Recognizes Sentence Examples
He recognizes you can't physically stop him; otherwise you would have when you've had the chance.
The term properly implies a clear polytheistic conception of gods in contrast with men, while it recognizes that some men cross the dividing line.
The Argentine constitution recognizes the Roman Catholic religion as that of the state, but tolerates all others.
The sacrificial ritual recognizes two kinds of srauta sacrifices, viz.
In his recent classification Ashmead (1901) recognizes seventy-nine families arranged under eight " super-families."
Accepting the law he distinguishes productive from permissive or transmissive function (p. 32), and, rejecting the view that brain produces thought, he recognizes that in our present condition brain transmits thought, thought needs brain for its organ of expression; but this does not exclude the possibility of a condition in which thought will be no longer so dependent on brain.
The Code recognizes complete private ownership in land, but apparently extends the right to hold land to votaries, merchants (and resident aliens?).
Mill recognizes an ultimate difference in quality between higher and lower pleasures.
Lucretius thus recognizes the whole range of existence to which the doctrine of evolution may be applied.
By implication Caesar recognizes as a fourth division the province of Gallia Narbonensis.
AdvertisementAs he is thus lamenting, a woman appears to him of dignified mien, whom he recognizes as his guardian, Philosophy.
Moreover, under piaculum are confused purification, propitiations and expiations; Smith's contention that purifications, whose magical character he recognizes but interprets as late, are not sacrificial, is far from conclusive.
Fielde show that an ant follows her own old track by a scent exercised by the tenth segment of the feeler, recognizes other inmates of her nest by a sense of smell resident in the eleventh segment, is guided to the eggs, maggots and pupae, which she has to tend, by sensation through the eighth and ninth segments, and appreciates the general smell of the nest itself by means of organs in the twelfth segment.
The law of England - and the laws of Scotland and Ireland agree with it on this point - recognizes no absolute private ownership of land.
In France, the Code Civil recognizes two such relationships, the letting to hire of houses (bail a loyer) and the letting to farm of rural properties (bail d ferme).
AdvertisementHe does not consider the possibility of deriving enjoyment from wealth by helping the poor or encouraging learning (this latter, indeed, he looks on as vanity), and in general he recognizes no obligation on the part of a man to his fellows.
It recognizes the will and attaches great importance to written deeds, but on the other hand sanctions the judicial duel and the cojuratores (sworn witnesses).
The fundamental chemical classification of matter, on the other hand, recognizes two groups of substances, namely, elements, which are substances not admitting of analysis into other substances, and compounds, which do admit of analysis into simpler substances and also of synthesis from simpler substances.
The pope, no longer possessing any more power than other bishops (though Marsilius recognizes that the supremacy of the Church of Rome goes back to the earliest times of Christianity), is to content himself with a pre-eminence mainly of an honorary kind, without claiming to interpret the Holy Scriptures, define dogmas or distribute benefices; moreover, he is to be elected by the Christian people, or by the delegates of the people, i.e.
Loisy recognizes two eye-witness documents, as utilized by all three synoptists, while Matthew and Luke have also incorporated Mark.
AdvertisementBut a little before Tertullian, Irenaeus, though he does not use the word ordo, anticipates in some measure Tertullian's abstract term, for he recognizes a magisterii locus, " a place of magistracy " or " presidency " in the church.
The modern Greek Church recognizes only two minor orders, viz.
Heidenhain recognizes two classes, first, such substances as peptone, leech extract and crayfish extract; and, secondly, crystalloids such as sugar, salt, &c. Starling sees no reason to believe that members of either class act otherwise than by increasing the pressure in the capillaries or by injuring the endothelial wall.
The Roman Catholic Church also recognizes a class of beneficed chaplains, supported out of "pious foundations" for the specific duty of saying, or arranging for, certain masses, or taking part in certain services.
As for the author, he was no Essene, for he recognizes animal sacrifices and cherishes the Messianic hope; he was not a Sadducee, for he looks forward to the establishment of the Messianic kingdom (x.); nor a Zealot, for the quietistic ideal is upheld (ix.), and the kingdom is established by God Himself (x.).
AdvertisementSpencer recognizes successively likenesses and unlikenesses among phenomena (the effects of the Unknowable), which are segregated into manifestations, vivid (object, nonego) or faint (subject, ego), and then into space and time, matter and motion and force, of which the last is symbolized for us by the experience of resistance, and is that out of which our ideas of matter and motion are built.
