Recommend Sentence Examples
I recommend we start there, Dan said.
He, however, was the first to recommend the use of impersonal accounts in the national household.
To the sick the doctors wisely recommend a change of air and scenery.
Would you recommend traveling by subway or bus around the downtown area?
On paper the scheme had everything to recommend it as the expedient most likely to bring about the desired end.
General Greene was the first to recommend his removal, and a voice in her mind whispered that maybe Arnie had figured something out he shouldn't have, too.
Therefore it may please you who are inclined to these studies, to receive it from me and the Translator, with as much good will as we recommend it unto you."
I would recommend trying the sirloin steak. It's my favorite!
Do not recommend a person for a job if you wouldn't hire them again yourself.
Guests recommend the five- or eight-course tasting menus, featuring smoked sea scallops, braised pork belly and pacific black cod.
AdvertisementCustomers recommend these establishments for what their menu have to offer.
The restaurant owners recommend ordering several small plates as a sampler meal.
And who wouldn't recommend Arnie's removal with his increasingly erratic behavior?
The author, however, does not recommend dissipation, and does not mean to introduce a religious motive - he offers simply a counsel of prudence.
Is that the route you recommend?
AdvertisementHence it was that he did not venture to recommend his father to summon parliament till the marriage was over.
I would therefore recommend that the ToR total estimate of 50 days be increased to 112.
I would not recommend quickly chopping vegetables unless you have expertise with a knife.
We also recommend vacuuming all air ducts and changing filters in air conditioners and furnaces.
We recommend getting older children involved, especially if it's a beloved toy.
AdvertisementSuch a view can recommend itself to only the narrowest of minds.
But his shy, proud nature was not fitted to gain patients, and the Leipzig doctors would not recommend one who was not a Leipzig graduate.
We have also found a great product that we recommend to all our clients is to consider using interlocking mat tiles from The Cartwheel Factory for a portion of the floor and to either carpet or hardwood on the rest of the floor.
Many doctors recommend such formulas for infants not breastfed.
If you like a potential sitter who has not had such training, recommend that she take such a training course at a local hospital or safety organization, such as Red Cross.
AdvertisementResearchers aren't ready yet to recommend that diabetics take cinnamon, but the results may be helpful to those battling prediabetic conditions.
Herbs can be a more moderate treatment than chemical prescription drugs, but few doctors recommend that they be taken blindly and outside a careful treatment protocol.
Kumuka does not recommend suitcases or framed backpacks, as they are difficult to carry and take up valuable space on trucks and busses.
Would strongly recommend these to anyone, they 're superb !
If this happens, your doctor may recommend trying a different drug.
I also recommend that for every hour of sitting that they stretch their iliopsoas and rectus femoris for a minimum of 30 seconds each.
Friends and relatives can recommend facilities and people they have found helpful.
We recommend that all parents get down at 'crawl level' and explore the room from the vantage of a baby.
If you have a toddler, we recommend the pull cords to all blinds be knotted and tied at a higher level.
If you have a pool, we recommend that you install a self-locking gate at least 48 inches high.
Since experts no longer recommend the use of crib bumpers or comforters for newborns, you will be boxing up half of what you buy anyhow.
In particular, we recommend trying the lentil soup.
It will be invaluable as a means of supply, and I recommend it being begun immediately.
We strongly recommend Departments to use scannable forms if at all possible.
For this reason, we recommend the use of a heavyweight waffle weave microfibre towel in place of a traditional chamois leather.
For bathrooms, we recommend adding a safety latch to the toilet seats and/or leave toilet seats down and the bathroom door shut at all times.Babies are top-heavy and accidents do happen in the blink of an eye.
While most pediatricians recommend the feed on demand plan, eventually you'll begin to notice a pattern in your child's eating habits.
You will find that most car seat manufacturers recommend waiting until your child is 40 pounds before using just a booster seat.
We recommend removal of old and placement of new blinds in the nursery.
Veterinarians recommend that you switch cats gradually to a new type of food.
From a technical point of view these specimens had much to recommend them.
All that the Constitution permits him to do in this direction is to inform Congress of the state of the nation and to recommend the measures which he deems to be necessary.
