Recommendations Sentence Examples
He was again chosen speaker, his former experience and his pliability of character being his chief recommendations.
The services rendered by Bentham to the world would not, however, be exhausted even by the practical adoption of every one of his recommendations.
This opposition led to an important general revision in 1883, largely influenced by the recommendations of a.
He was not without recommendations.
At the head of the establishment Johnson had placed an old lady named Williams, whose chief recommendations were her blindness and her poverty.
The provisions of neither convention are obligatory, but merely " facultative," amounting only to recommendations.
She had been brought up in a narrow retirement, could speak no language but her own, had no looks, no accomplishments and no dowry, her only recommendations being her proficiency in needlework, and her meek and gentle temper.
Still more curious, and almost peculiar to Pompeii, are the numerous writings painted upon the walls, which have generally a semipublic character, such as recommendations of candidates for municipal offices, advertisements, &c., and the scratched inscriptions (graffiti), which are generally the mere expression of individual impulse and feeling, frequently amatory, and not uncommonly conveyed in rude and imperfect verses.
In like manner the relations between the British officials and their Egyptian colleagues gradually became more cordial, so that it was found possible at last to reform the local administration in the provinces according to the recommendations of Mr (afterwards Sir) Eldon Gorst, who had been appointed adviser to the ministry of the interior.
Nubar Pasha, it is true, who succeeded Riaz as prime minister in April 1894, objected to some of Mr Gorsts recommendations, and in November 1895 resigned.
AdvertisementIn accordance with the recommendations of the Hemp Drugs Commission, the government of India passed an act in 1896 providing that, in regard to ganja and charas, cultivation of the plants should be restricted as much as possible, and that a direct quantitative duty should be levied on the drugs on issue from the warehouse in the province of consumption; while as regards bhang, cultivation of the hemp for its production should be prohibited or taxed, and collection of the drug from wild plants permitted only under licence, a moderate quantitative duty being levied in addition to vend fees.
These recommendations were eventually adopted and formed the basis of a new departure.
The one outlet remaining, however, that of Western Australia, was soon afterwards (1867) closed to convict emigrants; and this part of the committee's recommendations became a dead letter.
In its general outlines the system as set forth above has been maintained, but the departmental committee appointed in 1895 made some important recommendations which were presently adopted in part.
On the same constitutional grounds Madison objected to the carrying out of the recommendations in Hamilton's famous report on manufactures (Dec. 5, 1791), which favoured a protective tariff.
AdvertisementWhenever the governor approves of the general purpose of a bill, but disapproves of some portion or portions, he may return the bill with his recommendations for amendment, and when it comes back to him, he may, whether his recommendations have been adopted or not, treat it as if it were before him for the first time.
An Industrial Commission, appointed (under pressure) by President Kruger in 1897 to inquire into a number of grievances affecting the gold industry, had reported in favour of reforms. The recommendations of the commission, if adopted, would have done something towards relieving the tension, but President Kruger and his executive refused to be guided by them.
No appeal was made to the electorate, but the colonial parliaments rightly interpreted public opinion in endorsing the recommendations of the conference.
Simultaneously with the report of the commission of inquiry there was published a decree appointing a commission to study the recommendations contained in the report, and to formulate detailed proposals.
In this resolution the chamber took note of" the replies of the government, according to which the declarations contained in the letter of the 3rd of June do not constitute conditions but ` solemn recommendations,' while ` the convention of cession will have no other object than to effect the transference and define the measures for its accomplishment, and the Belgian legislature will regulate the regime of its colonial possessions in unrestricted liberty.'
AdvertisementThe European commission, in arriving at its conclusions, was to take into consideration the opinion expressed by the representative councils; the Powers were to come to terms with the Porte as to the recommendations of the commission; and the final result was to be embodied in a hattisherif of the sultan, which was to lay down the definitive organization of the two principalities.
It was probably owing to Dr. Hyde's influence with his fellow commissioners that Trinity College, following their recommendations, established a moderatorship and gold medal in Celtic studies.
Mr. Law's handling of the business of the House was, as ever, efficient and conciliatory; but for the greater occasions Mr. Lloyd George returned; and Mr. Law's most outstanding appearance in this session was when he announced that the Government were prepared to adopt the Sankey report in the spirit as well as in the letter, and to take all necessary steps to carry out its recommendations without delay.
Parliament neglected to give effect to these recommendations; in a country where agriculture was the chief ot almost only occupation, the tenant remained at his landlords mercy.
He was minister without portfolio in the Berry cabinet (1880-1881), and as minister of education in the coalition government of 1886 to 1890 he was able to pass into law many of the recommendations of his report.
AdvertisementA state board of arbitration, composed of two farmers, two employers and two employes is authorized to investigate the causes of any strike affecting the public interests, and publish what it finds to be the facts in the case, together with recommendations for settlement.
The native chiefs and provincial representatives meet annually under the presidency of the governor, and their recommendations are submitted for sanction to the legislative council.
The commissioners presented a very valuable report in 1838, but its specific recommendations were never adopted by the government, though they ultimately proved of service to the directors of private enterprises.
The methods and procedure of the Land Commission were much criticized, and many recommendations were made, but no legislation followed.
He transmits them to the common council with his recommendations.
The company plans to implement the recommendations through its code of practice in the new year.
All recommendations are for skilled attendants working at the primary level of health care, either at the facility or in the community.
Louis de Bernières ' Captain Corelli's Mandolin became a phenomenal bestseller, largely due to word-of-mouth recommendations.
Let me have your own recommendations; or post them to the duo board [Our module blackboard site] .
We can, however, express such limitations as recommendations, in which case a representation satisfying them is called canonical.
All recommendations are brought together in a concluding chapter for convenience.
Patients with prosthetic heart valves or who have had one previous episode of infective endocarditis should receive chemoprophylaxis according to the current UK recommendations.
Recommendations and guidelines are provided for dietary chromium in domestic animal species.
The reality is that any changes would be recommendations of an appointed unelected commission, all of whom would favor euthanasia.
The recommendations resulted in supply management confederations being set up across the country with groups of trusts working together on a geographical basis.
Their recommendations are - Soft tissue contracture around patella and fat pad - Start serial lateral X-rays to follow patellar height.