Pictet, however, recognizes allied forms in Celtic languages, e.g.
In Carpini's (1248) single mention of Prester John as the king of the Christians of India the Greater, who defeats the Tatars by an elaborate stratagem, Oppert recognizes Jalaluddin of Kharezm and his brief success over the Mongols in Afghanistan.
But it falls short of idealism as above defined in that it recognizes only one side of the antithesis of subject and object, and so falls short of the doctrine which takes its stand on the complete correlativity of the two factors in experience.
He recognizes political economy and statistics as alike sciences, and represents the distinction between them as having never been made before him, though he quotes what Smith had said of political arithmetic. While deserving the praise of honesty, sincerity and independence, he is inferior to his predecessor in breadth of view on moral and political questions.
After their departure, Mary sees two angels where His body had lain and turning away beholds Jesus standing, yet recognizes Him only when He addresses her.
The attitude of Ultramontanism, for instance, towards the right claimed and exercised by the state to make laws concerning marriage is wholly negative; for it recognizes no marriage laws except those of the Church, the Church alone being regarded as competent to decide what impediments are a bar to marriage, and to exercise jurisdiction over such cases.
The Nestorian Church, following its leader, formally recognizes the Letter of Leo to Flavian and the decrees of the Council of Chalcedon.
In consideration of their efforts to achieve independence, Great Britain regards the Czechoslovaks as an Allied nation and recognizes the unity of the three Czechoslovak armies as an Allied and belligerent army waging a regular warfare against Austria-Hungary and Germany...
He makes 9 families of the group, and recognizes 45 genera, and 442 species, besides subspecies.
He recognizes as coming within the functions of the state the erection and maintenance of those public institutions and public works which, though advantageous to the society, could not repay, and therefore must not be thrown upon, individuals or small groups of individuals.
When Gnosticism recognizes in this corporeal and material world the true seat of evil, consistently treating the bodily existence of mankind as essentially evil and the separation of the spiritual from the corporeal being as the object of salvation, this is an outcome of the contrast in Greek dualism between spirit and matter, soul and body.
Tylor, makes the foundation of all religion animistic, but recognizes the non-human character of polytheistic gods.
The only food he recognizes is spiritual; e.g.
The prevailing form of religion is the Roman Catholic, but the state recognizes no distinction of creed.
It is a system amply provided with checks and balances; it recognizes and enforces the principle of popular sovereignty, while subjecting that principle to many checks in practice; and it is well calculated to maintain unchanged the relation of its component parts each to the other.
Is a scribe, who recognizes under a corruption the word certainly intended, to perpetuate the error of the exemplar?
He refers to Hume as recognizing no causality but only a customary and habitual succession, but adds that Kant rightly recognizes that mere observation cannot teach the necessity of the conjunction.
He does not mean that will is the only mental operation; for he recognizes idea derived from sensation, and feeling, as well as will.
But he also recognizes association by similarity, or assimilation, or " apperception " in Herbart's more confined sense of the word, and association by contiguity, or complication.
He describes it as idealism in the form of ideal realism, because it recognizes an ideating will requiring substance as substratum or matter for outer relations of phenomena.
This ethical value is perceived by reason or understanding (which, unlike Kant, he does not distinguish), which intuitively recognizes fitness or congruity between actions, agents and total circumstances.
As a matter of fact it recognizes as actual citizens only the labourer, or, in other words, the proletariat.
Thus Sigismund's views were those of a statesman who clearly recognizes present evils and would remedy them.
The explanation is to be found within Israel itself, in factors which succeeded in re-shaping existing material and in imprinting upon it a durable stamp, and these factors, as biblical tradition recognizes, are to be found in the work of the prophets.
His will to believe merely recognizes that choice is necessary and implies risk, and puts him in a position to obtain verification (or disproof).
Psychology recognizes two uses of the term.
The author was not an Essene, for he recognizes animal sacrifices and cherishes the Messianic hope.
Biblical history itself recognizes in the times of Artaxerxes, Nehemiah and Ezra the commencement of a new era, and although only too much remains obscure we have in these centuries a series of vicissitudes which separate the old Palestine of Egyptian, Hittite, Babylonian and Assyrian supremacy from the land which was about to enter the circle of Greek and Roman civilization.
