these were tabulated and compared.
References to important works on the species of marine Polyzoa by Busk, Hincks, Jullien, Levinsen, MacGillivray, Nordgaard, Norman, Waters and others are given in the Memoir (22) by Nickles and Bassler.
From his account and other references in classical authors we gather that in the first century of the Christian era, and probably for hundreds of years before that time, the sides of the mountain were richly cultivated, as they are still, the vineyards being of extraordinary fertility.
Later, however, stories which certainly derive from an early non-Grail tradition are introduced, and there are references which imply a knowledge of the prose Lancelot and of Chretien's poem.
On the other Old Testament references to creation, and on the prophetic doctrine of creation, see Ency.
In the foregoing account only those particulars which bear directly on Villehardouin himself have been detailed; but the chronicle is as far as possible from being an autobiography, and the displays of the writer's personality, numerous as they are, are quite involuntary, and consist merely in his way of handling the subject, not in the references (as brief as his functions as chronicler will admit) to his own proceedings.
There are many references in Tertullian to the teaching of the Gnostic Marcion, whose breach with the Roman Church may be dated A.D.
Working with some inscriptions from Persepolis which were found to contain references to Darius and Xerxes, Grotefend had established the phonetic values of certain of the Persian characters, and his successors were perfecting the discovery just about the time when the new Assyrian finds were made.
Considering the important part played by the Egyptian sojourn of the Hebrews, as narrated in the Scriptures, it was certainly not an overenthusiastic prediction that the Egyptian monuments when fully investigated would divulge important references to Joseph, to Moses, and to the all-important incidents of the Exodus; but half a century of expectant attention in this direction has led only to disappointment.
The records of kings whose names hitherto were known to us only through Bible references have been found in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, and personages hitherto but shadowy now step forth as clearly into the light of history as an Alexander or a Caesar.
The individuality of great authors is thus dissipated except when it has been preserved by an occasional sacrifice of the arrangement - and this defect, if it is to be esteemed a defect, is increased by the very sparing references to personal history and character with which Hallam was obliged to content himself.
Who but Mary herself could have written about this unknown affair of the Bishop, and what had the supposed forger to gain by inventing and adding these references to affairs unconnected with the case?
There are numerous references to Lenthall in his official capacity, and letters written by and to him, in the Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, and in various MSS.
Exhaustive references to general systematic works will be found in de Dalla Torre's Catalogue mentioned above.
Forneron (Paris, 1881), contains many references to authorities and is exhaustive, but the author has some violent prejudices.
Aroused by the prophets Haggai and Zechariah the building was then resumed, and despite fresh attempts to hinder the work it was completed, consecrated and dedicated 1 References to I Esdras in this article are to the book discussed above as Ezra, Third Book Of.
Charlemagne's wars in Italy, Spain and Saxony formed part of the common epic material, and there are references to his wars against the Sla y s; but especially he remained in the popular mind as the great champion of Christianity against the creed of Mahomet, and even his Norman and Saxon enemies became Saracens in current legend.
He criticizes sharply (pp. 173 sqq., 233 sqq.) former methods of interpretation, and with the ardour of a discoverer of a new truth seeks to establish its currency throughout the entire field of apocalyptic. To such an extreme does he carry his theory that he denies obvious references to historical personages in the Apocalypse, when these are clothed in apocalyptic language.
Again, while the Gospel and the Epistle of John show marks of agreement which suggest a common authorship, the Apocalypse differs widely from both in its ideas and in its way of expressing them; we miss in it the frequent references to ` life,' ` light,' ` truth,' ` grace ' and ` love ' which are characteristic of the Apostle and find ourselves in a totally different region of thought..
The relevant statements in the letter, moreover, are supported by the references to Polycarp which we find in the body of Irenaeus's great work.
Count Nesselrode's letters to Speranski and many references are published in vol.
Examples have been found at Tiryns and Mycenae, and references are made to it in the Iliad and the Odyssey.
The history of the Philistine district goes back long before the time of the Purasati (c. 1200 B.C.), and if the references to Philistines in pre-Mosaic times are treated as anachronisms, those which can be applied to the 12th-11th century do not at once acquire an historical value.'
The references of the time of the Exodus, the Invasion and the " Judges " - whatever chronological scheme be adopted - must be taken in connexion with a careful examination of all the evidence.
A useful sketch, with references to the best literature, is in Max Heimbucher, Orden and Kongregationen (1896), i.
The story is doubtless based on ancient traditions, current in various forms; the Old Testament references are not wholly consistant.
The references to portions the origin of which is especially uncertain are placed in brackets ().
