Reclaimed Sentence Examples
The reclaimed territory is level and excellently drained.
Darian reclaimed the bag.
She reclaimed her hand.
The soil is light and sandy, but much of the land reclaimed in the boggy districts is very fertile.
They established manufactures, introduced the cultivation of hops, reclaimed the waste soil, and did much to improve agriculture.
Bosnia reclaimed her own independence; so did Rashka, whose Grand Zhupans came forward as leaders of the Serb national policy, which aimed at freedom from Greek suzerainty and the union of all the Serb Zhupaniyas into one kingdom under one king.
Several thousand acres have been reclaimed from this part of the Wash, and round the mouth of the Nene on the south-east.
One contained an amphora full of reclaimed mosaic pieces, presumably for use by the town's building trade.
March 2004 The York stone was lifted and a new retaining wall was built from reclaimed bricks to match those used in the house.
Wherever possible re-cycled and innovative materials such as crushed concrete and reclaimed plastic will be used.
AdvertisementMade of reclaimed elm with a natural finish to bring out the lovely wood grain.
The spacious bedroom is twin bedded with reclaimed wooden flooring.
The project will test the market for new high quality glassware manufactured from reclaimed glass bottles.
She has reclaimed her British, European and World Marathon Canoeing titles, including her fourth world gold medal.
We shall allow the reclaiming motion, recall the interlocutor reclaimed against and return the case to the Lord Ordinary to proceed as accords.
AdvertisementThis building was the first to be erected on the reclaimed marshland between 1652 and 1656.
By the 1860's industries had left the area leaving behind a trail of derelict remains to be reclaimed by nature.
But the reclaimed parquet will need cleaning before laying n The double trunk heavy wooden coffee table, below, opens up for storage.
We also manufacture from reclaimed pine to produce a softer, antique pine style.
The suit sign of pomegranates probably alludes to the recently reclaimed kingdom of Granada.
AdvertisementThe bar has been lovingly recreated from choir pews reclaimed from a private family chapel in West Sussex.
Beyond the now removed sidings lie the salt marshes of the River Conwy, since reclaimed and home to Tesco.
The outlet channel became a lagoon controlled by sluices and the mudflats were reclaimed as pasture.
Ten seasons of the premier league swindle calls for the game to be reclaimed by the fans.
Spice Route features a rare Javanese opium bed made from reclaimed teak with local carved wood panels.
AdvertisementThe workers produce wooden garden and wildlife products all from reclaimed timber, which would otherwise have gone to land fill or burnt.
The swampy jungle is being rapidly reclaimed for rice cultivation, which is the sole crop. Area, 2137 sq.
The Wash is the remnant of a much larger bay, which covered a large part of the Fens which now border it; it is gradually filling with the deposits of the rivers, and from time to time small portions are reclaimed (see Fens).
The Leisure Center is erected upon reclaimed marshland while William Low 's supermarket is built on a bank of the loch.
Much of what was built on the reclaimed land of William Hull remains today.
Now these places are silent; reclaimed by nature, engulfed by a swarm of diversity.
The only requirement is that the donor must have paid tax equal to the amount to be reclaimed by the charity.
They are said to have been reclaimed from the sea by the monks of Crowland Abbey some nine hundred years ago.
The former bog sites are now in carr (wet woodland) or have been reclaimed for agriculture.
Renal function Normal, healthy kidneys are capable of filtering large amounts of calcium that is subsequently reclaimed by tubular reabsorption.
Each piece is made of barn lumber that has been reclaimed and recycled.
Glass can be used an infinite amount of time and aluminum and paper can be reclaimed many times before they're finally done.
Turns out, there's almost nothing you can't recycle - household, garden and car items can all be reclaimed.
Using reclaimed materials to build a greenhouse helps to keep waste out of the waste management system while also saving money.
Not only will you save money if you can use reclaimed materials, you will also save money if you are able to do the majority of the work yourself and not need the help of professional builders.
Reclaimed barnwood gives furniture like dressers, buffets and hutches an antique, weathered look that fits the style perfectly.
Using reclaimed wood from barns, factories, and other old structures is environmentally friendly and is a satisfying way to own a little piece of history.
When harvest kitchen tables are made from reclaimed sources, there are truly no two tables alike.
Their ready-made mirrors include frames made from reclaimed wood, frames adorned with antlers and twigs, and even frames made with rough wood bark.
Trex reclaimed product resources are closely screened for high quality standards before being accepted by a Trex plant for manufacture.
Historically, Native American Indians treasured their turquoise jewelry for personal value and healing properties; however, it was common to pawn these family heirlooms during hard times, often never reclaimed.
Many products are defined as sustainable if they are produced with recycled or reclaimed materials, as well as non-toxic items that are considered eco-friendly.
Vivavi features modern designs made from eco-friendly and sustainable materials, including reclaimed wood, recycled rubber and seatbelts.
Perhaps you don't mind if a product is not organic as long as it is made from reclaimed products that otherwise would have ended up in the landfill.
