Reed Sentence Examples
Papyrus was also known to the Assyrians, who called it " the reed of Egypt."
Tangs show that the shaft was a reed, sockets show that it was of wood.
The rest is open rice-land, alternating with great stretches of grass, reed jungle and bamboo scrub, much of which is under water for quite three months of the year.
The catamaran and the reed boat were known to the Peruvians.
Fens around lough margins may have common reed or reed canary grass.
The four leading Maya signs called kan, muluc, ix, cauac corresponded in their position to the four Aztec signs rabbit, reed, flint, house, but the meanings of the Maya signs are, unlike the Aztec, very obscure.
Late in 1999 a new reed bed was created further north of the hide.
Originally a village of reed huts in the marshes, similar to many of those which can be seen in that region to-day, Nippur underwent the usual vicissitudes of such villages - floods and conflagrations.
A series of clay bunds will be created around the entire reed bed to a height of c 30 cm.
Nor have we ever had a reed bunting or a reed warbler on board.
AdvertisementThey can be planted with clumps of reed, reed canary grass or other marginal vegetation.
The line is available in candles, reed diffusers and reed diffuser refills.
Some urged an appeal to the Imperial government; but others, especially men of colonial birth and experience, objected that they would be leaning on a broken reed.
The same may be said of the Gulf states tribes, although they added rafts made of reed.
The modern mouth-organ is the representative of the syrinx, although blown by means of a free reed.
AdvertisementHis parliamentary methods were bitterly attacked by his political enemies, who called him "Tsar Reed."
As these began to develop in civilization, they substituted, at least so far as their shrine was concerned, buildings of mud-brick for reed huts.
Reed on the third ballot in the Republican caucus for speaker of the House.
For the protection of the impression, in the 12th and 13th centuries, when it was an ordinary custom to impress the seals on thick cakes of wax, the surrounding margin rising well above the field usually formed a suitable fender; at other times, as in the 14th and 15th centuries, a so-called wreath,1 or twisted shred of parchment, or plaited grass or reed, was imbedded in the wax round the impression.
Song birds are numerous and of many varieties; among them are thrushes, mocking birds, blue birds, robins, wrens, chickadees, warblers, vireos, sparrows, bobolinks (reed birds or rice birds), meadow larks and orioles.
AdvertisementThe large lake has 200 booming bitterns in a fringe of reed 400m wide and 7km long.
Where grazing has been limited the number of species is higher, with reed canary-grass and stone bramble.
Reed's chapter on Gibson's brief sally into social psychology makes interesting but tantalizing reading.
The solution is to make your own natural reed diffusers.
The factional strife in the Republican party continued, a number of efforts being made to impeach Governor Harrison Reed (1813-1899).
AdvertisementIt is described by Oppert (24), from literary sources, as the great U of 222 susi or 39.96, double of 19.98; from which was formed a reed of 4 great U or 159.8.
Probably there was as much foundation for this legend as for the more rationalistic explanation of William Newton (Display of Heraldry, p. 145), that the fleur-de-lis was the figure of a reed or flag in blossom, used instead of a sceptre at the proclamation of the Frankish kings.
But the Whig party under the lead of John Dickinson, Thomas Mifflin and Joseph Reed was successful in the state, and Pennsylvania contributed greatly to the success of the War of Independence, by the important services rendered by her statesmen, by providing troops and by the financial aid given by Robert Morris.
Reed's Rules were published as a parliamentary manual.
Recreation grounds include a picturesque arboretum, Reed's Wood and Palpey Park.
The inhabitants of Milis manufacture reed baskets and mats, which they sell throughout Sardinia.
Many grasses are almost cosmopolitan, such as the common reed, Phragmites communis; and many range throughout the warm regions of the globe, e.g.
Though the nominal commanders of the army which captured Delhi were in turn Barnard, Reed and Wilson, the policy thus stated by Canning and Lawrence was really carried out by their subordinates - Baird Smith, Nicholson and Chamberlain.
