Recording Sentence Examples
Connor still held the camera, recording the action.
It's a shame he isn't hearing this but he'll be tied up in his room all evening recording results of his tests.
When they finished, Quinn would call Martha at home, and let her listen to the recording of the session.
Are you recording this call?
In 1847 Morse was compelled to defend his invention in the courts, and successfully vindicated his claim to be called the original inventor of the electromagnetic recording telegraph.
The tape recording is a verbal excerpt from the play.
This solves the problem of slow demo playback of client-side demos on machines which are not as fast as the recording machine.
The record of the cure was inscribed on the columns or walls of the temple; and it has been thought that in this way was introduced the custom of "recording cases," and that the physicians of the Hippocratic school thus learnt to accumulate clinical experience.
For each recording that takes place there, the studio is given a new moniker.
The Dalton figure for the treble nominal I was unable to substantiate, I cannot find anything at that frequency in my recording.
AdvertisementFrom 1816, the recording of such archeological sites would become obligatory.
Some of his former pupils are recording a CD to commemorate the occasion.
That conversation began a recording Odyssey that was left incomplete when Sawtelle died at the age of 52 in 1999.
Results so far (January-December 2004) After the first full year of recording we have received visual evidence of 246 possible polecats.
A built-in microphone preamp is also included for recording and processing vocals and acoustic instruments.
AdvertisementThe 8-channel Octane preamp is specifically designed to enhance the front end of any multitrack digital recording system.
Practical work will involve students recording plant% cover of plant species using quadrats along a transect.
Two years later there is, sadly, an entry recording the death of Frank, aged 7. Harvesting with horse-drawn reaper and binder.
Some sound recording at Barnard Farm was badly affected by radio interference.
The CD sounds like a tape recording made many decades ago.
AdvertisementWell like the sound recordist Stewart Bruce, he's got his own sound recording business down in Brighton.
The recording picked up some loud retorts, which sound like gunfire or explosions.
Continuous recording models are available with 1, 2, or 3 channels; they include high quality sapphire tipped pens for long life.
Recording a time of 14.33 Jo Atkinson and Teresa Roberts took the silverware in the women's senior 2 2x class.
The voice recording function, MP3 player, exercises and sample tests make this an incredibly smart and effective language learning tool!
AdvertisementHer previous experience in historic building survey and recording has been in on-site surveying and rectified photographical assessment using 3-Dimensional design packages.
At the 1985 AGM Gordon Wilkinson gave us our first taste of CD sound with Neville Marriner's recording of the Beethoven Eroica symphony.
By entering the Clip View, I can see the timing of my recording against the master tempo.
Its main task, however, was recording the surrenders and admittances of villein tenants.
Another priority is the systematic recording, development and storage of terminology in terminology databases.
If using unqualified timekeepers and position recorders, please refer to attached paper on timekeeping & recording.
When it comes time to add vocals - or another acoustic instrument - the mic simulator recreates the ideal tonality for various recording applications.
A tight recording schedule ensured the jokes remained fiercely topical.
The system utilizes laser triangulation to provide a contact free means of recording profiles.
Her recording band also features trumpeter Dave Priseman, but he was unable to make the Ipswich gig through illness.
The band have just finished recording their still untitled new album which will be out on Bad Taste Records on the 18th of April.
The falsification by the recording is the greater because it gives verisimilitude to what has already been falsified ' .
He died on the 26th of November 1901, soon after his resignation from the Bussey professorship. He was a member of the American Bible Revision Committee and recording secretary of the New Testament company.
It is precisely defined by a vibration number recording the frequency of the pulsations of a tense string, a column of air, or other vibrator, in a second of time.
Steinheil appears to have been anticipated in the matter of a recording telegraph by Morse of America, who in 1835 constructed a rude working model of an instrument; this within a few years was so perfected that with some modification in detail it has been largely used ever since (see below).
The great promoter of The Eliza- geographical discovery in the Elizabethan period was bethan Richard Hakluyt (1553-1616), who was active in the for- era mation of the two companies for colonizing Virginia i n 1606; and devoted his life to encouraging and recording similar undertakings.
