Refer Sentence Examples
So we somehow refer cases to you?
Of scientific geographical exploration in Asia (beyond the limits of actual surveys) the modern period has been so prolific that it is only possible to refer in barest outline to some of the principal Indian expeditions, most of which have been directed either to explorers.
We refer to David Hume.
These apparent relationships refer to mean values.
Material Cause of DifferentiationIt may be inquired, in conclusion, if there are any facts which throw light upon the internal mechanism of differentiation, whether spontaneous or induced; if it is possible to refer it to any material cause.
Under the common law of Scotland, a submission of future disputes or differences to an arbiter, or arbiters, unnamed, was ineffectual except where the agreement to refer did not contemplate the decision of proper disputes between the parties but the adjustment of some condition, or the liquidation of some obligation, contained in the contract of which the agreement to submit formed a part.
Of course I do not refer to beautiful sentiments, but to the higher truths relating to everyday life.
Last night a proposition was made me on your account and, as you know my principles, I refer it to you.
It is convenient to refer to these two forms as a and 0.
This kind of writ allowed a man to refer the question of his guilt or innocence to the verdict of his neighbours instead of proving his innocence by the duel.
AdvertisementI refer to the "Frost King" episode, which I shall explain in detail.
The Talmudic tradition (Baba Batlara 14b) that the men of the Great Synagogue " wrote " Ezekiel, may refer to editorial work by later scholars.'
Brief notices of his spoils appeared from time to time in various volumes of the American Journal of Science and Arts (Silliman's), but it is unnecessary here to refer to more than a few of them.
It is a chapter very difficult to write, for while on the one hand an ingenious and speculative historian may refer to the influence of the Crusades almost everything which was thought or done between r too and 1300, a cautious writer who seeks to find Brehier, L'Eglise et l'Orient, p. 347.
The succeeding clause "they are given from one shepherd" may refer to a collection or revision by one authoritative person, but its relevancy is not obvious.
AdvertisementNeither does he refer in any way to the famous cave in which, according to the Ignatian myth, the Spiritual Exercises were written.
The concluding feast does not seem to refer to tabernacles per se, but to be distinct from it, as is shown by the break in the descending series of the sacrifices of bullocks as given in Numbers.
It is unnecessary here to dwell on the precautions which can only be conveniently acquired by experience; a sound appreciation of analytical methods is only possible after the reactions and characters of individual substances have been studied, and we therefore refer the reader to the articles on the particular elements and compounds for more information on this subject.
As an extreme instance of the misleading character of the scale given on maps embracing a wide area we may refer to a map of a hemisphere.
To refer Ps.
AdvertisementThe litanies of the Yasna, and the Yashts, refer to him as a personage belonging to the past.
The circumstances of his minority are not recorded, nor is anything related of the Scythian inroads which occurred in the latter half of the 7th century B.C., although some passages in the books of Jeremiah and Zephaniah are supposed to refer to the events.
In October 1904 the two governments agreed to refer this question to the Hague court.
We may compare the common use of the word ordo in profane writers, who refer, e.g., to the ordo senatorius, ordo equester, &c. It is true that the evidence of Tertullian does not carry us back farther than the close of the znd or opening of the 3rd century A.D.
If they speak of sacrifice at all, it is a sacrifice of the gifts brought by the faithful and distributed in the congregation and among the poor, or again they refer to those spiritual sacrifices which a bishop is to offer " day and night."
AdvertisementBut they may be conceived abstractly or non-sensuously by the mind (sed mente concipitur insensibilis), and they then refer themselves as copies to the Ideas their divine exemplars.
We refer to Bhaskara Acarya, whose work the Siddhanta-ciromani (" Diadem of an Astronomical System "), written in 1150, contains two important chapters, the Lilavati (" the beautiful [science or art] ") and Viga-ganita (" root-extraction "), which are given up to arithmetic and algebra.
To attempt a history of the development of the various topics in this article is inappropriate, and we refer the reader to the separate articles.
Thus, to refer again to the acoustical analogue in which plane waves are incident upon a perforated rigid screen, the circumstances of the case are best represented by the first method of resolution, leading to symmetrical secondary waves, in which the normal motion is supposed to be zero over the unperforated parts.
Now we have seen that the 5 prefixed to n-'p 'p cannot refer to authorship; we seem therefore shut up to one of two alternatives, either the psalms inscribed 's?
Since this last collection includes a psalm (cx.) which can scarcely refer to any one earlier than Simon the Maccabee, and cannot well be later than his time, we are justified in assigning the compilation of this collection to about the year 140 B.C. But by this time a great change had taken place in the aims and aspirations of the Jews.
Many other details are given in the treatise Soferim, but these for the most part refer primarily to the synagogue service after the destruction of the Temple.
For details on the liturgical use of the Psalter in Christendom the reader may refer to Smith's Diet.
A priest, " master of the wardrobe," is named as early as the VIth Dynasty, and later texts refer to the weavers and laundry servants of the temple.
Sundry manuscripts of the yet more extensive compilation which begins with the Grand Saint Graal also refer to Map as having composed the cycle in conjunction with Robert de Borron, to whom, as a rule, the Grand Saint Graal and Merlin are exclusively assigned.
For the history of the discovery, and its consequences in anatomy and physiology, we must refer to the article Harvey.
For the earlier editions it is sufficient to refer to the account in Munro's Introduction, vol.
Volumes and almost libraries have been written on the Calas affair, and we can but refer here to the only less famous cases of Sirven (very similar to that of Calas, though no judicial murder was actually committed), Espinasse (who had been sentenced to the galleys for harbouring a Protestant minister), Lally (the son of the unjustly treated but not blameless Irish-French commander in India), D'Etalonde (the companion of La Barre), Montbailli and others.
It is not worth while to refer to all the wild guesses that were made by various writers, but Dr Creighton shows the absurdity of one of these calculations made in 1554 by Soranzo, the Venetian ambassador for the information of the doge and senators of Venice.
Much of the work carried on by these organisms is not clearly understood; there are, however, certain processes which have been extensively investigated and to these it is necessary to refer.
To this day the spoken language of Japanese women is appreciably simpler and softer than that of the men, and to this day while the educated woman uses the hiragana syllabary in writing, eschews Chinese sords and rarel pens an ideograph, the educated man employs the ideograp entirely, and translates his thoughts as far as possible into thi mispronounced Chinese words without recourse -to which it would be impossible for him to discuss any scientific subject, or even tc refer to the details of his daily business.
It is not necessary in illustration of the second type of heresy - that which arises when the contents of the Christian faith are being defined - to refer to the doctrinal controversies of the middle ages.
If, as is probable, it was from the election of Nektarius the baptismal creed of Constantinople, we may even ask whether the pope did not refer to it when he wrote emphatically of the " common and indistinguishable confession " of all the faithful.
While it is true that the Church has never condemned individuals, and that the warnings refer only to those who have received the faith, and do not touch the question of the unbaptized, there is a growing feeling that they go beyond the teaching of Holy Scripture on the responsibility of intellect in matters of faith.'
The invention of the art of writing afforded the means of substituting precise and permanent records for vague and evanescent tradition; but in the infancy of the world, mankind had learned neither to estimate accurately the duration of time, nor to refer passing events to any fixed epoch.
Some recent finds have, indeed, seemed to make inferential reference to the Hebrews, and the marvellous collection of letters of the XVIIIth dynasty found at Tel el-Amarnaletters to which we shall refer later - have the utmost importance as proving a possible early date for the Mosaic accounts.
The Anoplura or lice should not be included among the Hemiptera, but it has been thought convenient to refer briefly to them at the close of this article.
When the Church obtained the mastery of the world this method came naturally to be abandoned in favour of a spiritualistic interpretation, to which we shall presently refer.
Bousset thinks that the Apocalyptist, knowing not what to make of this reckoning, left it standing as it was and attempted a new interpretation of the seven heads by taking them to refer to the seven hills of Rome in the addition he made to verse 9.
The contents of these logs, it is true, refer more to maritime meteorology than to oceanography properly so-called, as their main purpose is to promote a rational system of navigation especially for sailing ships, and they are supplied by the voluntary co-operation of the sailors themselves.
