Recruits Sentence Examples
Their recruits came from the elite class, while the regular army came from the poor.
Assigned as recruits to the navy..
The recruits drilled while singing martial songs.
Available as army recruits, fit 425,557
On the 31St March 1883, ten weeks after the arrival of the first draft of recruits, about 5600 men went through the ceremonial parade movements as practised by the British guards in Hyde Park, with unusual precision.
Recruits were added, in some cases by compulsion, until the band numbered about sixty.
The peace strength of permanent troops, without the annual contingent of recruits, is about 13,500 officers and men, the annual contingent of men trained two or three years with the colours about 22,500, and the annual contingent of special reservists (men trained for brief periods) about 17,000.
But he had not the force to invade England, or to take the castle, and waited, collecting recruits and money, and encouraged by empty promises from France, till, as he wrote to James (26th of October), " I shall have one decisive stroke for 't, but unless the French land, perhaps none.
They provided recruits for the Roman auxilia, like their neighbours the Astures, and their land contained lead mines, of which, however, little is known.
His ancestors in the 18th century had sent recruits to the famous brigade of Irish exiles in the service of France,' and those who remained at home either lived as tenants on the possessions of which they had once been lords, or gradually made money by smuggling, a very general calling in that wild region.
AdvertisementThe amir's first measures were designed to enhance his popularity and to improve his internal administration, particularly with regard to the relations of his government with the tribes, and to the system introduced by the late amir of compulsory military service, whereby each tribe was required to supply a proportionate number of recruits.
As their stories unfolded, she learned that the men had gone back with recruits to retrieve the supplies.
He was losing established Guardians—mostly in Europe—and an entire class of new recruits.
Because of her natural ability, she's been intimately involved in screening new recruits.
A center with high attrition will constantly be hiring new recruits, whatever performance gains are put in place.
AdvertisementThe seaside resort is now awash with young Navy recruits and members of the Pioneer Corps.
Addresses and telephone numbers for potential recruits are selected at random from the annual agricultural census.
A camp devoted to teaching female ejaculation to it's recruits.
The scientists watched the waggle dance occurring in a glass observation hive and identified recruits.
They were joined by hundreds of Leeds families, including current members of 442 and potential new recruits.
AdvertisementNew recruits Train children to become school librarians to raise the profile of reading in the school library.
Ringing is a rewarding and absorbing pastime, new recruits are always welcome!
All potential recruits serve a two-year probation during which they are assessed for mountaineering competence and the acquisition of specific mountain rescue skills.
The firm's growing reputation has attracted many new recruits this year from outside the region.
In breaking in new recruits they should be set to imitate expert workmen in all the details possible.
AdvertisementWe have a view that ultimately 50% of our graduate recruits would have come in via the placement route.
War was declared on 4th August and Lord Kitchener of Khartoum appealed for 200,000 army recruits during August.
Her major responsibility was the annual training program for the company's graduate recruits.
It also sucks when you see headlines like ' Al Qaeda ' bomb kills 50 Iraq police recruits ' .
The barracks were full of fresh recruits, also many reservists were arriving every day.
Flying Fish trains and recruits yacht skippers and sail, dive, surf, windsurf, ski and snowboard instructors.
U Can Do I.T. also recruits freelance tutors and information is provided on the website.
Whereas the levy of 1894 showed 40% of the recruits to be completely illiterate, only 27% were illiterate when the levy was discharged in 1897.
The new recriuting scheme of I907 re-established three categories of recruits, the 2nd category corresponding practically to the German Ersatz-Reserve.
At their head was Gregory, the Patriarch; a layman, said later to be Rockycana's nephew; in Michael Bradacius, the priest of Senftenberg, they found a spiritual teacher; and fresh recruits came streaming in, not only from the other little societies at Kremsir, Meseritsch, Chelcic, Wilenow and Diwischau, but also from the Waldenses, the Adamites, the Utraquist Church at KOniggratz, and the university of Prague They called themselves Jednota Bratrska, i.e.
To the repressive measures of the government - press censorship, curtailment of the right of public meeting, dismissal of recalcitrant officials, and dragooning of disaffected county assemblies and municipalities - the Magyar nation opposed a sturdy refusal to pay taxes, to supply recruits or to carry on the machinery of administration.