The Dragon Lord has reclaimed the land as his own and threatens everyone with an unholy pestilence.
Items such as windows, doors, cabinets and surplus or reclaimed lumber can all be found at the stores.
All our inlays are either sustainably harvested or reclaimed.
The signature moments and the show's characters invited fans to adventure with them through love discovered, love lost and love reclaimed once more.
Accent with ribbon bows reclaimed from old gifts you have received.
Some new fans were found through the single Why Can't I, which made it into the Top 40, but Phair never reclaimed her old status.
He started his own record label - Reprise Records - and reclaimed his celebrity status.
The Hobbit's Smaug is one of the exceptions - a dragon that must be slain so that his plunder and home can be reclaimed from those he stole it from.
Her face had already begun softening, and the warm sienna reclaimed her eyes.
She'd given it to Talia before she left then reclaimed it after the first wave of the Schism ripped through the Immortal world.
He reclaimed her elbow sternly.
A large part of this has been reclaimed and the sandy soil laid bare, but on the Drente and Prussian borders areas of fen still remain.
Save where irrigation has reclaimed small areas, the whole region is a vast desert, though locally only some of the interior plains are known as "deserts."
Except on the scattered oases, where irrigation from springs and mountain streams has reclaimed small patches, the desert is barren and forbidding in the extreme.
It was estimated that the works would require nine years for their completion, at a total cost of $9,000,000, although the first 200,000 acres could be reclaimed at a cost of $2,700,000.
The soil when reclaimed is well adapted for forage crops, cereals, vegetables and deciduous fruits.
There were vineyards and orchards (broli) on land reclaimed from the sea, and lying between the various clusters of houses, which had not yet been consolidated into one continuous city.
The beautiful Public Garden and the finest residential quarter of the city - the Back Bay, so called from that inner harbour from whose waters it was reclaimed (1856-1886) - stand on what was once the narrowest, but to-day is the widest and fairest portion of the original site.
This improvement was projected to include the damming of the Charles river, and the creation of a great freshwater basin, with drive-ways of reclaimed land along the shores, and other adornments, somewhat after the model of the Alster basins at Hamburg.
The Eskimo dog has been regarded as nothing more than a reclaimed wolf, and the Eskimo are stated to maintain the size and strength of their dogs by crossing them with wolves.
In building this quay a considerable area of foreshore was reclaimed and an evil-smelling beach done away with.
The ground on which the port is built has all been reclaimed from the sea.
Considerable tracts have also been diked and reclaimed for cotton, sugar and especially for rice culture.
Reclaimed marsh-land and fresh alluvium (the so-called " front-lands " on rivers and bayous) are choice soil for Indian corn, sugar-cane, perique tobacco, semi-tropical fruits and cotton.
Large areas of swamp lands in the central and north central parts of the state once counted non-arable have been drained and reclaimed.
Since the last half of the 19th century many thousands of acres have been reclaimed for agricultural purposes.
The dense population was due to the elaborate irrigation of the Babylonian plain which had originally reclaimed it from a pestiferous and uninhabitable swamp and had made it the most fertile country in the world.
The new town, which lies on the flat expanse adjoining the crescent-shaped bay, partly on ground that has been reclaimed from the sea, has large and regularly built streets, and several large squares adorned with artistic monuments.
It might be inferred from this how large a number might be reclaimed, if only room were granted for repentance.
It is built on alluvial deposit and reclaimed land, mostly not exceeding 6 ft.
There is good anchorage outside the Victoria basin under the lee of the breakwater, and since 1904 the foreshore east of the south pier has been reclaimed and additional wharfage provided.
It is peculiarly adapted for peaty soils, and is accordingly a favourite crop in the fen lands of England, and on recently reclaimed mosses and moors elsewhere.
Since the beginning of the 20th century large sums have been borrowed and expended on new avenues, the widening and straightening of old streets, and the improvement of the water-front between the Passeio Publico and the southern extremity of the Praia de Botafogo by the construction of a grand boulevard, partly on reclaimed land.
The new port works, under construction since 1903, consist of a new water-front for the Saude, Gamboa and Sacco de Alferes districts, in which the shipping interests are centred, and a continuation of the sea-wall across the shallow Sao Christovao bay to the Ponta do Caju, the large reclaimed area to be filled in by the removal of some small hills.
Another improvement is the extension of the sea-wall southward from the ferry-slips (Praga 15 de Novembro) to the Ponta do Calabougo (war arsenal), providing protected basins for the arsenal and enclosing small reclaimed areas.
So a Hindu paints his caste emblem on his forehead, and a fugitive slave in ancient Egypt, once marked with sacred stigmata in a temple, could not be reclaimed by the master.
Since then the northern plain has been largely reclaimed for agriculture, and the natural riches of the whole land are likely to develop under the influence of the railway to Athens.
Many hundred acres of land have been reclaimed from the sea here and along the coast of the bay; there are costly embankments and good harbourage.
