Recover Sentence Examples
She nodded, trying hard to recover from the latest surprise.
That army could not recover anywhere.
The doctor says he should recover completely, though.
I think you need some rest to recover from last night.
So gold isn't scarce—only the gold we know how to recover is scarce.
The " Great Eastern " was again employed, and leaving the south-west coast of Ireland on the 13th of July she reached Trinity Bay a fortnight later, without serious mishap. She then steamed eastwards again, and on the 13th of August made her first attempt to recover the lost cable.
Pierre gradually began to recover himself and looked about at the room and at the people in it.
As a speaker Mill was somewhat hesitating, pausing occasionally as if to recover the thread of his argument, but he showed great readiness in extemporaneous debate.
In 289 Maximian attempted to recover the island, but his fleet was damaged by a storm and he was defeated.
He'd been drawn to Jenn since he'd started to recover his mind.
AdvertisementYoung cats recover farquicker from the surgery than older animals.
Bad things happen and when they do, you may feel like you will never be able to recover from it.
A rebellion among his nobles robbed him of his native kingdom, and while marching to recover it his troops deserted him, and he lost Samarkand also.
This was a blow from which he did not recover.
After the captivity and death of Valerian, Gallienus succeeded to a merely nominal rule in the East, and was too careless and self-indulgent to take any active measures to recover the lost provinces.
AdvertisementGregory listened to the appeal; he projected - not, indeed, as has often been said, a crusade,' but a great expedition, which should recover ' Tradition credits a pope still earlier than Gregory VII.
Richard soon followed; but while Philip sailed straight for Acre, Richard occupied himself by the way in conquering Cyprus - partly out of knight-errantry, and in order to avenge an insult offered to his betrothed wife Berengaria by the despot of the island, partly perhaps out of policy, and in order to provide a basis of supplies and of operations for the armies attempting to recover Palestine.
He sailed back to Otranto in order to recover his health, but the new pope, Gregory IX., launched in hot anger the bolt of excommunication, in the belief that Frederick was malingering once more.
Fields of wheat and other cereals rarely recover after a week's submergence, but orchards and many trees when at rest in winter withstand a flooded or water-logged condition of the soil for two or three weeks without damage.
An unsuccessful attempt to recover it was made in 1701.
AdvertisementBut at the end of that time people began to recover themselves.
The reign of Cleomenes is marked also by a determined effort to cope with the rising power of the Achaean League and to recover for Sparta her long-lost supremacy in the Peloponnese, and even throughout Greece.
Mademoiselle Bourienne was the first to recover herself after this apparition and began speaking about the prince's indisposition.
Since teens recover and grow at different rates, this is an important factor in any therapeutic relationship.
The attempt to recover Dalmatia, which involved Bela in two bloody wars with Venice (1181-88 and 1190-91), was only partially successful.
AdvertisementHenry at once sailed for England, and landing in Yorkshire while King Richard was in Ireland, gave out that he came only to recover his inheritance.
In cases which recover the convulsions diminish in severity, leaving the patient exhausted.
Shortly afterwards Alexius made an effort in conjunction with Murtzuphlos (Alexius V.) to recover the throne.
As plenipotentiary in 224 he called in Antigonus Doson of Macedonia, and helped to recover Corinth and Argos and to crush Cleomenes at Sellasia, but at the same time sacrificed the independence of the league.
His first step was to recover control of the mint, and place it in the hands of capable middle-class merchants and bankers, like Caspar Beer, Jan Thurzo, Jan Boner, the Betmans, exiles for conscience' sake from Alsace, who had sought refuge in Poland under Casimir IV., Justus Decyusz, subsequently the king's secretary and historian, and their fellows, all practical economists of high integrity who reformed the currency and opened out new ways for trade and commerce.
But his pretensions were ludicrous; he was quickly captured by the Chileans and sent back to France (1862) as a madman; and though he made one more abortive effort in 1874 to recover his "kingdom," and occupied his pen in magnifying his achievements, nobody took him seriously except a few of the deluded Indians.
If a tenant quits leaving tithe unpaid, the landlord may pay it and recover it from him.
The tithe-owner cannot recover damages from the tithe-payer for not cultivating the land.
The exile of his son Henry in 1398 was a blow from which he did not recover.
When Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, having injured himself by falling through a lattice, sent to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether he should recover, the prophet was commanded to appear to the messengers and tell them that, for this resort to a false god, the king should die.
In some cases it has even been possible to recover the original arrangement of the garden beds, and to replant them accordingly, thus giving an appropriate framework to the statues, &c. with which the gardens were decorated, and which have been found in situ.
Anxious to recover the city for France, Louis XI.
Germanicus Caesar, during his tenure of the command of the Roman armies on the Rhine, made repeated attempts to recover the Roman position in northern Germany and exact vengeance for the death of Varus, but without real success, and after his recall the Rhine formed for the greater part of its course the boundary of the Empire.
This alone would have shaken their authority, for, during their absence, the great vassals seized rights which were afterwards difficult to recover.
The Saxon elector gained some additions of territory and promised to assist Ferdinand to recover any lands which had been taken from him by the Swedes, or by other foes.
Finding some support in Austria, Rudolph questioned the title of the Bohemian king to the three duchies, and sought to recover the imperial lands which had been in the possession of the emperor Frederick II.
