Reddish Sentence Examples
She was an old animal with a gray back and big reddish belly.
He threw a saddle on a reddish brown horse and nodded You're right.
She reached up and plucked a reddish colored grape from the cluster and wiped it on her shirt.
Moreover, yellow amber after long burial is apt to acquire a reddish colour.
Although new-born fawns are spotted, the adults are in the main uniformly coloured; the general tint of the coat at all seasons being reddish tawny with a more or less marked tendency to grey.
They are of a reddish colour and usually crystallize well; on heating with concentrated acids are usually transformed into the purpureo-salts.
The Lower Tertiary consists largely of reddish sandstones resting upon the old rocks of the Cordillera and of the Sierras.
The wood is variable in quality and, though hard in texture, is less durable than the best oak of British growth; the heart-wood is of a light reddish brown varying to an olive tint; a Canadian specimen weighs 524 lb the cubic foot.
A variety with lighter foliage and reddish bark is common in Newfoundland and some districts on the mainland adjacent.
The next group precipitate may contain the white gelatinous aluminium hydroxide, the greenish chromium hydroxide, reddish ferric hydroxide, and possibly zinc and manganese hydroxides.
AdvertisementRoumanite, or Rumanian amber, a dark reddish resin, occurring with lignite in Tertiary deposits.
It has even been supposed that amber passed from Sicily to northern Europe in early times - a supposition said to receive some support from the fact that much of the amber dug up in Denmark is red; but it must not be forgotten that reddish amber is found also on the Baltic, though not being fashionable it is used rather for varnish-making than for ornaments.
The Burmese amber is yellow or reddish, some being of ruby tint, and like the Sicilian amber it is fluorescent.
Schraufite is a reddish resin from the Carpathian sandstone, and it occurs with jet in the cretaceous rocks of the Lebanon; ambrite is a resin found in many of the coals of New Zealand; retinite occurs in the lignite of Bovey Tracey in Devonshire and elsewhere; whilst copaline has been found in the London clay of Highgate in North London.
Impurities render the mineral grey, greenish or reddish, bituminous matter being often present in the massive varieties.
AdvertisementThe timber of the cypress is hard, close-grained, of a fine reddish hue, and very durable.
Others again, like Gasteracantha and Acrosoma, belonging to the Argyopidae, are armed with sharp and strong abdominal spines, and these spiders are hard-shelled like beetles and are spotted with black on a reddish or yellow ground, their spines shining with steel-blue lustre.
They are called " stainers " because their excrement is yellow and stains the fibre; also if crushed during the process of ginning they give the cotton a reddish coloration.
It is remarkable that even a small addition of zinc-white (oxide of zinc) to the reddish varieties especially causes a considerable diminution in the intensity of the colour, while dilution with artificial precipitated sulphate of lime ("annalin") or sulphate of baryta ("blanc fix") acts pretty much as one would expect.
It varies in colour from black through grey to reddish brown and white.
AdvertisementThe eggs, often six in number, are of a very pale blue marked with reddish or purplish brown.
The coral is generally reddish, but the colouring ranges from light yellow to chocolate-brown.
The soils overlying red sandstone rocks would be reddish and of a sandy nature, while those overlying chalk would be whitish and contain considerable amounts of lime.
Ladies are experimenting with braids with blond, bronze, or reddish shades.
Elsewhere three types of soil are distinguished - a black soil, of decayed vegetable matter, where the land is under forest, a reddish clay, and a white soil occurring along the shores.
AdvertisementPhysically, the pure Aymara is short and thick-set, with a great chest development, and with the same reddish complexion, broad face, black eyes and rounded forehead which distinguish the Quichuas.
In the deposition of gold the colour of the deposit is influenced by the presence of impurities in the solution; when copper is present, some is deposited with the gold, imparting to it a reddish colour, whilst a little silver gives it a greenish shade.
The stones at the bottom are slightly reddish, owing to vegetable substances.
Some miles lower down, at Leitmeritz (433 ft.), the waters of the Elbe are tinted by the reddish Eger, a stream which drains the southern slopes of the Erzgebirge.
Chemically pure sand is silicon dioxide (SiO 2) or quartz, a clear transparent glass-like mineral, but as ordinarily met with, it is more or less impure and generally coloured reddish or yellowish by oxide of iron.