They acknowledged the contribution the UK's Guidelines had made to their own recommendations.
The project aims to develop countermeasures for accident reduction with recommendations to be presented to decision makers in Greater Manchester.
These international instruments and recommendations do not, however, prohibit all dealings with, or even all commercialisation of, human tissue.
It will give therapists the tools to motivate clients to follow specific dietary and supplementary recommendations to achieve optimum health.
It brings out the growing disengagement with formal politics, and makes 30 important recommendations for change.
Analysis of these responses reflected considerable student dissatisfaction with the science curriculum, and the students proposed ten recommendations.
Assuming it's not doable, does anyone have any recommendations on how I can ship marine life from Hawaii?
This policy contains recommendations concerning decontamination of various fibre-optic endoscopes.
Trustees are asked to consider these recommendations for the Learning Curve strategic framework.
To ensure healing in patients with active peptic ulcer disease, see further dosage recommendations for duodenal and benign gastric ulcer.
Recent recommendations for training medical geneticists are not expected to be effective as there are no posts or centers for training.
I can still remember the glee with which we demolished some of the silly recommendations of one particular Select Committee.
A high level steering group is to be set up to take the recommendations forward over the coming sessions.
Such recommendations are typified by Nielsen's usability heuristics.
Recommendations Having looked at all stats and percentages and discussing the findings in-depth, we have produced the following recommendations.
What are the recommendations following stent insertion for air travel?
The process is not judicial and the government can choose not to accept the recommendations.
The speaker of the House of Representatives, Dennis Hastert, says lawmakers would hold hearings on the recommendations in the coming months.
Recommendations for event organizers Cancel all activities planned on or close to land where susceptible livestock have recently been grazing.
Some of the recommendations have been used in enzyme nomenclature [1] .
In 2004-5, the Law Society accepted the ombudsman 's recommendations in 96% of the cases.
The report will be sent to the local authority who will notify the zoo operator of any recommendations within one month.
The best local outfitters are listed, along with contact numbers, addresses and recommendations.
May I suggest you revert to the old site as soon as possible, before yo start losing recommendations and your hit rate plummets.
Care should be exercised in treating infants, elderly patients and those with hepatic impairment (see 4.2 posology for dosage recommendations ).
Overall the process of the health needs assessment enables practitioners to meet all the Department of Health's recommendations.
Reading The reading The Reading Section provides recommendations for further reading.
Together they implement the recommendations in Part III of the Report.
The Planning Service did not make any recommendations about the location of a new hospital.
Once it has accepted the recommendations contained in the Report, the Bill is there.
The Committee shall submit any approved recommendations to the Head of School.
To move the balance of the national diet toward recognized dietary recommendations.
We provide further specific security recommendations on the following section.
The project aimed to build on the key recommendations in the report Research into Audiences for Contemporary Dance in the North West.
This group will of course publish the detailed recommendations, and will consult widely within the University as it goes about its duties.
Elderly Patients The dosage recommendations also apply to elderly patients.
The cost of normal potash recommendations as shown in the table is modest and is covered by only a very small yield difference.
Pipe work shall be supported true to line by methods strictly in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
The research result and certain recommendations was then recomposed and published in 2005 by China Agriculture Press.
The Adjudicator is a fair and unbiased referee whose recommendations are independent of HMRC.
Assessment bodies carry out the audits and submit reports and recommendations to the SIA.
The review group has published an interim report outlining a number of recommendations to improve the safety of the event in 2001.
February 2006 releases women shortchanged on equal pay The Government's Women and Work Commission has put forward recommendations to close the pay gap.
Mix the Grout to the manufacturers recommendations and then spread it over the tiles using the rubber squeegee.
The full audit report and recommendations are available on request by email tel 020 7261 8801.
Recommendations for insurance graduate from college mapping retail telecommunications.
I often wonder how some other tippers manage to give so many new recommendations.
Recommendations This method is inherently unsuitable for low modulus polymeric material systems.
In spite of the repeated recommendations of the censors, the convention refused to abolish the collegiate executive and the unicameral legislative system until 1836.
Among the many reforms introduced under his guidance were a workmen's compensation law; a survey of occupational diseases with recommendations for health insurance; the elimination of the sweatshop; the establishment of a state industrial commission for dealing with questions of labour and capital; the provision of a minimum wage and a nine-hour day for women; mothers' pensions; ratification of the proposed woman suffrage amendment; the budget system for state expenditures; pure food laws; a " blue sky " law for protecting investors from unscrupulous promoters; the initiative and referendum; a Corrupt Practices Act; the indeterminate sentence for convicts; improvement of rural schools; the establishment of a state tuberculosis hospital and the extension of safety devices on railways and in mines.
Its powers do not extend to direct and mandatory regulation, being supervisory and advisory only, but it can make recommendations at its discretion, appealing if necessary to the General Court; and it has had great influence and excellent results.
Reference should be made to the findings and recommendations in the latest quinquennial inspection report.
Porta 's recommendations saw railhead conditioning trains run every night - as a result the adhesion problems disappeared.
Reading The Reading Section provides recommendations for further reading.
Revised recommendations for limits for copper content of foods.
Final route recommendations will be available at relevant Council offices in due course.
Pipe work shall be supported true to line by methods strictly in accordance with manufacturer 's recommendations.
Several recommendations for the improvement of development programs are suggested.
The report sets out progress so far and gives recommendations for action for NHS Trusts.
Plans for the increased stadium seating are being revised to incorporate recommendations from the emergency services.
This book provides discussion summaries and practical recommendations, emanating from the working group and round table discussions in separate chapters.
February 2006 releases Women shortchanged on equal pay The Government 's Women and Work Commission has put forward recommendations to close the pay gap.
Our recommendations would remedy some of these shortcomings in relation to the reference brown goods.
Hence we have taken the Law Commissionâs recommendations on omissions and supervening fault, and included them in our draft Bill.
A package of recommendations covering both the customer and supply-side of the market was presented to the FCO Board in December 2004.
The study developed options and recommendations over a thirty year period to meet freight and passenger needs within the Norwich to Peterborough transport corridor.
