Rectangular Sentence Examples
It is built on the usual rectangular plan and the streets are wide and well paved.
When it is desired to have a uniform magnet with definitely situated poles, it it usual to employ one having the form of an ovoid, or elongated ellipsoid of revolution, instead of a rectangular or cylindrical bar.
A rectangular room can easily feel overly long and narrow.
It was rebuilt on a rectangular plan and possesses several buildings of note.
The plan usually adopted is to collect the latex in rectangular tanks or casks.
The finest residence streets are in the Back Bay, which is laid out, in sharp contrast with the older quarters, in a regular, rectangular arrangement.
This apparatus has an oil-cup consisting of a cylindrical brass or gunmetal vessel, the cover of which is provided with three rectangular holes which may be closed and opened by means of a perforated slide moving in grooves; the movement of the slide causes a small oscillating colzaor rape-oil lamp to be tilted so that the flame (of specified size) is brought just below the surface of the lid.
The oldest stage-building was erected in the time of Lycurgus; it consisted of a rectangular hall with square projections (1rapauKs vca) on either side; in As= front of this was built in late Greek or early Roman times a stage with a row of columns which intruded upon the orchestra space; a later and larger stage, dating from the time of Nero, advanced still farther into the orchestra, and this was finally faced (probably in the 3rd century A.D.) by the " bema " of Phaedrus, a platform-wall decorated with earlier reliefs, the slabs of which were cut down to suit their new position.
It consisted of a large open rectangular space surrounded by an Ionic colonnade into which opened a number of shops or storehouses.
Similar maps illustrating the Commentaries exist at St Sever (1050), Paris (1203), and Tunis; others are rectangular, the oldest being in Lord Ashburnham's library (970).
AdvertisementThe distribution of magnetism and the position of the poles in magnets of other shapes, such as cylindrical or rectangular bars, cannot be specified by any general statement, though approximate determinations may be obtained experimentally in individual cases.'
The city is laid out in the rectangular plan, with broad streets and large squares.
Forces applied to Mechanism Classed.If 0 be the obliquity of a force F applied to a piece of a machinethat is, the angle made by the direction of the force with the direction of motion of its point of applicationthen by the principles of statics, F may be resolved into two rectangular components, viz.
It was selected by the Romans as a fortress to protect their settlements in northern Picenum, and strongly fortified in 174 B.C. The walls erected at that period, of large rectangular blocks of stone, still exist in great part.
The grapes are, after gathering, dusted over with plaster of Paris, and then crushed by treading in a shallow rectangular vessel termed the lagar.
AdvertisementConsiderable remains of its town walls, of large irregular, roughly rectangular blocks (the form is that of the natural splitting of the schistose sandstone), still exist, enclosing a circuit of about 11 m.
The rectangular arrangement of the streets in the centre of the town, through which passes the Via Aemilia, is no doubt a survival from Roman times.
As greater size has been demanded, oval and rectangular furnaces - as large as 180 in.
This may be rectangular in shape (" straight " shed), containing a series of parallel tracks on which the engines stand and which are reached by means of points and crossings diverging from a main track outside; or it may take a polygonal or circular form (round house or rotunda), the lines for the engines radiating from a turn-table which occupies the centre and can be rotated so as to serve any of the radiating lines.
The plan consists of a large rectangular nave, with semicircular recesses for altars, opening out of the aisles, north and south.
AdvertisementAhvaz reached the height of its prosperity in the 12th and 13th centuries and is now a collection of wretched hovels, with a small rectangular fort in a state of ruin, and an Arab population of about 400.
The main room of the ordinary temple was rectangular, with an elevated apsidal arrangement, like a choir, containing the sacred relief on its wall, at the end opposite the entrance, and with continuous benches (podia) of masonry, about 5 ft.
We will now apply the integrals (2) to the case of a rectangular aperture of width a parallel to x and of width b parallel to y.
We readily find (with substitution for k of 27r/X) a2b S n J s in fl „2a2E2 „2b2n2 f2X2 f2X2 as representing the distribution of light in the image of a mathematical point when the aperture is rectangular, as is often the case in spectroscopes.
In the particular case of a rectangular aperture the course of things can be readily followed, especially if we conceive f to be infinite.
AdvertisementThe resolving power of a telescope with circular or rectangular aperture is easily investigated experimentally.
When, as in the application to rectangular or circular apertures, the form is symmetrical with respect to the axes both of x and y, S = o, and C reduces to C = ff cos px cos gy dx dy,.
If, however, we assume the theory of a simple rectangular aperture (§ 3); the results of the ruling can be inferred by elementary methods, which are perhaps more instructive.
The furnace consists of a shaft, circular (or more rarely rectangular) in plan, into which alternate layers of fuel and ore are charged, an air blast being generally injected near to the bottom of the furnace through one or more tuyeres.
In general, the use of a square or rectangular cloth (whether folded diagonally or not) corresponds to the modern keffiyeh woven with long fringes which are plaited into cords knitted at the ends or worked into little balls sewn over with coloured silks and golden From Palestine Exploration Fund threads.
The town is regularly laid out in rectangular blocks of uniform width.
The south wall of Epipolae, considerable remains of which exist, shows traces of different periods in its construction, and was probably often restored.2 It is built of rectangular blocks of limestone generally quarried on the spot, about 53 ft.
With soft material, pillars must be large, even at moderate depths below the surface, and it involves less labour to leave long rectangular pillars than to form numerous Pillar- square ones.