The firm 's growing reputation has attracted many new recruits this year from outside the region.
Her major responsibility was the annual training program for the company 's graduate recruits.
It also sucks when you see headlines like ' Al Qaeda ' bomb kills 50 Iraq police recruits '.
The steady trickle of deaths in football has led to mandatory screening for all junior recruits at Premier League clubs.
In addition, the firm recruits at least 16 trainee solicitors each year.
Honda 's company manual tells new company recruits how Honda developed water-cooled engines in a struggle to produce the best cars in the world.
The senior members of the club were condescending with the would-be recruits that lacked wealth and status.
This income is known as "leader income" and is a percentage commission on all of the sales your recruits earn.
Three new recruits (your party) from Balamb Garden, a military academy that trains mercenaries known as SeeDs, are sent to deal with a battle between neighboring nations Galbadia and Dollet.
A vaccine containing live adenovirus types 4 and 7 has been used to control disease in military recruits, but it is not recommended or available for civilian use.
Blackwater Security Consulting recruits independent contractors for several different types of overseas security contract jobs in environments ranging from low-risk to high-risk.
This employer recruits staff for hourly paid jobs, professional positions and internships.
Star Now is a site that recruits plenty of these programs' star-struck competitors, in addition to dancers, musicians, models, and movie extras.
As his first pool of trained "instructors" began spreading the Silva Method to other recruits across the country, interest in his technique began to grow.
From original characters to newer recruits, Emmerdale cast list is always growing and never boring.
Boat Pose is difficult to perform because it recruits the abdominal muscles so heavily.
This allows me to screen and place recruits more effectively, reducing your employee overturn and increasing your bottom line by stabilizing training dollars.
Pyramid schemes abound, requiring participants to buy-in so they can recruit others generating profits for those at the top levels generated from new recruits entering at the bottom.
If you start recruiting and have active recruits under you, you become a manager, and you make an additional 10 percent.
Duff recruits those he has personal connections to, so it is not uncommon to see a member of his rock band struggling in the shop with buttercream frosting.
He recruits the helicopter pilot of the Road Warrior to assist him, and the pilot carries them all, except Max, to safety.
He also recruits Speaker to Animals, a member of the Kzin species, and Teela Brown, another human whose importance is not at first made clear.
One, Doctor Ron McNair was one of my recruits that I had given a big event for.
At the same time, it is only going to show one side of the Navy - that is, the positive side that the branch of the military wants potential recruits to see.
BlogAds recruits bloggers who have strong audiences, and maintains a strict invitation-only policy.
Recruits will begin to receive the new dress blue army uniform as part of their basic clothing issue starting in 2010.
He was losing established Guardians—mostly in Europe—and an entire class of new recruits.
In 1904, under the old system of three-years service with numerous total and partial exemptions, 324,253 men became liable to incorporation, of whom 25,432 were rejected as unfit, 55,265 were admitted as one-year volunteers, 62,160 were put back, 27,825 had already enlisted with a view to making the army a career, 5257 were taken for the navy, and thus, with a few extra details and casualties, the contingent for full service dwindled to 147,549 recruits.
Impressment is commonly employed to fill the ranks, and in cases of emergency the prison population is drawn upon for recruits.
Its army was limited, on paper, to 30,000 men; but in January 1812 65,000, and in November the same year 97,000 recruits were drawn from it.
Polish recruits were distributed in Russian regiments, and the use of the Russian language was enforced as far as possible in the civil administration and in the law courts.
Carlos Buell, in command of the Federal Army of the Ohio stationed there, and entering Kentucky in August 1862 proceeded slowly toward Louisville, hoping to win the state to the Confederate cause and gain recruits for the Confederacy in the state.
A succession of devout but incapable generals, after the death of Acquaviva, saw the gradual secularization of tone by the flocking in of recruits of rank and wealth desirous to share in the glories and influence of the Society, but not well adapted to increase them.
There are some 30,000 Sikhs in the Indian army, and the sect is cherished by the military authorities, who insist on all recruits taking the pahul or Sikh baptism.
The ordinary duties of these committees are to raise and spend money for electioneering and otherwise in the interests of the party, to organize meetings, to look after the press, to attend to the admission of immigrants or new-comers as voters; and generally to attract and enrol recruits in the party forces.