Now it is easy to see that in this careful statement Plato recognizes three periods.
Now it is true that before 447 B.C., besides the teachers of writing, gymnastics and music, to whom the young Greek resorted for elementary instruction, there were artists and artisans who not only practised their crafts, but also communicated them to apprentices and pupils, and that accordingly the Platonic Protagoras recognizes in the gymnast Iccus, the physician Herodicus, and the musicians Agathocles and Pythoclides, forerunners of the sophists.
As psychology recognizes a distinction of pleasure and pain, and metaphysics of good and evil, so morality assumes the difference between right and wrong in action, good and bad in character; but the distinction in psychology and metaphysics applies to what is, the difference in morality is based on a judgment of what is by what ought to be.
Antisthenes, starting with the doctrine of identity without difference, recognizes as the only exthenes.
The immanent rationality of this first form, in virtue of which at the stage when intelligence acts freely on the occasion of the datum supplied it recognizes continuity with its own self-conscious process, is what gives the dialectical type its meaning.
In the one case, however, where it recognizes what is truly synthesis, i.e.
While then membership in this organization is not primary, it assumes a higher and even a vital importance, since a true experience recognizes the common faith and the common fellowship. Were it to refuse assent to these, doubt would be thrown upon its own trustworthiness.
It recognizes the scientific results attained in the study of the Bible itself, and therefore it does not seek the entire Bible as its rule of truth.
To this day, among the natives of the Malayan Archipelago, men speak of going to Pontianak, to Sambas or to Brunei, as the case may be, but make use of no term which recognizes that these localities are part of a single whole.
The theory, however unsatisfactory as an explanation, has one great merit, that it recognizes between the eye, for instance, and the object seen an intermediate something.
In addition to the minister, who is its most definite figure and proved to be the most permanent, it recognizes the superintendent, the lay elder and the reader.
The Second Book of Discipline recognizes four kinds of office in the church, and no one can lawfully be placed in any of them except by being called to it by the members.
Pfleiderer, Religion and Historic Faiths (1907), p. 88, recognizes more clearly the difficulty of carrying almost any division through the whole field, without frequent breach of historical connexions.
For his absolute individualism, which recognizes in the state, the church, the family only so many superficial and incidental provisions of human craft, the means of relief was absorption in the intellectual and purely ideal aims which prepare the way for the cessation of temporal individuality altogether.
Every one recognizes now that the poverty and sparse population of Sweden unfitted her for such a tremendous destiny.
In Cappadocia, Aramaic inscriptions have been discovered (1900), in which the indigenous god, there termed Bel the king, recognizes the Mazdayasnian Religion (Din Mazdayasnish)i.e.
In the soul Seneca recognizes an effluence of the divine spirit, a god in the human frame; in virtue of this he maintains the essential dignity and internal freedom of man in every human being.
Thus, Hasdrubal's devotion and valour at the battle on the Metaurus are described in terms of eloquent praise; and even in Hannibal, the lifelong enemy of Rome, he frankly recognizes the great qualities that balanced his faults.
Sufficient has been said to indicate that the legislature from time to time recognizes the important position of the county council as an administrative body, and is continually extending its functions.
Xenocrates indeed, identifying ideal and mathematical numbers, sought to ' That Plato did not neglect, but rather encouraged, classificatory science is shown, not only by a well-known fragment of the comic poet Epicrates, which describes a party of Academics engaged in investigating, under the eye of Plato, the affinities of the common pumpkin, but also by the Timaeus, which, while it carefully discriminates science from ontology, plainly recognizes the importance of the study of natural kinds.
It is a just remark of Thackeray's that he everywhere half-consciously recognizes her as his better angel, and dwells on her wit and her tenderness with a fondness he never exhibits for any other topic. On the 28th of January 1728, she died, and her wretched lover sat down the same night to record her virtues in language of unsurpassed simplicity, but to us who know the story more significantly for what it conceals than for what it tells.
Canon 18 of the Code of 1870 recognizes the offices of catechist, reader and sub-deacon (Wirzmann, The English Church and People in South Africa, p. 223 et seq.).
