Redemption Sentence Examples
Others find in the gospel of redemption the true theodicy.
A reserve of $10o,000,000 of gold had been accumulated for the redemption of these notes.
The offering of Christ once made is that perfect redemption, propitiation, and satisfaction, for all the sins of the whole world."
Even in the middle ages there were not wanting those - the St Victors, Bonaventura - who sought to vindicate mystical if not moral redemption as the central thought of Christianity.
The church also encouraged the emancipation of individual slaves and the redemption of captives.
From this it follows that religious knowledge involves the knowledge of nature and her elements, and that redemption consists in a physical process of freeing the element of light from the darkness.
To them, therefore, Christianity presented itself not primarily as the religion of a redemption through the indwelling power of a risen saviour, as with Paul, nor even as the solution of the problem how the sins of men could be forgiven, but as the reconciliation of the antinomy of the intellect, indicated above.
The change puts beyond doubt the position as regards the ability to use capital redemption policies to create a capital loss.
The reforms of Stein and Hardenberg in Prussia, of the French and of their clients in South Germany, opened the way for a gradual redemption of the peasantry.
The Logos is thus the means of redemption; those who realize its activity being emancipated from the tyranny of circumstance into the freedom of the eternal.
AdvertisementIn 1903 Congress adopted a gold dollar of 1.672 grammes weight .900 fine (equal to the U.S. gold dollar) as the monetary standard created a redemption bureau for the withdrawal of the paper circulation, prohibited the further issue of such currency, and authorized free contracts in any currency.
Certain rents and taxes were set aside for the use of the redemption bureau, and a nominally large sum has been withdrawn from circulation through this channel.
For Christ is viewed as bringing redemption - a conception of importance in many religions, but in none so important as in Christianity.
If it should come to be held that with so kind a God no redemption at all is necessary, the significance of Christ is immensely curtailed if not blotted out.
Flamininus's last act before returning home was characteristic. Of the Achaeans, who vied with one another in showering upon him honours and rewards, he asked but one personal favour, the redemption of the Italian captives who had been sold as slaves in Greece during the Hannibalic War.
AdvertisementSuch conditions were themselves incitement enough to a prompt redemption of the promise of parliamentary distinction, even without the restless spurring of ambition.
At the same time the dualism involved in the simultaneous acceptance of an optimistic account of the origin and nature of the universe (such as is implied in Christian theology) and a belief in the reality of moral evil witnessed to by the Christian doctrine of Redemption, intensified the difficulties already felt concerning man's responsibility and God's omnipotence.
If you're planning to use your rewards to buy a new GM car, be sure that you understand the redemption allowance that applies to the particular vehicle you want to buy.
The possibility of redemption depends upon the bestowal of Divine Grace, which, because it is in no instance deserved, can be awarded or withdrawn without injustice.
By Justin and other apologists the need of redemption, faith, grace is indeed recognized, but the theological system depending on these notions is not sufficiently developed 1 to come into even apparent antagonism with the freedom of the will.
AdvertisementIn 1803 Sweden pledged both town and lordship to Mecklenburg for 1,258,000 thalers, reserving, however, the right of redemption after loo years.
Only after the fall of man begins the creation of space, time and matter, or of the world as we now know it; and the motive of this creation was the desire to afford man an opportunity for taking advantage of the scheme of redemption, for bringing forth in purity the image of God according to which he has been fashioned.
But man has lost the power to effect this by himself; he has alienated himself from God, and therefore no ethical theory which neglects the facts of sin and redemption is satisfactory or even possible.
In the common faith of the Gentile churches after the Apostolic Age "the present dominion of evil demons, or of one evil demon, was just as generally presupposed as man's need of redemption, which was regarded as a result of that dominion.
The possibility of his redemption, however, was in the 5th century branded as a heresy.
AdvertisementReligious orders - the Redemptionists and Lazarites - were engaged in working for the redemption of captives and large legacies were left for that purpose in many countries.
After the fall God sent the archangel Raziel to teach it to Adam and Eve, so that mankind might find redemption.