So strongly was this doctrine emphasized by Kant, that he seemed to refer the matter of knowledge to the action upon us of a non-ego or Ding-an-sich, absolutely beyond consciousness.
To examine what is meant by a zero value of n we refer to formula (15).
On the other hand, Josephus knows nothing of a younger Lysanias, and it is suggested by others that he really does refer to Lysanias I.
For the details of the struggle the reader must refer to the articles Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela.
We hear 3 of " Brownists " in London about 1585, while the London petitioners of 1592 refer to their fellows in " other gaols throughout the land "; and the True Confession of 1596 specifies Norwich, Gloucester, Bury St Edmunds, as well as " many other places of the land."
This substance he used to refer to as his first love, and it was a love to which he remained faithful throughout his life.
He subsequently explained that by this he did not refer to the Roman question, which was permanently settled, but to the possibility of the pope leaving Rome.
When the psalmist declares that " the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God," he probably does not refer to theoretical denial, but to a practical disbelief in God's government of human affairs, shown in disobedience to moral laws.
Comte, Spencer, Bagehot, Durkheim and Giddings, for example, refer to it, if at all, only briefly and incidentally; they conceive society as an organism, or at all events as a growing whole, no one part or force being the cause of all others, and all interacting; society is not the product of any agreement or of force alone, but of a vast variety of interests, desires and needs.
The committee of a lunatic, with the sanction of the judge in lunacy, may refer disputes to arbitration.
Under the law prior to the act of 1889 (a) an agreement to refer disputes generally, without naming the arbitrators, was always irrevocable, and an action lay for the breach of it, although the court could not compel either of the parties to proceed under it; (b) an agreement to refer to a particular arbitrator was revocable, and if one of the parties revoked that particular arbitrator's authority he could not be compelled to submit to it; (c) when, however, the parties had got their tribunal fixed, and were proceeding to carry out the agreement to refer, the act 9 and io Will.
When an action is in court the parties may at any stage withdraw it from judicial determination, and refer it to arbitration.
The etymology of rivus and ripa is disputed; some scholars refer both to the root ri-, to drop, flow; others take ripa to be from the root seen in Gr.
The Czechs rightly refer to this period 300 years ago when they describe themselves as a once oppressed nation.
But this is not certain, and even if it were, it does not necessarily imply that Hippolytus enjoyed the personal teaching of the celebrated Gallic bishop; it may perhaps merely refer to that relation of his theological system to that of Irenaeus which can easily be traced in his writings.
Quetelet's astronomical papers refer chiefly to shooting stars and similar phenomena.
Lynn pointed out, 13 to refer to the time when a Draconis ' Lenormant, Origines, i.
In the simplest case, that of uniform translation, these components of the gradient will each be constant throughout the region; at a distant place in free aether where there is no motion, they must thus be equal to -u,-v,-w, as they refer to axes moving with the matter.
For further details as to the development of the priestly caste and wisdom in India the reader must refer to Brahminism; here it is enough to observe that among a religious people a priesthood which forms a close and still more an hereditary corporation, and the assistance of which is indispensable in all religious acts, must rise to practical supremacy in society except under the strongest form of despotism, where the sovereign is head of the Church as well as of the state.
Owing to the great beauty of the flowers they have been favourites in European gardens for two or three centuries, and have been crossed and recrossed till it has become almost impossible to refer the plants to their original types.
It is possible to refer here only to the more important of these.
Of the origin of the early inhabitants of the Balearic Islands nothing is certainly known, though Greek and Roman writers refer to the Boeotian and Rhodian settlements.
The Greek versions, as well as Josephus, refer to them as iepbbouXot, which can mean one thing only.
Thus, after laying down as a general rule for declinable words that, when they refer to one and the same person, they must have the same case, gender and number, Priscian adds that when there are transitive words we may use different numbers, as doceo discipulos, docemus discipulum.
They do not refer to Latreille, 1802, with whom the term Ostracoda originates.
They are to all appearance the work of a school of priests, who, after the destruction of the Temple in 586 B.C., began to write down and codify the ceremonial regulations of the pre-exilic times, combining them with an historical narrative extending from the Creation to the establishment of Israel in Canaan; and who completed their work during the century following the restoration in 537 B.C. The chief object of these sections is to describe in detail the leading institutions of the theocracy (Tabernacle, sacrifices, purifications, &c.), and to refer them to their traditional origin in the Mosaic age.
It must suffice to refer briefly to two points.
It would be impossible to refer here even briefly to all these, and it may be more useful to select for somewhat full description,.
Some of the earliest documents which we possess are dated by the year in which some noticeable event took place, as in contract-tablets of the age of Sargon of Agade 1 To avoid any possibility of overstating the case, it is necessary to refer here to the fact that Tethmosis (Thothmes) III.
It is impossible, in face of the fact that the evidence of the oldest witnesses of all sorts is constantly opposed to the longer readings, to doubt that WH were right in arguing that these phenomena prove that the later text was made up by a process of revision and conflation of the earlier forms. Influenced by the use of the later text by Chrysostom, WH called it the Syrian or Antiochene text, and refer to the revision which produced it as the Syrian revision.
The traditions of many of the Polynesian islanders refer to a black indigenous race which occupied their islands when their ancestors arrived, and the black woolly-haired Papuan type is not only found to-day in Melanesia proper, but traces of it occur throughout Polynesia and Micronesia.
For details the reader may refer to Diestel, Geschichte des Alten Testaments (Jena 1869), and for the final form of orthodox Protestant views to Witsius, De prophetis et prophetia.
On the Egyptian cubits a small cubit is marked as about 17 in., which may well be this unit, as (5/6)ths of 20.6 is 17.2; and, as these marks are placed before the 23rd digit or 17.0, they cannot refer to 6 palms, or 17.7, which is the 24th digit, though they are usually attributed to that (33).
Epiphanius stating great hin = 18 xestes, and holy hin = 9, must refer to Syrian xestes, equal to 24 and 12 Roman; this makes holy hin as above, and great hin a double hin, i.e.
A few barrel weights are found at Karnak, and several egg-shaped shekel weights at Gebelen (44); also two cuboid weights from there (44) of 1 and 10 utens are marked as 6 and 60, which can hardly refer to any unit but the heavy shekel, giving 245.
To the latter Hugh Blair seems to refer when, in his work on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres (1783), he acknowledges his obligations to a manuscript treatise on rhetoric by Smith, part of which its author had shown to him many years before, and which he hoped that Smith would give to the public. Smith had promised at the end of his Theory of Moral Sentiments a treatise on jurisprudence from the historical point of view.
It now remains to refer in more detail to the invention itself and to examine the claims of Napier and Briggs to the capital improvement involved in the change from Napier's original logarithms to logarithms to the base ro.
For the varieties and modifications of the trophi we simply refer to Hudson's figure above.
The note may therefore be taken to refer either to the portion translated by the last or fifth hand, or to the whole of the Old Testament up to Baruch iii.
This letter was written on the 4th of August 1537, and the impatient words at the end refer to an authorized version which had been projected several years before, and which was, in fact, at that very time in preparation, though not proceeding quickly enough to satisfy Cranmer.
With the exception of his description of the French Revolution, which was chiefly a political manifesto, all his early works refer to the middle ages - De La feodalite, des institutions de Saint Louis et de l'influence de la legislation de ce prince (1822); La Germanic au vin e et au ix' siecle, sa conversion au christianisme, et son introduction dans la societe civilisee de l'Europe occidentale (1834); Essai sur la formation territoriale et politique de la France depuis la fin du xi e siècle jusqu'et la fin du xv e (1836); all of these are rough sketches showing only the outlines of the subject.
The mention of Gudea's building a temple for Ishtar in Nina (2800 B.C.) may refer to the Lagash city and an inscription of Dungi, king of Ur (2700 B.C.), said to have been found at Nineveh, might have been carried there by some antiquary king.
In view of all this it is possible to refer nearly every element of Appalachian form to its appropriate cycle and stage of development.
