Receptacle Sentence Examples
The disks fall down the tube G to a receptacle on the floor.
Place in a receptacle used only for this purpose.
By about the age of one, an infant can drop an object into a receptacle, compare objects held in both hands, stack objects, and nest them within each other.
If you removed a trash bag from a trash can, dispose of it in an outside receptacle as soon as you can.
She taught that each child is an individual-not a receptacle in which information is crammed.
The mass of glass, yielding, to its own weight and the pressure of air or steam, sinks downwards and adapts itself to any mould or receptacle beneath it.
C, invaginated head of Cysticercus cellulosae, showing the bent neck and receptacle r; X 30.
First the filled silk is placed into a holding receptacle, clamped fast, and presented to combing teeth.
They attach easily to the side of your home, with only an outdoor electrical receptacle needed for the motorized option.
Glass does keep coffee beans fresher than plastic; however, most people who go through the trouble of grinding coffee want freshly ground coffee for each pot brewed, making a glass receptacle unnecessary.
AdvertisementAdditionally, the dust collection receptacle may be emptied without coming into contact with the dust using Dyson's one touch system.
The DC23 has a suction of 220 air watts per second; a 0.5-gallon receptacle, as well as a 21-foot cord with a 36-foot reach.
If animals or small children are present, dispose the turkey's wrappings and innards directly into your outside receptacle rather than placing them in your indoor garbage can.
Spills can occur when you are manually shoveling soot from your fireplace to an ash can or other receptacle.
The sporangia arise simultaneously in the sorus, which is borne on the under surface of the ordinary pinna; in those species with large sporangia the latter form a single circle, in others sporangia may also arise from the central part of the receptacle.
AdvertisementThe sporangia in both genera are associated in sori enclosed by indusia springing from the base of the receptacle.
They consist either of microsporangia or megasporangia, which are arranged in basipetal succession on the receptacle.
The termination of the peduncle, or the part on which the whorls of the flower are arranged, is called the thalamus, torus or receptacle.
The pistil consists of several carpels, which are elevated on a stalk or gynophore prolonged from the receptacle.
The ovary enlarges, and, with the seeds enclosed, constitutes the fruit, frequently incorporated with which are other parts of the flower, as receptacle, calyx, &c. In gymnosperms the pollen-tubes, having penetrated a certain distance down the tissue of the nucellus, are usually arrested in growth for a longer or shorter period, sometimes nearly a year.
AdvertisementThis system was abolished in New South Wales in 1840, after which date the island was the receptacle for all convicts not only from the United Kingdom, but from India and the colonies, and it was not until 18J3 that transportation to Van Diemen's Land finally ceased; in the same year representative institutions were introduced, the name of the colony was changed to Tasmania, and three years later the colony was granted responsible government.
In one case the spherical thallus was found seated in a cup-like receptacle.
A number of hairy linear bracts enclose the whole; internal to these occur 12 to 20 crowded pinnate leaves (sporophylls), with their apical portions bent over towards the axis of the flower, the bases of the petioles being fused laterally into a disk surrounding the base of the conical receptacle.
Mr Wieland's researches have, however, demonstrated the existence in flowers of this type of the remains of a disk at the base of the receptacle, between the receptacle and the surrounding bracts, to which staminate leaves were originally attached.
More importantly, Cancer Kylie is now going to become the receptacle for masses more of this twaddle.
AdvertisementBut could the net provide the ideal receptacle for Gadda, this most spherical of writers?
The feeder usually has a small receptacle in which a sugar solution is placed.
The pouch is held directly over the toilet or a suitable receptacle for emptying.
In both the above case there is no limit per primary receptacle.
There was a similar receptacle for potatoes in the kitchen.
The chamber pot (a wide jug with a handle) was the most common toilet receptacle.
Every boy had a tin or other receptacle containing jagged pieces of metal which had once been shells or even bombs.
Storing cleaning supplies and a waste receptacle near the work station can help promote regular surface cleaning.
Plug the male end of the cord into the female power receptacle on the back of MacCharlie.
Each smoking shelter comes complete with a cigarette butt receptacle to keep the area free from cigarette litter.
The young shoots are chosen by many species of Cynipidae and their allies as a receptacle for their eggs, giving rise to a variety of gall-like excrescences, from which few oak trees are quite free.