I could have become a punk and found redemption in tartan and safety pins or joined an ashram in Goole.
Man's sin was brought into the presence of infinite holiness, a divine compassion and a perfect redemption.
His only confidante remains night club singer Jenny, whose physical restoration fuels the flame of his spiritual redemption.
However, without the promise of eventual redemption, economic modernisation becomes an end in itself.
Luria detailed a drama of universal redemption in which all souls would eventually return home to their divine creator.
In response, Swinson has created her own equivalent of the 12-step program to spiritual redemption.
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A redemption voucher will be sent by e-mail within 30 days of the connection of your new phone.
Redemption, justification, regeneration, adoption, forgiveness, reconciliation all mean the same thing - the restoration of the broken family relationship. All depends on the Mediation of Christ, who maintained the filial relationship even to His death, and communicates it to the brotherhood of believers.
Moreover, the redemption of the railways by the statecontracts for which had been signed by Sella in 1875 on behalf of the Minghetti cabinet with Rothschild at Basel and with the Austrian government at Viennahad been fiercely opposed by the Left, although its members were for the most part convinced of the utility of the operation.
If revelation is thought of as God's personal word, and redemption as his personal deed, is it reasonable to view them either as open to a sort of scientific prediction or as capricious and unintelligible?
In the time of Cyprian, though not before, we begin to find the idea that the body and blood of Christ were not merely partaken of by the worshippers but also offered in sacrifice, and that the Eucharist was not so much a thank-offering for creation and redemption as a repetition or a showing forth anew of the self-sacrifice of Christ.
It is true that its only conceivable moral is flatly the opposite of that " redemption by love " which Wagner strenuously preaches in a passage at the end which remained unset because he considered it already expressed by the music. Indeed, though Wagner's later treatment of love is perhaps the main source of his present popularity it seldom rises to his loftiest regions except where it is thwarted.
They are hymns of the laity, describing with much beauty and depth of feeling the emotions of the pilgrim when his feet stood within the gates of Jerusalem, when he looked forth on the encircling hills, when he felt how good it was to be camping side by side with his brethren on the slopes of Zion (cxxxiii.), when a sense of Jehovah's forgiving grace and the certainty of the redemption of Israel triumphed over all the evils of the present and filled his soul with humble and patient hope.
It contains three divisions dealing with (1) man's sin, misery, redemption, (2) the Trinity, (3) thankfulness, under which is included all practical Christian life lived in gratitude for mercies received.
But when Augustine is concerned to reconcile the reality of individual freedom with humanity's universal need of redemption and with the absolute voluntariness of Divine Grace, he is constrained to contradict most of those postulates of which in his advocacy of libertarianism he was an eager champion.
For us believers, the Jubilee Year will highlight the Redemption accomplished by Christ in his Death and Resurrection.
It 's the idea of heavenward, that we look up toward God - look up for your redemption draweth nigh.
Of course worse case I receive about 5.9% in redemption yield.
The market will not want redemption proceeds to be paid to collateral holders.
There is an early redemption charge payable on our fixed rate French mortgages.
This story sets out to recall the fall and redemption of mankind under the guise of a besieged city.
It is Los, who is usually Blake himself, who eventually brings about the redemption of humanity and the building of Jerusalem.
Redemption is not, first, an easy way of salvation for the sinner, and then a display of the character of God.
There is a utopian fantasy of redemption there, not unlike the idea of the resurrection of the body.
Well, to sate your veracious appetites, Redemption TV are showing a slew of Roadrunner bands in their Redemption Live !
The great redemption had not yet been fully wrought out into ultimate fact.
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Shopping incentives through select merchants; point redemption for catalog merchandise; extended travel opportunities and more.
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There are no blackout dates for point redemption.
Usually when teens are sent to boot camp, it may already be their last chance at redemption.
Several arcades are spread throughout the park and offer not only video games but also ticket-bearing games and prize redemption centers.
Missing barcodes and other redemption features.
But the nice story and replay value gives the game some redemption.
When Cecil openly questions his king, the monarch strips him of his command and asks him to commit an act so heinous that it ultimately sends the knight on his own personal quest for redemption.