The town is laid out in rectangular blocks at the foot of low hills, from the summit of which (as in Queen's Gardens) a splendid panorama is seen, including the snow-clad Mount Ruapehu to the north-east.
A hollow rectangular bottle is formed, the base and sides of which are converted into sheets.
These equations were found by d'Alembert from two principles - that a rectangular canal, taken in a mass of fluid in equilibrium, is itself in equilibrium, and that a portion of the fluid, in passing from one place to another, preserves the same volume when the fluid is incompressible, or dilates itself according to a given law when the fluid is elastic. His ingenious method, published in 1752, in his Essai sur la resistance des fluides, was brought to perfection in his Opuscules mathematiques, and was adopted by Leonhard Euler.
The palace plan is again rectangular, with a central pillared hall, and very similar in plan to that of Boghaz Keui.
The latter are circular or rectangular vessels, holding from 500 to 1500 gallons each, according to the capacity of the factory, and fitted with steam coils at the bottom and skimming troughs at the top. In them the syrup is quickly brought up to the boil and skimmed for about five minutes, when it is run off to the service tanks of the vacuum pans.
Bricks were also employed in later times; their form is peculiar to this place, each having two rectangular channels on one side, and being about 15 in.
A "crested" furrow is obtained by the use of a share, the wing of which is set at a higher altitude than the point, but this type of furrow is less generally found than the "rectangular" form obtained by a level-edged share, which leaves a flat bottom.
Later in that year they patented a process for the reduction of aluminium by carbon, and in 1886 an electric furnace with sliding carbon rods passed through the end walls to the centre of a rectangular furnace.
The root occurs in fibrous pieces, which are usually rectangular blocks of irregular shape, 2 in.
A common type of condenser consists of a copper worm placed in a water bath; but more generally straight tubes of copper or cast iron which cross and recross a rectangular tank are employed, since this form is more readily repaired and cleansed.
The Palazzo della Ragione, with its great hall on the upper floor, is reputed to have the largest roof unsupported by columns in Europe; the hall is nearly rectangular, its length 2672 ft., its breadth 89 ft., and its height 78 ft.; the walls are covered with symbolical paintings in fresco; the building stands upon arches, and the upper storey is surrounded by an open loggia, not unlike that which surrounds the basilica of Vicenza; the Palazzo was begun in 1172 and finished in 1219; in 1306 Fra Giovanni, an Augustinian friar, covered the whole with one roof; originally there were three roofs, spanning the three chambers into which the hall was at first divided; the internal partition walls remained till the fire of 1420, when the Venetian architects who undertook the restoration removed them, throwing all three compartments into one and forming the present great hall.
The ceiling is invariably boarded and subdivided by ribs into small rectangular coffers.
They were built on a rectangular plan, with a large central square and straight thoroughfares running at right angles or parallel to one another, this uniformity of construction being well exemplified in the existing bastide of Monpazier (Dordogne) founded by the English in 1284.
Let us apply the above theorem to the case of a small parallelepipedon or rectangular prism having sides dx, dy, dz respectively, its centre having co-ordinates (x, y, z).
Let this rectangular prism be supposed to be wholly filled up with electricity of density p; then the total quantity in it is p dx dy dz.
North, east and west of the city proper are suburbs, laid out on the same rectangular plan.
A rectangular trough of boards, whose dimensions depend chiefly on the size of the planks available, is set up on the higher part of the ground at one side of the claim to be worked, upon trestles or piers of rough stone-work, at such an inclination that the stream may carry off all but the largest stones, which are kept back by a grating of boards about 2 in.
In the process employed at the Worcester Works in the Transvaal, the liquors, containing about 150 grains of gold per ton and from 0.08 to o 01% of cyanide, are treated in rectangular vats in which is placed a series of iron and leaden plates at intervals of 1 in.
Scanty remains of walling and of buildings of the Roman period exist above ground; traces of a large rectangular platform were found in 1876, and part of the thermae in 1829; it occupied the summit of a hill defended by ravines, called Piano di Civita.
Its antiquities include traces of the city walls of rectangular blocks of travertine, remains of an amphitheatre of the time of Tiberius, a temple, theatre and baths (?), and numerous inscriptions.
There are remains of a wall of massive rectangular blocks of stone at the modern Porta Garibaldi on the south.
We know nothing further about the Greek system, but in the Roman adjustment the water was led from this series of cisterns into a large rectangular basin which formed the centre of a quadrangle 50 ft.
The old town, which preserves its rectangular plan from Roman times, is enclosed by walls, with towers constructed in the 12th century.
Of pre-Roman or Roman buildings in the town itself there are few remains, except for some fragments of the Etruscan town walls composed of rather small rectangular blocks of travertine, built into the medieval fortifications.
The urns themselves are small, often of terra-cotta, originally painted, though the majority of them have lost their colour, and rectangular in shape.
The Porta Romana is a double-arched Roman gate; adjacent are remains of the massive ancient city walls, in rectangular blocks of stone 2 ft.
There are some remains of the ancient city walls of rectangular blocks of tufa on the southern side of the town, and some rock-cut sewers in the cliffs below them.
In the United States and Scotland rectangular pits secured by timber framings are still common, but the tendency the pressure being reduced to that of the external atmosphere when it is desired to open the upper door, and increased to that of the working space below when it is intended to communicate with the sinkers, or to raise the stuff broken in the bottom.
The field is divided by levels and headings into rectangular banks, while from the main levels bords or wickets about 30 yds.
From the gate road a heading called a bolt-hole is opened, and extended into a large rectangular chamber, known as a " side of work," large pillars being left at regular intervals, besides smaller ones or cogs.