The Boers further added that if the Swazis were relying on the British, they were leaning on a broken reed, and would find themselves left in the lurch.
The embassy, which included two Chinese ministers, an English and a French secretary, six students from the Tung-wan Kwang at Peking, and a considerable retinue, arrived in the United States in March 1868, and concluded at Washington (28th of July 1868) a series of articles, supplementary to the Reed Treaty of 1858, and later known as "The Burlingame Treaty."
Native cloth, brass wares, pot-stone wares, cartwheels, straw and reed baskets, and a small quantity of silk, form the only manufactures.
The wild boar is common in the reed thickets along the rivers and lakes, where it stays during the winter, migrating to the highlands in summer.
Like most true boas, it is of a very gentle disposition and easily domesticates itself in the palm or reed thatched huts of the natives, where it hunts the rats during the night.
Unlike the buccina, cornu and tuba, the other military service instruments of the Romans, the lituus has not been traced during the middle ages, the medieval instrument most nearly resembling it being the cromorne or tournebout, which, however, had lateral holes and was played by means of a reed mouthpiece.
A rather elusive warbler in the trees in the garden turned out to be Blyth's Reed.
The engine also features a reed valve that pulls oil from the cylinder head thereby reducing oil carry-over to the air box.
Another interesting feature it shares with other East European bagpipes is the single reed chanter.
The reed bed was too large for us to see much apart from a few chiffchaffs along the edge.
This combined with better transport facilities opened the door for the almost universal use of either combed wheat reed or water reed.
John Reed was perhaps the best foreign correspondent who ever lived.
This advanced power unit features water cooling, balancing countershaft, exhaust control valve and reed intake for riding pleasure and constant power.
The RS 50 uses a liquid cooled single cylinder two stroke, with reed intake and balancing countershaft.
Lord Reed spoke on the controversial topic of the confidentiality of jury deliberations.
His regional leaders reed hosted Emanuel 's land near the regularity department.
Clarke had gone out with Mr. Reed, I believe, under the pretense of assisting the emigrants.
Swallows collect in their thousands to roost in the reed beds and are hunted by the elegant hobby falcon.
It plays well at this pitch with a special reed that I have developed, using fingering similar to the Highland pipes.
Precious picture of Him who would not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax.
There are rare wetland species and the reserve is good for birds including spotted flycatcher, kingfishers and reed bunting.
Two self-propelled reed harvesters costing £ 10,000 each will be bought later in the year.
They wove a reed hawser for him, they cut sticks for him.
The reed was attached to the purlins under strips of split hazel, which were then tied down with hemp twine.
Yellowhammers & Reed Buntings - Barley Lane A patch of winter heliotrope is in flower along barley lane.
Species found include slender ground hopper, great green bush cricket, brown argus, reed and sedge warblers and flowering rush.
I thought it would be prudent to learn a double reed instrument to compliment my already proven skills on saxophone, clarinet and flute.
Reed kept glancing back to check it was still lumbering up behind them.
Other instruments used in Turkish music include the ney which is a flute made from a hollow reed, and the traditional Turkish lute made from a hollow reed, and the traditional Turkish lute.
The marsh is dominated by soft rush and there are small stands of great reed mace.
The reed marshes on your left are a nature reserve for wild fowl and are known locally as the " Bents " .
The Visitor Center overlooks a small marshland full of reed mace and reed sweet grass.
The reed cover is pierced and carved with foliage and five grotesque masks.
During this time he wore only a woven reed mat to cover himself.
Many cottages and barns still have a reed matting which was woven diagonally and laid over the rafters and under the thatch.
Helen Reed was drawn to the title of a lecture by Dr. Robert Hare, who created a checklist for spotting the psychopath.
Maggie Reed from Manchester, UK - Score 9/10 Good Points Very lightweight pushchair, great fabric, folds up really easily.