So far as Austria was concerned, the Seven Years' War in which France and Austria were ranged against Prussia and Great Britain, was an attempt on the part of Maria Theresa to recover Silesia.
The skilful diplomacy of Metternich, who was now at the head of the Austrian government, enabled Austria to take full advantage of the situation created by the disaster to Napoleon's arms. His object was to recover Austria's lost possessions and if possible to add to them, a policy which did not necessarily involve the complete overthrow of the French emperor.
We do not know how far there was a real intention to revenge Kiiniggratz and recover the position lost in Germany.
The Spartan fleet arrived too late and departed without attempting to recover the town.
Tradition, mythology and later customs make it possible to recover a scrap of the political history of that far-off time.
Psammetichus died in the fifty-fourth year of his reign and was succeeded by his son Necho, 610594 B.C. Taking advantage of the helpless state of the Assyrians, whose capital was assailed by the Medes and the Babylonians, the new Pharaoh prepared an expedition to recover the ancient possessions of the Empire in Syria.
Abd alMalik, the country suffered from famine, and under this ruler it was unable to recover.
Tahir, who in 827 was sent to recover Alexandria, which for some ten years had been held by exiles from Spain.
He was succeeded by his son Khomarflya, then twenty years of age, who immediately after his accession had to deal with an attempt on the part of the caliph to recover Syria; this attempt failed chiefly through dissensions between the caliphs officers, but partly through the ability of Khomgruyas general, who succeeded in winning a battle after his master had run away from the field.
He made repeated attempts to recover the Syrian and Palestinian cities from the Franks, but with poor success.
He sent one of his officers, All Bey al-Tantawi, to recover the Syrian towns evacuated by Abul-Dhahab, and now in the possession of the Porte.
The Egyptian government wished to make a new attempt to recover the lost province, and the idea was certainly very popular among the governing class, but Sir Evelyn Baring vetoed the project on the ground that Egypt had neither soldiers nor money to carry it out.
But the state itself, when reached, is at least as dangerous to life as is that produced by inhalation of ether, and it is more difficult to recover from.
A year after his marriage he had been stricken down by severe illness, from the effects of which he was never completely to recover; financial cares followed, which were relieved unexpectedly by the generosity of the hereditary prince of Holstein-Augustenburg and his minister, Graf Schimmelmann, who conferred upon him a pension of moo talers a year for three years.
The efforts of Maximilian to recover the country were vain, and the successive governors of the Netherlands, Philip the Fair and his sister Margaret, fared no better.
If a man asks you for anything, give it him; if he takes it without asking, do not seek to recover it.
The Third Crusade (1189) to recover Jerusalem was led by Frederick I.
The scientific and technical principles of the condensation of hydrochloric acid are now thoroughly well understood, and it is possible to recover nearly the whole of it in the state of strong commercial acid, containing from 32 to 36% of pure hydrochloric acid, although probably the majority of the manufacturers are still content to obtain part of the acid in a weaker state, merely to satisfy the requirements of the law prescribing the prevention of nuisance.
To avenge these disasters and recover the prisoners preparations were made in India on a fitting scale; but it was the 16th of April 1842 before General Pollock could relieve Jalalabad, after forcing the Khyber Pass.
In connexion with the post-office there are inland money order and savings-bank businesses; and in addition the value-payable system, by which the post-office undertakes to recover from the addressee the value of an article sent by post and to remit the amount to the sender, has found great popularity.
When his father died he was absent in the Punjab, fighting the revolted Afghans, under the guardianship of Bairam Khan, a native of Badakshan, whose military skill largely contributed to recover the throne for the Mogul line.
His great ambition was to recover Peshawar from the Sikhs; and when Captain Alexander Burnes arrived on a mission from Lord Auckland, with the ostensible object of opening trade, the Dost was willing to promise everything, if only he could get Peshawar.
His diary shows that in the outward journey Scott's mind was full of care and anxiety, while the disappointment of finding by Amundsen's record that he was not first to reach the Pole was a shock from which his spirits seemed never to recover.
Towards the close of the 19th century this industry suffered from labour troubles, from the competition of Tampa, Florida, and from the commercial improvement of Havana, Cuba; but soon after 1900 the tobacco business of Key West began to recover.
The ten years' crisis (1831-1841) evoked by the revolt of Mehemet Ali, pasha of Egypt, thus resolved itself into a diplomatic struggle between Russia and the other powers to maintain or to recover influence at Constantinople.
For, if the directed part have the same direction as the factors, (b) shows that it will be reversed by reversing either, and therefore will recover its original direction when both are reversed.
After the world had been assured that the patient was doing well and would recover, he collapsed and died on the 14th.
When the clergy, refusing to acknowledge the authority of the Burgesses in reducing their stipends, and, appealing to the king against the Assembly, entered the courts to recover damages from the vestries, Patrick Henry at Hanover court in 1763 easily convinced the jury and the people that the old church was wellnigh worthless.
The effect of the pressures applied to a piece, consisting of the load and the sispporting resistances, is to force the piece into a state of strain or disfigurement, which increases until the elasticity, or resistance to strain, of the material causes it to exert a stress, or effort to recover its figure, equal and opposite to the system of applied pressures.
The popes of the Renaissance were profoundly uninterested in theology; they were far more at home in an art gallery, or in fighting to recover their influence as temporal Italian princes, gravely shattered during the long residence of the papal court at Avignon in the 14th century.