The tetraiodide, TiI 4, is a reddish brown mass having a metallic lustre.
The scales are close pressed to one another and are reddish in colour.
Varieties occur with yellow and reddish pulp; and there are also pear-shaped varieties.
The Bizen-yaki familiar to Western collectors is comparatively coarse brown or reddish brown, stoneware, modelled rudely, though sometimes redeemed by touches of the genius never entirely absent from the work of the Japanese artisan-artist.
Its diaphanous, pearl-grey glaze, uniform, lustrous and finely crackled, overlying encaustic decoration in white slip, the fineness of its warm reddish pate, and the general excellence of its technique, have always commanded admiration.
This creature is semi-aquatic and lives chiefly on fishes; it grows to a length of about 5 ft.; the general colour is reddish to dark brown, FIG.
The under surface is yellow to reddish, with dark specks.
It is a singularly beautiful substance, being of pink, greenish, or milk-white colour, streaked with reddish, copper-coloured veins.
The geological formations thus exposed show that the plateaus are composed of a base of eruptive material, overlaid by enormous deposits of reddish sandstones, conglomerates and quartzites, exposed in parts to a depth of 2000 feet.
When the disease reaches an advanced stage the leaves are discoloured, yellow or reddish, with their edges turned back, and withered.
Blue mud, according to Murray and Renard, is usually of a blue or slaty or grey-green colour when fresh, the upper surface having, however, a reddish tint.
The blue colouring substance is ferrous sulphide, the upper reddish layer contains more ferric oxide, which the predominance of decomposing organic matter in the substance of the mud reduces to ferrous oxide and subsequently by further action to sulphide.
The reddish colour comes from the presence of oxides of iron, and particles of manganese also occur in it, especially in the Pacific region, where the colour is more that of chocolate; but when it is mixed with globigerina ooze it is grey.
The first class exhibits black figures on a reddish background, the second red figures on a black ground.
The eastern part of the Prairie Plains is a belt known as the Black Prairie, and it has a rich black soil derived from Upper Cretaceous limestone; immediately west of this is another belt with a thinner soil derived from Lower Cretaceous rocks; a southern part of the same plains has a soil derived from granite; in a large area in the north-west the plains have a reddish clay soil derived from Permian rocks and a variety of soils - good black soils and inferior sandy and clay soils - derived from Carboniferous rocks.
A very thin soil covers the Edwards Plateau, but on the Llano Estacado are brownish and reddish loams derived from the sediments of a Neocene lake.
They are both reddish yellow and brownish black (according to individual variation) in skin colour, with head hair often tending to russet, and body hair of two kinds - black and bristly on the upper lip, chin, chest, axillae and pubes; and yellowish and fleecy on the cheeks, back and limbs.
They are covered with a fur to which they owe their chief commercial value; this consists of two kinds of hair - the one close-set, silky and of a greyish colour, the other much coarser and longer, and of a reddish brown.
The true waterbuck (C. ellipsiprymnus), and the defassa or sing-sing (C. defassa), are the two largest species, equal in size to red deer, and grey or reddish in colour.
A more durable and more beautiful stone for building is the reddish or reddish-brown Potsdam sandstone of which there are extensive formations on the N.W.
Calcium phosphide, Ca 3 P 2, is obtained as a reddish substance by passing phosphorus vapour over strongly heated lime.
The upper-parts, out - side of limbs and tail, are uniform reddish brown, the under-parts white.
The colour externally is reddish or yellowish.
Its salts are reddish violet in colour, and give a characteristic absorption spectrum.
The nuts are again boiled, and the inspissated juice of the second decoction yields a weaker catechu of a brown or reddish colour.
It is true that a great variety of evidence is afforded by the composition of the rocks, that glaciers have left their traces in glacial scratchings and transported boulders, also that proofs of arid or semiarid conditions are found in the reddish colour of rocks in certain portions of the Palaeozoic, Trias and Eocene; but fossils afford the most precise and conclusive evidence as to the past history of climate, because of the fact that adaptations to temperature have remained constant for millions of years.
The general colour above is reddish fawn, separated from the white of the under-parts by a dark band on the flanks.