The lower quadrant of the casing is enlarged spirally, so as to leave a narrow rectangular opening at the bottom, through which the air is discharged into a chimney of gradually increasing section carried to a height of about 25 ft.
The guides or conductors in the pit may be constructed of wood, in which case rectangular fir beams, about 3 by 4 in., are used, attached at intervals of a few feet to buntons or cross-beams built into the lining of the pit.
These " battalias " had their angles strengthened in the oldfashioned way that had prevailed since Marignan, with small outstanding bodies of musketeers, so that they resembled rectangular forts with bastions.
The forms of these are earth-heaps, conical mounds, walls of earth,, rectangular pyramids and effigies (Putnam).
The collimateur which is used in many sights is a rectangular box closed at one end by a darkened glass with a i "?
It consisted of a rectangular court surrounded by chambers on the outside and with a colonnade of thirty-six columns of cipollino (Carystian) marble and grey granite.
The most important formulae are those which correspond to the use of rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates.
The figure is such as would be produced by removing a piece of a rectangular prism, and is called a briquette.
A briquette may therefore be defined as a solid figure bounded by a pair of parallel planes, another pair of parallel planes at right angles to these, a base at right angles to these four planes (and therefore rectangular), and a top which is a surface of any form, but such that every ordinate from the base cuts it in one point and one point only.
It may be regarded as generated either by a trapezette moving in a direction at right angles to itself and changing its top but keeping its breadth unaltered, or by an ordinate moving so that its foot has every possible position within a rectangular base.
The reverse or lower side of the coin received a rectangular mark made by the sharp edges of the little anvil.
The chief ruin is a rectangular walled enclosure, 238 ft.
Let, now, the plate be made in the usual manner to vibrate so as to exhibit two nodal lines coinciding with two rectangular diameters.
In analytical geometry, the equation to the sphere takes the forms x 2 +y 2 +z 2 =a 2, and r=a, the first applying to rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates, the second to polar, the origin being in both cases at the centre of the sphere.
They consist of large unworked blocks of a travertine which naturally splits into roughly rectangular blocks; these are quite irregular, and often as much as 9 ft.
It is rectangular in plan, and portions of its walls, partly in fine polygonal work and partly in opus incertum, are preserved.
An outer court, circular or rectangular, surrounds the body of the church.
A rectangular or square podium is in each case surmounted by a pyramid.
Eleven weights from Syria and Cnidus (44) (of the curious type with two breasts on a rectangular block) show a mina of 6250 (125.0); and it is singular that this class is exactly like weights of the 224 system found with it, but yet quite distinct in standard.
In the great extensions which the city has undergone since 1600, the old rectangular arrangement has been followed.
The legionary fortresses were large rectangular others, principally (it seems) forts built before 150, wood is used freely and only the few principal buildings seem to have been constructed throughout of stone.
The regular form of the buildings was rectangular, the gable sides probably being shorter than the others.
It was defended by a deep ditch, which can still be traced, and by walls, a portion of which, on the eastern side, constructed of rectangular blocks of tufa, was brought to light in 1897.
In 1818 the Lehigh Navigation Company was formed to improve the navigation of the Lehigh river from its confluence with the Delaware to Coalport, and two years later coal was successfully carried down the Lehigh and Delaware rivers to Philadelphia in " arks " or rectangular boxes, two or more of which were joined together and steered by a long oar.
A large open space, not regularly rectangular, was enclosed on two sides - possibly on three - by Doric colonnades.
The furnace consisted of a flat, rectangular, firebrick box, packed with a layer of finely-powdered charcoal 2 in.
It is a rectangular piece of cloth which is wrapped round the neck, shoulders and breast.
The main artery is the Gothersgade, running from Kongens Nytor y to the western boulevards, and separating a district of regular thoroughfares and rectangular blocks to the north from one of irregular, narrow and picturesque streets to the south.
The Great Table, a rectangular stone seen by Tavernier in 1642 at Golconda, was found by him to weigh 242 1 - 3 6 - carats; Maskelyne regards it as identical with the Darya-i-nur, which is also a rectangular stone weighing about 186 carats in the possession of the shah of Persia.
The plan of the city is rectangular, and the streets intersect at right angles, a peculiarity handed down from Roman times, though the area enclosed by the medieval walls is larger than that of the Roman town,, which occupied the eastern portion of the present one.
The first (proceeding from the north), once known as the Pantheon, is generally regarded as a macellum or meat-market, consisting of a rectangular court surrounded by a colonnade, with a twelvesided roofed building (tholes) in the centre.
Adjoining the theatres is a large rectangular enclosure, surrounded by a portico, at first the colonnade connected with the theatres, and converted, about the time of Nero, into the barracks of the gladiators, who were permanently maintained in the city with a view to the shows in the amphitheatre.
Fosca, a church of the 12th century, octagonal outside, with colonnades on five sides and a rectangular interior intended for a dome which was never executed, beyond which is a three-apsed choir.
But the form of the tombs always remains the same, a small low chamber hewn in the rock, with a rectangular opening about 2 by 22 ft., out of which open other chambers, each with its separate doorway; and inhumation is adopted without exception, whereas in a Greek necropolis a low percentage of cases of 1 Leontini, Megara, Naxos, Syracuse, Zancle are all recorded as sites where the Sicel gave way to the Greek (in regard to Syracuse [q.v.] this has recently been proved to be true), while many other towns remained Sicel longer, among them Abacaenum, Agyrium, Assorus, Centuripae, Cephaloedium, Engyum, Hadranum, Halaesa, Henna, Herbessus, Herbita, Hybla Galeatis, Inessa, Kale Akte, Menaenum, Morgantina.
