Recovering Sentence Examples
Cynthia's mother was recovering nicely.
With horses only just recovering from an epidemic, they proved quite unequal to the task of catching the Cossacks, who swarmed round them in every direction, never accepting an engagement but compelling a constant watchfulness for which nothing in their previous experience had sufficiently prepared the French.
After recovering his liberty Prynne retired to Swainswick.
The West was recovering gradually from the troubles caused by the Arian crisis.
He increased the dignity of the crown by introducing a stricter court etiquette, and its wealth by recovering those of the royal domains which the magnates had appropriated during the troubles of the last reign.
With his mercenaries behind him he met with some small successes in his fight for Normandy, but on the 27th of July he and his ally, the emperor Otto IV., met with a crushing defeat at Bouvines at the hands of Philip Augustus, and even the king himself was compelled to recognise that his hopes of recovering Normandy were at an end.
When it appeared that he was recovering from his wounds, Cesare had him murdered, but not apparently without provocation, for, according to the Venetian ambassador Cappello, the duke had tried to murder Cesare first.
He showed no illwill towards Cesare, but declared that the latter's territories must be restored to the church, for "we desire the honour of recovering what our predecessors have wrongfully alienated."
He seems now to have resigned all hopes of recovering Ferghana, and as he at the same time dreaded an invasion of the Uzbegs from the west, his attention was more and more drawn towards India.
Such hints as these indicate the impossibility of recovering a complete picture of the Jews during the sovereignty of the Greeks, which the Talmudists regard as the dark age, best left in oblivion.
AdvertisementSubsequently recovering, he turned to the study of mind and the relations between body and mind, giving public lectures on the subjects of which his books treat.
By retaining nearly all the continental conquests of France, and by recovering every one of those which the British had made at her expense beyond the seas, he achieved a feat which was far beyond the powers even of Louis XIV.
Their development as a maritime people, engaged in small trading and intimately acquainted with their home waters, led Belisarius to seek their help in his task of recovering Italy from the Goths.
It is necessary to dwell at length upon Poggio's devotion to the task of recovering the classics, and upon his disengagement from all but humanistic interests, because these were the most marked feature of his character and career.
At Thebes, New York has also carried out work at Qurnet Murra`i and Sheikh `Abd el Qurna, as well as at Dra t Abul Neqqa and Deir el Bahri, 55 where the Earl of Carnarvon, assisted by Mr. Howard Carter, has also dug with remarkable success, recovering some of the most beautiful relics of the art of the XII.
AdvertisementTherefore, when her inheritance was assailed at the beginning of her reign, she fought for it with every weapon an honest woman could employ, and for years she cherished the hope of recovering the lost province of Silesia, conquered by Frederick.
Towards the end of 1888, after recovering from an earlier attack, he was pronounced hopelessly insane, and in this condition he remained until he died on the 25th of August 1900.
The truth appears to be that a hardened steel rod generally behaves like one of iron or soft steel in first undergoing extension under increasing magnetizing force, and recovering its original length when the force has reached a certain critical value, beyond which there is contraction.
Biot, who assisted in the correction of its proof sheets, remarked that it would have extended, had the demonstrations been fully developed, to eight or ten instead of five volumes; and he saw at times the author himself obliged to devote an hour's labour to recovering the dropped links in the chain of reasoning covered by the recurring formula.
Demosthenes decided at once to make a grand attack on Epipolae, with a view to recovering the Athenian blockading lines and driving the Syracusans back within the city walls.
AdvertisementThe Scots then retreated to Otterburn, where Percy, who was bent on recovering his pennon, attacked them on a fine August evening in 1388.
There can be no reasonable doubt that as soon as the Athenians began to recover from the paralysing effect of the victory of Lysander and the internal troubles in which they were involved by the government of the Thirty, their thoughts turned to the possibility of recovering their lost empire.
Vitruvius also gives a detailed account of the means of recovering gold, by amalgamation, from cloth into which it had been woven.
This dignity was soon lost, as in 1317 it passed to the bishopric of Spires and in 1331 to the Palatinate, recovering its former position in 1511.
As soon as Carthage seemed to be recovering herself, and some of Massinissa's partisans were driven from the city into exile, his policy was to excite the fears of Rome, till at last in 149 war was declared - the Third Punic War, which ended in the final overthrow of Carthage.
