Red-blood-cells Sentence Examples
Large nucleated red blood-cells make their appearance.
Also, never feed an onion to your pet, as large amounts can destroy your pet's red blood cells causing anemia.
Kidneys Healthy kidneys produce erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates the formation of new red blood cells.
This precaution is necessary because wheatgerm contains lectin, which can potentially cause red blood cells to clump.
Clinical deficiency may increase platelet aggregation and reduce the life span of red blood cells.
Control tube 8 is designed to verify that the patient's serum will not lyse the horse red blood cells.
Animation showing model for the rapid invasion of red blood cells by P. falciparum merozoites.
The disease results from replication in red blood cells of apicomplexan parasites belonging to the genus Plasmodium.
There is either an excess release or incomplete removal of the bile pigment derived from hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Malaria is an infectious disease due to the presence of a parasite called plasmodium within the red blood cells.
AdvertisementThe disease results from replication in red blood cells of apicomplexan parasites belonging to the genus plasmodium.
A slowly bleeding ulcer can also cause anemia, where there are not enough red blood cells to transport oxygen around the body.
In every cell of your body except your red blood cells exists a copy of your DNA.
Protect red blood cells from being destroyed by poisons, such as hydrogen peroxide, in the blood.
B12 is also necessary for forming red blood cells.
AdvertisementThe remainder is in soft tissues including red blood cells and muscles.
When there are red blood cells in the urine (pee).
This condition is characterized by abnormally enlarged immature red blood cells that are unable to divide properly.
If you are anemic, you have too little hemoglobin because you have too few red blood cells.
This can block the production of thromboxane which increases the stickiness of red blood cells and makes them more likely to clot.
AdvertisementVenous thrombi are formed by stasis and are mainly composed of red blood cells intertwined with fibrin.
More than 15 million units of red blood cells are transfused annually in Europe.
The organisms that cause this disease are bacterial parasites that affect the outer surface of the cat's red blood cells.
The bacterium attaches itself to the surfaces of red blood cells.
When the immune system detects the infection, it begins to systematically destroy the red blood cells that carry the bacterium.
AdvertisementThis will keep your cat's body from continuing to attack the red blood cells.
Did you know that iron in red blood cells is what carries oxygen throughout the blood stream?
Vitamin B12 benefits include the formation of red blood cells and the normal development and function of the nervous system.
One of the eight B vitamins, vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that aids in the healthy maintenance of nerve cells and red blood cells.
Its purpose in the human body is to create and maintain healthy red blood cells.
A lack of B12 can lead to anemia, a blood disease that is characterized by a low level of red blood cells in the body.
Since red blood cells give you energy and stabilize nerve function, the symptoms of both anemia and depression will fade and eventually cease.
When the second stage of the cycle approaches, aka estrus, the edges of the epithelial cells become rough or cornified, and there are fewer red blood cells.
Epoetin aids the body in producing red blood cells and is currently used to treat anemia associated with kidney disease or caused by some drugs.
Anemia-A condition in which there is an abnormally low number of red blood cells in the bloodstream.
Hemoglobin-An iron-containing pigment of red blood cells composed of four amino acid chains (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) that delivers oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body and carries carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs.
Blood is made up of red blood cells (RBCs), which carry oxygen and other materials to all tissues of the body; white blood cells (WBCs), which fight infection; and platelets, which play a part in the clotting of the blood.
This uncontrolled proliferation of the immature cells in the bone marrow affects the production of the normal red blood cells and platelets as well.
Because the virus needs a rapidly dividing cell in order to multiply, it attacks the red blood cells of the body.
The virus causes the destruction of red blood cells and, therefore, a deficiency in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood (anemia) can result.
Sickle cell anemia-An inherited disorder in which red blood cells contain an abnormal form of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen.
Bilirubin is a yellowish-red pigment that is formed and released into the bloodstream when red blood cells are broken down.
It is formed and released into the bloodstream when red blood cells are broken down.
In the neonate, however, there is more bilirubin than can be handled due to immature liver functioning and extra red blood cells that break down.
First, infants have too many red blood cells and it is a natural process for the body to break down these excess red blood cells to form a large amount of bilirubin.
Both of these conditions result in a very fast breakdown of red blood cells.