The wood of large trees is compact in texture, in the best varieties of a deep reddish colour varying to brownish-yellow, but apt to be lighter in tint, and less hard in grain, when grown in rich soils or in low sheltered situations.
The bark of the trunk has the same reddish tint as that of the common larch of Europe.
Its plumage for the most part is of a pale buff colour, rayed and speckled with black and reddish brown.
Plum-leaf blister is caused by Polystigma rubrum, a pyrenomycetous fungus which forms thick fleshy reddish patches on the leaves.
Indian are light brown and reddish, those from the Cape are dark grey and rather silvery.
Where the colour is of a sandy and reddish hue the value is far less than where it is of a bluish tone.
The colour varies according to the district of origin, from a blue grey to yellow with reddish tones.
With regard to the natural colours of furs, the browns that command the highest prices are those that are of a bluish rather than a reddish tendency.
Where the skins are heavily dyed it is comparatively easy to see the difference between a natural and a dyed colour, as the underwool and top hair become almost alike and the leather is also dark, whereas in natural skins the base of the underwool is much paler than the top, or of a different colour, and the leather is white unless finished in a pale reddish tone as is sometimes the case when mahogany sawdust is used in the final cleaning.
Their geological formation is metamorphic gneiss, veined with felspar and quartz, and interspersed with reddish porphyrite.
The chief scourge is the sirocco, which is experienced in its most characteristic form on the north coast, as an oppressive, parching, hot, dry wind, blowing strongly and steadily from the south, the atmosphere remaining through the whole period of its duration leaden-coloured and hazy in consequence of the presence of immense quantities of reddish dust.
The top of the heads of the images is cut flat to receive round crowns made of a reddish vesicular tuff found at a crater about 8 m.
Thallic oxide, T1203, is obtained as a dark reddish powder, insoluble in water and alkalis, by plunging molten thallium into oxygen, or by electrolysing water, using a thallium anode.
Its lower course is sluggish, where its waters are made unpalatable by a reddish slime.
The colour of the wood of the different growths of northern pine varies considerably, the generu1 characteristics being a light reddish yellow colour.
The colour of mahogany is reddish brown, and in the Cuban wood the pores are often filled with a white chalky substance which is usually absent in the Honduras variety; the latter, however, may be obtained in larger sizes, and is straighter in the grain and easier to work.
It is a white or pale yellow compound, which becomes reddish on heating.
Their size is about that of a man's finger, and their colour reddish.
These are of Tertiary and Cretaceous ages, the latter rocks resting on a reddish sandstone of older date.
A blue bronze, Na2W5015, forming dark blue cubes with a red reflex, is obtained by electrolysing fused sodium paratungstate; a purple-red variety, Na2W309, and a reddish yellow form result when sodium carbonate and sodium tungstate are heated respectively with tungsten trioxide and tinfoil.
In places the sands are fringed by long lines of Casuarina trees; in others, and more especially in the neighbourhood of some of the river mouths, there are deep banks of black mud covered with mangroves; in others the coast presents to the sea bold headlands, cliffs, mostly of a reddish hue, sparsely clad with greenery, or rolling hills covered by a growth of rank grass.
It is somewhat larger than a fox, of a uniform reddish brown colour above, and whitish beneath, with two white spots above each of the eyes, and a tuft of long black hair at the tip of the ears; to these it owes its name, which is derived from Turkish words signifying "black-ear."
In appearance Frederick was a man of well-proportioned, medium stature, with flowing yellow hair and a reddish beard.
Birds of either phase of plumage pair indiscriminately, and the young show by their earliest feathers whether they will prove whole or parti-coloured; but in their immature plumage the upper surface is barred with pale reddish brown.
The grain is elongate and of a reddish colour, but it has a sweet smell and very pleasant taste.
There are two principal varieties - silver cochineal, which has a greyish-red colour, and the furrows of the body covered with a white bloom or fine down; and black cochineal, which is of a dark reddish brown, and destitute of bloom.
The typical representative of the group is the North American wapiti C. canadensis, but there are several closely allied races in Central Asia, such as C. canadensis songaricus and C. c. bactrianus, while in Manchuria the subgroup is represented by C. c. xanthopygus, in which the summer coat is reddish instead of grey.
