Reconstructed Sentence Examples
They had apparently been used as the foundation of a portion of the city wall, reconstructed in A.D.
The Old South church (1730-1782), the old state house (1748, restored 1882), and Faneuil Hall (1762-1763, enlarged 1805, reconstructed 1898) are rich in memorable associations of the period preceding the War of Independence.
Depretis thereupon reconstructed his administration, excluding Nicotera, Melegari and Zanardelli, placing Crispi at the home office, entrusting Magliani with finance, and himself assuming the direction of foreign affairs.
The early history of the territory comprised within the district of Dharwar has been to a certain extent reconstructed from the inscription slabs and memorial stones which abound there.
The belfry on the Grand Place was built in 1187, partly reconstructed in 1391 and finally restored and endowed with a steeple in 1852.
The Code forms the backbone of the skeleton sketch which is here reconstructed.
Shortly afterwards his term of office was brought to a close by the failure of an attempt to secure for Italy a coaling station at Sanmen and a sphere of influence in China; but his policy of active participation in Chinese affairs was continued in a modified form by his successor, the Marquis Visconti Venosta, who, entering the reconstructed Pelloux cabinet in May 1899, retained the portfolio of foreign affairs in the ensuing Saracco administration, and secured the despatch of an Italian expedition, 2000 strong, to aid in repressing the Chinese outbreak and in protecting Italian interests in the Far East (July 1900).
How early this work was begun is not clear, but it would appear to have been at least largely reconstructed in the time of the great Nebuchadrezzar.
He supported Harrison in the presidential campaign of 5840, and when the cabinet was reconstructed by Tyler in 1841, Legate was appointed attorneygeneral of the United States.
The see was founded in 1503, but the cathedral itself dates from the 12th century, though it has been reconstructed.
AdvertisementThus it may fairly be said that the railway system of the United States was reconstructed between 1896 and 1905, so far as concerns rails, sleepers, ballast and the general capacity of a given group of lines to perform work.
The true character of Urim (as expressing " aye ") and Thummim (as expressing " nay ") is shown by the reconstructed text of 1 Sam.
The cathedral, originally erected in the 12th century, was reconstructed in the 15th and 16th; the façade shows traces of both periods, the Renaissance work being complete only in the lower portion.
A third describes the repairs executed in 1681 by Prince Sherban Cantacuzino; a fourth, the restoration, in 1804, by Joseph, the first bishop. Between 1875 and 1885 the cathedral was reconstructed; and in 1886 it was reconsecrated.
The church, however, was almost wholly reconstructed in the Perpendicular period, and is a fine example of that style, the interior gaining in beauty from the scheme of colour-decoration in the choir, while the magnificent stone-vaulted roof with fan tracery, extending throughout the church, excepting the south transept, is unsurpassed.
AdvertisementThe small palace was reconstructed at a later period, and at a somewhat higher level.
In April 1920 the Cabinet was reconstructed, Stamboliiski remaining as Premier, Minister for War and of Foreign Affairs in a Cabinet composed entirely of his own followers.
The Theatre Royal, reconstructed in 1876, dates from 1787.
Libby Prison, which stood on the northern bank of a canal, near the river, in the eastern part of the city, was taken down in 1888-89, and its materials removed to Chicago, where it was reconstructed, in as nearly as possible its original form, and became the Libby Prison War Museum.'
It was therefore with surprise and some disapproval that people found Mr. Lloyd George, who appreciated his powers, admitting him into his Government in July 1917 as Minister of Munitions, a post in which he did good work for a year and a half, but did not come specially before the public. After the war, however, when Mr. Lloyd George reconstructed his Government, he became Secretary of State both for War and for Air, a conjunction of offices which was much criticized.
AdvertisementThe system of Forbes was reconstructed after his death from notebook jottings, and neither Garrod nor Forbes have left any permanent mark on.
The latter façade was completely reconstructed upon 2200 piles driven to great depths, with the result that the general harmony of the monument - the effect of time and of atmospheric conditions - was completely lost.
The city charter was revised in 1854, and again reconstructed in important particulars by laws of 1885 separating the executive and legislative powers, and by subsequent acts.
The town is dominated by the castle (now used as barracks), which was reconstructed in 1492 by the Venetians, after it had been burnt in 1487 by the count of Tirol.
