Recuperative Sentence Examples
Assyria and Damascus would realize the recuperative power of the latter, and would perceive the danger of the short-sighted policy of Joash.
In addition to this type of help, recuperative care also involves visits by a registered nurse who will monitor treatments as the patient recuperates.
The long-continued incitement to catabolism of the waking day thus of itself predisposes the nerve cells towards rebound into the opposite phase; the increased catabolism due to the day's stimuli induces increase of anabolism, and though recuperation goes on to a large extent during the day itself, the recuperative process is slower than, and lags behind, the disintegrative.
Recuperative home care offers many of the same services as non-medical home care, such as cooking, cleaning, and helping the elderly patient with getting dressed and bathing.
Imagine a hot and muggy summer evening outside on the veranda, and if you don't have one a patio will suffice, sipping this lovely and soft pink recuperative wine beverage.