These references indicate that the hymn was used in private devotions; as it does not appear in any of the earliest liturgies, whether Eastern or Western, its introduction into the public services of the church was probably of a later date than has often been supposed.
Dicuil's knowledge of the islands north and west of Britain is evidently intimate; his references to Irish exploration and colonization, and to (more recent) Scandinavian devastation of the same, as far as the Faeroes, are noteworthy, like his notice of the elephant sent by Harun al-Rashid (in 801) to Charles the Great, the most curious item in a political and diplomatic intercourse of high importance.
He probably did not know Greek; his references to Greek authors do not imply this.
Though certainly Irish by birth, it has been conjectured (from his references to Sedulius and the caliph's elephant) that he was in later life in an Irish monastery in the Frankish empire.
Other references to the literature may be found by consulting Harnack's Altchristl.
There can be no question of confining even orthodox " dogma " to conciliar decisions in an age when definition is so incomplete; still, we do meet with references to the Nicene.
Occasional references to the celebrated musician in the works of his contemporaries are, however, by no means rare, and from these it may be conjectured with all but absolute certainty that Guido was born in the last decade of the 10th century.
For the methods involving finite differences, see references under DIFFERENCES, CALCULUS OF; and INTERPOLATION.
From references which can be gathered from patristic writings it is abundantly evident that the belief in the mystical meaning of marks on the "organ of organs" was a part of the popular philosophy of their times.
Considering, then, his other differences from Anabaptist theories, and the absence of any hint to the contrary in his own autobiographical references, " it is safe to affirm that he had no conscious indebtedness to the Anabaptists " (Williston Walker, Creeds and Platforms of Congreg., New York, 1893, p. 16).
Not only do the many intimate y y references to Egyptian history and customs support this position, but it is clear that the Jews of Celsus are not Western or Roman Jews, but belong to the Orient, and especially to that circle of Judaism which had received and assimilated the idea of the Logos.
The above analysis is rough, since even distantly placed sections, indeed the two parts themselves, are interrelated by delicate complex references on and back.
It looks as if they were insertions in the passage as it originally stood, and that the references to parables in the plural, together with the statement at vv.
Biblical References to the Adam-story.-It is remarkable how little influence the Adam-story has had on the earlier parts of the Old Testament.
Judicial References have been long known to the law of Scotland.
In addition to voluntary submissions and references by rules of court there are in America, as in the United Kingdom, various statutes which provide for arbitration in particular o cases.
Frequent references to the parish church of Stoke are found during the 14th and 15th centuries.
But there are references which suggest its previous award in Piers Plowman and Chaucer.
Owing to the once prevalent desire of the adherents of one or another polity to find support in primitive precept or practice, the question has assumed a prominence out of proportion to its real importance, and the few and scattered references in early Christian writings have been made the basis for various elaborate theories.
The documents comprise imperial edicts, rescripts, &c., liturgies, acts of councils, decretals and letters of bishops, references in contemporary heathen writings, and above all the works of the Church Fathers.
Medieval literature abounds in references to Tristan and Iseult, and their adventures were translated into many tongues and are found depicted in carvings and tapestries.
To the Latin transla tions of Aristotle and to his interpreters he refers in more than three hundred passages, while the number of his references to the Latin translation of the Timaeus of Plato is less than ten.
Dr Richard (1895, 1896) gives a Cladoceran bibliography of 60 1 references.
It comprises the chronological details, references to authorities, and judgments on the character of the various kings, especially as regards their attitude to the worship at the high places, all cast in the same literary mould, and marked by the same characteristic phraseology.
But the quotations and references in Aphraates, Ephraem and the Acts of Judas Thomas show that it was known, even if not often used.
At the congress of Erfurt, Daru had the privilege of being present at the interview between Goethe and Napoleon, and interposed tactful references to the works of the great poet.
Now, it is subjective history which we find in the earliest references to Midrash.
Hume's Great Lord Burghley (1898) is largely a piecing together of the references to Burghley in the same author's Calendar of Simancas MSS.
The notes were generally compiled from original documents, references to which are usually given, so that they remain useful to the present day.
Personal references are to be found in the Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, iii.
Rice Holmes, Caesar's Conquest of Gaul (1901), in which references to earlier literature will be found.
Very noteworthy references to Gnosticism are also to be found scattered up and down the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria.
Various editions of the New Version have been published, the most complete being the edition of the whole Bible with marginal references.
The marginal references given in the original edition of the Authorized Version of 1611 have been retained as far as possible.
Such is the account of the Saga of Eric the Red, supported by a number of briefer references in early Icelandic and other literature.
Copious references to these mentions are collected in Tuch, De Nino Urbe (Leipzig, 1845).