They have quick turnaround time in terms of prize redemption processing of 0-3 days, which is considerably less than the 4-6 weeks other sites take.
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The foreclosure will now enter a redemption period.
If possible, do not let your home enter the redemption period because it is near impossible to get financing to re-purchase the foreclosed property in this stage.
The eviction process will be initiated after the redemption period.
A state that permits a homeowner to redeem the property after it's been purchased may mean that you will wait on tenterhooks to learn if you will lose the property until after the redemption period expires.
The original owner may have the right to pay the delinquent fees and take back the property even after the auction; you have to determine what the right to redemption laws are in your state.
Do not make any repairs or improvements during the redemption time frame.
Besides the video games, there are usually redemption games (win tickets that you can spend), pool, air hockey, and sometimes go-karts as well.
In fact, some studies show that rebate redemption rates are frequently less than 50 percent.
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Saving money with printable grocery coupons is not difficult to do, as long as you keep in mind a few basic tips for successful coupon redemption.
Coupon redemption policies – Coupon policies vary widely by store.
The storyline played out for years on One Life to Live including the trial, the aftermath and the long and twisted road to redemption for Todd and the path of heartbreak and romance for Marty herself.
From the point where the thorn pierces Christ's heart, droplets of water and blood may be depicted, signifying purification and redemption.
It doesn't matter if it's the crucified Jesus as a symbol of redemption or the risen Jesus as a symbol of resurrection; it's still a crucifix.
The symbolism associated with this cross is inherently personal on an individual basis, but it usually relates to sacrifice, redemption and resurrection.
Cardholders are able to earn an unlimited number of points, and there are no blackout dates for redemption.
To urge young people to avoid his mistakes, he filmed the series Road to Redemption for MTV, which featured him intervening in the lives of a group of out of control teens to help them find more productive paths.
T.I.'s Road to Redemption is an MTV Networks reality show that follows hip hop star T.I. as he works to encourage a small group of young people to stay out of trouble and turn their lives around.
Each episode of T.I.'s Road to Redemption focused on the story of a young person.
If the restaurant does not become profitable within three months, the chance of redemption is over.
The relationship between the pitbulls and the parolees is unique as it allows both the animal and the parolee a chance at redemption.
The chance for a fallen angel's redemption, the seductive nature and their dangerous attitudes are all compelling material.
The words stung, because she hated feeling as though she, too, was beyond redemption.
Apotheosis can mean nothing to those who hold that a man may be reborn as a god, but still needs redemption, and that men on earth may win redemption, if they are brave enough.
Outside the all-important domain of finance, the attention of Minghetti and his colleagues was principally absorbed by strife between church and state, army reform and railway redemption.
But if evolution is to be the whole truth regarding Christianity, we should have to surrender both supernatural revelation and divine redemption.
The redemption was not calculated on the value of the allotments of land, but was considered as a compensation for the loss of the compulsory labour of the serfs; so that throughout Russia, with the exception of a few provinces in the S.E., it was - and still remains, notwithstanding a very great increase in the value of land - much higher than the market value of the allotment.
This latter is absolute misery, and to cure it the Unconscious evokes its Reason and with its aid creates the best of all possible worlds, which contains the promise of its redemption from actual existence by the emancipation of the Reason from its subjugation to the Will in the conscious reason of the enlightened pessimist.
His realism enables him to maintain the reality of Time, and so of the process of the world's redemption.
If we believe in a divine revelation and redemption, transcending the course of nature, the miracles as signs of that divine purpose will not seem improbable.
Expelled from France, he joined Mazzini in London, and continued to conspire for the redemption of Italy.
As his share in the controversy, Martineau published five discourses, in which he discussed " the Bible as the great autobiography of human nature from its infancy to its perfection," " the Deity of Christ," " Vicarious Redemption," " Evil," and " Christianity without Priest and without Ritual."' He remained to the end a keen and vigilant apologist of the school in which he had been nursed.
Its preaching is practical and direct, asseverating the reality of Sin, "the everlasting punishment of the wicked," and Redemption.