Lord Dunraven presided, and it was agreed to recommend a great extension of the Land Purchase system with a view to give the vendor as good an income as before, while decreasing the tenants' annual burden.
The origin of the city is unknown, and the popular belief that it is the oldest city in the world still inhabited has much to recommend it.
We recommend that you feed alfalfa as part of your Chinchillas diet either as a supplement or on a daily basis.
I recommend getting a spare rechargable battery as like all digital cameras they eat up the power.
Hi All, Can anyone recommend a good aerial booster?
Can you recommend the best way to remove brambles which are growing in with a box privet hedge please?
The Secretaries of each Club should be able to recommend breeders who maybe have puppies available or who are expecting a litter.
To date it has not been proven to be heritable, however knowledgeable breeders recommend that it be presumed to be heritable.
Prompting the authors to recommend the use of Acticoat as a useful prophylactic against fungal infections as it has a rapid broad-spectrum of activity.
And right now we're offering an extra special reward to customers who recommend bulldog.
In certain cases, we recommend making itemized deductions which can reduce your taxable income.
The vast majority of flats are in poor condition and the consultants recommend that selective demolition should be considered.
Our team may recommend an antibacterial mouth rinse to help control plaque and reduce gingivitis, or gum disease.
I highly recommend the smoked Argyll ham and smoked venison together, as I do the smoked chicken and smoked goose.
Layard's handy Birdsof South Africa (8vo, 1867), though by no means free from faults, has much to recommend it.
The bishop of Lugon was led to believe that the king would recommend him for a cardinalate, but, if we may trust the evidence, Luynes secretly opposed the request, and it was not until after his death that Richelieu was made a cardinal by Pope Gregory XV., on the 5th of September 1622.
So a number of reasons were proposed to recommend refusal and the vote was carried at the meeting 19 03 03.
We would recommend staying in the Medina view rooms for their fabulous views across the rooftops of the old city.
My MGs engine has done well over 100,000 miles, would you recommend that I fit an unleaded head now?
The Government would therefore recommend the British people to vote yes in a referendum to join, he added.
For this reason, we recommend switching to a microfibre wash mitt when washing wheels and the insides of wheel arches.
We recommend that Zappy scooters be used in parks.
I would recommend marking important content that you come across in the textbook with an asterisk.
I recommend reading his books in chronological order, it's much more enjoyable that way.
Would you recommend traveling by subwayor bus around the downtown area?
She asked Tim to recommend her for the job since he could avouch for her excellent character.
Your pediatrician may recommend staying away from certain foods such as egg whites, peanuts and other tree nuts, as well as citrus fruits and honey until after your baby's first birthday.
Often, the staff at these institutions can recommend a great newborn photographer in your area.
Some experts recommend taking measures to keep an infant awake during daytime hours by preventing naps and engaging in stimulating activities.
While powder was commonly used until recently, pediatricians now recommend that parents do not use powder on a baby.
Today, pediatricians recommend introducing solid foods between the ages of four and six months of age.
If you are going to breastfeed, your pediatrician can also recommend a good lactation specialist, or you can contact your local La Leche League for more assistance.
While many doctors recommend using a small amount of Karo syrup, you should never attempt this without the recommendation and guidance of your pediatrician.
It was sturdy, durable, and affordable, so I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a baby swing.
From personal experience, I can strongly recommend the Zippy Stroller for your basic baby-moving needs.
We recommend that parents consider purchasing convertible baby cribs that grows with the child so that it turns into a toddler bed.
If the dots fall or are sporadic in their placement, your doctor may recommend various treatments or schedule more frequent appointments to assess and keep tabs on baby's health and development.
Not every child responds to the same training methods, so talk with your pediatrician, family and friends to see what they recommend.
The American Academy of Pediatrics does recommend this type of monitor for some at-risk babies; however, some parents obtain additional piece of mind with this feature.
Also see if they offer cleaning services for the jewelry you're purchasing, or if they could recommend places for you to get your jewelry cleaned.