Here occurs the earliest mention of Vinland, and here are also references of great interest to Russia and Kiev, to the heathen Prussians, the Wends and other Slav races of the South Baltic coast, and to Finland, Thule or Iceland, Greenland and the Polar seas which Harald Hardrada and the nobles of Frisia had attempted to explore in Adam's own day (before 1066).
Though the office is found at Carthage, and St Cyprian (200?-258) makes many references to acolytes, whom he used to carry his letters, this seems to be the only place in Africa where they were known.
Finally, having a great number of discourses and treatises, containing all those small blemishes, around him in his library, and determined to collect, consolidate and connect them into a philosophical system, he would naturally be often taking them down from their places to consult and compare one with another, and as naturally enter in them references one to the other, and cross-references between one another.
On the other hand he gives too much weight to the references from one book to another, which Aristotle could have entered into his manuscripts at any time before his death.
So generally, the references backwards and forwards, and the cross-references, are really evidences that Aristotle mainly wrote his works not successively but simultaneously, and entered references as and when he pleased, because he had not published them.
Of these references the most important are, perhaps, Strabo v.
It was occupied in very early times, though the references in Judges xvii., xix., and Ruth' are of doubtful date.
Further references in Chevalier, Repertoire des sources historiques (Paris, 1903).
Guppy, The Solomon Islands (London, 1887), where full references to earlier works are given; C. Ribbe, Zwei Jahre unter den Kannibalen der Salomon-Inseln (Dresden, 1903).
How far he was above his contemporaries, how little appreciated or understood by them, is shown by the absence of references to him in other Greek writers, and by the fact that his work had no effect in arresting the decay of mathematical science.
There is a lack of explicit references to the Gospels; 1, and many of the quotations which may be taken from them are not exact.
For authorities see the works quoted above, and the references in the articles on philosophers and philosophical subjects.
In the i ith century every village of any size seems to have possessed one, while the earliest references go back to the 8th century.
It is clear from the frequent references to dogs and hawks in the charters that hunting and falconry were keenly pursued by the kings and their retinues.
The whole Hellenistic culture of the epistle (let alone its language), and the personal references in it, notably that to Timothy in xiii.
For Alexandria little can be urged save a certain strain of "Alexandrine" idealism and allegorism, mingling with the more Palestinian realism which marks the references to Christ's sufferings, as well as the eschatology, and recalling many a passage in Philo.
In the literatures of other Teutonic countries we have only occasional references to the religious rites of heathen times, and these are generally in no way comparable to the detailed accounts given in Icelandic writings.
The sanctuaries mentioned by Tacitus seem always to have been groves, and in later times we have references to such places in all Teutonic lands.
For further references see Britain (Anglo-Saxon), Germany (Ethnography and Early History), and Scandinavian Civilization.
It is possible to learn from them more regarding the social and political condition of the period than perhaps from any other source, for they abound, not only in exposures of religious abuses, and of the prevailing corruptions of society, but in references to many varieties of social injustice and unwise customs, in racy sketches of character, and in vivid pictures of special features of the time, occasionally illustrated by interesting incidents in his own life.
The Egyptian references are too contemptuous to name the rulers; but Shaushatar may have begun his reign during the lifetime of Tethmosis III., and from cuneiform sources we know the names of six other Mitanni rulers.
The references to these people, who practically make their first appearance in the Amarna correspondence, 2 show that they were unsettled bands who took advantage of the loosening of authority to introduce themselves into various parts of the country, in this case Mesopotamia.
For further references and illustrations see the article VESTMENTS.
See article "Hesychasten" in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopadie (3rd ed., 1900), where further references are given.
Little's Grey Friars in Oxford (Oxford, 1892), where all the references are collected.
The chief references in ancient writers are Iliad i.
She represented the principle of fertility and generation; references to her cult at Gebal, Sidon, Ashkelon, in Cyprus at Kition and Paphos, in Sicily at Eryx, in Gaulus, at Carthage, are frequent in the inscriptions and elsewhere.
Other references exist to physiognomy in Cassiodorus, Isidorus, Meietius and Nemesius, but none of any great importance.
Ragel wrote a book on naevi; Rhazes (1040) devoted several chapters to it; and Averroes (1165) made many references to it in his De sanitate, p. 82 (Leiden, 1537).
He does not enter into the animal comparisons of his predecessors, but occupies himself chiefly with simple descriptive physiognomy as indicative of character; and the same is true of the scattered references in the writings of Duns Scotus and Thomas Aquinas.
Other classical references are contained in the Prooemium to the 1593 edition of the works of Baptista Portae.
There are references to the legendary escape of Nero to Parthia (119-124) and the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D.