The fascination of pure study was so powerful, the Italians at that epoch were so eager to recover the past, that during the 15th century we have before our eyes the spectacle of this great nation deviating from the course of development begun in poetry by Dante and Petrarch, in prose by Boccaccio ism to and Villani, into the channels of scholarship and anti- - quarian research.
Failing to recover his patrimony, he abandoned Umbria, and at the age of twenty-two established himself at Naples, which continued to be his chief place of residence during a long and prosperous career.
In 1741 the Swedes made an effort to recover the ceded province, but through wretched management suffered disaster, and were compelled to capitulate in August 1742, ceding by the peace of Abo, next year, the towns of Villmanstrand and Fredrikshamn.
In 1788 war again broke out between Sweden and Russia, and was carried on for two years without much glory or gain to either party, the main aim of Gustavus being to recover the lost Finnish province.
Whether he came to the throne before or after the fall of Samaria (722721 B.C.) is disputed,' nor is it clear what share Judah took in the Assyrian conflicts down to 701.2 Shortly before this date the whole of western Asia was in a ferment; Sargon had died and Sennacherib had come to the throne (in 705); vassal kings plotted to recover their independence and Assyrian puppets were removed by their opponents.
To restore the original commerce between man and nature, and to recover the imperium hominis, is the grand object of all science.
Colebrooke, began to make known the treasures of Sanskrit literature, which the great scholars of Germany and France proceeded to develop. In Egypt the discovery of the Rosetta stone placed the key to the hieroglyphics within Western reach; and the decipherment of the cuneiform character enabled the patient scholars of Europe to recover the clues to the contents of the ancient libraries of Babylonia and Assyria.
The electrolyte, when too impure for further use, is commonly recrystallized, or electrolysed with insoluble anodes to recover the copper.
Many attempts have been made to use crude sulphide of copper or matte as an anode, and recover the copper at the cathode, the sulphur and other insoluble constitutents being left at the anode.
They had gained their success largely by the aid of the Persians, who began, thenceforward to recover their lost sense of nationality; according to the Spanish author Ibn.
Taking advantage of the weakness of his ancient enemy in the days of the poor voluptuary Mahommed III., he began rapidly to recover the provinces which Persia had lost in preceding reigns, and continued to reap his advantages in succeeding campaigns under Ahmed I., until under Othman II.
Persias great aim was to recover in the north-west, as in the northeast of her empire, the geographical limits obtained for her by the Safawid kings; and this was no easy matter when she had to contend with a strong European power whose territorial limits touched her own.
Only towards the end of the Parthian sasty and after the rise of the Sassanians, under whom the national ditions were again cultivated in Persia, do we recover the lost Ces of the Persian language in the Pahlavi inscriptions and rature.
When this is healthy the attacks of microbes are resisted, wounds heal readily, and patients recover from serious diseases which in persons of debilitated constitution would prove fatal.
The use of this writ in most if not all criminal cases was forbidden in 1553; but it was used in the 17th century in a case of kidnapping (Designy's case, 1682), and against Lord Grey for abducting his wife's sister (1682), and in the earl of Banbury's case to recover his wife (1704).
In 1834 Shuja made a last attempt to recover his kingdom.
Dost Mahommed was enjoined to abandon the attempt to recover Peshawar, and to place his foreign policy under British guidance.
And when conquered, Macedonia would be conquered once and for all, for the possibility of a Turkish counter-offensive to recover the lost province was excluded by the Greek navy as effectually as the possibility of reinforcing Tripoli had been excluded by the Italian navy in 1911.
The latter reigned for thirty years, though frequent attempts were made by Ildichis, a son or grandson of Tato, to recover the throne.
The king's councillors, all adherents of the Church of Rome, openly expressed their hope that the Catholic Church would soon recover its ancient hold over Bohemia.
It was in both characters together that he set out in 488, by commission from the emperor Zeno, to recover Italy from Odoacer.
Later efforts to recover his rights in Italy failed.
The Quakers' title to West Jersey, however, still bore the cloud resulting from the Dutch conquest, and the duke of York had desired to recover all of his original grant to Berkeley and Carteret ever since Governor Nicolls had protested against it.
In 1702 a combined British and Dutch fleet under Sir George Rooke and the duke of Ormonde destroyed a Franco-Spanish fleet in the bay, and captured treasure to the value of about i 3 000,000; numerous attempts have been made to recover the larger quantity of treasure which was supposed, on doubtful evidence, to have been sunk during the battle.
And it provides further that, in the event of the judgment of the court being given in favour of the council, the council shall be entitled to recover their costs taxed as between solicitor and client.
The close of 1801 and the beginning of the following year were spent in transporting the army sent to recover Egypt from the French.
A few years afterwards, deprived of all royal authority, she withdrew into Syria, and made preparation to recover her rights by force of arms. At this juncture Julius Caesar followed Pompey into Egypt.
He was able to recover what he had lost and to make peace on his own terms. Two years later he was again assailed by a coalition headed by the archbishop of Cologne and the bishop of Utrecht.
While Robert was thus engaged in Flanders, an effort was made to recover "the County of Holland" and other lands now held by William of Utrecht.
Novello's other son Marsiglio made a desperate attempt to recover Padua in.
In order to recover the original text, it is from time to time necessary to retranslate the Ethiopic into Greek, and the latter in turn into Aramaic or Hebrew.
Thus we recover the original text of this difficult chapter.