All Israel and Judah flocked to his side, and David, attended only by the Cherethites and Pelethites and some recent recruits from Gath, found it expedient to flee.
Roman recruits when they took the sacramentum, or oath of fealty, were tattooed with the "sign" or "seal."
In 1900 the percentage of illiterate recruits, in spite of the large Polish-speaking contingent, was only 0.05.
About 1831 both she and her husband began to identify themselves with the anti-slavery cause, and in 1833 she published An Appeal for that Class of Americans called Africans, a stirring portrayal of the evils of slavery, and an argument for immediate abolition, which had a powerful influence in winning recruits to the anti-slavery cause.
The Anglican societies and the regular and older Nonconformist societies (Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and the London Missionary Society, which is virtually Congregationalist) have shared in these humbler recruits; but a large proportion of them have joined several younger " non-denominational " or " interdenominational " missions.
Manchester received the prince with a warm welcome and with 150 recruits under Francis Towneley.
The nuns belonging to the older orders tend to the contemplative idea, and they still find recruits in sufficient numbers, in spite of the modern rush to the active congregations.
A good criterion of the progress of education is obtained from the diminishI ing number of illiterate army recruits, as shown by the following Unable to Read or Write.
The yearly contingent of recruits for the army is fixed by the military bills voted by the Austrian and Hungarian parliaments, and is generally determined on the basis of the population, according to the last census returns.
Music alone flourished, 1 Thus, while the number of recruits, though varying from year to year, could be settled by the war department, the question of the claim of a single conscript for exemption, on grounds not recognized by precedent, could only be settled by imperial decree.
In 1886 a law was carried in either parliament creating a Landsturm, and providing for the arming and organization of the whole male population up to the age of forty-two in case of emergency, and in 1889 a small increase was made in the annual number of recruits.
This, which is now the principal remnant of the old ascendancy of German, and the one point of unity for the whole monarchy, is a matter on which the government and the monarch allow no concession, but in the Hungarian parliament protests against it have been raised, and in 1899 and 1900 it was necessary to punish recruits from Bohemia, who answered the roll call in the Czechish zde instead of the German hier.
In the autumn of 1902 the Austrian and the Hungarian governments, at the instance of the crown and in agreement with the joint minister for war and the Austrian and Hungarian ministers for national defence, laid before their respective parliaments bills providing for an increase of 21,000 men in the annual contingents of recruits.
The cry for the Magyar words of command on which the subsequent constitutional crisis turned, was tantamount to a demand that the monarch should differentiate the Hungarian from the Austrian part of the joint army, and should render it impossible for any but Magyar officers to command Hungarian regiments, less than half of which have a majority of Magyar recruits.
Since Hungary reserved her right to fix the conditions on which recruits should be granted, the partisans of the Magyar words of command argued that the abolition of the German words of command in the Hungarian regiments might be made such a condition, despite the enumeration in the preceding clause 11, of everything appertaining to the unitary leadership and inner organization of the joint Austro-Hungarian army as belonging to the constitutional military prerogatives of the crown.
The Recruits bill and the estimates were adopted, the Delegations were enabled to meet at Budapest - where they voted £2 2,000,000 as extraordinary estimates for the army and navy and especially for the renewal of the field artillery - and the negotiations for new commercial treaties with Germany and Italy were sanctioned, although parliament had never been able to ratify the Szell-Korber compact with the tariff on the basis of which the negotiations would have to be conducted.
Germans and Czechs, induced the Chamber to sanction the estimates, the contingent of recruits and other " necessities of state " for 1901 and 1902, by promising to undertake large public works in which Czechs and Germans were alike interested.
The earlier merciless practice had been in theory abolished by a decree based on the German system, published in 1880; but owing to defective organization, and internal disturbances induced by Khedive Ismails follies, the law had not been applied, and the 6000 recruits collected at Cairo in January 1883 represented the biggest and strongest peasants who could not purchase exemption by bribing the officials concerned.
Whoever is taking out the recruits knows who to hit first.
In 1708 Peter sent Alexius to Smolensk to collect provender and recruits, and thence to Moscow to fortify it against Charles XII.
It appears to have furnished many recruits, especially for the cohortes urbanae.