Includes recommendations to the Home Office and guidelines for the voluntary sector working with refugee women.
I 'd had several word-of-mouth recommendations from friends, which is apparently how it usually happens.
Current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics are for one adult to every three infants under the age of one year.
It is important that you follow these recommendations because they serve a very important purpose.
While of course this is still important, a stronger case is being built based on new recommendations from The American Academy of Pediatrics.
You may want to ask other mothers for their recommendations.
If not, don't hesitate to ask for her recommendations.
Read up on other parents' reviews and recommendations.
Talk to your baby's pediatrician, and ask for his or her recommendations.
What better way to add to your library than to ask other parents about their recommendations?
It is important for parents to pay attention to the age recommendations if they are given.
If there aren't age recommendations. then use your own judgment.
Because it is in a person's home, you will want to get recommendations from other moms, and get references from the provider.
If you know of others who have used or are currently using this type of childcare, ask for recommendations and advice.
We've compiled a list of our favorite themed baby shower supplies, along with some recommendations for Web sites for you to check out.
Age recommendations are made to meet your baby's needs and to protect his health.
Ask for recommendations from your pediatrician, friends, relatives, etc. Sites like Epinions will often post testimonies from other consumers just like you.
Age recommendations on toy packages measure the safety of a toy - not your child's intelligence quotient.
To find a seamstress willing to sew tiny dresses, ask the employees of a fabric store for recommendations.
Ask for recommendations from others who have already successfully adopted.
However, if the condition could causes potential health issues, your doctor will continue to monitor its growth and provide you with any recommendations regarding its removal.
For a list of the best books, visit sites like Barnes and Noble where you'll find age appropriate book recommendations.
Pay close attention to age recommendations before purchasing the game or allowing your child to play it online.
Current health and safety recommendations, however, state that your child should remain in a belt positioning booster until they reach the height of 4 feet 9 inches and are between the ages of 9 and 12 years.
While state laws vary, the evidence and recommendations are clear; keep your child in a booster seat until he or she reaches a height of at least 4 feet 9 inches to help prevent injuries in a car crash.
When you send someone flowers online, you won't have the immediate feedback and recommendations that you would get if you were to visit a local floral, so choosing your own floral arrangement could begin to feel overwhelming.
In addition to their other useful features, the site also has dress recommendations and ideas for bridesmaids and flower girls' dresses.
In addition, you can talk to dealers and RV enthusiasts about dependable motor homes, ask for recommendations, and gain lots of valuable information.
Always talk with a professional at the store where you're considering making a purchase, about laptop specifics, pros and cons, etc. Also talk with friends and co-workers and ask for advice or recommendations.
In addition to getting recommendations from friends, family and colleagues regarding a good roofer, you can also utilize sites like Yelp and Angie's List.
Consult your yellow pages, and ask friends, family and co-workers for jeweler recommendations.
The best way to decide which computer keyboard to buy, is to test different designs at office supply or tech stores, and ask friends for recommendations.
If your dog has a medical condition, it's of the utmost importance that you consult your vet for food recommendations!
You should also talk to people you know who have had wax treatments done and try to get recommendations from them about good spots to go to for waxing.
You should also ask friends, family and co-workers for tax professional recommendations.
Talk to friends, family and co-workers for gardening service recommendations.
It is important to follow the manufacturer's care recommendations to keep it looking its best, so make sure you are able to follow those directions.
Also talk to people in your life who know a thing or two about baseball (players, coaches, enthusiasts etc.), and ask them for baseball bat recommendations.
Also ask these people for recommendations and advice on club selection and purchase.
Get recommendations, inquire about upcoming sales and ask for advice on which fishing pole manufacturers have the best reputations in the quality and performance department.
They will also be missing key information such as dosage recommendations, side effects and more.
Don't forget to use your friends and family members as another great source of information and recommendations.
Barnes and Noble can show you what other readers thought of the books you're considering, plus make recommendations for others that may hold your interest.
Recommendations include .38-caliber or a .38 special.
Not only will they be able to give you recommendations about what type of lumber to use, but they can give you construction techniques that can be of real use when you get down to sawing and hammering your new creation!
You'll see other Lenovo options as recommendations across the top of the page.
Smart shoppers learn how to read between the lines and compare ratings from multiple sources with recommendations from friends and loved ones.
To make the most of all these recommendations, you'll want to think critically about the information conveyed.
Professionally-prepared reviews are all essentially recommendations from people who may have more knowledge than you but who you don't actually know personally.
If anyone you know can make specific product recommendations, compare them with the professional reviews and ratings.
Geek makes recommendations of specific notebook makes and models in its laptop buyer's guide.
LapTopical wisely suggests readers consider recommendations from family, friends and acquaintances in addition to reading published laptop reviews.
Laptop Magazine is loaded with pointers on how to shop for mobile computers, and has recommendations for all types of needs.
Seek recommendations from music teachers, who can steer you in the direction of affordable, quality instruments.
Ask other musicians or teachers for recommendations, and read online reviews of instruments on sites like Musician's Friend.
Ask your vet for his/her recommendations.
I recommend starting with the feeding recommendations you'll find on the label.
I will call my vet on Monday to ask her to follow up on your recommendations.
One visitor is looking for a healthier way to feed her pet and seeks organic cat food recommendations.
By reading other people's recommendations and being willing to try several products you should be able to find your pet something she will be happy with.
You can give your pet the best chance at a high quality life for as long as she lives by following your vet's recommendations carefully.
If you have received a bite, especially from an animal that you don't know, check with your health care provider for his recommendations.
Feed your cat according to your veterinarian's recommendations to ensure a healthy queen and healthy kittens.
The type of cat food you get at the beginning will depend on the cat's age and condition, as well as any recommendations that your vet might have.
If you feed a dry cat food, follow the feeding recommendations to the letter and make sure water is always available.
Children's librarians are very knowledgeable about the books that appeal to kids in certain age groups, so they may be able to offer recommendations, too.
If he or she loves books with a friendship theme or books about animals, ask a librarian for level-based recommendations that fall into those categories.
You can also ask colleagues, relatives and friends, or others you'd trust for recommendations.
Upon completion, you see an estimated range of scores and recommendations of products based on these numbers.