The place was devastated by malaria in the middle ages, and did not recover until the Chiana valley was drained in the 18th century.
Rumans claim for their product a higher percentage of pure oil than is found in the American, Galician and Caucasian wells; and, although American competition nearly destroyed this industry between 1873 and 1895, improved methods and legislation favouring the introduction of foreign capital enabled it to recover.
In this month breeding ewes recover condition and strength to withstand the winter storms. Ram auctions are on in September and draft ewe sales begin and continue through October.
For this amount the guilty person, and in his default his kindred, became legally debtor, and the injured person or family became entitled to recover the amount like a civil debt by distraint, if not paid voluntarily.
After the Roman conquest an attempt to recover the city for Carthage was made in 250 B.e., which led only to a great Roman victory (see Punic Wars).
Penitentials or codes defined (even invented) different degrees of guilt, and assessed the liability involved much as if a sin gave rise to an action to recover damages.
Yet the moment that he was dead all his vassals revolted; his successors could never recover all that was lost.
Kent once more became a kingdom, and two successive Mercian sovereigns, Beornwulf and Ludica, fell in battle while vainly trying to recover Offas supremacy over East Anglia and Wessex.
After this John1s spirits rose, and he talked of crossing the seas himself to recover Normandy and Anjou.
The French expedition, which was led by the kings brother Edmund, earl of Lancaster, failed to recover Gascony, and came to an ignominious end.
But while France was engaged in the Holy War against the pope, Venice, the emperor, and Ferdinand of Spain, Henry renewed the old claims of the Plantagenets, and hoped, if not to win back the position of Edward III., at least to recover the duchy of Aquitaine, or some parts of it.
The isolation of Bonaparte in Egypt, as the result Bonaparte of Nelsons victory of the Nile (1798), had enabled bftaks up the allies to recover some of the ground lost to France.
For above all the world needed peace, in order to recover from the exhaustion of the revolutionary epoch; and this peace, bought at so great a cost, could be preserved only by the honest co-operation of Great Britain in the great international alliance based on the treaties.
During the Thirty Years' War Chemnitz was plundered by all parties and its trade was completely ruined, but at the beginning of the 18th century it had begun to recover.
Basil died in December 1025 in the midst of preparations to send a naval expedition to recover Sicily from the Saracens.
Soon after the publication of Vivian Grey, Disraeli, who is said by Froude to have been "overtaken by a singular disorder," marked by fits of giddiness ("once he fell into a trance, and did not recover for a week"), went with the Austens on a long summer tour in France, Switzerland and Italy.
Soon, however, the discontent caused by the oppressive Austrian rule, the disturbances in Germany leading to the Peasants' War and the commotions aroused by the Reformation gave Ulrich an opportunity to recover it.
In 1653 the weakness and disorder of Poland, which had just emerged, bleeding at every pore, from the savage Cossack war, encouraged Alexius to attempt to recover from her secular rival the old Russian lands.
This war marks the beginning of that systematic struggle on the part of Russia to recover her natural and legitimate southern boundaries.
It does not, however, appear that this danger assumed formidable proportions until after the Reformation; when, in the struggle made by the Catholic church to recover its hold on the world, the principle of authority was, as it were, forced into keen, balanced and prolonged conflict with that of reliance on private judgment.
To redeem man from this state of guilt, and to recover him from corruption, the Son of God became incarnate, assuming man's nature into union with His own, so that in Him were two natures in one person.
The see of Worcester and the archbishopric of York had been held together before 1062 by Archbishop Aldred, who, when he was compelled to resign Worcester, retained twelve manors belonging to the see, which Wulfstan did not recover for some years.
Within twenty years after the great victory of Dundalk, the quarrels of the barons allowed the Irish to recover much of the land they had lost.
But Tyrone and Tyrconnel, and the mountains everywhere, sheltered the Celtic race, which, having reached its lowest point under Edward I., began to recover under his son.
The Reformation having made no real progress, Mary found it easy to recover the old ways.
The county in which the crime occurs is, without regard to the conduct of the officers, liable in damages of not less than $2000 to the legal representative of the person lynched; the county is authorized, however, to recover this amount from the persons engaged in the lynching.
He addressed general letters both to the bishops, reminding them of their duties to the Roman Church, especially of their required visits ad limina, and to the whole Christian people, urging a new crusade to recover Jerusalem.
On the other hand she spared no pains to recover lost Danish territory.
Sparta felt that an effort was necessary to recover her position, and Pausanias, the victor of Plataea, was sent out as admiral of the Greek fleet.
But Sparta had neither the men nor the money to recover her lost position, and the continued existence on her borders of an independent Messenia and Arcadia kept her in constant fear for her own safety.
Any careful perusal of modern attempts to recover historical facts or an historical outline from the book will show how very inadequate the material proves to be, and the reconstructions will be found to depend upon an interpretation of the narratives which is often liberal and not rarely precarious, and to imply such reshaping and rewriting of the presumed facts that the cautious reader can place little reliance on them.
It is impossible to recover the earliest traditions from the present narratives, and these alone offer sufficiently perplexing problems.'
Also, from P alone it would have been equally impossible to recover the non-priestly forms. But while there is no immeasurable gulf between the canonical book of Genesis and Jubilees, the internal study of the former reveals traces of earlier traditions most profoundly different as regards thought and contents.