Most babies with jaundice have physiologic jaundice, which is the type caused by the natural process of breaking down red blood cells.
Exchange transfusion corrects anemia associated with the destruction of red blood cells and is effective in removing sensitized red blood cells before they are destroyed.
Bilirubin is a breakdown product of red blood cells.
Heme (component of hemoglobin in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body) is broken down into bilirubin, which moves to the liver where it is processed and added to bile, a digestive fluid.
Infants are born with excess red blood cells that are rapidly recycled by the spleen and liver, releasing bilirubin.
At birth, particularly with preterm births, an infant's immature liver may not be able to process all of the bilirubin formed as red blood cells are removed from circulation.
Hemolysis-The process of breaking down of red blood cells.
As the cells are destroyed, hemoglobin, the component of red blood cells which carries the oxygen, is liberated.
Children with sickle cell anemia produce two abnormal hemoglobin proteins (inheriting one from each parent), which makes their red blood cells easily destructible while giving them a sickle-like shape.
Since the red blood cells do not have a normal shape, their circulation in the small blood vessels is impaired as well as the function of the abnormal hemoglobin (HbS) which can no longer carry oxygen with maximum efficiency.
The defective gene tells the body to make the abnormal hemoglobin HbS instead of the normal HbA, and this results in deformed red blood cells.
On the other hand, if the red blood cells in the sample have burst, their fragments will be falsely counted as platelets.
The group A streptococci are hemolytic bacteria, which means that they have the ability to break red blood cells.
The red blood cells are separated from the sample and the amount of glucose is measured in the remaining plasma.
A deficiency of folic acid may lead to anemia, in which there is decreased production of red blood cells.
Hemolytic means that these streptococci are capable of destroying red blood cells.
Hemolytic-Able to break down or dissolve red blood cells.
The test is a measure of the time-averaged blood glucose over the 120-day life span of the red blood cells.
Rh blood incompatibility-Incompatibility between the blood of a mother and her baby due the absence of the Rh antigen in the red blood cells of one and its presence in the red blood cells of the other.
Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein that resides within the red blood cells.
The mineral content of the body may be measured by testing samples of body fluids, most commonly blood plasma, red blood cells from whole blood, and urine.
The infection may also cause significant destruction of the body's red blood cells or platelets.
Hemoglobin is the red pigment that gives red blood cells their characteristic color and their essential ability to transport oxygen.
Porphyrias that affect heme biosynthesis in immature red blood cells were referred to as erythropoietic porphyries.
If these tests reveal abnormal levels of protoporphyrins, further tests are done to measure heme precursor levels in red blood cells and the stool.
Medical treatments such as removing the spleen or administering transfusions of red blood cells can create short-term benefits, but these treatments do not offer a cure.
Erythropoiesis-The process through which new red blood cells are created; it begins in the bone marrow.
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)-A potentially fatal complication of E. coli infection characterized by kidney failure and destruction of red blood cells.
After one to two days, the red blood cells begin to break down, and the bruise will darken to a blue or purplish color.
Anemia is a blood disorder characterized by abnormally low levels of healthy red blood cells (RBCs) or reduced hemoglobin (Hgb), the iron-bearing protein in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to tissues throughout the body.
Anemia can also be caused by the destruction of red blood cells or reduced red blood cell production.
Because depleted iron stores cannot meet the red blood cell's needs, fewer red blood cells develop.
In this early stage of anemia, the red blood cells look normal, but they are reduced in number.
Anemia due to vitamin C deficiency is a rare disorder that causes the bone marrow to manufacture abnormally small red blood cells.
Hemolytic anemia can enlarge the spleen, an organ that also produces red blood cells when necessary.
Transfusions of packed red blood cells or whole blood may also be used to replace blood volume and to stimulate the body's own production of red blood cells.
Patients with anemia have too few red blood cells to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues.
Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body.
As a result, individuals with hemoglobin H disease can experience events of hemolytic anemia-anemia caused by the rapid breakdown of the red blood cells.
Knowing this level may help doctors evaluate low concentrations of normal hemoglobin in red blood cells (anemia), as well as higher-than-normal levels of fetal hemoglobin or its hereditary persistence.
Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells.
It is also the pigment that gives red blood cells their color.