The tendency of recent years has been to refer more and more of these beds to the Permian.
Among other apartments, for the designation of which we must refer to the ground-plan, was a domestic oratory or chapel, 462 ft.
Maxims of criticism to which we may here refer are that "harder readings are better than easier" and that "the shorter reading is generally the truer."
In order to refer back to the Physics, the De Coelo, and the De Generatione, this work begins by stating that the first causes of all nature and all natural motion, the stars ordered according to celestial motion and the bodily elements with their transmutations, and generation and corruption have all been discussed; and by adding that there remains to complete this investigation, what previous investigators called meteorology.
It is impossible to overstep the limits of self-consciousness; whatever words I use, whatever notions I have, must refer to and find their meaning in facts of consciousness.
The next class to be removed from Cuvier's * These figures refer to the Bibliography at the end of the article.
We refer to " buffer " zones.
We must refer to Kayser and Runge's Handbuch for further details, as well as for information on other spectra such as those of silver, thallium, indium and manganese, in which series lines have been found.
The discussion as to the causes of this widening has turned a good deal on the question whether it is primarily due to changes of density, pressure or temperature, but some confusion has been caused by the want of proper definition of terms. For the cause of this the writer of the present article is jointly with others at any rate partly responsible, and clearness of ideas can only be re-established by investigating the mechanical causes of the effect rather than by applying terms which refer to a different order of physical conceptions.
After this time it becomes manifest that, as we should expect, documents were the recognized authorities for the Gospel history; but there is still some uncertainty as to the documents upon which reliance was placed, and the precise estimation in which l For the only two that can be held to be such in the first half of the 2nd century, and the doubts whether they refer to our present Gospels, see Mark, Gospel Of, and Matthew, Gospel Of.
As the same limit is applied by him to all transcendent rational " ideals," and especially to those which refer to the content of the notion of the world, and, like all psychological and ontological "ideals," belong to the imaginary transcendent, his conclusion is that reason, in transcending experience, logically conceives " ideals," but never logically infers corresponding realities.
His successors, Caracalla and Severus Alexander (211-235), accepted the position, and many inscriptions refer to building or rebuilding executed by them for the greater efficiency of the frontier defences.
This view is based mainly on the numerous place-names ending in -ing, -Ingham, -ington, &c., in which the syllable -ing is thought to refer to kindreds of cultivators.
Shirting, which has long since ceased to refer exclusively to shirt cloths, includes a large proportion of Lancashire manufacture.
Eunapius and Synesius call him a Lemnian; Photius a Tyrian; his letters refer to him as an Athenian.
As an example, we may refer to the small religious house of St Mary Magdalene's, a cell of the great Benedictine house of St Mary's, York, in the valley of the Witham, to the south-east of the city of Lincoln.
Those who wish to follow out the classification in detail should refer to some of the recent monographs mentioned below in the bibliography.
Then there is the group of serins (Serinus), to which the canary belongs, that one is in doubt whether to refer to the vicinity of the greenfinches or that of the redpolls.
The " accolade " may etymologically refer to the embrace, accompanied by a blow with the hand, characteristic of the longer form of knighting.
Leonard, and refer only to Protestant missions to non I.-Statistics Of The Great Religions Of The World.
But it may also refer, as Hsiian Tsang refers it, to another author of the same name.
It should be borne in mind that the limits adopted above refer purely to the topographical aspect of the Alps as they exist at the present day.
But we may refer generally here to certain phenomena peculiar to these plants, the life-actions of which are restricted and specialized by their peculiar dependence on organic supplies of carbon and nitrogen, so that most fungi resemble the colourless cells of higher plants in their nutrition.
The following estimates of durability refer to the use of fur when made up "hair outside" in garments or stoles, not as a lining.
It has long been conceded that the great French national epics of the 11th and 12th centuries must have been founded on a great fund of popular poetry, and that many of the episodes of the chansons de geste refer to historical events anterior to the Carolingian period.
The Jan Mayen data refer really to Göttingen mean time, but this was only twenty-three minutes late on local time.
They constantly refer to the case of Klagenfurt.
But it must be remembered that it was never Mahomet's practice to refer explicitly to contemporary persons and affairs in the Koran.
Although Conti did not secure the Polish throne he remained in the confidence of Louis until 1755, when his influence was destroyed by the intrigues of Madame de Pompadour; so that when the Seven Years' War broke out in 1756 he was refused the command of the army of the Rhine, and began the opposition to the administration which caused Louis to refer to him as "my cousin the advocate."
This rite seems to reflect an actual custom of abduction; or it may rather refer to the practice of intercourse between the betrothed before marriage.
The earlier part is full of Peterborough interpolations, to which place many of the later entries also refer.
The Instructions of Amenemh to his son Senwosri, whether really his own or a later composition, refer to these things.
Seeds in which endosperm or perisperm or both exist are commonly called albuminous or endospermic, those in which neither is found are termed exalbuminous or exendospermic. These terms, extensively used by systematists, only refer, however, to the grosser features of the seed, and indicate the more or less evident.
To Malocello's enterprise, moreover, it is probable that Petrarch (born 1304) alludes when he tells how, within the memory of his parents, an armed fleet of Genoese penetrated to the "Fortunatae"; this passage some would refer, without sufficient authority, to the expedition of 1291.
It is then natural that the Homeric poems refer to Phrygia in the terms above described, and make Priam's wife a Phrygian woman.
The writers speak of themselves as " apostles," or messengers, of Christ; they refer to similar societies " in Christ Jesus," which they call " churches of God," in Judaea, and they say that these also suffer from the Jews there, who had " killed the Lord Jesus " some time before.
But they further speak of Jesus as " raised from the dead," and they refer to the belief which they had led the society to entertain, that He would come again " from heaven to deliver them from the coming wrath."
It can have no efficacy for souls in Purgatory; penalties imposed by the church can only refer to the living; death dissolves them; what the pope can do for souls in Purgatory is by prayer, not by jurisdiction or the power of the keys.
It is already suggested that allusions to a sojourn in Egypt may refer, not to the remote times of Jacob and Moses but to the circumstances of the 7th century; see C. Steuernagel, op. cit.
Fetis and Pohl also refer to him.
For really fresh and progressive indigenous art we may perhaps have, in the near future, to turn to America and to Russia, where, having little artistic past to refer to, designers and craftsmen display unequalled individuality and force.
In 1804, however, the family were restored to Gohad by the British government; but, owing to the opposition of Sindhia, the rana agreed in 1805 to exchange Gohad for his present territory of Dholpur, which was taken under British protection, the chief binding himself to act in subordinate co-operation with the paramount power, and to refer all disputes with neighbouring princes to the British government.
Such cases are, of course, exceptional, and generally refer to a period long past, but they explain and justify the superstitious awe with which the tiger is regarded by the natives.
Our limits forbid a historical account of the earlier endeavours to fulfil these ends by means of motions in altitude and azimuth, nor can we do more than refer to mountings such as those employed by the Herschels or those designed by Lord Rosse to overcome the engineering difficulties of mounting his huge telescope of 6 ft.
Both are abundantly illustrated in most popular works on astronomy, and it seems sufficient to refer the reader to the original descriptions.2 We pass, therefore, directly to the equatorial telescope, the instrument par excellence of the modern extra-meridian astronomer.
Concreteness, therefore, is the one demand which Hamann expresses, and as representing his own thought he used to refer to Giordano Bruno's conception (previously held by Nicolaus Curanus) of the identity of contraries.
In modern times Sirius has always been a typical white or bluish-white star, but a number of classical writers refer to it as red or fiery.
Now it is necessary to bear in mind that all observed motions are relative; and, especially in dealing with stellar motions, it is arbitrary what shall be considered at rest, and used as a standard to which to refer their movements.
Even more significant is his handling of authority and reason, to which we shall presently refer.
To lead on, E71yaav, is to refer back, ava^yecv, 3 to what has been correctly divined of the same elements in clearer cases.
But for this we must refer to his own works.
For (3) (a) we are constrained to refer the reader to Joly's own Manual of Quaternions (1905).
To his great disappointment, however, restoration proved to refer only to a portion of his old kingdom.