Holders of the government's legal tender notes anticipating this fact presented them for redemption.
Christianity, with its one God, and its promise of redemption and a blessed immortality based upon divine revelation, met as no other contemporary faith did the awakening religious needs.
Redemption, he said, was the result of the historical work of Christ; but justification was the work of the living risen Christ, dwelling within the believer and daily influencing him.
The legends of his escape from a fiery furnace may have a philological basis (Ur interpreted as " fire "), but the allusion to the redemption of Abraham in Isa.
It simply means that a certain religious and philosophical tendency, which grew up slowly on Greek soil, was already implanted in those who occupied the vantage-ground of a revealed religion of redemption.
Now, in so far as both Neoplatonism and the church dogmatic set out from the felt need of redemption, in so far as both sought to deliver the soul from sensuality and recognized man's inability without divine aid - without a revelation - to attain salvation and a sure knowledge of the truth, they are at once most intimately related and at the same time mutually independent.
Under these heads it discusses respectively the sin and misery of men, the redemption wrought by Christ (here are included the Creed and the Sacraments), and the grateful service of the new life (the Decalogue).
This explains the laborious and artificial way in which the person of Jesus is connected in many Gnostic systems with the original Gnostic conception of redemption.
The notes are not legal tender, and it is forbidden to count them as " cash on hand " in bank returns, but ample safeguards both as to issue and redemption inspire full confidence in their employment as a substitute for gold.
The subjects in the nave begin with scenes from the Book of Genesis, illustrating the Old Testament types of Christ and His scheme of redemption, with figures of those who prophesied and prepared for His coming.
It possesses in the sun and moon, which are in their nature almost quite pure, large reservoirs, in which the portions of light that have been rescued are stored up. In the sun dwells the primal man himself, as well as the glorious spirits which carry on the work of redemption; in the moon the mother of life is enthroned.
Just as the background of Christianity was formed by the Hebrew scriptures, and just as the Hebrew legends of the creation became the basis of its scheme of human redemption from evil, so the Avesta, with its quaint cosmogony and myths, formed the background of Mani's new faith.
It offered revelation, redemption, moral virtue and immortality, spiritual benefits on the basis of the religion of nature.
Manichaeism indeed, though it applies the title "redeemer" to Mani, has really no knowledge of a redeemer, but only of a physical and gnostic process of redemption; on the other hand, it possesses in Mani the supreme prophet of God.
Special surtaxes are levied on imports to meet the interest and redemption charges on the loans raised for the execution of these important works.
Acts were passed in 1781, 1792, 1793 and 1794 to facilitate redemption at depreciated rates, and the last bills were called in on the 1st of January 1806.
But judgment they conceived as preparing for redemption.
In the pre-exilic prophets the judgment of God is "primarily on Israel, although it also embraces the nations"; during the Exile and at the Restoration the judgment is represented as falling on the nations while redemption is being wrought for God's people; after the Restoration the people of God is again threatened, but still the warning of judgment is mainly directed towards the nations and deliverance is promised to Israel.
Redemption was thought of as still future, as the power of the devil had not been broken but rather increased by the First Advent, and the Second Advent was necessary to his complete overthrow.
According to Albrecht Ritschl "the wrath of God means the resolve of God to annihilate those men who finally oppose themselves to redemption, and the final purpose of the kingdom of God."
During the years 1850-1905, £27,416,651 has been devoted to the redemption of the public debt.
Furs have constituted the price of redemption for royal captives, the gifts of emperors and kings, and the peculiar badge of state functionaries.
Statutory provision is also made for allowing tithes and tithe rent charge to be exchanged for land, and for the redemption of rent charges made under the acts, and also of corn rents under the local acts.
Thus, forgan means really " redemption," but Mahomet uses it for " revelation."
The general revenue of Egypt was divided between the bondholders and the government, any surplus on the bondholders share being devoted to the redemption of the capital.