In the province of Cagliari 2 9.99% of the recruits born in 1862 were under 5 ft.
The French navy is manned partly by voluntary enlistment, partly by the transference to the navy of a certain proportion of each years recruits for the army, but mainly by a system known as inscription maritime.
After much negotiation the leader, Mr William Lane, a Brisbane journalist, decided on Paraguay, and he tramped across the continent, preaching a new crusade, and gathering in funds and recruits in his progress.
In December 16 J4 Cromwell despatched Penn and Venables with a fleet of thirty-eight ships and 2500 soldiers to the West Indies, their numbers being raised by recruits at the islands to 7000 men.
Mortality is decreasing, but if we may judge from the physical conditions of the recruits the physique of the nation shows little or no improvement.
Like almost all Universal Service countries, Italy only drafts a small proportion of the available recruits into the army.
The recruits due to join in November were not incorporated till the following March, and thus in the winter months Italy was defenceless.
Yet the opposition gained recruits among all the ablest and most respectable Tuscans.
After visiting Amboyna, the Moluccas and other isles of the Malay archipelago, he returned to Malacca in July 1547, and found three Jesuit recruits from Europe awaiting him.
Financially the colony was successful, but as there were some desertions and no new recruits after Father Oswald's death, there were few members by 1909.
Early in January 1813 the senate promised that 350,000 conscripts should be enrolled; but 150,000 of them were under twenty years of age, and mobile columns had to be used to sweep in the recruits, especially in Brittany, the Netherlands and the newly annexed lands of North Germany.
The hardships of their lot, and, above all, the system by which the strongest of their sons were carried off as recruits for the corps of janissaries, frequently drove them to brigandage, and occasionally to open revolt.
Up to 1908 the personnel was found by yearly drafts of two to three thousand men from army recruits designated by the minister of war; the term of service was 12 years, of which 5 were in the first line, 3 in the reserve, 4 in the coastguard.
After the Greek revolution the system of manning the navy from the Christian natives of the archipelago and the Mediterranean littoral was abandoned, and recruits for the navy are now selected under the ordinary law.
Harderwyk is chiefly important as being the depot for recruits for the Dutch colonial army.
Villegagnon, finding his force much diminished in consequence of his treachery, sailed for France in quest of recruits; and during his absence the Portuguese governor, by order of his court, attacked and dispersed the settlement.
Sustained by their enthusiasm, however, the recruits displayed equal courage, and, at the end of four hours' stubborn fighting, their defence was still intact.
Thus, in 1715, King Charles III.2 persuaded the diet to consent to the establishment of a standing army, which - though the diet reserved the right to fix the number of recruits and vote the necessary subsidies from time to time - was placed under the control of the Austrian council of war.
This masterly winter-campaign first revealed Gdrgei's military genius, and the discipline of that terrible month of marching and counter-marching had hardened his recruits into veterans whom his country regarded with pride and his country's enemies with respect.
Next day he led his followers, strengthened by many Kentish recruits, on the road to London, being joined at Maidstone by John Ball, whom the mob had liberated from the archbishop's prison.
Thus, during the period of ten years between 1893 and 1902, it was found that the percentage of recruits of 5 ft.
The Federal government now attempted to enlist recruits, ostensibly to protect the western frontier from the Indians, but actually for the suppression of the insurrection; but the plan failed from lack of funds, and the insurgents continued to interrupt the procedure of the courts.
During the war all but twelve small townships raised troops in excess of every call, the excess throughout the state amounting in all to more than 15,000 men; while the total recruits to the Federal army (including re-enlistments) numbered, according to the adjutantgeneral of the state, 159,165 men, of which less than 7000 were raised by draft.
In 1539 Las Casas was sent to Spain to obtain Dominican recruits, and through Loaysa, general of the order, and confessor of Charles V., he was successful in obtaining royal orders and letters favouring his enterprise.
The two great recurring " necessities of State," the budget and the authorization of the contingents of army recruits, regularly occupied a large part of the sittings; the budget was generally passed only in instalments in three or six monthly grants, and the Government was forced to adopt the practice of adjourning the obstructive House of Deputies and of providing for indispensable requirements in its absence by emergency decree.