Its objects embrace (a) admonition to those who fail in the payment of their just debts, or otherwise walk contrary to the standard of Quaker ethics, and the exclusion of obstinate or gross offenders from the body, and, as incident to this, the hearing of appeals from individuals or meetings considering themselves aggrieved; (b) the care and maintenance of the poor and provision for the Christian education of their children, for which purpose the Society has established boarding schools in different parts of the country; (c) the amicable settlement of " all differences about outward things," either by the parties in controversy or by the submission of the dispute to arbitration, and the restraint of all proceedings at law between members except by leave; (d) the " recording " of ministers (see above); (e) the cognizance of all steps preceding marriage according to Quaker forms; (f) the registration of births, deaths and marriages and the admission of members; (g) the issuing of certificates or letters of approval granted to ministers travelling away from their homes, or to members removing from one meeting to another; and (h) the management of the property belonging to the Society.
On behalf of the Liberal government an amendment was moved, stating that "This House, while recording its condemnation of the flogging of Chinese coolies in breach of the law, desires, in the interests of peace and conciliation in South Africa, to refrain from passing censure upon individuals."
On the 10th of July the four signatory powers of the convention of London signed a protocol recording the closure of the incident (protocole de cloture), and on the 13th France united with them in signing another protocol (protocole des detroits) by which the powers engaged to respect the principle proclaimed by the sultan as to the closing of the Dardanelles to foreign warships.
An inscription has been found recording the contracts for building this temple; it dates from s? ??
Mosso, the Italian psychologist, consists in recording the physical phenomena which are observed to accompany modifications of the affective consciousness.
Experimental pathology has benefited by the use of antiseptic surgery in operations upon animals, and by the adoption of exact methods of recording; while the employment of solid culture media in bacteriology - the product of Koch's fertile genius - is responsible for a great part of the extraordinary development which has taken place in this department of pathological research.
In April 1883 the Supreme Court pronounced this amendment invalid on the ground of irregularity in recording it, whereupon the legislature provided for a like prohibition in an ordinary statute.
In the case of capital felonies other than murder the recording of sentence of death has the effect of a reprieve by the court.
In the case of the unifilar suspension, the provision of a temperature compensation is not so easy, so that what is generally done is to protect the instrument from temperature variation as much as possible and then to correct the indications so as to allow for the residual changes, a continuous record of the temperature being kept by a recording thermograph attached to the instrument.
The traditions recording the separation of Lot from Abraham, of Hagar and Ishmael from Isaac, and of Esau from Jacob, although at present arranged in a descending scheme of family relationship, are the result of systematic grouping and cannot express any chronological order of events (see Genesis).
More ancient evidence is supplied by an inscription found at Aquinum, recording, so far as it has been deciphered, the dedication of an altar to Ceres by a Iunius Iuvenalis, tribune of the first cohort of Dalmatians, duumvir quinquennalis, and flamen Divi Vespasiani, a provincial magistrate whose functions corresponded to those of the censor at Rome.
Deciding which device you are viewing or recording is determined by push buttons on the front of the SCART switch.
Vegetation recording Vegetation analysis employing quadrat sampling and line transects were conducted in the prime observed foraging locations.
Attached in the appendices are a species recording sheet, a summary of site visits and information on the features of ranunculus bulbosus.
This live recording is good quality and includes raucous crowd noise !
Ashley Wass made his debut recording in 1999 with a solo recital disk of works by Cesar Franck for Naxos.
We did that several times while recording the album.
Video recording the process helped to help identify the causes.
Simultaneous recording and playback of TV programs, available with DVD-RAM, offers functionality similar to that of a hard disk drive.
A second recording session is planned for mid May to complete the project.
Sorry, no video cameras, still cameras or recording devices are allowed to be used in any theaters.
As well as being called in to be a vocal recording engineer on many other hits.
Well like the sound recordist Stewart Bruce, he 's got his own sound recording business down in Brighton.
The recording of the spectrum and redshift of this object is noteworthy in itself.
The recording conveys a relaxed attitude by the group, who seem very much into their tunes.
A further Caravan recording was released in April 1996, a remake of early classics entitled ' All Over You '.
Our robin 's nest has been busy and Malcolm has been trying to find a way of recording the activity around it.
The Taggy Tones are the most prolific rockabilly recording outfit from Denmark.
Another server keeps a track of the royalties owed to performers for each sale of their recording.
The recording has been gathering serious momentum with present results causing a few people at Sugar Shack Records to salivate rather uncontrollably !
But, if this legitimacy is so powerful and worth recording, it puzzles me that Christian sectarians have not used them.
Recording a time of 14.33 Jo Atkinson and Teresa Roberts took the silverware in the women 's senior 2 2x class.
High speed movie recording for special smooth slow-motion effects is now possible with this new feature from Sony.
The voice recording function, MP3 player, exercises and sample tests make this an incredibly smart and effective language learning tool !