If not, contact your local police department for their recommendations.
Lay down the underlayment - Select an underlayment based on the recommendations of the manufacturer of the flooring material you are using.
Regular cleaning according to the manufacturers recommendations is all that is required in most cases.
The manufacturer should have recommendations for the specific model in the owner's manual.
These recommendations make research on land use and aesthetic issues more important as more communities embrace the positive environmental effects of wind energy.
Candida albicans candidiasis remedy dose recommendations may be obtained from a naturopath, herbalist, or homeopathic expert.
Keep the dose low and follow recommendations from your health care provider.
This supplemental powder follows the diet recommendations of Dr. George Malkmus.
According to the company's website, their diet and lifestyle recommendations are based on the Book of Genesis from the Bible.
In some cases, the reasoning behind certain recommendations have been lost to time.
Follow the recommendations for using turmeric carefully and you will find that this spice becomes indispensable.
Get recommendations from friends and family, if possible, and ask about the designer's education and design training.
To find such an individual, get recommendations from friends, co-workers, and family, if possible, and ask your prospective designer about their education and design training.
Interior decorators often gain work through recommendations by others.
You'll find many recommendations for cleaning wicker headboard from using a toothbrush to dusting with a paintbrush with the bristle length cut in half.
Check the manufacturer's recommendations to be sure you have adequate playing space within your game room, and that you can fit the furniture through the door or down the stairs.
With personalized expert consultants available at the touch of a computer mouse, providing you with personal recommendations for all your cosmetics needs.
With that information, you then receive a quick list of recommendations based on your answers.
The recommendations can be saved and/or added to a shopping list.
There are also Specktra and Makeup Alley for reviews, recommendations, and chats.
Some are beginners looking for color recommendations, tips, and constructive criticism.
For those looking to take a step back in time to the natural beauty style of the Egyptians, the following products are perfect recommendations.
Be sure to check the recommendations when choosing color - even if you wear one shade in a loose mineral powder, you may need a lighter or darker foundation shade of pressed makeup.
You can also find recommendations from online gaming communities.
You could use recommendations from other players if you are not sure what websites to try.
You can also take advantage of lists of bestsellers and recommendations related to other books you like, identified by your shopping preferences.
These groups are usually happy to answer a fellow educator's questions and provide recommendations.
Because of the trust that must be involved with intimate glamour photography, it can be hard to gain clients if you do not have a large body of work or recommendations.
It's also easier to succeed in fashion photography if you have good recommendations.
Get recommendations on how to shoot for social networking sites and digital galleries, sell stock photos and create unique photo products from digital images.
At LoveToKnow Scrapbooking, our goal is to provide the tips, tricks, ideas, and product recommendations you need to create beautiful layouts with your family's photos.
Ski Central gives tips on skiing, recommendations for equipment and guides to common maneuvers.
There are also ski size charts to consult that will give recommendations based on your height.
While many of the recommendations on finding the correct length ski for your needs are helpful, the best indication is how you feel while skiing.
A chart will give length recommendations for various heights.
Talk to family members or friends who have skied in Europe to get recommendations on resorts and vacation packages.
Word of mouth and personal recommendations are some of the best, most reliable ways to gather information on European ski destinations.
Be ready to share any experiences you have or any school related recommendations you may have.
Your doctor will be able to give you recommendations on what your limitations are when lifting so you don't injure yourself.
Other teens follow book blogs like Teen Reads or get book recommendations from social networking sites like facebook.
The original dietary recommendations for protein were developed during the country's agrarian past, when people needed the energy from abundant protein to chop wood, fetch water, plow fields, and walk five miles to school every day.
If you are concerned about protein in your diet, it's best to talk with a nutritionist or your healthcare provider for recommendations tailored to fit your physical needs.
Make sure you see his portfolio and get customer recommendations.
The caterer or restaurant who will be hosting your wedding is sure to have one or two recommendations for a fine wedding florist.
The good thing about this is that if the florist has worked with the catering manager and the venue before, he'll have recommendations as to which flowers will work best for your event.
Get recommendations from other couples, churches, your wedding planner and the catering hall.
Check out these recommendations for some great ideas.
Your wedding planner or the reception hall's banquet manager is sure to have several recommendations.
Speak with recently married friends or relatives for recommendations.
Talk to friends, especially those who have recently married, and ask for recommendations.
The best way to find a great limo service in your area is to ask recently married friends, family, and acquaintances for recommendations.
The easiest way to find a suitable limo service is to ask your recently married family, friends, and acquaintances for their recommendations.
If this is the case for you, ask for recommendations to find a baker and decorator that can do the original design you want.
To begin your search, ask your reception or wedding planner for recommendations.
Ask your photographer for recommendations of the best time to get married so photos turn out exceptional.
Indian brides can also ask their recently married friends for recommendations.
Once any venue restrictions are known, couples may want to ask their venue for recommendations.
A good place to start looking for a band includes getting recommendations from friends and family, or by checking out online listings, such as the wedding bands at GigSalad.
You can call each party supply rental store in the phonebook, or get recommendations from friends and family who have had good experiences with particular companies.
You will get personal attention and recommendations from the salesclerks.
If you plan to bake or make food items, try to do it within a week or two of the wedding, depending on food storage recommendations for that food.
Check out all recommendations; don't just hire a planner on word of mouth alone.
After all, plane tickets to the islands are expensive and unless you know someone who was recently married on the island who can give you recommendations, you have a lot of planning ahead of you.
Find a planner by asking around the area or having those who live in Seattle get recommendations from their friends and relatives.
Get recommendations from friends or do a quick search online to find a few vendors to start interviewing.
Ask your doctor or counselor for recommendations for treatment programs.
Recommendations are given about the kind of substance abuse treatment the person needs.
Addicts in this program will receive continuing care recommendations along with their individualized treatment.
You may want to begin by asking for recommendations from friends, family, teachers, school counselors, members at your place of worship, your insurance carrier or someone you know who has been in treatment.
Below you will find some of the latest trends in girls socks and stockings, as well as some recommendations as to where you can buy them for a great price.
What may be cool to you runs a strong risk of being uncool to your daughter, so use the tips and recommendations below to find something you both can agree on.