The festival is of great antiquity; and though there is no discoverable trace of it before the middle of the 4th century, subsequent references to it assume its long establishment.
In the few references to the legend in Spanish writings the Wandering Jew is called Juan Espera en Dios, which gives a more hopeful turn to the legend.
These two works give abundant references to the literature of the subject.
There is little material for its earlier history outside the Old Testament, and the various references in the latter are often of disputed reference and date.
Scholars of such opposite schools of thought as Schmiedel 3 and Lindsay 4 maintain that the epistle contains the most explicit references to presbyters of the official type.
Cyprian bestows the highest sacerdotal terms upon the bishops of course, but his references to the priestly character of the office of presbyter are also most definite.
From the 2nd century onwards references multiply, though the earlier references do not prove the existence of a fixed lectionary or order of lessons, but rather point the other way.
Borneo has possessed a diamond industry since the island was first settled by the Malays; the references in the works of Garcia de Orta, Linschoten, De Boot, De Laet and others, to Malacca as a locality relate to Borneo.
The relevant separate articles in these two great dictionaries, Protestant and Catholic respectively, will supply adequate information and ample references on most points.
For a general account of deserts see Professor Johannes Walther, Das Gesetz der Wiistenbildung (Berlin, 1900), in which many references to other original authorities will be found.
Owing to the mutilation of the Hebrew by the accidents of time the Greek version retains its place as the chief authority for the text, and references by chapter and verse are usually made to it.
Further references will be found in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopadie, s.
Mushketov, Turkestan (St Petersburg, 1886), with bibliographical references; Ivashintsev, Hydrographic Exploration of the Caspian Sea (in Russian), with atlas (2 vols., 1866); Philippov, Marine Geography of the Caspian Basin (in Russian, 1877); Memoirs of the Aral-Caspian Expedition of 1876-1877 (2 vols., in Russian), edited by the St Petersburg Society of Naturalists; Andrusov, "A Sketch of the Development of the Caspian Sea and its Inhabitants," in Zapiski of Russ.
In this case an inscription records the repair and restoration of the edifice after the The interest taken by the Pompeians in the sports of the amphitheatre is shown by the contents of the numerous painted and scratched inscriptions relating to them which have been found in Pompeii - notices of combats, laudatory inscriptions, including even references to the admiration which gladiators won from the fair sex, &c.
In this first public edition (12mo), the title was changed to Elementa philosophica de cive, the references in the text to the previous sections being omitted.
The inscriptions, which contain altogether about five thousand words, are entirely of religious import, and their references to worldly affairs are incidental.
References to events of mythical and later times are introduced, and the poem ends with a reference to Alexander the Great, who was to unite Asia and Europe in his world-wide empire.
In the meantime knowledge on the subject is mingled with much that is obviously mythical and with gleanings from the casual references of travellers and authors.
Other important references to this tradition are found in Eus.
The reign of Gallienus (260-268) would suit the tone of its references to the Roman emperor (Waitz, P. 74), and also any polemic against the Neoplatonic philosophy of revelation by visions and dreams which it may contain.
The numerous references to the privateering exploits of its ships in the Patent and Close Rolls and the extraordinary number of them at the siege of Calais in 1346 alike testify to its importance.
And the close connexion between Sicily and England leads to many occasional references to Sicilian matters in English writers.
The plants, 626 in number, are enumerated alphabetically, but a system of classification differing little from Caspar Bauhin's is sketched at the end of the book; and the notes contain many curious references to other parts of natural history.
The occasional references to Roman history in Lucretius are evidently reminiscences of the Annales.
For the history of the Paeligni after go B.C. see the references given in C. ix.
There are also a few references to Egypt of later date down to the reign of Darius.
Boswell's Life of Johnson gives an account of the lexicographer's visit to Burnett at Monboddo, and is full of references to the natural contemporary view of a man who thought that the human race could be descended from monkeys.
This last contains much valuable information, but the references in footnotes are often wanting in precision, and it has no index.
While in gaol at Rochester he published the Caroline Almanac, the tone of which may be judged from its references to "Victoria Guelph, the bloody queen of England," and by the title given to the British cabinet of "Victoria Melbourne's bloody divan."
Early in 1905 this impression gained such strength and such polite references were made to one another in public by Lord Rosebery and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, that his assumption of office in a Liberal ministry, possibly presided over by Earl Spencer, was confidently anticipated.
Our knowledge of this non-Chaucerian material, as of the Chaucerian, is chiefly derived from the MS. collections of Asloan, Bannatyne (q.v.) and Maitland (q.v.), supplemented by the references to " fugitive " and " popular " literature in Dunbar, Douglas, Lyndsay and, in especial, the prose Complaynt of Scotlande.