The sculptures of the pediments have been completely lost, but their design has been ingeniously reconstructed by Sauer.
AdvertisementA Pennsylvanian society was formed in 1774 by James Pemberton and Dr Benjamin Rush, and in 1787 (after the war) was reconstructed on an enlarged basis under the presidency of Franklin.
It was reconstructed by Archbishop Thomas of Bayeux (10701 ioo); but of this building few portions remain.
The army stood at the back of the new government, and by the end of 1864 Louisiana was apparently " reconstructed."
This being settled affirmatively, Louisiana was reconstructed with vigour.
Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., and the battleship " Messudiyeh " (9100 tons displacement) reconstructed by the firm of Ansaldo (Genoa) in 1902, and re-armed by Vickers, Sons & Maxim, formed the only really effective war-ships at the disposal of Turkey in 1910, although a few armoured ships in addition might still serve for coast defence at a pinch, and a few more for training ships.
The town itself is a pleasant residence, and contains a 16th century cathedral church, an 18th century bishop's palace, a 14th-16th century castle (formerly the residence of the counts of the Genevois), and the reconstructed convent of the Visitation, wherein now reposes the body of St Francois de Sales (born at the castle of Sales, close by, in 1567; died at Lyons in 1622), who held the see from 1602 to 1622.
During the French occupation (1800-1814), which began after the battle of Marengo, it was still more strongly fortified; the works were entirely destroyed by the Austrians in 1815, but were afterwards reconstructed, and Alessandria is still an important fortress and the headquarters of the second army corps.
While the persevering policy of the Capets, which aimed at reuniting the great fiefs, duchies, countships, baronies, &c., to the domain of the crown, gradually reconstructed for their benefit a territorial sovereignty over France, the institution of the appanage periodically subtracted large portions from it.
The Mithras legend has been lost, and can be reconstructed only from the scenes on the above described relief.
Lescot's edifice was reconstructed at the end of the 18th century by Bernard Poyet into the Fontaine des Innocents, this being a considerable variation of the original design.
In May 1852 he became minister of finance in the reconstructed d'Azeglio cabinet, and later minister of education in that of Cavour.
The Van Rensselaer manor-house, built in 1765, was pulled down in 1893 and was reconstructed on the campus of Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, where it is used as a fraternity club-house.
Though this book has not come down to us independently, it has in large measure been incorporated in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch, and can in part be reconstructed from it.
Of numerous other medieval buildings may be mentioned the Leinwandhaus (linendrapers' hall), a 15th century building reconstructed in 1892 as a municipal museum.
A splendid military road continues the Paseo to the Castillo de San Serverino (built in 1694-1695, reconstructed in 1773 and following years).
It contains a fine cathedral, with a Gothic facade, reconstructed in 1486, and is an important commercial centre.
The corporation was finally reconstructed in 1835 under the title of a mayor, 4 aldermen and 12 councillors.
By 1674 the works had been reconstructed by Vauban.
One of the arches was broken down in 1213 and rebuilt in 1553; another was blown up by the British troops in 1809, and, though temporarily reconstructed, was again destroyed in 1836, to prevent the passage of the Carlist forces.
The house, which had been left to the grand-duke for the nation, was then found to be so structurally rotten that the interior had to be largely reconstructed.
This is occupied by the quarter of the city known as the Fort, from the former existence of a fort founded by the Portuguese and reconstructed by the Dutch.
Many of them present evidence of having been more than once destroyed by fire and reconstructed, while others show one or more reconstructions at higher levels on the same site.
The portal and the choir were reconstructed in the 18th century.
Tommaso greatly encouraged commerce, reconstructed the ducal palace and commenced the library.
The walls by which it is surrounded were erected in 1320 by Guido Tarlati di Pietramala, its warlike bishop, who died in 1327, and is buried in the cathedral; they were reconstructed by Cosimo I.
Beyond it is the Palazzo Comunale, formerly the residence of the Manfredi, but entirely reconstructed.
Such were the tetrarchies of Thessaly as reconstructed by Philip of Macedon and of Galatia before its conquest by the Romans (169 B.C.).
In 1833 the part assigned to the latter was burnt out, and has since been reconstructed.
The museum Francisco-Carolinum, founded in 1833 and reconstructed in 1895, contains several important collections relating to the history of Upper Austria.