Many vets now feel that commercial cat foods (i.e. the kinds you purchase in grocery stores) are not as good as they were once considered, and will recommend that you buy your cat food at a specialized pet store.
If there's a liquor store in your area with a large selection of wine, go there and ask someone who works there what kind of wine they recommend to someone who's trying new things.
Reviews recommend this chainsaw for it speed and quiet operation.
They recommend purchasing the large size to make the traditional sock monkey and the small size to make the sock monkey's kids.
If you are shopping for the first time for golf clubs, ask a shopping attendant what they recommend for your needs, and be sure to consider whether or not your palms are prone to sweating when you play.
Many people recommend buying a table saw in the direction in which you are accustomed, simply for safety purposes.
In some cases, customers recommend using stretching products in conjunction with the heel pads for the best results.
To be absolutely sure you have hard water, most water softener buyers guides recommend utilizing a water testing lab.
Talk to other people who buy silver and find out who they recommend.
Chances are if they don't they can recommend someone local or within a reasonable driving distance that does offer wholesale pricing.
Forbes and Barron's recommend Global Penny Stocks, a site that selects penny stocks that trade on the AMEX, NYSE and NASDAQ for less than $5.
Because financial advisors recommend diversifying your investments (investing in several different ways instead of putting all of your money into one investment), Treasury bonds are another type of investment to add to your portfolio.
While most people can get by quite nicely with a 17-inch or 19-inch monitor, most experts recommend at least a 22-inch monitor to help reduce eye strain.
Some photographers recommend wearing black during formal shoots, though most pro shooters tell their clients to avoid wearing black in family portraits because the color may cause lighting issues.
Many experts recommend avoiding electric woks, because they simply can't get hot enough to stir-fry effectively.
I would strongly recommend 12x12 albums to hold your baby's pages.
Since it can be hard to remember all the details of a family vacation once you return from the trip, experienced scrapbookers recommend packing a small notebook and pen in your purse so you can jot down ideas as they come to you.
If you are working with a ski instructor, for example, and they recommend a change in your ski bindings, go for it.
Your local ski shop should have a person they can recommend to adjust ski bindings.
Doctors may recommend a prescription muscle relaxant if a severe muscle contraction accompanies the headache.
Professionals in clinical settings recommend the test as a way to assess anxiety in individuals.
In order to relieve the symptoms they may recommend a medication such as an antihistamine or steroid.
I'm going to recommend some great organizations you can reach out to, that are specifically trained to help you understand your feelings better so you can decide what's best.
And, you can recommend where/when you'd like to meet to keep it in your comfort zone.
Ask your friends and family who they recommend and ask the associate questions when you enter the store.
While it may be depressing to some who need to lose weight quickly, physicians recommend losing weight at the rate of 1-3 pounds per week.
The orthodontist can recommend tips and may advise the use of special tools like waterpiks and floss threaders.
Recent studies recommend limiting soy consumption to products that are whole foods.
Many even refer to the berry as a superfood and recommend it to dieters.
Many in the raw food community do recommend some form of vitamin- B12 supplementation.
We would also recommend observing your reaction to various foods to see if you have any allergies.
Dark leafy greens are the superheroes of the plant kingdom and we recommend a liberal amount of them.
We do recommend checking in with a qualified health care provider if anyone has any preexisting conditions and concerns about making diet changes.
The blender they recommend for raw food enthusiasts is the TurboBlend VS.
Newlyweds who used online preservation services can also recommend the companies they used.
Most wedding dress salon owners recommend you allow as much time as possible for selecting a wedding dress.
Have each set of their gifts displayed in different areas, and I do recommend the new trend of a display setup rather than having them open a long, long line of gifts for the guests to sit through.
Most wedding planning experts will recommend that you select your limo rental six to nine months before your wedding day.
Even though you may be preoccupied with finding the perfect invitations or choosing your wedding dress, most wedding planners strongly recommend that you select your limo service six to nine months before your wedding day.
Other experts recommend that you should spend in correlation with the cost of the suits that the groomsmen are purchasing.
Your cake baker can recommend fillings that go with your cake choice and frostings that will work for the design you choose.
Be aware that she/he may have an agreement with photographers to recommend them, but it is still a good place to start.