On the other hand, don, the privileged, classes, and notably the clergy, who saw the whole traditional structure of their power threatened, now rallied to him, and when after the 28th of August the Assembly set to work on the new constitution, they combined in the effort to recover some of tire position they had lost.
He had a deep dislike of England, and a strong desire to recover Minorca and Gibraltar, which she held.
Yet he was able to recover Minorca and Florida in the War of American Independence, and he finally extorted a treaty wiCi Algiers which put a stop to piratical raids on the Spanish coast.
The method adopted by Meyer to recover the thiophen was as follows.
In 1600, however, at the head of an army of Poles and Cossacks, he attempted to recover his throne, but was routed by Michael, voivode of Moldavia, at Suceava.
After the final effort of the Incas to recover Cuzco in 1 53 6 -37 had been defeated by Diego de Almagro, a dispute occurred between him and Pizarro respecting the limits of their jurisdiction.
To recover the city was a matter of prime importance, and in 1247 Frederick concentrated his forces round it, building over against it a wooden town which, in anticipation of the success that astrologers had predicted, he named Vittoria.
On the death of Demetrius, who had been supported in his endeavour to recover his father's throne by Pope Honorius III., the empty title of king of Salonica was adopted by several claimants.
In Yorkshire, the centre of the woollen industry, the largest amounts of woolfat are produced, all attempts to recover the hitherto wasted material in Argentine and Australia having so far not been attended with any marked success.
Edessa suffered still more in 1146 after an attempt to recover it.
Prolonged or excessive stimulation invariably leads to depression or paralysis, the tissues becoming fatigued, and from this condition they may recover or they may not.
In specific germ diseases a similar antitoxin forms, and in cases which recover it counteracts the toxin, while the germs are destroyed by the tissues.
But it should be borne in mind that, in the days of Gustavus, Vienna was by no means so essential to the existence of the Habsburg monarchy as it was in the days of Napoleon; and even Gustavus could not allow so dangerous an opponent as Tilly time to recover himself.
Rhyn's Immortals were struggling to recover from battles with the demons, while he struggled to keep the Council together, let alone focused.
The doctor said that he thought it might be psychological and Carmen asked if it was possible that he would recover faster at home.
Irritated with the two teenage cousins for whom she was an appointed guardian, she left the apartment to recover the rest of the bags.
Should payment not be forthcoming then NUS would move to recover monies owed.
For migratory species on the verge of stock collapse, we must now aim to maximize the potential to recover.
To recover from one of the most baffling, insidious, compulsive addictions will require diligent effort.
This allows the adrenal glands to recover between doses and prevents their becoming suppressed.
If the patient failed to recover, relapsed, or developed agranulocytosis, their treatment was changed to conventional antipsychotics.
Here a huge german airship flamed earthward with a dozen flat Asiatic craft about her, crushing her every attempt to recover.
Doing away with a general anesthetics means patients can recover more quickly.
Like conventional antidepressants, homeopathic remedies can help some people recover from depression.
Often, people who originally have severe jargon aphasia recover into milder forms of fluent aphasia.
An action in the small claims court can be used to recover the rent arrears.
Unable to recover both his sight and his rhythm, Wolfson's most prolific batsman was bowled out.
It may take longer than one day to recover from a heavy binge.
He's likely to be in for around 3 weeks depending on how quickly his white blood count can recover.
From the Dutch salvage vessel ' Holga Dane ' the quest to recover the remaining bullion was now on.
In February 2005, actions to recover loss allegedly caused by the notorious vitamins cartel were settled out of court.
Actions to recover settled chattels Actions to recover settled chattels 28.
Vladimir Smicer is denied an emotional outing against his former club as he has failed to recover from a thigh injury.
The Bill would also ensure that any farmer who found his crop contaminated with GM, could recover damages from the GM company responsible.
Therefore, we are using the box corer, which allows us to recover undisturbed surface sediments from the seafloor.
We all remember the armchair critics who told us after the last election that we could not recover.
By day they would hunt deer and rescue damsels in distress Then they would drink splendid wine to recover from the stress.
If a lender isnât licensed by the OFT then they have no legal right to recover the debt.
What are normal values from which hunted red deer readily recover?
This wholesale destruction of accumulated wisdom in the name of God precipitated the dark ages from which we did not recover until the Renaissance.
So if you wish to recover that golden, diamond-studded dishpan, you must go into the lower world after it.
Would he have abandoned the group to recover the diver?
Can contemporary jazz recover its vitality or has the seemingly eternal inspiration of jazz evaporated?
Orpheus travels to the underworld to recover his wife Eurydice.
Or why not have a massage to recover from the days exertions!
This excess fatality rate is attributed to the physical frailty of older people, who generally recover less well from physical injuries.
Plants like petunias and pelargoniums are drought resistant, but under watered fuchsias and lobelia can take weeks to recover.
Most lichens that contain green algae can recover from drought by absorbing water from humid air and then begin to photosynthesise.
Jensen was given chance to recover but eventually hobbled off to be replaced by Jason Euell.
From this input data we want to recover an estimate of the unknown illuminant.
It was wholly impracticable for the claimants to have sought to recover the goods from Gold Crown in Chile.
The Sikhs thus inaugurated the Singh Sabha to recover a distinctive Sikhism.
It seems inequitable that a losing party should benefit in this way and that the Court Service should be unable to recover the money.