He therefore conceived the idea that perhaps both texts were Lucan, and represented two recensions by the original writer, and he reconstructed the history as follows.
The preceding methods are only appropriate for the calculation of isolated logarithms. If a complete table had to be reconstructed, or calculated to more places, it would undoubtedly be most convenient to employ the method of differences.
It has been discovered that at the beginning of the Eocene the lake of Rilly occupied a vast area east of the present site of Paris; a water-course fell there in cascades, and Munier-Chalinas has reconstructed all the details of that singular locality; plants which loved moist places, such as Marchantia, Asplenium, the covered banks overshadowed by lindens, laurels, magnolias and palms; there also were found the vine and the ivy; mosses (Fontinalis) and Chara sheltered the crayfish (Astacus); insects and even flowers have left their delicate impressions in the travertine which formed the borders of this lake.
He showed that from each individual shell of an ammonite the entire ancestral series may be reconstructed, and that, while the earlier shell-whorls retain the characters of the adults of preceding members of the series, a shell in its own adult stage adds a new character, which in turn becomes the pre-adult character of the types which will succeed it; finally, that this comparison between the revolutions of the life of an individual and the life of the entire order of ammonites is wonderfully harmonious and precise.
He reconstructed the Ministry, but was beaten at once and had to resign, Jan.
Many of the young men and women, who were supposed to be qualifying as specialists in the various spheres of industrial and commercial enterprise, were in reality devoting their time to considering how human society in general, and Russian society in particular, could be reconstructed in accordance with the latest physiological, biological and sociological principles.
Wade of Ohio, who had piloted the bill through the Senate, in issuing the so-called "WadeDavis Manifesto," which violently denounced President Lincoln for encroaching on the domain of Congress and insinuated that the presidential policy would leave slavery unimpaired in the reconstructed states.
The texts submitted to the emperor, lost before 1570, are reconstructed and compared with the textus receptus by P. Tschackert, Die unvercinderte Augsburgische Konfession (Leipzig, 1901).
This turf wall is certainly older than the stone wall, and, as our ancient writers mention two wall-builders, Hadrian and Septimius Severus, the natural inference is that Hadrian built his wall of turf and Severus reconstructed it in stone.
The personality of Lazarus in John's account, his relation to Martha and Mary, and the possibility that John reconstructed the story by the aid of inferences from the story of the supper in Luke x.
Mainly on the north side of the stream, in an open glade, rise the picturesque and extensive ruins, the church with its stately tower, and the numerous remnants of domestic buildings which enable the great abbey to be almost completely reconstructed in the mind.
It was restored, but collapsed again in 1573, and a great part of it had to be reconstructed, including the dome (1574-1591).
The Caledonian Railway bridge at Glasgow, the reconstructed Tay bridge (1882-7), Forth bridge (1882-9), the Tower bridge, London, and the Nile lgridge at Cairo were amongst his principal achievements.
These two sea dikes were reconstructed by the state at great expense between the year 1860 and 1884, having consisted before that time of little more than a protected sand dike.
The cathedral (the see of the titular bishop of Ostia) was reconstructed in 1660, but contains traces of the older structure.
Nathaniel Hawthorne's birthplace was built before 1692; another house - now reconstructed and used as a social settlement - is pointed out as the original "house of seven gables."
Reconstructed about the end of the 11th and beginning of the 12th century, it was formally consecrated by Pope Gelasius II.
The disliked the alliance with the aristocracy and the Y in power; but in the reconstructed cabinet, though Stremayr was president, Count Taaffe, as minister of the interior, was the most important member.
In August 1873 Mr Gladstone reconstructed his cabinet, and Bright returned to it as chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster.
In 1524 the burgesses were exempted from appearing at the shire and hundred courts, and in 1583 the body corporate was reconstructed under the title of mayor and commonalty, and power was granted to make by-laws and to punish offenders.
Those from Tiryns are a most remarkable series; the figure frescos which have been reconstructed represent women in procession, a chariot group and a boar hunt.
We pass on now to compare with this narrative of St Mark another very early document which no longer exists in an independent form, but which can be partially reconstructed from the portions of it which have been embodied in the Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke.
Now that we have reconstructed in outline this early account of the Lord Jesus, so far as it has been used by both the later evangelists, we may attempt to compare the picture which it presents to us with that which was offered with by St Mark.
