Red-cross Sentence Examples
During the Russo-Japanese War he served in the Red Cross and in the Municipal Union for the organization of hospitals; he was left to take care of the Russian wounded after the battle of Moukden, and showed much dignity and efficiency in the performance of his arduous duties.
Eight Red Cross ambulances, each with a doctor and attendant, were sent into the most malarious parts of the Campagna in 1900.
He was put in charge of the Red Cross organization on the German front, and it fell to him to search for the corpse of the unfortunate Samsonov.
The city's contribution to the Liberty and Victory loans was $625,429,600, to the Red Cross 810,194,765, and to the seven relief agencies $13,909,000, making a total of $649,533,365.
In America, the proceeds went to The Red Cross.
The tradition of Carnac is that there was once a convent of the Templars or Red Cross Knights on the spot; but this, it seems, is not supported by history.
The Serbian and Bulgarian anthems were sung on the streets, collections were made in every village for the Balkan Red Cross funds, and when Austria-Hungary mobilized, protests were heard on every side against the bare possibility of war with Serbia, which to the Yugosla y s would be a veritable civil war.
On the 7th of June 1665 Samuel Pepys for the first time saw two or three houses marked with the red cross and the words " Lord, have mercy upon us," on the doors.
During the Russo-Turkish War of 1878 he was a delegate of the Red Cross Society in charge of an ambulance train provided by Queen Olga of Wurttemberg.
In Russia nursing is mainly in the hands of the Red Cross Society, whose members are, however, trained in the hospital schools.
AdvertisementWorld War I, World War II, and other conflicts found the American Red Cross at the forefront of relief efforts.
The Red Cross Society provides a certain amount of trained nursing, and next to it the bestorganized work is done by religious orders; but the nursing in the hospitals appears to be still in a neglected state.
The original badge of the order was a long red cross with expanded flat ends bearing a small cross in white; the ribbon is red.
Much is done in contending against malaria by the Italian Red Cross Society.
The Red Cross of the Indulgence seller had been set up at Zerbst and at Jizterbogk, and people had gone from Wittenberg to buy the Papal Tickets.
AdvertisementThe wellknown custom of marking such houses with a red cross and the legend " God have mercy upon us!"
Assistance with money and supplies was immediately given by the nation and by foreign countries, a committee of the Red Cross Society being put in charge of its administration.
The committee organized as the Red Cross Relief Corporation completed its work in 1908, having spent for the relief of the hungry, fo-- the sick and injured, and for housing and rehabilitation of individuals and families, in round numbers $9,225,000.
The ever optimistic Hans persuades Benjamin to perform an aria with him during a Red Cross visit.
At the time of attack the lights of the Red Cross Ship Newfoundland were visible, about 10 miles distant on the starboard bow.
AdvertisementA new monthly skin camouflage clinic is being run by the Red Cross Audiology services are being provided.
Monitor flamingos in Mexico, work in a Red Cross hospital in Japan, or why not teach Tibetans in India?
I was asked by the American Red Cross to become a hostess at the Red Cross facilities at Prestwick airport.
The American Red Cross along with law enforcement officials strongly encourages you to follow the steps provided in the attached Fact Sheets.
She also became the honorary president of the Japanese Red Cross from 1947 to 1989.
AdvertisementGrown men turn puce, pass out and Red Cross medics rush to their aid.
The location of the click point will be marked by a small Red Cross.
The 31-year-old PR executive recently spearheaded the American Red Cross ' largest-ever blood donor campaign.
The location of the click point will be marked by a small red cross.
Removing a picture To remove a picture just hover over it with the mouse and click the red cross in the top right corner.
If your babysitter hasn't already done so, encourage her to take a babysitter safety course through your local American Red Cross.
If you like a potential sitter who has not had such training, recommend that she take such a training course at a local hospital or safety organization, such as Red Cross.
Many also say that while the course teaches serious topics, the Red Cross babysitting course is a lot of fun to both teach and take!
According to the Red Cross website, the Red Cross' babysitting class is designed for teens between 11 and 15 with intentions or an interest in babysitting.
The Red Cross recommends that teens take the course before even considering being in charge of a child.
The course is also affordable with most Red Cross centers pricing the class at around $50.
Contact your local Red Cross and hospitals to see if any babysitting classes or CPR certification classes are offered.
For example, if she wants to become a veterinarian, you could cover the cake with fondant animals and a red cross.
Donating $200,000 to the American Red Cross and $50,000 to USA Harvest to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Sandra Bullock is well known for her support of the American Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders, and has donated one million dollars to the organizations on three separate occasions for disaster relief.
Matlin also supports numerous other charitable efforts, including the Red Cross and pediatric AIDS awareness.
They have also set up giveaways through philanthropic organizations like the Red Cross for support after Hurricane Katrina, and they have given away hundreds of thousands of dollars in the form of scholarships for young musicians.
Check with your local Red Cross Chapter for more information.
The Red Cross has helpful information about how to make an emergency preparedness kit, as well as tips for dealing with summer-related situations that can affect personal safety, such as a heat wave or a drought.
The first doll she created was a Red Cross nurse and Madame hired neighborhood people to help her make them.
Eton Corporation manufactures four emergency radios that are endorsed by the American Red Cross ranging from $50 to $60.
Training is available through the American Red Cross and American Heart Association at local schools, YMCAs, and community centers.
The American Red Cross provides a certification course for babysitters.
In addition, young people who want to be babysitters may take the American Red Cross course.
If you are interested in this type of work, consider enrolling in a Red Cross Babysitter Certification program.