AdvertisementFor nearly ten years he was engaged in fighting against the English in the south and the west of France, recovering from them the provinces of Poitou, Guienne and Auvergne, and thus powerfully contributing to the establishment of a united France.
For instance, he was never misled by the successes of the false Demetrius in Muscovy, and wisely insisted on recovering the great eastern fortress of Smolensk rather than attempting the conquest of Moscow.
In 1844 he was ordained deacon and priest in the English Church, and held curacies at Aston, Rowant and St Thomas's, Oxford; but being naturally attracted to the Episcopal Church of his native land, then recovering from long depression, he removed in 1846 to Stonehaven, the chief town of Kincardineshire.
The first years of the reign were largely spent in restoring the public peace and recovering for the crown the lands and prerogatives which Stephen had bartered away.
The vigour and success of his operations was such that in a short time he succeeded in recovering almost all the fortresses held by the English to the north of the Forth.
The act of 1891, has, however, altered this method of recovering tithes, and substituted another intended to shift the burden of responsibility from the occupier to the landowner, by making the latter directly and solely responsible, but giving the remedy against the land.
On recovering from this illness,which nearly proved fatal, he resumed his literary task, and carried it steadily forward to completion by the year 1650, having also within the same time translated into English, with characteristic force of expression, his Latin treatise.
In the absence of the emperor and of his brother, the archduke Ferdinand, the authorities in these parts of the country were unable to check the movement and, aided by many knights, prominent among whom was Gbtz von Berlichingen, the peasants were everywhere victorious, while another influential recruit, Ulrich, the dispossessed duke of Wurttemberg, joined them in the hope of recovering his duchy.
While Prussia was thus established on the Rhine, Austria, by exchanging the Netherlands for LombardoVenetia and abandoning her claims to the former Habsburg possessions in Swabia, definitively resigned to Prussia the task of defending the western frontier of Germany, while she strengthened her power in the south-east by recovering from Bavaria, Salzburg, Vorarlberg and Tirol.
Here too we have the first sure trace of an expurgated recension, made with the idea of recovering the genuine form assumed, as earlier by Epiphanius, to lie behind an unorthodox recension of Clement's narrative.
The emperors never gave up their claims to Sicily or their hopes of recovering it.
In 1880 Ludwig Stern (Koptische Grammatik) admirably classified the grammatical forms of Coptic. The much more difficult task of recovering the grammar of Egyptian has occupied thirty years of special study by Adolf Erman and his school at Berlin, and has now reached an advanced stage.
In consequence of despatches which reached Bonaparte on the 3rd of January 1799, announcing the intention of the Porte to invade the country with the object of recovering it by force, Bonaparte resolved on his Syrian expedition, and appointed governors for Cairo, Alexandria, and Upper Egypt, to govern during his absence.
This he did by recovering the alienated royal demesnes in every direction, and from henceforth the annual landgilde, or rent, paid by the royal tenants, became the monarch's principal source of revenue.
Gardiner speaks of the final shape of Charles's measure as " a wise and beneficent reform "; and he did aim at recovering the "teinds" or tithes, and securing something like a satisfactory sustenance for ministers.
Nevertheless, Egypt seems to have enjo y ed a fresh spell of extended supremacy, and Rameses apparently succeeded in recovering Palestine and some part of Syria.
This process is excellent for effecting a complete condensation of the hydrochloric acid as prescribed by the Alkali Acts, and for recovering the bulk of the acid in a tolerably strong state, but less so for recovering nearly the whole of it in the most concentrated state, although even this is occasionally attained.
It is true that all the chlorine combined with the sodium is lost partly as NaC1 and partly as CaC1 2; none of the innumerable attempts at recovering the chlorine from the waste liquor has been made to pay, and success is less likely than ever since the perfection of the electrolytic processes.
By this time they had also lost control over the other cities of Argolis, which they never succeeded in recovering.
The tea outlook was good, and the coffee industry was recovering from the effects of plant disease and Brazilian competition.
Now at last the task of recovering the lost districts could be resumed.
During the earlier years of his reign he undoubtedly had hopes of recovering his lost dominions with the help of Germany, and Bismarck was not the man to discourage such expectations.
