Red-clover Sentence Examples
In this manner organisms obtained from red clover can be grown and applied to the seed of red clover; and similar inoculation can be arranged for other species, so that an application of the bacteria most suited to the particular crop to be cultivated can be assured.
Many insects and other invertebrates, mostly noxious, have been accidentally naturalized, and some have been deliberately introduced, like the honey-bee, now feral in Australasia and North America, and the humble-bee, imported into New Zealand to effect the fertilization of red clover.
In England red-clover hay, or, better still, crimson-clover or lucerne hay, is liberally fed to farm horses with about io lb per day of oats, while they usually run in open yards with shelter sheds.
Hedge and large bindweed were still in flower as was Self-heal, Red clover and Cat's-ear.
The herbs include pignut, adder's-tongue, ribwort plantain, and red clover with yellow rattle, bulbous buttercup and orchids.
We decided to start off with the ' skin purifying ' tea, which includes red clover and nettle leaves?
Clearly, the red clover is more than just a pretty flower.
The diet consists of natural plant material, for example dandelion, sow thistle, various herbs and red clover with occasional fruit.
In addition, studies have revealed that red clover isoflavones can also help combat benign prostatic hyperplasia enlargement of the prostate gland.
Two months pre-calving the cows are fed on barley straw which has been undersown with the red clover ley straw which has been undersown with the red clover ley.
AdvertisementMany women report a dramatic improvement of their symptoms after taking red clover and research evidence supports its effectiveness.
Recombination of a functional red clover necrotic mosaic virus by recombination rescue of the cell-to-cell movement gene expressed in a transgenic plant.
Detox A.M. also features dandelion root, sarsaparilla root, Echinacea and red clover to help boost your body's immune system.
A glance at the product label of an whole food supplement will reveal ingredients such as organic red clover and organic chamomile.