Recommendation Sentence Examples
He even offered to mind Bumpus for a few days after I requested a recommendation for a kennel.
Defoe says he received no pension, but his subsequent fidelity was at all events indirectly rewarded; moreover, Harley's moderation in a time of the extremest party-insanity was no little recommendation to Defoe.
He returned with letters of recommendation to Charles Martel, charged not only to convert the heathen but to suppress heresy as well.
A sample recommendation letter may help you write one.
After the death of his wife (1588) he went to Spain, where on the recommendation of the duke of Feria he received a pension from the king.
At last, however, in June 1812, congress on Madison's recommendation declared war against England.
The recommendation was not acted on, but Zumalacarregui knew of it, and laid up the offence in his mind.
While most insurance plans will require that you get a recommendation from your general physician prior to making an appointment.
Primary courses for adults are instituted by the prefect on the recommendation of the municipal council and academy inspector.
More extraordinary still was his knowledge of music - an accomplishment which seems to have been his earliest recommendation to Otto I.
AdvertisementThe question of election to bishoprics and abbacies went back to the stage which it had reached in the time of Henry I.; the choice was made in canonical form, by the chapters or the monasteries, but the kings recommendation was a primary factor in that choice.
In 1553, on the recommendation of the Cardinal of Lorraine, he was named master of the requests, and afterwards president of the chambre des comptes.
The following year he was elected professor of mathematics in the university of Edinburgh on the urgent recommendation of Newton.
The letters consist of correspondence with Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, in which the character of Fronto's pupils appears in a very favourable light, especially in the affection they both seem to have retained for their old master; and letters to friends, chiefly letters of recommendation.
Members of boards of regents or trustees of state institutions are for the most part elected by the General Assembly; railway commissioners are elected by the state electors; while in the case of the few appointments left for the governor, the recommendation or approval of the executive council, a branch of the legislature, or of some board, is usually required.
AdvertisementAt Hamburg he got some money and letters of recommendation from the Hebraist Wolf, and took ship to Amsterdam.
In his annual message of the 1st of December 1879 President Hayes urged the suspension of the silver coinage and also the withdrawal of the United States legal tender notes, but Congress failed to act upon the recommendation.
In January 1822 Carlyle, through Irving's recommendation, became tutor to Charles and Arthur Buller, who were to be students at Edinburgh.
The scheme shall contain in full safeguards for the protection of the Assyro-Chaldeans and other racial or religious minorities within these areas, and with this object a Commission composed of British, French, Italian, Persian and Kurdish representatives shall visit the spot to examine and decide what rectifications, if any, should be made in the Turkish frontier where, under the provisions of the present Treaty, that frontier coincides with that of Persia."(Article 63.)" The Turkish Government hereby agrees to accept and execute the decisions of both the Commissions mentioned in Article 62 within three months from their communication to the said Government."(Article 64.)" If within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty the Kurdish peoples within the areas defined in Article 62 shall address themselves to the Council of the League of Nations in such a manner as to show that a majority of the population of these areas desires independence from Turkey, and if the Council then considers that these peoples are capable of such independence and recommends that it should be granted to them, Turkey hereby agrees to execute such a recommendation, and to renounce all rights and title over these areas.
The House refused to accept the recommendation of this committee when abill was introduced to give effect to it.
AdvertisementThe refusal of the council to accept the recommendation of the senate, that they should appoint an eminent Unitarian minister to the professorship of logic and mental philosophy, revived all De Morgan's sensitiveness on the subject of sectarian freedom; and, though his feelings were doubtless excessive, there is no doubt that gloom was thrown over his life, intensified in 1867 by the loss of his son George Campbell De Morgan, a young man of the highest scientific promise, whose name, as De Morgan expressly wished, will long be connected with the London Mathematical Society, of which he was one of the founders.
A constitutional convention may be called on the recommendation of a majority of the Senate and Assembly if this proposal receives a majority vote at the next election for members of the legislature.
A child between fourteen and sixteen years of age may be employed at a gainful occupation only upon the recommendation of the school principal or clerk of the board of education.
In accordance with the recommendation of the European powers the Porte determined to appoint a Christian governor not belonging to the district, and independent of the pasha of Beirut, to hold office for three years.
At the recommendation of Chrysoloras he was employed in several diplomatic missions by the emperor John Palaeologus.
AdvertisementIt is some letter of recommendation... what the devil do I want it for!
The current recommendation is at least 30 minutes a day of moderate activity, but an hour is even better.
In 1809 he graduated M.A.; and in 1810, on the recommendation of Sir John Leslie, he was chosen master of an academy newly established at Haddington, where he became the tutor of Jane Welsh, afterwards famous as Mrs Carlyle.
In 1849, on the strong recommendation of Archbishop John MacHale of Tuam, Cullen was nominated as successor to the primatial see of Armagh; and, on his return to Ireland, presided as papal delegate at the national council of Thurles in the August of 1850.
The practice of the nomination of bishops by the Curia and of papal recommendation to prebends and benefices of every kind grew daily more general, and the number of appeals to Rome and exemptions granted to abbeys and even to simple churches increased continually.
He continued to work as a journeyman bookbinder till the 1st of March 1813, when he was appointed assistant in the laboratory of the Royal Institution of Great Britain on the recommendation of Davy, whom he accompanied on a tour through France, Italy and Switzerland from October 1813 to April 1815.