Petrarch not only set his countrymen upon the right method of studying the Latin classics, but he also divined the importance of recovering a knowledge of Greek literature.
Finally, it should never be forgotten that the worst enemies of declining forms have been collectors who have not given these species the chance of recovering themselves.
Recovering from his malady, he had returned to his intrigues when an event happened which materially affected the fortunes of the Reformation.
The Hats eagerly caught at the opportunity of recovering the grand duchy and their own prestige along with it.
In 1597 Abbas renewed operations against the Uzbegs, and succeeded in recovering from them Herat and Khorasan.
A logical system of comparative exegesis, Ze led by constant reference to Sanskrit, its nearest ally, and to the her Iranian dialects, is the best means of recovering the lost of rise of the Zend texts.
On first hearing of the king's intentions, Anne swooned away, but on recovering, while declaring her case a very hard and sorrowful one from the great love which she bore to the king, acquiesced quietly in the arrangements made for her by Henry, by which she received lands to the value of £4000 a year, renounced the title of queen for that of the king's sister, and undertook not to leave the kingdom.
Both as general and as politician Cleomenes was one of Sparta's greatest men, and with him perished her last hope of recovering her ancient supermacy in Greece.
The large majority of Bohemians, on the other hand, considered the moment opportune for recovering the ancient liberties of Bohemia, on which Ferdinand had encroached in various ways by claiming hereditary right to the crown and by curtailing the old privileges of the land.
Owing to the advantages it enjoys as a trade centre, Delhi is recovering much of the prominence which it lost at the time of the Mutiny.
There is no evidence that Elizabeth granted Shaftesbury a charter, as has been asserted, but she confiscated the common lands in 1585, the town only recovering them by purchase.
A creditor was not at liberty to seize household goods, farming utensils, or any goods the loss of which would prevent the debtor recovering from embarrassment, so long as there was other property which could be seized.
He had all the ambitions of his grandfather Henry II.; his dreams were of shattering the newly-formed kingdom of France, the creation of Philip Augustus, and of recovering all the lost lands of his forefathers on the Seine and Loire.
Even then he only succeeded in recovering some border holds, and the succeeding campaign of 1301 only took him as far asLinhithgow.
The Radicals, who were slowly recovering the influence they had lost during the Crimean War, regarded even.
The Unionist party in the country had, meanwhile, been recovering from the Tariff Reform divisions of 1903, and was once more solid under Mr Balfour in favor of its new and imperial policy; but the campaign against the House of Lords started by Mr Lloyd George and the Liberal leaders, who put in the forefront the necessity of obtaining statutory guarantees for the passing into law of measures deliberately adopted by the elected Chamber, resulted in the return of Mr Asquiths government to office at the election of January 1910.
Yet the new administration did very well till, after resettling the government of India, and recovering from a blunder committed by their Indian secretary, Lord Ellenborough, they must needs launch a Reform Bill to put that dangerous question out of controversial politics.
She had already given proofs of her superior statesmanship by recovering possession of Schleswig from the Holstein counts, who had held it absolutely for a generation, and who now received it back indeed as a fief (by the compact of Nyborg 1386), but under such stringent conditions that the Danish crown got all the advantage of the arrangement.
On the departure of the Romans he succeeded in recovering Gythium, in spite of an attempt to relieve it made by the Achaeans under Philopoemen, but in an encounter he suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of that general, who for thirty days ravaged Laconia unopposed.
Lothair then seems to have conceived the design of recovering Lorraine.
From Rome Newman returned to Sicily alone, and was dangerously ill with fever at Leonforte, recovering from it with the conviction that he had a work to do in England.
We who are grateful recovering cocaine addicts ask you to listen closely to our stories.
Frank couldn't partake - he's a recovering alcoholic.
Phantom uses a Global Positioning Satellite System and 24 hour monitoring center to greatly improve the chances of recovering a stolen caravan.
And regular slots district of columbia querying recovering compulsive because they are.
It is excellent for recovering from over indulgence and also to correct sexual debility.
By recovering textiles, merchants are reducing the demand for virgin resources.
Most research over the past 25 years has shown that CES reduced anxiety and improved cognition in recovering drug addicts and alcoholics.