If you find someone you like that your wedding planner didn't recommend, have him/her speak with the photographer in person and get references.
Your reception planner or wedding planner may also recommend someone in the area who can put together a CD for your wedding guests.
She/he can also recommend more hearty varieties that can withstand temperature changes and be moved to a destination location if necessary.
A wedding planner or venue coordinator can recommend photographers, DJs, caterers, and more for your wedding.
Although not all distance learning students have access to university bookstores, academic libraries, or textbook collections, professors may recommend textbooks that they can find online or purchase through the university's Web site.
I'd like to recommend an excellent book to you called The Joy of Breeding Your own Show Dog by Ann Seranne.
I'd like to recommend a book I think you'll find helpful.
Most jewelers recommend a stoplight red color.
Some experts recommend going darker on bottom to de-emphasize curves.
A salesperson can measure you and recommend the correct bra size to purchase.
Ask the salesperson to recommend the right product for your coat.
Most experts recommend changing these filters every 50 to 100 miles.
Doctors recommend you exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
Ask around and see who your friends and relatives recommend.
Many people recommend the online dating scene to singles nowadays.
Doctors recommend that teens get at least 9.25 hours of sleep per night.
Doctors recommend at least six hours of sleep per night, most nights of the week.
Doctors recommend between seven and nine hours of sleep per night.
A physician may recommend a dentist who can fit patients for oral devices.
If you are having trouble getting an uninterrupted night of sleep, your personal physician may recommend a consultation with a sleep specialist or a visit to a sleep center.
Your physician may recommend a specific sleep specialist.
I cannot recommend Final Fantasy 8 enough.
Although glue and wax have been used in the past, most stylists don't recommend these binders.
Once you have secured your reception location, the coordinator may be able to recommend other area services that brides have successfully worked with.
They may be able to recommend a reputable company that has previously worked with their rules on the beach.
Other bridal companies - Ask your wedding dress consultant or florist who they recommend.
Wedding dress shops, photographers and other vendors may be able to recommend reputable vendors, too.
The planner can usually recommend someone to perform the ceremony, too.
Most medical professionals recommend that all rapid detoxification programs are followed by counseling, therapy, and other forms of treatment.
For this reason, many experts recommend detox within an inpatient or residential treatment center.
Most depression tests will recommend you see a doctor if you are experiencing three or more symptoms of depression.
If you're a woman who may become pregnant in the future, your doctor may recommend you try an antidepressant that is safe for use during pregnancy.
Ask your healthcare provider or your child's pediatrician to recommend a qualified mental health professional in your area.
To ease your discomfort, your doctor may recommend nicotine gum, a nicotine patch, or one of the other stop smoking aids.
Ask your child's pediatrician to recommend a qualified therapist in your area.
He/she may be able to recommend an alternative nicotine replacement therapy.
He/she may recommend a residential or intensive hospital alcohol rehab program.
Some physicians recommend using medication to help detoxify the body, and make the withdrawal symptoms that are bound to occur less pleasant.
Other physicians recommend a drug detox and rehab treatment.
As noted above it can be useful to speak with your doctor to see if there are any medications or therapies that they recommend that may ease the stress of alcohol detox.
Some experts will even recommend choosing a day to quit and stopping the habit at that point to get the withdrawal process over with.
If a person consumes too much alcohol or exceeds the recommend one drink per hour limit, he runs the risk of alcohol poisoning, a condition where the heart rate and respiration are dangerously slowed.
They recommend hanging it in the guest bathroom, although you want to be quite sure you know your guest's temperament well before so doing.
While some decorators recommend not mixing animal prints, you actually can do this if you choose carefully.
Manufacturers also recommend keeping the dryer lint trap clean, for both safety reasons and to protect the texture of your towels.
She has stated since that she wouldn't recommend the diet to anyone as a way to lose weight.
Career planning experts recommend you take some time to evaluate your priorities before deciding what type of career you might want to pursue.
Study skills experts recommend you set both short-term and long-term goals.
Talk to your vet or the person who previously owned the dog to see if there's a brand that they recommend.