The amount permissible, according to the recommendation of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, is 8%, but while it may be assumed that yarns at the time of their sale rarely contain less than this, they frequently contain a good deal more.
His power of pardon is limited, being subject to the recommendation of three members of a board which consists of the lieutenant-governor, secretary of the commonwealth, attorneygeneral and secretary of internal affairs.
His friends at Tubingen disapproved his new views, and in 1725, on Wolff's recommendation, he was invited by Peter the Great to lecture in St Petersburg, where he was well received.
Acting on the recommendation of Governor Robert Lucas (1781-1853), on the 23rd of February 1835 the Ohio legislature passed an Act extending the northern boundaries of what were then Wood, Henry and Williams counties (lying partly within the disputed strip) north to the Harris line, and providing for the organization of new townships within this added territory, and for the appointment of three commissioners to re-mark the line.
In July 1662 he was elected professor of geometry in Gresham College, on the recommendation of Dr John Wilkins, master of Trinity College and afterwards bishop of Chester; and in May 1663 he was chosen a fellow of the Royal Society, at the first election made by the council after obtaining their charter.
This remarkable debut excited much attention, and, on the recommendation of Francois Arago, he took in hand the theory of Mercury, producing, in 1843, vastly improved tables of that planet.
On the recommendation of Eudoxius he was appointed bishop of Cyzicus in 360.
Through strong family influence and the recommendation of Walpole he was chosen in 1721 a lord of the Treasury.
In 1816 he was appointed, through the recommendation of Leslie, to a school at Kirkcaldy, where Edward Irving, Carlyle's senior by three years, was also master of a school.
So long as the number of pilgrims remained comparatively small, and the difficulties in their path proportionately great, they obtained open letters of recommendation from their bishops to the clergy and laity, which ensured them lodging in convents and charitable foundations, in addition to the protection of public officials.
It obtained for him, on the recommendation of Goethe, a professorship in the university of Jena, and in November 1789 he delivered his inaugural lecture, Was heisst and zu welchem Ende studiert man Universalgeschichte?
The examinations in music and the final examinations in law and medicine are carried on [1910] both for " internal " and " external " students by " external " examiners only, who are, however, appointed on the recommendation of boards of studies consisting mainly of London teachers.
Luther believed that the sales were injurious to the morals of the townsmen; he had heard reports of Tetzel's sermons; he had become wrathful on reading the letter of recommendation of the archbishop; and friends had urged him to interfere.
The chief recommendation put forward to mend the system comprised lengthening of all sentences, a diminution in the dietaries, the abolition of large gratuities, and, speaking broadly, a general tightening of the reins.
Felons twice convicted may not be pardoned except on the recommendation of a majority of the judges of the supreme court.
At the recommendation of Queen Elizabeth, who conferred on him the honour of knighthood, he was appointed secretary to Sir Christopher Hatton, and afterwards, having been promoted to a mastership in chancery, was sent as ambassador to the king of Poland.
There are, of course, also accounts in the great works on French institutions by Flach, Glasson, Viollet, Luchaire, but perhaps the one in Luchaire's Manuel des institutions francaises, piriode des Capetiens directs (Paris, 1892) deserves special recommendation.
President McKinley showed himself singularly patient and self-controlled in the midst of the popular excitement against Spain and the clamour for intervention by the United States in behalf of the Cubans; but finally, on the 23rd of March, he presented an ultimatum to the Spanish government, and on the 25th of April, on his recommendation, Congress declared war upon Spain.
Sheridan distinguished himself still more at the sanguinary battle of Murfreesboro (Stone river), and on the recommendation of Rosecrans was made major-general of volunteers, to date from the 31st of December 1862.
For the naturalist they have the recommendation that many are easy to obtain, that most, apart from the very minute, are easy to handle, and that all, except as to the fleeting colours, are easy to preserve.
About 1839, on the recommendation of Graham, whom in 1837 he had accompanied to University College, London, he was appointed chemist at James Muspratt's alkali works in Lancashire; in connexion with alkali he showed that cast-iron vessels could be satisfactorily substituted for silver in the manufacture of caustic soda, and worked out improvements in the production of chlorate of potash.
After Gardiner's death he was appointed lord chancellor, probably on Pole's recommendation; for Heath, like Pole himself, disliked the Spanish party in England.
At the head is a commissioner, appointed by the home office; he is assisted by four assistant commissioners, one of whom was appointed under the Police Act 1909, in accordance with the recommendation of the Royal Commission on the Metropolitan Police 1906, his duty especially being to deal with complaints made by the public against the police.
In 1718 he took his degree, was ordained deacon and priest, and on the recommendation of Talbot and Clarke was nominated preacher at the chapel of the Rolls, where he continued till 1726.
Hence the recommendation to keep the tubers in cellars or pits, not exposed to the light.
But his reputation in court circles was increasing; he was appointed a member of the committee for the reform of the criminal law in 1840; and, the same year with a letter of recommendation from Metternich in his pocket, visited England and France, Holland and Belgium, made the acquaintance of Thiers and Heine in Paris, and returned home with an immense and precious store of practical information.
After receiving his education at Bologna, he removed to France, bearing a recommendation to Bernard of Clairvaux, who first placed him under Lotolf at Reims, and afterwards sent him to Paris with letters to Gilduin, the abbot of St Victor.