They brought with them iron, which they used for their long swords and for their cutting implements; the costume of both sexes was distinct from that of the Pelasgians; they used round shields with a central boss instead of the 8-shaped or rectangular shields of the latter; they fastened their garments with brooches, and burned their dead instead of burying them as did the Pelasgians.
In places where perennial irrigation is impossible, the land is divided by rectangular dikes into basins.
The rectangular scraper (42) began in S.D.
In the Roman period a larger stone was used, with a rectangular slab (96) sliding on it, in which a long trough held the grain and let it slip out below for grinding.
Remains of the ancient theatre and of the city walls exist in the modern village, and above it is an area surrounded by a portico, in opus reticulatum, upon the north side of which is a rectangular building in opus quadratum, probably connected with the temple of Juno.
The plan of the town is rectangular, with wide streets; and there is a fine open reserve.
The town lay below the modern high-road and was laid out on a rectangular plan divided by main streets into eight quarters, and these in turn into blocks or insulae.
The blocks are often not quite rectangular, and the courses sometimes change; but the general tendency is horizontal and the walls are not of remote antiquity, the irregularities in them being rather due to the hardness of the material employed, the rock of the hill itself.
A flat surface was formed partly by smoothing off the rock and partly by the erection of huge terrace walls which rise to a height of over 50 ft., enclosing a roughly rectangular area of 235 by 115 yds.
Two approaches to the citadel were constructed, both passing through the wall; the openings of both are rectangular.
There are some two hundred rectangular tomb buildings in unburnt brick with ornamented fronts.
The theatre, covered by a stream of lava, and built partly of small rectangular blocks of the same material, though in the main of concrete, has been superimposed upon the Greek building, some foundations of which, in calcareous stone, of which the seats are also made, still exist.
The ancient city walls are in some points still existing, in others they have been much restored; they are built of rectangular blocks of porous limestone about IL ft.
The town is laid out on the usual Dutch South African plan - in rectangular blocks with a central market square.
A striking contrast exists between the Moorish quarter, with its tortuous lanes and Oriental architecture, and the modern quarter, with its rectangular streets and wide open squares, frequently bordered with trees and adorned with fountains.
The general plan is that of rectangular squares, except at the western extremity of the old city and its union with the newer or extra-mural city, on the line of the old ramparts, known as Calle de la Ciudadela.
It consists of a rectangular enclosure, nearly 2 m.
Hence, and in this lies the main element of the symmetry and simplicity of the quaternion calculus, all systems of three mutually rectangular unit lines in space have the same properties as the fundamental system i, j, k.
Were this all, the gain by their introduction would consist mainly in a clearer insight into the mechanism of co-ordinate systems, rectangular or not - a very important addition to theory, but little advance so far as practical application is concerned.
The east and south gates exist (the latter, a double gate with three arches flanked by two towers, is the Porta Praetoria, and is especially fine), while the rectangular arrangement of the streets perpetuates the Roman plan, dividing the town into 16 blocks (insulae).
The town consists of two parts, the closely built old town on the peninsula to the N., and the new town to the S., which is laid out on a rectangular plan.
In 1850 Spano excavated many Phoenician tombs; they are rectangular or square chambers cut in the rock, measuring from 6 to 9 ft.
At each step there is a gain in itccu racy and comprehensiveness; and the conviction is cherishei that some system of rectangular axes exists with respeci to which the Newtonian scheme holds with all imaginabb accuracy.
If the origin of rectangular axes fixed in the lamina be shifted through a space whose projections on the original directions of the axes are X, u, and if the axes are simultaneously turned through an angle e, the coordinates of a point of the lamina, relative to the original axes, are changed from x, y to X+x cos ey sin e, u+x sin e+y cos e, or X + x ye, u + Xe + y, ultimately.
We first suppose that one point 0 of the body is fixed, and take this as the origin of a right-handed system of rectangular co-ordinates; i.e.
Hence a couple of moment G, whose axis has the direction (1, m, n) relative to a right-handed system of rectangular axes, FIG.
It appears from (24) that through any assigned point 0 three rectangular axes can be drawn such that the product of inertia with respect to each pair of co-ordinate planes vanishes; these are called the principal axes of inertia at 0.
Obviously OV is parallel to the tangent to the path atP, and its magnitude is ds/dt, where s is the arc. If we project OV on the co-ordinate axes (rectangular or oblique) in the usual manner, the projections u, v, w are called the component velocities parallel to the axes.
Take rectangular axes, of which Oz coincides with the axis of rotation.
Proceeding to the general motion of a rigid body in two dimensions we may take as the three co-ordinates of the body the rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates x, y of the mass-centre G and the angle C through which the body has turned from some standard position.
Parallel Projections of Figures.If any figure be referred to a system of co-ordinates, rectangular or oblique, and if a second figure be constructed by means of a second system of co-ordinates, rectangular or oblique, and either agreeing with or differing from the first system in rectangularity or obliquity, but so related to the co-ordin.
For example, all ellipsoids referred to co-ordinates parallel to any three conjugate diameters are parallel projections of each other and of a sphere referred to rectangular co-ordinates.
For a pair of skew-bevel wheels the pitch-circles are a pair of contiguous rectangular sections of the pitch-surfaces.