The Admissions Committee will also review personal statements, recommendations and LSAT scores.
Recommendations are not required for all scholarships, but do help.
The church may also have recommendations for you.
Available at most college career centers and also online, career aptitude tests assess your skills and interests and analyze results to provide recommendations for vocations or fields of study that might appeal to you.
Finally, seeking out psychologists, psychology professors, and other professionals who work in the field is a useful strategy to gain personalized advice and recommendations.
After the college fairs are over and the recommendations from your college counselor wean down, it is important to use another objective source to find the right school for you.
Within the Christian community, you have a higher likelihood of finding people who have already attended faith-based institutions and might be willing to share recommendations, advice, or personal stories with you.
What to take on an Alaskan cruise may depend upon your specific voyage and cruise line recommendations; however, there are also items that passengers commonly need on an Alaskan cruise.
Cruise Critic is a great place to read recommendations and warnings posted by people who have experienced first-hand the type of accommodations offered on certain cruise ships.
Your veterinarian can give you recommendations on the best dog food for your pet.
Check out their recommendations in terms of both the care and training of the dog, and then investigate their breeder referral program.
Prevention, Compliance, Screening and Periodic Testing outlines the latest recommendations for how to educate pet owners to prevent heartworm disease infections in their pets.
The recommendations for dog house are similar to the ones for dog crates.
Most importantly, make sure the hydrangea you select is appropriate for your USDA hardiness zone recommendations to make sure the hydrangea you want is appropriate for your zone.
There are others, but again, check with your local nursery or extension office for recommendations.
Depending upon the soil test results and recommendations, you'll need to head to the garden center or home and garden store to pick up amendments.
Each tub will vary slightly by manufacturer, so always check the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations before installing your tub.
As stated, manufacturer recommendations vary as far as mortar and cement beds, the types of materials recommended for these setting beds, cabinet construction and so forth.
When installing laminate flooring in your home, check the manufacturer's recommendations and use underlayment they approve.
An experienced contractor should also be able to make recommendations that fit with your budget and exterior.
Many architects specialize in these types of additions; contact the local historical society for recommendations.
Read the manufacturer's directions and recommendations thoroughly.
Although proportion and balance are important, these are just recommendations.
There will often be an exploded view of each model with a list of replacement parts and even replacement faucet recommendations.
Read the manufacturer's recommendations to see if they have suggestions for specific tools or supplies to use.
Read the manufacturer's recommendations for these products.
Always read product reviews, speak with friends who have bamboo floors or contractors who have installed them for recommendations for affordable flooring that is also durable.
Deck owners often join home improvement type forums, looking for recommendations on deck stains.
Stains with the most recommendations are low maintenence, long lasting stains with great mildew and UV protection.
Subjects such as whether the stains are oil-based or water-based, contain natural or synthetic resins and environmental issues were not brought up when consumers asked for recommendations.
Sikkens products have the most recommendations from consumers and professionals who have used them, which is why Sikkens appears at the top.
Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
When you decide to hire a contractor, you first ask for contractor recommendations from family and friends who had good experiences with contractors.
This information, along with the characteristics of the home help us arrive at our professional recommendations, which we work through with the homeowners until we all agree on one window make and model.
Check the instructions that came with the tiles for recommendations; there may be a recommended "grain" for laying out the tile in a specific direction marked with arrows.
One of the quickest ways to get customized men's fashion advice for your age, body, coloring, profession, and location is to visit a store where you can try on items, get measured, and enjoy personal recommendations.
The experts at this company will help you assess your needs and make recommendations on forage mixtures for your livestock.
While perhaps a bit controversial, Organic Life appears to have anticipated the recommendations of medical research in this case.
Like other manufacturers, Amy's Kitchen includes dietary recommendations for several types of dietary needs such as gluten-free menus and dairy-free diet plans.
To gain a better idea of whether the product in question will fit you, visit the size guide for exact bust, waist, height and size recommendations.
The staff at Nordstrom is especially skilled in this department, and will be able to measure you and provide you with product recommendations.
Ask reputable lingerie retailers if they have any other local recommendations.
Ask your eye doctor for recommendations.
Following food safety fundamentals and recommendations keeps your food safe and reduces the risk of contracting a food borne illness or disease.
Check your local phonebook for retirement communities and senior housing, or ask at the library, town hall, community center, or senior center for recommendations.
Another option is to contact a local branch of the National Association of Area Agencies of Aging using their state-by-state directory to ask for local options and recommendations.
The recommendations by the senior's personal physician are paramount.
An effective way to find a quality care provider is to ask for recommendations from one's doctor, hospital discharge planner or social worker.
If you don't know who to call, check with organizations like AARP for recommendations.
I asked her how they approached some of the concerns and issues, and many of the recommendations in the book are their direct experiences.
Be sure to ask for recommendations as well.
You may also want to ask friends or family members for recommendations since word of mouth can sometimes be the best means of finding out first-hand about an enticing destination or a reputable company.
The following suggestions are complementary approaches to recommendations from your physician.
He evaluates the patient's habits and makes recommendations to help patients treat their sleep apnea.
Asking friends and family members for recommendations will offer a perspective that no office website or brochure can, but office fliers and blogs can be a great place to start researching.
A patient can always ask their doctor for recommendations for sleep centers outside of Tampa in the greater Tampa Bay Area.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist for brand and dosing recommendations before beginning treatment.
Ask your doctor for advice or recommendations before making a purchase.
Patients interested in finding more sleep dentists in the state of Wisconsin can benefit from talking to their doctors for recommendations.
Determining how often to replace masks can be a little confusing because recommendations vary according to the source.
Just keep in mind that recommendations are to stop eating two to three hours before bed.
Either go with their recommendations, or browse the full collection to find the perfect pair of glasses for your look and requirements.
He or she will be able to make recommendations based on the materials they're made from and inspect the fit once they're on your eye and again when they have been on your eye for about a week.
Using the chart ahead of time and getting recommendations can send you in the right direction in those potentially overwhelming moments when you're browsing on your own while waiting for the optician to finish with another client.
This remarkable feat is accomplished through photochromic technology, and even better is the fact that these special lenses are compatible with a wide range of prescriptions, including bifocals and trifocal recommendations.