I remember that the 32ft pedal reed often resembled machine gun fire, which I think was due to the dryness of the accoustic.
The top manual was a small solo with a 16ft. orchestral reed.
Occasionally, for some obscure reason, two open diapasons were included, while the second 8ft. chorus reed is seldom found.
However, I always add registration at bar 18, taking things back to the pleno with pedal reed heard at the start.
If the Social Chapter is a broken reed, the Single Currency is not.
I used a Duncan Watson chanter reed at Oban.
An important element in making historical bassoon reeds is the cane that one uses to construct the reed.
The presence of a chorus reed makes this organ suited to a role in leading singing in a church.
We have no wheat reed for sale at present. return to top.
This month help to remove invasive reed mace from the pond in Haughton Dale Local Nature reserve.
The organ swiftly gained an enviable reputation for its vibrant tonal quality, most notably the fiery reed stops.
Thor Heyerdahl Bold explorer who risked his life in reed boats to prove idiosyncratic theories of how early man crossed the seas.
French shallots are of course important to the production of french reed tone, no doubt.
People fished from reed rafts using lines and nets and collected shellfish.
The reed bunting is a small songbird, a little larger than a sparrow.
The first was Reed's Cave, where, on May 6th, an extension containing many beautiful stalactites was entered.
So far a scientifically valid approach to testing the quality of thatching straw or reed has not been devised.
It will include swales and reed beds, which will add to the existing flora and fauna in the area.
Internal to the rod is a series of reed switches designed to open and close as the float changes with the liquid level.
Possible candidates include wild grass or reed thatch, bark or turf.
It is solar powered and has compost toilet and reed bed gray water system.
Fit the reed valve assembly into the inlet tract, taking care not to damage the petals.
The reedbeds and tall fen vegetation support nesting sedge and reed warblers as well as numerous cuckoos.
Fan-tailed warblers sung, as did a very secretive Reed Warbler, and a few Little and Cattle Egrets wandered over.
Take a stroll around Doxey in the spring to hear sedge warblers, reed bunting and other warblers singing.
A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory.
Portland was the birthplace of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Thomas Brackett Reed, Edward Preble and his nephew George Henry Preble, Mrs Parton ("Fanny Fern"), Nathaniel Parker Willis, Seargent Smith Prentiss and Neal Dow, and it was the home of William Pitt Fessenden, Theophilus Parsons and Simon Greenleaf.
The Rhine-daughters' exultant cry of " Rhine-gold " is there tortured in an extremely remote modulation at the end of a very sinister transformation of the theme; and the orchestration, with its lurid but smothered brass instruments, its penetrating low reed tones and its weird drum-roll beaten on a suspended cymbal, is more awe-inspiring than anything dreamed of by the cleverest of those composers who do not create intellectual causes for their effects.
It consisted of frayed reed pens or brushes, a small pot of water, and a palette with two circular cavities in which black and red ink were placed, made of finely powdered color solidified with gum.
Arundo and Phragmites are tall reed-grasses (see Reed).
Poplars and in some places willows grow along the river-sides, and dense reed brakes, often 6 to 10 ft.
Oliver Reed is an English actor famous for being a rabble rousers.
The resident Cetti 's warbler has been singing, and soon the migrant reed warblers and sedge warblers will have arrived.
Rarer colored surnames include Red, a variant form of the surname Reed or Reid, someone who lived in a reedy area.
Reed 's chapter on Gibson 's brief sally into social psychology makes interesting but tantalizing reading.
In summer, warblers voice their scratchy songs and nest in the reed and sedge beds.
Breeding birds of the river margins include sedge warbler, whitethroat and reed bunting, while skylark breeds on the meadow.
A brilliant soundtrack composed and arranged by Les Reed, and very much of 1968 when the film was released.
The first was Reed 's Cave, where, on May 6th, an extension containing many beautiful stalactites was entered.
Striped pjamas & herringbone shirt are a small selection from the Austin Reed range which also includes italian stripe shirts & cufflinks.