References will be found in Smith's Dictionary of Christian Antiquities - art.
Figs cannot be grown in the country, and the ancient references to Phrygian figs are either erroneous or due to a loose use of the term Phrygia.
The facts of Owen's life must be pieced together from scattered references in contemporary chronicles and documents; perhaps the most important are Adam of Usk's Chronicle and Ellis's Original Letters.
Yet, apart from the references to cultic prostitution (which was adopted by the Israelites from the Canaanites), the mention of the vice in question is not frequent; in a polygamous society and in a country without great cities it was not likely to grow to great proportions.
No separate history of the congress exists, but innumerable references are to be found in general histories and in memoirs, correspondence, &c., of the time.
For the later Constantines references to general authorities will be found under Later Roman Empire; see also Caliphate and SELJUxs for the wars of the period.
Most of the other references relate to the strife of Michael and Satan about the body of Moses, and ascribe it to the Ascensio Mosis, i.e.
With this " Testament " the " Assumption," to which almost all the patristic references and that of Jude are made, was subsequently edited.
The diminutive cities of this cosmopolitan Palestine were ruled by kings, not necessarily of the native stock; some were appointed - and even anointed - by the Egyptian king, and the small extent of these city-states is obvious from the references to the kings of such near-lying sites as Jerusalem, Gezer, Ashkelon and Lachish.
It is in keeping with the old conceptions of the divine kingship, which, though they survive only in isolated biblical references, live on in the ideals of the Messianic king and his kingdom and in the post-exilic high priest. ?
References to authorities other than Josephus are given in the course of the article; his Antiquities and War are the chief source for the period.
The two dialogues occasionally make interesting references to personages of the epoch.
Shoobridge, Herculaneum, Past, Present and Future (London, 1908); it contains full references to the history and the explorations, and to the buildings and objects found (with illustrations).
Darwin Swift (Clarendon Press, 1894), in which are many references to authorities.
He was also criticized for his vanity and perpetual references to his own achievements.
Clerke's The System of the Stars (2nd ed., 1905), which contains full references to original papers; Problems in Astrophysics, by the same author,, may also be consulted.
These and like developments, which are to be divined from references in the Aristotelian writings, jejune, and, for the most part, of probable interpretation only, complete the material which Aristotle could utilize when he seceded from the Platonic school and embarked upon his own course of logical inquiry.
These are combinatory of parts, attaching or detaching predicates, and so involving 9 References such as are the result of subsequent editing and prove nothing.
The labours of the publicist would also be much lightened were it possible to consolidate the various general collections of diplomatic acts into a new Corps diplomatique universel, well furnished with cross references, and with brief annotations showing how far each treaty is supposed to be still in force.
For further references see Ulysse Chevalier, Repertoire des sources.
The references in this article furnish fuller information and are usually made to works suitable for pursuing the subject more thoroughly.
But the boundaries are not definite and the references to its territory are obscure.
Thus too the belief in a kingdom of demons held a large place in the mind of the people, though the references to such evil beings are almost absent from the sacred writings of the Old Testament.
Because the Old Testament contained references to the origin and the objects of the universe, a certain amount of natural science was necessary, but it was only in this connexion that it had any value.
Other literature and references to fuller bibliographies in separate departments have been given in the notes.
They include many particulars of what purports to be the history of the royal houses, not only of the Gautar and the Danes, but also of the Swedes, the continental Angles, the Ostrogoths, the Frisians and the Heathobeards, besides references to matters of unlocalized heroic story such as the exploits of Sigismund.
If the language of Homer is so ambiguous where the use of writing would naturally be mentioned, we cannot expect to find more decisive references elsewhere.
They did so largely from hints and passing references in Homer.
In these, full references to the older literature will be found.
His Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property with References to the American Decisions and to the French Code and Civil Law - a bulky volume known to practitioners as Benjamin on Sales - is the principal text-book on its subject, and a fitting monument of the author's career at the English bar, of his industry and learning.
The scanty and obscure references to finance, and to economic matters generally, in classical literature do not elucidate all the details of the system; but the analogies of other countries, e.g.
In the sphere of natural science, Bacon's importance is attested by references to his work in the writings of the principal scientists, not only English, but French, German and Italian.
Boyle, in whose works there are frequent eulogistic references to Bacon, regarded himself as a disciple and was indeed known as a second Bacon.
Harris 1 has been able to identify a number of Syriac quotations from or references to this commentary in the works of Isho'dadh, Bar-Kepha (Severus), Bar-salibi and Barhebraeus.
