Redundancy Sentence Examples
That the Baltic Stream must be a surface current, because it originates from a redundancy of fresh water.
People come to her when they are facing major upheaval in their lives such as redundancy or divorce.
When do schemes for enhanced redundancy payments become contractual?
Lord Hoffmann has recently on at least two occasions counseled caution in relation to arguments based on redundancy.
To get anything decent, we are going to edge or go into deco, that also means suitable redundancy.
Using staff flexibility (within reasonable limits) should maximize opportunities to avoid redundancy dismissals.
Those facing the possibility of redundancy or mid life career doldrums will gain in equal measures too.
New guidance on the revised redundancy arrangements in the NHS has now been published by NHS employers.
Gentleman will tell us how many teachers are facing redundancy right now?
This is done to eliminate redundancy in the output and/or compute aggregates that apply to these groups.
AdvertisementThe amount of the statutory redundancy payment is calculated by reference to the employe's age, length of employment and pay.
If a redundancy situation arises, she must be offered a suitable alternative vacancy if one is available.
The retail tycoons Artemis vehicle will pay out 14 million euros in redundancy payments to the staff.
Collective redundancy A collective redundancy is where 20 or more employees are to be made redundant within a 90-day period.
Built-in Redundancy - The roaming service includes multiple top-tier ISP networks so you gain high service availability in major business centers.
AdvertisementThe excess of the redundancy payment over the basic award was £ 20,000.
The enforced redundancy situation hit particularly hard at the Morton family.
Reports of decisions of the Industrial Tribunal in matters relating to Redundancy Payments Act 1965 and the entitlement of redundant miners to redundancy payment.
The amount of the statutory redundancy payment is calculated by reference to the employe 's age, length of employment and pay.
The plan should also offer redundancy, such as training backup employees to handle tasks in case one employee is no longer available.
AdvertisementMultiple server locations provide redundancy, effectively eliminating downtime due to system failures or heavy data traffic.
In addition to our main firebox we also have a secondary redundancy firebox to ensure maximum protection.
You can't get through a page without having to stifle giggles at the pompous redundancy of the literary quotations.
The staff then liquidated his company in a bid to obtain redundancy pay from the government.
He said that his enforced redundancy in May 1991 had coincided with increasingly poor health.
AdvertisementPenny then asked people to consider voluntary redundancy, which two members of staff did.
Employees on fixed-term contracts are no longer able to enter into redundancy waiver agreements.
This will entail changes to the way statutory redundancy entitlements are calculated.
Statutory redundancy pay is by any measure quite low.
We negotiated an enhanced redundancy package which we put to the members this week.
It can be an acceptable alternative to redundancy for employees and trade unions and thus have a less detrimental effect on workforce morale.
Staff over 65 will be entitled to a service based redundancy payment.
Redundancy fuels nationalism, racism and anti-Semitism, since the economically insecure seek weaker scapegoats for the problems confronting them.
He was famed in antiquity for the richness and splendour of his imagination and his style, although Quintilian censures his redundancy and Hermogenes remarks on the excessive sweetness that results from his abundant use of epithets.
In fact, the great blemishes of In Memoriam, its redundancy and the dislocation of its parts, were largely due to the desultory manner of its composition.
Curiously enough, it is from Schleiermacher's philosophical ethics that a threefold division - the Chief Good, Virtues, and Duty or the Law - passed into almost all text-books of Christian Ethics, till recently a rebellion rose against it on the ground of redundancy and overlapping.