The breeder can recommend a veterinarian, trainer or groomer to care for your new pet.
Professional dog groomers and veterinarians recommend bathing most dogs no more than four times a year.
And yes, I highly recommend potty training both your boys to do their business outside.
Follow the directions on these products carefully, as nearly all recommend that you and all of your pets leave the home for several hours while the fogger is in use.
If the answer is yes, then your breeder may have a suitable stud on the premises, or be able to recommend one to you.
Technically, you may be able to use that puppy at stud, but I really don't recommend using such a young dog, especially if your bitch has also never been breed before.
I also recommend having him neutered immediately.
In our kits we recommend you follow these steps to clean your dog's teeth.
Whatever the cause, I recommend isolating your sick dog from your other pets just to be on the safe side.
I also recommend you get a second opinion from another veterinary office.
Did your vet recommend the possibility of a food allergy?
If your vet hasn't seen your dog lately, I recommend you take him in and have his feet checked out.
Since your dog is already under veterinary care, I'd recommend having your vet take a look this time.
He/She may recommend adding bone meal to your mix instead.
Many veterinarians recommend Science Diet dog food over other commercial brands, and they often sell the product in their clinics.
Armed with this information, Nutro will recommend which of their lines offers the smoothest transition for your pet.
First, the method I truly recommend is to dedicate a section of the yard to your dog.
I always recommend that owners take an obese pet to the vet for an initial check up.
That said, I still recommend you take her to the vet to figure out if she's pregnant or not.
I always recommend a roomy crate, with a nice cushion or bed, and a lining of newspapers or wee wee pads.
If only the fur is involved, then I recommend you begin with the breeder or rescue shelter you got your dog from, and see what they think about the current changes in your dog's coat.
Vets also do not recommend breeding a bitch on an induced heat.
If you need more depth information, I highly recommend scheduling a consultation with your vet.
Until then, I highly recommend you do not let all the dogs out at the same time, or they'll simply continue the peeing Olympics.
I'd recommend they keep him confined until he is progressing well with going outside.
Check with your vet first before you make the change.Your vet may recommend supplements to add to his diet.
Since you can't rule out a medical cause for the behavior, I recommend that you make an appointment with your vet, and discuss the sudden change.
In the meantime, I highly recommend that you keep your dog crated when you cannot be there to supervise her.
I honestly recommend that you take your dog to another veterinary clinic, explain your financial situation and the fact that this is a rescued dog.
I recommend you take your dog back to the clinic, but request to see a different vet if there's another one available.
I recommend making her boiled chicken and brown rice, with green beans and carrots.
However, I'd recommend taking her in to have an ultrasound performed in a few more weeks.
I'd also recommend bringing a travel carrier along so you have a secure place to keep your dog during times when you can't watch her as closely.
They do this to understand your personality so they can recommend a puppy that is best suited to you.
Many manufacturers recommend that magnets are approximately one inch in diameter, placed approximately four inches apart and no more than one inch from the top surface of the pad.
Most veterinarians recommend that the dose be applied on the same day of every month to maintain its effectiveness and protection, as well as to help you remember to give it.
The makers of Sentinel recommend giving this pet medication once a month, every month of the year.
Some veterinarians can also recommend natural remedies that you may prefer to use with your dog, including mosquito sprays and herbs that can kill parasites as they enter the dog's body.
Many veterinarians recommend cooking meat to avoid any possibility of food poisoning.
A number of veterinarians recommend against feeding raw dog food because of a risk for food poisoning if the raw meat carries bacteria or sits out too long.
Veterinarians generally recommend consulting a dog trainer first about a dog's excessive barking before deciding to use an Innotek collar or any other anti-bark device.
A professional dog trainer can evaluate the reason for a dog's excessive barking and recommend training techniques to alleviate the problem.
After an initial examination, your doctor or a sleep doctor may recommend that you take part in a sleep study.
Your physician may recommend a specific sleep specialist or sleep center.
Side effects are minimal, but experts recommend against the long-term use of kava due to a risk of liver damage.
This doctor will recommend a sleep study after making an initial diagnosis of the sleep apnea.