The reclaiming and protecting of the riparian lands went on rapidly under the Romans, and in several places the rectangular divisions of the ground, still remarkably distinct, show the military character of some of the agricultural colonies.
He investigated the problem by means of the general differential equations of static equilibrium for dams of triangular and rectangular form considered as isotropic elastic solids.
Then the difference between the normal pressure on a rectangular element in the lower plane and that on the upper plane is the weight of the element and the difference between the shears on the vertical faces of that element.
It is a long dead-level of rich fields, with a soil lighter in colour than that of Bengal or Behar; much more friable, and apt to split up into small cubes with a rectangular cleavage.
A third variety, of which an 8th century B.C. example from Nimrild exists in the British Museum, is a rectangular block ornamented at the ends by cylindrical rolls.
The state is nearly rectangular in shape, with a breadth of about 210 m.
The "Livesey 17 washer, a well-known type, is a rectangular cast iron vessel.
Another great change in the general aspect of the city has been produced by the erection of stately mosques in the most commanding situations, where dome and minarets and huge rectangular buildings present a combination of mass and slenderness, of rounded lines and soaring pinnacles, which gives to Constantinople an air of unique dignity and grace, and at the same time invests it with the glamour of the oriental world.
Forlimpopoli was again destroyed by Cardinal Albornoz in 1360, and rebuilt by Sinibaldo Ordelaffi, who constructed the wellpreserved medieval castle (1380), rectangular with four circular towers at the corners.
This is expressed in three equations, one for each of the three rectangular co-ordinates.
Wollaston made the experiment in 1802, and perceived the spaces of colour to be interrupted by seven obscure gaps, which took the shape of lines owing to his use of rectangular slit.
They are rectangular, with the door to the south, and two rows of columns forming aisles east and west.
The oratories were of the same form and material, but the larger churches and kingly banqueting halls were rectangular and made of sawn boards.
It is partly hewn in the rock, the rest (especially the back wall of the stage) being of very roughly hewn, long, thin blocks of hard limestone, approximately rectangular, with smaller pieces filling up the interstices.
They differ from the latter in that they are rectangular instead of hexagonal.
The first of these two shows certain affinities with the culture characteristic of the western area of Africa, such as rectangular huts, clothing of bark and palm-fibre, fetishism, &c., but cattle-breeding is found as well as agriculture.
One method consists in finding directly the elliptic constants of the vibration by means of a quarterwave plate and an analyser; but the more usual plan is to measure the relative retardation of two rectangular components of the stream by a Babinet's compensator.
Sometimes 0 is lozenge-shaped 0 and rarely (in Arcadia and Elis) rectangular ?.
It consists of two principal parts, an oblong rectangular box with an arrangement of plates, blocks and wedges, and over it a framework with heavy stampers which produce the pressure by their fall.
There are considerable remains of perhaps pre-Roman polygonal walls - in one place a piece of this walling has masonry of rectangular blocks superposed, with an inscription of two of the Roman municipal magistrates (quattuorviri).
The city is in great part laid out in rectangular squares, the streets running nearly with the cardinal points of the compass.
The buildings are rectangular in shape, long and narrow, divided usually into two ranges of rooms. They are generally arranged in groups of four, enclosing a quadrangular court, and sometimes singly on massive eminences.
The Nunnery Quadrangle consists of four large rectangular independent buildings, enclosing a quadrangular court, the whole occupying a terrace over 300 ft.
The earliest examples were square or rectangular in horizontal section, but the general tendency of modern practice is to substitute round sections, their construction being facilitated by the use of specially moulded bricks which have entirely superseded the sandstone blocks formerly used.
The audience enter a booth one at a time to watch a three minute performance through a small rectangular aperture.
Two of the class were modified with rectangular saddle tanks and condensing apparatus for use in Wapping tunnel, Liverpool.
The temples were usually quite small, rectangular in shape and often had a small apse at one end.
Shelves, doors, backs and so on can be integrated into this simple, square or rectangular modular architecture using small hidden fitments.
Producers, suppliers of quality soft haylage in rectangular bales weighing 240kg.
The entrance consists of a rectangular surface blockhouse on the west edge of the park approximately 10 ' X 5 ' .
This is another windowless rectangular blockhouse with a blast protected entrance.
Extended Performance X-ray - similar to the hardwood bolection bead (see Plasform original) for square or rectangular apertures only.
Noticed some one carrying a small rectangular box, strapped in his shoulder.
Churchyard Whitford church occupies a large rectangular churchyard Whitford church occupies a large rectangular churchyard overlooking the Dee Estuary; the ground slopes naturally from west to east.
Although of various forms most of the burials were long cists covered by low, rectangular, kerbed deposits of stone.
To apply keystone correction to get a rectangular image use the " menu " button.
Rolled Aluminum / polyethylene, These capacitors use two long rectangular metal plates, separated by sheets of polyethylene dielectric.
Fish farms are represented by the filled rectangular block, with the areas of impacted seabed denoted by the filled ellipses.
There is a rectangular enclosure to the north of the tower which may be of more recent date.
This is a large rectangular room with two ornate fireplaces - French doors open onto the front lawns.
Brecon Gaer was, like most roman forts, rectangular in shape with an entrance in the middle of each side.
A series of rectangular small pools are set at right angles to the main channel, each with its own bubbling fountain.
Above is a rectangular window of two lights with hollow chamfers all in buff-yellow freestone.
A similar clasp knife handle from South Shields Roman fort, made in ivory, depicts a gladiator with rectangular shield standing en garde.
Use this keyword to specify irregularly spaced rectangular output grids.
