Recruited Sentence Examples
Certainly looks convincing. I see why Andre recruited you.
Slaves were recruited by purchase abroad, from captives taken in war and by freemen degraded for debt or crime.
Deidre knew the death dealer; she'd recruited all of them.
The service is not popular, and it is recruited by means of conscription from the national guard, the term of service being two years.
Under the agreement a royal naval reserve was maintained, three of the Imperial vessels provided being utilized as drill ships for crews recruited from the Australian states.
These artels are recruited only on personal acquaintance with the candidates for membership. Co-operative societies have also been organized by several zemstvos.
The police is recruited locally, and no regular troops appear in the province except on special requisition.
The French regular troops were withdrawn from Rome in December 1866; but the pontifical forces were largely recruited in France and commanded by officers of the imperial army, and service under the pope was considered by the French war office as equivalent to service in France.
Its central bureau, with departments of the interior, religion and education, finance and justice, was established at Serajevo; and its members were largely recruited among the Austrian Sla y s, who were better able than the Germans to comprehend the local customs and language.
The regular troops comprised also armourers (jebeji), from 6000 to 8000 men, and six squadrons of cavalry; these were recruited in the same way as the Janissaries, and their numbers were raised by Murad III.
AdvertisementThe Imperial Light Horse and other irregular corps were recruited in Natal, although the bulk of the men in the forces were Uitlanders from Johannesburg.
He had just been admitted to the bar, but on the outbreak of war he at once offered his services to the governor, and became lieutenant-colonel and then colonel of the 42nd Ohio Volunteers, recruited largely from among his former students.
The carabinieri or gendarmerie, some 26,500 in number, are part of the standing army; they are recruited from selected volunteers from the army.
Lysander as ephor proposed on behalf of Agis that all debts sbould be cancelled and that Laconia should be divided into 19,500 lots, of which 4500 should be given to Spartiates, whose number was to be recruited from the best of the perioeci and foreigners, and the remaining 15,000 to perioeci who could bear arms. The Agiad king Leonidas having prevailed on the council to reject this measure, though by a majority of only one, was deposed in favour of his son-in-law Cleombrotus, who assisted Agis in bearing down opposition by the threat of force.
It was chiefly recruited from the pick of the provincial cavalry, but contained some Roman citizens.
AdvertisementIn addition to this, a reserve force called the telekkatonasag was recruited from among the lesser gentry according to their teleks or holdings, every thirty-three teleks being held responsible for a mounted and fully equipped archer.
The mandarinate or official class is recruited from all ranks of the people by competitive examination.
The provisions of the law, however, have never been enforced, and the actives or regular army are recruited by impressment rather than through conscription.
They were recruited largely, but not solely, from among the Roman Catholics, and the Protestants among them were often identical with the NonJurors.
As a result of disease, and of casualties in action and from bombardment, the British divisions recruited in the United Kingdom were constantly far short of establishment, no proper provision having been made for keeping them up to strength.
AdvertisementThen came the mutiny, and Sikhs once more were recruited in numbers and saved India for the British crown.
In more than one state the police are employed as enumerators, but elsewhere, a staff has to be specially recruited for the purpose.
They live in a home attached to the institution, under a matron, and in the most modern establishments each nurse has a separate bedroom, with common dining and recreation rooms. Private nursing staffs are attached to several of the hospitals; they are recruited from the staff nurses and probationers on completion of their course, and supply nurses to private patients.
A Forest Department, in which experienced officers recruited from the Indian Forest Service are employed, has for many years controlled the forests of Siam.
The Ministry of Interior and certain technical departments are recruited from the civil service schools, but many appointments in government service go by patronage.
AdvertisementThe Popular party, composed of Catholics and recruited largely from Slovakia and the country districts of Moravia, was represented by 33 deputies and 18 senators.
They were led by Dr. Kramaf, and, being mostly recruited from the educated, professional and official classes, were more influential than the numbers suggest.
The Vendean peasant refused to join the republican army, not for want of fighting qualities or ardour, but because the army of the old regime was recruited from bad characters and broken men, and the peasant, ignorant of the great change that had followed the Revolution, thought that the barrack-room was no place for a good Christian.