The expedition was undertaken on his suggestion and its success was largely due to his energy and enthusiasm; in September 1749 £ 183,650 (English) in coin was brought to Boston to cover the outlay of Massachusetts, and largely through Shirley's influence this was used for the redemption of outstanding paper money, thus re-establishing the finances of the province, a subject to which Shirley had given much attention.
Naturally sin is a necessary preliminary to this redemption, and Erigena has the greatest difficulty in accounting for the fact of sin.
As the object of punishment is not the will or the individual himself, but the misdirection of the will, so the result of punishment is the final purification and redemption of all.
In him the will of the Father for the redemption of the race was incarnate.
A schism occurred in 1652, the last three with a majority of the members contending for general redemption and for the laying on of hands as indispensable to fellowship, Olney, with the minority, maintaining particular redemption and rejecting the laying on of hands as an ordinance.
In 1775 Methodist influence appeared in the contention of two of the apostles and Jeremiah Walker for universal redemption.
For instance, a testator having left a fund to be divided into four parts - one-fourth to be used for "the redemption of British slaves in Turkey and 2 Barbary," and the other three-fourths for various local charities - it was found that there were no British slaves in Turkey or Barbary, and as to that part of the gift therefore the testator's purpose failed.
The second aspect of his influence is the doctrine of redemption of the soul from its sensual bonds, first by the medium of art and second by the path of renunciation and ascetic life.
But the Pauline ideas lost their truth under his treatment; for, when it is denied that the God of redemption is at the same time the almighty Lord of heaven and earth, the gospel is turned upside down.
This could not be regarded as a redemption of the promise of a liberal constitution, and it had an injurious, though limited, effect on the Boer community.'
Subsequently Ames entered into a controversy in print with Grevinchovius on universal redemption and election, and cognate problems. He brought together all he had maintained in his Coronis ad Collationem Hagiensem - his most masterful book, which figures largely in Dutch church history.
The freedom is obtained either by patrimony (by any person over twenty-one years of age born in lawful wedlock after the admission of his father to the freedom), by servitude (by being bound as an apprentice to a freeman of the company) or by redemption.
The government in 1903 authorized the issue of treasury notes for the department of Beni and the National Territory to the amount of one million bolivianos (£87,500), for the redemption of which 10% of the customs receipts of the two districts is set apart.
These are arranged, professedly on the basis of the aphorism of Augustine, Lombard's favourite authority, that "omnis doctrina vel rerum est vel signorum," into four books, of which the first treats of God, the second of the creature, the third of the incarnation, the work of redemption, and the virtues, and the fourth of the seven sacraments and eschatology.
This event by no means disconcerted the believers, who saw in it only another manifestation of Pigott's divinity, and proclaimed it as "an earnest of the total redemption of man."
This" government within a government "was secured in all its privileges, its profits as heretofore being appropriated to allowances to members of the royal family and the maintenance and development of" works of public utility "in Belgium and the Congo, those works including schemes for the embellishment of the royal palaces and estates in Belgium and others for making Ostend" a bathing city unique in the world."The state was to have the right of redemption on terms which, had the rubber and ivory produce alone been redeemed, would have cost Belgium about £8,50o,000.
The redemption fund is administered by a committee representing the bondholders.
He edited his father's incomplete History of the Work of Redemption, wrote in answer to Stephen West, A Dissertation Concerning Liberty and Necessity (1797), which defended his father's work on the Will by a rather strained interpretation, and in answer to Chauncy on universal salvation formulated what is known as the " Edwardean," New England or Governmental theory of the atonement in The Necessity of the Atonement and its Consistency with Free Grace in Forgiveness (1785).
On the 1st of January 1906, another monetary act came into operation, with additional provisions for currency redemption and improvement of the monetary system.
About $175,000 more of debt was incurred by Indian wars in 1874 and 1878; in the latter year the public debt amounted to more than $650,000, but about $350,000 of this was in 10% warrants for road-building, &c.; the bonds and warrants (with the exception of some never presented for redemption) were speedily redeemed by a special property tax.
Eric (= reparation, redemption) was the fine for "separating body from soul"; but the term was used in lighter cases also.