She married a dissolute and brutal actor of the name of Reddish.
Moody represented to Mr Stratford Canning that the boy, although full of promise, was on the high road to the gallows under the evil influence of Reddish.
Speaking generally, the Ozark region is characterized by reddish clays, mixed with gravels and stones, and cultivable in inverse proportion to the amount of these elements; northern Missouri by a generally black clay loam over a clay subsoil, with practically no admixture of stones; the southern prairies, above referred to, share the characteristics of those north of the Missouri.
In south-western Oregon, in the Rogue and Umpqua valleys, the characteristic soil is a reddish clay, though other varieties are numerous.
On the other hand, these sheep may be uniformly yellowish white, reddish brown, greyish brown or even black.
The uniformly reddish or chestnut-brown specimens approach most nearly to the wild mouflon or urial in colour, but the chestnut extends over the whole of the underparts and flanks; domestication having probably led to the elimination of the white belly and dark flank band, which are doubtless protective characters.
The stout cylindrical male catkins are pendulous, reddish in colour and 2 to 4 in.
Reddish brown amorphous powders of the formulae 2FeC1 3NO and 4FeC13NO are obtained by passing the gas over anhydrous ferric chloride.
Ferratin is a reddish brown substance which claims to be identical with the iron substance found in pig's liver.
The colour of the hair ranges from blonde and reddish to a bluish or greyish black; the eyes are black, hazel, blue or grey.
The palagonitic breccias, which attain their greatest development in the south of the island and on the tableland, consist of reddish, brown or yellowish rocks, tuffs and breccias, belonging to several different groups or divisions, the youngest of which seems to be of a date subsequent to the Glacial epoch.
Between the university and the library is the Evangelical garrison church (1892-1897), built of reddish sandstone in the early Gothic style.
It would also seem that during the breeding-season many of them are wholly nocturnal in their habits, passing the day in holes of the ground, or in clefts of the rocks, in which they generally nestle, the hen of each pair laying a single white egg, sparsely speckled in a few species with fine reddish dots.
On the more level areas of the Piedmont Plateau the granitic soil is a grey mixture of sand and clay, but on the hillsides of the river basins it is a heavy clay of reddish colour, the sand having been washed down to form the soils of the Coastal Plain.
In all sections of the Piedmont Plateau the subsoil is a reddish or yellowish clay.
As a rule they are highly coloured, the colouring matter being contained in the cell-sap, as in blue or red flowers, or in plastids (chromoplasts), as generally in yellow flowers, or in both forms, as in many orange-coloured or reddish flowers.
In addition to the reddish or brownish argillaceous matrix it contains fresh or decomposed crystals of volcanic minerals, such as felspar, augite, hornblende, olivine and pumiceous or palagonitic rocks.
Gum senegal, a variety of gum arabic produced by Acacia Verek, occurs in pieces generally rounded, of the size of a pigeon's egg, and of a reddish or yellow colour, and specific gravity 1.436.
It occurs in shiny reddish lumps, resembling the commoner kinds of gum arabic. With water, in which it is only partially soluble, it forms a thick mucilage.
The sandhill crane has reddish patches on its head that could possibly be mistaken for large red eyes.
Briefly, a ' bronzed ' disk shows a reddish discoloration at the edge on the label side.
Our suite at the Riad Maria looked onto towering dunes of an improbable reddish hue.
It was made of a reddish wood, finely polished, and tipped at both ends with finely engraved silver.
Its long dense and shaggy fur has a reddish wooly appearance on the underside; especially near the tail.
In severe cases the entire skin may take on a reddish hue.
This animal is a brownish or reddish species which is heavily mottled with light patches.
On the north side of the Lagan Valley the Triassic sandstone is succeeded by reddish Triassic mudstone which does not provide a water supply.
He was a tall, rather reddish white man and he had a thick mustache.
Most of the reddish acid bog peat was removed, exposing older, black, base-rich fen peat underneath.
In classical, plaque psoriasis, the lesions are well defined, raised, reddish, slightly itchy plaques covered with loose silvery scales.
Sometimes there are a greater number of the longer waves in the light, causing it to appear reddish.
When the object took off it turned reddish again.