This force represented the peace footing of the army, which is recruited in part by voluntary enlistments and in part by a form of conscription that might be called impressment.
Its adherents were recruited on the one hand from the old gnostic sects (especially from the Marcionites - Manichaeism exerted besides this a strong influence on the development of the Marcionite churches of the 4th century), on the other hand from the large number of the "cultured," who were striving after a "rational" and yet in some manner Christian religion.
The nuns in England as in France were recruited from the highest families, and the abbess of Fontevrault, who was the superior-general of the whole order, was usually of the royal family of France.
The public service is recruited by nomination by the court of directors.
On the way to the pool, with Pumpkin and the Texas widow as his passengers, Pumpkin told Dean that Langstrom had recruited him for the Fourth of July water fight.
The sub-epithelial layer thus primarily constituted may be recruited by immigration from without of other FIG.
It took place southwards, for the arctic flora is remarkably uniform, and, as Chodat points out, it shows no evidence of having been recruited from the several mountain floras.
Linguistically they can be divided into several groups such as Turks, Mongols and Huns, but they were from time to time united into states representing more than one group, and their armies were recruited, like the Janissaries, from all the military races in the neighbourhood.
He was a Free Soil candidate for Congress (1850), but was defeated; was indicted with Wendell Phillips and Theodore Parker for participation in the attempt to release the fugitive slave, Anthony Burns, in Boston (18J3); was engaged in the effort to make Kansas a free state after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill of 1854; and during the Civil War was captain in the 51st Massachusetts Volunteers, and from November 1862 to October 1864, when he was retired because of a wound received in the preceding August, was colonel of the First South Carolina Volunteers, the first regiment recruited from former slaves for the Federal service.
Along with this paid cavalry went another branch of the army, the Turcopuli, a body of light cavalry, recruited from the Syrians and Mahommedans, and using the tactics of the Arabs; while an infantry was found among the Armenians, the best soldiers of the East, and the Maronites, who furnished the kingdom with archers.
Continually recruited from the West, they retained the vigour which the native Franks of Palestine gradually lost; and their corporate strength gave a weight to their arms which made them indispensable.
The administration of the province is conducted by a chief commissioner on behalf of the governor-general of India in council, assisted by members of the Indian civil service, provincial civil service, subordinate civil service, district and assistant superintendents of police, and officers specially recruited for various departments.
The population of the Central Provinces and Berar as now defined according to the census of 1901 was 10,847,325, and is of very diverse ethical construction, having been recruited by immigration from the countries surrounding it on all sides.
The Macedonian cavalry was recruited from a higher grade of society than the infantry, the petite noblesse of the nation.
A regiment of the Indian army was recruited among them, but the experiment proved a failure, and the Moplah Rifles were disbanded in April 1907.
Camp was formed at Omdurman and a new force of some 8000 fighting men collected - mostly recruited from the fellahin of Arabi's disbanded troops, sent in chains from Egypt.
The military police are in reality a regular military force with only two European officers in command of each battalion; and they are recruited entirely from among the warlike races of northern India.
In these states and districts are recruited the soldiers who form one of the main bulwarks of the British empire in India.
Its permanent population (some 45.5% are born in the city) is recruited from all parts of Austria, and indeed of the entire monarchy.
The gaiety of Vienna had for centuries depended on the brilliancy of its court, recruited from all parts of Europe, including the nobility of the whole empire, and on its musical, light-hearted and contented population.
In 1862 he recruited and became captain of Company A of the Twenty-Third Wisconsin Volunteers, of which he was made lieutenant-colonel in 1863, and which he commanded in the siege of Vicksburg.
The Creole population increased and was steadily recruited from home.
The new constitution provided for a boule whose members were to be recruited by lot from all citizens above thirty; the functions of this body to be exercised by four sections succeeding one another by yearly rotation and serving without pay; all high officials to be chosen by it out of its own members.
From these establishments the ranks of native officials are recruited.
This is a body of international lawyers, consisting of sixty members and sixty associates recruited by election - the members from those who " have rendered services to international law in the domain of theory or practice," and associates from those " whose knowledge may be useful to the Institute."
Most of these were recruited from the lowest classes in Japan.
Their membership could be recruited only from the outside world, as marriage and all intercourse with women were absolutely renounced.