On the bottom bound of the laurel wreath is to be found the rectangular silver hallmark.
No one else had rectangular headboards carried across the center of the smokebox door.
The surface building consists of a rectangular windowless concrete blockhouse with one corner cut out and a slightly hipped roof.
Just under eaves, a rectangular slot window with yellow sandstone jambs, now blocked.
These are concrete pits of a few square meters, leveled flush with the ground, with some steel plates like rectangular manhole covers.
At a much lower level, a large rectangular object suddenly materialized.
Several timber buildings were identified, both round and rectangular, and there was evidence of ferrous and non-ferrous metalworking at the site.
It is nearly a rectangular parallelogram, about 300 by 700 yards.
This hole is a tight right-to-left dog-leg, with it's barely penetrable entrance largely blocked by three old rectangular oil tanks.
Above a rectangular plinth is a face showing what appears to be a long beard.
A 3 4 5 rectangular prism can be made from the 3-dimensional pentominoes.
Round versus rectangular If you want performance and serious airtime always choose rectangular.
Selection tools including rectangular, elliptical, free, fuzzy and paths.
The monument consists of a roughly rectangular cairn containing two chambers facing up the hill.
The building is approximately rectangular with walls of unshaped stone.
Rather the full data or trajectory matrix, usually rectangular, is fitted directly to the vector of data elements.
Churchyard A well maintained almost rectangular enclosure on flat ground.
It consists in the use of bars not rectangular, but of wedge form, or swelled out on the upper edge.
It should fold naturally into a rectangular section tube as the cloth is more flexible between the columns of stiffening ribs.
At the base, on each corner, is a small rectangular projection above which sit carved scrolls running up the corners.
Shield This man carries a large rectangular shield called a scutum.
The yellow area was covered simply by using a rectangular shape rather than with a fiddly polygon.
Where a temple is found within an enclosed space, this is in most cases a rectangular space aligned with the temple.
Body forms as cooking pots but with a rectangular handle and tubular spout.
An attempt has been made to select an asymmetric unit using a rectangular subregion of the section.
Detailed Description A tableau which renders its child tableaux as a rectangular grid.
The other tombstone, rectangular in shape, records the death in 1731 of Mary Barclay, aged 107!
Prices range from £ 179 for our smallest circular trampoline up to over £ 1,600 for our largest premier rectangular trampoline.
For a rectangular prism, we obtain upper bounds for the equilibrium energy by constructing trial configurations from local solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equations.
A rectangular flat-roofed canopy extended from the building, over the platform, and demonstrated an intricate pointed valance (see Plumstead ).
We investigate the propagation of well-defined vector modes along strongly guiding rectangular waveguides.
Two rectangular splayed windows with only the dressings not whitewashed.
It consists of five rectangular compartments, three on one side of the corridor FIG.
The site, surrounded by ravines and accessible only on the W., is naturally strong and characteristic of an Etruscan town; on this side there is a considerable fragment of the ancient Etruscan wall, built of rectangular blocks of tufa (whether the rest of the site was protected by walls is uncertain), and a ruined castle, erected by Antonio da Sangallo the elder in 1499, for Pope Alexander VI., and restored by Pope .Paul III.
Arts, 1890, 38, 885), which consists of a rectangular block of iron shaped like Hopkinson's yoke, and slotted out in the same way to receive a magnetizing coil (fig.
This idea finds fuller expression in the algebra of matrices, as to which it must suffice to say that a matrix is a symbol consisting of a rectangular array of scalars, and that matrices may be combined by a rule of addition which obeys the usual laws, and a rule of multiplication which is distributive and associative, but not, in general, commutative.
But the cloister garth, as at Chichester, is not rectangular, and all the surrounding buildings are thus made to sprawl in a very awkward fashion.
Of the three grades of the first class the badge is a rectangular gold and yellow enamel plaque, decorated with two upright blue dragons, with details in green and white, between the heads for the first grade a pearl, for the second a ruby, for the third a coral, set in green, white and gold circles.
The maksura is a rectangular domed chamber divided by 296 marble and porphyry columns into 17 aisles, each aisle having 8 arches.
Angkor-Vat, the best preserved example of Khmer architecture, lies less than a mile to the south of the royal city, within a rectangular park surrounded by a moat, the outer perimeter of which measures 6060 yds.
If now we assume the water to have a depth d above the base, the total water pressure represented by the triangle kbh will have its centre at d/3 from the base, and by the parallelogram of forces, assuming the density of the masonry to be 2.5, we find that the centre of pressure upon the base bc is shifted from the centre of the base to a point i nearer to the outer toe c, and adopting our assumption of uniformly varying intensity of stress, the rectangular diagram of pressures will thus be distorted from the figure bfgc to the figure of equal area bjlc, having its centre o vertically under the point at which the resultant of all the forces cuts the base bc. For any lower level the same treatment may, step by step, be adopted, until the maximum intensity of pressure cl exceeds the assumed permissible maximum, or the centre of pressure reaches an assigned distance from the outer toe c, when the base must be widened until the maximum intensity of pressure or the centre of pressure, as the case may be, is brought within the prescribed limit.
The gas-generators G have a rectangular section, 6 X12 ft., several of them being erected in series.
The original shape determined from the faculty plan of 1862 was roughly rectangular with rounded corners.
Round versus Rectangular If you want performance and serious airtime always choose rectangular.
For this reason we strongly recommend only one user at a time on a rectangular trampoline.
Channels with V shaped and rectangular cross-sections need to be formed in glass or plastic.