When Mr. Lloyd George reconstructed his Ministry after the general election of Dec. 1918, the Attorney-General was appointed Lord Chancellor and created a peer.
El Morro, as it is popularly called, was first erected in 1590-1640, and La Punta, a much smaller fort, is of the same period; both were reconstructed after the evacuation of the city by the English in 1763, from which time also date the castles of Principe, Atares and the Cabana.
Nevertheless the political situation was still embarrassing, for as the whole country beyond the range of British effective military control was masterless, it was undesirable to withdraw the troops before a government could be reconstructed which could stand without foreign support, and with which diplomatic relations of some kind might be arranged.
The buildings of the nunnery, reconstructed in the early 18th century, now serve as a hospital.
From the Posthumous Papers (pp. ' 22, 24) it is clear that Mrs Grote was wrong in asserting that she first in 1823 (autumn) suggested the History of Greece; the book was already in preparation in 1822, though what was then written was subsequently reconstructed.
Its Gothic cathedral, founded in 1037 and reconstructed in 1405, is the largest in Piedmont, and has a 13th century octagonal baptistery.
While Dahomey furnishes this elaborate example of the modern worship of a god in the embodiment of a serpent, elsewhere we find either less organic types, or the persistence and survival of cults whose original form can only be reconstructed by inference.
He did not employ the Old Testament as now reconstructed by scholarship or judged by criticism, but in its simple and obvious and traditional sense.
The first successful Vaishnava reaction against Sankara's reconstructed creed was led by Ramanuja, a southern Brahman of the 12th century.
The most famous of them is the theatre, largely hewn in the rock, which, though of Greek origin, was entirely reconstructed.
The apparatus he employed was devised by the Rev. John Michell, though he had the most important parts reconstructed to his own designs; it depended on measuring the attraction exercised on a horizontal bar, suspended by a vertical wire and bearing a small lead ball at each end, by two large masses of lead.
Later still Augustus reconstructed the road from Dertona to Vade, and into Gallia Narbonensis, and gave it the name of Julia Augusta from Placentia onwards.
For its use, Colbert reconstructed the works and arsenal of Toulon, founded the port and arsenal of Rochefort, and the naval schools of Rochefort, Dieppe and Saint-Malo, and fortified, with some assistance from Vauban (who, however, belonged to the party of his rival Louvois), among other ports those of Calais, Dunkirk, Brest and Havre.
With the aid of inscriptions the cults of Greece and Rome have been largely reconstructed.
In December 1877 he became minister of finance in the reconstructed Depretis ministry, and he subsequently held the same office in three other Liberal cabinets.
The first section was constructed in1897-1899by a Russian company, in virtue of a concession which the Persian government granted in 1893; and the second section was constructed in1878-1879by the Persian government at a cost of about 20,000, ceded to the concessionnaire of the first section in 1896, and repaired and partly reconstructed by the Russian company in i8981899.
The first section was constructed by the Persian government in 1883 at a cost of about 12,000, purchased by the Imperial Bank of Persia in 1890 for 10,000, and reconstructed at a cost of about 45,000.
The later Parsee tradition contends that Alexander burned the sacred books of Zoroaster, the Avesta, and that only a few fragments were saved and afterwards reconstructed by the Arsacids and Sassanids.
It would seem that, in the extreme spiritual vicissitudes of his life, conscious alternately of personal weakness and of the largest speculative grasp, he at times threw himself entirely on the consolations of evangelical faith, and at others reconstructed the cosmos for himself in terms of Neo-Platonism and the philosophy of Schelling.
All parties believed that the ministry would fall, and the rotativos prepared once more to divide the spoils of office, when, on the 2nd of May 1907, Joao Franco reconstructed his cabinet, secured the dissolution of the cortes and announced that certain bills still under discussion would receive the force of law.
The St Francis, completely reconstructed since the fire, and the Fairmont are new.
Van Ness Avenue, which during the process of rebuilding had assumed the character of a business thoroughfare, did not maintain this status, the business centre returning to the reconstructed Market Street.
In 1893 a financial crisis resulted in the suspension of ten banks; but with two exceptions they were reconstructed, and by the following year the effects of the depression had passed away.