For the innumerable conventions, to which Great Britain is a party, as to commerce, consular jurisdiction, fisheries and the slave trade, it must suffice to refer to the exhaustive and skilfully devised index to vols.
For the now operative treaties of extradition to which Great Britain is a party, it will be sufficient to refer to the article Extradition.
For the epidemics of the succeeding centuries we must refer to more detailed works.(1)
It seems, therefore, impossible to make a special variety of Indian plague, or to refer the black death to any such special form.
If they are meant to refer to the same occasion, as is usually assumed, 3 it is hard to see why Paul should omit reference to the public occasion of the visit, as also to the public vindication of his policy.
But why, then, does not Paul refer to the public charitable object of his visit?
This was erroneously believed to refer to Jerome.
Scholasticism, which absorbed the attention of most thinkers from about the 11th to about the 15th centuries, is so easily marked off and played so considerable a role in the academic history of that time, that historians often refer to it as the only intellectual interest of "medieval" men.
Finally, we may refer to the catenary of uniform strength, where the cross-section of the wire (or cable) is supposed to vary as the tension.
For investigations relating to the equilibrium of a string in three dimensions we must refer to the textbooks.
The place of his burial is unknown, and the legend which says he still sits in a cavern in the Kyffhauser mountain in Thuringia waiting until the need of his country shall call him, is now thought to refer, at least in its earlier form, to his grandson, the emperor Frederick II.
Of the many calculations set forth in these valuable tables there is only room here to refer to the "afterlifetime" for such countries as it is available, which is quoted in the last column of Table VII.
It may be of interest to refer briefly to one or two main principles which govern theadjustment of general average, i.e.
Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut and New Haven constituted in their early years a group of neighbouring colonies, substantially independent of the mother country, and possessing a unity of purpose and similar institutions but in need of mutual protection from the Indians, the Dutch and the French, and also needing an arbiter to whom they might refer their own disputes, especially those relating to boundaries and trade.
The selection of three as their number has been supposed to refer to the most ancient division of the year into spring, summer and winter, but it is probably only another instance of the Greek liking for that particular number or its multiples in such connexions (three Moerae, Charites, Gorgons, nine Muses).
We must refer the reader for further information to his monumental work entitled Experimental Researches on Electricity, in three volumes, reprinted from the Phil.
This is perhaps the place to refer also to the great services of Lord Rayleigh to electrical science.
Yet there is no opposition between the physical and final causes; in ultimate resort the mind is compelled to think the universe as the work of reason, to refer facts to God and Providence.
This is part of that larger and pressing psychological problem of adjusting the " authority " ascribed to past writings to that of the collective human experience; it does not confront Judaism alone, and it must suffice to refer to the writings of " Reformed Judaism "; see, e.g.
We have no right to refer to " instincts " in the case of primitive man, any more at any rate than we have in our own case.
Assuming the words here, "as he is only a valet," to refer to Dauger, and taking into account the employment of Dauger from 1675 to 1680 as Fouquet's valet, Mr Lang now obtains a solution of the problem of why a mere valet should be a political Funck-Brentano argues that "un ancien prisonnier qu'il avait a Pignerol" (du Junca's words) cannot apply to Dauger, because then du Junca would have added "et a Exiles."
But this is decidedly far-fetched; du Junca would naturally refer specially to Pignerol, the fortress with which Saint-Mars had been originally and particularly associated.
The portion, however, of the letter of the 19th of July, cited above, in which Louvois uses the words "ce n'est qu'un valet," does not, in the present writer's judgment, refer to Dauger at all, but to something which had been mooted in the meanwhile with a view to obtaining a valet for Fouquet.
It is worth noting that up to 1672 (when Saint-Mars suggested utilizing Dauger as valet to Lauzun) none of the references to Dauger in letters after that of July 19, 1669, suggests his being a valet; and their contrary character makes it all the more clear that the second part of the letter of July 19 does not refer to Dauger.
And both refer these woes to the same cause, viz.
Neither side would give way, nor was any disposition exhibited to refer the matter to arbitration under the protocol of 1896.
In the chains of Zagros we find, in Babylonian and Assyrian times, no trace of Iranians; but partly Semitic peoplesthe Gutaeans, Lulubaeans, &c.partly tribes that we can refer to no known ethnological group, e.g.
It is enough to refer here to the fragmentary series of his Shakespearian criticisms, containing evidence of the truest insight, and a marvellous appreciation of the judicial "sanity" which raises the greatest name in literature far above even the highest of the poets who approached him.
Upon the dissolution of a marriage in community of property, or in the event of a judicial separation a communione bonorum, the property of the spouses is divided as upon the liquidation of a partnership. It is not necessary here to refer particularly to certain exceptions to this general rule in cases of divorce.
By the statute law of Natal post-nuptial agreements between spouses are permitted under certain conditions, to which it is not possible now to refer at length.
He met Berkeley frequently, but in his writings does not refer to him.
The Analogy, on the contrary, did not directly refer to the deists at all, and yet it worked more havoc with their position than all the other books put together, and remains practically the one surviving landmark of the whole dispute.
The times at which the satires were given to the world do not in all cases coincide with those at which they were written and to which they immediately refer.
The books of travel of this century are unusually important because their authors were often the first Europeans to visit or at least to study the countries they refer to.
The laws contained in (a) refer to (i) burnt-offerings, i.; (2) meal-offerings, ii.; (3) peace-offerings, iii.; (4) sin-offerings, iv.
Some derive it from Celtic roots - ber, small, short, and lyn, a lake; others regard it as a Wend word, meaning a free, open place; others, again, refer it to the word werl, a river island.
The next events that are recorded by the oldest chroniclers, such as Cosmas, refer to the foundation of a Bohemian principality by Krok (or Crocus) and his daughter Libussa.
Other important works which have perished wholly or in large part, and some orations and minor writings still extant, it is not necessary to refer to more particularly.
The general statement that such doctrines refer all moral action to criteria of the individual's happiness, preservation, moral perfection, raises an obvious difficulty.
The orphans court may be held either by the judge of the court of common pleas or by a justice of the supreme court; and it has jurisdiction over controversies respecting the existence of wills, the fairness of inventories, the right of administration and guardianship, the allowance of accounts to executors, administrators, guardians or trustees, and over suits for the recovery of legacies and distributive shares, but it may refer any matter coming before it to a master in chancery.
It is probable also, as already mentioned, that the leaf-like appendages of the Phyllopoda are of a primitive type, and attempts have been made to refer their structure to that of the Annelid parapodium.
We may also refer many of his most important treatises in prose, as well as a large portion of his Latin correspondence, to the leisure he enjoyed in this retreat.
It may be convenient at this point to refer to the officers of the county council.
That a learned man like Hippolytus should refer a work which contains quotations from the Epistles and Gospels to Simon Magus, who was probably older than Jesus Christ, shows the extent to which men can be blinded by religious bigotry.
By his vast expenditure, ascribable not only to his wars in Italy, his incessant embassies, and the necessity of defending himself in the Comtat Venaissin against the incursions of the adventurous Raymond of Turenne, but also to his luxurious tastes and princely habits, as well as by his persistent refusal to refer the question of the schism to a council, he incurred general reproach.
Among many proofs of these qualities it will be enough to refer to what he says of the characters of James I., Bacon, Laud, Strafford and Cromwell.
The author takes a genuine prophecy, undoubtedly intended by Jeremiah to refer simply to the duration of the Babylonian captivity, and, by means of a purely arbitrary and mystical interpretation, makes it denote the entire period of Israel's degradation down to his own time.
Besides, nothing is gained by such a device, which would bring the year of the end of the second period down to the meaningless date 152, too late to refer to Onias.
The irritation of the powers at the unexpected delay was so great that Great Britain proposed a collective note on the subject, to be executed by the Austrian cabinet; while Prince Bismarck threatened, if the Berlin proposition were not carried out, to refer to the suzerain power at.
The data given above refer to the mean reversing layer.
We cannot here do more than refer to the spectral type of the sun.