For example, an athlete recovering from tennis elbow will need to strengthen the wrist extensor muscles to prevent the injury recurring.
A young boy of six, I was recovering from scarlet fever.
Her life is an endless round of... Little Fish Tracy Heart (Blanchett) is a recovering junkie.
Recovering Data Although not the main purpose, 24 nights ' data had been recovered following observer mishaps after the first year.
The Vatican said the 84-year-old pontiff was recovering well... .
Apart from that, a cash flow projection for the upcoming year is drafted to indicate the possibility of recovering the debt.
Light aircraft overshoots runway A pilot and his passenger are recovering after their light aircraft overshot a runway and ended up in a hedge.
Both officers were recovering, but would have facial scars.
Sustainable agriculture restores soil organic matter content, increasing carbon sequestration below ground, thereby recovering an important carbon sink.
I hope you're all well & are recovering from the New year splurge.
Recovering money can in no way compensate for the terrible suffering that victims of this disease endure.
After studying at Marburg under Hermann Kolbe and at Heidelberg under Robert Bunsen, he came to England in 1862 and obtained a position in a chemical works at Widnes, where he elaborated the practical application of a method he had devised for recovering the sulphur lost as calcium sulphide in the black ash waste of the Leblanc alkali process.
When the Civil War was over, the abnormally high price of cotton made cotton raising for more than a decade a great assistance to the people in recovering from ruin, but when the price had steadily declined from 23.98 cents a pound in 1870 to 10.38 cents a pound in 1879, they turned to the erection and operation of cotton mills.
This writer (see Origen) conceived the idea of collecting all the existing Greek versions of the Old Testament with a view to recovering the original text of the Septuagint, partly by their aid and partly by means of the current Hebrew text.
It had been Castlereaghs conception and, had it been as well executed as it was conceived, it might have dealt a fatal blow at Napoleons hopes of recovering his power at sea, by destroying his great naval establishments at Antwerp. It failed, and it became the subject of angry dispute between Canning and Castlereagh, a dispute embittered by personal rivalry and the friction due to the illdefined relations of the foreign secretary to the secretary for war; the quarrel culminated in a duel, and in the resignation of both ministers (see LONDONDERRY, 2ND MARQUESS OF, and CANNING, GEORGE).
Rostov brought them to his quarters, placed them in his own lodging, and kept them for some weeks while the old man was recovering.
The series invites Jewish, Christian and Islamic theologians back to the word, recovering modes of scriptural reasoning that underlie modernist reasoning.
A young boy recovering in hospital from meningitis is affected by a neurological condition that gives him acute sensitivity to sounds and colors.
He is still recovering from a ligament injury which will keep him out for the remainder of the month.
In this excellent Concentration Camp we are fast recovering from the shock of coming to England.
Nursing care Patients ' needs range from lifelong to short-term care recovering from surgery or illness.
Lee Richardson - Joint top scorer for the Brits and made some scintillating passing maneuvers after recovering from a disappointing opening ride.
I hope you 're all well & are recovering from the New Year splurge.
After recovering his health he joined Austrian military service as a cadet in ulan regiment number 10 on the 18th of May 1861.
The surgeon's office building was adjacent to the hospital building, so it was easy for him to visit his recovering patients.
Proper care and monitoring ensures a full recovery within 72 hours; some recovering in as little as one day.
They can also be great for a new mom who is recovering from a C-section or difficult delivery.
After all, she's probably overtired, sore, and still recovering from the birth, not to mention pregnancy.
The good news is, each month you stick to the plan and pay up per your agreements, your score will slowly start recovering.
According to this book, recovering from grief means regaining your energy and spontaneity.
Accepting the divorce and the way you feel about it is your first step in recovering so you can move on.
Browse your local bookstore for some books about recovering after divorce.
Having them professionally recovered or recovering the pieces yourself gives you the chance to choose any fabric design, color and material you prefer.
Avoid replacing them by recovering them.
Recovering from anemia also causes an increase in energy, leading to more activity and exercise.
Use of medications depends on the circumstances of each recovering addict.
Recovering addicts may also enjoy celebrating recovery with their own personal traditions.
Many recovering addicts enjoy making a tradition out of their anniversaries.
Most recovering addicts cannot achieve a stable recovery without the help of a professional.