The bishops obtained little by little great temporal powers (the diocese extended to the left bank of the Aar) and riches, becoming in 1125 princes of the empire, while their chapter was recruited only from the noblest families.
The ecclesiastical importance of the monks in the various branches of the Orthodox Church lies in this, that as bishops must be celibate, whereas the parochial clergy must be married, the bishops are all recruited from the monks.
Christian had to depend mainly upon hired troops, supported by native levies recruited for the most part from the peasantry on the crown domains.
The initiated are divided into two classes, the sheiks, who are recruited from the families of sheiks only, and the ordinary members.
The officers are recruited either from the Cadet Corps at Berlin or from amongst those men, of sufficient social standing, who join the ranks as avantageurs with a view to obtaining commissions.
Many senators were put to death, and their places remained unfilled; the lower classes were deprived of their arms and employed in erecting splendid monuments, while the army was recruited from the king's own retainers and from the forces of foreign allies.
The minister of war controlled the common army, but even the laws determining the method by which the army was to be recruited had to be voted separately in each of the parliaments.
Obstruction was continued by a section of the independence party; and Kossuth, seeing his authority ignored, resigned the leadership. The obstructionists now raised the cry that the German words of command i n the joint army must be replaced by Magyar words in the regiments recruited from Hungary - a demand which, apart from its disintegrating influence on the army, the crown considered to be an encroachment upon the royal military prerogatives as defined by the Hungarian Fundamental Law XII.
They were largely recruited from the common people, and there is plenty of evidence to show that the movement was widespread.
Under Marcus Aurelius a revolt of the Bucolic or native troops recruited for home service was taken up by the whole of the native population and was suppressed only after several years of fighting.
One of his first acts, after preventing the application of capital punishment to the ringleaders of the revolt, was to veto the project of protecting the khedive and his government by means of a Praetorian guard recruited from Asia Minor, Epirus, Austria and Switzerland, and to insist on the principle that Egypt must be governed in a truly liberal spirit.
Not only were the magnates sharply reminded that they held their lands on military tenure, but the towns were also made to contribute both men and ships, and peasant levies, especially archers, were recruited from every parish.
The clergy recruited themselves therefore from the class next below them, and looked more and more to the crown for help and protection as they drew apart from the gentry, who, moreover, as dispensers of patronage, lost no opportunity of appropriating church lands and cutting down tithes.
Bands of armed men fighting for their own hand traversed the country, and in the ten years between 1434 and 1444 the provinces were terrorized by these ecorcheurs, who, with the decline of discipline in the English army, were also recruited from the ranks of the invaders.
The way in which the ulema are recruited and formed into a hierarchy with a vigorous esprit de corps throws an instructive light on the whole subject before us.
The modern town was recruited by refugees from Constantinople in 1453, and from Crete in 1669, when these places fell into the hands of the Turks.
They are descended from the Arab traders who settled there in very early times, and were recruited partly by voluntary adhesions and partly by forcible conversions during the persecutions of Hyder Ali and Tippoo Sultan.
Other services mainly or entirely recruited in England are the education department, police, engineering, public works, telegraph and forest services.
There are four engineering colleges in India, which furnish to natives access to the higher grades of the public works department; and the provincial education services are recruited solely in India.
Nearly all men of high caste, and many of them recruited from Oudh, they dreaded tendencies which they deemed to be denationalizing, and they knew at first hand what annexation meant.
There are sugar factories, where rum is also distilled and a few other manufactures, but the prosperity of the province depends on the "jungle" products obtained through the natives and from the plantations owned by Portuguese and worked by indentured labour, the labourers being generally "recruited" from the far interior.
There were repeated actual encounters in different places, mostly excited by Polish bands, the so-called Bajowkas, recruited from Congress Poland, and the territory of Posnania which has been ceded under the Treaty.
The sources from which all the immigrants were recruited made inevitable an element of lawlessness and truculence.
In 1798 he became second in command of a regiment of bashi-bazouks, or volunteers, recruited in his neighbourhood to serve against Napoleon in Egypt.
Five years later the Gauls burned the city; and in 190 it had to be recruited with three thousand families.