In 1997, Princess Diana spoke at a landmines conference, lobbied in Washington D.C. as a part of the American Red Cross landmines campaign and met with Mother Theresa.
International Red Cross - Princess Diana worked with the British and American Red Cross organizations as well as the International Red Cross with regard to landmines and ending their proliferation.
You can also learn more about preparing for your donation by accessing the American Red Cross website.
The American Red Cross history is inexorably intertwined with the life of Clara Barton, one of the great humanitarians of the Victorian era, and with the International Red Cross.
No other relief organization is better known in the United States than the American Red Cross.
The American Red Cross organized relief efforts for soldiers and civilians during all subsequent major wars.
The American Red Cross history is also replete with stories of relief supplies, blood donations, and skilled assistance for people all over the world.
Today, the American Red Cross provides the same disaster relief services.
When hurricane, tornado, fire, flood or terrorist attacks leave people homeless and hurt, the American Red Cross is there to help.
The American Red Cross has a network of 700 chapters throughout the United States, supplies blood donations to over 3,000 hospitals, and trains approximately 12 million people annually in emergency medical skills.
The Red Cross history is an illustrious one.
Over the years, the Red Cross has become a leader in disaster recovery.
The American Red Cross history began in Geneva, Switzerland under the guidance of Henry Dunant in 1859.
That observation led to the creation of the International Committee of the Red Cross and later led to the first Geneva Convention.
About 20 years later, Clara Barton observed the usefulness of the International Red Cross and combined the resources of friends to create an American component of the Red Cross.
The first American chapter of the Red Cross began on August 22, 1881.
One of the first disasters that the American Red Cross addressed was a forest fire in Michigan.
The Red Cross didn't stop with immediate triage of disaster victims.
The Red Cross history includes blood-processing programs for war victims and others in need of relief.
During the Korean War, the Red Cross became the blood collection service.
The Red Cross continued to address victim needs with creative approaches to blood collection.
In 1967, the Red Cross created a Rare Blood Donor Registry.
With the onset of the AIDS epidemic, Red Cross became a leader in HIV testing.
In March of 1985, the Red Cross began testing all donated blood with the first FDA approved HIV test.
In 1992, the Red Cross solely for the purpose of testing all Red Cross blood products built a testing lab in Massachusetts.
This is one of the first events where victims previously supported by Red Cross remembered the help they received and began to volunteer.
The Miami Hurricane of 1926 was a crucial marker for the Red Cross.
By this time, an official manual existed offering guidance to Red Cross chapters for standard procedures during hurricanes.
In 1955, the Red Cross was stretched with back-to-back hurricanes.
The Red Cross was present at both events in addition to hundreds of other relief operations throughout the country.
The 1950's saw Red Cross evolve into a multi-tasking organization with significant enough infrastructure to sufficiently cover many disasters simultaneously.
Perhaps the most important goal achieved by the American Red Cross is the ability to provide a solid infrastructure for the spirit of volunteerism that the organization sparked.
The Animal Humane Society has partnered with the American Red Cross Twin Cities to provide temporary boarding for household pets.
However at today's American Red Cross and other blood bank donation stations across the country, it is impossible to contract HIV or AIDS through blood donation, as a disposable, non-contaminated needle is used each time.
Then use a service such as donation line, which facilitates car donations throughout California and then gives to a variety of organizations including Sierra Wildlife Rescue and the Red Cross.
Each year, American Red Cross blood donations save countless lives.
In fact, the American Red Cross estimates that someone needs blood every two seconds to survive.
The Red Cross will provide you with promotional literature to help you get started, and will even help you find volunteers and serve refreshments throughout the drive.
To increase the number of American Red Cross blood donations provided by those in their late teens and early 20s, the Red Cross has recently started a new promotion called Young Blood.
You can even text message a donation into the Red Cross.
The American Red Cross continues to lead the way in restoring health and prosperity in the lives of countless individuals.
The American Red Cross has made it possible to donate $10 simply by text messaging HAITI to 90999.
Your donation will go to the American Red Cross and will be charged to your cell phone bill.
All you have to do is go the donation page and look at the list of charities, which includes organizations like the Red Cross and the March of Dimes.
The American Red Cross allows the donation of some items.
Some chapters of the Red Cross accept more types of donations than others do.
Insurance and assistance from groups like the Red Cross can help, but you’ll still have plenty of expenses to deal with on your own.
You might recognize that cross today as the symbol for the Red Cross.
Additionally, he holds a Physical Therapy Aide Certificate through Thomson Education Direct, and is American Red Cross trained in CPR.
Free French flag, during WWII, the Free French forces fighting against the Vichy regime and Germany, inserted a red cross of Lorraine (a symbol of Joan of Arc's fight against foreign invaders) on the white stripe of the tricolour.
More than $4 million of that total was raised through a company-sponsored donation program that matched employees' donations to the American Red Cross.
The Red Cross Somalia Relief Fund receives these donations.
In 2007, Hough released the single Will You Dance With Me to raise money for the Red Cross.
In 1143, the Templars were allowed the addition of a red cross to their robes, as a symbol of martyrdom.
Over his armor, a Knight Templar wore a white surcoat adorned with the red cross to let everyone know he was part of the Order of the Knight Templar.
Please give generously to the American Red Cross.
The Red Cross babysitting course is a great opportunity for teens that really want to take their babysitting abilities to the next level.
It was there that she encountered the work of the International Red Cross.
The American branch of the Red Cross was officially founded on May 21, 1881, and Barton became its first president.