If you are insured against cancelation you may be able to recover the charges from your insured against cancelation you may be able to recover the charges from your insurers.
Ziggy's back is so badly lacerated he has to take time off to recover.
Decrypting the DVD involves mounting a fairly large-scale computational effort to recover the key.
About 80% of people who get pneumococcal meningitis recover 2, about half of them without serious problems.
The other 2, who presented 10 days after consumption of the mushrooms, developed severe interstitial nephritis and did not recover renal function.
I entreat you to ask the oracle how I can recover my voice.
The most wonderful day of your life, or a financially harrowing ordeal from which you'll never recover?
A limit of NONE will cause pax to attempt to recover from read errors forever.
If an injured plaintiff is treated in hospital as a private patient he is entitled to recover the cost of that treatment.
The landlord will always be able to recover possession under the section 21 procedure.
Our already poverty-stricken country will now have to recover from a double shock.
We have a private eye employed by a wealthy client with a sexy wife, to recover a curious item.
So even at this point, although you may recover quicker than me, relaxation is important.
Will it fully recover from the horrors of the disaster?
ObjectInputStream is used to recover those objects previously serialized.
Placer cassiterite is free of deleterious minerals and is easy to recover having a high specific gravity.
In order to recover the signal lost by using a low magnetic field a receive coil made from high temperature superconductor will be used.
In four months he hoped to recover air supremacy.
No cat has been known to recover from it and unneutered tomcats are most likely to fall victim.
Over an operating lifetime of 20 years, an onshore turbine is expected to recover over 80 times the input energy required.
However, the majority of VCOs still remain unable to recover the full costs of service delivery.
By 800 BC society had begun to recover and even grow wealthy.
Your body will recover fairly quickly from nicotine withdrawals (the worst symptoms usually abate in three days or less ), 19.
In 326 Constantine, after his conversion to Christianity, issued orders to the bishop Macarius to recover the site of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the tomb in which his body was laid (see Sepulchre, Holy).
For three years he wandered about trying in vain to recover his lost possessions; at last, in 5504, he gathered some troops, and crossing the snowy Hindu Kush besieged and captured the strong city of Kabul.
About three months after his death, de Giers, who thoroughly approved of this attitude, died (26th January 1895), and his successor, Prince Lobanov, minister of foreign affairs from 19th March 1895 to 30th August 1896, endeavoured to recover what he considered Russia's legitimate influence in the Slav world.
He advised him to addict himself to an assiduous study of the more idiomatic English writers, such as Swift and Addison - with a view to unlearn his foreign idiom and recover his halfforgotten vernacular - a task, however, which he never perfectly accomplished.
When Israel began to recover its prosperity and regained confidence, its policy halted between obedience to Assyria and reliance upon this ambiguous " Egypt."
Difficulties have been found in the supernatural or marvellous stories which would be taken as a matter of course by contemporary readers, and efforts are often made to recover historical facts or to adapt the records to modern theology without sufficient attention to the historical data as a whole or to their religious environment.
It then became a formidable nest of pirates and a great slave mart; it defied all the efforts of the Byzantine sovereigns to recover it till the year 960, when it was reconquered by Nicephorus Phocas.
In September 1319 an attempt to recover Berwick was repelled by Walter the steward, and Bruce took occasion of a visit to compliment his son-in-law and raise the walls 10 ft.
These teachers, genuinely touched with a sense of the scantiness of our knowledge, of our confidence in abstract terms, of the insecurity of our alleged "facts," case-histories and observations, alienated from traditional dogmatisms and disgusted by meddlesome polypharmacy - enlightened, moreover, by the issue of cases treated by means such as the homoeopathic, which were practically "expectant" - urged that the only course open to the physician, duly conscious of his own ignorance and of the mystery of nature, is to put his patient under diet and nursing, and, relying on the tendency of all equilibriums to recover themselves under perturbation, to await events (Vis medicatrix naturae).
William and Rees ap Tudor captured Conway Castle on the ist of April 1401, and Percy in company with the prince of Wales set out to recover the place, Percy providing the funds.
He did not recover his health for more than a year, and as soon as convalescence set in he was seized by so profound a melancholy at the disaster which had thus overtaken him, that he threw himself into the Seine.
It had scarcely begun to recover its former position when, through the capricious resentment of Gallienus, the inhabitants were once more put to the sword and the town was pillaged.
He unfortunately espoused the cause of Louis, duke of Anjou, and while aiding that prince in his attempt to recover the kingdom of Naples he died of the plague, leaving his realm to his son, Amadeus VII., the Conte Rosso or "Red Count" (1383-1391); the latter added Nice (1388) and other territories to his domains.
This was due partly to a sense that only here and there was there a body of believers ripe for the congregational form of church-fellowship, which Luther himself regarded as the New Testament ideal (Dale, pp. 40-43), partly to fear of Anabaptism, the radical wing of the Reformation movement, which first strove to recover primitive Christianity apart altogether from traditional forms.
Two uncles on the father's side having settled in America, he visited Maryland in 1763, with the view, it is said, of assisting to recover a tract of land of some extent about which a dispute had arisen, and was in this way induced to commence practice as a lawyer at Baltimore, where for a time he met with much success.
The success of the Anglo-Egyptian condominium, and the consequent economic and financial prosperity of Egypt proper, rendered it possible, during 1896-1898, to recover Fashoda from the Mahdists the Sudanese provinces (see Military Operations), and to delimit in that part of Africa, in accordance with Anglo-Egyptian interests, the respective spheres of influence of Great Britain and France.