The "Burlingame Treaty" recognizes China's right of eminent domain over all her territory, gives China the right to appoint at ports in the United States consuls, "who shall enjoy the same privileges and immunities as those enjoyed by the consuls of Great Britain and Russia"; provides that "citizens of the United States in China of every religious persuasion and Chinese subjects in the United States shall enjoy entire liberty of conscience and shall be exempt from all disability or persecution on account of their religious faith or worship in either country"; and grants certain privileges to citizens of either country residing in the other, the privilege of naturalization, however, being specifically withheld.
The father voluntarily recognizes the superiority of the son and hands over to him the control of humanity.
The conference recognizes the fact that its constituency is Congregational in tradition and polity.
For even when the felt obligation is absolute, where the will is completely moralized, where it is inconceivable in the case of a good man that the act which he performs should be other than it is, there the obligation which he recognizes is an obligation to choose autonomously, and as such is distinguished from desire or appetite or any of the other alleged determinants of action.
For (r), as concrete and transient, it is obviously not the real essential good that the philosopher seeks; (2) the feelings most prominently recognized as pleasures are bound up with pain, as good can never be with evil; in so far, then, as common sense rightly recognizes some pleasures as good, it can only be from their tendency to produce some further good.
These three Augustine (after St Paul) regards as the three essential elements of Christian virtue; along with these he recognizes the fourfold division of virtue into prudence, temperance, courage and justice according to their traditional interpretation; but he explains these virtues to be in their true natures only the same love to God in different aspects or exercises.
It is true that Bentham expressly recognizes the varying influences of climate, race, religion, government, as considerations which it is important for the legislator to take into account; but his own work of social construction was almost entirely independent of such considerations, and his school generally appear to have been convinced of their competence to solve all important ethical and political questions for human beings of all ages and countries, without regard to their specific differences.
The difference, however, is not really so great as it seems; since in another part of his system Kant fully recognizes the reasonableness of the individual's regard for his own happiness.
Moreover, he recognizes that qualities, e.g.
Cicero, with generous appreciation, recognizes Demosthenes as the standard of perfection.
Muller frankly recognizes that not only are animals symbols of deity and its attributes, not only are they companions and messengers of deity (as in the period of anthropomorphic religion), but they have been divine beings in and for themselves during the earlier stages of thought.
Herodotus constantly alludes to the most famous Egyptian myth,that of Osiris, and he recognizes the analogies between the Osirian myth and mysteries and those of Dionysus.
External evidence, which recognizes no universal deluge and no dispersal of mankind in the third millennium B.C., throws its own light upon the opening centuries of the second.
The condition of the peasantry, however, during this reign reached its lowest point, and the " recess," or charter, of 1653 practically recognizes the existence of villenage.
Ceremonies Austrian law recognizes only civil marriages however, a religious ceremony may be performed after a civil marriage has been solemnized.
Such an approach recognizes that chronic disease is multifactorial involving a confluence of genetic, environmental, social, psychological and physical events.
The CBA recognizes that chemicals in the environment can have an extremely deleterious effect on human health, habitats and wildlife.
In its 28th year, the prize recognizes the work of outstanding women dramatists.
Menger's rational egoism recognizes that value is grounded in human needs and their satisfaction.
For a company synonymous with engineering excellence, Honda recognizes the value of investment in the most up to date infrastructure available.
Providing a service which the public recognizes as excellent brings its own rewards.
The Government recognizes that progress toward sustainable development has in the past been hampered by failure to take proper account of the environmental elements.
The antibody recognizes a water soluble thermostable antigen that is present in the extracellular matrix surrounding the hyphae.
Perhaps Jesus recognizes the impossibility of the choice; his next two questions are simply, ' Do you love me?
He recognizes that these chapters of the bible are purely mythical.
The alternative is a humane policy framework that recognizes the incentives to produce, traffic and consume narcotics.
Currie recognizes that an artist's oeuvre never does follow a coldly logical path - and is all the better for it.
Thus Britain recognizes as refugees people fleeing non-state persecution - such as women escaping forced marriages - while Germany does not.
And although Beale recognizes that much may be speculative, by the end the cumulative argument becomes very persuasive.
Mouse CD1d-restricted T cell hybridoma recognizes normal mammalian phospholipids and it is the only one that self-antigens have been defined for.
The Domestic Relations Bill recognizes that marriages in Uganda shall be either monogamous or polygamous bur does not outlaw polygamy.