Following the recommendation of the Continental Congress, that the colonies should create independent governments, the provincial congress also drafted a provincial constitution, which, without being submitted to the people, was published on the 3rd of July 1776; it contained the stipulation that " if a reconciliation between Great Britain and these colonies should take place, and the latter be taken again under the protection of the crown of.
It is one of the meteorological stations established by the British government on the recommendation of the Royal Society in 1840 and is now maintained by the Dominion government.
The county council must appoint a finance committee for regulating and controlling the finance of the county, and the council cannot make any order for the payment of money out of the county fund save on the recommendation of that committee.
The majority of the members of the committee are appointed by the council, usually out of their own body, and the remainder are appointed by the council on the nomination or recommendation of other bodies.
He followed up his success by entering Dauphine, where he took possession of Embrun and Gap. After another campaign, which was uneventful, the further prosecution of the war was abandoned owing to the defection of the duke of Savoy from the coalition, and Prince Eugene returned to Vienna, where he soon afterwards received the command of the army in Hungary, on the recommendation of the veteran count Riidiger von Starhemberg, the defender of Vienna in 1683.
The favour shown him by Marlborough did not deter Rivers from paying court to the Tories when it became evident that the Whig ascendancy was waning, and his appointment as constable of the Tower in 1710 on the recommendation of Harley and without Marlborough's knowledge was the first unmistakable intimation to the Whigs of their impending fall.
Forgiveness was easy to a man of Temple's elevation and temperament, and he not only despatched the necessary recommendation but added a personal request which obtained for Swift the small prebend of Kilroot near Belfast (January 1695), where the new incumbent carried on a premature flirtation with a Miss Jane Waring, whom he called "Varina."
According to his own statement he disapproved, but he gave Winter a recommendation to Father Creswell, an influential person at Madrid.
Of the remaining members seven are nominated on the recommendation of the Calcutta corporation, groups of municipalities, groups of district boards, selected public associations and the senate of Calcutta university.
On the recommendation of Laud he was appointed one of the royal chaplains in 1631, and was a favourite preacher with the king, who made him regius professor of divinity at Oxford in 1642.
His circular of the 1st of June 1853 to American diplomatic agents abroad, recommending that, whenever practicable, they should " appear in the simple dress of an American citizen," created much discussion in Europe; in 1867 his recommendation was enacted into a law of Congress.
This board appoints a superintendent, six or more assistant superintendents, and the teachers of the high schools and the Polytechnic Institute, also the other teachers, but only according to the superintendent's recommendation on the basis of merit.
The prince had offered, on Newton's recommendation, to be at the expense of printing Flamsteed's observations, and especially his catalogue of the stars.
On Franklin's recommendation he was made a doctor of divinity by the university of Edinburgh in 1765; he had received a master's degree at Harvard in 1754, and was made doctor of divinity in 1780 by Dartmouth and in 1784 by the college of New Jersey (now Princeton University) .
Meanwhile (12th of February 1816) Dallas, in a notable report, recommended a protective tariff, which was enacted late in April, largely in accordance with his recommendation.
His persistent recommendation, in fact, of English methods and instruments contributed effectively to the reform of French practical astronomy, and constituted the most eminent of his services to science.
On the restoration of Charles II., Rutherford was taken into employment by his own king on the recommendation of Louis XIV.
In 1882 the Commissioners of Public Works were given further powers to lend money to fishermen on the recommendation of the inspectors of fisheries; and under an act of 1883 the Land Commission was authorized to pay from time to time such sums, not exceeding in all £250,000, as the Commissioners of Public Works might require, for the creation of a Sea Fishery Fund, such fund to be expended - a sum of about £240,000 has been expended - on the construction and improvement of piers and harbours.
Little is known of his career for the next fifteen years beyond the fact that he held a high position at court; but in the year 1669, when France sent a contingent to assist the Venetians in the defence of Crete against the Turks, Frontenac was placed in command of the troops on the recommendation of Turenne.
In 1643 Lightfoot published A Handful of Gleanings out of the Book of Exodus, and in the same year he was made master of Catharine Hall by the parliamentary visitors of Cambridge, and also, on the recommendation of the Assembly, was promoted to the rectory of Much Munden in Hertfordshire; both appointments he retained until his death.
The authority of the sovereign powers is represented by a governor-general appointed by Egypt on the recommendation of Great Britain.
A convention for revising or amending the constitution is to be held in case a recommendation to that effect made by the legislature (a three-fifths vote of all the members of each house being required) is accepted by a majority of the electors voting at the next election for members of the legislature, but no amendment agreed upon by the convention is to take effect until approved by a majority of electors voting on it.
With letters of recommendation from Saladin's vizier, he visited Egypt, where the wish he had long cherished to converse with Maimonides, "the Eagle of the Doctors," was gratified.
On Boston's recommendation, Hog of Carnock reprinted The Marrow in 1718; and Boston also published an edition with notes of his own.
The Confederate Soldiers' Home is managed by a board of fifteen trustees, of whom six are women, each serving until death or resignation, when his or her successor is appointed by the governor upon the recommendation of the corporation known as the Association of Confederate Soldiers.
How to find a good solicitor It is generally advisable to hire a solicitor on recommendation.
Provincial members expressed bewilderment at all this and the EC recommendation was upheld, not with full authority, forty three to twenty three.
Recommendation 3 BBSRC has a unique role in basic and enabling bioscience for bioenergy.