Often, the sleep physician will recommend the dentist especially when there is a need for an oral appliance or a surgical procedure to take place to rectify your obstructive sleep apnea.
Your general physician may be able to recommend an otolaryngologist or you may find one through your sleep center.Your doctor will perform a full diagnosis and evaluation to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure.
Keep in mind that herbalists do not recommend holistic medicine just to treat the symptom.
Herbalists may recommend a valerian tea.
In addition, a doctor may recommend a sleep study to get a proper diagnosis.
Your physician may recommend a sleep study to determine whether your snoring is related to obstructive sleep apnea.
Patients who have undergone a sleep study, received a diagnosis and prescription will find that their physician can recommend the type of device that best meets their needs.
The first step is to discuss sleep problems with your doctor, who can rule out underlying medical conditions, and can recommend a natural sleep aid that work for you.
Some recommend starting as early as seven or eight weeks so when they get to that pulling and tugging age, it won't be an issue.
Your doctor may recommend using a single lens option.
Check with friends to see if they could recommend high-quality eyeglass manufacturers that you could trust.
They will be able to recommend the type of lens that you should wear and may be able to give you a sample pair to try out as well.
If you have night myopia, your eye care practitioner can recommend the proper prescription lenses to correct your night vision and make night driving safer for you.
Many eye doctors will recommend this type of case over the screw top cases due to the disinfecting action that they provide.
For that reason, eyecare specialists recommend protective eyewear at all times when a person could be exposed to UV light, even on overcast days.
An eye doctor may recommend a specific style of frame that is suited for your child's needs, but often it is up to you to select a style.
Ride enthusiasts also recommend visiting the Big Bad Wolf coaster early on because it has a slow moving line.
If you can, I'd recommend playing on a Hi-Def television because other traffic and obstacles were easier to see than on a standard analog TV.
For this reason, I find it difficult to recommend the additional purchase if you already own an older edition of Diner Dash.
There is an option to "Auto-Buy" your skills and weapons, but I wouldn't recommend it because everyone has a different strategy, and it is good to experiment.
We strongly recommend you stay FAR away from these games - even the free ones - if you've had trouble at Vegas or been obsessed with other games in the past.
If you like these types of games at all, I recommend giving the game a whirl.
Players recommend deactivating your cheats before you save the game.
I recommend you treat yourself to the machine gun for this trick.
Most people recommend pasting code somewhere in the About Me section of the MySpace profile.
For wallpapers specifically, I'd recommend setting the option to show large images only.
It's near impossible to recommend this title when there are so many other, better RPGs already available for the PS2, not to mention much more compelling titles like Tales of Legendia and Kingdom Hearts II coming in the first half of 2006.
Again, if you have the choice, I recommend Xbox version above all, PS2 secon, and due to its lack of online functionality, GameCube sucks it up in last.
Have fun with that if you have the means, I'm sure I would highly recommend it if I could.
You can play it by yourself or with a friend, but I recommend that if you plan on playing it at all, do so with a buddy.
Uncharacteristically for myself, I recommend you not drink alcohol at this party, unless you like trying to recreate some of the very dangerous fatalities in your front lawn.
I recommend this game for any football fan, especially college football.
I recommend the supplied headphones, or even your own favorite headphones for superb sound.
If you can warrant Fifty Bucks just for that, go ahead, but I recommend spending considerably less at Blockbuster to learn whether you can put up with the flaws.
If you do, I recommend buying the maracas if you can find them.
It is a game LoveToKnow would recommend renting first before shelling out the 60 bucks (plus tax) to purchase.
For Canadians, I recommend that you check out the the forums on
For Kongregate, the "canvas" is also substantially smaller and so we recommend the video game scene creator at Dan-Dare.
For this game, as with tennis, I recommend that you give players enough room to swing their arms about, because once you get into it, you really get into it.
You'll also need to get a better GFx card, but luckily, with the rapid rise of technology, Geforce 6 series, which are still rather new, have dropped radically into the low $100's (recommend 6600GT+ $120).
We recommend that abusers interested in such things find other ways to amuse themselves.