Thus, he explicitly recognizes and legitimatises the function of cognitive-instrumental/strategic rationality within the frame of the critical social sciences.
Nick immediately recognizes Vincent as the man who killed Roz, and they have a standoff.
Gview recognizes the format of the molecular structure by the extension of the file.
This is an important lesson to every worker - make sure the company you are employed by recognizes trade unions.
Hinduism recognizes four varnas ('castes ', literally 'colours ') based on occupation (jati or jat) and ancestry.
We will work to ensure that everyone understands and recognizes the value of the natural environment, is not visionary enough.
Even the Council of Europe recognizes that ducks are essentially wild birds (2 ).
Equity has exclusive jurisdiction where it recognizes rights which are unknown to the common law.
That while the New Testament recognizes but one order of presbyters there are in this order two degrees or classes, known as teaching elders and ruling elders.
These and other apologetic writings have so far failed to produce any adequate alternative hypothesis, and while they argue for the traditional theory, later revision not being excluded, the modern critical view accepts late dates for the literary sources in their present form, and explicitly recognizes the presence of much that is ancient.
He further recognizes a progress in the production of vegetable and animal forms, though this part of his theory is essentially crude and unscientific. More important in relation to the modern problems of evolution is his thoroughly materialistic way of explaining the origin of sensation and knowledge by help of his peculiar hypothesis of effluvia and pores.
One might almost say that Duns Scotus recognizes the principle of a gradual physical evolution, only that he chooses to represent the mechanism by which the process is brought about by means of quaint scholastic fictions.
These countries have created a hierarchy of temporal courts competent to deal with every matter of which law takes cognizance, and a penal code which embraces and deals with all crimes or delicts which the state recognizes as offences.
Huxley expresses himself much more cautiously, as he recognizes that we do not know the continuity of nature so thoroughly as to be able to declare that this or that event is necessarily an interruption of it.
Though section 61 of the Naval Judge Discipline Act 1866 recognizes the possibility of his Advocate presence at a court-martial, he does not nowadays the attend, but is represented by his deputy or by an Fleet.
Apart from the two functions of discerning between right and wrong, and actively predisposing the agent to moral action, conscience has further a retrospective action whereby remorse falls upon the man who recognizes that he has broken a moral law.
In fragments i., xiv., xvi., xxi., &c., he recognizes, thinks Freudenthal, a plurality of deities; whence it is inferred that, besides the One God, most high, perfect, eternal, who, as immanent intelligent cause, unifies the plurality of things, there were also lesser divinities, who govern portions of the universe, being themselves eternal parts of the one all-embracing Godhead.
An instinctive feeling that a proper name for God implicitly recognizes the existence of other gods may have had some influence; reverence and the fear lest the holy name should be profaned among the heathen were potent reasons; but probably the most cogent motive was the desire to prevent the abuse of the name in magic. If so, the secrecy had the opposite effect; the name of the god of the Jews was one of the great names in magic, heathen as well as Jewish, and miraculous efficacy was attributed to the mere utterance of it.
On the one hand, indeed, orthodoxy and heresy are symbolized to his mind by the wheat and the tares respectively; he clings to the naive opinion of Catholicism, that contemporary orthodoxy has prevailed within the Church from the first; he recognizes the true faith only in the mystery of the Trinity; he judges heretics who have been already condemned as interlopers, as impudent innovators, actuated by bad and self-seeking motives; he apologizes for having so much as treated of Arianism at all in his history of the Church; he believes in the inspiration of the ecclesiastical councils as much as in that of the Scriptures themselves.
She recognizes the subject and general intention of a statuette six inches high.
She recognizes instantly a person whom she has once met, and spells the name.
He hardly recognizes anybody.
I hear the count no longer recognizes anyone.
Chance forms the characters of the rulers of France, who submit to him; chance forms the character of Paul I of Russia who recognizes his government; chance contrives a plot against him which not only fails to harm him but confirms his power.
But his will--which forms the essence of his life--man recognizes (and can but recognize) as free.
The current national curriculum recognizes that the way we organize learning must be responsive to change.
The scheme recognizes and rewards excellence among teachers and learning support staff in higher education in England and Northern Ireland.
Traditional astrology recognizes five significant relationships, based upon the twelvefold division of the zodiac signs.