This breach was widened when Flacius began to make personal attacks on Augustus, to prophesy his speedy downfall, and to incite Duke John Frederick to make an effort to recover his rightful position.
In the following summer Washington attempted to recover this fort, in a campaign which included the skirmish 1 His Journal, published in 1754, gives a concise and lucid account of this expedition.
He was crowned at Rome in January 1295 with great pomp. He planned to pacify the West and then recover the Holy Land from the infidel; but during his nine years' reign, so far from being a peacemaker, he involved the papacy itself in a series of controversies with leading European powers.
William could be pitiless when provoked; to punish the men of the North for persistent rebellion and the destruction of his garrison at York, he harried the whple countryside from the Aire to the Tees with such remorseless ferocity that it did not recover its ancient prosperity for centuries.
The volunteers (see Flood, Henry) extorted partial free trade (1779), but manufacturing traditions had perished, and common experience shows how hard these are to recover.
Alberoni could not, and perhaps did not, sincerely wish to prevent the queen and king from plunging into an attempt to recover Sardinia and Sicily, which provoked the armed intervention of France and England and led to the destruction of the rising Spanish navy off Cape Pflssaro (see TORRINGT0N, GEORGE BYNG, VISCOUNT).
I myself will remain in hospital at Ostrolenka till I recover.
In general they regard Smolensk as the place where they hope to recover.
However, in order to maintain the quality of teaching for everyone else, the University must act to recover debts.
Arrears 11.1 The seller retains the right to receive and recover old arrears.
However, authorities could also recover the VAT making the cost of the computer cheaper to the employe.
If you recover sufficiently, we may be able to arrange for you to take the paper later the same day.
Internet users who were briefly deprived of Google access Monday will recover quickly.
The town was just beginning to recover when the Great Depression hit.
She is beginning to recover from the trauma of the last three years but now the terror of deportation is hanging over her.
Steve Foster is expected to recover from illness in time to partner Bougherra with Richard Walker likely to miss out.
Medical patients, whether recuperating from surgery or suffering other medical conditions, consistently recover better in the home environment.
Remember you can recover your stamina by exiting and reentering a room.
Repartitioning a drive just makes it a bit harder recover any data than a simple format.
Part of the band 's ' A Bigger Bang ' world tour has been rescheduled to allow the guitarist time to recover.
Sitting down heavily on some poor soul 's resting place, I had to take a few moments to recover.
It 's salutary to remember that the vast majority of stolen antiques the police recover are never claimed.
People recover from most minor illnesses by themselves and do n't need to be seen by a doctor.
They supposedly went to Pilate to get him to seal the sepulcher so that he could not escape and recover.
Build a solid fuel rocket and launch and recover it successfully.
In spite of strenuous efforts, his deckhand was unable to recover him alone.
An easier day today to recover from the previous days strenuous treks - a total trekking distance of 10km.
The pirates take Syn-Jern to their island to recover from the terrible physical abuse he has suffered at the hands of his sadistic captors.
Paul Parry is expected to recover from swollen glands.
A good deal can be done with the computer to recover an underexposed image.
Your body will recover fairly quickly from nicotine withdrawals (the worst symptoms usually abate in three days or less), 19.
He was afraid it would take him a long time to recover from the accident.
Don't expect your dad to bounce right back from this; it takes a long time to recover from a loss like this.
Ellen hoped that helping her friends recover from their horrendous bad fortune would allow them to prosper again.
Understandably, Emma decided to stay home from school to recover from her illness faster.
Many of these babies will recover; others will face serious medical conditions, and some will not survive.
With less developed immune systems infants can pick up bugs; however, in most cases they also recover from them easily.
Babies may require little more than close monitoring in order to recover from transient tachypnea, but other medical interventions may be necessary.
I sincerely hope that Spider will be able to recover.
Most pets recover after being admitted to the veterinary hospital and stabilized.
However, some cats do recover complete kidney function if they are treated promptly.
Some people may need this info to help recover a family pet, while others may seek to catch feral cats.
In rare cases, a cat may experience chronic pain and never fully recover from the procedure.
This is because many creditors pay them for helping recover as outstanding debts.
There are also plenty of articles available that profile individuals who have had their identities stolen and explain how they were able to recover from this problem, or how they are still struggling.
Be cautious about paying a person or company to show you how to avoid or recover from identity theft.
Most financial experts advise that the card should have a low limit to avoid any financial problems that are difficult to recover from.
This is meant to help the consumer avoid further collection action and to help the company recover at least some of their funds.
If you are interested in the latest statistics about identity theft and how consumers recover from having their identity stolen, Javelin Strategy and Research provides recent information from comprehensive studies.
You need time to recover from the breakup before you starting searching for a new romantic partner.
The authors rely upon their own individual experiences, as well as experiences from others, to show what grief is and how it is possible to recover from the power of that grief.
While it is certainly not the job of therapists to tell you what to do, they should be able to offer advice that helps you work through your feelings and allow you to recover from the divorce process more quickly.
The moment meaningful communication collapses, marriages enter a downward spiral from which it's difficult to recover.
If you have a sewing machine and can follow a basic pattern, you may want to recover your sofa cushion yourself.
For example, if you have a light blue couch you can recover all the cushions in a dark blue.