Pools and drains support a variable open water flora and the swamp vegetation is dominated by Common Reed (Phragmites australis).
Once again, Ben Reed has hit the nail on the head with Margaritas and other tequila cocktails.
A new porch was constructed and the roof was thatched with reed.
Silk scarves and suit covers are a select part of the Austin Reed collection which also includes check shirt and brushed twill trousers.
In London these include reed warbler, water rail, and the fen wainscot moth.
Fan-tailed Warblers sung, as did a very secretive Reed Warbler, and a few Little and Cattle Egrets wandered over.
There are fine performances all round, but perhaps best remembered is the nude wrestling scene between Reed and Bates.
Reed's Ginger Brew is one that is very good for stomach upsets.
They remind one of the reed chair seats in a typical French country kitchen as well as the fields of grasses that blow through Provence.
Tropical colors sit comfortably beside Antebellum architectural features, and natural elements like reed and natural wood are common choices for everything from furniture to accent pieces.
The most common choices are rattan, reed, willow, and cane.
The Greene and Greene style and the Reed Mission designs often used the popular "cloud lift" motif, which is a design created out of rounded edges and arched top rails in pieces of furniture.
Reed Grass (Spartina Polystachya) - This tall grass is very graceful, with yellowish variegation and of tall habit.
Electric Guitars - Most of the major guitar brands manufactured today including Gibson, Fender, Daisy Rock, Ibanez, Washburn, Yamaha, Paul Reed Smith and Charvel are available.
Most often, DeLeo relies on guitars like Les Paul Standards, Fender Telecasters, a Gibson J-45 and a Paul Reed Smith (PRS) hollowbody electric.
John Knowles, who has worked with some of the best guitarists out there including Chet Atkins, Jerry Reed and Lenny Breau, has also earned a Grammy award and two Emmy nominations for his work.
The most popular model of organic bassinet is the Moses basket, designed after the reed baskets used in ancient times.
Similar systems are in place for other instruments, including the bass, ukulele, mandolin, banjo, and even free reed aerophones like the harmonica.
Small and large reed diffusers and refills are a way to experience fragrance without the flame.
If you're a fan of home fragrance options that don't have the safety hazards associated with an open flame, you may find yourself wondering how to refill reed diffusers.
Reed diffusers are a special type of home fragrance product that provides an alternative way to scent an area when candles are not allowed.
A reed diffuser consists of a container filled with a scent oil mixture and a series of reeds that help to distribute the fragrance throughout the room.
Most reed diffusers will last for several months, although the amount of time you can expect to enjoy your reed diffuser is based on several different factors.
If you've paid a fair amount of money for a reed diffuser that perfectly coordinates with your home décor, it's only natural that you won't want to simply dispose of it when the fragrance is gone.
To refill reed diffusers, you have several different options.
If you like the scent that came with your reed diffuser, the first choice is to see if the store from which you purchased your reed diffuser offers scent oil refills.
The low price on these reed diffusers is usually due to the poor quality of the diffuser container and not the strength of the scent.
Although it may seem like the mixture in a reed diffuser is no different than standard fragrance oil, it is actually a special blend that is designed to help the scent distribute throughout the area.
If you enjoy candle making and other crafts, however, you might be surprised to learn that it's fairly easy to make your own reed diffuser oil.
Combine 1/3 fragrance oil, 1/3 vegetable oil, and 1/3 budget vodka to make a simple reed diffuser refill.
You may need to experiment with the exact combination of oils used in order to find a scent you like, but this can be a cost effective way to refill your favorite reed diffuser.
If you're going to change the fragrance in your reed diffuser, you need to also switch the reeds.
For maximum scent absorption, a reed diffuser container should be filled 1/2 to 2/3 full of the fragrance oil mixture.
Wear gloves, pour slowly, and work over a sink when refilling your reed diffuser.
If you're interested in combining attractive home fragrance with the benefits of aromatherapy, you may find yourself wondering how to make natural reed diffusers.