If a person is not a recovering addict, he/she may have family or friends who were once addicted to a substance or behavior.
Studies have shown that attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings can increase an alcoholic's chances of recovering from this debilitating dependency.
For example, cocaine addicts and recovering cocaine addicts may look at white powder, be it sugar, flour, or baking soda, and get a craving for cocaine.
Everquest Daily Grind - a blog written by individuals recovering from Everquest addiction.
There are numerous options throughout the Sunshine State for recovering from food addiction, eating disorders and compulsive dieting.
The addict's support network can include friends and family members (drug-free or recovering), the individual's sponsor, and the drug addiction counselor and other treatment staff.
The recovering addict should continue to follow up with her physician to help avoid or treat relapses.
This improved focus can help recovering addicts work on gaining insight about why they began using drugs or alcohol, and this can help them learn how to deal with the situations that will trigger them to begin using again.
A regular exercise program also adds structure to the recovering addict's day.
Recovering addicts who join a gym or who participate in a sport will also be changing their circle of acquaintances as well as doing something positive with their time.
It's always advisable to check in with a physician before beginning any type of an exercise program, and this is especially important for recovering addicts.
The fresh air and peaceful surroundings can provide recovering addicts with a different perspective on life as they go through the process of learning how to live sober again.
Yoga is another good choice for recovering addicts who want to look and feel better.
Starting the day with even a few minutes of yoga can set a positive tone upon which recovering addicts can build.
Team sports offer a way to get fit as well as provide a social outlet for recovering addicts.
The person is either actively using, recovering from the event or seeking out more of his or her substance of choice.
Reducing or eliminating sugar from your diet can be just as difficult as recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction.
Award-winning actor Owen Wilson is recovering in a Los Angeles, California hospital after what police have called an "attempted suicide."
The recovering alcoholic reportedly "fell off the wagon" a few months prior to the incident.
The other three victims are in stable condition and recovering.
He has battled with alcohol addiction in the past and is now a recovering alcoholic.
It's only now that he is recovering from his surgery that he is opening up to the press, and even his network bosses.
After successfully recovering from whatever it was that lead to her insane head-shaving, umbrella bashing, creepy Adnan Ghalib dating behavior, Brit was able to see her boys on her own.
He seemed to be recovering in the hospital, but he died as a result of internal bleeding on September 13, 1996.
Orthopedic dog beds can also be beneficial to dogs recovering from accidental injury or surgery.
After spending a decade recovering, he finally regained the ability to play, and proceeded to branch out musically from classical guitar.
Retains Loft - Because wool fibers are naturally kinked and springy, you can compress wool for an extended period and it will spring back, recovering 95 percent of its original loft naturally.
Studies show that when a child is kidnapped, the first three hours are a critical time for recovering the child safely.
Reliant Home Care - Offers non-medical in-home care to seniors and younger individuals recovering from injuries or illness.
Person recovering from surgery who is unable to get out of a chair.
They each provide residents recovering from injuries or illnesses with short and long-term healthcare in private or semi-private rooms.
Recovering from this surgery can take up to three weeks, and during this time, swallowing can be extremely painful.
The healthcare provider should give the family guidance regarding when a recovering child should return to school or daycare.
Recuperation from surgery involves three to five days in the hospital and four to six weeks recovering at home.
Hydrotherapy may ease the emotional stress of recovering from trauma.
Some people like to add eucalyptus oil to the bathwater to relieve nasal congestion when they are recovering from colds or sinusitis.
The child may be put in bed to rest after recovering from the spell.
This imbalance can prevent the muscles and nerves from responding and recovering normally and can lead to cramping.
Therapy may also be beneficial to these children in recovering from the emotional trauma of MSBP.
Many sources advise parents to room in with the baby prior to discharge from the hospital so that they can learn how to care for the special health needs of infants recovering from necrotizing enterocolitis.
Modifying the diet while recovering from food poisoning is usually recommended.
Second impact syndrome occurs when a person with a concussion, even a very mild one, suffers a second blow before fully recovering from the first.
However, it is advised that individuals recovering from serious illness or injury consult with their healthcare providers or physical therapists before making use of adjunct therapies.
Signs of a secondary respiratory infection often appear just as the victim seems to be recovering.