She devised a puzzle based on the idea of filling in squares on a rectangular grid to create a picture.
Roughly rectangular in shape, Portugal is surrounded on two sides by Spain.
More elaborate vaults were square or rectangular in plan and contained up to twelve burials.
Handle is made from a single piece of bone, rectangular in cross section.
The rear part of the body tends to be squared off, rather more rectangular in cross-section.
The ground floor window frames were distinctly arched, featuring patterned brickwork, whilst the first floor counterparts were instead rectangular in appearance.
The shoe is a rectangular piece of wood with a semicircle cut into the far side so that it fits snugly around a disk.
This room has a small rectangular bar at one end, wooden flooring and sofa type seating, with some tables and chairs.
The other tombstone, rectangular in shape, records the death in 1731 of Mary Barclay, aged 107 !
The device was mounted directly above the apron traverse handwheel on a raised rectangular boss.
Baby Blocks Cake - Cut rectangular cakes into squares (two layers high) and frost on five sides.
A round crib serves much the same purpose as a typical, rectangular crib.
However, the rectangular cakes that are decorated and sold commercially are also referred to as sheet cakes.
Do you want a square one or a rectangular one?
The standard of course is the long rectangular aquarium, but aquariums now also come in such shapes as octagons, cylinders and cubes.
Its thick rectangular shape makes it feel a lot sturdier than the flimsy iPod Nano, so you won't have to worry about snapping it in two like a cracker.
Barely a centimeter thick, the player is long, thin and rectangular in shape.
While the first five seasons were sold in rectangular cardboard cases, season six introduced plastic packaging in the shape of a character's head, in this case, Homer.
For a rectangular table, measure the length of your table plus two times the length of the drop you want.
They are often rectangular, combining the driving and living space in an open floor plan.
Pop-up camper - Just as its name suggests, a pop-up camper begins as a rectangular box, but when opened, the front and back pop out.
Gold bars on the other hand are formed rather easily into rectangular bars, so their worth is more accurate then the coins.
You can find rectangular styles with polarized and non-polarized lens.
Mat-style beds are basically just plush rectangular mats that can be placed on floors and furniture.
For example, if you're trying to create a custom windowsill bed, a rectangular bed is probably best suited to the space.
A rectangular table has a more formal look and is appropriate for larger dining rooms.
The initial table shape may be square or rectangular, and will grow with the addition of its leaves.
When working with square or rectangular cushions, avoid bulk in the corners by trimming the seam allowance and turning the fabric using a knitting needle to poke out the corners.
They're basically two rectangular wooden boxes mounted on posts and outfitted with rails.
The Creative Homeowner provides plans for a classic rectangular outdoor table sized for children.
Build a simple square or rectangular frame from the 2 x 4s by pre-drilling holes in the ends of them and attaching them together using wood screws.
Common vanity shapes are kidney-shape or rectangular.
When buying table linens, you need to make sure you are buying ones cut to fit the exact shape of your table - oblong, round, rectangular, square and so on.
Wall Pops! -- allow you to create your own designs out of circular and rectangular shapes for more mature teenage bedrooms.
Bathtubs come in rectangular, corner, oval or circular shapes and either built-in or freestanding styles.
Wreaths also come in a variety of sizes and shapes such as circular, heart-shaped, rectangular, triangular, diamond-shaped, and square.
Round and triangular variations exist; these are similarly structured to the rectangular version.
Bolster pillows add variety and visual interest to groupings of rectangular and square pillows.
He also turned away from curved lines in favor of straight lines and rectangular designs with an emphasis on vertical lines.
Rectangular pillows work best on elongated pieces of furniture like sofas or beds.
The oval is the most popular shape of a braided rug, although rugs also come in round and rectangular shapes.
Subway tile is the name given to any rectangular shaped tiles.
For modern showers, look for ceramic tiles in new sizes such as 4 x 12-inches and stack the rectangular tiles on top of one another, rather than offsetting them.
Wondering how to arrange furniture in a rectangular living room can drive you a little crazy with the asymmetry of the space.
By creating conversation areas to break the room up, you can transform your rectangular living room easily.
A rectangular space offers specific interior design challenges when it comes to arranging furniture.
Spreading the furniture out to fill the entire space is extremely impractical in rectangular living rooms.
Not all rectangular living rooms follow the same footprint.
If you've been wondering how to arrange furniture in a rectangular living room, you now have the tools to try out a few designs of your own.
The rug shapes are rectangular and runner and they are available in different sizes.
A runner is a long, rectangular strip of rug that is used in hallways or staircases.
A rectangular shaped area rug's length is longer than the width.
Mirrors have long been available in round, square and rectangular shapes.
The tenon is shaped so that it fits into a matching rectangular cavity called a mortise.
Square and rectangular rooms come with specific design challenges.
You can break up rectangular shapes such as a kitchen dining nook with an oval area rug.
Runners are long rectangular strips of rug used to cover bare floors in hallways or stairs.
Most synthetic rugs come in rectangular, oval or circular shapes.
Vine rugs come in a range of shapes – rectangular, oval, circular, octagonal or long runner.
If you want the rug to cover the whole room, think rectangular.
For rectangular rugs, put a piece of paper in each corner where you would like the rug’s edge to hit.
Once unwrapped, you find a sturdy bottle with classic rectangular angles and topped with a crowning stopper.
Rectangular styles are most popular with three-panel mirrors, but circular tri-fold styles and winged ovals are also available.