It is olive-green to yellowish green in color and has reddish stems.
The leaves are dark green with silky sheen and a slightly reddish tinge.
The underside is white or pale gray and sides, limbs and paws are often reddish brown.
If all RGBs in an image are somewhat reddish then the light is probably reddish (or so the reasoning goes ).
It is usually reddish, but can be orange or yellow with a dark stripe down the back.
It is similar to the giant vallis in looks but is noted for its rather reddish foliage.
Amber is fossilized resin and may be clear or opaque (osseous amber ), and deep reddish orange to creamy yellow.
It has a natural gray dry rind with reddish spots.
The timber is a pale reddish brown with cream sapwood.
It was reddish brown in color, and, so far, in keeping with the gray old shawl.
Fluid can often be seen underneath the plates, which may also develop a reddish tinge.
Except perhaps for the reddish tinge to some of his skin, where her blows landed on his face.
There are none of the orange or reddish tints which one finds in many of our Mendip caves.
The colour varies from yellowish or reddish to blackish-brown, and by transmitted light it is often blood-red; the streak is brownish-yellow; hardness, 5; specific gravity, 4.3.
Destined chiefly for private use or for presents, their decoration was delicate rather than rich, the color chiefly employed being brown, or reddish brown, under the glaze, and the decoration over the glaze being sparse and chaste.
The earth surface above these natural furnaces has been hardened, cracked and sometimes melted into a reddish slag, called scoria, which, on account of its resemblance to lava, has given rise to an incorrect impression that the region was once the centre of volcanic disturbances.
Like the name Abate, "white," given them in Kororofa, all these seem to refer to their light reddish hue.
The various shades of the sand are singularly rich and agreeable, embracing the different iron colors, brown, gray, yellowish, and reddish.
Those broad, reddish hands, with hairy wrists visible from under the shirt cuffs, laid down the pack and took up a glass and a pipe that were handed him.
Oh, how Rostov detested at that moment those hands with their short reddish fingers and hairy wrists, which held him in their power....
The reddish Lyubim rushed forward from behind Milka, sprang impetuously at the wolf, and seized it by its hindquarters, but immediately jumped aside in terror.
The claws are a different shape and reddish on the underside and the rostrum is rather longer than on the European Lobster.
The bottom looked like " highly polished metal " with a reddish glow, possibly a reflection of the primary red light.
The Stargate was on a barren plateau of reddish sandstone.
Sample 1 shows the remains of silver leaf over a preparatory layer of reddish clay.
If all RGBs in an image are somewhat reddish then the light is probably reddish (or so the reasoning goes).
The fruiting bodies are reddish in color with a cap 6-15 cm in diameter.
Amber is fossilized resin and may be clear or opaque (osseous amber), and deep reddish orange to creamy yellow.
First, a partially burnt reddish silty sand containing charcoal fragments appears to have been thrown into the base of the pit.
Women with dark skin should consider deep red and plum colors, while olive skin looks best with reddish browns and light browns.
A dark reddish brown and black-looking substance will be found throughout the ear canal.
Fleas defecate dried flakes of blood which look similar to dandruff but have a brownish, black or reddish appearance.
One of the most popular choices is the reddish brown leather combined with a brown and white cow hide.
The wood has a beautiful aroma and a striking reddish center.
These brown, light brown or reddish marks are most common in fair-haired people, and usually appear on the face, neck and shoulders.
Mahogany is generally sold with a reddish mahogany stain finish to give the piece a richer darker appearance.
The dark stripes range from a dark charcoal gray to a light reddish brown.
The darkest of ebony skins tends to have a strong grey or reddish undertone.
Also referred to as Mehendi, henna is a product derived from an evergreen plant with crushed dried berries added to form its reddish brown color or black hue.
In this case, you can wear practically any color eye shadow, but they are best enhanced with shades of plummy pinks and deep rusty copper tones - think of shades with reddish undertone to compliment the green of your eyes.
With hazel eyes, you can wear practically any color eye shadow, but they are best enhanced with shades of plummy pinks and deep rusty copper tones - think of shades with a reddish undertone to compliment the green of your eyes.
A dramatic bridal look usually involves heavy emphasis on the eyes by creating a smoky eye either in grey or bronze, a neutral blush on the cheekbones and a rose or reddish brown lip color.