The life of Athanasius, however, is so completely intertwined with the history of his time that it is permissible to refer, for a knowledge of him, to the general descriptions which will be found at the close of the article ARIUS.
Further, he is able to purify the guilty and to cleanse from sin (here some refer the epithet iarpOyavres, in the sense of "physician of the soul").
In some of the tombs of these legionaries coins of Maxentius have been found, while the Liber Pontificalis records that Constantine gave to the church of Albano "omnia scheneca deserta vel domos intra urbem Albanensem," which has generally been taken to refer to the abandoned camp. It was at this period, then, that the civitas Albanensis arose.
An investigation of the great aurora of the 4th of February 1872 led him to refer such phenomena to a distinct branch of science, designated by him "cosmical meteorology"; but he was not destined to prosecute the subject.
For an account of them we need only refer to the Life of the Right Hon.
The Arabic historians are largely occupied with fabulous matter as to Mecca before Islam; for these legends the reader may refer to C. de Perceval's Essai.
But it is possible to refer all these cases with more or less certainty to the Edwardsian type.
The Biblical references to shekels must refer to uncoined ingots.
This may have been due to one or both of two causes; a primitive tendency to refer numbers, in numeration, to the nearest large number (§ 24 (iv)), and the difficulty of perceiving the number of a group of objects beyond about three (§ 22).
Thus, while arithmetical numbering refers to units, geometrical numbering does not refer to units but to the intervals between units.
As I refer to myself the act of attention and volition, so I cannot but refer the sensation to some cause, necessarily other than myself, that is, to an external cause, whose existence is as certain for me as my own existence, since the phenomenon which suggests it to me is as certain as the phenomenon which had suggested my reality, and both are given in each other.
It is a natural assumption that prophecies have a practical end and refer to existing or impending conditions.
The exact date of his death is unknown; some authorities refer it to 376, others to 400.
Any inducement to a person to make a confession must refer to some temporal benefit to be gained from it.
Wesoex & Heroic refer to 597, tIle large names ii to 825
He was prepared to refer all important matters to his parliament, and (as we shall see) he improved the shape of that body by reintroducing into it the borough members who had appeared for the first time in Montforts assembly of 1265.
But it will be convenient at once to refer to its other features.
It is frequently convenient to refer to all the teeth behind the canine as the " cheek-teeth."
With them it began, and successive generations of inquirers into a strange career and a character still shrouded and baffling refer to them as settled starting-points of investigation.
Hence Baentsch would refer this oracle to the time of Antiochus IV.
KoXeos ("sword-sheath"); and Xacipia (see above) may refer to the spoils of war as well as the chase.
And during the period of a century and a half between Antiochus and Plutarch, we may suppose the school to have maintained the old controversy with Stoicism on much the same ground, accepting the formula of " life according to nature," but demanding that the " good " of man should refer to his nature as a whole, the good of his rational part being the chief element, and always preferable in case of conflict, but yet not absolutely his sole good.
This work contains a clear and excellent resume of the methods which have been devised by the leading investigators from the time of Lagrange until the present, and thus forms the most encyclopaedic treatise to which the student can refer.
He then became associated with Henry of Lancaster, but did not return to England before 1399, and the account which Froissart gives telling how he was sent by the Londoners to urge Henry to come and assume the crown is thought to refer to his nephew and namesake, Thomas, earl of Arundel.
Some of the curses refer to laws given not in D but in Lev.
When we speak of the " science of mythology " we refer to the various attempts which have been made to explain these ancient narratives.
According to Spencer (and his premises, at least, are correct), the names of human beings in an early state of society are derived from incidents of the moment, and often refer to the period of the day or the nature of the weather.
In Oregon the coyote is also the " demiurge," but most of the myths about him refer to his creative exploits, and will be more appropriately treated in the next section.
The half-legendary accounts which attribute the introduction of Arabian science to Gerbert, afterwards Pope Sylvester II., to Constantinus Africanus and to Adelard of Bath, if they have any value, refer mainly to medical science and mathematics.
We refer to the hive.
Among the many ways of saving time nothing is more useful than a carefully-kept note-book, wherein are recorded brief memoranda regarding such items as condition of each stock when packed for winter, amount of stores, age and prolific capacity of queen, strength of colony, healthiness or otherwise, &c., all of which particulars should be noted and the hives to which they refer plainly numbered.
For Bismarck's political career after 1870 we must refer to the article Germany, for he was thenceforward entirely absorbed 1870.
For his relations to the emperors Frederick and William II., and for the events connected with his dismissal from office in March 1890, we must refer to the articles under those names.
Let us refer at this point to a document in Genesis which is perhaps hardly estimated at its true value, the so-called Table of Peoples in Gen.
Simplicius and Porphyry refer to his commentary on the Categories of Aristotle, whose philosophy he is said to have defended against an opponent Athenodorus in a treatise Avrtypa 40 irpes 'ABnvoS wpov.
The frequent coarseness of tone is proper to the condition of Egyptian society under the Mameluke sultans, and would not have been tolerated in Bagdad in the age to which so many of the tales refer.
On the whole the result of discussion has been to admit the probability that Misrayim could refer to a district outside the limits of Egypt proper.
But there is considerable difference of opinion as to the relation between these cones and the more definite and elaborate structure known as the flower in the higher group of seed-plants--the Angiosperms - and it is to this more definite structure that we generally refer in using the term " flower."
Sphenozamites, chiefly from French localities, which are referred to 1 fronds, which therg is good reason to refer to the Cycadales in the Cycads because of their similarity to the pinnate fronds of Upper Triassic, Rhaetic, Jurassic and Wealden rocks in India, modern Cycadaceae.
Coniferous twigs are very common in Mesozoic strata, but in most cases we are compelled to refer them to provisional genera, as the evidence of vegetative shoots alone is not sufficient to enable us to determine their position within the Coniferae.
This genus has long been known as a common and widely spread Jurassic and Cretaceous conifer, but owing to the absence of petrified specimens and of well-preserved cones, it has been impossible to refer it to a definite position in the Coniferales.
The Miocene flora, which succeeds to that just described, is well represented in Europe; but till recently there has been an unfortunate tendency to refer Tertiary floras of all dates to the Miocene period, unless the geological position of the strata was so clear as obviously to forbid this assignment.
To this view of the Miocene age of the plant-bearing strata in Greenland and Spitsbergen there are serious objections, which we will again refer to when the flora has been described.
In Judaism - unless we should refer to the prophets' polemic against images a reaction is due to the introduction of the codified law.
An ancient Chinese herbal, part of which was written about the 5th century B.C., while the remainder is of still earlier date, notices the seed and flower-bearing kinds of hemp. Other early writers refer to hemp as a remedy.
The interview excerpts repeatedly refer to girls' "supposedly innate longer attention spans and their natural facility with communication."
May I refer you to the ancient proverb "Don't say what you don't want quoted later."
The term alopecia is used throughout this site to refer to alopecia areata, alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis.
Let me refer to a specific project which included anthropologists.
In this document we will refer to an enlarged vestibular aqueduct.
You may also like to refer to my opinions on various assemblers.
They may then refer you to a local audiology or hearing aid department.
I suppose he must refer the client on, or (more likely) suppress his doubts with the soothing balm of rhetoric.
The judgment did not refer to the whole phrase ' dogs bollocks ' .
Refer to the separate instruction booklet supplied by CCL.
The names are believed to refer to the relative bulk of the two summits rather than their respective elevations.
True, he did refer to the high cost of fuel which make transport costs particularly burdensome.
The BSA refer callers to the nearest quality marked provider in their area.
The UN also uses the term to refer to forceful actions to prevent cease-fire violations or to reinstate a failed cease-fire violations or to reinstate a failed cease-fire.
For others it was deemed necessary to refer them to other agencies for treatment or support; eg. the community chiropody service.
These reports most probably refer to the chrysanthemum of florists, chrysanthemum of florists, Chrysanthemum x hortorum W. Miller and cultivars thereof.
Tho broadly comparative; representing recycling, composting, energy recovery, and land filling; the waste they refer to is categorically different.
Sprains usually refer to injuries to ligaments, but sometimes to other connective tissues, such as tendons and the capsules surrounding joints.