P. Dunn's Indiana, a Redemption from Slavery (Boston, 1888) in the " American Commonwealth " series, as its secondary title indicates, is devoted principally to the struggle over the provision in the Ordinance of 1787 prohibiting slavery.
To the same class belong the treatise To Ablavius, against the tritheists; On Faith, against the Arians; On Common Notions, in explanation of the terms in current employment with regard to the Trinity; Ten Syllogisms, against the Manichaeans; To Theophilus, against the Apollinarians; an Antirrhetic against the same; Against Fate, a disputation with a heathen philosopher; De anima et resurrectione, a dialogue with his dying sister Macrina; and the Oratio catechetica magna, an argument for the incarnation as the best possible form of redemption, intended to convince educated pagans and Jews.
He found it necessary to think clearly and define sharply; but Athanasius found it necessary to believe in a divine redemption.
They are taken as involved in redemption from sin - in the Atonement, or in the sacraments.
Bruce " redemption by sample " - the divine Christ has Unless 1 Tim.
In 1650 he published a tract (The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption) in which he attacked the Calvinistic doctrine of the atonement, and which was burned on Boston Common by order of the General Court.
He lays great stress on the Logos doctrine; all good is to be found in union with the Logos; all evil is in matter or in " spirits of a material nature "; the origin of evil in the world seems to be the choice of the latter rather than of the former; and redemption consists in the reverse process.
Coupon redemption If you have a coupon redemption If you have a coupon, you can redeem it on the last page of the checkout process.
He has paid the redemption price of the forfeited inheritance.
Any type of redemption in the pagan mythology was motivated by petty jealousy or some type of law that even the gods were under.
But Leo rejects that director's nihilism in favor of some idea of redemption through words.
And alongside the story of redemption and comeuppance, we even get a rather offbeat little romance in the bargain.
If not previously redeemed, the final redemption date will be 31 December 2009.
What its name seeking redemption would the morning locals.
The cross of Christ has obtained redemption for us, but more than this, it has made peace.
We have then God securing our eternal redemption, Christ securing our eternal redemption and the Holy Spirit securing our eternal redemption.
Once you have decided how you want to redeem your reward points, a quick log-in process will direct you the easy-to-follow redemption instructions.
The most important laws to familiarize yourself with are those regarding redemption of the property and liens.
Other noteworthy sources of revenue are trade licences, direct taxes on lands and forests, stamp duties, posts and telegraphs, indirect taxes on tobacco, sugar and other commodities, the crown forests, and land redemption payable annually by the peasants since 1861.
Such vicissitudes were the ordinary lot of the Jews for several centuries, and it was their own inner life - the pure life of the home, the idealism of the synagogue, and the belief in ultimate Messianic redemption - that saved them from utter demoralization and despair.
The conception of a redemption of the Unconscious also supplies the ultimate basis of von Hartmann's ethics.
Two funds were created for the redemption and guarantee of paper issues, the latter receiving 5% of the import duties payable in gold.
The oppressed clergy and peasantry regarded Valdemar as their natural deliverer; but so poor and friendless was he that the work of redemption proved painfully slow.
In its most simple and attractive form - one at the same time invested with the authority of the reputed holy author - their account of the creation of the world and of man; the origin of sin and redemption, the history of the Cross, and the disputes between body and soul, right and wrong, heaven and hell, were embodied either in "Historiated Bibles" (Paleya 1) or in special dialogues held between Christ and his disciples, or between renowned Fathers of the Church who expounded these views in a simple manner adapted to the understanding of the people (Lucidaria).
The railway redemption contracts were in fact immediately voted by parliament, with a clause pledging the government to legislate in favor of farming out the railways to private companies.
Redemption, accordingly, could be conceived as simply the revelation of mystic names.
The aggregate value of the redemption and land taxes often reaches 185 to 275% of the normal rental value of the allotments, not to speak of taxes for recruiting purposes, the church, roads, local administration and so on, chiefly levied from the peasants.
Combined with this sacrifice of the fruits of the earth to the Creator in memory of creation and redemption, and probably always immediately following it, was the sacred meal at which part of the offerings was eaten.