Attribut, particularly the split dose recommendation, has proved in trials to be more consistent in controlling bromes compared to Atlantis.
Has such a request been accompanied by any recommendation from the County Council appointed conservators?
Furthermore, the recommendation by ORR to halve track access charges should prove a vital counterbalance to improvements in road haulage competitiveness.
Recommendation A non-binding declaration, which has no force in law and is mainly used to assist the interpretation of other acts.
Arising from the committee's deliberations came a recommendation to establish a Royal Air Force Museum.
The proposal included a recommendation to ban pithing which had certain animal welfare implications.
No recommendation of any establishment is implied by inclusion on this website.
However I have just had the magneto rebuilt by somebody who comes on a recommendation so I am more hopeful of prolonged sparks.
The current recommendation for Harrow is a lotion containing malathion.
Recommendation D90 urges all Administrations to ensure that the number of their List A Accounting Authorities does not exceed a maximum of 25.
The Panel may, if it is so minded, intimate to the research student the recommendation it will be making to RDC.
Which would have been a real mouthful in real life, but bloody impressive on a letter of recommendation!
For example, ACAS mediation may involve the third party neutral issuing a written recommendation.
This page contains press release 63/04, in which the MPA Recommendation 61 Stop and Search information campaign goes on the road.
The court adjourned for the reports, the only definite recommendation being that he should be given probation.
A technical subcommittee then reviews the submission and makes a final recommendation to the federal health minister.
Under CFC's recommendation, cable TV operators can offer telephony via their networks.
He improved the incomes of poor livings by revenues derived from episcopal estates and the fines of delinquents.An important feature of his church government was the appointment on the 20th of March 1654 of the "Triers," thirty-eight clerical and lay commissioners, who decided upon the qualifications of candidates for livings, and without whose recommendation none could be appointed; while an ordinance of August 1654 provided for the removal of the unfit, the latter class including besides immoral persons those holding "popish" or blasphemous opinions, those publicly using the English Prayer Book, and the disaffected to the government.
It was published partly in compliance with his father's wishes, who thought that the proof of some literary talent might introduce him favourably to public notice, and secure the recommendation of his friends for some appointment in connexion with the mission of the English plenipotentiaries to the congress at Augsburg which was at that time in contemplation.
In 1544 on Henry VIII.'s recommendation he was elected master of Corpus Christi College, and in 1545 vice-chancellor of the university.
The same series of experimental studies led him to conclusions concerning the chief causes of collisions at sea; and these conclusions, though stoutly combated in many quarters at the outset, have since been generally accepted, and were ultimately embodied in the international code of regulations adopted by the leading maritime nations on the recommendation of a conference at Washington in 1889.
He took with him an image of Ammon to bestow life and health on the prince of Byblus, but apparently no other provision for the journey or for the negotiations beyond a letter of recommendation to Smendes and a little gold and silver.
However, the European Union is considering a draft recommendation of the protection of the public against exposure to radon in water supplies.
You will not receive advice or a recommendation on the suitability of Creditcare.
Hotel & Venue Resident DJ 's Do n't rely solely on the recommendation of venue managers.
Recommendation 7 Surveys should be carried out on the concentration of oocysts in sewage effluents.
Euro II This recommendation has been superceded by developments in regulations, which have produced a positive impact on the road haulage industry.
Recommendation 31 Attention needs to be given to the effective design of systems for separating supernatant water from sludge and backwash solids.
Thank you for your recommendation regarding the recasting of the secondary synchromesh cog.
Under CFC 's recommendation, cable TV operators can offer telephony via their networks.
Now, with the intercepted air terror plot in the news, his recommendation has been getting some attention.
A standard recommendation of child analysis would make a travesty of this process.
A personal recommendation is a great way to ensure you'll be happy with the results.
An even more important reason to pay attention to age recommendation has to do with safety.
While many doctors recommend using a small amount of Karo syrup, you should never attempt this without the recommendation and guidance of your pediatrician.
Another firm recommendation is that parents avoid smoking, period.
While you might be tempted to choose more advanced gifts, toys have age recommendation labels for a reason.
Go to for reviews of hosting service providers and their recommendation on the top 10 hosting service providers.
My recommendation would be to go ahead and take him to the vet and have him tested for the virus.
I have not been able to locate an organic cat food specifically labeled for use with recurring UTI's, so the best recommendation I can give is to compare the magnesium levels found in several organic brands and pick the one that is lowest.
Follow your vet's recommendation about check ups and follow ups.
These companies may be debt settlement companies or they may be able to provide you with a recommendation for a company in your area.
It is a recommendation that you consume a small amount of saffron on a daily basis to see significant results in your blood pressure.
Try Halo's Cloud Nine Herbal Dip, or ask your veterinarian for a recommendation.
Make sure you understand the manufacturer's recommendation for proper care of the bathroom tile designs carried by the store and begin immediately to enjoy your new bathroom.
I grabbed the 3D Extreme Mascara at the recommendation of a friend after I ran out of my latest tube of Prescriptives Lash Envy, which I can safely say I go through at alarmingly rapid rates.
This recommendation is not only for those seeking to shed a few pounds, but also for your overall health and well-being.
When it comes to ski length recommendation, size does matter.
In the past, many experts recommended having a six-month energy fund; however, in response to these economically challenging times, the recommendation is a year's worth of emergency money.