Although it may seem strange to apply this color of cosmetic to a facial area, the yellow or green hue will actually help that will counteract the reddish, reddish-purple, or bluish color of the blemishes.
Colors include pink, reddish, and purple with white markings.
The Valley of Fire is actually a Nevada State Park, and as the name suggests, it boasts beautiful, rugged landscaping of reddish hued rocks and it is said that when the sun is setting it actually looks as if the valley in on fire.
In autumn it assumes a very effective reddish tint.
The Japanese Wine-berry (R. phaenicolasius) is a strong-growing Bramble, the stems of which are covered with reddish hairs, and the leaves silvery white on the under side.
A variety called purpurascens (sometimes Ae. discolor) has much showier flowers, larger, and of a reddish tint.
Other reddish kinds, such as H. purpurascens and H. cupreus, are not worth growing.
The flowers are reddish when first expanded, becoming yellow.
The reddish flowers are campanulate, and slightly five-lobed.
Eremurus Aitchisonii - A fine kind from Afghanistan, where it grows on ridges of the hills nearly 12,000 feet above sea-level, bearing in June dense spikes of pale reddish flowers, robust, and on stems from 3 to 5 feet high.
I. nepalensis is a charming form from India, with flowers from 5 to 6 inches long, the standards rich dark violet-purple, the falls intense violet, striped white and purple at the base, with yellow and reddish markings.
Atriplicis, a vigorous Chinese annual, with erect reddish stem, slightly branched, over 3 feet in height, and with its young shoots and leaves covered with a rosy-violet powder, pretty in foliage in any soil.
The flowers of most of them are of a reddish tinge, and several are yellow.
Meconopsis Quintuplinervia - A perennial kind from Manchuria, of dwarf growth as a rosette of long-stemmed uncut leaves, covered with reddish hairs and traversed by five prominent veins.
In America there are varieties with flesh-colored and reddish flowers, but none of these are in cultivation.
Wittei and virginale, the flowers of which have no color but the golden bands; rubro-pictum, with a red stripe and spots; platyphyllum, with very large flowers and broad leaves; and Emperor, a grand flower, with reddish spots and centre.
Loiseleuria - A wiry little shrub, L. procumbens, growing close to the ground, the plants forming tufts with small reddish flowers in spring.
There are now many varieties, as R. odorata grandiflora, R. o. pyramidalis grandiflora, the compact, strong-growing variety Machet, with bold spikes of reddish flowers and broad abundant leaves, and dwarf varieties.
A. variegata (Variegated Milk-weed) has dense umbels of handsome white flowers with a reddish centre.
P. myrsinites, the only kind in our gardens, is 1 to 2 feet high, with Box-like leaves and inconspicuous reddish flowers followed by berries.
C. umbellata, with glossy, unspotted leaves and somewhat larger reddish flowers, is also suited for like positions.
The various forms may roughly be divided into two groups, the one with foliage that is silvery beneath, the other having the under side of the leaf covered more or less with a reddish tomentum.
The leaves are coated beneath with a brightly-colored reddish felt, and the flowers are pale purple, changing to nearly white.
Rhododendron Falconeri - A noble kind thriving in Cornish gardens, with oblong leaves about 10 inches long, coated beneath with reddish down, dark green, slightly downy and curiously wrinkled above.
R. eximium is a fine variety of this, differing in its bright pink flowers and the thicker reddish brown fluff on the upper surface of the leaves.
S. canadensis is excellent in this way, reaching a height of 6 to 8 feet, with oval green leaves, reddish underneath, and small red or yellow berries.
Summer Grape (Vitis Aestivalis) - The leaves are 4 to 6 inches across, a deep green color when old, but in a young state covered on the lower surface with a reddish down.
American perennial, P. decandra, is from 5 1/2 to nearly 10 feet high, with reddish stems and flower stalks.
It makes a rounded, much-branched head of slender, dark grey shoots, bearing small, Elm-like leaves, and inconspicuous reddish flowers, which appear at the same time in early spring.
The flowers, of 4 to 6 inches across, float upon the water amid rounded leaves of bright green, very variable as to size, and reddish while young.