It is known that a great mass of oral tradition was current, and there are a number of early references to written collections, especially of haggadah.
On the other hand, certain references indicate that there was a strong opposition to writing down the Oral Law.
In the latter the Gemara follows each paragraph of the Mishnah; in the former, references are usually made to the leaves (the two pages of which are called a and b), the enumeration of the editio princeps being retained in subsequent editions.
There are many references to him in the correspondence of Innocent III.
The only "missing link" is the want of any precise allusion to a mask in the references to Dauger.
Funck-Brentano also insists that the references to the "ancien prisonnier" in 1696 and 1697 must be to Mattioli, giving ancien the meaning of "late" or "former" (as in the phrase "ancien ministre"), and regarding it as an expression pertinent to Mattioli, who had been at Pignerol with Saint-Mars but not at Exiles, and not to Dauger, who had always been with SaintMars.
It is worth noting that up to 1672 (when Saint-Mars suggested utilizing Dauger as valet to Lauzun) none of the references to Dauger in letters after that of July 19, 1669, suggests his being a valet; and their contrary character makes it all the more clear that the second part of the letter of July 19 does not refer to Dauger.
The problem is complicated by the possibility that during the ages over which the references can range many changes of fortune could have occurred.
Winkelmann, Handbuch der Physik (Breslau, 1905), pp. 58-70, which contains a large number of references to original papers on electrometers.
The biblical references to Sidon are Gen.
Moreover after the time of Beowulf and Jordanes there are very few references to the kingdom of the Gotar and in Olaf Sktittkonung's time it was merely an earldom.
Proofs of extensive Scandinavian settlement in Russia are to be found partly in the Russian names assigned to the Dnieper rapids by Constantine Porphyrogenitus, partly in references to this people made by foreign representatives at the court of Byzantium.
Gerth van Wijk, in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopadie (3rd ed., Leipzig, 1900), pp. 599-606, where further references are given.
The late references to this tribe in the Israelite wanderings in the wilderness are of little value.
The kingdom of Mesene, also called Characene, is known to us from occasional references in various authors, especially Lucian (Macrobii, i6),as well as from numerous coins, dated by the Seleucian era, which allow us to frame a fairly complete list of the kings.
The literary tradition, indeed, deserts us almost entirely, but the coins .and isolated literary references prove that during the years A.D.
Lactantius, writing early in the 4th century, is even more sarcastic in his references to the heathen practice.
A certain section of the press, not in the Transvaal only, preaches openly and constantly the doctrine of a republic embracing all South Africa, and supports it by menacing references to the armaments of the Transvaal, its alliance with the Orange Free State, and the active sympathy which, in case of war, it would receive from a section of Her Majesty's subjects.
Conjectural plans or descriptions, differing widely, are given by Leake, Forchhammer, Ulrichs, Bursian, Fabricius and others (references below).
The description of Pausanias was written at a time when the lower city was deserted, and only the temples and the gates left; and the references to Thebes in the Attic dramatists are, like those to Mycenae and Argos, of little or no topographical value.
Next we get incidental but not unimportant references to the destruction of roads and property wrought by the Goths, to the state of the havens at the mouths of the Tiber, and the general decay of nearly all the old commercial ports on the coast..
The date of the arrival of the Cechs in Bohemia is very uncertain, and the scanty references to the country in classical and Byzantine writers are rather misleading than otherwise.
We have next to examine the manner in which he used it, and here we are met at the outset by the difficulty of determining with exactness what authorities he is following at any one time; for of the importance of full and accurate references he has no idea, and often for chapters together he gives us no clue at all.
He published the results in his Roma (1550), in which the correspondence between every discoverable relic of the old city and the references to them in ancient literature was traced in detail.
We have many references to this in the Attic orators.
Talmage, The Great Salt Lake, Present and Past (Salt Lake City, 1900); and Grove Karl Gilbert, Lake Bonneville, monograph i of United States Geological Survey (Washington, 1890), containing (pp. 12-19) references to the earlier literature.
Scharer (Geschichte des jiidischen Volkes, ii., 4th ed., pp. 447-456, 475-4 8 9) gives the evidence of the ancient authorities and references to modern studies of the subject.
In addition he makes occasional references to flight in his other manuscripts, which are also illustrated.
But, if the end in view with the Fathers had been the attainment of truth, instead of the branding of heretics, they could not possibly have accepted the Great Declaration, which contains, as we have seen, the story of Helen, with its references to the Gospels, as the work of Simon 1 See H.E.
Lastly, the numerous other fragments, the quotations in the Pahlavi translation, the many references in the Bundahish to passages of this Avesta not now known to us, all presuppose the existence in the Sassanian period of a much more extensive Avesta literature than the mere prayer-book now in our hands.