The Lago Maggiore is also the receptacle of the waters of the Lago di Lugano on the east and the Lago d'Orta on the west.
Bacon nowhere enters upon the questions of how such a science is to be constructed, and how it can be expected to possess an independent method while it remains the mere receptacle for the generalizations of the several sciences, and consequently has a content which varies with their progress.
In apospory the converse phenomenon is seen, the gametophyte springing vegetatively from the sporangium, receptacle of the sorus, or leaf-margin of the fern-plant.
My dish is attached to a pole that resides in a receptacle designed for just such a purpose.
The example the Commission gives is of 'a receptacle for holy water [being] filled with objectionable matter '.
Unfortunately this is now a receptacle for village litter and dead leaves.
Flower medium sized to large with funnel shaped receptacle, petals yellow; stamens in two groups, sensitive; Plants self sterile.
With a bagless vacuum cleaner, you need to shake out the dust, dirt, hair, and food particles into another trash receptacle, and it's not the easiest process out there.
By and large, self-cleaning litter boxes use a combination of clumping cat litter, an electronic sensor and an automated raking system to detect soiled clumps of litter and push them into a waiting receptacle.
Additionally you'll need to empty the dirt receptacle and/or change the trash bag.
The LitterMaid™ is a fully automated self-cleaning litter box that uses an electronic sensor and raking mechanism to scoop eliminations into a disposable receptacle.
It opens to reveal a storage compartment that can function as a cooler or as a trash receptacle, and it even includes an integrated checkers board.
A wedding card box is a simple receptacle couples may have at their reception to receive cards and greetings from their guests.
The receptacle where the ground coffee beans end up is made of glass.
The receptacle is, in consequence, extended more or less horizontally so that the flowers appear to be placed on the upper surface of horizontally spreading stalks.
The female flower consists of a cup-like receptacle, inseparate from the ovary, and bearing at its upper part a bract and two bracteoles.
Either they were altogether forbidden to partake of the sacrament, or the holy wafer was handed to them on the end of a stick, while a receptacle for holy water was reserved for their exclusive use.
The creator, or the divine intellect, with a view to the form of the good, and taking all forms as models, creates in a receptacle (vir080x i, Plato, Timaeus, 49 A) individual impressions which are called things but really change and become without attaining the permanence of being.
The term "receptacle" sometimes applied to these spore-bearing _ hyphae is better replaced by sporophore.
The plant is a small, dark brown, erect structure (receptacle) of a few cells; and 1-10 mm.
The receptacle ends above in appendages, each consisting of one or a few cells, some of which are the male organs, others the female organs, and others again may be barren hairs.
Frequently the influence of fertilization is felt beyond the ovary, and other parts of the flower take part in the formation of the fruit, as the floral receptacle in the apple, strawberry and others.
But this single receptacle could not absorb a tithe of the whole number of convicts awaiting exile.
In it is the masterpiece of the sculptor, Adam Krafft, consisting of a ciborium, or receptacle for the host, in the form of a florid Gothic spire 65 ft.
The church consists of a clerestoried nave and choir, with a western tower; the eastward extension of the choir, the construction of the retrochoir and other works were undertaken in 1900 and consecrated in 1905 as a memorial to Dr Walsham How, the first bishop. During restoration of the spire (the height of which is 247 ft.) in 1905, records of previous work upon it were discovered in a sealed receptacle in the weather-vane.
The cup-shaped involucre of Cornucopia is a dilatation of the axis into a hollow receptacle with a raised border.
The coal when dropped out of the hopper runs down a shoot into a receptacle, from whence it is lifted by a Jacob's Ladder and distributed to the boilers, &c., of the factory.
The elongated receptacle of the marginal sori is surrounded by a basal cup-shaped indusium.
The sporangia, which arise in basipetal succession on the receptacle, dehisce by a median slit, though the annulus is somewhat oblique; they have resemblances to the Gleicheniaceae.
When mature, the sporangia are raised above the margin of the indusium by the elongation of the receptacle, thus facilitating the dispersion of the spores.
The sori, which are marginal, have a long receptacle, bearing the sporangia in basipetal succession, and are surrounded by a cup-shaped indusium.
The sorus has a somewhat elongated receptacle, on which the sporangia arise basipetally; the indusium may be cup-shaped, bivalve or wanting.