Ask your teacher for referrals to these programs or ask him if he has another recommendation if your campus is lacking this resource.
The site focuses more on fashion than on hip hop, but it's a great recommendation for the city man nonetheless.
Both the work experience and the recommendation from your employer are important.
Things like transcripts, copies of birth certificates, and letters of recommendation can take time to generate.
They also might start watching their neighbors' children at the recommendation of their parents.
This works well with the recommendation of limiting your intake of soy products, too.
The current recommendation is for adults to consume two to three cups of vegetables each day.
It's always a good idea to ask your salesperson for recommendation anyway.
This recommendation is the same regardless of whether you smoke low-tar or low-nicotine cigarettes.
Special services that can offer assessments, referrals, and treatment recommendation will prove to be helpful in initiating the recovery process.
If you aren't sure which treatment option is best, ask your physician for a recommendation.
The overall recommendation is that pajamas should either be snug-fitting or made of flame-resistant material.
In fact, unless the application specifically says it's not allowed, consider sending additional letters of recommendation, essays, or other supporting materials to help the committee get a more complete picture of your qualifications.
If there are any portions of your application that depend on others, such as letters of recommendation, make sure to allow enough time to gather this information.
They must have a G.P.A. of at least 2.5, demonstrate financial need, and submit a letter of recommendation from a school official.
Letters of recommendation are an optional component of the application.
Ask your teachers to write recommendation letters or fill out reference forms as soon as you receive them to give them plenty of time to return the completed materials to you for mailing.
The recruitment agency already has an established trusting relationship with the cruise line, so if you are sent to the cruise line with a recommendation from the recruitment agency, it will give you more credibility.
If so, the vet should have made a recommendation as to what you should do.
My recommendation is to enjoy your Shih Tzu just for her own charms; then if you're seriously interested in breeding, purchase a young healthy bitch from a breeder willing to be your mentor.
If you need advice on how much to feed your dog, ask the veterinarian for a feeding recommendation.
To find a reputable pet transport company, ask your veterinarian for a recommendation or visit the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association (IPATA) website to find an experienced pet shipper.
It is by no means showy, and its only recommendation for the garden is the singular form of its calyces, which are bell-shaped and densely arranged on erect stems about 1 foot in height.
A very great recommendation for it in my eyes is the time of year when it is accustomed to blossom.
Most contractors will be trained by at least one manufacturer and should be able to make a recommendation based on examining multiple products.
Your local hardware store- Go to your local hardware store and ask the manager of the paint and stain section for his or her recommendation.
Cabot Decking Stain 1480 made the top of the list at Consumer Reports and shows up as a recommendation often in forums.
While it isn't recommended as often as Cabot or Sikkens, DEFY Epoxy Fortified Wood Stain still shows up often enough as a recommendation from both consumers and professionals.
Ideally, you will find your best tailor via a personal recommendation.
What you want is to get a recommendation.
Or, if you have a local organic food store that sells wine, ask for a recommendation from the resident wine expert.
The previous recommendation of 200 IU was scorned by many experts including the Vitamin D Council as grossly insufficient.
It also refers visitors to ElderCarelink for a more detailed assessment and recommendation.
In some cases, a doctor's recommendation for better nutrition is necessary.
Following the sleep study, the specialist will study your results and then provide you with a diagnosis and a recommendation.
You may want to start with a recommendation from your personal doctor and then widen your search by visiting the offices of the many sleep specialists in Texas.
After a physician has performed this type of exam, he or she then may make a recommendation for oral appliances or other treatment options.
One recommendation is to take 30 to 60 drops of passionflower tincture about an hour prior to bed.
With an herbalist's recommendation, children may use it, too.
Sometimes, a personal recommendation is the best!
If you're still not sure, you can answer a few questions about your coloring and get a recommendation on the site.
Choose your favorite color, the wheel spins, and you get a recommendation.
The best recommendation to play Endless Ocean is to not play it for long periods of time, because you may get ocean sickness for the repetitive gameplay.
This is without a doubt the hardest recommendation I've ever had to make.
The 2004 vintage from which this Bonny Doon Vineyard wine comes seems to have aged well, making it to 2011 with a drink or hold recommendation.
My recommendation is to research the club before you join.
If you can't find an appraiser locally or don't know where to start you can get a good recommendation from American Society of Appraisers.
My recommendation is to check out the Air-Resterz Series mats from The Backside for your next winter camping trip.
The information provided below is not necessarily an endorsement or recommendation.
An additional element of postoperative care is the recommendation by many doctors that the child use ear plugs to keep water out of the ear during bathing or swimming to reduce the risk of infection and discharge.
A physician from within the Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation reviews the petition and makes a recommendation.
The physician's recommendation is included in a report filed with the court by the DOJ.
In the United States, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 1992 issued an official recommendation that infants be put to bed on their backs (supine position) or on their sides (lateral position).
A doctor's recommendation to use medication often raises many concerns and questions in both the parents and the child.
The general recommendation for women who have a history of genital warts is to see their doctors every six months for Pap smears to monitor any changes that may occur.
The dosage of vitamin supplements should not exceed the recommended daily allowance without a recommendation by a physician.
If parents disagree with a professional's recommendation, for example, they should communicate specifically why they disagree.
Children with disabilities and their parents have certain legal rights, most importantly, the right to challenge any recommendation made by a school and its staff.