Engineers and other specialists are recruited on various terms. A certain number, again varying from year to year, almost from month to month, are allowed to engage for the full 12 years with the colours (long service).
In addition to the divisions and mounted brigades there are "army troops," of which the most important component is the cyclist battalions, recruited in the different coast counties and specially organized as a first line of opposition to an invader.
The Indian army is recruited from Mahommedans and Hindus of various tribes and sects, and with some exceptions (chiefly in the Madras infantry) companies, sometimes regiments, are composed exclusively of men of one class.
Settlements and forts were never free from assault and were taken and retaken; if one Indian army was destroyed another took its place, if one toqui was killed another was chosen; when defeated, the Indians retired to their forests, marshes and hills, recruited their forces, and fell on the pursuing Spaniards.
There is in addition the Thames division, recruited mostly from sailors, charged with the patrol of the river and the guardianship of the shipping.
Divisions 2 and 3 are recruited by open competition.
Defence.The Spanish army is recruited by conscription.
We recruited a new drummer named Matty Forster and recorded some new material with the view of getting another record deal.
They were recruited from England, Ireland and Scotland, and came from all grades of society.
Large bodies of emigrants, chiefly recruited from the sober, hardy and industrious peasantry of the northern provinces, annually leave Portugal to seek fortune in America.
Luiza and her confidential adviser, Joao Pinto Ribeiro, recruited a powerful band of conspirators among the disaffected nobles.
The Bari warriors have been much recruited for the Egyptian army and were formerly used as slave-hunters by the Arab traders.
It is recruited from the same sources, and its members are free to exchange into the corps diplomatique, or vice versa.
Along the middle Congo from Stanley Pool to Stanley Falls the more important tribes are the Bateke, in the Stanley Pool district, but chiefly on the north side of the river in French territory; the Bayanzi (Babangi), between the mouths of the Kasai and the Ubangi; the Bangala, one of the most gifted of the Congo tribes, whence are recruited many of the soldiery; the Bapoto and the Basoko.
These colonies make provision for the training of boys recruited from those rescued from slavery, from orphans, and from children abandoned or neglected by their parents.
Some of the men are recruited from the neighbouring territories, but the greater part consists of locally raised levies, recruited partly by voluntary enlistment and partly by the enforced enlistment of a certain number of men in each district, who are selected by the commissary in conjunction with the local chiefs.
It is from the Galla that the Abyssinian army is largely recruited, and, indeed, there are few of the chiefs who have not an admixture of Galla blood in their veins.
It educated men for the public works, accounts, railways and telegraph departments of India, and included a school of forestry; but it was decided, in the face of some opposition, to close it in 1906, on the theory that it was unnecessary for a college with such a specialized object to be maintained by the government, in view of the readiness with which servants for these departments could be recruited elsewhere.
The majority of inscriptions and images bearing her name have been found in Gaul, Germany and the Danube countries; of the few that occur in Rome itself most were exhumed on the site of the barracks of the equiles singulares, a foreign imperial bodyguard mainly recruited from the Batavians.
A few weeks later Lincoln had recruited his army with 4000 or 5000 Irish adventurers under Thomas Fitzgerald, son of the earl of Kildare, and had taken ship for England.
Barbaroux accused Robespierre of aiming at a dictatorship, and Buzot demanded a guard recruited in the departments to protect the Convention.
The Lapps within the historical period have considerably recruited themselves from neighbouring races.
Instead, it possesses an army of placemen and officials; but these being mainly recruited from the peasantry, do not disturb the prevailing social equality.
Washington, who had spent the winter at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, and had materially recruited his army, immediately marched to intercept the British, and overtook them near Monmouth Court House (now Freehold), New Jersey, on the 28th of June 1778.
Not only did its highlands present many advantages for European settlement; the Kunene river valley, part of which was in German territory, was inhabited by the Ovambo, of whom some 20,000 were recruited by the Germans for work in the Otavi copper-mines.
A mixed race grew up, recruited by many Irish of pure blood, whom a love of adventure and a lawless spirit led away.
The episcopate was now recruited from the great families in the same way as the imperial and the municipal public services.
The barbarians gradually became part of the Roman population; they permeated the army, until after Theodosius they recruited it exclusively; they permeated civilian society as colonists and agriculturists, till the command of the army and of important public duties was given over to a Stiicho or a Crocus.