Also, info on " Songs of Joy " Christian children 's music - songbooks for children 's choirs and recording by Debby McElroy.
The Killers just finished recording their sophomore release, entitled Sam 's Town.
Movie The Optio30 can record soundless movie files up to the available capacity of the selected recording media.
Recording Star Taster Session This is where it starts â the road to pop stardom !
His recording career began in 1958 with Decca 's first stereophonic recording, " 1812 " with the London Symphony Orchestra.
Photo features include an auto focus lens and a strobe flash, along with high-quality video recording.
As Lomax withdrew he still managed a surreptitious recording with a concealed hand-held machine.
At the 1985 AGM Gordon Wilkinson gave us our first taste of CD sound with Neville Marriner 's recording of the Beethoven Eroica symphony.
Toggle temperature recording mode (prompt T) Other basic functions.
Recording for Fantasy records, the group produced several albums in rapid succession featuring seasoned Cuban players and top-notch jazz talent.
Vegetation diversity was estimated from a transect recording the percentage bare ground, grass and other (herbs and shrubs).
There are OHP transparencies for use in explaining the system of recording results and also for the first card.
Tuxedo Junction was one such record-breaking recording, selling 115, 000 copies in its first week of release.
This means up to 16 hours of recording is possible on a two-sided disk.
This audio book is an unabridged recording of Richard Walker 's The Barefoot Book of Pirates.
A procedure to destroy data recorded on AIS storage media by recording patterns of unclassified data over the data stored on the media.
As someone seeking information in audio recording mixing, you search for tips and " reliable " hints to utilize when recording and mixing.
The falsification by the recording is the greater because it gives verisimilitude to what has already been falsified '.
Even Taylor never managed to get a videotape recording of their performances.
What 's the most popular recording of the William Walton viola concerto?
At the end of the recording you will be gently brought back to full waking consciousness with a combination of suggestion and music.
You may wan to start your video with a blank portion at the start (if you are recording to VHS for example).
The waters wink back at the cameras, recording their own ephemeral impressions at the edge of a historic city.
Then writer 's cramp gripped him halfway through recording my three baptismal and one (double-barrelled) surname.
The journalist had the task of recording what was said in the interview verbatim so that the information used was completely accurate.
For an additional touch, consider adding a sound recording that plays sounds of the sea in the background.
The majority of digital camcorders come with some kind of videotape recording format, such as MiniDV or Digital-8.
If, however, you plan on using a digital voice recorder for recording lectures, meetings and documents, then you will likely want a more powerful model.
Keep in mind that the quality of the recording lessens the longer you record.
This means you can write a draft of an entire paper, email or proposal by recording it on your digital voice recorder and then having it converted to a document.
At the time, it was originally used as a recording device, not for music.
The site also offers check pads for ensuring a safe take-off and recording pertinent flight data.
However, since most consumers use webcams for video chats or recording video for the Internet, you'll find that webcams produce a find quality that doesn't bog down your dial-up or broadband.
This is one of the more high-tech models, complete with advanced lane guidance, photo viewing, built-in microphone, speed limit information, audio recording, emergency services, live help, and more.
I work with extremely talented writers, arrangers and recording artists.
The recording is saved, but you can record over it by flipping a hidden switch.
Also, since the thief may be sitting nearby recording people's card numbers with a wireless device, it is possible that he can be caught before he gets a chance to leave the airport if the suspicious kiosk is reported promptly.
The only small downside is that the recording recommends several different brushes, which may turn off individuals who buy this palette strictly to learn and expecting to apply all colors with one or two brushes.
They can be used on your own phone if you want to have online access, and are also useful for tracking employees, recording use of company phones, documenting possible infidelity and monitoring your children.
Before video sharing websites became as common as they are today, the world of home video technology consisted of parents recording precious memories onto video tape, and then storing the VHS away in a closet for years.
Today, recording and sharing precious memories is so much faster and easier than it ever was before, thanks to the many online tools and resources that are available.
As time went on, the media changed to DVD storage, with certain camera models recording the video directly onto miniature discs which were playable in DVD players.
If you have additional time, you could cover image-editing techniques, photo projects and video recording.
The movie feature includes in-camera editing for movie files and the ability to change apertures when recording clips.
Scrapbook the process of decorating your home for the holidays, recording the history behind your favorite lights and ornaments.
It is a remastered version of the original recording from 1967.
This idea could be combined with the idea above by recording the song and putting it onto the CD as well.
In a stroke of marketing genius, the two agreed to allow MTV cameras inside their home and life recording their first days as a married couple.