The cult is found not only where oriental influence was strongest, but in places remote from it, such as Sparta, where she was known by the name of Areia (" the warlike "), and there are numerous references in the Anthology to an Aphrodite armed with helmet and spear.
Those who hold (2) have to suppose that original references to the Scythians were retouched under the impression of Chaldean invasions.
There has also to be considered whether the text of the poetical passages has not often become corrupt, not only from ordinary causes but through the misunderstanding and misreading of north Arabian names on the part of late scribes and editors, the danger to Judah from north Arabia being (it is held) not less in pre-exilic times than the danger from Assyria and Babylonia, so that references to north Arabia are only to be expected.
It is now generally recognized that the king symbolized by the Little Horn, of whom it is said that he shall come of one of four kingdoms which shall be formed from the Greek empire after the death of its first king (Alexander), can be none other than Antiochus Epiphanes, and in like manner the references in ix.
It seems needless to give references to the voluminous discussion in newspapers and periodicals concerning the authenticity of a wax bust of Flora acquired in 1909 for the Berlin Museum and unfortunately ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci, its real author having been proved by external and internal evidence to be the Englishman Richard Cockle Lucas, and its date 1846.
But, whereas the new scholarch, confining himself to the detailed examination of natural kinds, attempted no comprehensive explanation of the universe, Aristotle held that a theory of its origin, its motions, and its order was a necessary adjunct to the classificatory sciences; and in nearly all his references to Speusippus he insists upon this fundamental difference of procedure.
The most important references to Tyre in the Bible are i Kings v., vii., ix.; Is.
His references to Septimius Serenus and Alfius Avitus, who belonged to the school of "new poets" (poetae neoterici or novelli) of the reign of Hadrian and later, seem to show that he was a near contemporary of those writers.
The caution of Vopiscus's references to Diocletian cannot be made a reproach to him.
BianchiGiovini's biography (1836) is greatly marred by digressions, and is inferior in some respects to that by Arabella Georgina Campbell (1869), which is enriched by numerous references to MSS.
The chief interest of the book of Obadiah lies in its references to the historical relations between Israel and Edom.
The Biblical references to shekels must refer to uncoined ingots.
Separate articles are devoted to each of these orders, where references will be found to other articles dealing with some of the minor groups and a number of the more representative species.
He regards the Stoics as having initiated a philosophical theology, and gives numerous references for the " three theologies " which they distinguished.
Pumpelly and others, Explorations in Turkestan (Washington, 1905), contains references to the geological literature to the date of publication.
Detailed references will be found under the articles on the separate groups of Arthropoda.
All important writers whose names occur in this sketch are treated in special biographical articles, and references are given as often as possible to supplementary articles which illustrate and explain points which cannot be fully treated here.
The naive and fragmentary precepts of conduct, which are everywhere the earliest manifestation of nascent moral reflection, are a noteworthy element in the gnomic poetry of the 7th and 6th centuries B.C. Their importance is shown by the traditional enumeration of the Seven Sages of the 6th century, and their influence on ethical thought is attested by the references of Plato and Aristotle.
For further references, especially to monographs, &c., on Filelfo's life and work, see Ulysse Chevalier, Repertoire des sources hist., bio-bibliographie (Paris, 1905), s.
In German legend Ermanaric became the typical cruel tyrant, and references to his crimes abound in German epic and in Anglo-Saxon poetry.
Round in his article on " The Pope and the Conquest of Ireland " (Commune of London, 1899, pp. 171 -200), where further references will be found.
But definite evidence, in the shape of letters and references in memoirs, enables us to deny that the Dutch Admiral Verhuell was the father of Louis Napoleon,and there is strong evidence of resemblance in character between King Louis and his third son.
A great deal of unpublished material of the highest interest with regard to Ibrahim's personality and his system in Syria is preserved in the British Foreign Office archives; for references to these see Cambridge Mod.
I to the parallel story in xii., the absence of allusion to xx., and the apparent editorial references to xxi.
In the 7th century the supremacy over Lindsey alternated between Mercia and Northumbria, but few historical references to the district are extant until the time of Alfred, whose marriage with Ealswitha was celebrated at Gainsborough three years before his accession.
The political references in this book are marked by jealous hostility to the British.
Moreover, their views are confirmed by the constant references to bees and the profits obtainable from bee-keeping in the leading papers on all sides.
By far the fullest guide to Bismarck's life is Horst Kohl's Fiirst Bismarck, Regesten zu einer wissenschaftlichen Biographic (Leipzig, 1891-1892), which contains a record of Bismarck's actions on each day, with references to and extracts from his letters and speeches.