Large areas of forest or swamp were reclaimed for agriculture; the great Silesian industries of mining and weaving were called into existence, and Breslau grew to be a leading centre of exchange for the wares of East and West.
The whole site of the works has been reclaimed from the sea, and a great sea-wall was built to form the southern boundary of the docks, the number of which was increased from one to three.
Lime in the caustic state is beneficially applied to soils which contain an excess of inert vegetable matter, and hence may be used for the improvement of old garden soils saturated with humus, or of peaty soils not thoroughly reclaimed.
Owing to the shrinkage of the soil in reclaimed lands, however, that is, lands which have been drained after fen or other reclamation, the sides of the polder are often higher than the middle, and it is necessary by means of small dams or sluices to make separate water-tight compartments (afpolderingen), each having its own unit of measurement.
The plain contains, however, a few districts of the Utmost fertility, particularly the tracts on the central Elbe, and the marsh lands on the west coast of Holstein and the north coast of Hanover, Oldenburg and East Frisia, which, within the last two centuries, the inhabitants have reclaimed from the sea by means of immense dikes.
Much high and dry "made" land has been reclaimed from the river flood-plain.
East of this reclaimed marsh and reaching to within 4 m.
The Argive plain, though not yet sufficiently reclaimed, yields good crops of corn, rice and tobacco.
After the sale and disposal of the surplus military stores and equipment, the port, with the remaining equipment and the fleet of ferries and barges, was sold by the Disposal Board for £1,407,000 (plus the cost up to £40,000 of acquiring the land by the Government) to the Queenborough Development Co., who thus acquired 1, 500 ac. of land including 250 ac. that were reclaimed from the swampy foreshore.
By 1710 30 acres more had been reclaimed or bought, and by the end of the 18th century the total area was 90 acres.
Under the Carey Act and its amendments Congress had in 1909 given to the state about 2,000,000 acres of desert land on condition that it should be reclaimed, and in that year about 800,000 acres were in process of reclamation, mostly by private companies.
It consists of more than sixty separate dwellings, grouped within a triangular palisaded defence, formed in the midst of a marsh now partially reclaimed.
Marshy soils are found along the lowest portions of the Coastal Plain, and are exceedingly productive wherever reclaimed by draining, as in portions of the Dismal Swamp. Other portions of the Coastal Plain afford more valuable soils, sandy loams overlying sandy clays.
The town lies in the midst of orchards and water-meadows, reclaimed from the fens which encircled Glastonbury Tor, a conical height once an island, but now, with the surrounding flats, a peninsula washed on three sides by the river Brue.
At the lower elevations rice, maize and millets are common, wheat and barley at a somewhat higher level, and buckwheat and amaranth usually on the poorer lands, or those recently reclaimed from forest.
By means of the embankment made in connexion with it, 400 acres were reclaimed from the sea.
There are two public parks - Broad Meadow (zo acres), part of ground reclaimed in 1859, and Levengrove (32 acres), presented to the corporation in 1885 by Peter Denny and John McMillan, two shipbuilders who helped lay the foundation of the town's present prosperity.
Formerly a great inlet with vague borders of lagoons and marshes, the Fenland has been reclaimed partly by natural processes, partly by engineering works patiently continued for centuries.
On the opposite side at the foot of the Bluff land has been reclaimed and extensive accommodation provided for ships coaling.
In 1900 nearly 90% of the land reclaimed by irrigation in the whole state lay within the Great Basin.
The character of the shore of the eastern crescent has been much altered by the new harbour works, which with the wharves and warehouses have absorbed the Villa del Popolo, or People's Park, originally constructed on land reclaimed from the bay.
Om the large areas reclaimed from the sea, vast hotels and mansions let in flats have been erected.
The researches of Renan have refuted the once popular idea that a great part of the original island has disappeared by natural convulsions, though he believes that the remains of a submerged wall at the south end indicate that about 15 additional acres were once reclaimed and have been again lost.
He died in 314, and was succeeded as scholarch by Polemon, whom he had reclaimed from a life of profligacy.
The rest of the county, comprising all its south-east portions between the Middle Oolite belt and the sea, all its northeast portions between the chalk belt and the sea, and a narrow tract up the course of the Ancholme river, consists of alluvial deposits or of reclaimed marsh.
Sleep reclaimed her mind after a few minutes and the dream didn't return that night.
He reclaimed the hourglass from her and set it on the mantle of the fireplace.
The thick wood is not just at our door, nor the pond, but somewhat is always clearing, familiar and worn by us, appropriated and fenced in some way, and reclaimed from Nature.
In an instant he pulled her back into his arms and reclaimed her lips.
Cato advised the agriculturist to sell his old oxen and his old slaves, as well as his sick ones; and sick slaves were exposed in the island of Aesculapius in the Tiber; by a decree of Claudius slaves so exposed, if they recovered, could not be reclaimed by their masters.
If the goods were stolen and the rightful owner reclaimed them, he had to prove his purchase by producing the seller and the deed of sale or witnesses to it.