After recording four studio albums with The Jonas Brothers, Joe took a break from the band and released his first solo album in 2011.
She also has a successful recording career, contributing numerous songs to Disney soundtracks and releasing three solo albums.
He will start recording his new studio album in September 2006, released date still to be announced.
Not only did Faith earn the Recording Industry Association of America (or RIAA) Diamond Award for selling more than 10 million copies, four singles from the album reached the top of the US Top 100 Chart.
Many of his musical releases are in Spanish, but he started recording English-language albums in 1999.
He also owns a recording company and is managing a band called Rocco Deluca & The Burden from Long Beach, California.
One of these was a musical guest slot on Saturday Night Live, which became almost scandalous when it was leaked that Simpson had attempted to lip-synch to a recording.
Her first recording effort was a gospel album, inspired by her religious upbringing and interest in gospel music.
During one performance, Tom was "discovered" by a music manager from London who convinced Tom to travel with him to the London recording studios.
Looking to appeal to a younger audience, Tom Jones began recording hits by other artists, including Prince's Kiss and Talking Heads' Burning Down the House.
She is also a successful recording artist with two solo albums under her belt.
Aguilera has gone on to become a highly successful solo recording artist, and her hit ballad Beautiful, written by Linda Perry, was a huge commercial success.
Born in 1981, singer Josh Groban is just as comfortable singing Broadway show tunes as he is recording his own music.
Not content with just a television and film career, Hilary Duff branched out into a singing career, recording tracks for Lizzie McGuire and the Disneymania compilation album.
It wasn't long before he plunged into the Atlanta hip-hop scene, recording the album Incognegro on his own independent label.
During an appearance on Oprah Winfrey's talk show, she said that she would be recording her album in March 2007, with a release date expected in late 2007.
Since the marriage and well-publicized divorce, Federline has tried his hand at everything from reality television to recording rap music to professional wrestling.
From Disney Channel star to the big screen (plus a hot recording career), Hilary Duff should have been plenty content, but she jumped into the fashion game too.
Their effort and dedication paid off, leading to Efron's impressive professional resume that includes television series and movies, as well as film and recording performances.
For one so young, Zac Efron has amassed an impressive array of on-screen and recording credits, as well as many dedicated fans.
After shooting the year's Wedding Daze and recording a voice for Horton Hears a Who!
Barrino recently finished recording a duet with fellow Idol alum Jennifer Hudson.
Idol fans are nothing if not thorough and soon reports were swirling about Pacitti's recording career.
Marie's older brothers started out as child stars, singing and performing on variety shows and eventually recording albums and touring together.
The Vanessa Anne Hudgens biography isn't limited to acting, as she has also enjoyed a successful recording career.
She is also a recording artist with two solo albums under her belt so far.
American Idol winner and multi-platinum recording artist David Cook once said he had no plans to even audition for American Idol until his brother Adam insisted he do so.
Though being a married 23-year old college student from Arkansas is going to be nothing like being a newly minted recording artist with a million dollar contract.
He is now a well-known hip hop and R&B recording artist who has worked with the likes of Justin Timberlake, Lil' Kim, and his sister, Brandy.
She was a volunteer with Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, a non-profit group that makes audio recordings.
The band sold more than 50 million albums, making Sade the most successful British female recording artist.
While this recording didn't sell as well as the band's previous ones, it earned another Grammy Award in 2002 for Best Pop Vocal.
The only recording that was made available came in 2005 in the form of a single track, titled Mum, which was donated to the DVD Voices for Darfur.
Musician Snoop Dogg uses his private jet to make sure he arrives on time for concerts, recording sessions, and television appearances.
Singer and songwriter Sheryl Crow has won nine Grammy awards and is considered one of the biggest female recording artists in the world.
The college is unique in offering program focuses from jazz studies to sound recording, along with graduate degrees in composing and Suzuki pedagogy.
Once the show is over, Roy Jones deducts their recording fees and expenses from the entry fees, and gives the host kennel club a check for the rest of the proceeds from the show.
Document how much sun the area gets each day by checking the plot several times a day and recording how much sun is covering the plot.
This New Zealand music teacher felt a strong calling to use his musical talents as a way to worship with others, so he began writing and recording his own Christian songs.
One downside is that these chords and tabs don't usually show you the timing, so you may have to spend a little time strumming along with the recording to make sure you've got the right pace.
There is also a community for musicians to swap tips with each other, advice about equipment, links to band sites, info about recording and much, much more.
The band considerably changed its approach to songwriting and recording on this record, and the results were astonishing.