Sickle cell anemia, the inherited condition characterized by curved (sickle-shaped) red blood cells and chronic hemolytic anemia, is an example of the first category.
The main findings are kidney failure and damage to red blood cells.
The response to vitamin treatment can be monitored by chemical tests, by an examination of red blood cells or white blood cells, or by physiological tests, depending on the exact vitamin deficiency.
Toxins may be absorbed into the blood stream where they destroy red blood cells and platelets, tiny cells important in blood clotting.
Hemolysis-The process of breaking down red blood cells.
Normally when a person breathes fresh air into the lungs, the oxygen in the air binds with a molecule called hemoglobin (Hb) that is found in red blood cells.
The beginnings of teeth appear, and red blood cells begin to be produced in the liver.
Protein-losing enteropathy may lead to abnormally large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body (edema), abdominal distension, and lack of red blood cells (anemia).
This type of anemia is caused by deficient erythropoiesis, the ongoing process of the bone marrow to produce healthy red blood cells (RBCs).
Because depleted iron stores cannot meet the red blood cells' needs, fewer red blood cells develop.
Selenium can be measured in plasma or red blood cells and compared to normal values.
Carbon monoxide limits the amount of oxygen that the red blood cells can convey throughout the body.
The average size of the red blood cells expressed in femtoliters.
Healthy people have an adequate number of correctly sized red blood cells containing enough hemoglobin to carry sufficient oxygen to all the body's tissues.
Red blood cell indices-Measurements that describe the size and hemoglobin content of red blood cells.
Red cell distribution width (RDW)-A measure of the variation in size of red blood cells.
When fibrous or bony tissue invades bone marrow where red blood cells are made, the individual may develop anemia.
The physician may also perform enzyme studies on or look for the presence of "reducing substances" in the child's urine, look for ketones in the urine, and measure enzyme activity in the red blood cells.
Some patients also have too few red blood cells (anemia) and an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly).
The threat arises from the possibility that the mother's antibodies will attack the fetal red blood cells.
Rh disease and ABO incompatibility disease are caused when a mother's immune system produces antibodies against the red blood cells of her unborn child.
The antibodies cause the baby's red blood cells to be destroyed and the baby develops anemia.
The destroyed red blood cells release the blood's red pigment (hemoglobin) which degrades into a yellow substance called bilirubin.
Bilirubin is normally produced as red blood cells die, but the body is only equipped to handle a certain low level of bilirubin in the bloodstream at one time.
The blood incompatibility is uncovered through blood tests such as the direct Coombs test, which measures the level of maternal antibodies attached to the baby's red blood cells.
This procedure involves sliding a very fine needle through the mother's abdomen and, guided by ultrasound, into a vein in the umbilical cord to inject red blood cells directly into the baby's bloodstream.
Bilirubin is a yellow-orange bile pigment produced during the breakdown of hemoglobin, the iron-bearing and oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells.
All newborn infants begin to destroy fetal red blood cells (RBCs) in their first few days of life, replacing them with new red blood cells.
This situation results in jaundice in over 60 percent of newborns, usually due to the presence of fetal hemoglobin released into the blood during the normal destruction of fetal red blood cells.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency-A sex-linked hereditary disorder in which the body lacks an enzyme that normally protects red blood cells from toxic chemicals.
When people with this condition take certain drugs, their red blood cells break down, causing anemia.
Preemies are often are anemic, which means they do not have enough red blood cells.
It also plays a role in the making of red blood cells.
This is a naturally occurring vitamin essential for developing red blood cells and nerve cells.
It helps prevent anemia and works with folic acid to regulate red blood cells.
There is a risk of a condition known as polycythemia vera, which is the formation of too many red blood cells.
The B vitamins, especially B6, B12, and folic acid are believed to help memory because they are instrumental in creating red blood cells which are responsible for carrying oxygen to the brain.
Additionally, folic acid (also known as folate) helps maintain new cells as they divide, including red blood cells.
Your body replaces the lost fluid within hours, while your red blood cells and iron take four and eight weeks to bounce back, respectively.
Mitochondria are energy-producing parts present in all of the body's cells aside from red blood cells.
Oxygen is delivered to the cells of your body through proteins in your blood and red blood cells.