However, supplementation of iron should only be done with a doctor's recommendation.
A physician's recommendation is appropriate before a child with any health condition receives massage therapy.
If the decision is made to use an antibiotic, the usual recommendation is for amoxicillin, preferably at a dose of 80 to 90mg/kg/day.
Rickets are usually treated with oral supplements of vitamin D, with the recommendation to acquire daily exposure to direct sunlight.
My recommendation is to make up two to four canisters so you always have some on hand or even to give as gifts.
Applications must also include personal information about how the child could benefit from the hairpiece as well as letters of recommendation concerning their eligibility and need.
The recommendation for Enleve hair removal depilatory cream was to apply the hair removal cream for a minimum of seven minutes, but not longer than ten minutes.
Get a recommendation for a good hairdresser who is experienced in creating short hairstyles for thick wavy hair.
The side swept bang is the perfect recommendation if you want a bang without commitment.
For products specialized for your unique hair type, check your drugstore beauty and hair aisle or ask your hairstylist for a professional product recommendation.
If you need a recommendation for an overnight hair masque, chances are good a long hair forum will have plenty of experienced posters who are willing to share their knowledge on what works and what to avoid.
If you're confused regarding the difference between a reference letter and a letter of recommendation, the following employment reference letter sample and explanation will help clear things up.
A reference letter contains general factual statements about a person and his or her situation without making a specific recommendation.
Applicants can apply for an internship online, but must submit a letter of recommendation from an instructor and current grade point average information.
While the companies listed in this article have received high ratings it is always good to get a personal recommendation from someone you know that has actually used their services, if possible.
One of the best ways to select a professional home inspector within the Chicago suburb area is to get a personal recommendation from someone else.
Even the American Psychiatric Association published a statement calling Tom's recommendation that women treat postpartum depression with vitamins and exercise "irresponsible."
A common recommendation is to use the backup method, along with your birth control pills, for about two weeks.
If you already have a dentist, ask him or her for a recommendation to an implant specialist.
If you already have a dentist and you are getting regular check-ups and cleanings, ask him or her for a recommendation to a cosmetic dentist.
Ideally, you find a designer via a recommendation.
The speed and power that these bikes offer make them unsuitable for children under age 13, which is the manufacturer's recommendation.
You may include additional supplementation with doctor's recommendation, but it's wise to have a blood test done to determine your current vitamin D status and seek guidance to develop a supplement regimen.
When the RDA guidelines received their major overhaul in 1998, the Board concluded the risk of toxicity was so low they simply chose not to establish an "upper limit" recommendation (1).
Recently, acai has risen to prominence at the recommendation of Dr. Perricone and Dr. Oz, who called the acai berry a superfood because of the richness of nutrients in these little berries.
Additional supplementation may be done upon a doctor's recommendation but it's wise to have a blood test done to determine your current vitamin D status, and seek guidance to develop a supplement regimen.
Though there is no specific toxic effect to burning these candles indoors, the general recommendation is that they only be used outdoors.
Check with the pastor of the local parish to find out if he or she has a recommendation for finding Christian Christmas cards for printing.
Word of mouth is a powerful recommendation.
Get to know other freelance writers through online forums and chat rooms; you never know who will provide a recommendation for your dream job.
Follow your doctor's recommendation for overcoming this problem.
If your family all ready has several ATVs, ask your current dealership for a recommendation on what kind of ATV to purchase for your child.
Their wise recommendation is to play the games yourself so you can determine what games will fit with your child's level of development.
What better way to find a camp for your child than on the recommendation of a parent whose child has already participated in the program?
Along with an application form, a recommendation from a teacher must be submitted for consideration.
This view is controversial, however, and not all of Ramsey's fans follow his charitable giving recommendation.
If you're not sure which prototype is best for your needs, Under Armour has developed a unique Prototype Engine that gives you a recommendation based on your input for several types if information.
One woman thought she would try out the shoes and was sure the recommendation to only wear them for a limited time initially was overkill - she had sore legs for the next three days and noticed she'd lost some inches.
On her agent's recommendation, the actress took acting classes and began auditioning for roles.
Practicing good hygiene will be the first and foremost recommendation made to you.
For example, your family doctor should not write a letter of recommendation for your employment or college entrance application if neither have anything to do with the medical field and you have not worked in his or her office.
Make sure the person you request to write your letter has the time and, more importantly, the inclination to write an effective letter of recommendation.
Remember, a good letter of recommendation is one part of a multi-level strategy.
Recap the recommendation based on applicable qualifications/strengths to the situation.
If you really can't provide a letter of recommendation for someone because the negative outweighs the positive, find a tactful way to say no, express regret and offer a suggestion as to who else might be a better alternative.
Individuals may also need to write letters of recommendation for friends, family members, and business associates.
No single recommendation example will cover every possible topic.
Please do not hesitate to call me if you'd like more information about this recommendation.
Friends, employees, co-workers, and business associates may ask you to provide a letter of recommendation to potential employers.
Please accept this letter as my personal letter of recommendation for Suzanne Harris.
The above covers only a very few of the many types of letters of recommendation you may be asked to write.
Although the admission requirements vary by school, most applicants will be asked to supply essays, a resume, several letters of recommendation, test scores, and school transcripts.
Most business schools will ask to see at least two letters of recommendation.
