Receptionists Sentence Examples
The practice team consists of six dentists, a hygienist, five DSAs, two receptionists and a practice manageress.
You will join a team of two existing receptionists in this busy multi occupancy building.
Reception Staff The practice has a team of part-time receptionists without whom the practice could not function.
Almost all hotel receptionists in Europe can speak at least enough English to check prices for you.
Everyone in the health sector, from pharmacists to GP receptionists, should be promoting the health of everyone they come into contact with.
Good telephone receptionists are often a mine of helpful information.
And the receptionists at the counter were so snippy too.
While most receptionists are hesitant to confirm pricing without an individual consultation, you can get a ballpark figure of cost by being straightforward about your plans and expectations.
Other Opportunities - Most travel agencies are small businesses, and as such need bookkeepers, secretaries, receptionists, and other support persons.