The bishops, the real inheritors of the imperial idea of government, had become great landowners through enormous donatkins made to the Church, and allied as they were to the aristocracy, whence their ranks were continually recruited, they had gradually identified themselves with the interests of their class and had adopted its customs; while thanhi to long minorities and civil wars the aristocracy of the high officials had taken an equally important social position.
A third party was once more formed, composed of moderates from the two camps, and it was recruited quite as much by jealousy of the Guises and by ambition as by horror at the massacres.
Founded by a bishop of Ypres on the doctrine of predestination, Louis and growing by persecution, it had speedily recruited xiv.
The navy is recruited by conscription in the coast or maritime districts, which are divided into three naval captaincies-general, those of Ferrol, Cadiz and Cartagenaat the head of each being a vice-admiral.
When King Ferdinand felt himself securely re-established at Naples he determined to exterminate the Carbonari, and to this end his minister of police, the prince of Canosa, set up another secret society called the Calderai del Contrappeso (braziers of the counterpoise), recruited from the brigands and the dregs of the people, who committed hideous excesses against supposed Liberals, but failed to exterminate the movement.
In the 7th century B.C., between 640 and 600, the country was conquered by an Aryan people, who imposed their language, and possibly their name, upon the vanquished, and formed a military aristocracy that was constantly recruited from Persia and Parthia.
The unit has now recruited an analyst who will join the unit in October.
Eric Deans was a popular bandleader who recruited heavily from Alpha.
With momentum rebuilt, they recruited a new bassist.
Our Volunteers are an eclectic bunch, recruited mainly from word of mouth or in response to local or specialist press coverage.
The Primary Care Trust is fully committed to this and in recognition recruited a clinical audit analyst in 2004 to assist clinicians.
A pilot cohort of 356 adult diplomates was recruited the previous year and with whom panel recruitment and retention strategies have been developed.
An effective immune response is likely to induce changes in local tumor vasculature as immune effectors are recruited.
Cancer Research UK recruited almost 6,500 new committed givers through this campaign.
Still feeling incomplete, the band recruited Frank to fill out their sound.
He then recruited an army, with the backing of many prominent Anglo-Irish lords, which then sailed for England.
The basic sense of it is, tho, that this continues to be former regime loyalists or recruited foreign fighters.
Teachers across the UK were recruited via a series of targeted mailings.
The earliest detectable lesions, called fatty streaks, contain macrophage foam cells that are derived from recruited monocytes.
The French colonial (formerly marine) infantry, recruited by voluntary enlistment, comprises 18 regiments and 5 independent battalions (of which 12 regiments are at home), 74 batteries of field, fortress and mountain artillery (of which 32 are at home), with a few cavalry and engineers, &c., and other services in proportion.
The Arctic-Alpine sub-region consists of races of plants belonging originally to the general flora, and recruited by subsequent additrons, which have been specialized in low stature and great capacity of endurance to survive long dormant periods, sometimes even unbroken in successive years by the transitory activity of the brief summer.
These honorary justices are mainly recruited from the ranks of the higher bureaucracy and the army.
Order is maintained by a small force of semi-military police recruited in Basutoland and officered by Europeans.
The behemoth has recruited some out of work actors to pretend to be Iraqis for combat readiness exercises.
Beside Edda Sanga, she recruited another of her former students, Rose Haji, producer of a popular radio soap opera about health.
He took with him his saxophonist Joe Crossman and recruited several musicians during a trip to USA, including trumpeter Henry Levine.
Air raid wardens were recruited from men too old to fight at the front.
The Antarctic-Alpine region is the complement of the ArcticAlpine, but unlike the latter, its scattered distribution over numerous isolated points of land, remote from great continental areas, from which, during migrations like those attending the glacial period in the northern hemisphere, it could have been recruited, at once accounts for its limited number of species and their contracted range in the world.
The main object of these was to invest the senate, which he recruited with a number of his own party, with full control over the state, over every magistrate and every province; and the mainstay of his political system was to be the military colonies which he had established with grants of land throughout every part of Italy, to the ruin of the old Italian freeholders and farmers, who from this time dwindled away, leaving whole districts waste and desolate.