Writing a character reference is less formal than writing an employment reference, but similar to writing a letter of recommendation.
A letter of recommendation template has several uses, especially if you manage employees or volunteers.
Managers and colleagues often receive requests for letters of recommendation, but it's tedious to write custom letters each and every time you receive a request.
Using one of these templates has several benefits and can even prevent serious legal complications associated with writing recommendation letters for terminated employees.
Using a template for all of your recommendation letters saves a lot of time and aggravation.
Every time you use the template to write a recommendation letter, you will not have to type the same information.
Even the most innocent comments in a letter of recommendation have legal ramifications.
If you use a standard form letter for each recommendation, you eliminate the risk of making such comments.
Templates help you maintain your professionalism when writing a recommendation letter for an employee or colleague.
There are some drawbacks to using a letter of recommendation template.
If an employee expects a custom letter of recommendation, he may be disappointed if he receives a form letter with your signature on it.
Your recommendation letter should contain several basic pieces of information.
For example, someone who increased sales by 80 percent in one quarter or who raised more money than any other volunteer deserves an additional comment in the recommendation letter.
If an employee requests a letter of recommendation, there are a few rules you should follow when agreeing to write one.
If the employee agrees to wait until a specific date for the complete letter of recommendation, make sure you complete the letter as agreed.
In some cases, you may not want to write a recommendation letter for someone.
If you don't know the person well enough to write a solid recommendation, do not agree to write one.
A vague recommendation can hurt the person's chances of a promotion or better job position.
If you write a vague recommendation, it may appear to the job interviewer that you have nothing good to say about the person.
If you don't feel comfortable writing a letter of recommendation for someone, decline the request.
In some cases, an employee with absenteeism or performance issues requests a recommendation.
If you can't write a positive recommendation in good conscience, do not write one.
If you write letters of recommendation as part of your professional position, run your template by an attorney or member of your legal team before using it.
A qualified lawyer can identify any potential problems associated with a letter of recommendation template.
The most common examples of letters of request are for people looking for a letter of recommendation.
Due to our previous correspondence and business relationship, I am contacting you regarding if you could supply me with a letter of recommendation.
I would sincerely appreciate it if you would write a recommendation based on my skills and competency in the job I preformed while working with (Insert Company Name Here).
This provides a basic blueprint for how to write the character reference letter, and can be helpful because there are several things to keep in mind when writing a letters of recommendation.
Keep in mind that you may someday need a reference or recommendation from someone at the organization you are leaving, or you may even want to apply for a position at the company in the future.
A recommendation letter is written for an applicant for college or a job by someone that knows the applicant either personally or professionally.
Since recommendation letters are so important to those who need them, it is important to avoid making some of the most common mistakes.
Most people set out to write a stellar letter, but these mistakes could hold the subject of the recommendation letter back.
Rather, write a letter of recommendation that is thorough, honest and not full of exclamation points.
Writing a sample letter of recommendation is easier to do when you consider it more of a conversation you would have with a family member or friend.
Here is a recommendation letter you can use as a sample to get yourself started.
A sample recommendation letter is just the starting point for you.
The final part should emphasize your recommendation; provide your contact information, and a closing sentence.
When you ask people to write a job recommendation for you, it's a good idea to provide them with a reference letter sample to help them get started.
If you opt to create your own sample document, consider providing it to the people who will be writing letters of recommendation for you in an editable electronic format, such as via email or on a jump drive.
Keep in mind that you do not want employers to receive identical recommendation letters on your behalf from several different people, or documents that are too much alike.
If you are going to take the time to write a letter of recommendation, be sure to provide the reader with enough details that they can get a clear idea of what the person is like.
In the context of a letter of recommendation they may be construed as wishy-washy.
You want the person you are writing the letter of recommendation for to be considered a strong candidate, no matter what the purpose of the letter is.
You can also describe the person's ability to communicate effectively, positive attitude, and leadership ability in the letter of recommendation.
Since the letter of recommendation is meant to present the person in his or her best light, be generous with your recommendation.
After all, you may need to request a recommendation from your former employer one day.
It provides a prospective employer with more information about the kind of person they are and can be used to supplement a letter of recommendation written by a former employer.
However, it is a recommendation that you write the executive summary after you write the rest of your business plan.
There are college and job recommendation letters and reference letters available here to use as samples.
You can learn about character references and use a letter of recommendation template to help you.
With a few examples of good letters of recommendation, you can be sure to write one that gets the results you are after.
A letter of recommendation may be helpful in obtaining employment, getting into a college or even advancing in these areas.
If asked to write a letter of recommendation, take your job seriously.
These tips will help you to write a factual, unique and powerful letter of recommendation.
Ensure that the letter of recommendation verifies the experience of the individual, as stated in the individual's resume.
The letter of recommendation should confirm the competence of the applicant in some way, either professionally or personally.
A good letter of recommendation should have several specific elements.
These examples of recommendation letters are good options for any industry and they contain additional tips available for readers.
Some employers provide candidates with a standard recommendation form to have completed by appropriate individuals while others simply ask for written letters from professional references.
This wise recommendation received very scant attention, and it was not until the necessities of the colonies forced them to it that an attempt was made to do what the framers of the original constitution suggested.
The comparatively rapid growth of the tree is its great recommendation to the planter; it is best raised from acorns sown on the spot, as they are very bitter and little liable to the attacks of vermin; the tree sends down a long tap-root, which should be curtailed by cutting or early transplanting, if the young trees are to be removed.