Please refer to the abstracts supplied with the list of publications for details of our own work on plant cuticles.
They are descriptions containing demonstratives whose uses refer to whatever pattern is instantiated by the demonstrated token.
For more specific advice ask your doctor to refer you to a state registered dietitian.
For further advice ask your Christie doctor or GP to refer you to your local dietitian.
The Gopher selector string may be an empty string; this is how Gopher clients refer to the top-level directory on a Gopher server.
For additional information on each modelâs service discontinuation date, please refer to the link below.
Subsequently, Britain refer the dispute to the League of Nations.
Refer to the program documentation on how to do this.
The authors refer to such preferences as implicit egotism.
All of them refer to the twenty-four elders who appear to be unique representatives of the redeemed people of God from all ages.
Type in your work and when you want to refer to a book or other source, insert an endnote.
Refer to Section 3.4 of the Outlook User Guide to find out how to set up and use sub folders.
Because of the detail covered in this book I have not included detailed site gen in this report; please refer to Muddeman.
If the gid specified does not refer to one within the winbind gid range then the operation will fail.
Some tribes refer to him as the moon god.
That is why locals actually refer to Llanfair PG or Llanfairpwllgwyngyll which means the Church of Mary by the pool of the white hazel.
We refer to this alteration of echogenicity of cavernous hepatic hemangioma as a " variable echo sign " .
There's no gravity, but they do refer to real space, not illusory space.
The indirect costs refer to lost wealth caused by the tax system distorting incentives to work, save and invest.
I refer of course to the now infamous whale tail.
When using a trolley jack, refer to the vehicle workshop manual to identify the correct lifting point.
It's a wonderful keepsake you'll want to refer back to in years to come.
I would also never refer to our fans as crazy, idiots or less literate, as you have done.
These figures refer to cliff top recession, and they generalize local differences due to contrasts of rock lithology and structure.
For information on specific offenses (including corporate manslaughter) refer to Corporate Manslaughter and other relevant sections, elsewhere in this guidance.
They refer to " min default max " of the autotune buffers.
In this case, I refer you to common sense and, possibly, some form of anti-psychotic medication.
The OFT decided not to refer the merger to the Competition Commission.
In order to avoid confusion it may be wiser to refer to it by one of its other com mon names, Eleuthero.
However most hereditary forms actually refer to inclusion body myopathy and not inclusion body myositis.
The sense of smell, again, is compelled by necessity to refer itself to that same judgment.
Your GP can refer you to a community nursing service.
To refer to both groups as " homicide bombers " merely obfuscates the difference in method.
In turn, these offices can refer contracts considered objectionable to the 661 Committee for rejection or passage.
They can also refer you to an NHS obstetrician if you need obstetric assessment.
If PANI decides that formal investigation is necessary it is required to appoint an investigating officer and refer the case to the ICPC.
For example, the pilot scheme which allows optometrists to refer patients for cataract surgery.
The term " kidney stone " will refer only to calcium oxalate stones.
I refer to the opening paragraph of the letter which sets the scene.
The value of integer options has no effect. PID can refer to any process whose id is known, not necessarily a child process.
By modulated I refer to the ability to pass from one state into another using a logical progression.
Such demonstrative pronouns tend to refer to a statement or abstract idea rather than to a specific noun.
Does this refer to his habit of sacking quarterbacks who try to get a rise out of him?
We would refer any reader seriously investigating these possibilities to ask him for a reprint.
Languages differ, of course, in how they refer to the same referent.
In the present case index I will refer to our particular cationic nitrogen in our particular lysine residue in our particular protein Target molecule.
The term is then also used in a broader sense to refer to certain sections of the Old testament revelation.
Please refer also to the ribavirin summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) when Pegasys is to be used in combination with ribavirin summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) when Pegasys is to be used in combination with ribavirin.
The term digital signature is used to refer to signatures made through the use of a private key.
Although my own records only refer to two sites they are not so singular.
And small wonder that the film versions worked so well with such detailed storyboards to which they could refer.
They inhabited some rarefied social stratosphere and wore jackets manufactured from what one can only refer to as consultant's tweed.
In the Vedic sutras, the word aryan is used to refer to those who are spiritually oriented and of noble character.
Refer to the W3C documents for more about this, as it's somewhat tangential to the present topic.
Adaptations Adaptations refer to large or small changes to homes that are recommended by the occupational therapist.
Refer to the doctor in charge before commencing any anticoagulant therapy.
If using unqualified timekeepers and position recorders, please refer to attached paper on timekeeping & recording.
Some Dartmoor writers refer to Great hound tor which distinguishes it from the other Hound tor on the north moor.
The term ' vehicle underclass ' is used by many organizations to refer to those vehicles that do not comply with motoring laws.
Many commentators refer to a ' black underclass ' .
Apart from the literal allusion to a dangerous snake, the words are said to refer to the loss of a girl's virginity.
For more information about serving Web pages, please refer to the Apache manual.
It seems wise to continue to refer in this discussion to specific texts rather than simply to groups of texts.
Net Lending Figures refer to gross lending less repayments and other adjustments (e.g. for bad debt write-offs ).
Fichte (the younger) did not escape this misinterpretation of Lotze's true meaning, though they had his Metaphysik and Logik to refer to, though he promised in his Allgemeine Physiologie (1851) to enter in a subsequent work upon the "bounding province between aesthetics and physiology," and though in his Medizinische Psychologie he had distinctly stated that his position was neither the idealism of Hegel nor the realism of Herbart, nor materialism, but that it was the conviction that the essence of everything is the part it plays in the realization of some idea which is in itself valuable, that the sense of an all-pervading mechanism is to be sought in this that it denotes the ways and means by which the highest idea, which we may call the idea of the good, has voluntarily chosen to realize itself.
The oldest texts which refer to him are an 8th century necrology at Wiirzburg and the notice by Hrabanus Maurus in his martyrology.
These Figures Refer To The State Of The Wire Immediately After The Exposure; The Rate Of Decay Is Much More Rapid For The Radium Than For The Thorium Emanation.
C. Mossman (64), refer to 130 years, 1771 to 1900.
In later days he used to refer with pride to his services on this occasion, when he was first initiated into the wiles of Oriental diplomacy.
If Martial's cattae refer to this animal, the earliest Latin use of the name dates from the ist century of our era.
The confused story of Philochorus and Plutarch, by which 4760 citizens were disfranchised or even sold into slavery in 445, when an Egyptian prince sent a largess of corn, may refer to a subsequent application of Pericles' law, though probably on a much milder scale than is here represented.
Custos Angliae), later writers refer to them as justiciarii, with or without the prefix summus or capitalis (ibid.
Consequently he censures the opinion of those who in the illustration of the Scriptures refer everything to the illumination of the Holy Spirit, as well as that of others who, disregarding all knowledge of the languages, would explain words by things.
Although decisive evidence is lacking, it seems extremely probable that several references to Cush in the Old Testament cannot refer to Ethiopia, despite the likelihood that considerable confusion existed in the minds of early writers.
Any description of the Maoris, who in recent years have come more and more under the influence of white civilization, must necessarily refer rather to what they have been than what they are.
In the event of the company failing to comply with the demands of the department, the latter is empowered to refer the case to the Railway and Canal Commissioners, who form a special Court constituted by the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of 2888, for deciding, among other things, questions relating to rates and charges, for protecting traders from undue charges and undue preference, for regulating questions of traffic, and for deciding certain disputes between railway companies and the public. The Commissioners are then empowered to deal with the matter, and if " a railway company fail to comply with any order made by the Railway and Canal Commissioners, or to enforce the provisions of any schedule " approved by them, it is liable to a fine of a hundred pounds for every day during which the default continues.
It is only necessary to refer to them by name.
Charles has done much by his editions to restore to their proper prominence in connexion with Jewish history the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, The Book of Jubilees, Enoch, &c. But Scharer gives a complete bibliography to which it must suffice to refer.
Every care that science could afford was given by his friend and physician, Cabanis, to whose brochure on his last illness and death the reader may refer.