Similarly, guests with heart, neck, or back problems or guests who may be pregnant should heed the safety recommendations and avoid riding.
Following ride recommendations, such as not riding with heart, back, or neck problems.
Seek medical attention for injuries immediately and keep records of treatments and doctor recommendations.
Check out LoveToKnow Theme Park's recommendations for where to look online - and book your next Disney trip today!
For more holiday Nintendo Wii gift recommendations, including games and accessories, see our article Holiday 2006 Nintendo Wii Video Game Gift Ideas.
Be sure to check out our article Holiday 2006 PlayStation 3 (PS3) Video Game Gift Ideas for game and accessory recommendations.
Our recommendations for fun GameCube games will bring smiles to everyone's face.
It's the best place for holiday recommendations.
You can browse bottles, get recommendations, or stop in for a tasting.
You can also ask your local wine shop owner for recommendations.
He puts together his own personal recommendations of planning a trip through Napa and other Northern California wine regions.
There are maps to go with the recommendations.
Chances are they have tasted most of the wines on the shelf and can help make recommendations about what you are looking for.
When in doubt, visit your local wine shop or ask a restaurant sommelier for recommendations.
Ask your server, or better yet the sommelier, for Pinot Noir recommendations based on your personal preferences.
If you'd like to branch out and try your own but don't know where to start, take a trip to your local wine shop for recommendations for wines that will make your holiday meal sparkle.
Visit your local wine shop for recommendations of different styles of Cabernet Sauvignon wines in your price range and see what flavors you discover in your favorite Cabernet Sauvignon.
If you'd like to try Italian wines, talk with your local wine proprietor for recommendations.
If you're not sure where you want to camp, ask the RV dealer you rent from for recommendations or contact the Convention and Visitors Bureau in the cities or towns you plan to visit for camping travel information.
Grab a fashion case in your favorite color, a gel skin with a handy wrist strap, or just get yourself started with the MyTouch Starter Kit that includes a black gel skin, car charger, a commuter mug, and On the Go App recommendations.
Unlike most other Internet radio applications that only provide you with access to pre-set radio stations, the application lets you develop your own station based on your preferences and recommendations.
Amazon Shopping Application - Amazon's one click order application lets you shop online for your Amazon products, as well as to track your packages, get recommendations, and modify the order if you need to.
The specific choice may depend on what is available, the woman's preferences, her doctor's recommendations, and how the labor is proceeding.
Parents should follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding toys and check toys frequently for loose or broken parts.
Schools that accept at-risk children and adolescents require psychological and educational testing, as well as references or recommendations from a professional (usually a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist).
Manufacturers also consider recommendations of experts in child development regarding the stages of physical, emotional, and intellectual development.
Nutritional recommendations include zinc lozenges every two hours along with vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin A, and beta-carotene supplements.
Recommendations for dietary change include switching to 1 percent or skim milk, low-fat cheese, and meats from which the fat can be trimmed.
If the nutritional recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences are followed, a preschooler's diet will consist of 40 percent carbohydrates, 35 percent fats, 20 percent protein, and 5 percent fiber.
Teens who follow a vegetarian diet are more likely to meet recommendations for total fat, saturated fat, and number of servings of fruits and vegetables as compared to non-vegetarians.
Most teens, whether they are vegetarian or not, do not meet recommendations for calcium, according to the VRG survey.
The pediatrician may make recommendations for the child's activity prior to testing.
Much information is available from public health sources and family physicians about diet and exercise recommendations to help people of all ages reduce the risk of vascular disease and related illnesses, such as heart disease and stroke.
There are no special care recommendations after throat swab and culture have been performed.
Congenital rubella is a serious, life-changing condition, and adherence to immunization recommendations is crucial to the public health.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) issues recommendations relating to the organization and structure of daycare centers, particularly those that provide care for infants and toddlers.
These recommendations are considered to be the minimum standards a daycare center should observe.
Physicians and employers should be consulted for recommendations.
Most teens, whether they were vegetarian or not, do not meet recommendations for calcium, according to the VRG survey.
Recommendations for other vaccines and immunobiologic medicines depend on the child's health status or area of world where the family might travel.
When a child has been diagnosed with renal vein thrombosis, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations for follow-up checkups to closely monitor his or her condition.
In the United States, the AAP recommendations reduced the incidence of front-sleeping in infants from over 70 percent in 1992 to 24 percent in 1996.
It may be better for parents, with the guidance of their pediatrician, to depart from these recommendations in the case of infants with certain health problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux (GER).
Parents ask other parents for recommendations.
A trained psychologist evaluates and interprets an individual's performance on the scale's subtests to discover strengths and weaknesses and offer recommendations based upon these findings.
The child's doctor should provide specific activity guidelines, including recommendations regarding the child's sports participation.
A visit to the doctor may be necessary, however, in order to identify the cause(s) as well as obtain specific recommendations for treatment.
It is most important to prevent dehydration by following the recommendations listed previously.
The CDC also recommended updated prophylaxis regimens for women with penicillin allergies, as well as other guidelines for patients with threatened preterm deliveries and other recommendations.
General recommendations include maintaining a calm environment, avoiding overstimulation, getting plenty of rest, regular exercise, and proper diet.
They provide a basis for making educational recommendations, and determine the baseline for evaluation of improvement in the child's performance.
Dietary recommendations to ease cramps include increasing fiber, calcium, and complex carbohydrates, cutting fat, red meat, dairy products, caffeine, salt, and sugar.
There are no special recommendations for after a massage.
The child's doctor can provide specific exercise recommendations and guidelines.
Because so little is known about what causes JA, there are no recommendations available for ways to avoid developing it.
W. "CDC Issues recommendations for diagnosing, managing, and reporting foodborne illnesses."
The label on the preparation should be checked for recommendations on length and frequency of use, since nasal sprays and nose drops should not be used for more than a few days.
A trained psychologist evaluates and interprets an child's performance on the scale's subtests to discover their strengths and weaknesses and offer recommendations based upon these findings.
The source online should either be a name that is recognizable to dance aficionados or else have recommendations from other big names in the industry.
Recommendations - One of the advantages of the web is the ease of feedback.