By means of this coalition the Ministry succeeded, indeed, in passing the military service reforms on April 24 1911 (reduction of the three years' service to two years, combined with an increase in the contingent of recruits); but this completely exhausted its parliamentary strength, and the first parliamentary suffrage Parliament ended with but poor results in the midst of unsolved national problems.
Recruits now serve for two years, and the strength of the army is fixed at 150,000.
The ruthless determination of the superior leaders had been answered splendidly by the devotion of the troops, but the men of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg were mostly dead or wounded, and the recruits attracted by bounties or compelled by the "draft," which had at last been enforced in the North, proved far inferior soldiers to the gallant veterans whom they replaced.
Thomas ordered his lieutenant to retire on Nashville, Hood following him up, impressing recruits, transports and supplies, and generally repeating the scenes of Bragg's march of 1862.
The men serve in the active army and army reserve for seven years, of which two years (three in the case of cavalry and horse artillery recruits) are spent with the colors.
A much greater proportion of the country recruits were accepted as fit than of those coming from the towns.
To make enlistment of so large an additional number of recruits possible, the period of service with the colors was reduced to two years.
The recruits who draw unlucky numbers at 19 years of age are seldom called up till they are 23, when they are summoned by name and escorted by a policeman to Cairo.
It is chiefly from the populations of the south-west of Europe that the New World is being colonized; but the territories over which the settlers and their recruits from abroad are able to scatter are so extensive that even the lower densities of the Old World have not yet been attained, except in a few tracts along the eastern coasts of Australia and North America.
Among the earliest recruits were some Englishmen, and the first to go on the special mission of the order were two Englishmen, who in 1200 went to Morocco and returned thence to France with 186 liberated Christian captives.
To supply it with recruits he invented his famous system of classes, by which each seaman, according to the class in which he was placed, gave six months' service every three or four or five years.
Thus in 1907-1908, 1551 men were serving on a 12-year colour engagement, 24,856 on a term of 7 years colours and 5 reserve, 3589 on a 6 and 6 term, 3449 on 3 and 9 engagement, 45 2 9 for other terms, out of a total of 37,974 recruits or soldiers signing fresh engagements.
The permanent cadres number about 22,000, and about 85,000 men are annually trained as recruits or recalled for further training.
To this nucleus were added 6160 recruits, the contingent for that year of young men twenty-one years of age compelled to serve with the colours.
The government also gives primary instruction to recruits when serving with the colours, which, with the increasing employment of the people in the towns, helps to stimulate a desire for education among the lower classes.
There must have been larger accessions by voluntary recruits than losses by death or desertion.
In the war which began in 1899 munitions of war and recruits for the Boers were freely passed through Delagoa Bay.
Practical instruction is given in various subjects, but the main object is to provide recruits for the armed force of the state, and only such lads as are unfitted to be soldiers are drafted into other occupations.
In the militia are included soldiers who have served their time in the ranks, and recruits chosen by lot from the yearly contingent of conscripts but not immediately summoned for duty in the field army.
In November 1906 a small party of Transvaal Boers, who had been employed by the Germans against the Hottentots, entered the colony under the leadership of a man named Ferreira, and began raiding farms and forcibly enrolling recruits.
But the others returned; and the buccaneers, now in open hostility to the Spanish arms, began to receive recruits from every European trading nation, and for three-quarters of a century became the scourge of the Spanish-American trade and dominions.
Thus while in1882-1883the ratio of illiterate recruits amounted to 9.75%, in 1901 less than one quarter per cent of the military drafts were without schooling.
The egoism of the upper classes held military duty in contempt, while their avarice depopulated the countryside, whence the legions had drawn their recruits.
This position he desired to maintain as long as possible so as to gather recruits and supplies in safety.
Orders were given to raise recruits, ten men in every thousand for the regular army, and besides this, nine men in every thousand for the militia.
One of the visitors, usually spoken of as "a man of great merit," having described how he had that day seen Kutuzov, the newly chosen chief of the Petersburg militia, presiding over the enrollment of recruits at the Treasury, cautiously ventured to suggest that Kutuzov would be the man to satisfy all requirements.
By the convention with Prussia of the 27th of June 1867, the free state surrendered its right to furnish its own contingent to the army, the recruits being after that time drafted into the Hanseatic infantry regiment, forming a portion of the Prussian IX.