Matsukata showed the government the danger of the situation, and urged that the issue of further paper currency should be stopped at once, the expenses of administration curtailed, and the resulting surplus of revenue used in the redemption of the paper currency and in the creation of a specie reserve.
In 1748 he carried through the General Court a bill providing for the cancellation and redemption of the outstanding paper currency.
Hamburg and Great Britain each paid more than a third of the redemption money.
The Baptists, having had a double origin, continued for many years in two sections - those who in accordance with Arminian views held the doctrine of "General Redemption," and those who, agreeing with the Calvinistic theory, held the doctrine of "Particular Redemption"; and hence they were known respectively as General Baptists and Particular Baptists.
Once more, in the doctrine of sin and redemption, the governing idea is God's fatherly purpose for His family.
The long-promised abolition of the grist tax was not explicitly mentioned, opposition to the railway redemption contracts was transformed into approval, and the vaunted reduction of taxation replaced by lip-service to the Conservative deity of financial equilibrium.
The average allotment in Kherson is only 0.90 acre, and for allotments from 2.9 to 5.8 acres the peasants pay 5 to 10 roubles of redemption tax.
In Little Russia, where the allotments were personal (the mir existing only among state peasants), the state of affairs does not differ for the better, on account of the high redemption taxes.
The descents of pirates on the coasts were a perpetual source of danger; the pirate was a gainer either by the sale or by the redemption of his captives.
It was to be applied by redemption at the best price possible on the market, until that price stood at £T66.66, when, if the rate of interest served were 1%, it was to proceed by drawings; if the interest were anything more than 1%, and less than 3%, the limit of price for redemption was to be raised to U75; if the interest were between 3% and 4% inclusive, the limit was to be raised to par.
Up to 1906 the Caixa da Amortisacdo (redemption bureau), which has charge of the service of the internal funded debt, superintended the redemption of the currency, but in that year (December 6, 1906) a Caixa de Conyers-do (conversion bureau) was created for this special service.
Partly through restrictive local legislation and partly as a result of the operation of the Suffolk system of redemption in Boston, these institutions were always conservative.
It was calculated that this redemption would be effected in a period of 32 years, after which the annual profit accruing to the state from the lines would be 51/8 millions sterling.
In 1675 Robert Barclay published an " Apology for the Society of Friends," in which he declared what they held concerning revelation, scripture, the fall, redemption, the inward light, freedom of conscience.
Although they surrendered transubstantiation, the loss of one mystery was amply compensated by the stupendous doctrines of original sin, redemption, faith, grace and predestination upon which they founded their theory of salvation.
The Augsburg Confession (1530) is divided into numerous " articles," while Luther's Lesser Catechism gathers Christianity under three " articles "- Creation, Redemption, Sanctification.
Upon his return he preached a characteristic sermon entitled The United States of America compared with some European Countries, particularly England (published 1826), in which, although there was some praise for the English church, he so boldly criticized the establishment, state patronage, cabinet appointment of bishops, lax discipline, and the low requirements of theological education, as to rouse much hostility in England, where he had been highly praised for two volumes of Sermons on the Principal Events and Truths of Redemption (1824).
Dressed in full armour and attended by the papal vicar, Cola headed a procession to the Capitol; here he addressed the assembled crowd, speaking "with fascinating eloquence of the servitude and redemption of Rome."
If a holder would sell, the family had the right of redemption and there seems to have been no time-limit to its exercise.
With the aid of Sella he concluded conventions for the redemption of the chief Italian railways from their French and Austrian proprietors.
Yet it seems plain that any theology, maintaining redemption as historical fact (and not merely ideal), must attach religious importance to conclusions which are technically probable rather than proven.
As to what the conception of Basilides was of the completion of the process of redemption, the available sources tell us next to nothing.
The millions of roubles of redemption money received from the crown have been spent without any real or lasting agricultural improvements having been affected.
As God is the Saviour, and the chief end of the revelation is redemption, it is fitting that the miracles should be acts of divine deliverance from physical evil.