Reye's syndrome, a rare aspirin-associated complication seen in children recovering from the flu.
Saving the patient's life is always more important than recovering the amputated part(s).
Persons with whooping cough should be given adequate nutrition to assist their bodies in recovering from the infective agent.
Adequate nutrition, including liquids and electrolytes, is essential when recovering from burns.
People recovering from diphtheria should rest at home for a minimum of two to three weeks, especially if they have heart complications.
Also, a parent should not give a child aspirin during a cold, because aspirin has been linked to the development of Reye's syndrome in children recovering from viral illnesses, especially influenza (flu) or chickenpox.
The sooner you take care of all the important details that are required during layoffs, the faster you'll be able to begin recovering from the difficult situation you are facing.
Recovering from a tubal ligation surgery takes about 24 hours before going back to normal activities and full recovery can be expected in about a week.
The arms move independently and provide the forward movement; one arm is always underwater while the other is recovering.
The professional, polished look of these beauties will have you rethinking those piles of lacy or colorful envelopes and a weekend recovering from writer's cramp.
A recovering victim of any kind of rape situation needs continuing guidance to rebuild self esteem and trust.
Are you and your partner recovering from cheating?
Do you need some help recovering from alcoholic relationships?
I lived with a guy for 5 years that was a recovering alcoholic and in the end of our relationship he was very abusive.
This is an important part of recovering from a breakup.
So take your time when recovering from a breakup, because if you do, if may be your last one.
Once someone has been betrayed, it is hard to trust someone after that - and often simple, nice gestures or accidental misunderstandings seem to be signs of infidelity in the minds of the person recovering from the cheating.
The risk of contamination is too great for a recovering celiac.
Do ask the child's doctor whether your child needs to follow a restricted or special diet while he or she is recovering, and follow the instructions you are given carefully.
Vicki Donovan is recovering from Damon's attack while Stefan tries to cover his brother's tracks.
She's both a recovering alcoholic and addicted to painkillers.
Also, avoid spicy foods and liquids because they can burn tissues in the recovering tongue.
If you are a recovering alcoholic, you may choose to get a spider web tattoo on your elbow to mark each year of sobriety.
Anyone recovering from an illness or an injury can benefit greatly from a restorative yoga class.
The BCDR plan should cover steps to recovering these systems.
If you are recovering from an eating disorder, seek professional counseling to help you overcome negative thoughts about your body image.
If you are recovering from an intestinal illness, these can be particularly good, as they contain vitamins and minerals that can help you recover.
Any workout with an exercise ball can also act as a form of therapy for those recovering from or wishing to prevent a back injury.
Stretching exercises are often promoted when recovering from an injury along with rest, ice, compression and keeping the injured limb elevated.
As such, they tend to hyper-extend their knees while land from a jump or recovering from other types of movements.
Chair exercises also benefit those recovering from surgery or injuries to increase their flexibility.
Whether you are recovering from a running injury and want to maintain your fitness level, or you want to add a new dimension to your swim workout, give aqua jogging a try.
If you are recovering from an injury, you will find the non-jarring motion of the bike an effective way to ease into exercise.
The Spine-Health website also offers an exercise plan if you are recovering from a back injury.
You can go at your own pace, making the equipment ideal for special populations such as children, the elderly, and people recovering from injuries.
There is also a selection of plus size wear and lingerie for those recovering from surgery, such as masectomy.
You may feel overwhelmed about throwing a Super Bowl party - after all, aren't we still recovering from the holidays?
Sober living involves residing at a halfway house of sorts with other recovering addicts.
Sober living houses are run by a fellow recovering addict who has been clean for a longer period of time than the other residents.
According to Montag, she nearly died while recovering from her surgeries.
Fans of TLC hit show 19 Kids and Counting love to get a Josie Duggar update now and then to see how the premature infant is recovering from a very touch-and-go entrance into the world.
The Nostradomo crew get him back to the freighter, where the creature is surgically removed and Kane appears to be recovering.
Mark, a recovering alcoholic, tells Stan Wedeck he was drunk during his flashforward which makes his recollection of flash forward details fuzzy.
Aaron Stark is Mark's AA sponsor and a recovering alcoholic.
Mark, a recovering alcoholic, saw himself drinking in the office as well-armed mysteriously masked figures came for him.
