Redaction Sentence Examples
There exists a mid14th-century Historia do Santo Graal, and an unprinted Josep' ab Aramadia, while, though the MS. is lost, we have abundant evidence of the existence of a primitive Portuguese prose redaction of Amadis de Gaula anterior to the present Spanish text.
As to this re-collection and redaction of the Avesta the Dinkard gives various details.
But the unity of thought and atmosphere is such as to show that the work is one whole (subject no doubt to a certain amount of redaction and interpolation), and that the apocalyptic part was composed as an introduction to the rest.
From the archaic style in which these mythological tales are usually composed, as well as from the fact that not a few of them are found in Brahmanas of different schools and Vedas, though often with considerable variations, it seems pretty evident that the groundwork of them must go back to times preceding the composition or final redaction of the existing Brahmanas.
Meanwhile, if agadic exegesis was popular in the centuries following the redaction of the Mishna, the study of halakhah Talmud.
The influence of the Deuteronomic tradition in redaction is seen in such passages as Genesis xxxiii.
He soon became intimate with Schleiermacher and de Wette, and was associated with them in 1819 in the redaction of the Theologische Zeitschrift.
The Evangelium de Nativitate Mariae is a redaction of the latter.
The second collection of " Davidic " psalms, as well as the Korahite and Asaphic psalms, have been subjected to an Elohistic redaction, for which we must find a reason if the history of the Psalter is to be written.
And further, if the Elohistic redaction was due merely to a desire to avoid pronouncing the divine name, why was not the presumably earlier collection of psalms in book I.
AdvertisementThe final redaction is probably to be dated between the years 140 and 130 B.C.
It is not improbable that it represents a free and individual working over of the original Fescamp version, and that in its later shape it was intended to form, and did at one time form, the Quest section of the cyclic redaction of the Arthurian prose romances, being dislodged from this position by the Galahad Quese.
Others, like the Ascension of Isaiah, betray the handiwork of successive editors, and are accordingly to be explained on the "redaction hypothesis."
Next it is noteworthy that in the second scheme here given Volter has abandoned his theory of a redaction hypothesis in favour of a sources hypothesis--a redactor.
The interest here centres in the rivalry between Tristan and Lancelot, alike as knights and lovers, and in the later redaction, ascribed to Helie de Borron, the story is spun out to an interminable length.
AdvertisementIt should be noted that Tristan is never more than superficially connected with Arthur, an occasional visitor at his court; though in its later form ranked among the Arthurian romances, the Tristan is really an independent story, and does not form a part of the ordinary cyclic redaction.
Palestinian origin, although the main redaction was made in Babylonia.'
Rabbenu, " our Rabbi teaches us "; on the critical questions connected with the titles and the present redaction (probably 5th century), see Jew.
This book was the expression of the literary principles of the Pleiade as a whole, but although Ronsard was the chosen leader, its redaction was entrusted to du Bellay.
Perhaps something similar occurred to the Metaphysics, as Alexander imputed its redaction to Eudemus, and the majority of ancient commentators attributed its second opening (Book a) to Pasicles, nephew of Eudemus.
AdvertisementAfter the coup d'etat of December 2, 1851, he was entrusted with the redaction of the new constitution, and on his resignation of office in January became vice-president of the Council of State.
If we set aside the heretical books condemned by the early councils, the earliest known instance of a list of proscribed books being issued with the authority of a bishop of Rome is the Notitia librorum apocryphorum qui non recipiuntur, the first redaction of which, by Pope Gelasius (494), was subsequently amplified on several occasions.
This redaction, commonly called al-sohof (" the leaves "), had from the first no canonical authority; and its internal arrangement can only be conjectured.
Be that as it may, it is impossible now to distinguish in the present form of the book what belongs to the first redaction from what is due to the second.
But this redaction is not the close of the textual history of the Koran.