While the stores carry everything from drums to horns to pianos to recording equipment, the focus of this article will be on what this music superstore can offer guitarists and bass players.
This layered approach to the recording is responsible for the riff's leaden sound.
You'll notice you're given no indication of how to sing the lyrics or how to strum the chords, so you will either need to know the song very well or have a recording of it handy so you can get the rhythm right.
To date, many fans mark this recording as one of their favorite albums by the band.
When a fiddle-playing friend named Willie Namour won a recording session as a fiddle contest prize, he recommended Hurt for the session.
Taking bluegrass guitar lessons can help guitarists rise to the challenge of playing these solos both in live performances and in a recording studio.
In December of 2008, it received eight times platinum certification by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), and the album remains the band's best-selling album.
Pete Huttlinger, a recording artist who has been all over the world, has also played at Carnegie Hall and was invited to play at Eric Clapton's Crossroads Festival.
Even if you don't have dreams of being a famous bossa nova recording star, writing your own songs can be both fun and educational.
A few examples utilized thusfar are recording small clips of speech, sounds, etc., shouting commands or blowing bubbles by breathing into the microphone.
Meanwhile, Sony has announced that the PSP will soon allow users to record TV shows on digital video recording devices and then watch the video on their handheld PlayStations.
Recording audio from PC games and systems such as the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable is relatively simple, but getting good quality music from, say, the Nintendo Wii or Xbox 360 is quite a feat.
If you're recording PC game music, run Audacity, click "Record" and change the source to "Stereo Mix".
Just like recording PC sounds, Audacity will now record every sound your gaming system makes.
In the future, we expect the iPhone to gain a mobile chat client, Flash support and voice recording.
The iPhone camera should also gain video recording capabilities.
It should also be noted that the included camera is not capable of recording video nor is the T-Mobile G1 able to play video right out of the box.
In addition, you'll get not just a 2.0 megapixel camera, but the video recording option as well.
The iPhone 3GS is also capable of recording videos and uploading them directly to YouTube.
The three microphone multi-directional audio recording is great too, as are the apps available for it, like Skype Mobile, NFL Mobile, and more.
Both cameras are capable of recording 720p HD video.
The iPhone 4 can record high definition video in 720p up to 30 frames per second, in addition to recording standard definition footage.
Some of the best cameras on smartphones today are eight-megapixels with autofocus and 720p HD video recording capability.
There is also an eight-megapixel digital camera capable of 720p HD video recording, as well as a front-facing camera for video calls.
It also includes a 5-megapixel camera, 720p video recording, 3G mobile hotspot functionality, WiFi with UMA, and is powered by the BlackBerry OS 6.1.
Another way to identify food allergies is to keep a food diary, recording everything eaten for a period of three or four weeks and noting any allergic reactions during that period.
Joe action figures at an earlier age, increasingly smitten by the grownup images of young celebrities such as high-profile athletes, movie and television stars, and recording artists.
The needle is attached by wires to a recording machine.
Each type of monitor has unique features related to length of recording time and ability to send the recordings over the phone.
A thorough examination of the scene of death, including recording baby's position, collecting items from the surrounding area, and interviewing family members and/or caregivers, can sometimes point to an external cause of death.
Since 2001, however, portable equipment is available for home recording of certain specific physiological functions.
Diagnosis can be objectively assessed using the Apgar score-a recording of the physical health of a newborn infant, determined after examination of the adequacy of respiration, heart action, muscle tone, skin color, and reflexes.
Electroencephalography-The recording of electrical impulses produced by the brain's activity via electrodes attached to a patient's scalp.
Ideally, school-age children with PKU should be taught to assume responsibility for managing their diets, recording food intake, and for performing simple blood tests to monitor their phenylalanine levels.
An electroencephalogram (EEG), also called a brain wave test, is a diagnostic test which measures the electrical activity of the brain (brain waves) using highly sensitive recording equipment attached to the scalp by fine electrodes.
They come in the shape of small discs that are applied to the head and connected to a recording device.
The recording machine then converts the electrical signals into a series of wavy lines that are drawn onto a moving piece of graph paper.
The patient may also be asked to do certain things during the EEG recording, such as breathing deeply and rapidly for several minutes or looking at a bright flickering light.
The patient is asked to lie on a bed or in a comfortable chair so that a relaxed EEG recording can be done.
Video recording of the abnormal movement is often used to analyze movement patterns and track progress of the disorder and its treatment.
For their efforts, the team was awarded a recording contract with Hollywood records.
