Red-blood-cell Sentence Examples
He made a complete recovery from the red blood cell breakdown.
False An ABO incompatibility can result in red blood cell agglutination and haemolysis?
Techniques of compatibility testing of specificity of red blood cell antibodies found in patient's sera.
Malaria parasite antigens exposed on the surface of the infected red blood cell membrane.
In children, fat malabsorption can lead to a deficiency of vitamin E characterized by abnormal red blood cell development.
Techniques of compatibility testing of specificity of red blood cell antibodies found in patient 's sera.
If your pet is very ill, it may require blood transfusions to build up the red blood cell count.
It may be due to loss of blood, an increase in red blood cell destruction, or a decrease in red blood cell production.
Rarely, a Wilms' tumor is diagnosed after there has been bleeding into the tumor, resulting in sudden swelling of the abdomen and a low red blood cell count (anemia).
Anemia can also be caused by the destruction of red blood cells or reduced red blood cell production.
AdvertisementNewborns may also have low red blood cell volume (hematocrit or Hct) if they were born by cesarean section.
Causes may include sudden or ongoing loss of blood, nutritional deficiencies, decreased red blood cell production, or increased red blood cell destruction.
If it does, transfusions or hormone treatments to stimulate red blood cell production may be given.
Over time, the reticulocyte develops to become a mature, oxygen-carrying red blood cell.
A low red blood cell count can lead to anemia (deficiency of red blood cells) and fatigue.
AdvertisementIf red blood cell levels fall too low, a blood transfusion may be given.
E., et al. "Folic acid fortified milk increases red blood cell folate concentration in women of childbearing age."
Other laboratory findings that are associated with hemophilus infections include anemia (low red blood cell count) and a drop in the number of white blood cells in children with severe infections.
Measurements needed to calculate indices are the red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit.
The RDW is a measure of the variance in red blood cell size.
AdvertisementHypochromic-A descriptive term applied to a red blood cell with a decreased concentration of hemoglobin.
Macrocytic-A descriptive term applied to a larger than normal red blood cell.
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)-A measurement of the average concentration of hemoglobin in a red blood cell.
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)-A measurement of the average weight of hemoglobin in a red blood cell.
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)-A measurement of the average volume of a red blood cell.
AdvertisementMicrocytic-A descriptive term applied to a smaller than normal red blood cell.
Normochromic-A descriptive term applied to a red blood cell with a normal concentration of hemoglobin.
Normocytic-A descriptive term applied to a red blood cell of normal size.
Side effects include fever, chills, muscle and joint pain, vision disorders, low white and red blood cell counts, fatigue, elevated liver enzymes, nausea, blood clotting problems, and nerve damage.
Some patients with polyarticular JA will have other symptoms of a systemic illness, including anemia (low red blood cell count), decreased growth rate, low appetite, low-grade fever, and a slight rash.
Another red blood cell antigen, called the Rh factor, also plays a role in describing a person's blood type.
Iron is responsible for red blood cell formation and without it your baby won't get enough oxygen and you'll be extremely tired.
Other B vitamins such as folic acid (B9) and B12 are important for red blood cell formation.
It is essential in red blood cell formation, and folic acid deficiency can lead to macrocytic anemia.
The signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency are significant in relation to the nervous system, cognitive processing, red blood cell count and energy levels.
A complete blood count will identify low levels of hemoglobin, small red blood cells, and other red blood cell abnormalities that are characteristic of a thalassemia diagnosis.
Normally, during the course of red blood cell formation, protoporphyrin IX acquires iron, to generate heme, and the heme becomes incorporated into hemoglobin.