He also shows that literature affords no trace of the horse as indigenous to Arabia prior to about the beginning of the 5th century A.D., although references abound in the pre-Islamitic poetry.
Etretat sprang into popularity during the latter half of the 19th century, largely owing to the frequent references to it in the novels of Alphonse Karr.
The two last-named works contain many further bibliographical references.
In the same treatise Dr Hoek has useful chapters on the anatomy, development and sexes of the group, with references to the important researches since Darwin by Krohn, Claus, Kossmann and others.
C. Lodge (New York, 9 vols., 1885-1886, and 12 vols., 1904); all references above are first to the latter edition, secondly (in brackets) to the former.
In these general works references to all important memoirs will be found.
References to important papers on Mesozoic botany will be found in the bibliographies mentioned in the above list.
It has not yet been found possible so closely to correlate the strata of Europe with those of America, where distance has allowed geographical differences in both fauna and flora to come into play; therefore, beyond the references to Lower or Upper Cretaceous, no classification of the American Cretaceous strata has here been given.
In spite of the numerous references to catechumens in Patristic literature, our knowledge of the details of the system is often very deficient, and upon some points there is considerable diversity of opinion amongst experts.
In the same author's Works and Days, a treatise which is a sort of shepherd's calendar, there are distinct references to the Pleiades, Hyades, Orion, Sirius and Arcturus.
The gorilla was summarily returned to his cage and the evening progressed without further uncomfortable references to the future.
The method to use to cite these references is given below.
A number of ideas from Neo-Confucian and Taoist philosophy also occur in the texts as well as references to internal alchemy.
His references are wide, ranging from urban alienation to alternative religions.
Much of the comedy revolved around such anachronisms, with the 18thcentury protagonists often using 20thcentury references and visited by modern-day concerns.
References 1 For example, Wyclif's emphasis on Scripture was theocentric, not anthropocentric, in both its orientation and influence.
Journal Articles and References E212 Potassium benzoate The potassium salt of benzoic acid, potassium benzoate fulfills an antibacterial and antifungal role.
This volume closes out with references to files and streams, math and string Apis.
For once references to Ireland are not apologetic ones.
A few references are given, mainly ones which contain an extensive bibliography.
In addition, there is a searchable bibliography of over 11,000 references.
Armstrong examined them, and they contained references to an American bombsight, and that someone was traveling to Devon.
We get a ' bourgeois ' this and a ' bourgeois ' that and references to ' the ruling bourgeoisie ' .
Many authors deliberately avoid certain types of references to allow their material to get passed the official censor.
In the 1881 census there are only 256 references.
In the scenario above, the work library will clobber the home library, and you would lose the four new references.
References Notices of the old clochard or bell-tower of the Palace at Westminster, communicated by the Rev. Joseph Hunter (1858 ).
But I feel like kicking the TV myself every time I hear the commentators ' banalities and puerile references to 1966.
There are also copious references to key papers for further reading.
They are therefore crucial references for anyone wishing to gain a good understanding on the impacts of ICT on tourism.
Below are quotes from the Hansard text of the committee deliberations references to Transform.
I really don't know what to make of the three above mentioned references to the WTC disaster.
References include such exotica as the Mombassa Times, Kenya and " Is Fingal's Cave artificial?
Peterson has translated Latin terms and added copious footnotes, putting the instructions and references into context for the modern reader.
You may be able to find further references to Fife in the descriptive gazetteers by doing a full-text search here.
Most of the computer packages mentioned earlier have provision for entering not only genealogical data but detailed references as well.
References Main section headings should be in CAPITALS, sub-section headings in bold and third-order section headings in italics.
Both the reviews tell us how difficult it is to diagnose heart failure, with references to prove it.
Two monopoly references were made during 1998 on the supply of raw cows ' milk and the supply of impulse ice cream.
The references by Origen, Novatian, and later Fathers are somewhat indefinite.
Figure 1. Triose phosphate isomerase, illustrating the use of the EyeChem viewer in conjunction with hyperlinks inserted into text based references.
He appeared to know very little about Mr Gordon, and had taken up no references.
There are no local objects, only local references.
References to research and literature covering sports medicine, biomechanics, training and coaching.
Final year pre-registration students or any post-registration midwifery student may request references obtained from any source, including the BNI.
We draw the line, however, at Aussie Rules; references to Australian sports jangle a few nerves at the Bank!
There is a slight improvement in the locality of memory references, reducing the cache penalty overhead by about 3% .
Full bibliographic references are provided, as is a table on the pharmacokinetic parameters for this drug.