Keep in mind that you cannot expect to recover the amount that you originally spent unless you are selling antique collector's items.
You may be lucky enough to find a set that doesn't clash with your couch's fabric, otherwise you will need to recover them or use a slipcover.
Because they are so affordable, after only one month of use, you will recover your initial investment.
Studies suggest that milk thistle in addition to penicillin as medical treatment greatly reduced the amount of time it took to recover and also significantly increased the survival rate.
If you need to exfoliate, do it in the evening so your skin can recover some of its natural balance overnight.
There are, however, a few products available for purchase that can recover deleted text messages from a phone as well as track called numbers and calls received.
You can then log into the account and recover the text message.
Therapeutic sports massage can also help athletes recover more quickly from existing injuries.
Athletes have been using this method with success to train and to recover from sports injuries since the late 1970s.
Unmanageable situations can be the most difficult ones to deal with and recover from since you can't do anything to change what happened.
In normal situations, the body has a chance to recover after the initial reaction and release of stress hormones.
You cannot recover from a disagreement or a break up without feeling the pain it has caused you.
Even if you are not writing funny vows, you may want to include a few lighthearted moments to give your spouse (and guests) a moment to recover from the loving sentiments you are expressing.
Many couples choose to have a wedding vow renewal on a significant anniversary, after a particular difficult time in their lives or because they encountered too many wedding oops to recover from in a dignified manner.
If you or a loved one need meth addiction help, there are resources that can help you safely detox and recover from this addiction.
There are options available for meth addiction treatment that can help a person fully recover.
Until a person is willing to honestly face his or her addiction and come clean, it will be difficult to recover.
If you're trying to recover from caffeine addiction, enlisting the help of a supportive friend or family member may increase your odds of success.
Honest communication between family members is essential if you are to recover.
Most experts agree that the program gambler needs an individualized treatment plan if he/she is to fully recover.
It provides the patients with the time to practice new skills and realize what is needed to fully recover from their drug addiction.
It can take years, or even a lifetime to recover from a serious addiction.
Some people believe that one can never fully recover from an addiction.
Telling the person how proud you are and supporting him or her through this difficult time will further encourage and motivate that person to recover from his or her addiction.
You or your loved one can recover from alcoholism.
Keep in mind that hoarders don't completely recover, but they may be able to scale down their level of collecting to the point that it doesn't negatively affect their life as much as it did before treatment.
Is it possible to recover fully from crystal meth side effects?
Holistic addiction treatment at drug rehab centers is designed to help people recover from addictions, while also providing a serene and healthy environment.
Anyone can attend a drug treatment center and recover successfully, but it's important to take the first step and actually seek treatment.
For a person seeking treatment who lives out of state, it can be helpful to recover in a neutral location that is away from the contacts and behaviors that led to the drug addiction.
The decision to recover from a drug or alcohol problem is a big one, but it can change the course of your life.
Finding rofessional help is a crucial part of this process because most people with an addiction problem cannot recover alone.
Florida has many facilities equipped to help people recover from food addiction and related disorders.
People can and do recover from eating problems and move on to embrace healthier, happier lives.
She's only 18 -- her career and reputation will recover.
Not even a public apology regarding the sexist remarks he made to a female officer and the Anti-Semitic remarks he yelled out during his arrest could help him recover his once spotless reputation.
Slips and Flips are one thing and the arrests, not good things by any means, but she can recover from those.
The mistakes that Lindsay has made that have a detrimental affect her career are the ones from which she may not be able to recover.
Graziano, a Marine and Iraq war veteran is not expected to recover from his injuries and reportedly will need life long medical care.
Hulk Hogan's estranged wife Linda has apparently needed no time to recover from her divorce as rumors (and pictures) surface that she's dating 19-year old Charley Hill.
Cheerleading is more dangerous than baseball or basketball and often results in high intensity injuries that can take a lifetime to recover from.
This will give you time to recover from the long flight and get acclimated to the region before boarding the ship.
With care, dogs afflicted with kennel cough recover quickly and easily, and they return to being the active, energetic pets their owners enjoy.
The following famous dogs are just a few of the courageous search and rescue teams who worked tirelessly to recover victims from the collapsed WTC towers after that fateful day of September 11, 2001.
After the first 24 hours, reduce the amount of food your dog receives by half for a couple of days to help his system recover.
Canine rehab centers can provide an effective solution for helping dogs recover as fully as possible from illnesses or injuries.
Pain medication can be extremely useful in helping a dog recover or improvehis quality of life when used correctly and under a veterinarian's supervision.
This helps patients recover and cope with their illness by providing companionship and breaking up feelings of isolation and depression.
Some authorities suggest that 'Multiplex' should be grown surrounded by groundcover or in a mulched bed, since it does not recover easily from injury.
Many plants can recover from frost damage, so give your plant time to respond before pronouncing it dead and digging it up.
You can also apply organic fertilizers in early to late spring to help your lawn recover from the winter.
Most people who contract GBS recover fully, but this condition can be fatal in rare instances.
Aging means skin becomes less elastic, digestion doesn't work as well and bodies take longer to recover from injuries.
And, if the markets recover in 2009, those invested assets can grow and compound.
It is a slow, progressive disease, causing physical damage to the brain, from which an individual cannot recover.
Patients with sleep apnea, for example, can take as much as two to three times longer to heal from an injury or recover from an illness as someone without sleep apnea.