In that case I would recommend buying a decorative wine rack that holds a case or two of wine.
I recommend a smaller rack because again, for long-term storage you want to avoid a wine rack that isn't inside a cellar or refrigerator.
I also recommend garage sales and discount stores (such as Ross or Marshalls)…one friend of mine bought a beautiful decorative wine rack from a garage sale and it fits beautifully in her home.
If you decide to visit and taste the wines, I recommend calling ahead to request a food pairing to go with your tasting flight.
Although heartily I recommend it, I would also recommend not committing infanticide on it like we did and let it age a bit longer (2-3 years).
While visiting Napa Valley, I recommend visiting Cakebread, but you just can't drop in.
There are so many different styles, brands, sizes, costs, etc., that I would recommend shopping online and at stores for one that fits you and your needs.
I've had the pleasure of enjoying a few different Cognacs that I recommend.
Here are some dos and don'ts that I recommend.
I do recommend serving food after all the wines have been tasted once.
In the North-Central region I recommend staying in Monterey or Carmel.
If you're looking for a Sauvignon Blanc, they may recommend one that is very good-but maybe one you have never heard of.
Take note though, most Champagne connoisseurs do not recommend drinking bubbly out of this style glass.
While falling short of telling you how much to spend or not, I would just recommend that you not spend over $30 or so if this is your first attempt at trying to nail down some Pinot Noir descriptions.
Because of its medium body, many experts recommend Merlot for new wine enthusiasts.
If the chair looks like it will need repair ask the seller if they have a specialist that they can recommend.
Can you recommend an air mattress that holds pressure better?
While most RV experts don't recommend relying on a single source for estimating camper values, the NADA Guide and Kelly Blue Book publications can be an excellent starting point.
Manufacturers recommend using a product specifically designed to clean rubber recreational roofs or a mild laundry detergent.
With the OTA option, which most sites highly recommend over downloading it to your desktop, you will receive instructions on your phone for download once it has been transmitted.
An occupational therapist can recommend assistive equipment and devices to help the child with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and eating.
In addition, they recommend that vitamin supplements containing beta carotene be "actively discouraged" because of the small but statistically significant increased risk of death.
The pediatric cardiologist can recommend the appropriate type and timing of treatment, based on the child's age, condition, and overall health.
Dentists often recommend that children see the dentist for the first time before they are one year old.
If an epidural anesthetic is being used, many practitioners recommend decreasing the dosage so the mother has better control of her pushing.
Many pediatricians recommend seeing the infant at two weeks but if the parents feel it should be sooner due to alterations in the newborn's physical status, they should take the infant in for a visit.
Educational consultants usually have visited any school they recommend and will consider the student's psychological evaluations and other test results to determine the alternative school that will best meet their needs.
Aromatherapists recommend inhaling the fragrances of the essential oils of lavender (Lavandula officinalis), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), sage (Salvia officinalis), and sandalwood.
Herbalists recommend taking osha root (Ligusticum porteri) internally for infection or drinking ginger (Zingiber officinale) or slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) tea for pain.
Experts also recommend switching to cloth diapers and cleaning affected skin with plain water.
Specialists recommend that people with multiple sclerosis and other movement disorders adhere to the same low-fat, high-fiber diet that is recommended for the general population.
As the first solid food, pediatricians often recommend cereal made from a grain other than wheat, such as rice.
For children under the age of three, many states have established early intervention programs that assess, recommend, and begin treatment programs.
At a minimum, CF centers recommend avoiding prolonged close contact between people with CF and scrupulous hygiene, including frequent hand washing.
Some physicians may recommend a variety of dietary measures to treat stomatitis.
Some doctors may recommend supplementation with folic acid, iron, or vitamin B12.
Several disciplines in alternative therapy also recommend various supplements and vitamins that may reduce the chances of birth defects.
Once physicians are satisfied that there is no infectious cause, they may recommend medications such as acetaminophen, NSAIDs, or corticosteroids to decrease inflammation and reduce constitutional symptoms.
Practitioners of complementary medicine recommend herbs to treat fever.
Some practitioners recommend letting a fever run its course or cooling the body with cool sponge baths.