If you're longing for the days when your hands didn't feel dried out or even painful, finding your ideal hand lotion will take you a long way in recovering your youth.
When undergoing or recovering from chemotherapy or radiation, it is important to use specially formulated creams and lotions to protect and heal the skin, and Lindi cancer skin care products are some of the best.
Recovering in an ungraceful manner, she marched to her room, glad he wasn't around to laugh.
By the time he got in his car and left, Lisa was recovering.
Our first and foremost priority is recovering abducted children, as soon as possible.
He hadn't just destroyed any hope his planet had of recovering, he'd destroyed the woman he needed, too.
While Cynthia's mother was recovering, they discussed what to do if and when she should become unable to care for herself.
My kids are recovering.
They are all either breeding stock or are recovering from injury and intended to be reintroduced into the wild.
Ella seems now to have made peace with the exiled king Osberht, and their united forces succeeded in recovering the city.
After recovering Transylvania he was sent to drive the Austrian general Puchner out of the Banat of Temesvar.
Laws were also passed during his term putting obstacles in the way of recovering fugitive slaves.
Nor did these complications prevent him from recovering the fortress of Galamboc from the Turks, successfully invading Servia, and reasserting the suzerainty of the Hungarian crown over Bosnia.
On returning home he was crowned with the holy crown on the 29th of March 1464, and, after driving the Czechs out of his northern counties, turned southwards again, this time recovering all the parts of Bosnia which still remained in Turkish hands.
Twice she returned to Sweden (1660 and 1667) in the vain hope of recovering the succession, finally settling in Rome, where she died on the 19th of April 1689, poor, neglected and forgotten.
The recovering patient suffers from haemorrhagic extravasations in various organs, besides from the lungs, nose, mouth and bowels.
So sudden had been their onset that very few were hit until the infantry had been passed; then the latter, recovering from the shock, turned and fired into the cavalry from behind, whilst a whole fresh division of French horsemen charged them in flank.
Among the incidental operations are (a) the valuation of the bullion by weighing and assaying it; (b) " rating" the bullion, or calculating the amount of copper to be added to make up the standard alloy; (c) recovering the values from ground-up crucibles, ashes and floor sweepings (the Mint " sweep "); (d) assaying the melted bars; (e) " pyxing " the finished coin or selecting specimens to be weighed and assayed; (f) " telling " or counting the coin.
Even Hume, in various passages of his Treatise, speaks of himself as recovering cheerfulness and mental tone only by forgetfulness of his own arguments.
It is related that Zobeideh, the wife of Harun-al-Rashid, founded the town in 791 after recovering there from fever, but the earlier chronicles give no support to this statement, and it is nowhere recorded that Zobeideh ever visited Azerbaijan, and the name Tabriz was known many centuries before her time.
That Origen did not succeed in his object of recovering the original Septuagint is due to the fact that he started with the false conception that the original text of the Septuagint must be that which coincided most nearly with the current Hebrew text.
They were an energetic people, were never subdued by the Aztecs, and are now recovering from their long subjection to Spanish enslavement more rapidly than any other indigenous race.
No doubt he was waiting for an opportunity of recovering the portion of Bessarabia which had been ceded by the treaty of Paris, and he perceived in the disturbed state of Eastern Europe a possibility of obtaining the desired rectification of frontier, but he hoped to effect his purpose by diplomatic means in conjunction with Austria.
Recovering the crown lands, he abolished the principle of ministerial responsibility, the legislative power of the two chambers, and other reforms, virtually restoring affairs to their condition before 1833.
It seems that the Saxons though apparently unable to maintain their hold so far to the west, were able to prevent the natives from recovering the lowlands.
Though constrained by the general dangers of her position to make terms with Prussia, Maria Theresa long cherished the hope of recovering a possession which she, unlike her predecessors, valued highly and held by a far better title than did her opponent.
The eldest princess and Prince Vasili, recovering themselves, followed her.
Well, as I was saying," he continued, recovering his composure, "now there's this recruiting.
The Latin Renaissance in Italy aimed at recovering and verbally imitating the ancient literature; the Greek Renaissance in Germany sought inspiration from the creative originality of Greek literature with a view to producing an original literature in the German language.