We have already noticed the great if disastrous Crusade of i ioo-I Ioi, and the Venetian Crusade of 1123-1124; and we may also refer to the Crusade of Henry the Lion in 1172, and to that of Edward I.
For further information on this subject, we refer the readers to Fresenius's Qualitative Analysis.
Most philosophers refer in their works to mathematics more or less cursorily, either in the treatment of the ideas of number and magnitude, or in their consideration of the alleged a priori and necessary truths.
Gerbert's letters contain more than one allusion to organs which he seems to have constructed, and William of Malmesbury has preserved an account of a wonderful musical instrument still to be seen in his days at Reims, which, so far as the English chronicler's words can be made out, seems to refer to an organ worked by steam.
For the proof of the converse proposition we must refer the reader to the Electrical Researches of Cavendish, p. 419, or to Maxwell's Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd ed., vol.
For the vibration of air in other cavities than long cylindrical pipes we refer to Rayleigh's Sound, vol.
The uten was also binarily divided into 128 peks of gold in Ethiopia; this may refer to another standard (see 129) (33).
With the exception of his description of the French Revolution, which was chiefly a political manifesto, all his early works refer to the middle ages - De La feodalite, des institutions de Saint Louis et de l'influence de la legislation de ce prince (1822); La Germanic au vin e et au ix' siecle, sa conversion au christianisme, et son introduction dans la societe civilisee de l'Europe occidentale (1834); Essai sur la formation territoriale et politique de la France depuis la fin du xi e siècle jusqu'et la fin du xv e (1836); all of these are rough sketches showing only the outlines of the subject.
The figures in brackets refer to the forms in -Cino-; see below.
Some regard the legend as a chthonian myth, Aea (Colchis) being the under-world in the Aeolic religious system from which Jason liberates himself and his betrothed; others, in view of certain resemblances between the story of Jason and that of Cadmus (the ploughing of the field, the sowing of the dragon's teeth, the fight with the Sparti, who are finally set fighting with one another by a stone hurled into their midst), associate both with Demeter the corn-goddess, and refer certain episodes to practices in use at country festivals, e.g.
The Jan Mayen data refer really to Göttingen mean time, but this was only twenty-three minutes late on local time.
Like the name Abate, "white," given them in Kororofa, all these seem to refer to their light reddish hue.
As an illustration of the manner in which the doctrines of the religion were made to conform to the all-pervading astral theory, it will be sufficient to refer to the modification undergone in this process of the view developed in a very early period which apportioned the control of the universe among the three gods Anu, Bel and Ea.
These lectures Schopenhauer attended - at first, it is allowed, with interest, but afterwards with a spirit of opposition which is said to have degenerated into contempt, and which in after years never permitted him to refer to Fichte without contumely.
Burns's John Barleycorn); but it is better to refer it to the tearing of the flesh of the victim at sacrifices at which the deity or the sacred animal was slain, and sacramentally eaten raw (cf.
The epithet Maleatas, which, as the quantity of the first vowel (a) shows,' cannot mean god of "sheep" or "the apple-tree," is probably a local adjective derived from Malea (perhaps Cape Malea), and may refer to an originally distinct personality, subsequently merged in that of Apollo (see below).
Refer to quantize for a description of these values.
For any general travel queries please refer to the travel forum.
We can refer you to your free local NHS Stop Smoking Service for ongoing advice and support in your quit attempt.
Accounting records must be kept for 6 years after the end of the financial year to which they refer.
If it were sunnier, I 'd be tempted to refer to it as redneck country.
There is no need to refer a complaint through a Member of the European Parliament.
Once this confusion has been cleared up then maybe the poster you refer to will seem perfectly sober.
Some textbooks refer to this sub type as relapsing progressive MS.
Refer to the units on the respiration process to see what might happen to it !
The term is then also used in a broader sense to refer to certain sections of the Old Testament revelation.
Please refer also to the ribavirin Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) when Pegasys is to be used in combination with ribavirin.
Custody safekeeping and transaction tariff Please refer to the current published custody safekeeping and transaction tariffs applicable to Spanish securities.
Collectors refer to tulip-shaped eel spears with the saw-toothed blades as " European spears " or mud spears.
But it could also be used to refer to the schizophrenic nature of the film itself.
Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance as illustrating good practice.
These can refer to the sins of the flesh like sexual immorality or drunkenness.
The sheaves of barley refer to malting and the post horns to the town 's coaching inns.
All three, in context, clearly refer to the sphericity of the earth.
For further information about copyright, please refer to the copyright statement on
They inhabited some rarefied social stratosphere and wore jackets manufactured from what one can only refer to as consultant 's tweed.
There are no notes, no player names to refer to, and the camera struggled to cope with the blinding rain.
For stubborn stains, refer to your Product Guide.
The supposition that practices would refer all cases to their local VI Center, which would then collect data, is incorrect.
Refer to the W3C documents for more about this, as it 's somewhat tangential to the present topic.
Without FSA authorisation, solicitors are obliged to refer financial services business to authorized third parties such as independent financial advisers (IFAs).
Some Dartmoor writers refer to Great Hound tor which distinguishes it from the other Hound tor on the north moor.
Many commentators refer to a ' black underclass '.
The Mental Health Act only acknowledges ' husband or wife ', which was understood to refer only to mixed-sex partnerships.
If the supporter is unhappy with the reply they can refer the matter to the Club Chairman.
He thus seems to refer to a version of the uniformity of nature.
It is unnecessary to refer in any detail to the remainder of CPR Part 14 or to its Practice Direction.
It is useful to refer to the example of Wilkin and Sons, which hon.
C followed by a number from 1 to 7 will refer to the vertebrae in the neck.
Apart from the literal allusion to a dangerous snake, the words are said to refer to the loss of a girl 's virginity.
For more information about serving web pages, please refer to the Apache manual.
Net Lending Figures refer to gross lending less repayments and other adjustments (e.g. for bad debt write-offs).
Please refer to appendix iii for a more detailed list of recommended resources.
Hosts might want to plan a Saturday for all of the chores to be completed on, and they can refer to this as helping hands day!
If you are struggling to conceive and not having any luck, your ob-gyn will talk to you initially, and then she may refer you to a fertility specialist.
He may need to refer you to a specialist.
Even if you are pursuing a private adoption, an attorney will need to be involved, as attorneys receive and refer children for adoption.
Brothers and sisters generally refer to each other based on their place within the family, such as "first sister" or "third brother", depending upon their birth order.
Your pediatrician should refer you to a speech therapist for therapy.
However, the following is list of common guidelines you can refer to in regards to the development of your preemie.
Write all of these measurements down because you will want to be able to refer to them at the store.
A good reference book has heft, pictures and organized readable text that you can refer to anytime, anywhere.
Always save your receipts and refer to the owner manuals if you find something isn't working properly.
Refer to carpet buying guides before making your purchase so that you can get the most for your money.
If on the other hand you need an electronic calendar that allows you to store a variety of events and reminders that you can refer to often, you might want to go with one of the products designed to sit on your desk.
Your customers learn to appreciate your service and refer customers to you.
However, when people refer to buying stocks without a broker, they usually mean that they want to make the purchase themselves without using a full service broker.
When people refer to buying stocks without a broker, they usually mean that they wish to use a discount broker.
These stores are placed in what many people may refer to as shopping center environments.
There is a newer outlet mall in Kenosha - the Pleasant Prairie Premium Outlets -- which local residents often refer to as the Kenosha Outlet Mall.
Many shelters and humane societies give their adoptable pets names so they have something other than a sterile file number to refer to them by.
Names that refer to the kitten's smallness are liable to sound silly in a year.
Breeders also refer to this type as "apple heads," "classic" or "old-style".
Breeders commonly refer to this type as "wedges."
If the lawyer doesn't have the financial resources to bear the cost of litigation themselves, they will have no choice but to refer a case to another attorney, no matter how promising it appeared.
Also, the children's physician and teachers may be able to refer you to a children's divorce support group where your children can feel comfortable expressing themselves.
Read forums and blogs for personal stories about divorce that may be helpful to you, but when it comes to obtaining legal or financial advice regarding divorce, it is time to refer to expert sources.