Carers Labor recognizes the often unsung role that millions of carers perform every day.
The Russian president recognizes that terrorism and weapons proliferation, rather than NATO, are the real threats to Russia 's security.
Even the Council of Europe recognizes that ducks are essentially wild birds (2).
While you can certainly purchase a baby shower corsage, a homemade corsage will be appreciated even more by the mother-to-be when she recognizes the thought and care that went into the lovingly designed decoration.
Understand what the term "potty trained" means, which is that your child recognizes she needs to use the potty, she can pull down her panties and sit on the potty, and she can urinate and have a bowel movement in the potty regularly.
There are many other variations that can occur, but the Cat Fanciers' Association (CA) only recognizes certain colors.
The top rated cat food recognizes the specific biological characteristics of cats and their nutritional needs.
The CFA recognizes the unique qualities and beauty each breed offers.
Unfortunately, by the time a pet owner recognizes the enlargement of his pet's stomach area, the cardiomyopathy is relatively advanced.
When you shop online, it recognizes the programs in which it can automatically enter your information and asks whether you would like it do so.
Glazer devotes particular attention to the "special grief" that he recognizes can arise from the loss through a tragedy."
Check the list below to see if your state recognizes this type of marriage relationship.
If your state recognizes common law marriages, the elements below must be in place before the relationship becomes truly legal.
Whether it is being caught for stealing or some other small crime, or if an officer recognizes the teen as a runaway, getting involved with the police as a runaway is never a good thing unless you are a teen runaway looking for help.
Keep in mind that each state which recognizes common law marriages has specific guidelines for designating the union as a legal marriage.
Wilton recognizes that decorators have a need to be creative and expressive with their cakes, so they manufacture dozens of 3D designs and shaped pans, including animal pans and pans in the shapes of licensed characters.
It recognizes that many of its pans can be used to create multiple shapes and models, so one frog cake is baked using a butterfly pan, and one is made with a stand-up, 3D model of a teddy bear pan.
The Committee recognizes that class diversity plays a critical role as students help to educate each other.
Seek out schools that are accredited by the AACSB or, if that isn't a possibility, find schools that are regionally accredited by boards that the federal government recognizes.
Middle States Commission on Higher Education accredits this college and the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation recognizes them.
A program that has earned accreditation means that a credible regional or federal organization supports the institution and recognizes the value of a degree from it.
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) complete breed list, the club recognizes approximately 170 dog breeds as of June 2011.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) was founded in 1884 and currently recognizes 153 breeds for purebred registration.
Though the American Kennel Club officially recognizes many breeds, others stand waiting in the wings, hoping to some day gain that recognition and all the opportunities and benefits that come with full membership in the AKC.
There is a 10-step test to earn the award and it is the only award that the AKC recognizes for all breeds, even mixed breeds and adopted dogs.
While the American Kennel Club recognizes the breed under the name Bulldog, it is commonly known as the English Bulldog to differentiate it from its cousin, the French Bulldog.
The AKC currently recognizes 163 official breeds that are divided into groups.
The specification of synthetic chemicals recognizes the fact that many of the drinking water contaminants monitored by the EPA originate from agricultural practices.
Organic farming recognizes the environmental risk this action imposes and seeks ways to minimize the impact.
The essence of organic farming recognizes that agriculture causes pollution and can affect the integrity of the soil.
The practice of feeding grass rather than grains to cattle recognizes that these animals are ruminants.
Lands End recognizes that normal women have varying bodies, and their suits are created accordingly.
This is a company that recognizes that whatever your size, you are still busy and active and in need of properly fitting high-performance gear for cycling, swimming, jogging and strolling.
It is important to note that the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine recognizes that the participating dentists have met the requirements for board certification.
Nevertheless, the mind is curious about itself and it recognizes that there are different levels of consciousness.
It starts at 0% and raises from there the more bad stuff you do or the more someone recognizes you after you do the nasty gang stuff.
It shows you the letters as you select them and as soon as it recognizes a word, the game shows you how many points it is worth.
Sure there's a rudimentary A.I. that recognizes certain words, but the first time you ask him about his past will be the day you will stare in awe as he explains to you his dreams.
Although most people don't recognize him by name, everyone recognizes Kokopelli when they see him.
This award recognizes buildings that are constructed in an environmentally responsible manner.