Many of them, beginning only with powers of recommendation, had obtained a large extension of authority.
The Agricultural Rates Act 1896 gave effect to this recommendation.
Here he came under the influence of Jacobus Faber (Stapulensis), on whose recommendation he was appointed professor in the college of Cardinal Lemoine.
He grants pardons and reprieves on the recommendation of the state board of pardons.
The son was first placed as page with the dowager duchess of Weissenfels, and was then received at her recommendation into the court of the elector of Saxony as Silberpage on the 16th of April 1719.
A third topographical map of France is being published in accordance with the recommendation of a committee presided over by General de la Noix in 1897.
In 1839 on Liebig's recommendation he was appointed to the chair of chemistry in the polytechnic at Stuttgart, and held it till within three years of his death, which happened at Stuttgart on the 1st of July 1885.
Ritschl's recommendation, appointed to an extraordinary professorship of classical philology in the university of Basel, and rapidly promoted to an ordinary professorship. Here he almost immediately began a brilliant literary activity, which gradually assumed a more and more philosophical character.
In 1825 he was joined by King, who had meantime visited England and had obtained from the government a letter of recommendation to Lord Charles Somerset, governor of the Cape, granting King permission to settle at Natal.
One recommendation of the system was that it favoured a milder system of treatment than was at that time in vogue; Brown may be said to have been the first advocate of the modern stimulant or feeding treatment of fevers.
The commission reported in 1905.1 regard to street improvements the most important commis- recommendation was that of the construction of two 1903, main avenues 140 ft.
In June 1754, in pursuance of a recommendation of the Lords of Trade, a convention of representatives of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland met here for the purpose of confirming and establishing a closer league of friendship with the Iroquois and of arranging for a permanent union of the colonies.
In 1859 he was the Republican candidate for Speaker of the House, but was obliged, after a contest that lasted two months, to withdraw, largely because of the recommendation he had inadvertently given to an anti-slavery book, The Impending Crisis of the South (1857), by Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909).
When he first read that instrument he was very much opposed to the consolidated government which it provided, but was induced to befriend it by resolutions which were passed at a mass meeting of Boston mechanics or "tradesmen" - his own firmest supporters - and by the suggestion that its ratification should be accompanied by a recommendation of amendments designed chiefly to supply the omission of a bill of rights.
In spite of Monk's recommendation, he was not elected by Oxford University for the Convention Parliament, nor was he allowed by the king, though he had sent him a present of 3000, to remain master of the rolls.
Later, on the recommendation of Mercy and Vermond, she supported the nomination of Lomenie de Brienne in 1787, an appointment which, though widely approved at the time, was laid to the queen's blame when it ended in failure.
On his return he was contemplating emigration to New England, when in June 1773 Lord North, on the recommendation of Lord Barrington, appointed him a member of the newly constituted supreme council of Bengal at a salary of io,000 per annum.
This grew a little later into the recommendation that the revenues and possessions of the French Church should be appropriated by the government, which, after properly subsidizing the clergy, might hope, it was estimated, that a surplus of twenty-two millions of livres would accrue to the State.
No action was taken, however, upon the more important recommendation that midway between two censuses a simple enumeration by sex and age should be effected.
In 1856, on the recommendation of Ranke, Sybel accepted the post of professor at Munich, where King Maximilian II.
In 1740, on the recommendation of the Dean of Hainburg, Haydn obtained a place in the cathedral choir of St Stephen's, Vienna, where he took the solo-part in the services and received, at the choir school, some further instruction on the violin and the harpsichord.
Just before the purchase of Louisiana, President Jefferson had recommended to Congress (18th January 1803) the sending of an expedition to explore the headwaters of the Missouri, cross the Rockies and follow the streams to the Pacific. In accordance with the recommendation Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, both officers of the United States Army, with a considerable party left St Louis on the 14th of May 1804, ascended the Missouri to the headwaters, crossed the Rockies and, following the Columbia river, reached the ocean in November 1805.
The governor may remit fines and forfeitures, and grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, but in the more serious cases only on the recommendation of a board of pardons, composed of the presiding judge, the secretary of state, and the attorney-general.
In this year he visited Edinburgh, and on the recommendation of certain Edinburgh physicians was made an M.D.
On the death of his adversary Freeman in 1892, he was appointed, on the recommendation of Lord Salisbury, to succeed him as regius professor of modern history at Oxford.
In January 1644 he commanded the forces attacking Nottingham, and soon afterwards, on Prince Rupert's recommendation, he was made lieutenant-general of Newcastle's Northern army.
On the 9th of March 1871 a syndicate recommended that, in the Previous Examination, French and German (taken together) should be allowed in place of Greek; on the 27th of April this recommendation (which only affected candidates for honours or for medical degrees) was rejected by 51 votes to 48.
He was made a brigadier-general in 1880, on the recommendation of the duc d'Aumale, then commanding the VII.
The general's vanity lent itself to what was asked of it; after various symptoms of insubordination had shown themselves, he was deprived of his command in 1888 for twice coming to Paris without leave, and finally on the recommendation of a council of inquiry composed of five generals, his name was removed from the army list.
InApril1901,in the Canadian House of Commons, the minister of justice made a statement about them in which he said that "not a single offence had been committed by the Doukhobor