Elaborate restorations have been undertaken, and the minor remains have been housed since 1904 in the reconstructed praetorium or headquarters.
The duchy of Aquitaine was reconstructed, so as to include not only the lands that Edward had inherited, and his recent conquests, but all Poitou, Limousin, Angoumois, Quercy, Rouergue and Saintongea full half of France south of the Loire.
Ptolemy Philadelphus reconstructed some of this work and began a large temple which Ptolemy Euergetes I.
In February 1806 he became lord privy seal in the ministry of Fox and Grenville, but resigned early in 1807 when the government proposed to throw open commissions in the army and navy to Roman Catholics and Protestant dissenters; in 1812 he joined the cabinet of Spencer Perceval as lord president of the council, becoming home secretary when the ministry was reconstructed by the earl of Liverpool in the following June.
The cathedral was reconstructed at the end of the 18th century.
The reconstructed government announced its intention of dealing with Irish grievances.
The computations required in such work are of extreme complexity, and the labour required is still further increased by the fact that cases are rather exceptional in which the results reached by one generation will not have to be revised and reconstructed by another; processes which may involve the repetition of the entire work.
Peter and Paul, which was almost entirely reconstructed in 1854, the town hall and corn exchange are the chief buildings.
To promote national health had always been his main object in politics, and when Mr. Lloyd George reconstructed his Ministry in the beginning of 1919, he entrusted the Local Government Board to Dr. Addison, that he might complete Lord Rhondda's work and transform it into a Ministry of Health.
Khnum is said to have reconstructed the limbs of the dismembered Osiris.
The second point is that Africa, with the exception of the lower Nile valley and what is known as Roman Africa (see Roman Africa), is, so far as its native inhabitants are concerned, a continent practically without a history, and possessing no records from which such a history might be reconstructed.
Sagasta reconstructed his ministry for the last time, and announced his intention to make the re-establishment of universal suffrage the crowning act of the Liberal policy, knowing very well that he would thus rally round him all the Liberals,.
Meanwhile, on the 24th of November, the Liberal party had been reconstructed, as the Democratic party, under Seor Montero Rios.
From 1867 onwards his influence continued to increase, despite the rupture of his party, which he reconstructed at the conference of Nagyvarad (March 17, 1868), when the famous Bihari pontok, or articles of Bihar, were subscribed.
From these data the following outline of his life can be reconstructed.
The church of All Saints, originally of Norman foundation, was rebuilt in 1273 by the abbess and nuns of Godstow near Oxford, and was largely reconstructed early in the 15th century.
He is reconstructed for the other life in exact accordance with the seven principles or souls with which he was constructed in this life.
The extensive conjunctival defect, involving one-half of the bulbar conjunctiva, was reconstructed with an amniotic membrane allograft.
Visitors begin their tour in the reconstructed cruck house which houses the museum's collection of domestic bygones.
At that time, the medieval monk who reconstructed the chronology got it slightly wrong.
We had a great time there, and I've taken some photos of the reconstructed crannog.
Below is a famous reconstructed map of what Shoreham is meant to have looked like before the sea wreaked such destruction.
The work consists of applying computational fluid dynamics simulations to study the fluid dynamics simulations to study the fluid dynamics of surgically reconstructed fluid domains.
In one part of the museum is a reconstructed fisherman 's cottage.
An extensive abdominoperineal resection was performed leaving a huge perineal defect (figure 4) which was reconstructed using bilateral myocutaneous gracilis flaps.
Go past the reconstructed old forge, and upstairs to a large room.
This is then reconstructed into a paper maquette whereby Rebecca sculpts ideas for the finished clay forms.
Dating from the 11th century, the timber motte castle at Alnwick was reconstructed of stone during the early part of the 12th century.
The black lines show the projection into a 2D view of 3D lines reconstructed from all possible 2D pairings.
Over the next two years, the building was painstakingly reconstructed.
These additional color constraints result in more accurately reconstructed geometry, which projects to better synthesized virtual views of the scene.
Chancel and south aisle presumed to be early 15thC, but east wall of former partially reconstructed.
Sometimes I resort to taping a sock onto their good rear leg to encourage them to use the newly reconstructed joint.
Players can enjoy 100 carefully reconstructed miles of underground tracks.
The reconstructed roundhouses, shown in the photographs, are erected on the original sites.