He was, however, the lead in the first video recording of the show, and that put his face and his feet in front of viewers all over the world.
The early 20th century saw the advent of the music recording industry, and tango music became the first pop craze, on over one third of all the records produced between 1903-1910.
Singers like Flora Rodriguez took advantage of the new recording technologies to produce hits like La Morocha (the Brunette).
But regardless of your method of recording your dance, it will benefit everyone if you publish them online, and let other people print them out as well.
A dance steps feet diagram is one of the oldest tools for teaching and recording dance.
Taps will be played, either by a bugler attending the funeral service or from an audio recording.
You can choose between two methods for recording your coin tosses.
The recording process creates a hexagram (six lines) with the first toss placed the bottom and the last toss on top.
Land deed record, for recording information from land research.
Even after the states enacted recording laws, the laws were difficult to enforce, as there were many children were born at home, without a doctor present.
It was only at the advent of hospital births that the official recording became widespread.
The transcriptionist listens to a recording using a foot petal device that controls the speed and pauses the recording.
The Housing Crisis of 2007 resulted in some states recording their highest historical numbers of foreclosures, making it appear that foreclosed property was plentiful and available anytime.
It's unique in that it has a recording studio on site and it's within walking distance of Chinatown and the convention center.
While the quality of the recording may not be the best on some videos, it can be very useful to learn more about candle making by watching other candle makers in action.
Music lovers sometimes have a difficult time finding a recording of it, even though it's often heard in winter concerts or in marching bands.
His recording of "Frosty the Snowman" was an effort to repeat the success.
Offer to pay a small sum to have said singer surprise your partner by serenading him or her in person or recording a personalized song on a DVD for you to present as a gift.
A scrapbook is a means of recording information and memories.
This can be a lovely way of recording the engagement.
Scientific method worksheets often have areas for recording observations of projects and experiments, too.
If students understand that you will be recording behavior and that they will be held accountable to that behavior, then you will see that the behavior chart will start to work wonders.
The Apple TV redefines the term DVR as it combines digital recording with pay-per-view movies when you download movies and television shows to stream back later.
Once the funding is in place and all of your details are planned out, you can begin recording.
Impressive dual device recording of a small girl saying "I've been sittin' here all day..."
Well-known paranormal researcher Richard Senate viewed the recording and was quickly convinced that the tape reflected an authentic ghostly apparition.
It is an anomaly that occasionally occurs when an electronic sound recording is produced.
The anomaly is that when the recording is played back, you can hear voices on the recording that were not present when the recording was first made.
The simplest way to understand what this phenomenon represents and what science, so far, fails to explain is by first understanding the components of a typical EVP recording experiment.
The three components of a basic EVP experiment include the recording device that you decide to use, the location or environment where you place the recording device and how you decide to interact with the phenomenon.
The recorded voices are typically not heard by human ears at the time of recording.
These facts suggest that the phenomenon is somehow related to electronic systems or recording media and not actual sound waves.
It is important to distinguish an EVP, which can only be heard on recorded media, with a disembodied voice, which can be heard both by the human ear at the time the sound is made and on some kind of recording media.
Normally ghost hunters would enter a paranormal location, set up various recording and measuring devices, and then wait for a few hours with the hope of capturing an abnormal event.
Ghost hunters and paranormal researchers around the world often find themselves trying to understand how and why ghost voices can be heard on electronic recording equipment or sometimes without the aid of any equipment.
The practice of recording EVPs has a very long history, and even today there are groups and organizations dedicated to the study and research of the phenomena.
Current theory holds that hauntings, or as they are more commonly referred to, residual haunts, are merely a recording of energy that has imprinted itself on a location.
They were able to repeat the observation with seven terminally ill patients by recording and closely observing the brainwave activity of those patients through the moment of death.
These voices often cannot be heard during the course of an investigation, but they are later discovered imprinted on the recording.
Consider bringing a camera, digital recorder, or some other form of recording device to catch images or sounds.
Journaling honors the psychic experience by recording and noting it.
Sign up for the 10-day trial and get access to the premium member features, which includes recording your own voice, choosing a different voice from a list and picking a different character head to recite your message.
This represented the largest one-year drop since the government began recording income data.
Miguel was involved with Brenda and he was one of the first recording stars to sign with L&B Records.
Fans who miss recording their episodes can now keep up with their favorite soap opera via the CBS website which features some of the latest episodes.
She is also on the original cast recording that is still available for purchase.
You can review what you missed, just like a traditional recording, or you can watch the same episode as much as you'd like.