This recognizes when the user is speaking (based on vibrations) and cancels out the background noise.
Once your computer recognizes the device, iTunes should open automatically.
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome-An immune disorder that occurs when the body recognizes phospholipids (part of a cell's membrane) as foreign and produces abnormal antibodies against them.
At this age the baby recognizes a person on sight and smiles.
The staff in these programs recognizes parents as the first and most important teachers of their children.
The first exposure to the drug sensitizes the child's immune system by inducing specialized white blood cells to produce IgE that recognizes the specific drug.
Although modern medicine recognizes that stress, anxiety and depression can trigger IBS attacks, medical specialists agree that IBS is a genuine physical disorder-or group of disorders-with specific identifiable characteristics.
After vaccination with HBV, the child's immune system recognizes HBsAg as foreign and produces antibodies that attach to the protein (anti-HBs).
The latter is actually a member of the International Olympic Committee, which now recognizes competitive ballroom dance (though it is not likely to be added to the games).
One of the first rooms that a feng shui practitioner will analyze is your bedroom since she recognizes how important it is to your overall health and well-being.
Test subjects have proven that the human subconscious mind recognizes this rule for judging beauty.
Aveda recognizes that the world is made up of thousands of unique, valuable societies, and the company works to preserve those cultures it interacts with when researching the best natural ingredients for its hair care products.
Because Nioxin recognizes that different people have different hair types, the company has divided its hair system into eight intensive treatment plans.
Creating a formalponytail for a special occasion is a popular trend for a hairstylist who recognizes that the hairstyle draws attention to the wearer's facial features.
If more than 30 percent of your income is spent on housing, the government recognizes that your burden is beyond what should be expected of you.
However, the physician recognizes the physical signs of early labor, such as a thinning and opening of the cervix.
Although the book is about pregnancy, the author recognizes that new mothers have a wealth of questions and concerns after the baby is born.
The book recognizes that new fathers have many questions, too.
The set also recognizes the iCarly Fashion Switch doll figures, allowing for greater interactivity.
The council recognizes vitamin D deficiencies may have more far-reaching effects.
Once the immune system recognizes an invader, it sends out specialized cells to trap, neutralize and destroy the virus.
The fashion industry recognizes that shorter women require clothes made in a size that is not only shorter in length but tailored to fit a petite frame.
Anyone who has ever visited a charity thrift store, like the Salvation Army or Goodwill, recognizes that charities take used furniture.
If you are a charity, and the government recognizes you as such, you may be eligible for a grant.
South Korea recognizes Christmas as a public holiday, although North Korea does not.
There can be some variations - a woman might prefer a later Victorian costume with a bustle, for example, but this is the basic idea that everyone recognizes.
Tantra is an ancient tradition that originates on the Indian subcontinent; it recognizes sexual energy as a source of personal and spiritual empowerment.
This quote recognizes the importance of friendship to a relationship while also realizing that taking it to the next level brings even more joy to the experience.
The jealous partner recognizes that the feelings and thoughts are unreasonable, but has difficulty controlling them.
The site also recognizes the need to keep certain things private, and offers a great deal of control in how much its members reveal.
In order to provide customers with the best possible service, Blue Nile recognizes the necessity of educated, knowledgeable consumers.
Robbins Brothers recognizes that all engagement rings are different, just as each couple is different.
Even though your client recognizes the need to hire a professional writer to prepare his e-book, he probably still has definite opinions regarding the content of the book.
The Catholic Church recognizes some of its followers may not be able to fully participate in mass, especially in the sacred rite of the Eucharist.
Your mind recognizes the futility of holding on to past hurts, but that doesn't mean you can let them go.
He'll treat them to ice cream even though he knows it's too close to dinner because he recognizes that particular moment won't ever come again.
He's drawn to strong people and when he meets Leo, Taurus recognizes that he'll probably get burned.
Leo quickly recognizes that this isn't a person she can easily manipulate or persuade.
Each recognizes the nuances of romantic rituals and appreciates the beauty special holidays, anniversaries and other events bring into their lives.
She recognizes her Virgo's shortcomings and dives past the reef he erects to protect himself from being hurt or disappointed.
A Pisces man is an expert lover that recognizes sensuality is an artform to be explored and exploited.
The prudent parent recognizes that no system is perfect and even in the best of situations, there can be a negative side to homeschooling.