Joint legal custody doesn't refer to which parent the child lives with.
They may file joint tax returns, designate each other as insurance beneficiaries, refer to each other as husband or wife in public and commingle their assets.
Many people refer to log furniture that is entirely handmade as rough rustic or skip-peeled.
The easiest way to find replacement parts for office chair repair is to refer to the instruction manual.
A garden center may be a good place to start as they may well hold information or be able to refer you to people in your area that can help.
Buddhist teachings refer to tridosha as the three poisons, and it is on these three attributes that many Tibetan diagnoses and remedies are based.
For a listing of residential and commercial designers, refer to this list.
These designers refer to themselves as "translators" who turn your ideas into an interior design reality.
For ideas, consider looking at the interiors of famous modern buildings and building a look book to which you can later refer.
If you get this part worked out, then the rest of what follows will be easy and quickly available should you need to refer to it.
Fabric textures refer to weave and the 'feel' of the fabric.
Designer decorator fabrics refer to brand name fabric collections.
In fact, many of the designs you'll come across when shopping for a Mission mirror will refer to various elements as being in the "Stickley tradition."
Once you have your priorities established, it'll be easy to simply refer to your list whenever budget, space or design demands you compromise on specific details.
Keep notes on everything you want so that you can refer back to them.
While we usually consider the names of powders to refer to shades, Caron not only identifies the tone of the powder but the scent as well.
If you make sure your clients are happy, they will refer you to others looking for photographers.
If you refer other stock buyers, you can earn 20 percent of their subscription price.
In addition, if you refer other submitters you can earn three cents for each file of theirs that gets downloaded.
In addition, simple image correction tools are easy to locate, but users may need to refer to the help files to access advanced features.
As with the current trend to refer to anything served in a martini glass a 'martini', the daiquiri also had many variations in its heyday.
Although digital scrapbooking enthusiasts sometimes refer to Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Elements 6 as interchangeable programs, it's important to realize that these two products are different.
It's fine to showcase your work at craft shows, then refer customers to your Web site if they wish to purchase items at a later date.
If you need help learning to control your anger, your doctor can refer you to an anger management specialist in your area.
The courses are only offered in some counties and cities, so please refer to the website to find out if you are able to take advantage of this online option.
Both of these terms refer to the condition in which a person cannot perform as expected because he or she cannot handle the pressure to do so.
Oftentimes a teacher is able to strongly refer you to a student who excels in this subject and also enjoys helping others.
Take your measurements, then refer to the size chart for the appropriate dress size.
One of the best things to try is to learn as many symbols as you can and refer to this article and other text message acronym web sites the next time you receive a text message you can't decipher.
Homegirl is used to refer to a friend who is a girl.
Ask around and see if you can get a parent or friend to refer you to a job.
The words vegetable enzymes are a guarantee that the rennet is vegan, but enzymes is generic enough term that it can refer to both animal and vegan sources.
Many even refer to the berry as a superfood and recommend it to dieters.
You'll find that if you refer back to and edit your thoughts over a period of time, your speech may almost write itself!
Refer to the registry or to your own experiences in the couple's home to decide what décor will fit best with their current items.
These are the type of thoughts that should be jotted down in your notebook - even if the thoughts aren't complete - because you will refer back to these later.
If there is a song that you and your partner refer to as "our song," then this is a great candidate for your wedding.
If your primary care physician determines that you may be suffering from depression, he/she will probably refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist for further evaluation.
Your doctor can either diagnose you or refer you to a mental health professional for further evaluation.
Once diagnosed, your doctor may refer you to a counselor as well as prescribe some anti-depressant medication.
He or she may also refer you to a counselor for further evaluation from a psychiatrist or psychologist.
The "Quitters flu", as many people refer to it, can make you feel down right horrible.
Alcohol acts as a depressant on the nervous system, and using it gives a person the slightly fuzzy, dizzy feeling that most people refer to as a buzz.
Even so, there is still an evident strain between the two as she will only refer to him as "my children's father" and never "my ex-husband".
Celebrity bulges can refer to a couple of different things, such as weight gain or pregnancy, as well as the not quite so innocent male version.
Still, if you want to compile a list of the male actors based on the highest money-earners, this is the source to refer to.
Many parents affectionately refer to Janie and Jack as the "Banana Republic of children's clothing".
Skeptics of the Greek system often refer to the practice of paying dues to join a group as "buying your friends."
Puppy mills refer to businesses that over-bred a large quantity of dogs on a regular basis, often in poor living conditions with a lack of attention to care.
One advantage to using training books is that you can refer back to them to make sure you are using the proper techniques to achieve each of your training goals.
Now Ruthie lives in Minnesota, and I live here in what many refer to as "Sunny California".
They are so loving, many "Greyhound parents" refer to the adoption process as "chipping."
As such, people refer to them as 40-mile-an-hour couch potatoes.
He or she may offer the service in-house or be able to refer you to a local rehabilitation center.
Trees that were once included under this head are now placed under Abies and also Pinus, to which the reader should refer for trees he seeks which are not placed under this heading.
Writings dating as far back as the 14th century refer to the dianthus flower as pinks.
Most gardeners, when speaking of spring flowers, refer to annuals and perennials that bloom March through May.
Please make sure that you refer to the plant tag for details on light, soil, water and feeding requirements.
When most people refer to an English garden, they are actually referring to what is now known as cottage garden style.
In future years, when you wonder, "When should I plant tomatoes?" you can refer to your notes and watch for the signs.
Most gardeners in North America refer to the vine type of clematis when speaking in general of clematis and are familiar with the plant's tendency to climb on almost anything and produce abundant flowers.
While many seeds require light to sprout, some require darkness so refer to the instructions for specific advice.
You can refer to the chord chart while reading the information below, and this will make understanding the main points of reading charts much easier for you.
All references to "frets" used in this description refer to the distance from the capo, not the distance from the nut.
For the sake of this article we will refer to the mold and "mildew" as it relates to laymen and the discoloration caused by mold in their homes and other buildings.
If they did a good job for a friend, they are likely to try to uphold that level of service for you so you both continue to refer work their way.
The hands typically mean friendship or may refer to a friendly bond between two people, such as a sibling or parental relationship.
You can refer back to the color chart often.
Make up your own games with your friends, and soon you'll no longer need to refer to the mood ring color chart to know what emotion each color represents.
Though it's actually known as Men's Wearhouse, many shoppers may refer to it as Men's Warehouse.
There are many who complain about the prices and even refer to the company as "Pradagonia," but the fact remains that almost everyone who has purchased one of their items has had reasons to be pleased for a long time afterwards.
In fact, the term natural does not refer to the growing of the ingredients, so a natural snack may have come into contact with a wide array of harmful substances before it was bestowed the label natural.
Today, the term organic tea can refer to any of a number of hot, plant-based infusions designed to be relaxing or medically beneficial.
The term "organic pregnancy diet" refers to eating organic foods while pregnant in an attempt to avoid dangerous toxins; it does not refer to a special diet consisting of organic foods that will allow a pregnant woman to lose a few pounds.
Genetically modifying organisms does not refer to simply adding artificial food coloring in the final stages of production or adding a preservative to a final product.
Hamsters and other rodents use wood shavings as bedding, while a cat or a dog's bedding will usually refer to some sort of pillow.
Be sure to print out a copy for your records so you can easily refer to it if you have questions or problems in the future.
Internet crime is a term law enforcement agencies use to refer to crimes that are either committed or facilitated through the use of the World Wide Web.
Participants can always refer back to the Internet safety tips if they get stuck.
A doctor can recommend some simple changes that can help improve lagging appetites, as well as refer you to a nutritionist if need be.
Early Bird Specials refer to meals served from late afternoon to dinnertime.
Some suggest that the Del Mar program is all-natural, others refer visitors to exercise programs and some provide vague references to doctors, pharmacists and health food stores in the Del Mar region.
The first step in treating severe snoring problems is to consult a physician who may refer you to an otolaryngologist.
Representatives can refer you to a physician and may be able set an appointment.