In the artichoke the outer imbricated scales or bracts are in this condition, and it is from the membranous white scales or bracts (paleae) forming the choke attached to the edible receptacle that the flowers are produced.
If there are numerous flowers on a flattened, convex or slightly concave receptacle, having either very short pedicels or none, a a (From Strasburger's Lehrbuch der Botanik, by permission of Gustav Fischer.) FIG.
If the margins of such a receptacle be developed upwards, the centre not developing, a concave receptacle is formed, which may partially or completely enclose a number of flowers that are generally unisexual.
In fact, it's a good idea to bring an empty plastic bag with you to the beach in the event you may not be able to find a trash receptacle.
The innermost, the coprodaeum, is an oval dilatation of the end of the rectum, and attains its greatest size in those birds whose faeces are very fluid; it serves entirely as the temporary receptacle of the faeces and the urine.
It is no mere receptacle, but a sacrosanct object as much to be feared as Yahweh himself.
In the male flower the receptacle is "concrescent" or inseparate from the bract in whose axil it originates.
This writer had already won a name, and in young Herder he found a mind well fitted to be the receptacle and vehicle of his new ideas on literature.
On the altar are placed a cross and candlesticks - six in number, and seven when a bishop celebrates in his cathedral; and over it is suspended or fixed a tabernacle or receptacle for the reservation of the Sacrament.
The form he recommends for the needle is that of "a true circle, having his Axis going out beyond the circle, at each end narrow and narrower, unto a reasonable sharpe point, and being pure steele as the circle it selfe is, having in the middest a convenient receptacle to place the capitell in."
Here we have the cushion-like type (stroma) of Nectria and many Pyrenomycetes, the clavate "receptacle" of Clavaria, &c., passing into the complex forms met with in Sparassis, Xylaria, Polyporei, and Agaricini, &c. In these cases the compound sporophore is often termed the hymenophore, and its various parts demand special names (pileus, stipes, gills, po--es, &c.) to denote peculiarities of distribution of the hymenium owlthe surface.
The tea is shot out and falls into a receptacle below, and the drum makes a quarter of a revolution, and is again held in position by the detent with an empty compartment at top ready for the next filling.
These are usually densely crowded upon the thalamus, but in some instances, after apical growth has ceased in the axis, an elongation of portions of the receptacle by intercalary growth occurs, by which changes in the position of the parts may be brought about.
The receptacle bearing the calyx is sometimes united to the pistil, and enlarges so as to form a part of the fruit, as in the apple, pear, &c. In these fruits the withered calyx is seen at the apex.
The molten sulphur accumulates on the sole, whence it is from time to time run out into a square stone receptacle, from which it is ladled into damp poplar-wood moulds and so brought into the shape of truncated cones weighing 110 to 130 lb each.
From the upper rim of the receptacle are given off the five sepals, the five petals, and the very numerous stamens.
In some forms this receptacle acquires a separate external opening remaining connected with the oviduct internally.
The sperm is removed by the male from the genital aperture into a special receptacle on the terminal segment P FIG.
The thurible, the proper ecclesiastical term for the vessel in the Western Church, is usually spherical in form, though often square or polygonal, containing a small receptacle for the charcoal and covered by a perforated lid; it is carried and swung by three chains, a fourth being attached to the lid, thus allowing it to be raised at intervals for the volume of smoke to be increased.
The pistil is placed on the receptacle r, at the extremity of the peduncle.
If an air-tight receptacle is not available, a small percentage of powdered carbon is added to the zinc-dust, to prevent increase in the amount of oxide, which, if present in excess, tends to make the deposit dull.
In both cases the socalled fruit is composed of the receptacle or upper end of the flower-stalk (the so-called calyx tube) greatly dilated, and enclosing within its cellular flesh the five cartilaginous carpels which constitute the "core" and are really the true fruit.
Spermatheca or receptacle of the sperm in copulation, opening into the female duct.
As a commercial product spider-silk has been found to be equal, if not superior, to the best silk spun by lepidopterous larvae; but the cannibalistic propensities of spiders, making it impossible to keep more than one in a single receptacle, coupled with the difficulty of getting them to spin freely in a confined space, have hitherto prevented the silk being used on any extensive scale for textile fabrics.
Only in the ostrich it remains throughout life, being specialized into a large receptacle for the urine, an absolutely unique arrangement.