Reed diffusers are a home fragrance option that is often used in areas where it is not safe or practical to have a candle burning.
Unfortunately, there are several different reasons why it's difficult to make reed diffusers using essential oils.
Essential oils are significantly more expensive than synthetic fragrance oils, which will increase the cost of your reed diffuser considerably.
Essential oils are very volatile and will evaporate quickly in a reed diffuser vase or jar.
Additionally, the fragrance of pure essential oil is often much stronger than what is desired for a reed diffuser.
Most of the reed diffusers you find available for purchase in department and discount stores will be made with fragrance oils.
A few specialty shops may contain natural reed diffusers with essential oils, but you'll need to read labels carefully if this is a concern.
Although it's difficult to make natural reed diffusers with essential oils, it's not entirely impossible.
When making reed diffusers with standard synthetic fragrance oils, you can mix 1/3 fragrance oil, 1/3 budget vodka, and 1/3 vegetable oil.
If you want to use essential oils, however, you'll have better luck combining 1 ounce essential oil, 2 1/4 ounces pre-formulated reed diffuser oil base or fragrance grade dipropylene glycol, and 1/4 ounce perfumer's alcohol.
You'll also want to make sure you're using actual reed instead of bamboo sticks.
While some people have had acceptable results using bamboo sticks in their homemade reed diffusers, genuine reeds will work better if you are using an essential oil fragrance base.
Reed may look like a wood, but it is actually a special porous fiber that will slowly absorb and release your fragrance.
This will create a reed diffuser that offers many of the same aromatherapy benefits without the higher cost and possible scent absorption issues.
Diffuser oils are perfect for using with fragrance reeds as the carrier oil, which is the oil that the essential oil or synthetic fragrance oil has been blended with, has been specially formulated to carry the oils through the reed.
Make homemade reed diffusers following the instructions in our How to Make Reed Diffusers article.
These scented oils used for candle making and other crafts, or to add to reed diffusers and other home fragrance aids, are widely available, and purchasing American-made products always helps the US economy, no matter how small the item.
To use natural home fragrance reeds, you need a reed diffuser.
A reed diffuser looks like a short vase, with a rounded bowl.
There are special oils that are sold specifically for reed diffusers.
For the adventurous, most scented oils can be used in a reed diffuser, including essential oils.
Reed diffusers can be expensive, but they work so well you'll want to have one in every room of your home.
Here is some handy advice about reeds and reed diffusers for home fragrance.
The shape of the reed will not make a difference in the diffuser.
The scent throw from a reed diffuser will be enough to scent a room, but not your entire house.
From lead actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, to supporting members Ashley Greene and Nikkie Reed, the movie is set to succeed with a large cast of actors.
Nikki Reed was a part of Thirteen and Cherry Crush.
Cast in the role of stripper Nikki Reed, she replaced another actress Erica Hope who played the role for six months.
The two major loves of Victor's life are Nikki Reed Newman and Ashley Abbott Newman.
After Julia departs, Victor gets involved with stripper Nikki Reed.
Melody Thomas Scott joined the The Young and the Restless in 1979 as stripper Nikki Reed.
Melody Thomas Scott is best known for her role as Nikki Reed Newman Foster Bancroft DiSalvo Newman Abbott Landers Chow on The Young and the Restless.
In 1979, she joined The Young and the Restless as Nikki Reed.
Reed and Alex are also shot. April finds Reed's body and runs to alert Derek, who orders a lockdown.
You will enjoy the mysterious beauty and unique Buddhist culture of Tibet, including the Reed Flute Cave, Pujiang Cruise, the Potala Palace, the Jokhang Temple, Leshan Giant Budha and other great destinations.
An end-blown version is the pan flute or the reed flute.
For centuries, cultures around the world have used bamboo flutes, because the reed plant was so accessible.
Dominic Keating appeared as Lt. Malcolm Reed, the British security officer.