On the other hand, considerable detail is included regarding the indentured labourers recruited from India, and those of this class who are permanently settled on the land in Guiana and Trinidad.
And as each of the principal gods is supposed to have associated with him his own particular sakti, as an indispensable complement enabling him to properly perform his cosmic functions, adherents of this persuasion might be expected to be recruited from all sects.
Extra teachers must be recruited from the ranks of those who do not now fancy the profession.
Patients will be recruited from leg ulcer clinics in Sheffield and Exeter.
As a result, the Khmer Rouge recruited many more members from a bitter and resentful population.
The person in charge of training these candidates was very much worried about the newly recruited simple-minded man.
Estonia has recruited Buffy the Song Slayer to perform a midtempo singalong track.
Quite a number of crack regiments were recruited there, regiments whose battle record is surpassed by none, and equaled by few.
Since they are affordable and fairly easy to find, teenage sitters are often recruited for one-night jobs.
Plus size models often start out by being "discovered," meaning they are recruited by the talent scout of a modeling firm.
Majestic and UO are both long dead, EA.COM became the less ambitious Pogo, and EA let go of much of the talent they recruited for EA.COM.
They moved their headquarters to LA, recruited other employees (now dubbed The Pack), and started work on Crash Bandicoot.
In 2001, Justin Meyer sold his partner shares to Ray Duncan, recruited Daniel Meyer as winemaker, and departed.
Paul Taylor is one noted example of an artist to work with Balanchine, and he also recruited Martha Graham.
A parent may be recruited to help make a volcano (with requisite lava) or putting the solar system together.
Agnes Nixon, the head writer of Another World was recruited to create a new soap opera.
An unnerving element to the Wakefield study is the way it recruited participants.
An anti-MMR campaigner recruited study participants, and the study was funded for litigation.
Participants in the study may not have had enough involvement in the findings, but some think that they may be subject to scrutiny considering the manner in which there were recruited for the study.
Recruited and built dynamic 35-member sales and marketing team.
Recruited. Maintained turnover below 15%, lowest in the company.
The second type of multilevel operates in an opposite fashion, paying fees to those who recruit people into their organizations while offering little or no support or guidance in sales to those who are recruited.
Disciples Cross is a business where people are recruited to manufacture crosses for resale.
It's because so many muscles are recruited to work at the same time, at a highly demanding level, that the heart has to work extra hard in order to provide your muscles with enough oxygen for them to properly function.
The researchers recruited 30 healthy men and women between the ages of 20 and 45.
Orrie would also recruited Jerry Casterlano from Redzer as the lead guitarist of Sa Sanctuary.
The label was not happy with the resulting recordings, but they did like the way Nick sounded when he sang with his brothers, who had been recruited for backing vocals for the album.
He recruited singer and bass player Sting (real name Gordon Michael Thomas Sumner) and guitar player Henry Padovani into the group in 1977 and began playing shows around London.
Strontium 90 had plans to play as a band for a Gong reunion show and then called it quits, but the three existing members of The Police recruited Strontium 90 member Andy Summers to their band.
He was recruited to be the first member of New Kids on the Block and set out to help Starr find more members.
Loathed for its sheer ridiculousness, Armed and Famous recruited D-list celebrities such as LaToya Jackson, Jack Osbourne and Erik Estrada to pose as cops in Muncie, Indiana.
Memorable cast members from these shows are recruited to compete in the spin-off Real World Road Rules Challenge.
Lending Lake a hand this season will be TV personality Alani "La La" Vazquez and radio host Stryker who were both recruited to be the show's new school deans.
At the age of 15 he had been recruited to play for the Glasgow Rangers, but a series of injuries prevented him from turning pro.
His business flourished, and instead of hiring more bakers, he instead recruited artists and architects to help push his confections to the limit.
Survivor receives thousands of applications from hopefuls for every season, but while doing press rounds for the Fiji season, host Probst announced that the show hadn't even looked at the applications and instead had recruited players.
As a result, Nerys was recruited to the Shakaar underground resistance movement that carried out terrorist attacks against Cardassians on Bajor.
She and her brother were both recruited by Iron Man to join the Avengers where they went on many missions.