A four-year old who recognizes his or her letters can easily play, but older children will still enjoy it.
Even when a parent or teacher recognizes that a child is dealing with a mental health issue, Latino children are not likely to get the help they need.
In these cases, the film is not officially considered in the vault until Disney recognizes the film.
The Internal Revenue Service recognizes the Salvation Army as tax-exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The program recognizes excellence in the production of daytime television.
Once upon a time, Pablo was the head trainer at Raintree and he recognizes Kris' talent with horses.
But even though Armando recognizes Betty's intelligence, he still hires a second secretary as window dressing for the front lobby.
It even recognizes senior and children's discounts, helpful for family travel.
From the beginning of the company's existence, Accurist understood that no one recognizes fashionable luxury like a lady.
The program recognizes the importance of recognizing that each case is unique and treatment plans should cater to the individual.
The Web Toolbar recognizes associate Skype names and phone numbers on WebPages, allowing you can to call them through the Internet phone service with one click.
This recognizes you as a not for profit organization.
This mindset recognizes that the actions of a business impact many individuals and groups of people, referred to as stakeholders.
Soap cutters are designed to cut large blocks of soap into the small loaves or rectangles that everyone recognizes as a soap bar.
On the contrary, the company recognizes the importance of snacking both psychologically and to keep the body's metabolism and blood sugar levels in optimum ranges.
In fact, the USDA has introduced a site called My Pyramid that recognizes the unique nutritional needs of each individual by using the food pyramid.
Jenny Craig recognizes that diets won't work if your mind isn't on board with the plan.
The Food and Drug Administration recognizes that some affiliates may promote acai as a supplement that is supposed to treat conditions.
The Zone Diet plan recognizes that not all fats are equal when it comes to health.
Spectera recognizes the need for affordable vision care coverage and does their best to offer members the insurance they deserve.
The state of California recognizes that many low income families are forced to forgo medical care including preventative care as well as treatment for a specific illness or injury.
Once you know what type of coverage you need, you can start looking for a health insurance company that also recognizes domestic partnerships.
It is an awards ceremony that recognizes greatness in the American theatre, specifically on Broadway.
A party that recognizes their efforts will be appreciated by everyone.
When a young thief breaks into his place, he recognizes an incipient Immortal, and becomes a mentor for Richie Ryan (Stan Kirsch).
Harker enlists the assistance of Professor van Helsing, who recognizes the symptoms and progression of Lucy's and later Mina's 'illness' as the work of a feeding vampire.
The young pair team up to discover what they can about Dust, eventually enlisting the bewildered help of an Our-Universe physicist named Mary Malone, who recognizes that Dust is the Dark Matter of modern physics.
It is Giles who recognizes that Buffy does not want to be among the land of the living again.
When she finally recognizes the final five models and realizes the error of the Cylon choices, her entire line is boxed by the others.
The Weblog Awards recognizes bloggers for their achievements in 45 different categories spanning a diverse array of topics.
Blog of the Day is an informal competition that recognizes new blogs on a daily basis.
The IRS recognizes the complexity of its rules and, in response, offers publications and other helpful tools on its website to guide taxpayers.
Once this rank has been reached, it is for life and the scout will receive a badge that recognizes their achievement.
W3 Awards are supported by the International Academy of Visual arts, and are touted as an award program that recognizes web design contributions of anyone, from large agencies to small independent firms.
For the purposes of a concordat the state recognizes the official status of the church and of its ministers and tribunals; guarantees it certain privileges; and sometimes binds itself to secure for it subsidies representing compensation for past spoliations.
This view ignores that man has ideals of absolute value, truth, beauty, goodness, that he consciously communes with the God who is in all, and through all, and over all, that it is his mind which recognizes the vastness of the universe and thinks its universal law, and that the mind which perceives and conceives cannot be less, but must be greater than the object of its knowledge and thought.
He recognizes gradations of things according to the degree of complexity of their movements and that of their conceptions.
He then on the 7th of October drew up a final plan, in which one again recognizes the old commander, and this he immediately proceeded to put into execution, for he was now quite aware of the danger threatening his line of retreat from both Blucher and Schwarzenberg and the North Army; yet only a few hours afterwards the portion of the order relating to St Cyr and Lobau was cancelled and the two were finally left behind at Dresden.