Whether you want to find dance shoes, concerts, or DJs, Kickit has long lists of recommendations.
Always adhere to the safety recommendations, including on what types of surfaces to use the barres, and how many students (and of what age/size) should use any one barre at a time.
They conduct feng shui analyses for clients' homes and based on the results offer changes, recommendations and even feng shui cures.
You need to hire a professional feng shui master, practitioner or consultant to conduct a proper analysis of your home and then present the recommendations for feng shui cures and changes.
A helpful "wizard" makes it easier to add new records or merge information from the Web, offering recommendations as you go along.
Talk to your stylist, they will have recommendations about the kind of extensions you have.
If you have never colored your hair before, ask friends for stylist and salon recommendations.
Asking friends and families for recommendations on their favorite salon or barber shop is a great way to help you make the best decision.
Check and forums for recommendations for brow threading locations near you.
When thinking about where to obtain permanent hair removal in New York City, research should be completed and recommendations should be obtained.
Different formulas may work best on wet or dry skin; check the label for recommendations.
Simply seeking advice will not improve your hair, but using professionals' recommendations and following their guidelines precisely will help improve your hair's health, let you craft the perfect coif, and keep your style looking fabulous.
If you have never shaped your brows before, however, it may be best to visit a beauty salon for a professional consultation and recommendations, and licensed cosmetologists will be able to perform the treatments as well if desired.
Online tools include style recommendations, product finders, a store locator, and a convenient haircut alert service to ensure that no style goes too long without being refined for the best look.
The Aveda website also features product usage tips and recommendations, a participating salon locator, and company news.
Before opting for these elite salon products, consult a hair care professional for advice and recommendations about what will work best for your specific hair care needs.
Many individuals ask for recommendations from friends, family members, or neighbors to find a good stylist, or it is possible visit a local upscale salon to consult with a stylist about specific needs.
Whether your hair is fine and lacks body, or is curly with unruly growth patterns, a modern mullet is sure to work with the right styling product recommendations.
If you're not sure what to opt for when attempting to minimize your round facial shape, you should book an appointment with a talented stylist who can make suggestions and recommendations for your facial shape and hair type.
Once you have a few suggestions, meet with your hairdresser to decide whether or not the looks you crave are a good hairstyles for heavy women recommendations.
Talk with your hairstylist for recommendations, or visit a wig shop for more one-on-one attention that you would receive at a beauty supply or chain store.
In addition to providing support, suggestions and recommendations for your hair type, a forum devoted to long hair can also help motivate you to stay on track as you go through awkward stages of the grow-out phase.
Be sure to listen to each stylist's recommendations for your hair type and maintenance commitment.
Ask questions about your hair type and ask for product recommendations to help tame and control your cut.
Other benefits to belonging to a homeschool group include having people to talk to about curriculum recommendations and assistance when preparing all of the paperwork that needs to be submitted to the local school district (in some states).
The methods employed by the Starfall system are based on recommendations from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
For example, a bread truck driver might make recommendations to a store manager about how much they should purchase based on their sales and stock levels.
They also make recommendations on hearing aids and other technology, counsel patients, and provide rehabilitation services.
For official computer recommendations, visit the Information Technology Web site.
His or her results and recommendations will be made into a report to be presented to company managers.
The best way to find the Boston mortgage lenders who will meet your needs is to ask for recommendations from the people you trust.
If you cannot find a suitable local or Internet-based commercial real estate mortgage broker, look to your networking associates for recommendations.
Do not solely trust personal recommendations.
If you'd prefer to purchase a book with patterns for Kirigami cards, you can find a few title recommendations by reviewing the LoveToKnow Origami Kirigami Instructions slideshow.
Ask your pediatrician for recommendations or use the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry website to locate a therapist in your area.
Your doctor will give you diet recommendations.
If you had diabetes pre-pregnancy, or have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, please see your physician or dietitian for diet recommendations.
When shopping for any maternity clothing, but especially jeans, look for brands that give trimester recommendations.
To find the best consignment shops, ask your girlfriends for recommendations or look for shops that specialize not just in women's wear but maternity and children's clothing.
If your pregnancy is high risk, your doctor or midwife should provide clear documentation of the risks associated with your pregnancy and any special precautions you should take, including maternity leave recommendations.
The decision to terminate a pregnancy is never one that is made lightly, but it should not affect your future fertility if the procedure is done by a trained professional and you follow all aftercare recommendations.
Your obstetrician or midwife probably has a list of childbirth classes in your area and may also have some recommendations about specific locations.
Today, Lamaze International incorporates current medical research into their recommendations regarding the best way for a woman to give birth.
The American Pregnancy Association presents a list of artificial sweeteners and recommendations by the Food and Drug Administration.
He or she may make recommendations according to your medical history.
There's also a photo tour to take, recommendations for books on Alcatraz and information for visiting the island.
You'll also find complete information on how and where to buy tickets for a tour of Alcatraz Island, plus recommendations for when you should buy tickets.
There are plenty of things to consider before selecting a trip, or, you can just read on for our expert recommendations!
Try any of the above mentioned San Jose locations, or visit a local health spa for an even broader selection and host of recommendations.
If you have any questions, you'll be able to ask the retail staff for their advice and recommendations.
Cyla had a few recommendations about where to find terrific halter styles.
The classes for small children have traditionally been the most popular and are more so since new recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics urge that children between the ages of one and four learn how to swim.
This way, you can speak to a live person, explain your situation, lay out your wants and needs, and receive recommendations that are tailored just for you.
Amazon contains helpful customer reviews from individuals who have purchased the products offered, and makes recommendations based on the products you've searched for from in-stock items that might meet your criteria.
A physician familiar with vitamin D deficiency treatments will based his or her recommendations on the severity of the vitamin D deficiency as well as any subsequent symptoms or conditions that coincide with the vitamin deficiency.
You will get recommendations to balance the B12 in your body for the best results.
Since vitamin D is fat soluble and can build up to toxic levels in your body, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations carefully and follow up with blood tests to ensure your vitamin D is at a healthy level.
They claim their product uses scientific recommendations to formulate one high potency vitamin supplement.