There is an reconstructed bronze age roundhouse in one of the fields.
Other locations of interest include a shipwright 's cottage and a reconstructed Inn of the sort used by sailors ashore.
The first phase of Building 1 may have looked similar to the reconstructed timber building at Bede's World displayed here.
As reconstructed in the 1980s - partly by the Adam Smith Institute - the new statism is different.
The patient's right ACL was reconstructed using part of his patella tendon with a successful outcome, ie, a stable knee.
As reconstructed by Lowes, the poetic utterance is a latent presence that speaks in and through the poet.
Garden areas include the terraced Fountain Court and the Walled Garden with its redesigned pleasure garden and impressive reconstructed Victorian vinery.
Electric traction was first used in Buenos Aires in 1897, since when nearly all the lines of that city have been reconstructed to meet its requirements, and subways are contemplated to relieve the congested street traffic of the central districts; the companies contribute 6% of their gross receipts to the municipality, besides paying $50 per annum per square on each single track in paved streets, 5 per thousand on the value of their property, and 33% of the cost of street repaving and renewals.
But the ministry never had any real hold over the country or parliament, and the dissatisfaction caused by the modus vivendi with Spain, which would have wrought much injury to the Italian wine-growers, led to demonstrations and riots, and a hostile vote in the Chamber produced a cabinet crisis (December 17, 1905); Signor Fortis, however, reconstructed the ministry, inducing the marquis di San Giuliano to accept the portfolio of foreign affairs.
The cathedral, originally erected in the 12th century, was reconstructed in the 15th and 16th; the façade shows traces of both periods, the Renaissance work being complete only in the lower portion.
As the first chancellor of the reconstructed university of Copenhagen, Friis took the keenest interest in spiritual and scientific matters, and was the first donor of a legacy to the institution.
The latter façade was completely reconstructed upon 2200 piles driven to great depths, with the result that the general harmony of the monument - the effect of time and of atmospheric conditions - was completely lost.
The temple was still standing in 1676; some eight years later it was demolished by the Turks, and its stones built into a bastion; on the removal of the bastion in 1835 the temple was successfully reconstructed by Ross with the employment of little new material.
Amongst the secular buildings may be mentioned the royal palace; the archiepiscopal palace; the palace of the order of St Stephen, built by Niccola Pisano and reconstructed by Vasari; the Upezzinghi (formerly Lanfreducci) palace, built of Carrara marble in 1590; the Lanfranchi, Agostini and other palaces; the university (1472); a large hospital (1258); and fine market halls.
It is idle indeed to rewrite the Gospel narratives in the Aramaic dialect spoken by Christ and the apostles, but the main watchwords of the Gospel theology - phrases like " the Kingdom of God," " the World to come," the " Father in Heaven," " the Son of Man," - can be more or less surely reconstructed from Jewish writings, and their meaning gauged apart from the special significance which they received in Christian hands.
With this object his staff was gradually reconstructed and its real strength removed and transferred to the Emperor.
Yet such alliances may at times break down and have then to be reconstructed on a new basis.
The tower was largely reconstructed in the 19th century.
The ancient history of Egypt has been reconstructed in great detail.
This alternative perception of curricula can only be materialized if a curriculum is reconstructed in an interactive way.
The facade, reconstructed in the original, historical style, harmoniously blends into the cityscape.
The observed distributions are reconstructed from fossil pollen data.
The first phase of Building 1 may have looked similar to the reconstructed timber building at Bede 's World displayed here.
The painted chamber Upstairs the tester bed is being reconstructed in the painted chamber.
Garden areas include the terraced Fountain Court and the Walled Garden with its redesigned pleasure garden and impressive reconstructed Victorian Vinery.
For example, a glass bottle can be broken down and reconstructed to become a glass countertop or in some cases another bottle.
The location was reconstructed as a heavy bomber airfield in 1940.
These reconstructed designs allowed freer movement and easier breathing.
In So Long and Thanks for All the Fish, Arthur returns to Earth, destroyed in the first book and reconstructed for their pets, the humans, by the super-intelligent dolphin race.
In Return of the Jedi, Han reluctantly let Lando pilot the Falcon in the battle against the reconstructed Death Star when his mission took him to the moon of Endor.
Clemente, reconstructed in the beginning of the 12th century.