AdvertisementTo this succeeds a noteworthy example of the Deuteronomic treatment of tradition in the achievement of Othniel the only Judaean "judge," The bareness of detail, not to speak of the improbability of the situation, renders its genuineness doubtful, and the passage is one of the indications of a secondary Deuteronomic redaction.
Rich as its romanceiro is, its volume is far less than the Spanish, but the cancioneiros remain to prove that the early love songs of the whole Peninsula were written in Portuguese, while the primitive prose redaction of Amadis, the prototype of all romances of chivalry, was almost certainly made in Portugal, and a native of the same country produced in the Diana of Montemor (Montemayor) the masterpiece of the pastoral novel.
On the one hand, we found that redaction criticism proper, which seeks to vigorously differentiate redaction from tradition, is fundamentally bankrupt.
Perhaps the final redaction of the Fourth Gospel aimed at a broader reading public; cf.
I shall try to distinguish in Matt 27,3-8 between pre-Matthean traditional materials and Matthean redaction.
Attempting to probe too deeply into Deuteronomic redaction is complex and tends to raise more problems that it solves.
The chief works of the next years were the revision and final redaction of the Rule and the formation or organization of the "Third Order" or "Brothers and Sisters of Penance," a vast confraternity of lay men and women who tried to carry out, without withdrawing from the world, the fundamental principles of Franciscan life (see Tertiaries).
Hence from the composition of the latest canonical books to the redaction of the Mishna (see below) in the and century A.D., the remains of Hebrew literature are very scanty.
Even if the analysis of the literature into component documents were complete, we should still possess a most imperfect record, since the documents themselves have passed through many redactions, and these redactions have proceeded from varying standpoints of religious tradition, successively eliminating or modifying certain elements deemed inconsistent with the canons of religious usage or propriety which prevailed in the age when the redaction took place.
In the final compilation, or perhaps in a subsequent redaction, some alterations were made in the original order, some notes were added describing the circumstances in which various psalms had been composed, and lastly, in order to assimilate the outward form of the Psalter to that of the Pentateuch, the three collections were divided into five books.
The discussion of the redaction of material in the Gospels is surprisingly in-depth for such a short book.
They also proposed modifications for the redaction of the text.
That does not preclude redaction of the tradition or even legendary accretions in the circumstantial features of the narratives.
Systematic differentiation of redaction from tradition is thus precluded.
Now it only refers only to Joshua in all known Jewish versions and must be an early redaction.
The range of differences in working criteria is best seen in redaction criticism on Mark.
It is important to stress that the redaction critic looks for patterns of changes in a particular gospel.
The redaction of the whole work is due to Alexandre de Bernai, who replaced the original assonance by rhyme.
In the above work we have a combination of the redaction and sources hypotheses.
In part these laws appear to be older than P, but when examined in detail the various collections show unmistakably that they have undergone more than one process of redaction before they assumed the form in which they are now presented.
The collection, however, has clearly undergone more than one redaction before reaching its final form.
There is no reason for supposing that Joinville indulged in various editions, such as those which have given Kervyn de Lettenhove and Simeon Luce so much trouble, and which make so vast a difference between the first and the last redaction of the chronicler of the Hundred Years' War.
All these passages are now due to D; but not only is Deuteronomy itself composite, a twofold redaction can be traced in Judges, Samuel and Kings, thus involving the deeper literary problems of Joshua with the historical books generally.'
The main redaction of Judges and Kings was made under the influence of the ideas which characterize Deuteronomy, that is, after the reforms ascribed to Josiah (2 Kings xxiii.); but in Samuel the " Deuteronomistic " hand is much less prominent and the chronological system which runs through Judges and Kings occurs only sporadically.
The first step is the recognition of a specific Deuteronomic redaction in Joshua-Kings, an intricate process which extended into the post-exilic age.4 Certain phenomena suggest that the first compilation was made outside Judah-in Israel, whereas others represent a Judaean and anti-Israelite feeling.