Nathan mounts a comeback, as Haley goes to the recording studio.
In 1973, Texas country singer Jerry Jeff Walker chose this laid-back destination as the place for the recording of his new album, "Viva Terlingua", which became very popular (and this helped to put Luckenbach on the map).
Recording your own special voice message is great fun and means that the early morning call can be varied as required.
Recording a special get up message is also a lovely way for children to wake up to their parent's voice when staying away for the first time and this might help with home sickness.
Some stores may even demonstrate how the recording works and what the recorded voices sound like.
The watch has large hands for 60 second and 60 minute recording.
Sub-dials are also included for 12 hour recording and 1/10 second timing.
These include the world's first digital display watch, a watch with a miniature television built into it and the world's first watch with sound recording functionality.
The chronograph models offer 12 hours of elapsed time recording, 1/20th second stopwatch capabilities, and split time measurements.
Other advanced features include carbon fiber dials and cases, crown protectors, stopwatch and elapsed time recording, screw down casebacks, and illuminated hands and markers.
The Shakuhachi site features a comprehensive list of recording artists, each with diverse stylings on this instrument.
I got into music production pretty young, and owned a recording studio for 17 years.
I mixed music for major motion pictures, television, and recording artists.
Try a recordable storybook and highlight words as the recording plays.
He recorded his first album at the age of seven and went on to compose his own work, writing and recording 70 songs by the age of 17.
When you are on the go and can't take the time or don't have the opportunity to write something down, recording a digital memo is a great way to keep track of items for future reference.
Digital memo recording devices are available from a number of brick and mortar stores, as well as online.
This recording device will also allow you to transfer files directly to you PC so you can edit and distribute them in whatever fashion you like.
Sony offers a digital memo recorder and the ICD-B10 Digital Voice Memo Recorder 150 offers the consumer a compact design and the capability of recording over two hours of material.
The type of digital memo recording device you buy will depend on your needs and budget.
How much material will I be recording at one time?
Using a profit and loss template is recommended as a way to begin recording the finances of a company.
The single step method is a simple version that basically revolves around recording incoming monies and subtracting expenses to obtain the final net income also known as the bottom line.
The diluted EPS method is the preferred way of recording stock activity within a business.
It would be polite to let the person who said it know that you are collecting their quote - most people are flattered that you considered their words worth recording.
Different people require different things when it comes to recording minor details about their workouts.
Some people find that they purposely do more exercise so that they get the "bragging rights" of recording it in their logs.
These sites offer the written form of the word or phrase, as well as an audio recording of it, which means that you can learn all aspects of it at once.
You can read, listen and play the audio recording for correct pronunciation.
For example, if recording electronic equipment, make note of the serial numbers listed on the items.
The best way to do this is to take a video recording of everything in your house.
Just take a video camera and walk through your house or apartment, recording every corner of the household.
Store your recording in a safe deposit box, or any place other than where you live, in case of fire or natural disaster.
Our customers hear about us from our fabulous sales representatives, via buzz building partnerships (such as the Pussycat Dolls recording group taking Shirley's Sexy Satin Bustier on tour with them) and through promotions and publicity.
Many who call to complain only get a recording and can get no assistance.
Drummer Jimmy Chamberlin, who had recently went through drug rehab, returned and worked with the band on recording their final album, MACHINA/The Machines of God, released in 2000.
Her sister, Ashlee Simpson, is also a recording artist.
While singing at a church camp, Jessica was discovered at 13 by a small, Christian recording label.
Per her agreement with the show "American Idol", Kelly was awarded a major recording contract.
Paul Arthurs left the band during the recording process of Oasis' fourth album in the summer of 1999, which was shortly followed by the departure of Paul McGuigan.
Recording sessions for the band's sixth album were delayed when a scheduled collaboration with electronica outfit Death in Vegas as producers was cancelled.
From then until 1973, Pink Floyd became increasingly successful, touring the world, releasing new albums and recording music for various films.
This idea was developed in 1979 with the release of 'The Wall' (later to be edited for 'The Wall' film, starring Bob Geldof), minus Rick Wright, who was dropped during the final recording sessions.
She could, of course, and very well at that, which led to her first proper recording of the song 'One More Chance', written by herself.
The Eagles reunited in '94 with an MTV concert recording and subsequent album release in November, 'Hell Freezes Over', entitled so because of a comment made when the band initially broke up!
Finally, after recording Combat Rock, Strummer and Simonon had had enough of Jones.
However, in the time between the recording and release of the first album, Chimes left the band.