People who have had skin cancer should talk to their doctor for specific recommendations.
Calcium is a mineral and is typically the first thing that most health care practitioners think of when making recommendations for alleviating muscle cramps.
Check at your local health food store for recommendations.
The United States Department of Agriculture isn't the only national agency that has made recommendations for healthy vitamin and mineral levels.
Most countries have developed agencies to determine these types of nutritional recommendations.
Follow your doctor's recommendations for supplementation.
Calcium and vitamin D work in concert to protect you from disease and optimize bodily functions; however, new research suggests that previous recommendations for these two nutrients may be too high.
She will be able to make appropriate recommendations.
When shopping online, be sure to check sizing recommendations and return policies, and order well in advance of the event in case alterations or a return are necessary.
According to recent recommendations by Consumer Reports, ionizing air purifiers could be harmful to your health.
Although to be fair, the company does have room-size recommendations for their machines and many of the complaints may have been a result of the unit being used in too small a room.
When used according to the manufacturer's recommendations, a dehumidifier can be one of the most beneficial appliances in the home and one that will make a valuable impact that you'll feel almost immediately.
Between the information provided by consumer reviews, microwave oven ratings, industry analysis and word-of-mouth recommendations, you should be able to easily determine who makes the best microwave ovens.
Heavily scented candles are possible without this oily result; just be sure to carefully read the recommendations for the wax, and not add too much more scent than the wax can handle.
Candle Wic - Candle Wic has a special section that has recommendations for the best scents to use with soy wax.
Have a complete list of people and their contact information,and the best times to contact them if they are supplying character recommendations.
Other grant writers are often willing to share their tips and recommendations.
Certain areas are not conducive to particular species, so check for climate recommendations before purchasing a live tree to replant.
When starting out fresh, ask around for recommendations or check out some of these who have been around for awhile.
You can also find specific recommendations at Yahoo Answers.
Also, some of the recommendations will lead you to sites that trick you into downloading spyware and other programs that will mess up your computer or invade your privacy.
Still, recommendations from friends are a good way to find someone who's committed to the art.
The site will even figure out where you are in the world and start out with recommendations when you first open it up.
You can ask for recommendations from friends and relatives, or start with a local jeweler with a long history.
You can find a jewelry artist by asking for recommendations for area jewelers or a local college.
If you are unsure of how your body may react to a xanthan gum substitute, talk with your healthcare provider for recommendations.
You may be able to glean some expert recommendations on similar (and affordable) bags that are available.
Users who click on those recommendations will automatically be taken to the most popular search results that other astrological believers are interested in.
Even young children enjoy books, and parents need kids' book recommendations for toddlers.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has a list of recommendations for you to check before using a second-hand crib.
While recommendations from friends and family members are helpful, it is important to remember that no two families are exactly alike.
Toy manufacturers usually list suggested ages on toys, and it's important to pay attention to those recommendations.
Recommendations are typically given regarding age appropriateness and safety concerns.
Be sure you choose toys for girls that follow the manufacturers recommendations.
Many of the free preschool games found on the Internet are designed with appropriate content and age recommendations that won't exhaust or frustrate children when used appropriately.
It's a good idea to define your search for preschool worksheets in terms of the curriculum recommendations of accredited preschools.
Salespersons can make recommendations for the best pair for your child.
Get the specifics regarding their recommendations.
Book clubs typically provide a variety of books and book recommendations that will help inspire a love of reading in your kids.
Word of mouth and personal recommendations are some of the best advertising!
Pay attention to the age recommendations for the item before you buy and allow your child to use it.
If the gift you are giving is a toy, then be sure you pay attention to the manufacturer's age recommendations.
Your school district or teachers may provide book recommendations for summer reading, but we've chosen some sure-fire winners that kids love.
You can also find a wealth of information on relating to family life, like health and exercise tips, vacation ideas and suggestions, birthday planning advice, family entertainment suggestions, kids movie and DVD recommendations, and more.
Here are some recommendations for outdoor kids' games by the season.
Parents who are worried about the effects of media can follow the recommendations of websites such as Kids Health to teach good TV habits, and also discuss the meaning of commercials and news items.
Ask your family doctor or pediatrician for recommendations.
Following the viewing recommendations that correspond with MPAA ratings can help parents make informed decisions about which films are acceptable for children to watch, but the system certainly isn't foolproof.
There are also recommendations for other films that you may like based on the film you searched for.
The recommendations are based off of other users who like that film.
The site is easy to navigate and greets you with recommendations for new rentals, staff picks, and featured buys.
Your agent may have access to information about different dental discount plans, and may even be able to make recommendations.
This should include their recommendations for factors such as the operating system, memory, and hard drive space.
If you're having trouble affording your pet's care, your veterinarian may also be able to give recommendations for cheaper products that will still meet your cat's needs.
For people with more financial experience, some of these recommendations may seem like simple common sense.
In some programs, the report provides recommendations for savings and investing based on budget guidelines.
You might consider purchasing two pairs - one in your regular size and one size up or down, depending on the company's recommendations.
If you are in New York, visit the Asics Store where you can get a personalized analysis of your foot and recommendations of what shoes will work best for your needs.
To find a local company that makes custom fit shoes, check your local yellow pages or contact a podiatrist for recommendations.
Many artists will give specific instructions based on methods they have found reliable, so when in doubt, follow your artist's recommendations.
If you have the time or networking ability, you may choose to seek course or education recommendations from a local and reputable piercing professional prior to enrolling online.
She can help you sort through the different options and make recommendations that take some of the stress out of choosing the right tattoo.
Some offer this service on site, while others can provide recommendations for childcare.
One method for finding high-quality accommodations is to ask others for their personal recommendations.
Word of mouth truly is the best form of advertising, and you will be surprised to discover just how easily people share recommendations.
You can read references, reviews and recommendations from numerous Orbit Travel clients.
Operating on the idea that everybody knows something someone else doesn't, our wiki system allows you to easily add your own watch reviews, recommendations, links and much more.
Parents and guardians can offer help and advice and make recommendations.
Ask for recommendations - It can be useful to hear the experience of other people, particularly if a large investment is going to be made in a watch.
Read reviews and ask instructors for DVD recommendations to use at home.