The "toolbox" is not so much a box as it is a sleek, rectangular palette housed in Mercier's signature brown metallic packaging.
They have finger indentations on one side of its rectangular shape.
Tofu fans, especially vegetarians, who typically eat the off-white, soy-based rectangular blocks of protein in large amounts, were instantly alarmed by the news.
In addition, heart-shaped, rectangular, hexagonal, and column cakes are becoming more popular.
Renting a few large rectangular banquet tables may be more cost effective than getting many small round tables, so double check your guest count and figure costs before securing the rentals.
A simple centerpiece for a long, rectangular table is to use faux grapes and vine.
Tiered cakes can have round, square, rectangular, or abstractly shaped layers, and they can be stacked, arranged with pillars, or made in other styles.
A wedding sheet cake is a flat rectangular cake that provides a large decorating surface and is easy to slice and serve.
Many brides and grooms like the smoothness of a round tiered cake, and it's the natural style choice if you don't like the sharp corners of a square or rectangular cake.
Stacked square or rectangular cakes are an elegant choice for a wedding.
A flat square or rectangular cake, however, can usually be sliced normally.
Square and rectangular cakes or sheet cakes are the easiest to cut.
Sheet cakes and large round cakes are common at weddings for brides and grooms who want to save money, since they don't cost as much as tiered models, and any cupcake cake can be made in a flat rectangular or circular shape.
Square or rectangular wedding cakes look classic with their clean lines, and more unusual shapes, such as hexagons or pentagons, make for beautiful presentations.
Place raspberries in a rectangular border all around the cake, several layers deep, and have your decorator use buttercream to pipe a wedding message into the middle of the cake or place a cake topper there.
Though the traditional floor pillow is square shaped, there are also many rectangular and circular floor pillows.
Rectangular pillows are generally available in medium and large sizes (to accommodate children and adults, respectively), and vary accordingly.
A general measurement of a large rectangular pillow is 58 inches long.
The first is a sewn-through-stitching construction that creates rectangular or square pockets within the comforter.
Even if you don't have a basket novelty pan, you can turn any round, square or rectangular cake into a basket using a small to medium size basket weave decorating tip.
One of the easiest options when considering how to decorate a bunny cake is to choose a basic rectangular sheet cake as your base.
You can add legs to this cake by using mini rectangular cakes made in small loaf pans and then shaped.
The rectangular shape of a sheet cake provides ample room for carving out figures.
Bake a rectangular cake with the pan, let the cake cool, and freeze it briefly to firm up the shape.
Transfer the design onto a square or rectangular cake using either the piping gel or toothpick method.
The rectangular flag shape looks more natural on a square or rectangular sheet cake, but it's also possible to make a flag shape on a round cake.
Begin by using a thin round frosting tip and a pastry bag to pipe a white rectangular border in the size of the flag you want to create.
Cut a rectangular cake in half horizontally and then stack them together.
Cut a rectangular cake into the shape of an hourglass.
Instead of using a flat rectangular cake, experienced decorators can sculpt stacked round cakes into an hourglass shape for a similar effect.
A classic birthday option, the number cake involves carving digits from a large, flat rectangular sheet cake.
Start out with a single or double layer square cake, round cake, or rectangular sheet cake.
To create the hat, bake a rectangular cake and then cut out the shape of a top hat.
The easiest way to do a lovebird cake is to bake a square or rectangular cake with a flat top, frost it with white buttercream, and use a pastry bag and various decorating tips to pipe on outlines and details for the birds.
The following directions for an Easter bunny cake are based on a standard, 9 inch by 13 inch rectangular sheet cake.
Create a field of marshmallow bunnies on top of a square, round or rectangular cake.
You can make the cake with a rectangular, square, or round base.
Shape your eight piles into eight little log shapes or rectangular bricks and poke them with a fork.
The 20' x 15' rectangular pool is heated, filtered and purified, and is five foot, seven inches at its deepest point.
To do this, place the pieces of lumber in the shape you plan to create for the box, usually a rectangular box shape.
Most of the sinks shown so far are standard rectangular styles, but you can also find double-bowl kitchen sinks that are rounded for a very traditional look.
Homeowners can choose rectangular pieces that look like wood planks, and the result can be a floor that actually resembles hardwood.
Use them to cover the walls of the bathroom to wainscot height, or run them as a border and coordinate them with rectangular or square tiles to provide contrast.Stix are tiles 1/2-inch in width.
While years ago tile was a flat, square or rectangular shaped product most likely made of ceramic clay, today's tile is something else entirely.
Use them to cover the walls of the bathroom to wainscot height, or run them as a border and coordinate them with rectangular or square tiles to provide contrast.
Behind the range, switch to a pattern that includes square or rectangular tiles to set off the circles, such as a basketweave pattern where the dot has been replaced with a circle.
Shape can differ between the two tiles as well, with the dark tile taking on a rectangular shape to frame a square tile in the middle.
The rectangular body of the bag zips open around the top, revealing inner storage compartments to organize your pieces and keep the more delicate ones from being scratched during transport.
Gems centered in symmetrical knots in circular, square, or rectangular patterns.
Square or rectangular lockets aren't as popular as a round or oval ones, but this type of locket can be unique.
This can be achieved through wider frames that have an angular or rectangular bend.
Tilted square lenses, varying shapes of square lenses and smaller rectangular styles also add variety to the basic squared or rounded square styles.
These are rectangular frames, but the severity of the shape is substantially lessened by the incredible snakeskin detailing.
Choose this pair for its rectangular shape, its flex temples and its optical quality lenses.