After the recording of Combat Rock, the Clash fired Topper Headon due to his heroin addiction.
Headon joined the Clash in between the recording and release of their first album.
During the recording of "Give 'Em Enough Rope", Sandy Pearlman gave Headon the nickname "The Human Drum Machine", because he never made mistakes.
After their first album, though, they decided they had what it takes to make it as a professional band and formed their own recording company, Ridge Records.
By the start of 1995 the album had gone triple platinum, though the band had already turned their attention to recording their next LP.
After lying low for a few years, performing at small venues and holding a low profile, Texas tentatively returned to the recording studio in '96 to work on a new album.
Texas have proved that sparks still fly when they hit the recording studio and will hopefully continue to do so.
Sparks fly when this band hits the recording studio and their songs reflect the members' emotional and inventive conjuring talents, much to the pleasure of their multitude of followers.
They got themselves back into the recording studio and sparks started flying again, resulting in the release of the single 'All I Want' and, subsequently, the 'Greatest Hits' album that November.
Trent Reznor recorded the entirety of NIN's debut album, Pretty Hate Machine, in the dead of the night at a recording studio where he was the janitor.
Reznor himself claimed to have been clean of drugs and alcohol, but later revealed that he had a relapse into addiction during the recording of the album.
In order to fill his slot, this owner put in a tape recording of music and asked patrons if they wanted to sing along.
A popular lounge singer at the hotel Utagoe Kissa in the 1970's, he was reportedly asked by a group of fans if they could have a tape recording of his songs for a company sing-along.
Abdul's music career began with a self-funded demo recording in 1987.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) was successful in ceasing the original site and it seems they aren't ready to quit the battle.
The manipulation of artists by recording executives is nothing new, as boy bands and girl groups have been around for over 50 years.
Some LimeWire users are also concerned that LimeWire may begin to restrict the swapping of unlicensed files, in response to demands from the Recording Industry Association of Amierca (RIAA).
Despite the fact that these tracks could not be downloaded and customers were listening to music for which they had already paid, the recording industry cried foul and sued.
Did the New Zealand-UK-USA recording sessions make this record a little colder than normal?
The following demo songs have been released from the Adore recording sessions.
Jerry Lee was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Recording Academy in 2005, although rumors had long been circulating in the music community that he was broke and facing trouble for unpaid tax bills.
Viewers got a unique look into the world of music while Brooke sought out a producer and recording contract (under the ever-watchful eye of her father/manager).
All in, recording Undiscovered took about one month, but was accomplished in a week here, and a week there.
Having decided on recording a 3 song EP before any live performances, they went to a studio in Cheshire, CT.
It is speculated that there were glitches with the master recording.
The recording industry also has managed to force Microsoft and Apple to pay a percentage of the profit from each sale of the Microsoft Zune and iPod to a music industry kitty, to be distributed among the major labels.
When home recordable cassettes first become available, the recording industry panicked, and shouted from the roof tops that "home taping kills music."
Many other P2P networks, like Napster, have been forced by the recording industry to close down or to change their format so that they sell copyrighted material instead of trading it for free.
Many private users of P2P networks have also become the targets of lawsuits by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America).
Though some ISPs are resisting this action, some aren't - and the recording industry wants to make it law in the US and Europe.
This live recording is from The Man in Black's landmark Johnny Cash at San Quentin album, and simply is a can't miss for fans of any kinds of music.
By the age of 18 Marten moved to Los Angeles to study music and it did not take long before he started touring the world and recording with the heavy metal band Lizzy Borden.
Borden recently announced that they have reformed with new guitarist Ira Black and are in the process of recording a new CD.
Free music mixer downloads give you the tools to turn your demo into a more professional sounding recording.
While there are a lot of different ways to record music -- including recording it live, all systems go, on one track -- most of the time when you record a song, each instrument or vocal is recorded onto its own "track."
Many home recording set ups have 4 or 8 tracks, while many studios have 32 or more, but no matter how many tracks you have, you need some way to mix all of those tracks into one great recording.
However, for home recording, you can do the same job with products that have fewer bells and whistles - products that are perfectly suited to home recording.
My Music Tools - This website is a database of all kinds of recording tools, including music mixers.
Although laws vary from country to country, recording industry organizations have lobbied hard in nearly every corner of the globe to have file sharing networks like Limewire shut down.
Napster legal music downloads are a popular way for people to get their favorite songs online without worrying about the Recording Industry Association of America breathing down their necks, but it hasn't always been that way.
There was a day when Napster was public enemy number one for the major label recording industry, and many bands personally went after the service.