Nymphaea Alba Aurora - So named from its changing tints, which vary from a pale rosy-yellow on opening, to orange or reddish tones on the third day, different plants showing much variation in depth of color.
The leaves, borne upon very long stems, are bold and finely blotched with chestnut-red above and reddish streaks beneath.
The leaf may be anything from 5 to 10 inches across, nearly round, and purplish when young, changing to pure green and reddish beneath.
It is free in flower when well established, and makes many crowns, with bold foliage of paler green, less mottled above, but covered beneath with reddish blotches.
Leaf dark green, blotched with chestnut above and on the stems, and reddish below.
The young leaves are bright red, changing to deep green, with veins of reddish purple.
Typically, their leaves and stems turn a reddish color when injured by frost.
Rose gold, with its striking reddish color tint, is created by adding various amounts of copper to yellow gold.
The water contains iron oxide deposits, which give the water a reddish tint.
The background color of this shirt is almost a reddish brown, built it has gold "swiggly" lines.
Most of these colors will have a warm reddish cast to them.
In Public Enemies, he wears an acetate frame in tortoise and a thin metal frame with reddish lenses.
Purpura-A group of disorders characterized by purplish or reddish brown areas of discoloration visible through the skin.
Bilirubin-A reddish yellow pigment formed from the breakdown of red blood cells, and metabolized by the liver.
If people with albinism seem to have reddish eyes, it is because light is being reflected from the back of the eye (retina) in much the same way as happens when people are photographed with an electronic flash.
This rash consists of tiny white dots (like grains of salt or sand) on a reddish bump.
During an attack, the urine is a deep reddish color.
Symptoms are often apparent in infancy and include reddish urine and possibly an enlarged spleen.
Initially, a bruise will be reddish, the color of the blood under the skin.
The major symptoms of juvenile dermatomyositis include a characteristic reddish or purplish rash called a heliotrope rash; weakness or pain in the proximal muscles; and a low-grade fever.
The joint may feel warm to the touch and look reddish as well as swollen.
These chemicals cause blood vessels to become more porous, allowing fluid to accumulate in tissue and leading to the swollen and reddish appearance of hives.
Fire ants are reddish brown to black stinging insects.
It's a look that's a natural for Miley, who has worn her hair long with reddish highlights for years.
For Alice Cullen hair, add reddish brown streaks with temporary hair paint.
You'll also find leather colors such as taupe and "Old Leather" (a reddish brown).
The Henna dye is painted on the skin, soaking in to create a temporary, yet attractive reddish brown tattoo.
So much so that you can attend henna parties where everyone takes turns being painted with this reddish brown plant dye.
It is paired with hot reddish and soft pink color along with resin band and gray dial and white face with pink ring.
However, mud with clay in it can leave a faintly reddish stain that you will want to remove with a detergent that breaks down the proteins without harming the color in your carpet.
For my design, I chose a reddish brown donut and a red plastic carved bead.
Small, scaly patches of skin that are reddish with yellowish scales are most often found on the head, neck or hands, but can occur on other parts of the body.
Reddish color - Often mistaken for mosquito bites, bed bug bites will appear pink or red and slightly raised from the skin.
These last have a white or reddish ground, with ornamentation in blue, red, brown or black, and are of much better manufacture than the modern pottery of the country.
One of the Brazilian birds whose habits have attracted much interest is the Joao de Barro (Clay John) or oven bird (Furnarius rufus), which builds a house of reddish clay for its nest and attaches it to the branch of a tree, usually in a fork.
When these fires occur while the trees are full of sap, a curious mucilaginous matter is exuded from the half-burnt stems; when dry it is of pale reddish colour, like some of the coarser kinds of gum-arabic, and is soluble in water, the solution resembling gumwater, in place of which it is sometimes used; considerable quantities are collected and sold as " Orenburg gum "; in Siberia and Russia it is occasionally employed as a semi-medicinal food, being esteemed an antiscorbutic. For burning in close stoves and furnaces, larch makes tolerably good fuel, its value being estimated by Hartig as only one-fifth less than that of beech; the charcoal is compact, and is in demand for iron-smelting and other metallurgic uses in some parts of Europe.
When heated in air it is readily oxidized, with the formation of a reddish or violet vapour.