Rectus Sentence Examples
Both are supplied by the abducens nerve, together with the rectus externus muscle.
The rectus sheath or external oblique aponeurosis was clearly exposed around the circumference of the defect.
Associated soft tissue defects were repaired using radial forearm (n = 22) or rectus abdominis (n= 5) free flaps.
In 3 patients the ipsilateral lateral rectus was also recessed.
Above it was noted that the English word " right " is derived from the Latin rectus meaning straight.
The tension of the rectus sheath increases the pressure within the abdomen like a pressurized balloon.
A lower rate is however encountered when the stoma is brought out through the rectus abdominis muscle.
I also recommend that for every hour of sitting that they stretch their iliopsoas and rectus femoris for a minimum of 30 seconds each.
Vertical leg lifts works the rectus abdominus safely (AFAIK).
The buccal mucous membrane graft is sutured to the sclera bounded by the insertion of the rectus muscles to create a new ocular surface.
AdvertisementWhen we talk about "abs", most of us just think about the sought-after sixpack, rectus abdominis.
First off, it is important to recognize that there's more to the abominals than just rectus abdominis, the visible sixpack.
The two most important muscles of male abs for aesthetic purposes are the rectus abdominis, i.e., the classic "six-pack", and the obliques, which wrap around the sides of the waist.
When you talk about lower abs, you generally refer to the bottom portion of the rectus abdominis muscle (the sixpack).
The bicycle maneuver, which is performed without ab exercise equipment was one of the most effective effective exercises for both the rectus abdominus and the obliques.
AdvertisementThe Ab Roller claimed ninth place for the rectus abdominus and tenth place for the obliques.
There is much more to your core than your rectus abdominis, however.
Performing lower ab crunches strengthens the lower part of your rectus abdominis and your transverse abdominis.
The lower part of your rectus abdominis, which runs vertically along the front of your stomach.
The transverse abdominis lies vertically underneath the rectus abdominis.
AdvertisementPerforming crunches for your lower abs is a very effective way to strengthen the lower rectus abdominis and the transverse abdominis.
He calls the rectus abdominus, the large external abdominal muscle used in performing crunches, the "outer unit."
The rectus abdominus muscles run vertically the length of your torso.
The transverse abdominus muscle group runs horizontally underneath the rectus abdominus muscles.
The primary function of the muscle group is to extend the knee and straighten the leg, but the rectus femoris also assists in the flexion of the hips.
AdvertisementFinally, the showcase muscle, the rectus abdominus, runs down your abdomen from your sternum to your pelvis.
For instance, you might start with a full core exercise, followed by exercises that isolate your rectus abdominus or obliques.
Your abdominal region is made up of several muscles including the rectus abdominis, the transverse abdominis, and the internal and external obliques.
The area that runs down the front center of the abdominal region is the rectus abdominis, and it is the muscle primarily responsible for a "six pack."
When seeking the best exercise to flatten abs, people often focus on the rectus abdominis as their area of greatest concern.
Captain's chair exercises strengthen your rectus abdominus and your transverse abdominus.
Regular crunches work your rectus abdominis and your transverse abdominis.
The plank exercise engages the entire core, including the deep muscles of your abdomen, the transverse abdominis and the "six pack" muscles, the rectus abdominis.
Your abdominal muscles consist of four different muscle groups, the rectus abdominis, internal obliques, external obliques and transverse abdominis.
Your rectus abdominis runs down your torso between your breastbone and hips, accounting for the "six pack" muscles.
Any time you do an exercise that targets the rectus abdominis, you're targeting both your "upper" and your "lower" abs - you're just targeting them from different angles.