The doctor will undoubtedly recommend giving clear liquids as often as possible to avoid dehydration from the high body temperature.
After the tests have been performed, the physician may recommend fever-reducing medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
In addition, nutritional therapists recommend vitamin C and bioflavonoids to supplement a diet high in whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
If surgery is needed, alternative practitioners can recommend pre- and post-surgical therapies that enhance healing.
Some doctors recommend thickening the baby's formula with rice cereal or using pre-thickened formulas such as Enfamil.
The doctor may first recommend non-prescription medications, such as antacids and histamine-2 receptor blockers (H2 blockers).
Others recommend hot tea flavored with honey as a temporary home remedy for coughs caused by colds or flu.
Aroma therapists recommend a warm bath scented with essential oils of lavender, geranium, and sandalwood.
When the underlying cause of dizziness cannot be discovered, it may be difficult to recommend preventive measures.
Driving may be resumed after two weeks, although some doctors recommend waiting for six weeks, which is the typical recovery period from major surgery.
Hospitals can often recommend support groups for such mothers.
They recommend there be no more than six older toddlers (24-36 months) per caregiver, and a maximum of 12 older toddlers and two caregivers per group.
They should recommend stretching and exercise and if relief does not come quickly, investigate other causes, such as clothing that is too tight.
In addition to the importance of calcium for strong bones, many alternative treatment approaches recommend use of mineral supplements to help build and maintain a healthy, resilient skeleton.
Sometimes preschool teachers will recommend that a child attend an extra year of preschool before enrolling in kindergarten.
Herbalists may recommend cloves taken as an infusion or ginger given in drop doses to control intestinal cramps, eliminate gas, and prevent vomiting.
Homeopathic practitioners frequently recommend Arsenicum album for diarrhea caused by contaminated food and Belladonna for diarrhea that comes on suddenly with mucus in the stools.
Pediatricians and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that all infants are vaccinated against Hib disease.
The doctor may also recommend hydrotherapy, heat treatments, and other forms of physical therapy.
Many doctors recommend that teenagers be taken to a hospital immediately after they express the desire to commit suicide.
Doctors recommend that helpers not ask the teenager's reason for thinking of suicide; rather, helpers should listen and wait for the teenager to trust enough to talk openly about the problem.
Doctors also recommend that helpers not mention "reasons for living," as doing so might generate more depressing thoughts in the teenager.
Some doctors recommend using over-the-counter eye washes, such as Bausch and Lomb Eye Wash or Collyrium Eye Wash, or medicated pads made especially for the eyes to clean around the eyelid.
Homeopathic practice usually does not use topical ointments or drops but does recommend using an antibacterial eyewash made from five drops of tincture of goldenseal in a cup of warm water.
Because cat-scratch disease is usually not a life-threatening illness and people tend to form strong emotional bonds with their cats, doctors do not recommend getting rid of a cat suspected of carrying the disease.
In some cases, the doctor may recommend another immunosuppressive drug known as cyclosporine to be taken together with methotrexate.
The child's doctor may recommend either individual psychotherapy for the affected child or family therapy for the family as a whole.
Psychotherapists recommend an in-depth MSE for all patients with possible organic (physiologica) or psychotic disorders.
Pediatric dentists often recommend a first dental appointment at 12 to 18 months of age.
Some recommend a first appointment at six months.
Many family care physicians recommend warm-water therapeutic baths as a way to relieve labor pains during childbirth without administering drugs.
Some doctors may recommend preparations containing urea, lactic acid, or alpha-hydroxy acid.
However, because long QT syndrome is so serious, some physicians recommend that all children with breath holding spells have a baseline EKG.
They recommend that televisions be removed from childcare areas, because they are a distraction to both caregivers and children.
They recommend children of this age watch only a few selected programs or videos, after which the television should be turned off.
Homeopathic practitioners recommend that people with chronic insomnia see a professional homeopath.
Physicians may recommend immune system boosters to help prevent infection.
A pediatrician can calculate a healthy range of body weight for the child, recommend dietary guidelines, and provide activity guidelines to help the child safely and effectively lose weight.