Sue, her brother Johnny, future husband Reed and Reed's best friend Ben Grimm were all exposed to cosmic rays which forever altered their DNA.
He voted for the Lodge reservations and also for the Reed reservation that the United States alone should judge whether matters of direct interest to it should be brought before the League; and finally he voted against ratification of the Treaty as submitted by President Wilson.
Montmorin did not dare to come to a decision without consulting his masterful friend, but on the other hand neither Mirabeau nor La Marck were under any illusions as to the broken character of the reed on which they had perforce to lean.
The split reed of the Greek penman was occasionally adopted by the late demotic scribes.
We also came across a patch of reed mace going to seed.
It's A Wonderful Life - You really can't beat the pairing of James Stewart and Donna Reed.
Reed has been nominated for two Emmy Awards and has won four Soap Opera Digest Awards.
The making of the Chickering pianos goes back to 1823, and of Mason & Hamlin reed organs to 1854; these are to-day very important and distinctive manufactures of the city.
The written nieroglyphs, formed by the scribe with the reed pen on papyrus, eather, wooden tablets, &c., have their outlines more or less abbreyitted, producing eventually the cursive scripts hieratic and demotmc. The written hieroglyphs were employed at all periods, especially or religious texts, Hieratic.A kind of cursive hieroglyphic or hieratic writing is ound even in the 1st Dynasty.
After the gift of $500,000 by Andrew Carnegie there were established in 1909 the Andrew Carnegie School of Engineering, the James Madison School of Law, the James Monroe School of International Law, the James Wilson School of Political Economy, the Edgar Allan Poe School of English and the Walter Reed School of Pathology.
The left bank of the Oxus above Kilif is, as a rule, low and flat, with reed swamps bordering the stream and a strip of jungle between the reeds and the edge of the elevated sandy desert.
After the war with Spain Reed broke with the administration on the issue of imperialism.
Probably the earliest large find was a 17-lb nugget on the Reed Plantation in Cabarrus county in 1799; in the same mine a 28-lb nugget, probably the largest found in eastern United States, was discovered in 1803.
Here and there are regions occupied by a semi-sedentary population, called Madan, occupying reed huts huddled around mud castles, called meftul.
On the Western Promenade there is a monument to Thomas Brackett Reed, who was a native and a resident of Portland.
Elephants are so numerous as to be dangerous to travellers; but tigers are not common, except near the river Tista, and in the dense reed jungle and forests of the Dwars.
The syrinx consisted of a varying number of reeds, having their open ends or embouchures in a horizontal line and their stopped ends, formed by the knots in the reed, gradually decreasing in length from left to right.
The Mexican calendar depended on the combination of numbers with picture-signs, of which the four principal were the rabbit, reed, flint,, house - tochtli, acatl, tecpatl, calli.
In 1900-1901 Major Walter Reed (1851-1902), a surgeon in the United States army, proved by experiments on voluntary human subjects that the infection was spread by the Stegomyia mosquito,' and the prevention of the disease was then undertaken by Major William C. Gorgas - all patients being screened and mosquitoes practically exterminated.'
Maximilian proved a broken reed, and in 2528 Wolsey brought about a general pacification, securing at the same time his appointment as legate a latere in England.
The old fable of this bird inserting its beak into a reed or plunging it into the ground, and so causing the booming sound with which its name will be always associated, is also exploded, and nowadays indeed so few people in Britain have ever heard its loud and awful voice, which seems to be uttered only in the breeding-season, and is therefore unknown in a country where it no longer breeds, that incredulity as to its booming at all has in some quarters succeeded the old belief in this as in other reputed peculiarites of the species.
Reed was a remarkable personality, of whom many good stories were told, and opinions varied as to his conduct in the chair; but he was essentially a man of rugged honesty and power, whose death was a loss to American public life.
Physically and physiologically wet habitats, with the accompanying plant communities of lakes, reed swamps, and marshes.